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Part 1: Use only one word in each gap to complete the following passage.


It (0)……came….. as something as a surprise in the fashion industry when Julien MacDonald the well-
known dress designer, teamed (1)……up………. With the company Intel to produce a computer bag.
MacDonald made (2)……his………. Name creating the type of dresses that major celebrities like to be seen
wearing at high –profile events such as film premieres and awards ceremonies.
The computer bag, however, was not designed with such occasions (3)……in………mind. Rather, it was
created for the modern woman (4)……who…….. relies on technology but hopes to look more chic than
geek. MacDonald first got inspiration for the bag (5)…when………….. he caught sight of female friends
and colleagues at fashion shows, furiously typing away on their laptops. He couldn’t (6)…help ………..
noticing, however, that the rather unstylish carrying cases needed to transport the machines tended to get
pushed (7)…out………… of sight under their chairs. It was as (8)…if……….. the women were somehow
ashamed of them. MacDonald (9)…set…………. Out to change all that.
The challenge facing the designer was (10)……how……….. to combine a “must-have” handbag from the
stylistic point (11)…of………. View, with the functionality required to protect expensive computer
equipment. In shocking fuchsia pink, (12)………the………. resulting multi-pocketed “ Nappa” bag
certainly lacked (13)…nothing………… of MacDonald’s signature style. It was stylish enough to grace the
front row of any fashion show. And even those finding such (14)……a……… particular shade of pink a
little scary were catered (15)……for………… MacDonald also produced version in plain black and
minimalists white.

Part 2: Read the text below, use the words given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap in the
same line.
What makes a great waterfall?
One of the world’s best-known waterfalls is Niagara Fall, on the border
of Canada and the US, which has been a major tourist (0)…attraction. ATTRACT
for over a century. The (1) astonishing. thing about Niagara’s fame ASTONISH
however, is how (2) overrated it is. Niagara is nowhere near the biggest RATED
waterfall in the world. Nor is it even the tallest waterfall in the US. So what
is it that makes a waterfall the best? It isn’t its (3)……height……….. There are HIGH
many immensely waterfalls, some cascading thousands of feet, such Norway’s
Strupenfossen or the Mutarazl Falls in Zimbabwe, but these aren’t the most visited.
It seems that when (4) enthusiast go to see a waterfall, they expect to see a serious ENTHUSE
amount of water. And Niagara is (5) disputed the biggest waterfall in North DISPUTABLE
America in terms of volume, and this perhaps explains its appeal.
Tourists who appreciate waterfalls for their sheer (6) breathtaking beauty BREATH
However, know that Niagara’s continental neighbor, Iguacu Falls, on the
border between Brazil and Argentina, is by far the most (7) Iguacu’s spectacular SPECTACLE
pristine (8) tropical . setting makes it one of the planet’s great natural phenomena TROPIC
Visitors are rewarded not only by an (9) awesome display of raw water power AWE
but also by the (10) surrounding rainforest in which no fewer than 275 separate ROUND
waterfalls burst over Iguacu’s three-kilometre wide rim

What makes a good souvenir?

On my desk at home, I have a collection of souvenirs; objects that (0)……….. me of places I’ve visited and
important events in my life. These objects include a model boat that I saw being (1)…………. From a piece
of wood on a Caribbean island, a piece of lava that (2)……….. hot from a volcano in the year I was born,
and a shell (3)………….. on my favorite childhood beach.
(4)………….. everything else, from which memory and detail fades. It is as if the longer you hold on to
certain objects, the (5)……………. Their associations with the past become, and the sharper the
recollections that gather around them. They are, (6)………… , real souvenirs, encapsulations not only of the
place, but of your time in the place. But these days, the term “real souvenirs” sounds like a contradiction in
(7)…………… , and this is because the objects sold to tourists as souvenirs are often cheap mass-produced
imports that have nothing to (8)…………. With the place at all.
It’s often the (9)…………. That the best souvenirs, like my shell, are found rather than purchased, but (10)
…………. For souvenirs can also be a fun holiday activity. But if you are buying souvenirs on holiday this
summer, make sure they (11)………… the reality test. A good souvenir is not just made in the area where it
is bought . It also says something about the culture of that area. It is something made by local people using
sustainable local materials, and because you are effectively supporting the local economy, it shouldn’t (12)
…………. Too cheap, either.
0. A. remind B. memorize C. remember D. commemorate
1. A. sketched B. carved C. thrown D. scratched
2. A. developed B. appeared C. emerged D. arrived
3. A. found out B. bumped into C. come across D. picked up
4. A. Opposite B. Dissimilar C. Unlike D. Different
5. A. wider B. greater C. larger D. harder
6. A. albeit B. otherwise C. whereas D. therefore
7. A. terms B. meanings C. words D. names
8. A. gain B. do C. make D. get
9. A. point B. fact C. case D. truth
10. A. browsing B. seeking C. surfing D. pursuing
11. A. win B. lake C. beat D. pass
12. A. come B. charge C. go D. cost

Read the following passage and choose the options among A, B, C or D that best complete the blanks.
Stressful situations that (1)________ almost everyday in life seem to be unavoidable. However, we
can do little sometimes to avoid a misfortune or an unpleasant occurrence which may (2)________ us
unexpectedly as only it can. At such a moment, one may hit the (3)_______, give in to the helplessness of
the situation or, ideally, put a brave face on it trying to (4)_________ the burden.
Can you (5)_________ in your mind an hour spent in a traffic jam, say, this morning? Do you light
one cigarette after another? Do you sound the horn every few seconds like the other neurotics? Or do you
take a different (6)________ and make good use of the time drawing up a schedule for the days to come? To
withstand the stressful moment you can also do a crossword puzzle, listen to your favorite music or even
compose a menu for your Sunday dinner.
In fact, whatever way you (7)________ to the annoying situation, you can exert no impact on it as
the traffic jam will only reduce in due (8)_________. Nevertheless, your reaction might considerably
influence your mood for the rest of the day. The inability to confront a stressful occurrence like that with a
deal of composure and sensibility adds much more strain to your life and in this way puts your well – being
in (9)_________. Surprisingly, it is seemingly negligible hardships we stumble on daily that run double the
risk of developing serious health disorders rather than our isolated tragedies however painful they may be.
(10)_______that so many of those wretched stresses and inducing troubles affect us in a day, we should, at
best, try to avoid them or possibly make radical alterations in the way we lead our daily lifestyles.
1. A. devise B. create C. originate D. emerge
2. A. arise B. happen C. befall D. occur
3. A. post B. roof C. bottom D. wall
4. A. subsist B. remain C. cow D. bear
5. A. envision B. observe C. picture D. image
6. A. manner B. stance C. practice D. mode
7. A. strike B. deal C. respond D. challenge
8. A. term B. course C. timing D. period
9. A. risk B. weakness C. insecurity D. jeopardy
10. A. Providing B. Given C. Hence D. As much

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