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THƯ VIỆN (liên tục cập nhật) - TỔNG HỢP CÂU LỆNH HỌC & GIẢI ĐỀ


Cập nhật
12:45 4.2.2023 (Tiết kiệm chi phí cho dịch vụ chữa bài bằng ChatGPT)
18:45 3.2.2023 (IELTS Speaking part 2. Cont.)
18:13 3.2.2023 (IELTS Speaking part 2)
17:43 3.2.2023 (IELTS Speaking part 1)
Là giáo viên IELTS và founder/headteacher của A&M IELTS, mình đã và đang
theo dõi liên tục, không ngày nào dừng, về Chat GPT trong suốt thời gian qua
và đến hôm nay thì mình quyết định sẽ BẮT ĐẦU chia sẻ và tổng hợp
những mẫu câu lệnh bạn có thể dùng để ra lệnh cho con Chat
GPT này giải đề IELTS và phục vụ cho công việc học IELTS/tiếng Anh của
các bạn
Các bạn có thể vừa comment và vừa refresh liên tục để cập nhật thay đổi
trong post này. Mình hy vọng là bài post sẽ giúp các bạn đang học IELTS tiết
kiệm rất nhiều thời gian học.
A- Mình sẽ bắt đầu với SPEAKING.
1.1. Mẫu câu lệnh khá đơn giản sau sẽ giúp điều hướng Chat GPT về nội dung
mà bạn mong muốn
This is an IELTS Speaking question. WHAT DO YOU DO IN YOUR FREE
TIME? Answer this question by mentioning reading books in
detail. (Thay vì để Chat GPT nói về một sở thích bất kỳ, mình yêu cầu nó mô
tả sở thích đọc sách một cách cụ thể)

ANSWER: In my free time, I enjoy engaging in a variety of activities. One of

my favorite pastimes is reading books. I find reading to be a relaxing and
enjoyable way to spend my free time. I particularly enjoy reading fiction
books as they allow me to escape into a different world and experience new
adventures. I also enjoy reading non-fiction books as they help me learn new
things and expand my knowledge on various topics. Reading books is a great
way to stimulate the mind and improve my vocabulary. I always try to keep a
book with me wherever I go, so I can easily fit in some reading time
whenever I have a few spare moments. Overall, reading books is one of my
favorite ways to spend my free time and I always look forward to my next
opportunity to lose myself in a good book.

1.2 Lần này vẫn câu hỏi trên nhưng dùng nhiều từ vựng band cao hơn
This is an IELTS Speaking question. What do you do in your free time?
Answer this question by mentioning reading books and using a lot of
uncommon vocabulary but still making sure that it's spoken language.

ANSWER: In my leisure hours, I am an aficionado of perusing literary works

and expanding my lexicon. I immerse myself in the narrative of the written
word, indulging in tales of both fiction and non-fiction, which I find equally
captivating. I find solace in the escapism that reading affords me, and relish
the opportunity to broaden my horizons and explore new realms of
knowledge and understanding. Additionally, I am constantly striving to
expand my vocabulary and to employ an opulent and varied range of
linguistic expressions. To that end, I make it a point to peruse the dictionary
and thesaurus regularly, always seeking to deepen my command of the
English language.

1.3 Câu trên có vẻ hơi nhiều từ vựng khó phải không? Không sao! Các
bạn có thể dùng câu lệnh sau và sẽ thấy mọi từ mới trở nên dễ dàng
Can you write 3 synonyms (most possible basic vocabulary)for each of
the uncommon words in the text below?

ANSWER (Mình chỉ trích ra một phần câu trả lời thôi nhé)
Aficionado: Fan, Enthusiast, Lover
Perusing: Reading, Studying, Examining
Lexicon: Vocabulary, Word Collection, Dictionary
Immersion: Engagement, Absorption, Involvement
Narrative: Story, Account, Tale

2.1. Vẫn với câu lệnh quen thuộc để điều hướng GPT trả lời về một
chủ đề cụ thể - Ở đây là công việc dạy tiếng Anh
This is an IELTS Speaking question. Answer this question by talking
about teaching English in a way that can ensure a high score in the test.
Try to write around 300 words.
Describe an ideal job you’d like to do in the future
You should say:
What it is.
How you can get this job.
What kinds of work you would do for the job.
And explain why you want to have it.

