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eiaefl de de we (W@)owo0072 0322 —_RECISTERED No. DL__cN)04/000712 SIR = Uistda The Gazette of Gudia BLS Te HF -20122022-241252 CG-DL-E-20122022-241282 aT EXTRAORDINARY wr avs 1 PATH | tint vaorare wea PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY #27 “af feceh,sivora, Reet 20, 2022/ sta 29, 1944 (a) Ne, 4." NEWDELHL TUESDAY,DECEMBE RAFAVANA 9, 19.. GAYA) wa ferme tend ant t fared fe ae orem tiger Se er Tae | Spee giver to ti Partin ond, th titmay. fd sa. 1. compiinds wniN,STRy OF LAW AND JUSTICE (Legislativ pars’, he 2h wecembe. 22/4 .abaya 9, 19. The following Act of Parliament received the assent of the President on the 1 th December, 2022 and is hereby published for general information — THE .ILD LIFE (PROTECTION) AMENDMENTACT, 2022 No. 18 oF 2022 [19th _ scember, 2 An Act finche: toa . dh. Wild Life Pro.ecuon) Aci, 1972 BL enavied by Parl ament in che Seventy nird fear or ne Repuodc wi uaia as 1 () This Actmaybe « ed the Wild Life Protection Amendment Act, 2022 ss ala an (ltshallLomeinto orce on such datea the Ventral Government may, b, not ication“ inthe Hicial Ga atte, appoist Tn tielong title ft eWild Lie Ps section, Act 1972 (haveing terre arredto asthe Aucaducst principal Act), or t e-words “protection of wild animals, birds and piants . the words Lu tle conser.ation, protection and manayement 0 wild fe shali oe suostituted ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY Amendmen of 31 .xtion2 f ec aia A — (a. 5, + Schadule T) \Jinel usc, .) H newods wida: : thewocs o sp cfecpl at sete ce, evel ase (Uz,, he follo..g dl use sh Hees tet we — (A, inv si even species! e.ns specesofaa . “or lant which « wterti etola4i adwhos atrod-ctinicspreem | thremena. d. sapretiiis ier item ott \@) = cl use(s 84). sor the words and figures "Schedules Ito V", the words and, figures "Schedules I, IandIV" shall be suostitted: (©) in clavse (19), for he wordsand fizures "Schedules Ito V and .T', thewords and fguces "Schedules I, and II” shall be sucstituted: (f for clause (4), the following clause shall be suostituteé, namely "(c4) "person" shall include any firm: or company of any authority or association or cody of individvale whether incorporated cr act! () after clause (26), the following clause shall beinserted, namely: (U6) "Schedule" means a Schedule appended to this Act (7) in clause(z: ), for the word and figures "Schedule VI" the word and figures "Schedule II’ shall ve substituted: (for clause (3), the following clause shall be substituted, namely ‘(c4) "vermin" means any wild animal notified under section 62: (Pin clause (36), for the words and figures "Schedules Ito IV", the words and Aguces "Schedule I or Schedule II" shall be substituteé: (@) fore 1022 (29), the following clause shall be substituted, nemely:— "(G9) "200" means an establishment, whether stationary or misbile, where ‘captive animals are cept fer eshibiting tothe public or és «ita conservation and includes circus and cff exhibit facilities suck as rescue centres and conservation bresding centres, but doesact include on ectablishment of licensed dealer in captive animals 4, Insection 2A ofthe principal Act, in sub-section (J), for clause (e), the following clause shall be substituted, namely — \(@) Member, NITLAayog in charge of Ensirorment, ~orest and Climate Change," ‘After section 6 of the principal Act, the following section shall be inserted, "6A (J) The card may constitute a Standing Committee for the purpose of eaercising such powers and performing such duties as may be delegated to it by the Board, (2) The Standing Lommittes shall consist of the Vice Chairperson, the Member Secretary, and not more than ten members, to be nominated by the ‘Vice Chairperson, fom amongst the membersof the Heard, (2) The Toad or its Standing Committee referred to in sub-section (J) any constitute committees, sub committees cr study groups, a: ma, be necessary. from tinte to time, for proper discharge ofthe functions assiznesto it!" sec 1] ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIAEXTRAORDINARY 6. In section 9 of the principal Act, for the words and figures "Schedules I, I. I and IV", the words and figures "Schedules Tand II” shall be substituted. 7. In section 11 of the principal Act, in sub-section ( ), in Figures, Schedule I, or Schedula TV" shall beomitted, suse (2), the words and §. Tn section 24 ofthe princi in clause (3), fiethe words and lof 8% figure: "Land Acquisition Act, 1894", the words and figuces "Right to Fair Compensation of 2013. and Transparency in Land Acuuisition, Rehabilitaticn and Resettlement Act, 2013” shallbe substituted. Act in sub section (2) 9. In section 25 of the principal Act, in sub-section ()— lof 884 (@) in clause (@), for the words ané figures 'Land Acquisition Act, 144", the ‘words and figures "Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, 30 ef 2013, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act 2013" shall be substitoted: (@)in clauses (8) and ( ), forthe word and figure “section 9", the word and ‘Sgures "section 21" shall be substituted; (in clause (2), Sor the words and figures "section 18° ané"Part IT’ th and Sgures "secticn 64" and "Chapter VII" shall respectively be substituted (Qin clause (0), for the words "the Court, the words "the Authority” shall be substituted (@) after clause (f), the following Explanation shall be inserted, namcely:— ‘Explanaiti n.—The expression “Authority referredto in clause (@), shall ard Acquisition Rehabiltetion ané Resettlement Authority established vader section - lof the Right to Fair Compensation and ranspareacy ia Land 30 of 20:1 Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013, swords sncen the 1, In section 28 of the principal Act, in sub-section (J), in clause (8), ater the word "photography", the words "aad film-makiag without making any change in the habitat or causing any adverse impact to the habitat or wild life" shall be inserted. I]. In section 29 ofthe principal Act — (@) for the word "Board”, the words (@) for the explanation, the following Explanati n shall be substituted, samidly- “ational Board” shell be substituted; "explanations —Forthe pusposas ofthis section, grazing or movementaf livestock permitted uader clause (¢) of section 33, of hunting of wild animals acer a permit granted under section 11 or hunting withost violatmg the conditions of a permit granted under section 12, or the exercise of any rights permitted to coatinue uader clause (c) of sub-section (2) of section 24, including the bona ide use of drinking and household water by local commuai- tiesuatil they are settied, shall not be deemed to be anact probibited under this ection." 12. In section 33 ofthe principal Act— (@ for the words “mazage and maintain all sanctuaries", the words, brackets and figures “manage and protect all sanctuaries in accordance with auch management plans for the sanctuary approved by him as per the guidelines issued by the Central Government and in case the sanctuary alto falls under the Scheduled Areas or areas where the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 is applicable, in accordance with the management plan for such sanctuary prepared after due consultation with the ram Sabha concerned” shall be substituted Amendment ‘of sation 9 Amendment ‘of sestion Li Amendment of section 24 Amendment of section 28 Amendment of seston 22 Amendment of section 3. 4 ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY (@)in clause (2), in the provise, forthe words "commercial tourist lodges", the ‘words "tourist lodges, including Goverament lodges, for commercial purposes" shall be subatinted Amendment 13. In section 34 o of section 34. shall be inserted, namely: "(No renewal ofany licence under the Arms Act, 1959, shall be granted to any person residing within tn kilometresof a sanctuary except under the intimation tothe (Chief Wild Life Warden or the authorised officer.” Amendmant 14, In section 35 oftheprincipal Act, after sub-section (3), the following sub-sections of section 35, shall be inserted, namely- eprincipal Act, after sub-section (3), the following sub-section “(34) When the State Government declares its intention under sub-section (J) to constitute any area as a National . ark, the provisions of sections 27 to 33A (both aclusive), all come into affect forthwith, until the publication of the actification declaring auck National Park under sub-section (4) (GB) Till such time asthe rights ofthe affected persons are finally settled under sections 10 1026. [both inclusive exceptclavee (c) ofsub-section (2) of saction 21] the State Government shall make alteraatie arrangements required for making available uel, odder and other forest produce to the persons affected, in termsof thai rightsas per the Government records Amendment 1g, In section 36D of the principal Act, in sub-section (?)