Irrigation Rates

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il>'t-'<io-193(11) '<~ti:•l'I ~-~ol(<{olf'lo/~o­

~o/lffoQlo-91 /2011-13

«m;'!l"ff <;. tira: t-~ <t>"l'lti 'l<'I ~

~~14' 4R~1ise
'llfTf-4, ~ («)
' {<!RPt<m ~)

<'1&"1\1i, ~Erm. 3 ~d41'<, 2014

~ 12. 1936 :tr<6 "ttl<fq

~ J:I"""~ 'fl'< Cfi I'<

~ ~ ;;m 'fiflltH 3fj"WT-4

'!R;!ll 1763114-27·~ 4-2 ~-92 t\~o


QQ3lT0-175 .
• '!1~1'1'1 ~;s 3llUP-t!l11 1897 (311tif.'t u•t <lo 10, 'R"\ 1897) C!l'I lfRT 21 ~ 'fll'el ~ iffiR m
'1 31'1"1'1 ~ <f; ~11.f-u il ~r ~ '\ffiR'I ~ ~ ~ ;;IB f.'t<l,-m &iUf.;u-q. 1873 (a.~
~ 8 <F{ 1873) ~ URI 75 ~ ~ "~ lfil l1tlTrr ~. 3fi< \!C<R ~ ~ ~"'1*111 m
~ ~) f.'1<1'114<.'fl. 1995 <! ~ m<t>lfl JtRl"I""' liwr 2874 /9s--21-ftlo-.+-2-~-92. ~
18 ~. 1995 lfil ~ <1>T<i'i ~ f.'t•·l~~t1 f.l<Hi&R\ <r-ffil ~I ­

\mR m ~ ~ ('<1\il<B'l <I m ~> Pt<1111q~. 201 4

1- (1) lfil P-t!l ' ITTrt-fl "'<'!" m. ~ q~ <•"•<ffl11 ~ ll"Trt'fl)
• fllll'li<l~. 2014 <litl 'Glnf11'1 I

(2) l$ ~ 1°l ~4ilf11d ~ ~ ~ lf ~ rift I

(3) ~ ~ f.111'11&<'1'1 li; flRl"l ~ ~ ~ "' ~ <l'fl ~ qftunil
(ft!~ 3Rf'i<f ~ 1421 q,<ron <rit ~ ~ ~ '!lf'bi~<t t) ~ ~ lf ffi"I­
t:f•fl 01) ~T"ll m<1>r~ i;m ~ vtR ~ m;;;.n lll 3f:Jl!R m;11 m'l5'R m ~
~<) \>ll i.iil I •

2-(~)-m !filrt :-~ f.'t4q1o~i q\) ~ ~- <;), <l'R anx 'CITT ~ mmn *
-mnT-2 'I aif<l>tl <mroil 'If; <'l'<r-'1 ij ~ ci\ "@'f-1 ij 'd1'R>iff;J<1 '3m ~ ij ' '"i<J\14
"'fl" ~ *
~ru ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M vrr "" ~ <1; mr-R 3lJ'r'<!l ~
~-s ~ 6 if ~ ~ '4T ~ ~ *
~ "~;iRitct ~I
(G1}-~ '<""I "W< :- ;;<r fl~ q\') ~ ti~<i 31\x 11· Tf ~ <f; "W'l-2
ij aiflR. ~ q); ~ ij 31J'~ $ ~-1 ij ~ mffi ~~ ij ~ ~
.wi:r ~ ~ q); ~ ~ 1lfuzn:r ~ ~ q1ft M w ""' tlRm <) W'Fl 3f'.N-tll 15
~-5 'UT 6 ij~ ~>:rrmoi· fu~ $~~~ I

3-~ m Rrer~ 1lfuzn:r (x1w5lu <ril< l1"1l'OI\) f.'111q11n<!'1. 1994 1l'il ~

~ ~. \NllO ~ ~- f21il~1lti4ili!, <mmlt ~'UT q;'r;f <l>i4<11._\'I ~
~fi) 'll"<ffil "CR ~ !fl:mf m F<Rl. ~<l<i& l'<I fi1"Gfii&\'i ~ 'ffim ~ I
1- '3Cffi ~ >t mn-<1>"1<1 ~ ~ ~ !W<mf 1lfuzn:r ~ .m -11 f.'t<Jq10<#1 <ff
~-3 ti\' il-:!'ffi'. Vfil '\'i<P ~ ~ "' f;>:rr ~. ~ q1!f 10 mmm ~ q\')
;:;rFlPft I