ANSWER: (what it is) My ideal job in the future is to be an English

language teacher. Teaching English as a foreign language has always been
a passion of mine, as it combines my love for language and culture with my
desire to help others achieve their goals.
(How you can get this job.)To become an English language teacher, I would
need to obtain a teaching certificate and possibly a degree in English or
Education. I would also need to gain experience in teaching and familiarize
myself with different teaching methods and materials. Additionally, I would
need to continuously update my knowledge and skills through professional
development opportunities.
(What kinds of work you would do for the job) As an English language
teacher, I would be responsible for creating and delivering lesson plans,
assessing students' progress, and providing feedback and support. I would
also be expected to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment
that promotes student engagement and success. In addition, I would have
the opportunity to use a variety of teaching methods, including classroom
lectures, group discussions, role-playing activities, and multimedia
presentations, to help students develop their language skills and build their
(And explain why you want to have it.)The reason I want to be an English
language teacher is that I believe that improving one's language skills can
have a profound impact on one's personal and professional life. Being able to
communicate effectively in English can open doors to new opportunities and
experiences, both personally and professionally. Additionally, teaching English
as a foreign language would provide me with the opportunity to continuously
learn and grow as a person and a professional, as well as to make a
meaningful impact on the lives of others.
In conclusion, my ideal job in the future is to be an English language teacher.
This career would allow me to share my passion for language and help others
improve their communication skills, as well as to continuously learn and grow
as a person and a professional. I am confident that with hard work,
dedication, and continuous learning, I can achieve my goal of becoming an
English language teacher and making a positive impact on the lives of others.
---> Có thể thấy là câu trả lời tương đối rõ ràng và đủ ý. Từ vựng hoàn toàn
đủ cho các bạn tham khảo và học theo

2.2 Làm cho câu chuyện GIỐNG THẬT bằng cách yêu cầu AI đưa các ví
dụ cụ thể vào
Please find below an IELTS Speaking question. Answer the question by talking
about teaching English in a way that can ensure a high score in the test. Try
to write around 300 words. Use hints below. Paraphrasing is necessary.
Describe an ideal job you’d like to do in the future
You should say:
What it is.
How you can get this job.
What kinds of work you would do for the job. And explain why you want to
have it. ----------
The main character who is living in Vietnam should be called Thang. He
helped a low-level student called Nam to get a high score in IELTS. Details
such as dates and time should be automatically generated so that the
story sounds real. The story should be touching as well.
My ideal job would be to be an English teacher, specifically one who focuses
on helping students prepare for the IELTS exam. My name is Thang, and I
live in Vietnam. I have a passion for teaching English, and I believe that I can
make a difference in the lives of my students by helping them achieve a high
score in the IELTS exam.
To get this job, I would need to have a bachelor's degree in English or a
related field, and I would also need to have a certificate in Teaching English
as a Foreign Language (TEFL). Additionally, I would need to have several
years of experience teaching English to students, especially those preparing
for the IELTS exam.
As an English teacher, my main responsibility would be to help students
improve their English skills, particularly in areas such as reading, writing,
speaking, and listening. I would also provide students with guidance and tips
on how to best prepare for the IELTS exam. This would include helping them
to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and providing them with tailored
study plans and resources that meet their individual needs.
One of my proudest moments as a teacher was when I helped a student
named Nam. Nam was a low-level English speaker, and he hated the subject.
However, with my guidance and support, he was able to get a high score in
the IELTS exam. This was a turning point for Nam, as it opened up new
opportunities for him and changed his perspective on English and learning in
I want to have this job because I truly believe that I can make a difference in
the lives of my students. I love the idea of helping others to achieve their
goals and to see the positive impact that my teaching can have on their lives.
Additionally, teaching English is a rewarding and challenging career that
allows me to continue learning and growing as a teacher and as a person.
Nhận xét: Khá chi tiết và thật hơn so với các version trước do có tên nhân vật
và chi tiết về việc giáo viên giúp học viên học tốt hơn