— 7 @) for the words "five representatives", the words "not less then five eo for the words "five reps "the words "not less then fi sepcesentatives’ sall be esbotintec (2) after sub-section (2), the following sub-section shell be inserted, namety:— 2A) Where a commusity reserve is declared on private land under sub-section (/) of section 36C. the community reserve management commities shall consist of the owner of the land. a represeatative of the State Forests or ‘Wild Lite Departmentunder whose urisdiction the commusity reserve islocated andalso the zepresentative of the Panchayat concerned or the tribal community, as the case may be." Amendment Iu, In section 38 ofthe principal Act— of section 38. (q) in the marginal heading, after the words "National Parks’, the words "or conservation reserves" shall be inserted: (@)after sub-section (2), the following sub-section shell be inserted, namety:— (24) The Central Government may, itis satisfied thet the conditions spetified in sub-section (J) of section 36 are fulfilled in relation to any area referred to in sub-section (J), declare such area, by otification, to be a conservation reserve and the provisions of sections 3¢ and 3B shall applyin elation to cuch conservation reserve as they apply in relation to a conservation secerve declared by the State Government (©)in sub-section! (after thewords "or National Patk", the words "or conservation reserve" shall be inserted; (@ for the words, brackets and Sgures "sub-sections (J) and (2)", the words, brackets, figures and letter "sub-sections (J), (2) ané (24)" shall be substituted, Amindment of 1. In section 38-Tof the principal Act — seston 381 (@) in sub-section (J), the word and figures “andII_ shall be omitted: (@)in sub-section (2), the following proviso shallbe inserted. samely:— Provided that acthing in this sub-section shall apply te a conservation ‘oreeding centre Amendment 18, Ia section 381 of the principal Act, in sub-section (2), in clause (0), for the words “Inspector General of Forestsor aa officer of the equivalent rank’, the words "an officer not ‘below the rank of Inspector General of Forests’ alia be substituted, sec 1] ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIAEXTRAORDINARY 19, After section 38X of the principal Act, the following section shall be inserted, “3EKA The provisions costained in this Chapter shall be ia addition to, and act sn derogation of, the provisions relating to sanctuaries and National Parks (whether included and declared, or are in the process of being so declared) included ina tiger reserve under this Act 20. In Chapter IVC of he principal Act, in the heading. for the words "TIGER AND OTHERENDANGERED SPECIES", the words "WILD LIFE” shall be substituted. 24. In section 38Y ofthe principal Act— (q) in the marginal heading, for the words 'Tiger and other Endangered Spe- cies, the words "Wild Life’ shall be substinuted: (@) in the opening portion, the words "Tigar and other Endangered Species Crime Contro! Bureau to beknown as the” shall be omitted: (¢) in clause (2), for the words 'Central Excise”, the words "Central Goods and Services Tax shall be substituted. 20. Tn section 39 ofthe principal Act, after sub-section (2), the following sub-ssctions shall be mserted, namely 4) Where aay such Govemment propertyis a liveaniiaal, he State Government shall encore that itis housed and cared for bya recogaited co cr remus centre when, sttcan note released to its natural habitat (O)Anysuch animal article, trophyor uncured trophyor meat derived fom any svild aninial, 2 referred to ia sub-sections (/) and (2) may be disposed ofby the State Government or the Central Government, as the case may be, in such manner as maybe prescribed by the Central Goverament Provided thet such disposal shall uot include any commercial sale or auction and no certificate of ownership shall be issued for auch disposal 23. In section 40 of the principal Act, the words and figares or Part Il of Schetule I” wherever they cccur shall be omitted. 24, In section 40A of the principal Act, in oub-section ( Part Ilof Schedule 1” shall be omitted In section 41 of the principal Act, in sub-section (J), in clause (8), the words and ‘and Part If of Schedule II shall be omitted the words and figures 'or “After section 12 of the prigcipal Act, the following section shall be inserted "42A (J) Any personhaving acertificate of ownership in respect ofany captive imal, animal article, kophy or uacured trophy mest crivory imported ints India oran article made fom such ivory, and who # not desirous of keeping it in his conte custedy or po:session may, after giving notice of seven working days to the Chie? ‘Wild Life Warden, surrender the same to him and any suck certificate of ownership shall stand cancelled from the date of such susrender. (2) No compensation shall be payable to aay person for surrender of soy cs snisual, stticle, trophy; mast or ivory to the Chief vild Life Warden under sub-section (J). (2) Anysuch animal, atcl, trophy, meat or ivory surrendered under this section shall become the property of the State Goveramont and the provisions of section 39 shall apply." 27. Insection $3 ofthe principal Actin sub-section (2),the following proviso shall be inserted, namely “Provided that the transfer or transport of a captive elephant fora religions or any other purpose by a person having a valid certificate of ownership shall be subject to sush terms and conditions as maybe prescribed by the Central Government.” Insertion of 38 A Provisions of Chapter t be ix sition to provisions elaine te Susie and ‘ational Pa, Amendment of heading of Coarter TVG. Amandmest of seston 38 Amanimunt f section 3 Amandmnt of section 40 iota 3 section 404, Anmandenet of section 41 Insertion of new section 428 Surrender of captive sums, imal ace, ee Amendment of section 6 ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY Amendmect of 28, In section 48 of the principal Act, in clause (8), in sub-clause (if, the words and section 48. Siguces "or Part of Schedule II” shall be omitted Amendment of 29, Tn section 49A af the principal Act, the words and figures "or Part Il of Schedule” section 9A setoth the places where they occur, shall te omitted Insertion of 30. After Chapter VA of the principat Act, the following Chapter shall be inserted, new Chavter — pamely— e a ‘CHAPTERVB REGULATION OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN ENDANGERED SPECIES OF WILD FAUNA AND FLORA AS PER CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL ‘TRADE IN ENDANGERED SPECIES OF WILD FAUNA AND FLORA Definitions 49D. In this Chapter, uniess the contest otherwise requires — (@) "artificially propagated’ means plants which have been grown vuder controlled conditions from plant materials grown under similar conditions: (8) "bred in captivity" means produced fiom parents in captivity: (6) "Convention" means the Convention on International Tradein Endangered Species of Wild Fauna ané Flora signed at Washiagtoa D.C. inthe United States of America on the 3ed of March, 1973. and amended at Bonn on the 22ad of Juae, 1979, its appeadices, decisions, cescluticns and notifications made thereunder aad its amendments, to the extent ‘binding on India; (@) "expert" means export from India to any other country of a specimen: (e) “import” means import into India from any other country of a specimen: (P “introduction Som the esa” means traneportation iato India of specimens of any species which were taken fom: the marine eavironment not under the jurisdiction of India or any other country; (g) "Management Authority” means the Management Avthority designated under section 49E, (0) "readily recognisable part or derivative” includes any specimen ‘which appears