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“Iconic British Luxury”

Burberry is a British luxury fashion brand
known for its high-quality craftsmanship and
iconic designs, founded in 1856. It offers a
range of luxury apparel, accessories, and
fragrances. With a strong global presence
through various distribution channels,
Burberry has shown consistent financial
performance and brand recognition. Despite
facing challenges such as competition and
market fluctuations, the company continues to
innovate and expand its reach, particularly in
digital platforms and sustainability initiatives.

Founded in – 1856
Headquarters – London
Country – England
Industry – Clothing
CEO – Jonathan Akeroyd
Revenue in 2022 – £2,826 million as of April 2022
Profits – £543 million as of April 2022
Number of employees – 8,979 employees
Forbes Ranking – 168 as per Forbes
Price Limitation: Burberry's high prices
Financial Growth: Burberry consistently increases
restrict its customer base to affluent
revenue and operational performance, indicating
segments, potentially hindering revenue
a promising future outlook.
growth and market expansion.
Iconic Brand Image: With 166 years of history,
Asia-Pacific Reliance: Heavy dependence on
Burberry's trench coats and signature check
the Asia-Pacific region leaves Burberry
patterns establish a globally trusted brand.
vulnerable to shifts in consumer behavior or
Wide Distribution Network: Burberry's 418 stores
economic conditions, impacting operational
and diverse sales channels ensure broad market
stability and financial performance.
reach and brand equity.
Product Focus: While offering diverse
Distinctive Products and Designs: Burberry offers

Why Companies do SWOT Analysis? high-quality apparel, accessories, and fragrances,

blending craftsmanship with technology for a
products, Burberry's revenue heavily relies on
apparel, making it susceptible to market
fluctuations and limiting diversification
competitive edge.
SWOT analysis is done to understand
a company's internal strengths and
weaknesses, and external
opportunities and threats. It helps in
making strategic decisions by OPPORTUNITIES THREATS
leveraging strengths, addressing
Competition Pressure: Burberry faces intense
competition from luxury rivals like Gucci, Prada, and
Louis Vuitton, jeopardizing its market share and
Retail Expansion: Burberry can enhance its
weaknesses, seizing opportunities,
physical presence through initiatives like Pandemic Impact: COVID-19 disrupts Burberry's
operations, especially in China, leading to economic
pop-up stores or shop-in-shops, alongside
and mitigating threats.
downturns, supply chain issues, and changes in
store redesigns, to attract new customers consumer behavior, challenging growth and
and drive sales.
Raw Material Risk: Burberry's reliance on raw
materials exposes it to supply chain disruptions,
Online Growth: Investing in e-commerce potentially impacting production timelines and
customer demand fulfillment.
and digital capabilities can capitalize on the Regulatory Challenges: Complying with various
growing online retail market, aligning with regulations poses hurdles for Burberry, with non-
compliance risking legal and financial repercussions,
evolving consumer preferences for impacting operations and profitability.
convenience and accessibility.


Why PESTLE Analysis is important for companies? Tax Policies: High corporate tax
rates impact Burberry's Global Economic Conditions:
PESTLE analysis is important for companies profitability. Trade tariffs and Economic downturns reduce luxury
because it helps them anticipate and adapt customs duties affect production
to external factors that could affect their
spending. Exchange rate
costs. fluctuations impact international
operations and performance. By considering
politics, economics, society, technology, Global Political Scenario: Political sales.
legal factors, and the environment, instability forces store closures,
Income Inequality: High-income
companies can make informed decisions to disrupts supply chains. Regulatory
inequality limits Burberry's target
mitigate risks and capitalize on opportunities, changes, like Brexit, complicate
ultimately improving their competitiveness market.
and sustainability. Interest Rates: High rates
Political Stability: Unstable regions
affect luxury demand, risk store
discourage spending, affecting
damage. FDI policies influence Burberry's sales.
expansion plans.

