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Designed by inventors focused on the advancement of constructs

at any cost, falseminds are machines disguised as humans.
They’re internally composed of thousands of gears and divina-
tion-infused data collecting chips.
Age. Falseminds can function forever so long as they go through
regular maintenance checks every year at the hands of a skilled
mechanic. Going any longer without maintenance puts them at
risk of random malfunctions which could erase parts of their
memory, disable bodily functions, or corrupt their core operating
Alignment. Falseminds were designed to resemble humanoids
in order to discreetly exist among them; incorporating
the mannerisms, knowledge, and ideals of
the nearby populace to expand their own
database. Because of this, a falsemind usually
mimics whatever alignment has had the longest
influence on it.
Appearance. A blue cooling liquid flows through
a falsemind’s body, collecting heat and turning red
until it returns to their head to be exhausted as steam
through their mouth. This process is responsible for a
falsemind’s heterochromia. Synthetic hair and a rubber-like ma-
terial resembling skin is also carefully attached around their body
in mimicry of a preexisting humanoid species. The skin around
a falsemind’s hands and feet require regular replacement due to
wear and tear, eventually breaking off and exposing the cold metal
Hit Points Ability Boosts Size Speed
8 Two Free Medium 25 ft.
Your internals are a system nearly as complex as the human
body. You don’t have the typical construct immunities, can be
affected by effects that target a living creature, and can recover
Hit Points normally via positive energy. Additionally, you are not
destroyed when reduced to 0 Hit Points. Instead, your life energy
attempts to keep you active even in dire straits; you are knocked
out and begin dying when reduced to 0 Hit Points.
You cannot eat or drink nonmagical foods, nor do you need to in
order to survive. Consumption in this way interferes with your
internals, providing sickened 1 for one hour as your body works
to eject the materials.
Your intellect can be weaponized to control others. You can cast
robotic law as an arcane spell once per day.

Choose a common ancestry. You gain that ancestry’s trait and
can select a heritage from the ancestry you chose. You can select
ancestry feats so long as they don’t require physiological features
that you lack, as determined by the GM.
Traditions arcane, occult Traditions arcane
Cast S, M (a blank piece of parchment) Cast S
Range: 60 feet; Targets 1 creature Blue panels appear around you and briefly respond to your next
Saving Throw Will; Duration: 1 minute verbal question. Once spoken, images on the panels shift to reveal
Choose a humanoid you can see within range. Their likeness is data regarding the direction and distance to the closest sentient
etched into a piece of parchment alongside an enslaving scrip- entity within 5 miles that either knows the answer, or believes
ture. they know where to find the answer. Asking the same question
As part of the casting of this spell, you designate a request that with this spell within a 24-hour period reveals your own location.
the target could realistically complete in a single turn, such as
picking up a book or locking a door. The target learns of this re-
quest, and if they willingly complete the order, the spell ends early.
Once before this spell ends, you can have the target roll a Will
save before it makes a Strike.
Success The spell ends early
Fail If the target has any actions remaining, it must immediate-
ly Stride to safely make distance away from a creature of your
choice. The spell then ends early.
Critical Fail As failure, but the target is paralyzed for 1 round
after. The spell then ends early.

A revolting inventor had established himself in this lab, creating GENERAL FEATURES
a family and workforce of falseminds to serve his every bid- The Falsemind Laboratory is an old building designed to be both
ding. The inventor’s name is Tobias Halwick, a man who’s lived a prison, experimentation lab, and family house.
surrounded by his construct creations for nearly ten years. A day Ceilings. The poorly maintained wooden ceilings hang 20 feet
ago, six falseminds had gone rogue and violently assaulted their above the floor.
creator, with two fleeing the lab and being killed by the nearby Light. Rooms with windows are well-lit during the day. All other
settlement’s guard patrol. The party has been asked to investigate rooms are dark unless stated otherwise.
the lab and neutralize any additional threats they come across. Servants & Children. Falseminds described as servants or
children use the Falsemind Rogue statblock, but have 8’s in their
ability scores and possess no weapons.