from an accompanying document, the packaging ora mark cor label, of from any other circumstances, 1o bea part or derivative ofan, animal or plant of species listed in Schedule IV; (0 "re-export? means export of any specimen that has previously ‘been imported: () "Scientific Authority" means a Scientific Authority designated vader section 49F (8) "scheduled specimen” means any specimen ofaspecies listedin Appendices I, II or III of the Convention and incorporated as such in Schedule IV: (D "species" means any species, sub-species, or geosraphically separate pepuletion thereof sec 1] ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIAEXTRAORDINARY (om) "specimen" means— (@ any animal or plant, whether alive or deaé: (Gin the case ofen animal — (A) for species included in Appendices I and II of Schedule IV. any readily recognisable part or derivative thereoE, (B)forspecies included in Appencix IIL of Schedule IV, ‘any readily recognisable part or derivative thereaf specified in Appeadis III cf Schedule IV in relation tothe species; aad (Gi) in the case ofa plant — (A) for species included in Appendix I of Schedule IV, any readily recognisable part or denivative thereof, (B) for species included in Appendices I and II of Schedule IV. any readily recognisable part or derivativethereaf specified in Appendices II ind II of Schedule IV ia relationto the species, (n) "wade" means export, re-export, import and introduction ftom the sea. 49E. (1) The Ceatral Government shall, by notification, designate an officer not below the rank of an Additional Director General of Forests as the “Management Authority fr discharging the fonctions and exercising the powers under this Act (2) The Management Authority shall be responsible for issuance of permits ‘and certificates for trade of acheduled specimens in accordance with the (Convention, submission of reports, and shall perform such other fonctions as may be necessary to implement the provisioas of the Convention. (2) The Management Authcrity shall prepare and sutmit annual and ‘bieanial reports to the Central Government. (4) The Ceatral Government may appoint such officers and employeesas may be necessary to assist the Management Authority in discharging ite fonctions ot exercising ts powers under this Chapter, on such terms aad ‘conditions of service including salaries and allowances at may be prescribed (9) The Management Authority may, with the prior approval ofthe Central Government, delegate its functions or powers, to such officers not below the rank of the Assistant Inspector General of Forests, a t may coasider necessary ‘for the purposes ofthis Chapter. 49E- (J) The Central Government shall, by notification, designate one or ‘more institutes engaged in research on species as Scientific Authority for the purpose: of this Chapter, or fulfilling the fuactions under the Convention. (2) The designated Scientific Authority shall advise the Management Authority inauch maners as may be referred: it by the Menagement Authority ‘The Scientific Anthosity shall monitor the export permits granted for specimens of species listed in AppendixII of Schedule IV and the actual export ‘of such specimens (4) Whenever 2 Scientific Authority is of the opinion that the export of specimens of such species requires to be limited in order to maintain that species throughout as range at a level consistent with its role in the ecosystems in which it ocears and well above the level at which that epecies might become Designation of ‘Mangement Authority Designation of Seiestifie Asthonty ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY (Pac Diections of Canal Goverment. aspect thereof Conditions for expert of sciedalec Conditions for impart of scheduled specimen eligible for inclusion in Appendix I cf the Convention. it shall advise the ‘Management Authority to take such appropriate meazure: to limit the grant of export permits for apecimens of that epecice a2 the Scieatific Authority may deem necessary for said purpose. 49G. Tae Management Authority and the Scientific Authorities, shall, while performing their duties and exercising powers under this Chapter, be susjectto such general or apecial directions, asthe Central Government may. fam timeto time, give 49H. (J) No person shall engage in trade of scheduled specimens except as provided ior uader this Chapter. (2) The Central Government shall prescribe the conditions ané procedures, ‘by which the exemptions contained in Article VII of the Convention may be availed. (2) Every person engaging in trade ofa scheduled specimen shall report the details of the schedules specimen and the transaction to the Management Authority or the officer authorised by itin such manner as may be prescribed. (4) Every persoa engaging in trade of ascheduled specimen, shall present it for clearance to the Management Authority or the officer authorised by it ora ‘cusioms officer only at the ports of exit and entry as may be specified by the Central Government (5) The form and maaner of making an applicatica fora permit or certificate totrade in a scheduled specimen, the feepayzble therefor, the conditions subject to wihich the permit or certificate may be granted, and the precedure tobe flowed in granting or cancelling suck permit or certificate, shall be auch as may be prescribed by the Central Government. 49-L (J) The export of any specimen of species included in Appendices I ‘or Il of Schedule IV shall require the prior erantand presentation of an enport pent (2 The export of any specimen of species included in Appendix III of Schedule IV shall ceqpite the prior grant and presentation ofan export permitif the species has been listed in Appendix II of the Convention by India or a certificate of origin in other cases, (@ Anesport permit shall not be granted ualess— (@) the Management Authority is satisfied that the specimen ‘concemed has xct been cbtained in coatravention of any law for the time being in force rating to protection of fauna and floc (B) the Management Authority is satisfied that anyliving specimen sill beso prepared aad shipped as to minimise the risk of injury, damageto health or cruel treatment, (c)in the caseofa specimen of aspecies listed in Appendices I or IL ‘of Schedule IV, the Scientific Authorityhas advised that the export will not ‘be detrimental to the survival ofthat apecies; and (@) ia the case of specimens of species listed in Appendix I of Schedule TV; an import permithas been granted by the competent authority ofthe country of destination 491. (2) The import of any specimen ofa species included in Aopendix lof Schedule IV shall require the prior grazt and presentation of an import permit andeither an export permit or a re-export cenificate flom the country ofexpot sec 1] ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIAEXTRAORDINARY (2) An import permit for a specimen of a species listed in Appendix lof Schedule IV shall not be granted ualess— (@) the Management Avthority is satisfied that the specimen ‘concerned will not be used for primarily commercial purposes: () the Scientific Authority has advised that the import will be for purposes which are act detrimental tothe survival ofthe species: and (6) the Scientific Asthor a livin is satiated that the proposed cecipientof specimen is suitably equipped to house and care for it. (2) The import of any specimen of a species included in Appendix If of Schedule IV shall require the price presentation of either an export permit cr a re-export certificate issued by the country of export (@) The import of any specimen of a species included in Appendix IT of Schedule IV shall require the price presentation of — (2) acestificate of arigia: or (2) in the case whete the import is Hom a county Which has included the speciesin Appendix IIT ofthe Convention, an export permit: or (o) are-export certificate granted by the county ofre-eepart 49K. (J) The re-enport of any specimen of specise included in Appendices [or Il of Schedule IV shall require the prior grant and presentation ofare-espor certificate. (QA re-export certificate shall not be granted unless— (@) the Management Authority is satisfied that any specimen tobe se-exported was imported in azcordanice with theprovisions of this Chapter and ofthe Convention: (@) the Management Authority is satisfied that any living specimen, ‘will beso prepared aad shipped as to minimise the risk of'njury, damageto health or cruel treatment, ané (c)in the case of any living specimen of species listed in Appendix I of Schedule IV, the Management Authority is satisfied that an import permit has been granted. 