Fashion Trends: Burberry must Intellectual Property (IP) Rights: Protecting

E-commerce and Digitalization: E-
anticipate and adapt to changing Sustainability: Burberry must designs through trademarks, copyrights, and
commerce expansion requires patents is vital.
trends to avoid unsold inventory. adopt sustainable practices to
robust cybersecurity. Employment Laws: Compliance with minimum
Collaborations with influencers reduce carbon emissions and wages, working hours, and employee rights is
Technological advancements like AI essential for Burberry's global operations.
attract younger consumers. streamline production and reduce waste, ensuring compliance with Consumer Protection Laws: Burberry must ensure
Demographics: Younger product quality and accurate marketing to avoid
costs. environmental regulations.
demographics are key for luxury legal issues.
Trade and Tariffs: Navigating international trade
fashion sales. Urban populations Social Media and Marketing: Social regulations and tariffs is necessary for Burberry's
with higher incomes favor Climate Change: Climate impacts global business.
media platforms offer cost-
Burberry. raw material availability and Environmental Regulations: Compliance with
effective marketing channels, waste disposal and emissions standards is crucial.
Cultural Values: Burberry must enhancing brand visibility. production costs. Burberry needs Advertising Standards: Adherence to regulations
ensures accurate and culturally sensitive
align with cultural norms, strategies to mitigate these marketing.
considering dress codes in Data Analytics: Understanding effects, like diversifying suppliers Taxation Laws: Management of corporate tax rates
and other tax obligations is necessary across
conservative societies. Digital consumer behavior through data and using sustainable materials. jurisdictions.
marketing is essential for engaging analytics improves decision-making Import and Export Restrictions: Awareness and
tech-savvy consumers. and operational efficiency. compliance with restrictions on goods and
materials are vital for international trade.
Burberry 2022/23 Financial Highlights
Revenue Growth:
£2,826M ➜ £3,094M
Signifying robust sales growth.
Cost of Sales:
£815M ➜ £911M
Indicates increased production costs.
Gross Profit:
£2,011M ➜ £2,183M
Maintaining healthy profit margins.
Operating Expenses:
£1,498M ➜ £1,572M
Covering marketing, admin, and distribution.
Other Operating Income:
£30M ➜ £46M
Possibly from non-main business activities.

Operating Profit:
£543M ➜ £657M
Reflecting improved operational efficiency.
£32M ➜ £23M
Lower financing costs.
Profit Before Taxation:
£511M ➜ £634M
Indicating overall financial improvement.
£114M ➜ £142M
Reflecting higher taxable income.
Profit for the Year:
£397M ➜ £492M
Demonstrating growth and profitability.
Adjusted Profit Before Taxation:
£492M ➜ £613M
Excluding certain adjusting items.
Adjusted Earnings Per Share:
Basic: 94.5p ➜ 123.1p
Diluted: 94.0p ➜ 122.5p.
Interim: 11.6p ➜ 16.5p per share
Proposed Final: 44.5p per share (compared to 35.4p in the previous year).
Burberry 2022/23 Financial Highlights
Non-Current Assets: £1,823 million
Intangible assets
Property, plant, equipment
Right-of-use assets
Deferred tax assets
Trade and other receivables
Current Assets: £1,863 million
Trade and other receivables
Derivative financial assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Assets held for sale
Non-Current Liabilities: £1,318 million
Trade and other payables

Lease liabilities
Deferred tax liabilities
Retirement benefit obligations
Current Liabilities: £829 million
Trade and other payables
Bank overdrafts
Lease liabilities
Derivative financial liabilities
Income tax liabilities
Net Assets: £1,539 million
Capital and Reserves Attributable to Owners: £1,533 million
Ordinary share capital
Share premium account
Retained earnings
Non-Controlling Interest in Equity: £6 million
Burberry demonstrates robust financial performance
with significant revenue and profit growth, effective
cost management, and operational efficiency. The
brand enjoys strong global recognition due to its rich
heritage, iconic products, and celebrity
endorsements. However, Burberry faces challenges
like heavy reliance on high-income consumers and
the Asia-Pacific market, intense competition, and
economic vulnerabilities. To sustain growth,
Burberry should expand its digital and retail
presence, diversify its product range, and invest in
sustainability initiatives. This strategic focus will help
Burberry maintain its competitive edge in the luxury
fashion market.

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