IDP Rubrics

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KNR3762 Integrated Design Project I

Final Project Report Evaluation (55%)
CO1:PO3 CO2:PO12 CO3:PO9

Group No. :

Semester : Programme :

Session :
Project Title :

C Student performance/ Achievement

PO Weight Score

(% of
Criteria n=0 n =1 n=2 n=3 n=4 Weight
x n/4

1. PO3:Feasibility Study
 Include an investigation of the No There is There is There is There is
discussion relevant satisfact good excellent
project viability from the aspect of
is made on discussion on ory discussion discussion
technical specifications, limitations, investigatio investigation discussi on on
constraints, significance and n of project of project on on investigatio investigatio
prospects in electrical and/or viability viability (e.g investiga n of project n of project
electronic engineering. (e.g technical tion of viability viability
technical specifications, project (e.g (e.g
specificatio limitations, viability technical technical
ns, constraints, (e.g specificatio specificatio
limitations, significance technical ns, ns,
constraints, and prospects specifica limitations, limitations,
significanc in electrical tions, constraints, constraints,
1 3 15
e and and/or limitatio significance significanc
prospects electronic ns, and e and
in electrical engineering) constrai prospects in prospects
and/or nts, electrical in electrical
electronic significa and/or and/or
engineering nce and electronic electronic
) prospect engineering) engineering
s in )
l and/or
Design and/or Simulation
 Present a workable conceptual There is no There is There is There is There is
presented relevant satisfact good excellent
electrical and/or electronic design.
conceptual presented ory presented presented
 Provide a detailed explanation of design conceptual presente conceptual conceptual
the design electrical design d design design
 Simulation of the proposed design 1 3 15 and/or electrical conceptu electrical electrical
(if applicable) is clearly presented electronic and/or al design and/or and/or
engineering electronic electrica electronic electronic
 Highlight the merits of the proposed
, engineering, l and/or engineering engineering
design explanation lot of electroni but with but with no
design and inaccuracies c minor apparent
or explanation engineer inaccuracies inaccuracie
simulation design and/or ing but explanation s
and simulation with design explanation
highlight and lack of some of and/or design
merits highlight inaccura simulation and/or
proposed merits cies and simulation
design proposed explanat appropriate and
design ion merits appropriate
design proposed merits
and/or design were proposed
simulati highlighted design
on and were
appropri highlighted
d design
2. PO12: Management and Finance
Cost Cost
Financial and Costing Aspects analysis analysis was
 Present a viable costing with clear Cost analysis was presented in
No cost in a clear
details of component quantity, was presented presente a clear and
2 12 5 analysis and logical
prices, logistic cost, profit margin, with a lots d with logical
provided manner
etc. inaccuracies some manner with
with no
 Financial analysis and comparison. inaccura minor
cies inaccuracies
organiza Project
tion and Project organizatio
Project activities organization n and
organization of the and activities of
and activities engineer activities of the
Project Management of the ing the engineering
No project
 Present a well-organized team with engineering problem engineering problem
clear delegation of project work problem were were problem were
2 12 5 n and no
among team members. poorly fairly were clearly
work flow
 Present a preliminary work flow on identified and identifie satisfactory identified
project implementation work flow is d and identified and work
not parallel work and work flow is
with overall flow is flow is good excellent
progress satisfact with overall with
ory with progress overall
overall progress
3. PO9: Effective Communication

Language, Layout, Format

The The solution The The solution The
 Communicate effectively on
solution of of complex solution of complex solution of
complex engineering activities with complex engineering of engineering complex
the engineering community and engineering problem complex problem engineering
with society at large, such as being problem presented in engineer presented in problem
able to comprehend and write presented poorly ing structured presented
in no structured and problem and in
effective reports and design 3 9 10
structure formatting presente formatting structured,
documentation, make effective and report (e.g d in report (e.g orderly
presentations. formatting font, spacing, structure font, manner and
 Grammatically satisfying, of the labelling of d and spacing, formatting
consistent font and spacing and report does figures and formatti labelling of report (e.g
not tables and ng figures and font,
equations are numbered.
accordance equation report tables and spacing,
 Table of contents, list of figures to the IDP numbered and (e.g font, equation labelling of
and tables are properly labelled and guidelines etc) include spacing, numbered figures and
very labelling and etc) in tables and
numbered into section and
substantial of good equation
subsections with page number. and consistent figures manner numbered
 References are written in an error and and etc) in
appropriate format (e.g., IEEE tables accordance
format). and to IDP
equation guidelines
 Appendices are used when
necessary. d and
 Organize and prepare an etc) in a
engineering solution that serve the satisfact
client's need and demand. ory