491. (J) The introduction from the sea ofa specimen of aspecies inclused in Appendices I or II of Schedule IV shall require te prior grant and presentation of acertificate ofintroduction omthe sea @ A certificate of introduction from the see shall not be granted urless— (@) the Scientific Authority has advised that the introduction of any specimen will not be detrimental to the survival of the specie: (®) in the case of a specimen of a species listed in Appendix of Schedule IV, the Management Authority is satisfied that it is not to be ‘used for primarily commercial purposes ané that the proposedsecipientof any living specimen is suitably equipped te house and care for it; and (€) in the case of living specimen ofa species listed in Appendix IT CConttions for reexport of scheduled specimens 10 ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY (Pac Application fer Licezce by ‘rasdars of Appandiz I of Schedule IV, the Management Authority is satisfied that it will beso ‘handled as to minimite the risk of injury, damage to health or crvel treatment 49M. (J) Everyperson possessing liting specimen of an animal species listed in Schedule IV shall ceport the details of such specimen or specimens in this poreession tothe Managenient Authority or the authorised officer Provided that the Central Government may axempt one ormors specimens of any animal species included in Schedule [V ffom such declaration far such ‘quantity and for such period as it may deem fit ( The Management Authority cr the authorised officer mey, on being satisfied that a persoa was in posteasion of a ving specimen of an aninal speties listed in Schedule TV whick had not heen obtained in contravention of any lawrelating to protection of fauna and flora, issue a registration certificate allowing the owner toretain such specimen (@ Any person who transfers possession, by any means whatsoever, of any living specimen ofan animal species listed ia Schedule IV shall report the details to the Management Authority or the authorised officer () The Management Authority or the authorized officer shall register all transfers of living specimens of animal species listed in Schedule IV and issue thetransferee with a registration certificate (5) Any person in possession of any lising specimen of an animal species, listed in Schedule TV which bears any offspring shall report the birth of such offipring to the Management Autharityor the authorised officer (© The Management Authority or the authorisad officer shall on receipt cof the report under sub-section (5) register any offipring bom to any living specimen of an aaimal species|isted in Schedule]V and issue the owner with a registration certificate (Any person in possession of any lising specimen of an animal species sted in Schedule TV which dies shall report auch death to the Management Avthority or the apthorised officer. () Noperson shall possess, transfer or breed any living specimen of any animal species listed in Schedule IV except in conformity with this section and stherule: made by the Central Government in this behalf (9) The form, manner and period for reporting possession, transfers, and births, deaths, and cagistration of the same under this eaction shall be ae prescribed by the Central Government, 49N. (Every person who is engaged in breeding in captivity ce artificially propagating any scheduled specimen listed in Appendix I of Schedule IV shall meke, within a period of ninery days of tie commencement of the Wile Life (Protection) Amendment Act, 2022. an application fora licence othe Chief Wild Life Warden. (2) The form and manner ofthe application to te made to the Chief Wild Life Warden under sub-section (J), the fee payable, the form of licence, the procedute tobe flowed in granting or cancelling the licence shall be such a3 ‘may be prescribed by the Central Gaverament sec 1] ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIAEXTRAORDINARY n 49.0. (1) On receipt of applicatioa under sub-secticn (1) ofsection 49N, Licence of - ; - breeders of the Chief Wild Life Warden shall, if pet species 52 of 19.2. (@) the application is in the prescribed form: (0) the resolutions ofthe Convention relating tobreeding in captivity ct artiicial propagation of species listed in Appendix l of Schedule IV sxe sstisfied: and (6) the provisions of the Act and eules mede thereaader have been, duly complied with, record an entry ofthe statement in a register and grant the applicant a licence ) The Chief Wild Life Warden shall, if the provisions or resolutions of the Convention or this Act and any rules made hereunder have not been complied swith, o if false particular is fienished, refuse or cancel the licence as the case may be after providing the applicant with an opportunity of being hears. (2 The licence uader sub-section (1) shall be issued for a period of two ‘years and may be renewed after two years on payment of such fee as may be prescribed, (4) Any person aggrieved by the refusal of the Chief Wilé Life Warden or ‘cancellation of licence under sub-section (2) may prefer an appeal to the State Government within a period ofsixty dajs in such manner as may be prescribed 49P.No person shallalter, deface, erase or remove a mark of identification affixed upon the scheduled specimen or its packege 49Q. (J) Every-spacies or scheduled specimen, in respect of which any offence agaiast this Act or rules made thereunder has been committed, shall become the property of the Central Government and the provisions of section 39 shall, without prejudice to the Customs Act, 1962, apply, mutatis + wandis, in relation to species and scheduled specimens as they apply in relation to wild animals, ceptive animalsand animal articles. (2) Where a living specimen of a species listed in Schedule IV has been seized under this Actor the Customs Act, 1962 or aay other law for the time being in force av rewlt of impart into India in contravention of this Act, the ‘Management Authority shal, after consultation with the countryof export return the specimen to that country at the expense of that country, or ensure that itis ‘hovsed and cared for by a recognised 200 or rescue centre in case it cannot be returned to the country of expert ) The Management Authority may for auch porpases consult the Scientific Authority as it deems appropriate. 49R. (1) Where the same species is listed in Schedule or IT and Schedule IV. then, the provisions of this Act applicable to such species listed in Schedule Lor aud the rules made thereunder shall apply (Q)Nothing in sections 49M, 49N or 49-0 shall appty to aspecies listedin Schedule I or Schedule IT the same epecies is also listed in Scheduled 1. (@) The provisions af this Chapter shall te subject to the provisions of (Chapters IIIA. IVA. V, VAand VIA and without prejudiceto ansthing contained therein. Prolubition ot alteration ate Species and schei led specimens to be Government property Application of frovisions of ‘Act m respect of species lise in Schafsle Tor Tani Schade NE 2 ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY Asesinas 431. Ta section 50 ofthe principal Act in sub-section (2) — (@) after the words "the Director or any other officer authorised by him in this behalf", the words "or the Management Authority or any officer authorised by the ‘Management Authority” shall be inserted: Gi after the words "a sub-inspector", the words "or any customs officer not below the rank of aa impactor or any officer of the coatt guard act below the cankof an Assistant Commandant" shall be inserted; (Gi) in clauses (a) and (c), after the words "derivative thereof", the werds ‘or scheduled specimen" shall be inserted Amendment 32. In section 51 ofthe principal Act — ‘of section 51 (@) in sub-section (J). — (@ for the words "twenty-five thousand rupees", the words "one lakh rupees" shall be substituted: (@) in the first proviso — (A) the words and figures "or Part II of Schedule IT” shall be omitted: (B) after the words "boundaries of a sanctuary or National Park" the words and