<rd'IT"f rl ~ vf<r '!<li)fm-r rl

"flR lfOTrofi <61 q;m\Tf <6 rn<R)
"'ff"! (~ qf<l rn~J
~~ ~ fu'<ln{ <lhl° m<'I
~ ftt<rrt
1 2 3 4 5 6
1-\WR) 7fTn m­ 1- '>1""11 474.00 237.00 1576.00 788.00

2-~ 7J'ln~ 2-\Wf 287.00 143.00 956.00 478.00

3-~ «:flT '1!!' 3 <1'< 4i IR<II. <lT'1" 287.00 143.00 956.00 478.00
(!lftl 'llm'I)
~. tITmr
4- >ml riin ~ 4-~· 356.00 178.00 1185.00 593.00

5-~ 7fTn ~ 5-~ 306.00 - 153.00 1017.00 509.00

6-3!f'rn "im s-"1t vii 31\x >Tit 287.00 143.00 956.00 478.00
'llT vii~~

7-~ll'<Gl ~ 7- q;q'ffi 114.00 57.00 . 378.00 {89.00

8-W-fGI ~ 8-"il'R ~ ~ 99.00 49.00 330.00 165.00


9-~ "Im' 9-"S~ ~ 69.00 35.00 230.00 115.00

10-'fmj. ~ 1 0-~ ~ 3FI 212.00 106.00 705.00 353.00

1 1-~q; 151 3FI 173.00. 86.00 576.00 288.00
12­ >mr - - 956.00 478.00

307_RPl·L1-014 Sincha1_l)uu1 2 Sincha1 Folder


ar1'l:'fi-<;l (~ m)
(r.t•l'l- 2 ~!tr'()
~=~ llf<r ~ i;rftl 'ITTffi

lf<flJR ~ ~ft1a ~~-

~ -irornfl ~ :rJll q;m;fl. ~ "'IN (~ vftr~) (~ 11 RI thtt1R)

~ <:ffi ara 6IO!

~ ~ ~ ffl'lll~

1 2 3 • 4 5 6

1 w; Tj'qJ ·~ 1-lf-11 474.00 237.00 1576.00 788.00

2-'l<Qhlflii'i<; ~ 2-tlR 173.00 86.00 576.00 288.00

3-~m 3-ffi1!;!~. <!l'T 173.00 86.00 576.00 288.0J

(llffl '!'raOI) ~-

4-lfl<ft -:rt:~ (o!~<lg~> 4 '3!T<i, 356.00 178.00 1185.00 593.00

5 <tcM 'ft<'! 5 tt«1r<11.. 212.00 106.00 705.00 353.00

s- '3'fl\<>1 -.m '1~~ 6 1)~ "n ~ rr~ <II 173.00 86.00 576.00 288.00
vi't ~ ~ <fmOl
1 ·n~.;1 ~i'<l ·r~~ 7- tITT!m 59.00 30.00 197.00 99.00

8-~ '1lR (3~~1 ii'ltr) 6-"11~ -!11'1 qRj('I 40.00 20.00 133.00 67.00

9--$i ~ (7f;1f<'I U'A) 9-wfl mi; 30.00 15.00 99.00 50.00

10-~~ 1o- <oi\ ll\\ 3Rl ~ 114.00

57.00 378.00 189.00

11-•~m 11-~ 1llt 3Rl 99.00 49.00 330.00 165.00


12-~ m (;;wr-il w. 12~ - - 576.00 288.00

allllttg'<) .
13 <11-ilJ'tn 'fl'~

14 Uf\l~I ·It<~

15 ~fM\ 'ft<'! I•

16· <STV61 •rt<{ .

17-~ 'm

1a-~ftm m

19 'tf''T<lr·T lr~ (IJTu..,1) .

20 ~<"<'!:<llOll ~ ~~)

21 · "1 ~ro1~~ ctrof (<~~<!~~)

