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WHEN Britain's team S3ils promoting their Involvement, tan!

to the Sports Council on sponsor on the side of ots

into the Solent on Thu~ay'
In 1 bid to Win the Admiral's
BUSINESS tbrou&h advcn i)ing. hospital· sponsorsbrp, who aru as ··a hull. The British entry was
hy at sponsore<l events and son of honest bro~er" be- o fficially labelled White
Cup. the contest be of FOCUS so on. twcoen companies and the Horse Fine Old Scotch
more tllan paum& rnter(SI to Tbe grand total is likdy to COIIDCil, la)S he rs ~ng a Wlristy. The tloatin& bill-
Pc~r Qurnoen. be mace than Ll of evny £10 record nwnber of mquiries board eos1 tbe hquor rmn an
Quinnen. the charrman of 12·metre champronlhrps io socnt by Briwb companies from companocs that 11211 addrtional £J.SO,OOO.
James C.pcl, London's lead- Sardinia earhcr tlus month. on !Cievision and preu oever before thou,ht of Qunten reckoM th1t every
in& 11ockbrokcr, admitted la.n Yachll~& is stUI a Ion& way adverti1ing. 11 has beeomc bic sponsorship. Last year aboul newspaper anicle mentioni11&
.. eet that he is 1 landlubber from the more expensive business. 1,7.SO were Involved. eom· ~ames C.pel's involvement
tnd has never set foot on a world of motor-naeon& spon· Last Thursd3y. the British paned with 900 in 198l. So rn a spon u wonh at least 10
yxfrL But he ..m do so sorship, wb>eh suit auracts Olympic Committee became far this )'ear, anolber 118 full·paae ads In 1 quality
durin& this run-up to C.,..'ti the most supporL E~ry tbe latest group to join inc it have joined on. l..arger com· newspaper for the way rt
Week. Uis form. now con· square inch of a radna anno11oced a £100,000 ponoes are be&inn•ns to ad- promotes the company name.
rrollcd by the llongkong & driver's sui! is up for auction, sponsorship by Doualas vcrtise for sponsorship The televisina of spon has
Shanghai Bank, has sunk with sponsors araui~a billerly Llambias, a financial recruit· c~ceutivcs. been the single most i m-
£90,000 this year into spon· - som~ arc said to have ment firm. for the British Last November, Sa.atchi & ponant factor in the &rowth
sorin& tlte team from the come to blows - over where team in the 1988 Olympics. Saatchi became the first of sponsorshi p. The houJS
R~al Ocean Racing Oub. they can llitch on their The minimum spo~tsorship advenisina acency to move saven to spon have more
uanntn uckons that a bad&es to JCI . the most (or companies boptn& to bact into tbe market o;hen it than doublc:sl. from 1.200 in
wcl ·publicised cup race exposure. If a dn•er fOI'&l'\5 the Olympia will be £.SO,OOO formed • division called 197S to 2,711 last )ear.
apinst last year's champions, and the commiuee is already Sponsorsbip in Business. Channel 4 has brouV.t many
the We.<t Germans, will boost b1 Ifway 10 ·ou £2· ~ m lafltL Stnce then, it bas move<! an
undisclosed · tmounl or minority spon.s to the screen,
braincss at C.pel's new office The~ was • time that chents' money into motor
and that is likely to continue.
in Frankfurt. "'hrch opms if only becaux spon is a
sponsorship, particularly spons, runnona and yac:hrin~ cheap "'ar to fill the K'lftn:
neat mor.lh. • ....y from llM: drinlc tnd Capcl's sponsorship effon
Sallin& bas been slow so about £20.000 an hour. com-
take to sponso!Vup, and it is ~ giants, meant stUmJ>- is llM: laraest by a British paned ..;th £72.000 for light
atill not popular with lite In& up a few thousand ICCIIriliC$ firm and No 3 · entenainmenl. •
aailin& estabhshmenL Yacht· pounds as a philanthropic amona· Bnush financial in- Twelve spons to1k< up 80%
I~ rules 11111 bar C.pel from
p:sture towards lhe company stitutoons. bebond the Save &. of TV cove rase borsc-racina. its yellow-and-red "bat- chainnan's favourite sport. Prosper unit trust group and cricket. snoo~er, tennrs. SOC·
tle Oac" dunna the Admiral's That still bappcns; but Na11onal Westm•nst<r Bank.
increasingly sponsorship is v.hich both spend more than
Cup races. But the brash seen as an activity lhrou&h .£400,000 1 year. ,TOP 20 SPORTS ·
