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Group 10

- Hameeda
- Rini
- Nurizzatul

Court System

Cases involving issues related to education can

known in both state and federal courts, depending on

allegations of the plaintiff (the people who are suing). A federal court ruled cases involving federal
laws and regulations or constitutional issues.

State courts hear cases involving state laws, state constitutional provisions, school board policies, or

other nonfederal.District Court details of each country's justice system are found in its constitution.
At the lowest level, most countries have a system original state judiciary (often called municipal or
superior court)

where cases have been investigated. Facts are arranged, evidence is presented, witnesses testify and
be questioned repeatedly, and legal principles

which is appropriate to apply in giving a verdict.

Federal Court

Federal courts are structured in a three-tier system: courts district, regional appellate courts
(circuits), and the Supreme Court. The legal powers and powers of the courts are regulated in the

and is subject to congressional restrictions. At the lowest level, namely the district court, conducting
court hearings. For appeal at the next federal level, the people were divided into twelve area called a
circuit. Each county court only handles up appeals from district courts within its geographic area.
Plaintiff who are unsuccessful can apply to the Supreme Court to review their case. If four of the
nine judges agree, The Supreme Court will take up the case; if not, the appellate court will make his
own decision. Decisions from courts below the Supreme Court only has strength within the
geographic area of the area served by certain courts.

Religious Activities at School

In its role in religion, the government is neutral and protects religious adherents by impartially one
of them, and not

Also degrading. In addition, the government is also prohibited from interfering in the right of a
person to choose his beliefs, and also not to interfere
Towards various religious activities

However, in some cases such as in New York, students are prohibited by

The law to carry out religious activities in schools. The prayer they pray is considered to break the
unity because it comes only from one source of the book from one religion. On the other hand,
Students are allowed to lead or participate in prayers at memorial services, provided that the
decision to do so is made by the studentWithout the involvement of scholars.

Displaying symbols or symbols of a particular religion is also prohibited At school because it is

unconstitutional. However, if the school is Schools that adhere to secularism, displaying symbols or
symbols Religion is allowed.

Teacher Rights and Obligations

Teachers as a profession of educational staff have rights and

obligations that cover the world of education involved. Teacher's rights

is something obtained by someone who has a profession

teacher, and teacher obligations are something that must be carried out by a person

teacher in carrying out his profession. The rights and obligations of teachers are embedded

in Law Number 14 of 2005.

Student Rights and Obligations

Every citizen has the same right to obtain it education. Every citizen has the right to the widest
possible opportunities

to attend education in order to gain knowledge, abilities and

skills that are at least equivalent to the knowledge, abilities,

and basic education completion skills. The rights and obligations of these participants are stated in
the National Education System Law No.20

2003 Article 12,


1. Why does teacher performance not match the income earned?

Answer: Because the government doesn't pay enough attention

2. State the teacher's rights


-Obtain opportunities to improve competence

3. Mention the teacher's obligations!

Answer: Maintaining and building national unity.

4. What must the teacher do to carry out learning?

Answer: Implementing a quality learning process and evaluating learning outcomes.

5. Mention what students' rights are!

Answer: Get educational services according to your talents, interests and abilities.

6. Mention what student obligations are!

Answer: Maintain educational norms to ensure the continuity and success of the educational

7. Why did the government decide to entrust schools to harmonize students' rights and obligations?

Answer: Because students' parents demand a balance of students' rights and responsibilities.

8. How do religious activities take place at school?

Answer: The government is neutral and protects religious believers by not favoring one of them and
not denigrating them.

9. What is the legal basis for education in Indonesia?

Answer: Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution

10. Why are teachers so important in education?

Answer: Because they act as an intermediary for knowledge to be conveyed to students.

11. What was decided in the federal court?

Answer: Federal courts decide cases involving federal laws and regulations or constitutional issues.
12. How are cases related to Elementary and Secondary Education filed?

Answer: Filed in State courts

13. Describe the levels of the federal court!


-District courts, conducting trial hearings.

-Regional appellate courts (circuits) each regional court only handles appeals from district courts
within its geographical area.

-Supreme Court, if 4 out of 9 justices agree the supreme court will hear the case.

14. Explain the meaning of teacher's rights!

Answer: A teacher's right is anything that a person in the teaching profession gets.

15. Explain what a teacher's obligation is!

Answer: A teacher's obligation is what a teacher must do in order to carry out his/her profession.

16. Why is it forbidden in New York to display the emblem or symbol of a particular religion?

Answer: Because it is considered unconstitutional

17. What should a religious education unit do if there are students whose religion is different from
the religious unit?

Answer: Must provide and provide religious rights for students of different religions.

18.Mention the laws and regulations on participants' rights!

Answer: It is in the National Education System Law No. 20/2003 article 12.

19. What is the reason for the employment contract?

Answer: To protect teachers from unwarranted dismissal.

20. What should the school do to balance the rights and responsibilities of students?

Answer: The school must make policies related to students' rights and responsibilities without any
intervention from outside parties.

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