22 :! U{f okT (<~<1g~}

307_RPH 1014 Sinc.h11I l)lia 2 Sinch1ti Foidcr

4 ~ ~ 3R'll'11<•1 'l\i!C, 3 ~. 2014

~-ilB (~ -w~')
(>l-2 t~)
~:~ 11ftl ffl1R lJfil ~
<r<Pu1 ~- 'J'ftl ~re <rt'
•TI;{ y u11cfi <l>I ·lfll q,mfi' ~ "'f(l! (~ "llftr tmR) (~!rRl tr<ltm)
~ ~ ~ ..<m
~-ml fu<m' ffl'il!l ~
1 . 2 3 4 5 6
1-t.r~ •It!{ 1· l'f··ll 237.00 119.00 789.00 395.00
2-~ 'It!~ (lt!I<'! if>hfl 2-UA 128.00 64.00 426.00 213.00
....~•. mn 3M 1JTA m) .
3-3Tficl'I -i;:<1> <IH ii 3-lWlil~<ii. CIT'T 128.00 64.00 426.00 213.00
\lfi:<olftm ~ <Ii) U)-$<ll~ (!lfll 'lffi<'I)
+itiif&O~ ·It<~ ~. 'lffin
4 <'1~<13~ .,,,~ (<~~~) 4-;iJrtj_ 237.00 119.00
5-m'!A >f't"~ 5· <f"<lllli. 114.00 57.00
. 395.00
6 ~;;i 3h •rc....-ra; m 6-~ vii 3h ~ 128.00 64.00 426.00 223.00 •
7-<r<!!R ~"" 7-<litlffi 40.00 20.00 133.00 67.00
s-31V_fr ~ 8-trR <tlt 'l?fIB 30.00 15.00 99.00 50.00
9-~~ '1111: 30.00 15.00 99.00 50.00
10- '(1· fl~~ · It•{ (<l<RN ~iu) 1o- '<cfi <tlt 3R'.! 69.00 35.00 230.00 115.00
llRI ~
11 ci: -1 ·I~{ (W·I <t~
1 1-~ <!ft 3R'.! 69.00 35.00 230.00 115.0JJ
12 ~31),> ·ltl{ 12­ l)'m - - 426.00 223.00
13 'l«ll 1t• ~ .
14 <I> 'f<'I ~~I 31,< f<'.tu;,;
'rn \tr-<:Tll<'I iflU) .
15 tMI ~
11 -tiif-·u'fn. mm '~
19 qu~ 'It!~
20-ifrrnift ~
21 ~lJl'(lclf<'I ·I!;~
22-fmlml ~
23~ ~. <:). !IA.
\lR<-IRl<1 ~ im ~ .
wim 3T"ll m. ~~
·~ti!. "f{'fnfQl cl~ ah
~oil <) r.rr.fl flt<'!iTI ~ I
24-~ .nl\ {'<11<1•1'1ft)
25 >i'r<n1 •lUl (<i1<1•r<ll)
26 lfWrCIT iil<~lml (~)
21 "1•r-R ~ui (3111r<1)
28- ~ VITTm1l
30 <Nf~~ v i <'1"11'.I
31 - tf'llll c~<.-11 l.lf{'ll~I Q ..

'07 Kl'll 2014 Sinch111 l);,u12 Sine:h:u Folder

1 2 3 4 5 6
32 •
33 ~~
\ilt'lnl'IJ ,. . ., ) .
34-"1<:<11 ufl'!mu ..
35-~ ll'fui VRmTIJ .
36 <life! ~<'lnru
37-~ VTffiWI
.. .
38-~ Uf<'IM'll
.. .
39-~.~~ "
40 ~ <;'\<'r41 <>iffiml ..
~ ~ l:RI ~ 'fl} .
~ f.l'lto! iffl'li)
41-'ffilR V1<'11>1tl i3'1l (iffi\l)
~f«IG'<fi UK'ITTTll . .
42-~ V1'"1'ml
43-<fmlr urmmr "
44- 'l"fR.fl 'Mlftl ti
45-"Rim 'ilO!l ~
46-<ITT!T ;;ro!mll
- .
47-4mll >fiol "'°'' ~Ill ~ "

iffit 'ffilR iMl'lllll
48­ •ffi't .;r<'ITTltl ..
49 'ITTli Vl<mfll ..
se>-WR! ur<mrt1 .. .
51- 'llXftfl iJWlm1I
.. '
s2-~~ \if<'rmt1 (7i'tu<rr)
53-~ '1J('fJW!l "

54-~ \M!Tml "

55-~ Vf<'1mU (~)

56-~ <1l<'l m 1l"1IBI (•ik<!lf!)
57-~ CIR'! (3'Rfi)
58 ~ ~ <'11<'1 (011"ad:.f<) .
59-CIR CIR'! " .
so-m<n am "

61 '.(•<i) <•'.1• TifOI

62--3N_ft ftrfurr ~ " •
63-~ ffiOl "
64- % 0!•1!<1 'ITT1.'!
..~) .
65-f.'nmrr 'ITT1.'!
. " .
'lA'.f< ..
70-~ -W
11 -~ti'l"~r <:fr('f
72-~ Oil-!
73- >frlT:jj CllM
. " .
74-~ l!IB (01ft:id'.1<)
75- q'IR\ ffi<'l ..
76- VRfuJ Cll<'l
n-~ GTOI
78-~ Cll<'l
7~ af1:'I

