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Unit 5 and 6.

mulattos “Dependent development”

Mfecane movement guano Urbanization
divine right of kings Fossil fuels imperialism
European Enlightenment textiles Cecil Rhodes
social contract steam engine “Great Power” status for a country
“Popular sovereignty” Adam Smith telegraph
Liberal vs conservative Industrial Revolution #1 quinine
American Revolution Industrial Revolution #2 heathen
ancien regime aristocrat “yellow peril”
Authoritarian Middle class society/culture Germ theory of disease
1st Estate/2nd Estate/3rd Estate Lower middle class “scientific racism”
Declaration of the Rights of Man laboring/working class 19th century definition of race
Reign of Terror & Robespierre liberal civilizing mission
Napoleon Bonaparte conservative Social Darwinism
solvent ideology of domesticity Scramble for Africa
Petit Blancs social protest Samori Toure
Toussaint Louverture Luddite colonial regime
Simon Bolivar & Jose de San Martin trade union Battle of Isandlwana
Creole people strikes Indian Rebellion [Sepoy Mutiny] of
Tupac Amaru Robert Owen 1857-1858
Hidalgo-Morelos Rebellion/ Mexican Karl Marx use of the terms bwana and boy
Independence War Socialism, Marx’s version “homelands”
hegemony Labour Party Gender and colonialism (pp.448-9)
Quakers immigration political enfranchisement
Abolitionist movement Settler colony Congo Free State
nationalism migration cultivation system
Zionist movement Assimilation (of immigrants) cash-crop production
feminism State sponsorship of industrialization Maji Maji rebellion
Suffragette Mass production cacao
Maternal feminism Progressives (in the USA) “native reserves” & Bantustans
Mary Wollstonecraft Peasant serfs in Russia White Australia Policy
serfs Russian Revolution of 1905 absentee landlord
Great Jamaica Revolt Russian Revolution of 1917 Leopold Senghor
Indentured Servitude Investment capital sati
Peninsulares Caudillos plus example polygyny
indiosmulattos Latin American export boom female circumcision
Africanization of Christianity Kishida Toshiko
Swami Vivekananda zaibatsu
African Identity/Pan Africanism Russo Japanese War
Middle Kingdom
Emperor Qianlong
Han Chinese
Taiping Uprising
the Hakka people
foot binding
Opium Wars
Lin Zexu & Opium Wars
unequal treaties
“Informal empire”
Self-strengthening policies (China)
Boxer Uprising
Chinese revolution of 1911-12
“Defensive modernization” (492)
“the sick man of Europe”
Sultan Selim III
Sultan Abd al-Hamid II
Young Ottomans
Young Turks
Armenian & Assyrian genocide
military coup
Samurai & changing social status
Matthew Perry
Tokugawa Japan
Meiji Restoration
Fukuzawa Yukichi
Units 3 and 4 Silver Trade
smallpox Joint Stock Company Taki Onquoy
the Great Dying Chattel Slavery Huacas
Little Ice Age Indentured Servitude Syncretism (religious) in Catholic v
Columbian Exchange Coerced Labor Muslim v Chinese areas
mercantilism Silk Virgin of Guadalupe
mestizo Porcelain Jesuits in China
mulatto Middle Passage Secular
settler colony Trading Post Empire Confucianism
yasak Settler Colonies Emperor Kangxi and religion
ulama Daimyo Vodou/Santeria/ Condomble &
jizya Shogun Macumba
jihad Potosi Sufis
Christendom Pieces of eight Wahhabi Islam
Millet system Silver drain Guru Nanak
Hernán Cortés Great Dying Bhakti Hinduism
Akbar Soft gold Sikhism
Aurangzeb African Diaspora Scientific Revolution
Mughal Empire Plantations Copernicus/Galileo/Newton
Ottoman Empire Encomienda European Enlightenment
Qing Dynasty Mit’a Voltaire
Steppe Maroon societies Mary Wollstonecraft
Castas Signares Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Encomienda Rum
Plantation East India Companies
Hacienda Tobacco
Peons Conquistadors
Doña Marina Protestant Reformation
Shah Jahan Martin Luther
Imperial Bureaucracy Protestant
Mercantilism Counter-Reformation
Casta System Jesuits/Society of Jesus in Americas
Spice Trade Vasco da Gama
Sugar Trade New England Puritan
Slave Trade Missionary
Fur Trade Idolatry
Units 1 and 2:
Indigenous Seljuk
Song Dynasty Turkic Empire Manorialism
Golden age Ottoman Empire Feudalism
bureaucracy devshirme European
CanalSocial class Janissary Renaissance
Foot binding Grand vizier Ziggurat
Tribute Sultanate of Delhi Mita system
Hangul al-Andalus Bureaucrat
Chu Nom Reconquista If you already have
Bushido Byzantine Empire a word card for the
elite Crusades word, ADD A NEW
Samurai Kievan Rus EXAMPLE FROM
Abbasid Caliphate Serfdom CH 2.

Syncretism (Pure Land Buddhism, Zen Globalization

Buddhism, Neo-Confucianism)
Diasporic communities
Silk Roads
Sand Roads
Sea Roads
American Web
House of Wisdom

Jade Bodhisattva Eunuch

Dhow Bills of exchange Tribute
Junk Cosmopolitan Hajj
Luxury goods Pastoral Islamic Green Revolution
Flying cash Choke Point Cultural Diffusion
Node of commercial activity

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