No Good Excellent
Conclusions and Summary Appropriate summari
summarizin summarizin summarizin
 Highlight the overall conclusions summarizing zing
3 9 5 g project g project g project
of the project summarizing the project design project
design design design
preliminary design output. presented design
presented presented presented



Examined by : Signature :

KNR4532 Integrated Design Project I
Oral Presentation (10%)
CO3 PO9 CO4 PO10

Group No. :
Semester : Programme :
Session :
Project Title :

Weight Score Criteria Score

Criteria CO PO w n=0 n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4

Conceptual 3 9 2 No conceptual Unclear Fair Satisfactory Excellent and clear

Design design presented. conceptual design conceptual conceptual conceptual design
presented design design presented.
presented. presented.

The content The content The content The content The content
Organization of 3 9 3 included is not included is fairly included is included is included is very
presentation relevant, no relevant, poorly relevant, fairly relevant, relevant, clearly
content structure and no structured and structured and acceptable structured and
sequencing/flow. poor satisfactory structure and organized in a
sequencing/flow. sequencing/flo organized in logical manner and
w. appropriate excellent
manner and sequencing/flow.

Team 4 10 3 No tasks Unclear tasks Minimal tasks Good and Well organized
Contribution distribution. distribution. distribution. balance and excellent tasks
Tasks tasks distribution.

Team Work 4 10 2 No interaction Lack of interaction Inadequate Good Excellent

between team between team interaction interaction interaction
members. members. between team between between team
members. team members.



Examined by : Signature :

Date :
KNR4532 Integrated Design Project I
Oral Presentation Evaluation (15%)
CO3:PO9 CO4:PO10

Group No. :
Semester : Programme :
Session :
Project Title :

Weight Score Criteria Score

Criteria CO PO w n=0 n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4

Appearance is not Appearance is not Appearance is Appearance Appearance is

Professional 3 9 2 suitable and suitable but tidy. appropriate. is smart professional and
Etiquette untidy. casual. suitable for
No movement or Very little movements Made Movements seem
descriptive movement or but not much movements fluid and help the
gestures descriptive gestures. or gestures audience visualize.
gestures. that enhance
Display eye articulation.
No eye contact Displayed minimal contact with Consistent Holds attention of
with audience, as eye contact with audience, but use of direct entire audience
entire report is audience, while still returns to eye contact with the use of
read from notes. reading mostly notes. with direct eye contact,
from the notes. audience, seldom looking at
and minimal notes.
references to
Presentation 3 9 2 The presentation The presentation The The The presentation
slides/material slides/material has slides/material has presentation presentation slides/material has
poor legibility and fair legibility, slides/material slides/materi excellent
visual quality. visual quality but has acceptable al has legibility, visual
lack creativity legibility, acceptable quality and
visual quality legibility, creativity
with minimal visual quality
creativity and good

Communication/P 3 9 2 The student is The student is able The student is The student The student is able
resentation skill unable to convey to convey the able to convey is able to to convey the
the message, message with the message convey the message
demonstrate no limited with message with convincingly and
confidence and confidence, weak acceptable acceptable effectively with
inaudible. voice and poor confidence, confidence, confidence, clear
interaction with good voice clear voice voice and
audience. and fair and good excellent
interaction interaction interaction with
with audience. with audience.
Organization of 3 9 2 The content The content The content The content The content
presentation included is not included is fairly included is included is included is very
content relevant, no relevant, poorly relevant, fairly relevant, relevant, clearly
structure and no structured and structured and acceptable structured and
sequencing/flow. poor satisfactory structure and organized in a
sequencing/flow. sequencing/flo organized in logical manner and
w. aappropriate excellent
manner and sequencing/flow.

Time management 3 9 2 The student has no The student is The student is The student The student is able
time management unable to present able to present is able to to present within
for the within the within the present the specified time
presentation. specified time. specified time within the with excellent time
with poor time specified allocation for each
allocation for time with section
each section satisfactory
allocation for
each section

Team 4 10 3 No tasks Unclear tasks Minimal tasks Good and Well organized
Contribution distribution. distribution. distribution. balance tasks and excellent tasks
Tasks distribution. distribution.

Team Work 4 10 2 No interaction Lack of interaction Inadequate Good Excellent

between team between team interaction interaction interaction
members. members. between team between between team
members. team members.