1 2 3 4 5 6
so--... . . . .~ .... r CT'f'R . .., )
81 '~ mOI
e24>R'll 41!Fsmiil
.. .
es-ifl•11ao 11r.1 ..
es-14·M w ll 41 i!IB .. .
87- w1tofi OlOl
88-<ffia f.\fl'l:J'<I OlOl ..(~)
s~mrn Wit l'IT<I
.. .
90- '«rn or<'!
91-~ or<'!
92-~ or<'! . ..
.. .
95-'fllW ~
96-31WITT ~
97-~ <(zj\
.. ,.
98- tirn ~
100-'J'l'ffi'l ~
101->i•<:<lll<I ~ "i0-1
102 J106dl'tl tr-tn ~«r-2
104­ <R<ITTT <r-tl) .. . .
105-1~ ~
106~-~ij ~
.. •
~ il ~ 'Slr.if. <IR'l'I
~ "1iill>I <if lj;) ~ <!>!\
"1<11, ~ ;i(R ~ I
107- "ITTIT i!IBT "1<'1mll

"''!"'-en 'i1R ~ m)
{f.lll'l-2 ~)
<;X:~ IJftf ~ IJftf ~
~~ ~~ ;
~ qoffift ~ 'IT1I ~it~ ~ vfttt"~) (~vftt ~)

~ ~ ~ '6r.r
~ ~ ~ ~ ..
1 2 3 4 5 6
~~ ~ (;;Rt lTT<Gl 1-'F!T 99.00 49.00 330.00 165.00
~ "1iiln1ll'f l'I crr-t ~ .
llITT\1. ~ iirn ~ TfTR 2411'1 40 .00 20.00 133.00 67.00
~ lj;) ~ '11'!J' I m
~ <:\ ~ <ft'! ii ~ 3-d(il>l~<il. l1JTT 40.00 20.00 133.00 67.00
'"" ~ \lfR-1!&11 ,,,<'Im•••<. (ITf<t ~)
«1<1•1<1l. ~. >IM'I. ~- 'lffin
~~-~- ~om
<lro R;riil'f il ~ ~
~ 3R! ~ -
1 • 2 3 4 5 6

~ 99.00 49.00 330.00 165.00

5- lll"ITTI 35.00 17.00 118.00 59.00

0- <ITT 1111 ~ 35.00 17.00 118.00 59.00

7-tl~ WI: 35.00 17.00 118.00 59.00

s-"1\ 1111 3RI 40.00 20.00 133.00 67.00


9-~ 1111 40.00 20.00 133.00 67.00
3RI """"'
10- lillT 133.00 67.00

11~ 133.00 67.00

12-~ 133.00 67.00

. (~2~)
~:Vi"Pl vftr ~ !lftt ~
<nfi:!A' "G{" 'fl'Mlo <rt"
~ !Ml.ft 1fiT (~ !lftt ~) (~ vftrt.~)
tITTraY <t "f!1f
~ <:"ra ~ ti1<'I
~ ~ fti'<lr~ ·~
1 2 3 4 5 6
'R'fl \fill 'Tu~ IVA 1- 1T"'ll 474.00 237.00 3155.00 1578.00
Q"{ .~ . qTq 'Tl!
<R Tfil i I

2-llA 287.00 143.00 1910.00 955.00

3-~. lWT (l<fil 287.00 143.00 1916.00 955.00

'l><IB) ~. qffi,j .
178.00 2369.00 1185.00
~ 306.00 153.00 2036.00 1018.00
s-"t ;:;fr an. ~ 1ff ;:;fr 287.00 143.00 1910.00 es:;.oo

7~ . 114.00 57.00 759.00 380.00

s-'l!IR <!\'I ~ 99.00 49.00 658.00 329.00

9-~~ 69.00 35.00 459.00 230.00

1o-..n 1111 3RI ~ 212.00 106.00 1411.00 706.00

11 -~$\ 3RI~ 173.00 86.00 1051.00 526.00

12->lul - - 1910.00 955.00.