figures "or waere the offence relates to a specimen specie: listed on Appendix I of Schedule IV" shall te inserted: (O) tor the words "ten thousand rupees", the words "nvesty-fve thousand rupees" shall be substituted: (Gi in the second proviso, for the words "twenty-five thousand rapes’ the words "one lakh rupees" shall be substituted: (®) im sub-section (J4), for the words "ten thousend rupees", the words "twenty-five thousand rupees" shall be substituted Amendiaant of 33, Insection 51A of the principal Act, the words and figures" or Part I of Schedule” section SIA shall be omitted. Amundment of 34. In section 54 of the principal Act, in sub-section (#, for the words "nwenty-five section 4. thousand rupees", the words "five lakh rupees’ shall be substituted Arandimant of 38, In section 55 of the principal Act, after clause (ac), the following clavse shall be section 5S. inserted, namely-— "(ad) the Management Avthority of any officer, acluding an officer of theWild. Life Crime Control Bureau, authorised inthis behalf by the Central Government; or" Arendt of 36. In section 57 ofthe principal Act— (@) for the words “captive animal” at both the places where they occur, the ‘words “wild animal, captive animal” shall be substitated; (@)after the words “derivative thereof” at both the places where they occur, the words “or scheduled specimen” shall be inserted. Amendiaant of 37. Ia section 61 of the principal Act, for the word "add, the words "amend any section 6L Schedule or ada’ shall be substituted. sec 1] ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIAEXTRAORDINARY 3 38. In section 62 ofthe principal Act— (@ for the words and figures “other than those specified in Schedule T and Part I of Schedule II” the wrds and figure" specified in Schedule I” shall be substituted; (@) for the words and figure “deemed to have been included in Schedule V", the swords and figure “deemed not tobe included ia Schedule II for such area and fhe such period as specified in the notification” shall te substituted 39. After section 62 of the principal Act, the following sections shall be inserted, nemely— “2A. (J) The Central Governmentmay, by notification, regulate or probibit he ‘import. trade, possession or proliferation of invasive alien species which pose a threat tothe wild Life or habitat in India (2) The Central Government may autherise the Director or any other officer to seize and dispose of, including through destruction, the species referred to in the notification issued under sub-section (J). 628, Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the Central Government may call for any information or report fiom 2 State Goverment or any such other agency or body or issue any direction to a State Governmentor any such cther agency ‘or body for effective implementation of the provisions of the Act for the protection, conservation end management of wild life in the country." 40. In section 63 ofthe principal Act. in sub- (@) after clause (gv), the following clauses shall be inserted, namely-— (gvii) the manner of disposal of Government property uncer sub-section (5) of section 39: (Git the terms and conditions of a transfer or transport of a captive elephant by 2 person having a valid certificate of ownership fbr a religious or ‘any other purpose under the proviso to sub-section (2) of section 43. (@)afterclause (), the following clauses shall be inserted, aamaely:— "(othe terme aad conditions of service including salaries and allowances for appointment of the officers and employees of the Management Authority under sub-section (4) of section 495: (Vi the conditions ané procedures subject to which any exemption provided for in Article VII of the Convention may be availed under sub-section (2) of section 49H; (itd) the reporting of details of scheduled specimens and the transaction 45 per sub-section (3) of section 49 (i) the form aad manner of application, the fee payable, the conditions ‘and the procedure to be fellowed uader sub-section (5) of section 49 | (>) the matters provides for in sub-sections (8) and (9) of section 49M: (v2) the form and manner of the application, the fee payable, the form of | oence and the procedureto be followed in granting or cancelling a licence as per sub-section (2) of section 49N: (rid) the fee payable for renewal of licence as per sub-section (2). and manner of making appeal under sub-section (4), of section 49-0: (vii) any other matter for may be required under Chapter VB: oper implementation of the Coavention as 41. For Schedstes I, III, IV, Vand VIto the principal Act the following Schedules shall te substituted, namely:— Amendment ‘of setion 62. Insertion of 62a snd OB Regulation or probition of Impert, et of umasive alien species Bower to sue directions Amendment of eetion 63. Abieidmeat of Schedules 4 ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORD! (See se-ti ns 9,11 12 3+. 39,40,404 41 42 42 ebeasmed) ca Ch per ‘SCHEDULE —I PaRLa M:Masall SL No. To==on name 10. ANTELOPE Baku Chk wade Gare Pouthy di. U0. pba, Mua top wba Gazile wADGERS satel) Honey Badzer sATS Andaman Horsesno- Bat Black eared * lying Fo Leienaie raze Anitty + svieapra Candid Brain vt sccacer. gad. 10 a shulop. hodg oti P ucapr pu tauaaia Aretenye .ollariz Arctonyt albugulariz Mellivoracapensiz: Rhinolophus og.atuz Pteropus mela..otuz ik ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINA 11, Leafletted Leaf-nosed Bat/ Kolar Leaf- Hipposideros hypophyllus nosed Bat 12. Nicobar Flying Fox Pteropus faunulus 13. Salim Ali's Fruit Bat Latidens salimalii 14, Wroughton's Free tailed Bat Otomops wroughtoni BEARS 15. Asiatic Black Bear Ursus thibetanus 16. Brown Bear Ursus arctas 17. Sun Bear Helarctos malayanus 18. Sloth Bear ; Melursus ursinus BINTURONG 19. Binturong Arctictis binturong CANIDS 20. Asiatic Wild Dog/Dhole Cuon alpinus 21. Grey Wolf Canis lupus 22. Jackal Canis aureus CAPRINES 23, Argali/Nayan/Great Tibetan Sheep Ovis ammon 24, Bharal/Bluc Sheep Pseudois nayaur 25. Chinese Goral Naemorhedus griseus 26. Himalayan Goral Naemorhedus goral 27. Himalayan Serow Capricornis sumatrenis 28. Markhor Capra falconeri 29. Red Goral Naemorhedus baileyi 30. Red Serow Capricornis rubidus 31, Siberian/Asiatic/Himalayan Ibex Capra sibirica 32. Takin Budorcas taxicolor 33, Urial Ovis vignei CATS 34, Asi 35. Asiatic Lion Panthera leo persica ic Golden Cat Catopuma temminckii 16 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. AL 42, 43. 45. 47. 48. 49. 51 52. 53. 55. 57. 58. 39, 60. 61 62. 63. 65, 66. 67. 68. 69, ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORD! Caracal Cheetah Clouded Leopard Desert Cat Eurasian Lynx Fishing Cat Jungle Cat Leopard Leopard Cat ‘Marbled Cat Pallas’s Cat Rusty Spottéd Cat Snow Leopard Tiger CIVETS Asian Palm Civet Jerdon’s Palm Civet Large Indian Civet Malabar Large-spotted Civet Masked Palm Civet Small Indian Civet Small-toothed Palm Civet DEER Alpine Musk Deer Black Musk Deer Himalayan Musk Deer Hog Deer Indian Chevrotain/Mouse Deer Kashmir Musk Deer Kashmir Red Deer / Hangul Manipur Brow-antlered Deer/Thamin Sambar ‘Swamp Deer/ Barasingha Northern Red Munijak Leaf Muntjak Malabar Red Muntjak Caracal caracal Acinonyx jubatus Neofelis nebulosa Felis silvestris Lynx lynx Prionailurus viverrinus Felis chaus Panthera pardus Prionailurus bengalensis Pardofelis marmorata Otocolobus manul Prionailurus rubiginosus Panthera uncia Panthera tigris, Paradoxurus hermaphroditus Paradoxurus jerdoni Viverra zibetha Viverra civettina Paguma larvata Viverricula indica Arctogalidia trivirgata Moschus chrysogaster Moschus fuscus Moschus leucogaster Axis porcinus Moschiola indica Moschus cupreus Cervus hanglu Rucervus eldii eldii Rusa unicolor Rucervus duvaucelii Muntiacus vaginalis Muntiacus putaoensis Muntiacus malabaricus ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIAEXTRAORDINARY a 70. 71. 2. 7B. 74, 15. 16. 71. 78. 79. 80. 81 82. 83. 84. 85. 87. 88. 