2.3. Nhưng vẫn có thể giống thật và quan trọng là hay hơn nữa bằng
một câu lệnh đơn giản:
Could you make the story more touching?
ANSWER: Certainly, here is a revised version of the story that might be
considered more touching:
I am Thang, a passionate English teacher currently residing in Vietnam. I
have been teaching English for several years now and have helped many
students improve their language skills. However, there is one student who
stands out in my mind, a young man named Nam who had a genuine hatred
for the English language. He struggled with the subject and had a very
low level of proficiency. But despite his challenges, he was determined to
pass the IELTS exam, which was crucial for his future career and personal
I was assigned to help Nam prepare for the exam, and at first, it was a
daunting task. But with patience, perseverance, and a lot of hard work, Nam
slowly started to make progress. I would spend extra time with him after
class, going over the material and answering his questions. I
also encouraged him to immerse himself in English, by watching
movies, reading books, and even singing English songs. He began to develo p
a love for the language and a newfound confidence in his abilities.
And the hard work paid off. Nam not only passed the IELTS exam, but he
scored higher than he ever thought possible. The look of pride and
accomplishment on his face when he received his results was one of the
most touching moments of my teaching career. To see a student who
once hated English transform into someone who was confident in his abilities
and loved the language was truly heartwarming. (đoạn này nghe khá là
xúc động)
This experience solidified my desire to become a teacher and to
continue to help students like Nam achieve their goals. I am currently
working towards obtaining my teaching certification and hope to one day
teach English abroad. I believe that with my dedication, passion, and
experience, I can make a positive impact on the lives of my students and
help them achieve their dreams.
In conclusion, teaching English and helping students achieve their goals is my
ideal job. I believe that as a teacher, I have the power to inspire and
motivate my students, and to make a lasting impact on their lives. And that
is what makes this career so fulfilling and rewarding.
--> Đến lần này thì mình hài lòng hơn rất nhiều

A2- CHỮA BÀI SPEAKING (Qua đó giúp các bạn tiết kiệm ngân sách sử
dụng dịch vụ chữa bài)
Dưới dây là câu lệnh mình sử dụng để ChatGPT thực hiện nhiệm vụ của giáo
viên IELTS: Đó là chữa bài cho học viên theo 4 tiêu chí và đưa ra câu trả lời
tốt hơn, rồi cuối cùng là giải thích câu trả lời.
answer: Yes, I do. I used the Internet in oder to study, work and
relax. I go online by smartphone and laptops. I usually chat with my
friends on Facebook, Messeger. I like it. I also read book online such
as I go to tiki and buy my favourite book.
Could you perform the following tasks?
1. provide a very detailed explanation of the mistakes I've made in
my answer based on the 4 criteria of the IELTS Speaking test
2. Provide a more detailed analysis in terms of grammar
3. Rephrase my answer so that I can score 7.0 in IELTS Speaking.
Your answer should contain some advanced words, each of which
shall be then explained by using 3 synonyms.
ANSWER (Rất chi tiết và đầy đủ. Mặc dù chắc chắn có thể tốt hơn
Detailed explanation of mistakes: (Phân tích theo 4 tiêu chí IELTS)

 Fluency and Coherence: Your answer is not very fluent, as it seems to jump
from one topic to another without a clear connection. You need to ensure that
your response is structured logically and follows a clear sequence of thought.
 Vocabulary: You have used some basic vocabulary words such as "chat",
"online", "smartphone", and "laptop". To achieve a higher score, you should
try to use a wider range of vocabulary, including some more advanced words.
 Grammar: Your answer contains a number of grammar mistakes, such as "I
do" (which is not grammatically correct) and "I go online by smartphone and
laptops" (which is not a clear sentence). To score well in IELTS, you need to
make sure your grammar is accurate and appropriate.
 Pronunciation: This is not mentioned in the answer, but pronunciation is also
an important part of the IELTS Speaking test. Make sure you articulate your
words clearly and use correct intonation.

1. Grammar Analysis:

 Your use of tenses is not consistent throughout your answer. For example,
you use the present simple tense to describe what you do in your free time,
but then switch to the present continuous tense when talking about buying
 The sentence "I go online by smartphone and laptops" is not clear and needs
to be rephrased.

2. Rephrased answer: (Câu trả lời chỉnh sửa của ChatGPT)

In my leisure time, I make the most of technology to pursue a balanced mix

of learning, work, and recreation. I leverage both my smartphone and laptop
to access the Internet and stay connected with my friends through social
media platforms such as Facebook and Messenger. Reading is one of my
favourite pastimes, and I often frequent online bookstores like Tiki to
purchase my latest literary indulgence.
3. Advanced vocabulary: (từ khó cũng thành từ dễ)

 Leverage (utilize, employ, make use of)

 Pastimes (hobbies, leisure activities, pursuits)
 Indulgence (pleasure, gratification, enjoyment)

Việc chia sẻ này KHÔNG KHUYẾN KHÍCH các bạn sử dụng để đạo văn. Thay
vào đó, mình mong muốn các bạn học sinh có thể tận dụng bộ công cụ Chat
GPT này để có thể học thật tốt và các giáo viên cũng có thể xem đây là kênh
tham khảo

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