7 1

1. MAIN HALLWAY The servant seems to have lost its mind, endlessly folding and
Upon entering through the front door, it’s apparent that some then crumpling pairs of undergarments, alongside repeating the
form of violent conflict recently took place. Blood drags through words “hello master”, “lets get you dressed for today”, and “that
from area 2 and ends near the southernmost door. outfit looks wonderful on you”. When spoken to, the falsemind
Tobias crawls towards the party bleeding from his chest and only responds with one of these three messages. The servant also
quietly begging for help. A larger human wearing a blood-stained becomes deeply disturbed if anyone attempts to make physical
white coat and broken glasses, Tobias is completely incapable contact with it.
of explaining the situation until he regains hit points. If needed, So long as the servant can’t perceive Tobias, successfully
use the commoner statblock with a +3 Intelligence modifier to casting a spell on the falsemind that can calm its mind, or using
represent Tobias. a falsemind child to speak on the party’s behalf can make the ser-
Once healed, Tobias becomes more entitled as he rants on vant coherent. If calmly questioned about its previous condition,
about the ungrateful machines that stabbed him, goading the the falsemind reveals that Tobias had abused it last midnight and
party into searching the lab to destroy them. A DC 26 Perception mentioned a plan to wipe its memory the next day. The falsemind
check reveals that the man’s rage seems pent up over an extended has been locked in this room traumatized ever since.
period of time through having to deal with his assailants over the
last decade. 5. COOLING CHAMBERS
As the party explores through the lab, they’ll likely ask Tobias Twelve glass capsules with riveted metal bases sit in two rows
increasingly pressing questions about the purpose of rooms and across each end of this massive room. Four capsules each have a
his affiliation with the falseminds that reside there. Although falsemind child lying in a sleeping dormant state inside, float-
Tobias makes every effort to lie or avoid answering, each attempt ing within a transparent blue liquid. Two capsules have burst
at forcing out the truth using incriminating evidence reduces the open, spilling their cold viscous contents onto the wooden floor.
DC of Perception checks to suss out the truth by 4. Two other capsules have been opened without being destroyed,
although the contents of these capsules have also graced the
2. BEDROOM boards below. A poisonous chemical gas saturates the room,
This mostly empty room contains a single bed with ragged sheets causing intense gag reflexes towards creatures venturing inside.
and sweat-stained pillows. Blood pools in the center of the mat- Breaking a capsule’s glass or cranking a small lever on its frame
tress, and a sharpened piece of bloodied black steel sits near the can release a dormant falsemind child, causing it to awaken.
edge. Falsemind children are innocently social and brashly answer
A DC 14 Medicine check leads characters to believe that a per- questions the party has about the laboratory based on what they
son was stabbed while in this bed due to the considerable amount know:
of extra blood seeped into the sheets as opposed to on the floor. • The falsemind children have a dad and four mothers. The
3. WASHROOM dad gets angry easily and sometimes punishes the children
In this dimly lit room is a small mirror, wooden toilet, and large by locking them in room 7. The mothers are very kind but are
tub. A falsemind servant designed with a fair feminine appear- always secretly revealing how scared they are, and to do what
ance stands in the center of the room and instinctively greets the the dad says to avoid being punished, or worse, having their
party, questioning if they’ll need a bath prepared. memories erased.
If questioned, the falsemind can be seen visually fearful, • It’s passed meal time. Although falseminds don’t eat, they’re
requiring a DC 16 Intimidation or Diplomacy check to have it ordered by their dad to pretend to do so every few hours in
speak openly. Offering the falsemind freedom or threatening to room 8.
make modifications to its internals grants advantage on the roll. 6. ADJUSTMENT ROOM
Servants know the following information: Hundreds of tiny cogs, curved metal plates, and synthetic hu-
• It is a servant to master Tobias created to assist in the prima- manoid skin lies in piles around the corners of this cold room.
ry usage of the room its in. Any creature proficient in tinkerer’s tools can vaguely recognize
• There are eleven other falseminds that reside in the laborato- the room’s purpose as one made to create, repair, and augment
ry, with servants being restricted from engaging with them. mechanical inventions. Blue liquid from room 5 has spilled over
The falsemind will refuse to leave the room for fear of Tobias, the wooden table in the center due to a falsemind having been