89. DOLPHINS Fraser’s Dolphin Gangetic/South Asian River Dolphin Indo-Pacific Bottleaose Dolphin Indo-Pacific hump-back Dolphin Indus River Dolphin irrawady Dolphin Pantropical Spinner Dolphin Pantropical Spotted Dolphin Risso’s Dolphin Rough-toothéd Dolphin Shoxt-beaked Saddleback Dolphin / Common Dolphin Striped Dolphin DUGONG Dugong/ Sea Cow ELEPHANT Asiatic Elephant FOXES Bengal Fox Red Fox Tibetan Sand Fox HARES Hispid Hare HOGS Pygmy Hog HYAENA Striped Hyzena Lagenodelphis hose! Platanista gangetica Tursiops aduncus Sousa chinensis, Platanisia minor Orcaella brevirostris Stenella longirostris Stenella attenuata Grampus griseus Steno bredanensis Delphinus delphis Stenella coeruleoalba Dugong dugon Elephas maximus Vulpes bengalensis Vulpes wipes Vulpes ferrilata Caprolagus hispidus Porcula salvania Hyaena hyaena 18 ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORD! Pier 90, 94. 95 B38 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104, 105, 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 1. LINSANG Spotted Linsang MARMOTS Himalayan Marmot Long-tailed Marmot MARTENS Nilgiri Marten Stone/Beech Marten Himalayan Yellow-throated Marten MONGOOSES Small Indian Mongoose Grey Mongoose Brown Mongoose Javan Mongoose Ruddy Mongoose Crab-eating Mongoose Stripe-necked Mongoose OTTERS Eurasian Oter Oriental Small-clawed Otter Smooth-coated Otter OTHER RODENTS. Bonhote’s Mouse Nilgiri Vandeleuria / Nil ‘Tree Mouse Large Rock Rat / Elvira Rat Hume's Hadromys/ Hume’s Rat Large Metad / Kondana Rat Miller's Nicobar Rat i Long-tailed Prionodon pardicolor Marmota himalayana Marmota caudata Martes gwatkinsii Martes foina Marites flavigula Urva auropunctata Urva edwardsii Urva fuscu Urva javanica Urva smithii Urva urva Urva vitiicolla Lutra tutra Aonyx cinerea Lutrogale perspicillata Mus famulus Vandeleuria nilagirica Cremnomys elvira Hadromys humei Millardia kondana Rattus burrus ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIAEXTRAORDINARY 19 112. 113. 114, 115. 116. 117. 118, 119. 120. 121. 122. 123, 124, 125, 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131 132. 133. 134. Ranjini’s Rat PANGOLINS Indian Pangolin Chinese Pangolin PIG ‘Andaman Wild Pig PIKA Royle’s Pika PORPOISE Finless Porpoise PORCUPINES Asiatic Brush-tailed Porcupine ‘Himalayan Crestless Porcupine Indian Porcupine PRIMATES Aninachal Macaque Assamese Macaque Bengal Slow Loris Black footed Gray Langur Bonnet Macaque Capped Langur Gee's Golden Langur Gray Slender Loris Hoolock Gibbon Kashmir Gray Langur Lion-Tailed Macaque Nepal Gray Langur Nicobar Long-tailed Macaque Nilgiti Langur Rattus ranjiniae Manis crassicaudata Manis pentadactyta ‘Sus scrofa andamanensis Ochotona roylei Neophocaena phocaenoides Atherurus macrourus Hystrix brachyura Hystrix indica Macaca munzala Macaca assamensis Nycticebus bengalensis Semnopithecus hypoleucos Macaca radiata Trachypithecus pileatus Trachypithecus geei Loris Iydekkerianus Hoolock hoolock Semnopithecus ajax Macaca silenus Semnopithecus schistaceus Macaca fascicularis umbrosus Semnopithecus johnit ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY. Parl 135. 136, 137. 138. 139, 140. 141. 142. 143. 144, 145, 146. 147 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154, 155. 156. Northern Pig-tailed Macaque Phayre’s Leaf Monkey Sela macaque Stump-tailed macaque Tarai Gray Langur Tufied Gray Langur White-cheeked Macaque RED PANDA Himalaya Red Panda Chinese Red Panda RHINOCEROS Indian/Greater One-homed Rhinoceros SQUIRRELS Hairy-footed Flying Squirrel Namdhapa Flying Squirrel Woolly Flying Squirrels Giant Flying Squirrels Malabar/Indian Giant Squirrel Malayan Giant Squirrel Grizzled Giant Squirrel Travancore Flying Squirrel SHREWS Andaman Shrew Day's Shrew TAHRS Himalayan Tahr NilgiriTahr Macaca leonina Trachypithecus phayrei Macaca selai Macaca arcioides Semnopithecus hector Semnopithecus priam Macaca leucogenys Ailurus fulgens Ailumus styani Rhinoceros unicornis Belomys pearsonit Biswamoyopterus biswasi All species of the Genus Eupetaurus All species of the Genus Petaurista Ratufa indica Ratufa bicolor Ratufa macroura Petinomys fuscocapillus Crocidura andamanensis Suncus dayi Hemitragus jemlahicus Nilgiritragus hylocrius ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIAEXTRAORDINARY 21 157. 158. 159. 160. lol. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. a7. 172, 173. 174. 475. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. TREESHREWS Nicobar Treeshrew WHALES Common Minke Whale Sei Whale Bryde’s Whale Blue Whale Fin Whale Humpback Whale Pygmy Killer Whale Short-finned Pilot Whale Killer Whale Melon-headed Whale False Killer Whale Sperm Whale/Cachalot Pygmy Sperm Whale Dwarf Sperm Whale Blainville’s Beaked Whale Ginkgo-toothed Beaked Whale Cuvier’s Beaked Whale WILD CATTLE Gaur/Indian Bison Wild Yak Wild Water Buffalo ‘WILD ASS Indian Wild Ass Tibetan Wild Ass WEASELS Mountain Weasel Siberian Weasel ‘Yellow-bellied Weasel Ermine or Short-tailed Weasel Tupaia nicobarica Balaenoptera acutorostrata Balaenoptera borealis Balaenoptera edeni Balaenoptera musculus Balaenoptera physalus Megaptera novaeangliae Feresa attenuata Globicephala macrorhynchus Orcinus orca Peponocephala electra Pseudorca crassidens Physeter macrocephalus Kogia breviceps Kogia sima Mesoplodon densirosiris Mesoplodon ginkgodens Ziphius cavirostris Bos gaurus Bos mutus Bubalus arnee Equus hemionus Equus kiang Mustela altaica Mustela sibirica Mustela kathiah Mustela erminea ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY PatH PART B: BIRDS SLNo. Common name Scientific name BARN OWLS 1, Andaman Barn Owl ‘Tuto deroepstorgi 2. Common Barn Owl Tyto alba - eee en Bee 12, 13 14. 15, 16. BITTERNS, HERONS AND EGRETS Cinnamon Bittern Ixobrychus cinnamomeus White-bellied Heron Ardea insignis White-cared Night Heron Gorsachius magnificus BUNTINGS ‘Yellow-breasted Bunting Emberica aureola BUSTARDS Bengal Florican Houbaropsis bengalensis Great Indian Bustard Ardeotis nigriceps Lesser Florican Sypheotides indicus Little Bustard Tetrax tetra ‘Macqueen’s Bustard Chlamydotis macqueenit CISTICOLAS, PRINIAS, AND ALLIES Grey-crowned Prinia Prinia cinereocapilla Rufous-fronted Prinia Prinia buchanani COURSERS AND PRATINCOLES Indian Courser Cursorius coromandelicus Jerdon's Courser Rhinoptilus bitorquatus CRANES Black-necked Crane Grus nigricollis ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINAR?. 4: 18. 19. 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. 21. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32, 33. 34, 35. 36. 37. 38, 39. 40. AL 42. ‘Common Crane Demoiselle Crane Hooded Crane Sarus Crane Siberian Crane CROWS AND ALLIES Andaman Treepie DUCKS, GEESE, AND SWANS Andaman Teal Baer's Pochard. Common Pochard Cotton Pygmy Goose Fulyous Whistling Duck Marbled Teal Pink-headed Duck White-headed Duck White-winged Wood Duck FALCONS Amur Falcon Laggar Falcon Peregrine Faleon Red-necked Falcon Saker Falcon FINFOOTS: Masked Finfoot Grus grus Grus virgo Grus monacha Antigone antigone Leucogeranus leucogeranus Dendrocitta bayleii Anas albogularis Aythya baeri Aythya ferina Nettapus coromandelianus Dendrocygna bicolor Marmaronetia angustirostris Rhodonessa caryophyllacea Oxyura leucocephala Asarcornis scutulata Falco amurensis Falco jugger Falco peregrinus Falco chicquera Falco cherrug Heliopais personatus FLYCATCHERS, CHATS AND ALLIES Chinese Rubythroat Hodgson's Bushchat Kashmir Flycatcher Large Blue Flycatcher Nilgici Sholakili Calliope tschebaiewi Saxicola insignis Ficedula subrubra Cyornis magnirostris Sholicola major 43. 45. 47. 48. 49, SL 52. 53. 55. 56. 37. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY White-bellied Shotakili FRIGATEBIRDS Chrisunas Island Frigatebird FROGMOUTHS Hodgson's Frogmouth Sri Lanka Frogmouth GULLS AND TERNS Black-bellied Tem Gull-billed Tern Indian Skimmer River Tern HORNBILLS Austen's Brown Hornbill Great Hombill Malabar Grey Hornbill Malabar Pied Hombill Narcondam Hormbill Oriental Pied Hombill Rufous-necked Hornbill Wreathed Hombill IBISBILL Eurasian Spoonbill Ibisbill KINGFISHERS Blyth’s Kingfisher Sholicola albiventris Fregata andrewsi Batrachostomus hodgsoni Batrachostomus moniliger Sterna acuticauda Gelochelidon nilotica Rynchops albicoliis Sterna aurantia Anorrhinus austeni Buceros bicomis Ocyceros griseus Anthracoceros coronatus Rhyticeros narcondami Anthracoceros albirostris ‘Aceros nipalensis Rhyticeros undulatus Platalea leucorodia Ibidorhyncha struthersii Alcedo hercules KITES, HAWKS, EAGLES AND VULTURES ‘Andaman Serpent Eagle Spilornis elgini Pert ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIAEXTRAORDINARY 63, 64, 65, 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. n 72. 73. 14. 