307 RPH._2014 Sinch:1i Oata 2 Slnctrnl iv.dcr


" " 1 1"1 ~ l, · u~·

:i~ ifi"l
'fifort ~ '11'f Ro;tnl ITftl t~} (~ \Tf{i· ~)
'lT'I 'ffi<;
~ <>TOI <:ra
~ ~ !Witl~ ~
1 2 3 4 5 6
'fl>l) qiq ~ Rn.I 1-1F!T 237.00 119.00 1576.00 788.00
~ 1J1) i
• 2-UFI 128.00 64.00 851.00 426.00
:i-<mm~l .;rr (lifa 128.00 64.00 851.00 426.00
<rn<'I) tmim. qffijj
4 3fl<j. 237.00 119.00 1576.00 788.00

5-~ 114.00 57.00 759.00 380.00

6-iTi!, vl't aITT *ii 'l.11 vl't 128.00 64.00 851.00 426.00
'fl f'r~<l ~ .
• 7-lfitlffi 40.00 20,0Q 266.00 133.00

a .m *' QRIB 30.00 15.00 199.00 100.00

9-'e'-!l ~I ~ 30.00 15.00 199.00 100.00

H>-'1l\ ~ :!HI q,~ 69.00 ' 35.00 459.00 230.00

1 1 -~ ?11'1 3RI q;m;) 459.00 230.00
. 69.00 35.00

. 12-i\QIT -. - 851.00 426.00

Govcmor is ple<1>Cd 10 order the publication of lhe following English 1!'8nsla1ion of
no1ilica1ion no. 1763/XlV-27·1.42Ra1eJ92 T.C .. dated September 3. 2014:
No. 1763/XJV-27-L-4-2Rate/92 T.C
Dated luckllQw. SeptemiNr 3. 2014
I'< exercise of the powers under section 75 of the Northern India Canal and Drainage Act. 1873
(Act no. vm of the 1873) 3.\ amended in its application to Uuar Pradesh. read with section 21 of the
General Clauses Act. 1897 (Act no. 10 of .1897). and in supcnessioo of Government notification
no.2874/XCV-27-1-4-2 Ratc/92. dated September l&. 1995 regarding the Unar Pradesh Irrigation
Charges (State Canal System) Rules. 1995 the Governor is pleased to make the following Rules:
Shon utlc iand I . ( I) These rules may be called the Uuar Pradesh Irrigation Charges (State
Canal Sy>1em) Rules. 2014.
and applicitiOl'I
(2) They shall co'!'e into force with effect from the da1c of th.cir publica1ion in
the Catttte.
(3) They shall npply in relation 10 all irrigation charges (including charges for
the Khqrif 1421 fasli year). to be borne by the State Government in accordance wilh the
scheme to be made 1he State Government from rime lO l ime from the Commencemcm of
these rules. ·

101 RPH 201..l SnK:hou Dalli 2 Smch1u Folder

'3m JfQr 3IBIVROJ nm:.
1 3 ~. 2014 9

2. (i) Flow Irrigation- The rates for irrigaLion charges for lhe Stale Canal Rates of lrrig..lon
Sy.iem in U1tar Pradesh mentioned in column I of each of the Schedules L n. Ill and chargcs
JV to thc,e rule 111 respect of the crops noted under colwnn 2 shall be as mentioned
ng.ain.q Lha! crop in columns 5 and 6 thereof according as it is by now
irrigation or lifl irrigation.
(ii) Lifl Pump Canal-The rates for irrigation cMrges for !he State Canal R...csoflrrigallon

System in UKar l'r11desh mentioned in column I of each oflhe Schedules V and VJ to <barge>
these rule, in respect of the crops noted under column 2 shall be as mentioned
agains1 that crop in •-Olumns 5 and 6 thereof according as it is by now
irrigauon or lift irrigauon.

3.The Uuer Pradesh Irrigation Charges (State Canal System) Rules. 1994 R - and
are hereby superseded wilhoul prejudice Lo the validity of any righL s.....,
privilege. obligation. liability or action required. accrued. incurred or
taken thereunder.
I ·'Ille rate, for irrigation charges for lhc State Canal System in Uuar
Pradesh 'hall be increased @ IO percent each year as per clause (3) of
rule I unless ordered otherwise.

SCHEDUL~l (Gra~ity Canals)

(See Ruic 2)
Rate :Rupc<>s per heclttare/crops
Name or Canal Nnmc of Crops
System Existing Rate RcviS<.'CI Rate

Flow Lifl I'low I,.ift

lrrigatio1 Irrigatio
. Irrigation
2 3 4 5 6
I.Upper Ganga I. Sugarcane 474.00 237.00 1576.00 788.00

2.Lowcr Ganga 2. Puddy 287.00 143.00 956.00 478.00

3.Eastem 3. Vegctllble. Garden 287.00 143.00 956.00 478.00
Yamuna Canal (per fosal) waler
nucs and poppy.

