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Course : Certificate in Information Technology

Module Code : Unit_05

Module : Internet, Email & Web Design

Tutorials aim to discuss matters arising from lectures, work not covered in lectures, essays
or other tasks that have been set or some aspect of the readings. Tutorials are generally
led by a tutor. As such, the following work is to be discussed and explored either physically
or via online means.

Tutorial (3 Hours)

Video and Answer Questions

Video 01

a) Who created the ARPANET?
 ARPANET was created by the United States Department of Defense's Advanced
Research Projects Agency (ARPA), now known as DARPA.

b) What was the biggest innovation of ARPANET?

 The biggest innovation of ARPANET was the concept of packet switching, which
allowed data to be broken into smaller packets and sent independently across the
network, revolutionizing communication.
c) How were the computers in the ARPANET connected?
 Computers in ARPANET were connected using a technology called Interface
Message Processors (IMPs), which later evolved into routers.

d) Who was named as the official record keeper (which institute) of every computer address
connected to ARPANET?
 The Network Information Center (NIC) at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) was
named the official record keeper of computer addresses connected to ARPANET.

e) What is the standard way of formatting data packets which are transferred via the internet?
 The standard way of formatting data packets transferred via the internet is defined by
the Internet Protocol (IP).

f) When was email invented?

 Email was invented in the early 1970s, with Ray Tomlinson often credited for
sending the first networked email in 1971.

g) Arranging hosts of a network into domain is done by who?

 Arranging hosts of a network into domains is done by the Domain Name System


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Video 02
a) What is ecommerce?
 Ecommerce: Ecommerce, short for electronic commerce, refers to the buying and
selling of goods, services, or information over the internet.

b) What are the main types of ecommerce?

Main Types of Ecommerce: The main types of ecommerce are:
 B2C (Business-to-Consumer): Businesses sell directly to individual consumers.
 B2B (Business-to-Business): Businesses sell products or services to other businesses.
 C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer): Consumers sell products or services to other
 C2B (Consumer-to-Business): Consumers offer products or services to businesses.

c) What types of products or services are NOT really suitable for selling online?
 Products/Services Not Suitable for Selling Online: Highly personalized services, perishable
goods requiring immediate consumption, and complex, high-touch products that need
physical inspection before purchase might not be suitable for selling online.

d) What are the main payment methods that are available for ecommerce?
Main Payment Methods for Ecommerce:

 Credit and Debit Cards: Widely used for online transactions.

 Digital Wallets: Services like PayPal, Apple Pay, or Google Wallet.

 Bank Transfers: Direct transfers from buyer's bank account.

 Cryptocurrencies: Digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum.

e) How can you enhance the security and trust levels of an business website?
Enhancing Security and Trust for an Business Website:
 SSL/TLS Encryption: Implement secure connections using HTTPS to protect data.
 Secure Payment Gateways: Choose reputable payment gateways for secure transactions.
 Regular Security Audits: Conduct frequent security assessments and updates.
 Privacy Policies: Clearly communicate how customer data will be used and protected.
 Customer Reviews: Display authentic customer reviews to build trust.
 Trust Seals: Display recognized trust badges to show security measures.
 Strong Authentication: Implement multi-factor authentication for user accounts.

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