15. 16. 7. 18. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 85, 86. 81. 88. 89. o1. 93. 94, 95. 97, 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103 Bearded Vulture Besta Black Baza Black Eagle Borelli’s Eagle Booted Eagle Brahminy Kite Changeable Hawk Eagle Chinese Sparrowhawk Cinereous Vulture ‘Common Buzzard Crested Goshawk Crested Serpent Eagle Eastern Imperial Eagle Eastern Marsh Harriet Egyptian Vulture Eurasian Sparrowhawk Golden Eagle Greater Spotted Eagle Grey-faced Buzzard Grey-headed Fish Eagle Griffon Vulture Hen Harrier Himalayan Buzzard Himalayan Vulture Indian Spotted Eagle Indian Vulture Japanese Sparrowhawk Jerdon’s Baza Lesser Fish Eagle Long-legged Buzzard Montagu's Harrier ‘Mountain Hawk Eagle Nicobar Serpent Eagle Nicobar Sparrowhawk Northem Goshawk Pallas's Fish Eagle Pallid Harrier Pied Harrier Red Kite Red-headed Vulture Gypaetus barbatus Accipiter virgatus Aviceda leuphotes Ictinaetus malaiensis Aquila fasciata Hieraaetus pennatus Haliastur indus Nisaetus cirrhatus Accipiter soloensis Aegypius monachus Buteo buteo Accipiter trivirgatus Spilornis cheela Aquila heliaca Circus spilonotus Neophron percnopterus Accipiter nisus Aquila chrysaetos Clanga clanga Butastur indicus Haliaeetus ichthyaetus Gyps fulvus Circus cyaneus Buteo refectus Gyps himalayensis Clanga hastata Gyps indicus Accipiter gularis Aviceda jerdoni Iethyophaga humilis Buteo rufinus Circus pygargus Nisaetus nipalensis Spilornis Kossi Accipiter butleri Accipiter gentilis Haliaeetus leucoryphus Circus macrourus Circus melanoleucos Milvus milvus Sarcogyps calvus 104, 105, 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. ut 112, 113. 14, 115. 116. 17. 118. 119. 120. 121, 122. 123. 124, 125. 126. 127. 128, 129. 130. 1B. 132. 133. ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY Rufous-bellied Eagle Lophotriorchis kienerii Shikra Accipiter badius Short-toed Snake Eagle Circaetus gallicus Slender-billed Vulture Gyps tenuirosiris Steppe Eagle Aquila nipalensis ‘Tawny Eagle Aquila rapax Upland Buzzard Buteo hemilasius Westem Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus White-bellied Sea Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster White-eyed Buzzard Butastur tesa ‘White-rumped Vulture Gyps bengalensis White-tailed Sea Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla LAUGHINGTHRUSHES AND LARGE BABBLERS Ashambu Laughingthrush Montecincla meridionalis Banasura Laughingthrush Montecincla jerdoni Bar-winged Wren Babbler Spelaeomnis troglodytoides Brown-capped Laughingthrush ‘Trochalopteron austeni Bugun Livcichla Liocichla bugunorum Chestrut-backed Laughingthrush —Pterorhinus nuchalis Grey-sided Laughingthrush Pterorhinus caerulatus Jerdon's Babbler Chrysorma altirostre Moustached Laughingthrush Tanthocincla cineracea Nilgiri Laughingthrush Montecincla cachinnans Sikkim Wedge-billed Babbler Stachyris humei Slender-billed Babbler Argya longirostris Snowy-throated Babbler Stachyris oglei Tawny-breasted Wren Babbler Spelaeornis longicaudatus LOCUSTELLA WARBLERS AND ALLIES. Bristled Grassbird Schoenicola striatus Broad-tailed Grassbird Schoenicola platyurus West Himalayan Bush Warbler Locusiella kashmirensis MEGAPODES Nicobar Megapode Megapodius nicobariensis VETS AND CUCKOOSIIRIKES Pert 134, 135. 136. 137. 138. 139, 140. 141. 142 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIAEXTRAORDINARY v1 Small Minivet MUNIAS Green Munia NUTHATCHES Beautiful Nuthatch OSPREY ? Osprey OwLs Brown Fish Owl Brown Wood Owl Buffy Fish Owl Eurasian Eagle Owl Forest Owlet Indian Eagle Owl Mottled Wood Owl Northern Long-eared Owl Short-eared Owl Spot-bellied Eagle Ow! Tawny Fish Ow! PARROTBILLS AND ALLIES Black-breasted Parrotbill PARROTS & PARAKEETS Lord Derby's Parakeet Red-breasted Parakeet Pericrocotus cinnamomeus Amandava formosa Sitta formosa Pandion haliaetus Ketupa zeylonensis Sirix leptogrammica Ketupa ketupu Bubo bubo Athene blewitti Bubo bengalensis Sirix ocellata Asio otus Asio flammeus Bubo nipatensis Ketupa flavipes Paradoxornis flavirostris Psittacula derbiana Psittacula alexandri PARTRIDGES, QUAILS, AND PHEASANTS Blood Pheasant Ithaginis cruentus ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY Pert— 153. 154, 155. 156. 157. 158. 159, 160. 161 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167, 168. 169. 170. i. 172. 173. 174, 175. 176. 177, 178. 179. 180, 181. 182. Blyth’s Tragopan Cheer Pheasant ‘Chestnut-breasted Partridge Green Peafowl Grey Junglefowl Grey Peacock Pheasant ‘Himalayan Monal Himalayan Quail Indian Peafow! Kalij Pheasant Menipar Bush Quail Mountain'Bamboo Partridge ‘Mrs Hume's Pheasant Satyr Tragopan Sclater’s Monal ‘Swamp Francolin Temminck’s Tragopan Tibetan Ear Pheasant ‘Tibetan Partridge Tibetan Snowcock Westem Tragopan PIGEONS AND DOVES Andaman Green Pigeon Nicobar Pigeon Nilgiri Wood Pigeon Pale-capped Pigeon ‘Yellow-eyed Pigeon PIPITS AND WAGTAILS rest Wagtail Nilgiri Pipit PLOVERS AND LAPWINGS Pacific Golden Plover Sociable Lapwing SANDPIPERS Tragopan blythii Catreus wallichii Arborophila mandellit Pavo muticus Gallus sorneratii Polyplectron bicalcaratum Lophophorus impejanus Ophrysia superciliosa Pavo cristatus Lophura leucomelanos Perdicula manipurensis Bambusicola fytchii Syrmaticus humiae Tragopan satyra Lophophorus sclateri Francolinus gularis Tragopan temminckii Crossoptilon harmani Perdix hodgsoniae Tetraogallus riberanus Tragopan melanocephalus Treron chloropterus Caloenas nicobarica Columba elphinstonit Columba punicea Columba eversmanni Dendronanthus indicus Anthus nilghiriensis Pluvialis fulva Vanellus gregarius ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIAEXTRAORDINARY 29 183. 184, 185. 186. 187. 188. 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196. 197. 198. 199, 200. 201 Common Greenshank Great Knot Spoon-billed Sandpiper Wood Snipe Tringa nebularia Calidris tenuirostris Calidris pygmaea Gallinago nemoricola SCIMITAR BABBLERS AND ALLIES Mishmi Wren Babbler Naga Wren Babbler > Spelaeomis badeigularis Spelacomis chocolatinus SMALL BABBLERS, FULVETTAS AND ALLIES Marsh Babbler Rufous-vented Grass Babbler ‘Swamp Grass Babbler STARLINGS AND MYNA Common Hill Myna Southern Hill Myna STORKS Greater Adjutant Lesser Adjutant White Stork SWIFTS Crested Treeswift Dark-rumped Swift Glossy Swifilet Indian Swiftlet ‘THRUSHES AND ALLIES Nilgiti Thrush TROGONS Pellorneum palustre Laticilla burnesii Laticilla cinerascens Gracula religiosa Gracula indica Leptoptilos dubius Leptoptilos javanicus Ciconia ciconia Hemiprocne coronata Apus acuticauda Collecalia esculenta Aerodramus unicolor Zoothera neilgherriensis ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY Pet 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. No. BY 2 Ward's Trogon ‘TITs White-naped Tit WEAVERS Finn's Weaver WOODPEGKERS AND ALLIES Andaman Woodpecker Great Slaty Woodpecker Heart-spotted Woodpecker Yellow-crowned Woodpecker Harpactes wardi Machlolophus nuchalis Ploceus megarhynchus Dryocopus hodgei Mulleripicus pulverulentus Hemicircus canente Leiopicus mahratiensis PART C: REPTILES ‘Common Name Scientific Name BOAS Red Sand Boa Eryx johnii Whitaker's Boa Eryx whitakeri CROCODILES Gharial Gavialis gangeticus Marsh Crocodile Crocodylus palustris Saltwater Crocodile Crocodylus porosus CHAMELEON Indian Chameleon Chamaeleo zeylanicus GECKOS ‘Andaman Giant gecko Gekko verreauxi Bangalore Geckoella Cyrtodactylus srilekhae Horsfield's Gliding Gecko Gekko horsfieldii sec 1] ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA XTRAOSDINARY 31 10. ML, 12, 1B. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2, 22, 23, 24, SBBERB 31. 32. Indian Golden Gecko Jeypore Ground Gecko Leopard Geckos / Eyelid Geckos Nicobar Gliding Gecko Rishi Valley Geckoella Smith's Green-eyed Gecko Smooth-backed Gliding Gecko Tokay Gecko KING COBRA Indian Cobras King Cobra LIZARDS Indian Spiny Tailed Lizard MONITORS: Bengal Monitor Desert Monitor ‘Water Monitor Yellow Monitor OTHER SNAKES Checkered Keelback Dhaman or Indian Rat Snake Dog-faced Water Snake Indian Egg Eating Snake Olive Keelback Water Snake Russell’s Viper PYTHONS Pythons Reticulated Python TURTLES & TORTOISES Calodactylodes aureus Cyriodactylus jeyporensis All species of the Genus Eublepharis Gekko nicobarensis Cyriodactylus rishivalleyensis Gekko smithit Gekko lionotum Gekko gecko All species of the Genus Naja All species of the Genus Ophiophagus Saara hardwickii Varanus bengalensis Varanus griseus Varanus salvator Varanus flavescens Fowlea piscator Piyas mucosa Cerberus rynchops Boiga westermanni Atretium schistosum Daboia russelit All species of the Genus Python Malayopython reticulates ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY (Pac 33, 34, 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 2 43. 