Examined by : Signature :

Date :
KNK4512/ KNT4512/ KNR4532 Integrated Design Project I
Activities Assessment (15%)
CO1 PO3 and CO2 PO12

Student Name :
Semester : Programme :
Session :
Project Title :

Instruction: Please rate according to the marking criteria below. Fill in column “MARKS’ for each criteria with 0/1/2/3/4 (Marks in decimal
point is not allowed).

Weight Score Criteria Score

Criteria CO PO w

n=0 n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4

Development 1 3 5 No discussion is Minimal discussion Satisfactory Good discussion Excellent discussion

of Solution made to identify on identifying the discussion in in identifying the in identifying the
significance and significance and identifying the significance and significance and
nature of nature of problems significance and nature of nature of
problems(e.g (e.g technical nature of problems (e.g problems(e.g
technical specifications, problems(e.g technical technical
specifications, limitations, technical specifications, specifications,
limitations, constraints, specifications, limitations, limitations,
constraints, significance and limitations, constraints, constraints,
significance and prospects in electrical constraints, significance and significance and
prospects in and/or electronic significance and prospects in prospects in
electrical and/or engineering) prospects in electrical and/or electrical and/or
electronic electrical and/or electronic electronic
engineering) electronic engineering) engineering)

Design and/or 1 3 5 No conceptual Lack of conceptual Good Clear conceptual Excellent

Simulation design presented. design presented. conceptual design presented. conceptual design
(electrical and/or (electrical and/or design (electrical and/or presented.
electronic electronic presented. electronic (electrical and/or
engineering, engineering, (electrical engineering, electronic
explanation explanation design and/or explanation engineering,
design and or and or simulation and electronic design and or explanation design
simulation and highlight merits engineering, simulation and and or simulation
highlight merits proposed design) explanation highlight merits and highlight merits
proposed design) design and or proposed design) proposed design)
simulation and
highlight merits
design)d design

2 12 2 Cost analysis was

Cost analysis was
Financial and Cost analysis presented in a
Cost analysis was presented in a clear
Costing No cost analysis was presented clear and logical
presented with major and logical manner
Aspects provided with some manner with
inaccuracies with no apparent
inaccuracies minor
Project Project
2 12 3 organization organization and Project organization
Project organization
and activities of activities of the and activities of the
and activities of the
No project the engineering engineering engineering
Project engineering problem
organization and problem were problem were problem were
Management were poorly
no work flow fairly identified satisfactory clearly identified
identified and work
provided and work flow identified and and work flow is
flow is not parallel
is satisfactory work flow is good excellent with
with overall progress
with overall with overall overall progress
progress progress


 n
 w  4 


Examined : Signature :

Date :
KNR3792 Integrated Design Project I Peer evaluation (5%)

Student Name :

Matric No. : Programme: :

Group :

Project Title :

Instruction: Please rate your team member according to the marking criteria below. Fill in column “MARKS’ for each criterion with
0/1/2/3/4 (Marks in decimal point is not allowed).
Marking description

Criteria/Level CO PO n=0 n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4 Weightage(w)

Absent from team meetings or Absent from team meetings or Absent occasionally, lightly Absent occasionally, Routinely present at team
Attendance work sessions. work sessions more than 50% of inconvenience to the group. however not meetings or work sessions.
2 10 5
the time. inconvenience to the
Refuse to participate in the Contributes more than 25% Contributes more than 50% Contributes more than Contributes more than 90%
group and in classroom share to the project workload. share to the project 75% share to the project share to the project workload.
Contribution 2 10 discussion. Contributes less workload. workload 5
than 25% share to the project
Routinely fails to prepare for Occasionally prepares Prepared something for Prepared for the group Excel in preparation for the
meetings. something for group meeting group meetings, but ideas meeting with clearly group meeting with concise and
Preparation formulated ideas.
2 10 but ideas are not clearly are not clearly formulated. formulated ideas. 5

Rarely listens to, shares with, Claims work of group as own or Makes subtle references to Shares credit for success Shares credit for success with
and supports the efforts of frequently blame others. other's poor performance or with others and does not others and shares
Credit Sharing others. Often is not a good sometimes does not identify accountable for team accountability for team results. 5
2 10
team player. contributions of other team results.
Do not share information or Does work on his/her own; does Sometimes hold information Shares information with Shares information with others
resources: impatient when not value team work. and not willing to share others but does not and provides valuable
2 10 others are slow to learn; hinder them with other team provides assistant to assistance to others. 5
group process; tend to members. others.
dominate the group.

