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HUman Resources


Human resources can be referred to as a labor input into the production
process. On the basis of skill, we can classify labor employed in the process of
production into three groups:
unskilled (no specific skill)
skilled (has the basic skills required for the job)
Highly skilled (has expertise in the skills required for the job)

Population Distribution & Density

Population distribution is how people are spread across an area. It examines patterns, density, and locations of
human settlement at local, regional, or global scales. It is low in places where the climate is inhospitable, and Highly
populated areas are those that enjoy an equable climate.
High Population Density:
Areas with high population density, like urban centers in India and China, feature concentrated human habitation.
These regions often have intense economic activity, and advanced infrastructure, and face challenges related to
congestion, resource demand, and environmental strain.

Moderate Population Density:

Regions with moderate population density, such as parts of Western Europe and the United States, strike a balance
between urbanization and rural landscapes. These areas typically support diverse economic activities, possess
established infrastructure, and maintain a moderate strain on resources and the environment.

Low Population Density:

Low population density characterizes vast expanses like the Siberian tundra and the Australian Outback. These
areas often lack significant urbanization, face challenges in infrastructure development, and experience minimal
environmental strain but may struggle with geographic isolation and limited economic opportunities.

Population composition
population change details the demographic
Population distribution hinges on climate, makeup of a region,
water, topography, and economic encompassing factors like
prospects. Favorable conditions foster age, gender, ethnicity, and
growth, while harsh climates discourage education. Analyzing these
settlement, shaping global distribution. components provides
Population change tracks births, deaths, insights into societal
immigration, and emigration, impacting structure, workforce
growth or decline. Understanding these dynamics, and healthcare
shifts is crucial for addressing societal, needs, essential for tailored
economic, and environmental challenges in policymaking and addressing
planning. evolving social and economic

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