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The VEERA Centre Coordinator,

VEERA Centre,
Rohini, Delhi.

Sub: Request regarding Minutes of Meeting, held on 11/01/2024 at 3:10

PM, held in Room No. 28.


With reference to the meeting notice dated 08/01/2024 duly assigned by

your goodself (copy enclosed), I may kindly be provided the Minutes of Meeting
for accomplishments of works and objectives assigned at the part of the
undersigned. Also, the matters duly discussed and assured for needful action
by AD (Ballistics)/HOD (FPD) during the meeting may also be incorporated in
the MoMs, as below:

1. Regarding “Vision of the Division and plans for the year 2024-25”:

 An appropriate proposal for the session 2024-25 will be submitted by

the undersigned following a thorough discussion of existing &
proposed set-up, staff strength, units, space, laboratories etc. of
Forensic Psychology Division at FSL Rohini Centre and VEERA
 The Machines and equipments will be procured by the undersigned at
VEERA Centre independently.

2. Regarding “Record Updation”:

 Record updation will be done in Forensic Psychology division for

hassle-free assess by all the officers of their respective case records.
 The Almiras, Records, Exhibits, Documents and office assets
pertaining to Room No. 21, will be taken care of separately and
properly verified before their shifting and Record Updation.
 A letter dated …. sent under the signature of the undersigned,
though not actually signed by the undersigned, will be examined and
discussed appropriately, as the same is a matter of vigilance inquiry
and filing of FIR. The file and records pertaining to said matter will be
duly facilitated by AD (Ballistics)/HOD (FPD) to the undersigned for
appropriate scrutiny of the matter.
 AD (Ballistics)/HOD (FPD) will resolve the issues regarding handing-
taking over, safety & securities, custodianships, access etc.
pertaining to the records of Forensic Psychology division.

3. Regarding “smooth functioning of the Division”:

 AD (Ballistics)/HOD (FPD) will resolve the technical and

administrative issues, kept pending since from the year 2019, and
further office communications will be done & maintained smoothly.
In this connection, a separate meeting will be held by the AD
(Ballistics)/HOD (FPD).
 One other officer, Dr. Anshu, will be relieved for Forensic Psychology
Unit at VEERA Centre by sorting out the issue of 23 files entered in
office records on her name and by appropriately defining the actual
custodianship of the same.
 Regarding Restructuring of Posts about Forensic Psychology Division,
a representation could be given for needful considerations about
shrinking developments and stagnate careers of the officers &
officials in the Division.
 Keeping in view the smooth accomplishments of assigned objectives
at VEERA Centre, the presence and supervision of VEERA Centre
Coordinator will be solicited in the subsequent meetings.

It is requested that the meeting has been attended by the undersigned

during CCL period vide above-mentioned meeting notice dated 08/01/2024,
my presence during the meeting may be appositely taken on official records.

A copy of this office communication is being shared with all officers &
officials present in the meeting, VEERA Centre Coordinator and the Director

Thanking you.

Your’s faithfully

(Dr. Aruna Mishra)

AD, Forensic Psychology
VEERA Centre, Rohini, Delhi

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