Lack appropriate respect, Openly critical of the Sometimes criticizes ideas of Does not seek conflict Remains nonjudgmental when
compassion and empathy for performance of others. other team members or resolution or does not disagreeing with others/seeks
Demeanor 2 10 others. blames others for errors blame others for errors. conflict resolution; does not 5
"point fingers" or blame others
when things go wrong.

Evaluation of Team Work Assessment Form Score

No Student Name Matrix Scale (0 – 4)
Attending Contribution Preparation Credit Sharing Information Sharing Demeanor

W=5 W=5 W=5 W=5 W=5 W=5





KNR4543 Integrated Design Project II Final Project Report
Evaluation (50%)

Group No. :

Semester : Programme :

Session :
Project Title :

Weigh Student performance/ Achievement

CO PO Score

(% of
Criteria n=0 n =1 n=2 n =3 n=4 Weight
x n/4

1. PO4:
Problem, aim and Problem not Problem was Problem was Problem was
objectives were not clearly identified/ identified and identified and clearly
identified and inaccurate and addressed in a addressed in a addressed, aim
presented in poor explanation is satisfactory good manner, and objectives
complex too brief, aim manner, aim aim and were clearly
engineering and objectives and objectives objectives stated and
problem were vague and were stated and were stated strongly
Project not addressing presented and presented presented
Significance 1 4 10 forefront in- forefront in- forefront in- forefront in-
depth complex depth complex depth complex depth
engineering engineering engineering
problem problem in a problem in a Complex
satisfactory good manner engineering
manner problem in an

Some project Project

Project Project
approaches/ approaches/
No project approaches/ approaches/
methods/ methods/
approaches/ methods/ methods/
Project design parameters were parameters
Or approach 1 4 10 methods/ parameters parameters
not outlined were
parameters were were fairly were clearly
and/or without satisfactorily
provided outlined and outlined and
any justifications outlined and
justified justified
provided justified

No discussion is Discussion Discussion shows Discussion Discussion

made shows lack reasonable shows good shows
understanding of understanding of understanding excellent
results, and not results, and of results, and understanding
supported by partially sufficiently of results, and
Discussion/ relevant literature supported by supported by supported by
justification 1 4 10 relevant literature relevant relevant
literature literature
No conclusion is Conclusions did Conclusions are Conclusions Conclusions
made not meet the fairly explained, are are explained
specified aim and meet some of the satisfactorily clearly, meet
objectives of the specified aim and explained, the specified
project and/or did objectives and meet some of aim and
not provide suggested the specified objectives and
appropriate sufficient aim and suggested
Conclusion and
recommendatio recommendations recommendations objectives and appropriate
1 4 5
n for future work for future work suggested recommendati
sufficient ons for future
recommendati work
ons for future

2. PO6: Society, Health, Safety and Cultural Issues

 Made
t of the
work and
ideas of
 Codes of
Excellent in
reference Takes into
s, Realizes that Some constraint account
formulas there are society, are not taken society,
No indication of and/scientific
used are safety, health into account in safety, health
society, safety, principle by
clearly 3 6 5 and other design and other
health and other taking into
identifie constraints, but components, constraints to
constraints. account safety,
d lack process, or generate
health and
 Regulato consideration. system. realistic
ry designs.
related issues.
control –
JKR, etc.
are taken
 Conduct
ations in
3. PO11: Lifelong Learning
Future Trends Poor ability to Has fair ability Good ability Excellent
 Critically think, learn from to think, learn to think, learn ability to
Has no ability to
judge the mistakes and has from mistakes, from mistakes, think, learn
4 11 3 think and learn from
project in not indication of and apply new and apply new from mistakes
view of applying new cocepts and concepts. Has and apply new
future concepts. apply new demonstrated concepts. Well
trends concepts. ability for life- planned and
and long learning. demonstrated
improve ability for life-
ments. long learning.