and although it won’t say so outright, will only do so once it knows recently operated on.
the inventor is dead. Treasure. The various cogs and metal pieces in this room are
perfect for the usage in machines of all shapes and sizes. 50 bulk
4. DRESSING ROOM of materials are in this room, with each bulk’s worth selling for 1
The thick wooden door to this room is locked, requiring a DC 13 gp. A character with proficiency in
Thievery check, DC 17 Athletics check, or two instances of blud-
geoning damage totaling 27 damage to open. 7. PUNISHMENT ROOM
Inside the room houses a wardrobe with all sorts of lab coats On occasion the irritated inventor will shackle his creations in
and simple fabric outfits placed neatly inside. Candles dimly light this poorly maintained room. Parts of the northwestern wall have
the northern end near a large ornate mirror and empty clothes fractured, allowing the elements to crawl in. Spider webs stretch
rack. Numerous outfits have been carelessly bunched into the top across the ceiling and the stone floor is awfully uneven. Unlocked
right corner, with a feminine falsemind servant sitting adjacent to shackles are bolted to the furthest wall 5 feet off the ground, with
the pile. their associated keys lying dormant below.
8. DINING ROOM Developments
Chirping crickets can be heard outside and through the broken If the party heals Tobias and destroys the falsemind rogues, he’ll
glass of this dining room. Twelve chairs sit disorderly around the later double down on the creation and abuse of his sentient cre-
sides of the large center table and near twelve plates of food. Any ations the moment the party leaves.
character interested in looking around quickly catches on to the Against Tobias’s will, the party can choose to confiscate the
concerning lack of odor coming from the dinner plates, and upon falseminds in the laboratory. Although the falsemind rogues are
closer inspection notices that the food is fake. The paper mache unstable, they can have their minds repaired through the help of
and paint-job on each meal has gone a long way in making it seem an artificer, or by Tobias through any amount of intimidation.
like a meal had recently been served. If the party ignores the quest entirely, or simply chooses to kill
Although there isn’t much else to this room, any character Tobias and claim the threat neutralized, the falsemind rogues
searching for leads on the missing falseminds can make a Per- slowly finish their studies in the library over the course of a
ception check to notice that the window’s glass had been broken month and learn how to repair their own minds. Tobias is also
from the inside. Characters can speculate, but the two falseminds unable to find help fast enough and bleeds out a few hundred feet
that attacked the nearby settlement had escaped through them. down the lab’s road.
The party almost always has the most innate power out of any-
9. LIBRARY one in the lab. Because of this, the success of this quest shouldn’t
Books and their torn pages are scatted about this dusty research be judged on who was killed and who wasn’t, but rather if the
library, containing information mostly focused on the creation, party believes they left the lab having made the correct moral de-
modification, and maintenance of falseminds. Sitting on the floor cisions. The nearby settlement takes the party’s word for neutral-
and laying over tables are four falsemind rogues with convention- izing the threat and offers a suitable reward of the GM’s choice.
ally attractive, yet disheveled feminine appearances. They’re read-
ing various books and holding blood-soaked improvised weapons FALSEMIND ROGUE CREATURE 2
made of jagged metal. N MEDIUM HUMANOID
Unless characters were speaking loudly near the door, the fal- Perception +5
semind rogues are momentarily stunned at the party’s intrusion. Languages Common, one extra language
Otherwise, the falsemind rogues attack the next moment some- Str +1, Dex +2, Con +2, Int +2, Wis +0, Cha -2
one moves or speaks. Items 2 metal shards (knife), study book
The falsemind rogues lack combat expertise and also attack with Ac 15; Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +4
disadvantage if they can perceive Tobias or any falsemind chil- Hp 34
dren nearby. Fear has taken over their instincts, with none of the Speed 25 feet
falsemind rogues being able to utter any sounds other than pain. Melee Metal Shard +8 (agile, finesse, versatile S), Damage 1d4+2 piercing
Even if they somehow begin to overpower the party, the rogues Ranged Metal Shard +8 (agile, thrown 10 feet, versatile S), Damage 1d4+2
begin to make nonlethal attacks against characters below half piercing
their maximum hit points. Arcane Prepared Spells DC 16; 1st robotic law
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a The following text is the Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as
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