commercialism of Ibis year's which a company can reach a Etherington reckons- that
Amet'ica's Cup in Pcnlt wide audience in a way that tfie excitement acnerated by
ON TV, 1986 '
snrashe<l any pretensions that rivals direct advertising or tclcvlsoon coveraae of the Sport Hrs/mlna
sponsorship can be kept other public relations, America's Cup has ~de
uhore. I Snoot<er 394/11
Companies think hard sallina one of the biggest 2 Croeltat 335/•t
Capet has one advantage at about ,.-here they put therr powlh areas in sponsorship.
Cowes: many of the compel· 3 Horse raCing 275/~
money.'s associa11on The 17 syndocates at Penb • Soccer Zf;2(00'
rton are hktl)' 10 be among Riding a wave: Ouinnen With sailing it no accident: spent an enormous £12Sm. S Tenn1s 188/52
its clients. Stnce Big Ban& Quinnen fceh it u tile son of Such was the pressure of the 6 Golf ••&/59
Qu•nncn reckons C~pcl has to wear hrs cap in front of the competitiVe spon with which sponsors tllat, n&ht aOc-r 7 Allltetoes 13tl().l'
put £350,000 .. nto sports, of lite stockbroker should be repononc !he cup, tlic Amm-
.. hrch has cone into cammr~ ~e "''" be rn for a lloWis 1121oo
more stick from the sponsor usociated. can skipper, Denllis Connor. 9 Boxitlg 58f57
sarhnc. th.ln of he had spun off the "Th= art many parallels told I "''rld'*lde telev$1on tO Equestt~n Sllf41
The forst £100.000 ,.as track at the first tum between ~chtin& and the audoencc. '"I'm sorns 10 11 O.rts 54/10
socnt on a tender for the Thrs ~car an estomoted securiues business{ he says. Olsne~ World." 12 Wrestling 43/00
llrltosh entry for the £I S8m will be spent on direct "Both are teant enoru, both This apparently sponta· 13 Molorracong 41/32
Amcnca's Cup: the same 1ponsorship of all spons,· are very competitive and neous remark was on fact pan 14 lea skating 40/57
ltndcr. appropriately name<! compared with £S0m in both require a combination Gf 1 carefully ortheSirate<l 15 Rugby UIIIPO 39/50
the James ('apel, will be on 1981. C1ose to £lOOm more or strategic and tactical eampaian by the Disney t6 Cycling 27/20
duty at Co.,.cs. Another wrll be spent by those decisions.~ .Pr&anlsation, which paid a !7 Rugby league 21/09
£60.000 went into rhe world )pon5ors on marketing and Oerek Elhcnngton, CO"'"''• premium ror that remark. t8 Gymna&IICs t 8/50
··we wanted lhal momcm or t9 Motor cyclong 17J51
vic tory. There is oo 20 Yachring t 6/40
recreatin& it.'" said Tom
Elrod, Disney's markclins ' ""'1loQII'Io't.ICI'~'"'•..-"""~ti'IIP
vlee.presidenL «r. coli: alhlctocs. bo... ls.
E•en now, the Inter- bo•tnc. darts. equestrian
national Yacht R3cin& events and .,.resthna.
Federation ts Slruuting to With the curb on cogarcuc
enfor~c: some obe<loence of ils advenisinc. tObactO corn·
mucft-dcride<l Rule 26, which panocs hav~ found event
bans commercial names from sponsorshop an cffectl'e way
the sodes of boau or on their or ceurn& lherr 1\ames on 10
saals during races. the small screen Accordong
AI the Amenet's Clip to 1 recent survey, spons
qu~lifyin& races in Pcnh l:ul events sponsored by tobacro
year, the Bntish challenger, compantes occupocd almost
Crusade r, for11fred by tOO mor• hours on TV last
£800,000 of White Horse )'-'lr than in 1981.
"'hisky sponsorshap, was re· Etherinaton says there has
named White Crusader. been strona v.owth in sup.
This •~btle circumvention pon rrom burldina societies,
of the rule, and the recos· the finance ond insuranre
nltlon that tf this expcnsiv~ sertor, and clcctoiral and
spon was to keep the rnt<rcst motor companl<s. But the
of ill corporate patrons lhl'y btClUI CfOW!h hu been from
v.ould "'ant some visible dnnk companrcs Asrdc from
recoanruoo. finally =ult<d White Horse, ll«featcr Grn
tn the relaution of Rule 16 hll I lhret•)Cir 030.000
for la11 month's 12-metre deal oo sponsor the Boat
champronships in Sardinia. Race, and Uudwcr!Cr is
Each boat wal 1llowcd to sponsonnJ Amencan football
have the name of one rn Bntarn

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