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A.H. Madhumitha

Student of Computer Science with Cognitive System

Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts

And Science

K. Janani

Student of Computer Science with Cognitive System

Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts

And Science

Mrs. Jaithoon beebi M.CA, M.Phil., SET

Assistant professor, Department of Computer

Science with Cognitive System

Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science

ABSTRACT: artificial neutral network and genetic

algorithms etc., are involved.
The robots are used instead of human
being to perform a particular task. It is The work presented here Oriented in this
inbuilt with some intelligence called direction. It purposes the introduction of
artificial intelligence. Technology and basics of robots. The primary contribution
engineering are involved in building a of this work is in the area of
robot thus, making the field of robotics a representation and conceptualizations for
highly interdisciplinary area of modern robots like Mobile robot,
specialization. Robots are specialised Industrial robot, Service robot, Military
mainly in Mechatronics engineering robot, Telerobots, Medicinal robots, Space
(combination of electronical and robots, BEAM robots, Humanoid robot,
mechanical engineering), Computer Micro robots
engineering, Manufacture engineering,
material technology. To inbuild
intelligence into a robot a powerful
computer with artificial intelligence,
1.INTRODUCTION: building new robots serve various practical
purposes. It is a fascinating and rapidly
Robotics is a branch of technology that
advancing field.
deals with the design constructions;
operations and applications of robots. 2.HISTORY:
Robots are the physical that performs the
task by manipulating the physical world. The historical evolution of robotics can be

They are setup with sensors to make out traced back to ancient times with

their environment and effectors to insist automata, mechanical devices designed to

physical focus on it. Robots are needed mimic human or animal actions. The true

because of its speed, accuracy. Robots can emergence of modern robotics began in the

work in dangerous temperatures and can- 20th century with advancements in

do repetitive task. Robots have character electronics and computing. In the mid-20th

of movement, energy, intelligence. Robots century, industrial robots revolutionized

are machines that can be programmed to manufacturing. The 21st century witnessed

perform tasks autonomously or semi- a shift towards more sophisticated and

autonomously. They can be used in versatile robots, incorporating AI, machine

various fields, including manufacturing, learning, and human-robot interaction.

healthcare, and space exploration. From industrial applications to healthcare,

Robotics has a rich history, and the term exploration, and daily life, robotics

“robotics” was coined by Issac Asimov in continues to evolve, driven by

a short story he wrote in the 1940s. He also advancements in technology and

proposed three laws of robotics. Robots interdisciplinary research.

can take any form but many of them have

2.1. 350 B.C
given the human appearance. The robots
which have taken the form of human Greek mathematician Archytas succeeded
appearance may likely to have the walk in building a mechanical bird which used
like humans, speech, cognition and most steam to propel itself.
importantly the things a human can do.
Most of the robots of today are inspired by
nature and are known as bio-inspired
robots. Today, robotics is a rapidly
growing field, as technological advances
2.2. 1920s
continue; researching, designing, and
DOF mechanisms.

In 1921, a Czech writer Karel Capek

coined the term “Robot” in his play
“R.U.R” (Rossum’s Universal Robots).

2.3. 1940s
2.5. 1980s
Issac Asimov gave us the three laws of
Genghis was created by scientists at MIT
robotics which can also be used to define
in 1989. It was one of the first examples of
what is a robot and what is not.
cheap robots.

2.6. 2000s
2.4. 1970s
The new generation of robots like
Freddy and Freddy 2 were able to Robonaut 2 are the first humanoid robots
assemble wooden blocks and put rings on in the history of robotics, that are used in
pegs using its video camera 3-DOF and 5- space to help astranauts.


It was proposed by author and scientist

Issac Asimov in 1940.

3.1. First law:

A robot may not injure a human being, or,
through inaction, allow a human being to
come to harm.

3.2. Second law:

A robot must obey orders given it by

human beings except where such orders
Frequently used in manufacturing and
would conflict with the first law.
warehouse settings, these large
3.3. Third law: programmable robots are transforming the

A robot must protect its own existence as supply chain by performing tasks such as

long as protection does not conflict with welding, painting, assembling and material

the first or second law. handling.

4.Types of Robotics: 4.3. Service robots:

4.1. Mobile robots:

These robots are used in a variety of fields

in different scenarios, such as domestic
Mobile robots are used everywhere
chores, hospitality, retail and healthcare.
including in space research and even in
Examples include cleaning robots,
land mining detection. NASA’S FIDO
entertainment robots and personal
ROVER is a mobile robot used in for
assistance robots.
exploration of mars. Even Military robots
are also remote -controlled mobile robots 4.4. Medical robots:
designed by military applications.

4.2. Industrial robots:

Contrary to the majority of other types of
These robots help with surgical
robots, which do their tasks alone or in
procedures, rehabilitation and diagnostics
entirely separated work environments,
in healthcare settings. Robotic surgery
cobots can share workplaces with human
systems, exoskeletons and artificial limbs
employees, enabling them to work more
are a few examples of medical robots.
4.5. Humanoid robots:
4.7. Agricultural robots:

These robots are used in farming and

agricultural applications. They can plant,
harvest, apply pesticides and check crop
These robots are programmed to imitate
4.8. Exploration and space robots:
and mimic human movements and actions.
They look human like and are employed in
research, entertainment and human-robot

4.6. Cobots:
These robots are used in missions to The three important things of power
explore space as well as in harsh regions generation circuit of robot should do are:
on Earth. Examples include underwater
1. Regulate at set voltage.
exploration robots and rovers used on
2. Supply a minimum required
Mars expeditions.
amount of power.
4.8. Educational robots: 3. Allow for additional features based
on applications.

