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Selection of Site


4.0 Objectives
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Accessibility
42.1 Availability of Road /Rail Transport
4 2 2 Proximity with Production / Market Area
42.3 Availability of Labour
4.3 Geological Structuresand Features
4.3.1 Analysis of Soil
4.32 Level of Site
4.4 Services
4.4.1 Water Supely
4.42 Electric Supply
4.4.3 Effluent Disposal
4.5 Environment
4.5.1 Freedom ffom Pollution from other Industries
4.52 Distance from Other Buildings
4.53 Avoidance of Birds and Insects
4.6 SiteDimensions
4.6.1 Surplus Land for Expansion
4.7 Direction of the Sun and Prevailing Wind
4.8 Religious Consideration 4

4.9 Permission h m ConcernedAuthorities

4.10 LetUsSumUp
4.11 Key Words
4.12 SomeUseful Books
4.13 Answers to Check Your Progress

After reading this unit, you will be able to:

select a suitable site for a modem abattoir.
narrate the requirements of a suitable site for an abattoir such as availabilityof
road or rail transport, market area, availability of labour and livestock, water
and electric supply etc.
describe the requirement for the nature of soil and water and height of the site
of an abattoir.
explain the necessity of maintaining a sufficient distance of abattoir from other
building and industries,providing surplus land, getting permission from local
authorities, considering the religious sentiments of the local people and direction
of the sun and prevailing wind while choosing the site for an abattoir.
Abattoir Practices
Many of you might have gone to purchase meat for own consumption. Have you
observed some uniqueness? If you belong to a rural area you must have seen the
places where animal is slaughtered. However, in urban areas the animals are
slaughtered at a place and after examination and certification of carcass, it is being
transported to retail shop of your residential area in a hygienic way. Slaughterhouse,
'Abattoir' and 'Meat plant' all three are synonymous. By saying slaughter a pity
picture of animal, which is bleed to death comes in our mind. Therefore, now-a-
days it is in practice to use the term 'abattoir' which is a slaughter house, having
license from local authority. Meat plant is similar to abattoir but in most of the
cases it is private one, whereas abattoir is supposed to be a public/Government
Again returning to uniqueness of an abattoir/slaughterhouse/meatplant you all must
have noticed that usually respect to other premises, it is called site and the site
selection is one of the important aspect for any enterprise.
At the outset it should be ensured if there is a need for a new plant that will
operate to the capacity, as inadequate business will lead to serious financial losses.
The following points you should consider for selection of a suitable site for an

4.2.1 Availability of Road/ Rail Transport
Abattoir is just similar to a processing plant for which raw materials are animals
and the carcasdmeat is the processed product. Similar to any industriedpmessing
plantlenterprise it is necessary that raw materials should reach to processing site
and ready product should be cleared from there timely. It requires the connectivity
of site through rodrail line so that raw and processed product could be transported
easily. Your native place may be devoid of any broiler farm or layer farm even
though the chicken and egg shops are common. This is what transportation is
doing now-a-days. Transport to and from the abattoir by roadlrail should be
available throughout the year for efficient function.
4.2.2 Proximity with Production/Market Area
Of course now-a-days distance has been overcome by better transportation facility
even though you must be thinking about concentration of industries in a particular
area. In fact while setting an establishment, it is of utmost importance to consider
about the production area of raw material as well as market for processed product.
Nobody would like to spend much in transportation because besides cost it also
affects the quality of product. So abattoir should be situated in such a place where
it could get regular supply of animals for slaughter i.e., good availability of stock
nearby, have good market for meat or have better connectivity with rodrail for
quick and safe despatch.
4.2.3 Availability of Labour
The abattoir practices involve extensive labour work. Technical and skilled
manpower should be available in nearby area. The abundance of it prevents any
6 type of monopoly which helps engage labours at reasonable wages.
Selection of Site

4.3.1 Analysis of Soil

Before constructing an abattoir building, the quality of soil should be examined
carefully. The soil should be able to bear the load of structure.It should be suitable
for good foundations including piling. Sandy and rock soil as found side by the
river is consided unsuitable for good foundations. Similarly area with rock soil is
also not a one.
4.3.2 Level of Site
The site for an abattoir should be at a higher level compared to its smundings.
It is to prevent accumulation of water around the plant and smundings. Moreover,
location of abattoir at higher level facilitates propa drainage of waste waterleffluent
water. Lodging of water acts as breeding site for flies, insects etc.

