Gale Daily Routine

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This is Gale’s daily routine

I’m Gale Williams, I’m an English teacher

and I have a big family, so I have a very
busy daily routine!
I get up at six o’clock in the morning
every day. Before I have breakfast, I take
a shower and shave. After that, I prepare
kids for school.

I have three kids. Their names are

Mathew, John, and Suzie. My wife
cooks breakfast while I am helping them
to get dressed. When we are all sitting
on the table, we have breakfast together
and then we leave for school on my car.

When I arrive to school, I prepare my

lessons and then teach until it’s afternoon.
The other teachers and I always eat lunch
and talk together in the teachers’ room, so
we have a great relationship. On Fridays,
we usually eat at a restaurant close to
school and have some fun before going

After I get back home, my wife and I help our kids with their homework. Then, I
do some exercise, eat dinner with my family and watch TV before I go to bed at
about ten o’clock. We love to watch travel shows. Finally, I read in bed for a few
minutes before I fall asleep.
Busy: Very occupied, with many things to do.
Arrive: To get to a place from another location.
Close: Something or someone at a very little distance to another thing or person.
Travel shows: TV programs about going to other places, countries, cities, etc.

After reading activities

1. Read the sentences and tick True or False.

True False
Gale is an English teacher.
He usually gets up at 7:00 in the morning.
He takes a shower, then he has breakfast.
While his wife cooks, he gets kids dressed for school.
He has lunch with other teachers only on Fridays.
He teaches until the evening.
He exercises after watching TV.

2. Select the correct answer in each case.

When Gale arrives to school, he __________.
a) revises lessons and teaches until afternoon.
b) prepares lessons and teaches until afternoon.
c) prepares lessons and checks student’s homework.

On Fridays, Gale usually _________________.

a) has lunch with other teachers at a restaurant.
b) has dinner with friends and have fun before going home.
c) has lunch with his family and watch travel shows together.

After he gets back home, he ________________.

a) exercises then helps kids with their homework, has dinner and falls asleep.
b) helps kids with their homework, exercises, has dinner, and falls asleep after reading.
c) helps kids with their homework, exercises, has dinner, and falls asleep before reading.

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