6. Robotic software:

The minimum specification is a pc

with intel® core™ i5-825oU CPU @
1.60GHz ,1.80GHz, 8.00GB RAM,
2TB free HD space, standard 3D
graphics card with hardware support of

These robots are created to instruct and OpenGL.

educate kids about robotics, programming 7.Working of robots:

and problem-solving. Kits and platforms
for hands-on learning in academia are
frequent examples of educational robots.

5. Robotic Hardware:

5.1. Sensors:

These are the sub area of robot intended to

give sensing capabilities so that robots are
Robots are not directly controlled by
more human like.
human but it includes feedback-driven
5.2. End effectors: connection between sense and action
These are devices that attaches to the wrist takes electromagnetic motors or
of the robot arm. And it enables robots to effectors to move up open or close
perform particular task. gripes. The step- by -step control is
provided by computer program to run
5.3. Robot Power Generation:
on microcontroller.

8.Robotics applications:
 Home electronics: Vacuum corrosion and testing the structural
cleaners and lawnmowers can be integrity of buildings.
programmed to automatically  Nanotechnology: Robotics is
perform tasks without human extensively used in the
intervention. manufacturing of
 Home monitoring: This includes microelectromechanical systems,
specific types of robots that can which is a process used to create
monitor home energy usage or tiny integrated systems.
provide home security monitoring  Mechatronics: Robotics aids in
services, such as Amazon Astro. the development of smart factories,
 Artificial intelligence (AI): robotics-assisted surgery devices
Robotics is widely used in AI and and autonomous vehicles.
machine learning (ML) processes,  Aerospace: Robotics can be used
specifically for object recognition, for drilling, painting, coating,
natural language processing, inspection and maintenance of
predictive maintenance and process aircraft components.
automation. 9.Pros and cons of robotics:
 Data science: The field of data 9.1. Advantages:
science relies on robotics to Robotic systems are covered in
perform tasks including data many industries because they can
cleaning, data automation, data increase accuracy, reduce costs and
analytics and anomaly detection. increase safety for humans.
 Law enforcement and military:  Safety: Safety is arguably one of
Both law enforcement and the robotics’ greatest benefits, as many
military rely heavily on robotics, as dangerous or unhealthy
it can be used for surveillance and environments no longer require the
reconnaissance missions. Robotics human element.
is also used to improve soldier  Increased productivity: Robots
mobility on the battlefield. don’t readily become tired or worn
 Mechanical engineering: out as humans do. They can work
Robotics is widely used in continuously without breaks while
manufacturing operations, such as performing repetitive jobs, which
the inspection of pipelines for boosts productivity.
 Accuracy: Robots can perform they’re being used for defence and
precise tasks with greater security purposes.
consistency and accuracy than  Power requirements: Robots
humans can. This eliminates the consume a lot of energy and
risk of errors and inconsistencies. constant power to operate. Regular
 Flexibility: Robots can be upkeep and maintenance are also
programmed to carry out a variety needed to keep them in good
of tasks and are easily adaptable to working condition.
new use cases. 10. Future aspects of robotics:
 Cost savings: By automating At companies and universities
repetitive tasks, robots can reduce around the world, engineers and
labour costs. computer scientists are devising
9.2. Drawbacks: ways to make robots more
 Task suitability: Certain tasks are perceptive and dextrous.
simply better suited for humans. The robotics industry worldwide

 Economic problems: Since robots keep innovating,

can perform most jobs that humans combining artificial

do with more precision, speed and intelligence and computer

accuracy, there's always a potential vision and other sensory

risk that they could eventually technologies, according

replace human jobs. to Analytics Insight magazine. The

 Cost: Most robotic systems have a magazine noted that newer

high initial cost. It can also cost a iterations of robots are easier to set

lot to repair and maintain robots. up and program than their

 Increased dependency: predecessors. Some notable

Overreliance on robots can result in developments in recent years

a decrease in human talents and include high-tech ocean robots that

problem-solving abilities as well as explore the world underneath the

an increase in technological waves; a robot named Saul that

dependence. shoots UV rays at the Ebola virus

to destroy it; and an AI-controlled
 Security risks: There’s always a
therapeutic robot that helps
risk of robotic devices getting
caregivers and patients
hacked or hijacked, especially if
communicate more efficiently,
new potentials. So, robots can be used in
which reduces stress.
today’s generation.

Robots are becoming more human-like in

cognitive ability and, in some cases,
appearance. In warehouses and factories,
at fast food joints and clothing retailers,
they’re already working alongside humans.
This one, in Germany, can pick like a
champ. They’re even starting to perform
functions that have typically been the
domain of humans, such as making
coffee, caring for the elderly and,
crucially, ferrying toilet paper. Robots
have even made their way into the
agriculture and biomedical
sectors, harvesting crops, treating
diseases and performing other essential
tasks. But no matter which sector they
serve, robots are far less advanced than
many thought they’d be by now.

11. Conclusion:

There are many applications on robots in

today’s generation like in industrial
purpose, military purpose and medicinal
purpose at so on. There are many research
universities associated in the field of
robotics which aids in bringing an
improvement in the present technologies,
and then we can expect new ways of using
robots which will bring new hopes and

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