Student Listen For Wishes

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A. Deskripsi Singkat
Pada TOEFL test terdapat tiga bagian tes pada Listening Comprehensions, yaitu: Short Dialogues,
Long Conversations, dan Long Talks. Tiap bagian pada tes Listening Comprehensions tentunya
mempunya strategi yang berbeda-beda. Kegiatan Belajar 2 pada Modul Unit II berfokus pada Short
Dialogues dengan sub topik Contrary Meanings. Contrary Meaning ini terbagi menjadi dua
bahasan, yaitu Listen for Wishes dan Listen for Untrue Conditions. Pada bahasan kali ini akan
dijelaskan mengenai Listen for Wishes beserta latihannya.
B. Capaian Pembelajaran MK
Setelah selesai Kegiatan Belajar II, maka diharapkan
1. Mahasiswa mampu mengingat apa itu Untrue Condition : Listen for Wishes
2. Mahasiswa mampu memahami apa itu pada Untrue Condition : Listen for Wishes
3. Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan strategi pada soal dengan tema Untrue
Condition : Listen for Wishes
C. Uraian Materi
Agar lebih memahami materi sialhakn simak video berikut:

Contrary Meaning secara harfiah diartikan sebagai arti yang berlawanan. Listen for Wishes
seringkali muncul pada short dialogues, dan penting untuk diingat, bahwa dalam strategi Listen
for Wishes, hal yang berlawanan dengan apa yang diharapkan oleh pembicara itu merupakan
jawaban yang benar atau jawaban yang dimaksud dalam pertanyaan pada TOEFL.
Contoh 1 :
Pada dialog ini pembicara laki-laki (man) berharap (wishes) bisa pergi bersama temannya untuk
jalan-jalan, padahal arti yang sebenarnya adalah dia tidak bisa pergi (unable to go). Jadi, jawaban
yang benar adalah B. He is unable to go on the trip.
Contoh 2:

On The Recording You Will Hear

Woman : Are you going to go to Boston with Michael this Summer?
Man : Wish I could. But if I want to graduate next year, I’ve got to stay here and take a
couple classes
Narrator : What does the man plan to do this summer?

On you text book you will read :

A. Graduate
B. Attend classes
C. Visit Michael
D. Go to Boston

Pada dialog ini pembicara laki-laki (man) berharap (wish) dia bisa pergi ke Boston untuk
mengunjungi Michael, namun dia harus tinggal dan ikut beberapa kelas supaya bisa wisuda
tahun depan. Hal ini berarti pembicara laki-laki tidak akan pergi ke Boston, jadi jawaban yang
benar adalah B. Attend class
Catatan :
Tabel di atas menginformasikan bahwa:
1. Pernyataan positif pada listen for wishes adalah kebalikan dari makna yang sebenarnya
(peryataan positif memiliki makna negative), begitupun sebaliknya.
Contoh :
a. I wish I had time to help, artinya si pembicara tidak memiliki waktu untuk menolong.
Kalimat ini bernada positif, namun ia memiliki arti negatif (no time to help)
b. I wish I did not have time to help, artinya si pembicara memiliki waktu untuk menolong.
Kalimat ini bernada negatif, namun ia memiliki arti yang positif (Have time to help)
2. Kalimat yang dinyatakan dalam bentuk past tense (I was he were at home) memiliki arti
dalam bentuk present tense (he is not home)
3. Kalimat yang dinyatakan dalam bentuk past perfect tens (I wish he had been at home)
memiliki arti dalam bentuk past tense (He was not at home)
D. Latihan
E. Rangkuman
Kegiatan Belajar 2 dapat dirangkum sebagai berikut :
1. Pada saat mendengarkan short dialogues, anda fokus pada pernyataan yang
disebutkan oleh speaker kedua
2. Pernyataan positif pada listen for wishes adalah kebalikan dari makna yang
sebenarnya (peryataan positif memiliki makna negative), begitupun sebaliknya.

F. Lembar Kerja
Find the opposite meaning from the question No 1-5 and choose the best answer!
1. Man : Do you want to follow us to see Shella in hospital?
Woman : I wish I could go, but I have a lot of things to do
Narrator : What does the woman mean?
A. She will go to hospital
B. She will buy something for Shella
C. She couldn’t go
D. She will follow Shella to hospital
E. She is going to hospital
2. Woman : We will have a hard class with Professor Aldian, will you in?
Man : I wish I could change into Prof. Anne’s class
Narrator : What does the man mean?
A. He will join Prof. Aldian’s class
B. He will not join Prof. Aldian’s class
C. He will change with Prof. Anna’s class
D. He have no class
E. The man will change Prof. Aldian’s class
3. Woman : Lian is very busy right now, she could not go holiday with us
Man : I wish Lian could join us, she is our happy virus
Narrator : What does the Man mean?
A. He want Lian join them
B. He does not want Lian join them
C. He is confuse about Lian
D. Lian would not join the holiday
E. Lian will go for holiday
4. Man : Are you coming to the BTS concert this weekend?
Woman : I wish my father bought me a ticket
Narrator : What does the woman mean?
A. Her father will go to buy a ticket
B. She will not go to the concert
C. She will go buy a concert ticket
D. Her father bought her a ticket
E. She will not buy a ticket
5. Man : Did you know why the local influencer arrest by the police?
Woman : I wish she didn’t break the quarantine rules
Narrator : What does the woman mean?
A. The local influencer didn’t do quarantine
B. The local influencer didn’t arrest by the police
C. The local influencer had a quarantine
D. The local influencer didn’t arrest by the police
E. The local influencer had a jail
G. Formative Test
(A) The line is short.
(B) There are not very many people in front of them.
(C) The line in front of them is too long.
(D) Not many people want to get tickets to the concert.
(A) The woman told him about the ticket.
(B) He wanted the woman to get a ticket.
(C) He was happy to find out about the ticket.
(D) The woman did not tell him about the ticket
(A) She is not working too many hours next week.
(B) She doesn’t have enough hours next week.
(C) She is working too many hours next week.
(D) She likes working so much
(A) The department did not change the requirements.
(B) She likes the new requirements.
(C) She changed her apartment just before graduation.
(D) She does not like the changes that the department made.
(A) He is going to the theater.
(B) He doesn’t have enough money.
(C) He isn’t afraid to go.
(D) He doesn’t want to spend the money.
(A) Harry did not prepare enough for the exam.
(B) Harry studied hard for the exam.
(C) He has not heard anything about Harry.
(D) He had a bet with Harry.
(A) The algebra course that she is taking is not her favourite.
(B) She doesn’t need to take the algebra course.
(C) She has a good schedule of courses this semester.
(D) She’s good at Math, but she’s taking the algebra course anyway
(A) He was able to find a cheap apartment.
(B) His apartment is too expensive.
(C) He doesn’t like the apartment’s location.
(D) The apartment is cheap because its location.
(A) He arrived early at the auditorium.
(B) He got one of the best seats in the auditorium.
(C) He was not early enough to get a seat at the front.
(D) He prefers sitting at the back.
A. He’d like to work on his social skills at the game.
B. He wishes he could work on his term paper for sociology.
C. He can’t attend the game because of his schoolwork.
D. Sociology is less important to him than football this weekend.

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