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Presenting Qualitative Research Results

Hello everyone welcome to this presentation where we briefly talk about presenting
qualitative research findings. There is different ways of presenting the same findings
depending on the researchers disposition the conceptual framework and align the study.
The type of data collection methods that were used recorded interviews for example should
be the authentic voices of the participants. That is very important to also depend on the
document analysis surveys with open-ended questions. It's also important that the
representation of participants quote is always necessary to support the results the results can
be presented in the following forms reporting in the narrative this is accepts included as part
of a sentence.
Thick descriptions which is participants narratives tables or diagrams summarizing theme
steps themes and categories table summarizing themes complemented by direct quotations,
models and diagrams demonstrating relationships, mental cognitive maps demonstrating
similarities between items, taxonomies capturing hierarchical structures.
Here you can see an example of a thick description. The results are from a study that was
conducted among schoolchildren so the narrative was extracted as is from a transcript in this
example you can see the results have been presented in a table form with themes and direct
quotations you have comments there are direct from the transcripts and their supporting
themes and sub-themes.
In this example you can see the results have also been presented in a table you have a theme
a sub theme and direct quotations from the participants which you get from the transcript.
Here is another example presenting the results in a table. You have themes sub themes and
categories in this study the researchers were looking into perceptions of University of Pretoria
Public Health students on the impact of gender on maternal and child health in South Africa.
In Swaziland you can see their results have been presented as main themes sub themes and
categories as well. In this example the results were presented in a diagram formats where
they looked at for example quotes from generated from student A and student B and then
they make a comparison of those codes.
So these are another way which is much more complex of presenting your palliative data in
this example different themes were captured in a hierarchical manner to a less illustrate
different relationships

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