4.4.1 Water Supply
An adequate supply of potable water must be available. While mains water is to
be preferred, well or bore water will also be suitable provided the water meets
drinking water standard. Abattoir practices need a lot of water even more than
10,000 literlton dressed carcass weight.

Tablel.1: Requirement of water for slaughter and dressing

* of different animal
Animal slaughtered Quantity of water required per animal
Large animal 1000 liter -

Small animal 100 liter

fig 1 450 liter

The water for drinkinglfactory use is to be tested from authorized organization.

The chemical and rnimbiological quality of water must be checked carefully. The
water is being used for carcass washing, instnunent washing, plant washing and
other day-to-day practices. Besides these, boiler units, refrigeration units and
effluent treatment also need water. The use of hard water may lead to deposition
of salts (scale) on the equipments and therefore, should not be used. Source of
water requires attention while selecting a site for an abattoir.
4.4.2 Electric Supply
Electricity is required not only for lighting of premises but also essential for a
number of mechanical operations. With advancement of the technology, the manual
practices have been replaced by mechanical one for which electricity is needed.
Boiler plant, refiigeration unit, rendering plant, even lighting at inspection point,
chiller etc. - all require el-city and therefore, site should have a regular electric
Abattoir Practices 4.4.3 Effluent Disposal
An effective system for the disposal or renewal of effluent must be provided. The
building should be connected with main sewage line or the effluent disposal scheme
has to be based on subsurface irrigation and soakage. The site should therefore,
be free draining and not subject to water logging or flooding. Land used for
subsurface irrigation need not necessarily be within the abattoir boundary although
control over cmpping operations above subsurface irrigation trenches would be

4.5.1 Freedom from Pollution from Other Industries
The meat is such a commodity which easily picks up odour of environment and if
any such odour prevails as a result of pollution, it affects the quality of meat. The
abattoir should be situated away from chemical industries as the pollution caused
by chemical industries such as paint, odour, dust, smoke and ash suspects clean
and hygienic production of meat. Moreover, the presence of pollutant in environment
also affects the livestock in lairage and working manpower. The abattoir should
be at sufficient distance fiom any river to avoid water pollution.
4.5.2 Distance from Other Buildings
The abattoir should be at a reasonable distance from local housing and other
development to avoid complaints about noise and smell.
4.5.3 Avoidance of Birds and Insects
A large amount of solid wastes and by - products is produced from on abattoir.
These wastes and by - products attract birds and insect. Therefore, the bushes
and trees should be cleanedcleared around 20 meters of the meat plant for above


4.6.1 Surplus Land for Expansion
There could be various programme of expansion on lines, of primary, secondary
or tertiary processing of meat. You should know that in an abattoir, primary
processing pertains to slaughtering of the animal which is converted into carcass
while secondary processing refers to the production of commercial cuts including
chilling and freezing and tertiary processing means production of ready to eat
item? such as nuggets, sausages etc. Therefore, it is ideal to have surplus land and
for fbrther expansion of the plant as and when required.


The sun and prevailing Wind have bearing on the location of site. The site of the
abattoir should be such that it does not pollute nearby residential areas. Like all
other buildings lighting and ventilation is of primary concern. Direct sunlight is
supposed to be a very good natural disinfectant, therefore, their presence particularly
in area of effluent treatment must be ensured.
Selection of Site

Our nation has a diverse out turn. Here people from different communal
backgrounds live together. We are having a population of vegetarian who do not
favour the slaughter of animal. Not only this, even among non-vegetarian community
some opposes the slaughter of pig while others oppose cow. The sentiments of
these people are linked to their religion and, therefore, it should not be hurt in any
way to keep peaceful communal harmony. It all mean to say an abattoir dealing
with pork must not be established in area with population of Muslims and similarly
those dealing with beef must not be established in area with Hindus. There are
people who do not favour animal slaughter and in this locality no abattoir should
be established.


