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1886—Bombay Mill Strike

1. In 1886, Bombay witnessed one of the earliest organized labour movements in India,
known as the Bombay Mill Strike. This strike was a response to the oppressive working
conditions and low wages faced by mill workers in the city. Led primarily by textile mill
workers, the strike lasted for about seven days, with workers demanding better pay and
improved working conditions.

The significance of the Bombay Mill Strike lies in its role as a precursor to future labour
movements in India. It laid the foundation for organized labour activism in the country and
highlighted the power of collective action in advocating for workers' rights. Despite its short
duration, the strike sparked discussions about labour rights and set a precedent for future labour
movements in India.

The impact of the Bombay Mill Strike can still be felt today in India's labour laws and
regulations. It paved the way for the recognition of workers' rights and influenced subsequent
labour movements, contributing to the development of labour unions and collective bargaining
practices in the country. The demands raised by the striking workers also resonated with broader
societal concerns about social justice and economic inequality, shaping ongoing discussions
about labour rights and workers' welfare in India.

2. The decline of union strongholds does not signal the end of the labour movement but
rather indicates a transformation and resurgence in new forms. Despite union
membership hitting record lows in 2022, with only 10.1% of U.S. workers unionized, the
labour movement has seen significant increases in worker activism and strikes. For
instance, labour strikes surged by 52% in 2022, reflecting a growing momentum among
workers advocating for better conditions and rights.

Moreover, while traditional union membership has declined, public support for unions remains
high, and new organizing efforts are emerging, particularly among younger workers and in
industries previously less unionized. This evolving landscape suggests that the labour movement
is adapting to contemporary challenges and continues to play a crucial role in advocating for
workers' rights.

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