4.Madhya 4.Pomo 356.00 178.00 I i85.00 593.00

Ganga Canal
5.Eastern Ganga 5. Tobacco 306.00 153.00 1017.00 509.00
6.Agra Canal 6.\Vhcac. barley and 287.00 143.00 956.00 478.00
crops mixed wilh
!Jarlcy or wheat
7.Sarda Canal 7. Cotton 114.00 57.00 378.00 189.00
8.Sarda Sahayak S. t-'odder crop 99.00 49.00 330.00 165.00

9.Gandak Canal 9. Green manure 69.00 35.00 230.00 115.00

I0.Saryu Can:~ I0. Olhcr Rabi 212.00 106.00 ·105.oo 353.00
11. Other Kharif 173.00 86.00 576.00 288.00
12. Mcntha . . 956.00
. 478.00


107_RPI l 2014 Sinch1u Otirn 2 Sinch1J Ft>ldcr

10 '3m ~-3!'l'li'11<"1 'l'Nre, 3 ~. 2014

SCHEDULE-II (Gravity Canals)

(Sec Ruic 2)
Rate :Rupees per hechtarclcrops

Name or Canal Name <>f Crops Existing Rate Revised Rate

• Flow Lift Flow Lift
lrrigation Irrigation _ Irrigation Irrigation
I 2 3 4· 5 6
I. R,amganga Caruil I. Sugarcane 474.00 237.()(} 1576.00 788.00
2.Ahalgarh Canal 2. Paddy 173.00 86.00 576.00 288.00
3.Tomaria Canal - 3.Vegetable. GardeQ 173.00 86.00 576.00 288.00
(per fasal) water
nuts and poppy.

4. Pilli 4. Potato
- 356.00 178.00 11 ~5.00 593.00
Canal(LalitpurJ .
5. Betwa Canal 5. TobaCC!> 212.00 106.00 705.00 353.00
6. Urmil Dam Canal 6. WheaL barley - 173.00 86.00 576.0() 288.00
and crops
mixed with barley
or wheat. -
7. Maudha Dam Canal 7. Cotton 59.00 30.()0 197.00 . 99.00 '
8. Batmiki Canal 8. Fodder crop 40.00 20.00 133.00 67.00
(Ohen Dam)
9. KenCanal (Paddy 9. Green manure 30.00 15.00 99.00 50.00

I0. Gursarai Canal I0. Other Rabi 114.00 57.00 378.00 189.00
I I. Bhander Canal 11 . Other Kharif 99.00 49.00 330.00 165.00
12. jamini Canal 12. Memha - . 576.oo 288.00
(Jamini Dam .
J3.Banganga Canal .
14.Ghagra Canal J

15.Rohini Canal .
16.Danda Canal .
17.Belan Canal
18.Gularia Canal . .
19. Ehagwanpur -
Sarovar (Gonda)
20. Kalluw¥a Bund.hi .
21. Jamalpur Tai
LalitP.Ur) . -
22. Buchera Tai

307_RPH_2:01d Si.nchai Oata 2 Sincbuj Folder

SCHEOULE-ffi (Gravity Canals)
(See Rule 2)
Rate : Rupees per hech"1re/cmps

E.nsting Rate Revi~e<I Rate

F1IO\\' Lift
lrrigation Irrigation Flow Lill Flow Lift
Irrigation Irrigation Irrigation -Irrigation
I 2 3 4 5 6
I. Bijinor Canal' I. Sugarcane 237.00 119.00 789.00 395.00
2. Rampur Canul; 2. Paddy 128.00 64.00 426.00 213.00
. (only Kosi
Behalla. Ghungha .
and Ganga­
nand Canal)
3. Rohilkhand Canal 3.Vcgctablc. 128.00 64.00 426.00 213.00
~xcepting tho..c Garden (per fasal)
cn.nals mentioned in water nuts and
schedule IV poppy.

',4. L.alitpur Canul 4. Potato 231.00 119.00 789.00 395.00

I (l.alitpur)
5. Oha.<an Canal S. Tobacco . 114.00 57.00 378.00 189.00
6. Pahuj and Garmuu 6.Wheat. barley 128.00 64.00 426.00 223.00
Canals and crops
mixed with barley
or wheat.
7. IJarwar Canul 7. Couon 40.00 20.00 133.00 67 .00
8. Arjun Canal 8. Fodder crop 30.00 15.0<l 99.00 50.00
9. Kabrai Canul 9. Green manure 30.00 15.00 99.00 50.00

I0. Ranipur Canal I0. Other Rabi 69.00 35.00 23000 115.00
• (Saprar Dam) crops

11. Ken Canal 11. Other Kbarif 69.00 35.00 230.00 115.00
(Excep Paddy) crops
12. Kcolari Canal 12. Mentha . . 426.00 223.00
13. Barwa Canal
14. Kamal Khcri and
Pindari Canal
(Chandta\\at Dam) .
15. Ghori Canal
16. Garai and Jirgo
Canal -. .
17. Karmnasa and
Ghaghar Canal
18. Nikoya Canal
19. Patharwa Canal
20. Begu~angi Can:il . . .
21. Sukhra Tai Canal
22.Siawari Canal
23.All other canals fed .
by ri•ers. tanks.
reservoirs :ind
lakes. except those
mentioned in
Schedules I. 11. lU
and IV .