Reflection No reviews of prior Reviews prior Reviews prior Reviews prior Reviews prior
learning. learning at learning with learning in learning in
surface level, some depth, depth to reveal depth to reveal
without clarified revealing fully clarified significantly
meaning on a slightly clarified meanings or changed
broader meaning on a indicating perspectives
4 11 2 perspectives broader broader about
about perspectives perspectives educational
educational and about about and life
life experiences. educational and educational experiences.
life experiences. and life

4. PO7: Environment and Sustainability

Very good
Poor knowledge knowledge on
knowledge on
on international international
international Has excellent
standards that standards that
standards that knowledge of
can alleviate the can alleviate
can alleviate the international
Understanding adverse impact the adverse
adverse impact standards that
of impact of of engineering impact of
Has no knowledge of engineering can alleviate
Engineering solutions in engineering
on internation solutions in the adverse
solutions in 5 7 5 global and solutions in
standards that global and impact of
global and societal context. global and
require societal context. engineering
societal Lack of societal
Lack of solution in
context. understanding context.
understanding global and
the need for a Understand
the need for a societal
strategy for the need for a
strategy for context.
barmonizing strategy for
standards. barmonizing



Examined by : Signature :

KNR4543Integrated Design Project II Oral Presentation
Evaluation (30%)

Group No. :
Semester : Programme :
Session :
Project Title :

Score Criteria Score

Criteria CO PO
w n=0 n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4

Project outcome There was no Outcomes Outcomes are Outcomes are Outcomes are
1 4 5
outcome produced were produced in produced in good produced in
not meeting the satisfactory quality and excellent quality
project’s manner and meeting the and meeting the
objectives meeting some of project’s project’s
the project’s objectives, objectives,
objectives, supported with supported with
supported with convincing data/ convincing data/
data/ product product product

No data analysis Trends and data Some important All important All important
Data Analysis 1 4 5
included have not been trends and data trends and data trends and data
interpreted have been have been have been
using any interpreted using interpreted interpreted
appropriate appropriate using using
technique technique(s) appropriate appropriate
technique(s) technique(s)
(e.g: statistical
analysis) but lack (e.g: statistical (e.g: statistical
in organization analysis) but analysis) and
lack in organized in a
organization. clear and logical

No validation of Results are Some of the Most results are All results are
Validity of data 1 4 5
result inconsistent results are consistent with consistent with
with the consistent with the relevant the relevant
relevant theory the relevant theory for theory for
for experimental theory for experimental/si experimental/si
/simulation/ experimental/sim mulation/ mulation/
modelling study ulation/ modelling modelling study modelling study
or validated by study or validated or validated by or validated by
insufficient by experimental/ experimental/si experimental/si
experimental/ mulation/ mulation/
simulation/ modelling data modelling data
simulation/ modelling data for for for
modelling data mathematical mathematical mathematical
for study study study

Issues related to 3 6 5 No technical Lack of technical Satisfactory Good technical Excellent technical
society, health, discussion of discussion on technical discussion on discussion on
safety and cultural engineering engineering discussion on engineering engineering
and subsequence problem in problem in relation engineering problem in relation problem with
responsibilities relation to health, to health, safety problem in relation to health, safety relevant indication
relevant to safety and cultural and cultural to health, safety and cultural of related issues
Electronic and/or practices. practices. and cultural practices. on health, safety
Electrical practices. and cultural
Engineering. practices.
Initiative 4 11 3 Works not Completes Completes Completes Completes
completed as required work. required work and required work, required work,
required. identifies identifies and generates and
opportunities to pursues pursues
expand opportunities to opportunities to
knowledge, skills expand expand
and knowledge, skills knowledge, skills
and abilities. and abilities.

Reflection 4 11 2 No reviews of Reviews prior Reviews prior Reviews prior Reviews prior
prior learning. learning at surface learning with some learning in depth learning in depth
level, without depth, revealing to reveal fully to reveal
clarified meaning slightly clarified clarified meanings significantly
on a broader meaning on a or indicating changed
perspectives about broader broader perspectives about
educational and perspectives about perspectives about educational and
life experiences. educational and educational and life experiences.
life experiences. life experiences.

Presentation 6 9 3 The presentation The presentation The presentation The presentation The presentation
slides/material slides/material slides/material has slides/material has slides/material has slides/material
has poor legibility fair legibility, acceptable acceptable has excellent
and visual quality. visual quality but legibility, visual legibility, visual legibility, visual
lack creativity quality with quality and good quality and
minimal creativity creativity creativity

Communication/Pre 6 9 2 The student is The student is The student is The student is able The student is
sentation skill unable to convey able to convey the able to convey the to convey the able to convey the
the message, message with message with message with message
demonstrate no limited acceptable acceptable convincingly and
confidence and confidence, weak confidence, good confidence, clear effectively with
inaudible. voice and poor voice and fair voice and good confidence, clear
interaction with interaction with interaction with voice and
audience. audience. audience. excellent
interaction with



Examined by : Signature

Date :
KNR4543 Integrated Design Project II Activities Assessment
CO1:PO4 CO4:PO11

Group No. :
Semester : Programme :
Session :
Project Title :
Instruction: Please rate your student according to the marking criteria below. Fill in column “MARKS’ for each
criteria with 0/1/2/3/4 (Marks in decimal point is not allowed).