Practices at abattoir such as bleeding, skin removal, deboning, meat cutting are
not very pleasant to see. It needs their operation in an isolated area i.e., away
firom residential area The municipalityflocal bodies take ate of such things. During
an abattoir practices a number of waste material is also produced and if allowed
to accumulate may lead to grave situation of offensive odour and biomass. Proper
disposal of waste, problem of sound during abattoir practices have to be taken
care. Usually, abattoir is located in the outskirt of town or city. As discussed
earlier abattoir practices produces a lot of wastes. Their treatment and disposal is
under the governance of StateICentral authority. The spread of bone and flesh
attract a number of birds and, therefore, an abattoir must be away fiom airports
to prevent bird menace to aircrafts. While establishing an abattoir like other
industrial plant, no objection is needed from many of the organization like
Municipality/Local bodies, Pollution controls Board, Statelcentral Government.
No objection from local airport authority is also required.

Check Your Progress

1) Define abattoir
2) List important benefits in selecting an abattoir site in rural area.
Abattoir Practice1 3) Why analysis of soil and water sample is must for project site?

4) Higher level of abattoir site is desirable. Why?

5) Why one should consider the religious sentiment of the local people while
selecting a site for an abattoir?
6) Ensure the new plant operate to the capacity. Give reasons.


A suitable site is necessity for establishing a meat plantfmodem abattoir for hygienic
production and processing of good quality meat and meat products for human
nutrition. You can take this enterprise yourself or involve others to take up this
entrepreneurship. The rural abattoir generatesjob for the people. While selecting
a site for an abattoir development, the connectivity of location by raiVroad, type
of soil for foundation work, electricity and water supply to area, presence of other
buildings and no objection fiom a number of government authorities, elevation of
site h m sunroundmg,proximity with stock and market, availability of labour etc.
should be considered to decide the suitability of site.


Abattoir : Al i d place where the animals are slaughtered for meat
for human consumption.
Beef : Meat of cattle.
Carcass : Slaughtered animal h m which head, hidelskin are removed. Selection of site
for An Abattoir
Dressing : Removal of hidelskin h m slaughtered animals.

I Effluent
: Liquid waste h m meat plant.

: Meat of pig.

Rendering : Processing of inedible offal, carcass and by-products for

meat meal, bone meal, tallow etc., for animal feed.
Sausage : Emulsion type meat product where minced formulation is
stuffed into casing.
Site : A suitable place where an industry could be located.

Gracey, J.F., Collins, D.S. and Huey, R.J. (2000). Meat Hygihne (10" edition).
W.B. Saunders Company Ltd. London.
Sharma, B.D. (2002). Modern Abattoir Practices and Animal Byproducts
Technology (Is edition). Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd., New Delhi.


1) Abattoir can be defined as a place where f m animals are killed and processed
into meat products or it can also be defined as a licensed place where the
animals are slaughtered for meat for human consumption.
2) Importantbenefits in selecting an abattoir site in rural area are as follows:
The animals are reared in rural areas by f m e r s in abundance. So it is
economical to locate a plant in rural area from the view point of low cost
of production.
Low cost of land.
Freedom from other polluting industries as compared to city.
Labourers are available at a reasonable cost.

3) Analysis of soil and water sample is must for project site for the followingmsons:
If the soil is found to be unsuitable for structure and building to take the
load, such site will be rejected.
Water is important for both drinking and industrial use. Hard water and
water contaminated with soil microorg&sm are unsafe and not suitable
for project site.

4) It is desirable to have higher level site so that there is no accumulation of water

at the site and the smounding will be dry as well as clean to avoid breeding of
flies and insects etc. Beside these it will be easy for the process water to flow
by gravity to effluent treatment plant.
Abattoir Practices 5) One should consider the religious sentiment of the local people while selectinga
i site for an abattoir because there are several communitieswith differingreligious
sentiments in our country. Hindu people may oppose the slaughter of cow and
Muslim people may not allow the slaughter of pig in their locality. Other
communitiesare also having such sentiment. So to keep the peacefulcommunal
harmony in the country, one must not establish an abattoir for such animals
which are not approved by the local people h m the view point of their religion.
6) The new plant should operate to its capacity so that it can be successfully seen
as a business enterprise utilizing the available resources, giving profit to the
manufacturer and e&ancing nation's economy. Otherwise the inadequate
business will lead to serious financial loss.

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