107_RPH_2014 Stnch•l_1>1.1111. l S1nch1i 1?nldcr


I 2 3 4 5 6
24. Himaya Bundhi
(Varanasi) . . •
25. Dhoka Bundhi
26. Majhgawan

Reservoir CHamirpur)
. .
27. Jagner Bundhi
( A gr>)
28. BCC<lcr Reservoir
29. Damohan Rcseno1r
30. R•j khour Re<en'Oir .
. .
31. BnrW3t<>la Reservoir
32. Pipradih Rcocrvoir
33. Khatauh Reservoir . .
34. Madwa RescrV<>ir . ,. .
45. Scmri Margadha .

36. Ko1a Reservoir ..

• 37. Phulwur Reservoir . .
, 3~. lladwadih Reservoir
,, .

39. Sukhri Dudhi ..

H.escrvo1r •
40. L>ha11i Dolwa
(Zamindari work>
taken over by
Depanment) ,.

4 1. Sagnr Rc!oCrvoir I J

(Shevpa11 Sagar)
42. Sisw• Rescr.01r . . •

. .
43. Betwo Reservoir
. .
44. Majh>uli Reservoir .
45. Mekra Nala System "

46. Bnjhn Reservoir " .
47. Kosi jheel Reservoir "
(Moti sagar

48. Mali Reservoir "

107 ~P l r 2014 Sinchui Dal• 2 Sincha1 Folder

.... .. ,., ........ ' ,., .... .., ' " " ..,,, ....... .~

I 2 3 4 5 6
49. Masi Re~crvoir (Basli)
50. Semra Reservoir "
.. .
51. Marathi Reservoir
52. Kohargaddi (Gonda) .
. Reservoir
53. Basehwa Reservoir .
54. Gancshpur Reservoir .
55. Mo1ipur Reservoir (Bahraich)
56. Srinagar Tai Canal (Gorakhpur)

57. Sanwah• Tank (Jhansi) .

I ~

58. Melani Ludhiaru Tai (Lali1pur)
59. Bar Tai "
60. Dhawa Tai " .
61 . Gundornpur Tai "
62. Arj un Kheria Tai
, .
63. Samoghar Tai "

64. Pabalguon Tank (Jhansi)

. 65. Niao Tai

66. Sar Tai "
67. Nihuna Tai "
68. Barwapur Tai " .
69. Manpur Tai "
70. Rampura Manhanpur (Jhansi)

7 l. Baghaura T•I "

72. Murari Tai "

73. Gangoni Tai " .

74. Korila Tai (Lal ilj)ur)

75. Panori Tai .

76. Jhakhaura T•I "
77. Gi1aul i Tai "
78. Pura KalanTul " .
79. Bunt Tai "

80. Bijroulha Tai .. .

81. Gajera Tai "

107 RPJU014 Sin<:hi.1 Lnt:12S in~h:1i ~ldcJ'

14 """' rt"lT ~IUl'<"l 11\il'i!, 3 ~. 2014

I . 2 3 4 5 6
82. Kalapahar Tai iulilpW'J
83. Kailwara Tai .
84. Kaknli Tai . .
85. Bijalchct Tai .
86. Binaka Mafi Tank ..
87. Sagoli Tai (Jhan.•i)
88. Sarol Bisanpura ..
89. Sekhra Obawa Tai -
90. Palra Tai . . '
91.Ghurat Tai ..
92. Katcra Tai .
93. Phuter• Tai "

94. Kachnco Tai .

95. Magarpur Jheel ..
96. Arjar Tai ~
97. ltaura Bundhi .
98. Dora Bundhi .
99. Pandawaha -
100. Gursarai Bundhi .
IOI. Bhandanwara .
Bundhi no. I

102. Bhandarwara e"

Bundhi no. 2

103. Bhandara Bundhi .

I(14. Bakhara Bundhi "

105. Marha Bundbi .

I06. All lakes. -
Reservoirs and .
excepting those
mentioned in .