Weight Score Criteria Score

Criteria CO PO w n=0 n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4

based 1 4 3
Zero based knowledge on
working Lack knowledge on Clear knowledge Clear knowledge on
knowledge on project with
hypothesis , project and minimal on project working project working
project. reasonable
applied and working progress. progress. progress.
test working

methods: Project method Project method Excellent project
1 4 3 No project
(Project flow) Poor project method identified but identified with method identified
implementation. lack of good and excellent
implementation implementation implementation

Synthesis of 1 4 4
No conclusion is Conclusions did not Conclusions are Conclusions are Conclusions are
made. meet the specified aim fairly explained, satisfactorily explained clearly,
and objectives of the meet some of the explained, meet meet the specified
( Systhesis project and/or did not specified aim and some of the aim and objectives
data to reach provide appropriate objectives and specified aim and and suggested
conclusion; recommendations for suggested objectives and appropriate
assess validity future work sufficient suggested recommendations
within recommendations sufficient for future work
limitation of for future work recommendations
data and for future work

Curiosity 4 11 2 No indication of Explores project at a Explores Explores a project Explores project in

exploring the surface level, project with in depth, yielding depth, yielding a
project and not providing little some evidence insight and/or rich awareness and
providing insight and of depth, information information
information information beyond providing indicating interest indicating intense
beyond the very the very basic facts occasional in the subject. interest in the
basic facts indicating low insight subject
indicating no interest in the information
interest in the subject. indicating mild
subject. interest in the
Initiative 4 11 3 Works not Completes required Completes Completes Completes required
completed as work. required work required work, work, generates and
required. and identifies identifies and pursues
opportunities to pursues opportunities to
expand opportunities to expand knowledge,
knowledge, expand skills and abilities.
skills and knowledge, skills
and abilities.



Examined : Signature :

Date :
KNR4543 Integrated Design Project II Peer evaluation (5%)

Student Name :

Matric No. : Programme: :

Group :

Project Title :

Instruction: Please rate your team member according to the marking criteria below. Fill in column “MARKS’ for each criterion with
0/1/2/3/4 (Marks in decimal point is not allowed).
Marking description

Criteria/Level CO PO n=0 n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4 Weightage(w)

Absent from team meetings or Absent from team meetings or Absent occasionally, lightly Absent occasionally, Routinely present at team
Attendance work sessions. work sessions more than 50% of inconvenience to the group. however not meetings or work sessions.
2 10 5
the time. inconvenience to the
Refuse to participate in the Contributes more than 25% Contributes more than 50% Contributes more than Contributes more than 90%
group and in classroom share to the project workload. share to the project 75% share to the project share to the project workload.
Contribution 2 10 discussion. Contributes less workload. workload 5
than 25% share to the project
Routinely fails to prepare for Occasionally prepares Prepared something for Prepared for the group Excel in preparation for the
meetings. something for group meeting group meetings, but ideas meeting with clearly group meeting with concise and
Preparation formulated ideas.
2 10 but ideas are not clearly are not clearly formulated. formulated ideas. 5

Rarely listens to, shares with, Claims work of group as own or Makes subtle references to Shares credit for success Shares credit for success with
and supports the efforts of frequently blame others. other's poor performance or with others and does not others and shares
Credit Sharing others. Often is not a good sometimes does not identify accountable for team accountability for team results. 5
2 10
team player. contributions of other team results.
Do not share information or Does work on his/her own; does Sometimes hold information Shares information with Shares information with others
resources: impatient when not value team work. and not willing to share others but does not and provides valuable
2 10 others are slow to learn; hinder them with other team provides assistant to assistance to others. 5
group process; tend to members. others.
dominate the group.
Lack appropriate respect, Openly critical of the Sometimes criticizes ideas of Does not seek conflict Remains nonjudgmental when
compassion and empathy for performance of others. other team members or resolution or does not disagreeing with others/seeks
Demeanor 2 10 others. blames others for errors blame others for errors. conflict resolution; does not 5
"point fingers" or blame others
when things go wrong.

Evaluation of Team Work Assessment Form Score

No Student Name Matrix Scale (0 – 4)
Attending Contribution Preparation Credit Sharing Information Sharing Demeanor

W=5 W=5 W=5 W=5 W=5 W=5






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