107. Matntila
Reservoir System

307_RPH_2014 SiochoiJ)aia 2 Sindui Foldct .• .. • •
;re<, rot :>iift•"l•~·• TJ\ITT:. 3 ~. 2.-014 15

SCHEDULE-IV (Gravity Canals)

(See Rule 2)
Rate : Rupees per hechtare/crops

Name or Canal Name or Crops Existing Rate Revised Rate


Flow Lift Flow Lin

lrrigation Irrigation Irrigation Irrigation
I 2 3 4 s 6
I. Rohilkhand t·. Sugarcane 99.00 49.00 330.00 165.00
Canal not fed
by Santa Canal
or Rcsavoit.
2.Rampur 2. Paddy 40.00 20.00 133.00 67.00
exccpling Kosi
• Bahaita,

Ghungha and
Gangan . . ,
3. Bundhics in 3.Vcgcrablc. 40.00 20.00 l33.00 67.00
dislricts Garden (per
Allahabad. fasal) water nuts
Varanasi. and poppy.
Jhansi. .
Jalaun and
mentioned in
and UI.
4. Potato 99.00 49.00 330.00 165.00
S.Couon 35.00 17.00 118.00 59.00
6. Fodder crop 35.00 17.00 118.00 59.00
7. Gn:cn manure 35.00 17.00 118.00 59.00
o. 0111c:r Ram 40.00 20.00 133.00 67.00 •
9. Other Kharif 40.00 20.00 133.00 67.00
10. Mentha -
. - 133.00 67.00
I I . Tobacco - - 133.00 67.00
12. Whcu1 . . 133.00 67.00

~ ..
JOO_RPl-1_2014 Sinchai_Dala 2 Sinchui f"Oldcr


SCHEDULE-V (Lift Pump c,;aals)

(See Rule2)
Rate : Rupees per hechtare/crop.~

Name or Canal Name of Crops Existing Rate Revised Rate

Flow Lill Flow Lift
Irrigation Irrigation Irrigation Irrigation

I 2 3 4 5 6
I. All Pump I. Sugarcane 474.00 237.00 3155.00 1578.00
Canals having
pump house. '
2. Paddy 28700 143.00 1910.00 955.00

3. v egctable. 28700 143.00 1910.00 955 .00

Garden (per
' fasaJ} water nuts
and poppy.

4. Potato 356.00 178.00 2369.00 1185.00

5. Tobacco 306.00 153.00 2036.00 1018.00

6. Wheat. barley
and crops
mixed with
287.00 143.00 1910.00
955 .00

' barley or
7. Cotton 114.00 57.00 759.00 380.00
8. Fodder crop 99.00 49.00 658 ()() 329.00
. 9. Green manure 69.00 35.00 459.00 230.00

I0. Otlier Rabi 212.00 106.00 1411.00 706.00

I I. Olhcr Kharil 173.00 86.00 105100 526.00
12. Menlha . . 19.10.00 955.00

SCHEDULF,-Vl (Lift Pump Canals)
(See Rule 2)
· Rate : Rupees per h<'Chlare/crops

Name o r Canal Name of Crops Existing Rate . Revised Rate

Flow Uft Flow Lift
Irrigation Irrigation Irrigation
I 2 3 4 5 6
I. All Pump I. Sugarcane 237.00 I 19.00 1576.00 788.00
Canals having
pump house.
2. Paddy 128.0 0 64.00 851.00 426.00

107 _RPH 20l·I Sin~h;.ii {}.1t;i 2 Siu<.'h~i Foklt:t

i3tR ~ :ilfllQl~•i 'llVT<!. 3 ~. 2014 17

I 2 3 4 5 6
3. Vegetable. 128.00 64.00 851.00 426.00
Garden (per
fasal) water nuts
and poppy.
"4. Potato 237.00 I 19.00 1576.00 788.00

5. Tobacco 114.00 57.00 759.00 380.00

6. WheaL barley 128.00 64.00 851.00 426.00

and crops
mixed with barley
or wheat.
7. Cotton 40.00 20.00 266.00 133.00

8. Fodder crop 30.00 15.00 199.00 100.00

9. Green manure 30.00 15.00 199.00 100.00 •

10. Other Rabi 69.00 35.00 459.00 230.00
l I . Other Kharif 69.00 35.00 459.00 230.00
12. Mentha . . 851.00 426.00

By order.
Pran111kh Sac/Jiv.

tllO\fffO>p<ll-~otllo 307 <TVN'I ~)-2014-(790)-599 llfclzj ~/~o/~) I

tllo~O'l!l<ll-1:10<1\o • ~-2014-(791)-soo llfcrtrt (~/~o/~) I

307 _RPf.UOl 4 Smchai Dru 2 Smchai Folder

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