45. 46. 43. 49, 50. 51 52. 53. 55. 56. 37. 58. 59. 61. 62. No. Amboina Box Turtle Asian Giant Softshell Turtle Asian Giant Tortoise Asiatic Softshell Turtle Assam Roofed Turtle Black Softshell Turtle Cochin Forest Cane Turtle Crowned River Turtle Green Sea Turtle Hawksbill Turle Indian Eyed Turtle Indian Flap Shell Turtle Indian Narrow-headed Softshell Turtle Indian Roofed Turtle Indian Softshell Turtle Indian Star Tortoise Indian Tent Turtle Keeled box Turtle Leatherback Turtle Leith’ s Softshell Turtle Loggerhead Turtle Northem River Terrapin Olive Ridley Sea Turtle Peacock Softshell Turtle Red-crowned Rooted Turtle Sal forest Tortoise Spotted Pond Turtle Three-striped Roofed Turtle Travancore Tortoise Tricarinate Hill Turtle Cuora amboinensis Pelochelys cantorii Manouria emys Amydacartilaginea Pangshura sythetensis Nilssonia nigricans Vijayachelys sitvatica Hardella thurjii Chelonia mydas Eretmochelys imbricata Morenia petersi Lissemys punctata Chitra indica Pangshura tecta Nilssonia gangetica Geochelone elegans Pangshura tertoria Cuora mouhotit Dermochelys coriacea Nilssonia leithii Caretta caretta Batagur baska Lepidochelys olivacea Nilssoniat huurum Batagur kachuga Indotestudo elongata Geoclemys hamiltonii Batagur dkongoka Indotestudo travancorica Melanochelys tricarinata PART D: AMPHIBIANS Common Name Scientific Name Crocodile Newt Tylototriton verucosus Himalayan Tylototriton himalayanus ‘Salamander Koyna Toad Xanthophryne keynayensis Purple Frogs AIL species of the Genus Nasikabatrachus sec 1] ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIAEXTRAORDINKRY 33 PART E: FISHES No. Common Names 10. 1. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18, 19. 20. GROUPER Giant Grouper SEAHORSES Seahorses and Pipefishes RAYS Bottlenose Wedgefish Bowmouth Guitarfish ‘Clubnose Guitarfish Ganges Stingray Giant Freshwater ‘Whipray Giant Guitarfish Giant Manta Porcupine Whipray Reef Manta Smoothnose Wedgefish Widenose Guitarfish SAWFISHES: Common sawfish Dwarf sawfish Green Sawfish Narrow Sawfish SHARKS Gangetic Shark Pondicherry Sherk Whale Shark Scientific Name Epinephelus lanceolatus All species in the Family Syngnathidae Rhynchobatus australiae Rhina ancylosioma Glaucostegus thouin Himantura fluviatilis Urogymnus polylepis Rhynchobotus djiddensis Mobula birostris Urogymnus asperrimus Mobula alfredi ‘Rhynchobatus laevis Glaucostegus obtusus Pristis pristis Pristis clavata Pristis zijsron Anoxypristis cuspidata Glyphis gangeticus Carcharhinus hemiodon Rhincodon.typus PART F: ECHINODERMATA ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY (Pero No. Common Name Scientific Name 1. Sea Cucumber All species of the Class Holothuroidea PART G: MOLLUSCA Ne. Common Name ‘Scientific Name CLAMS 1, Fluted Giant Clam Tridacna squamosa . Horse's Hoof Clam Hippopus hippopus 3. Small Giant Clam Tridaena maxima CONES 4. Glory of India Conus milneedwardsi HELMET SHELLS 5 Homed Helmet Shel/ Cassis cornuta King Shell NAUTILUS 6 Emperor Nautilus! Nautilus pompilius ‘Chambered nautilus SHELLS 7. Bull Mouth Helmey Cypraecassis rufa Queenshell ‘TRUMPETS 8. ‘Triton's Trumpet shell Charonia tritonis SPIRALS 9. Spiral Tudicla Tudicla spiritlus PART H; ARTHROPODS (OTHER THAN INSECTS) sec 1] ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIAEXTRAORDINARS 35 No. 1 No. Common Name Coconut or Robber Crab Scientific Name Birgus latro PART I: BUTTERFLIES (LEPIDOPTERA) ‘Common name Family Andaman Tailless Oakblue Blue Posy Broad panded Brilliant Cachar Mandarine Blue ‘Chapman's Hedge Blue Chestnut-and-black Royal Chinese Hairstreak Chocolate Bushblue Comic Oakblue Ferrat’s Cerulean Feruginous Hairstreak Great Brownie Great Darkie Hybrid Sapphire Kanara Oakblue Mackwood's Hairstreak Moth Butterfly Nags Hedge Blue Opal Oakblue Paona Hairstreak Peacock Hairstreak Plain Tailless Oakblue Purple-brown Tailless Oakblue ‘Tytler’s Dull Oakblue Watson's Hairstreak Watson's Mottle Family Scientific name Lycaenidae Arhopala zeta Drupadia scaeva Simiskina phalena Charana cepheis Notarthrinus binghami Tajuria yajna Amblopala avidiena Arhopala ariel Arhopala comica Jamides ferrari Ahlbergia leechii Gerydus symethus Allotinus drumita Heliophorus hybrida Arhopata alea Strymon mackwoodi Liphyra brassolis Oreolyce dohertyi Arhopala opalina Shirozuozephyrus paona Euaspa pavo Arhopala asopia Arhopala arvina Arhopala ace Thecla letha Logania watsoniana Nymphalidae ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY (Pac 27. 28, 29. 30. 31 32, 33. 35. 37. 38. 41 42, 43. 44, 45. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 58. 59. 61, 62, 63. 64, 65. 67, 70. Andaman King Crow Bamboo Tree Brown Banded Duffer Bhutan Sergeant Bhutan Tiecbrown Blue Baron Blue Begam Blue Duke Blue Nawab Branded Yeoman Camberwell Beauty Chestnut Rajah Common Duffer Dark Wall Dismal Mystic Dull Forester Eastem Courtier Empress Freak Fuliginous Sailer Golden Emperor Grand Duke Hockeystick Sailer Hockeystick Sailer Malay Staff Sergeant Malayan Nawab Manipur Fivering Mottled Argus ‘Naga Duke Northern Jungle Queen Orchid Tit Pallid Forester Peal’s Palmfly Pointed Palmifly Purple Bushbrown Scarce Blue Tiger Scarce Catseye Scarce Jester Scarce Lilacfork Scarce Red Forester Scarce Siren Scarce White Commodore Single Silversiripe Spotted Black Crow Euploea midanus roepstorffi Lethe europa Discophora deo Athyma jina Lethe margaritae Euthalia telchinia Prothoe franck regalis Euthalia durga Polyura schreiber Algia fasciata Nymphalis antiopa yedanula Charaxes durnfordi Discophora sondaica Lasiommata menava Lethe ocellata Lethe gulnihal Sophisa chandra Sasakia funebris Calinaga buddha Neptis ebusa ebusa Dillpa morgiana Euthalia iva Neptis nycteus Phaedyma aspasia Athyma reta moorei Polywra moori sandakana Ypthima persimilis Loxerebia narasingha Euthalia curvifascia Stichophthalma camadeva Chlioria othona Lethe satyavati Elymnias peali Elymnias penaga Mycalesis orseis Tirumata gautama Coelites nothis Symbrenthia silana Lethe dura Lethe distans Hestina nicevillei Sumalia zulema Lethe ramadeva Euploea crameri ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIAEXTRAOR INARY 37 1. 2. 2B. 74, 75. 76. 7. 2B. ee 81. 82. 83. 85, 86. 87. 88. 89. 91. 92. 93. 94, 95. 96, No. L Tawny Emperor Tytler’s Emperor Tytler’s Treebrown White Emperor White Spot Fritilliary Family Banded Apollo Black Windmill Chinese Windmill Common Clubiail de Nicgville's Windmill Hannyngton Apollo Himalayan Bhutan Glory Imperial Apollo Kaiser-i-Hind Krishna Peacock Ladak Banded Apollo Malabar Banded Swallowtail Mystical Bhutan Glory Nevill’s Windmill Vamished Apollo Yellow-crested Spangle Family Butler's Dwarf Dwarf Clouded Yellow Green Banded White Lemon Clouded Yellow Pale Jezabel Chitoria ulupi Eulaceura manipurensis Lethe gemina Helcyra hemina Argynnis hegmone Papilionidae Parnassius delphius Byasa crassipes Byasa plutonius Losaria coon Byasa polla Parassius hannyngtoni Bhutanitis lidderdalii Parnassius imperator Teinopalpus imperialis Papilio krishna Parnassius stoliczkanus Papilio liomedon Bhuianitis ludlowi Byasa nevilli Parnassius acco Papitio elephenor Pieridae Baltia butleri Colias dubia Pieris krueperi Colias thrasibulus Delias sanaca PART J: ODONATA (DRAGONFLY) Common name ‘Himalayan Relict Dragonfly Scientific name Epiophlebia laidlawi No. po ayvey iL 12, ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [Ease PART K: CORALS Common Name Scientific Name Black Coral All species of the Order Antipatharia Blue Coral All species from the following Families in the Order Helioporacea; Aulopsammiidae, Helioporidae, and Lithotelestidae False Corals, All species of the Order Corullimorpharia Fire Coral ‘All species of the Genus Millepora Organ Pipe Coral Tubipora musica Sea Angmones All species from the following Families in the Order Actiniaria: Actinernidae, Halcuriidae, and Edwardsiidae Sea Pens All species from the following Families in the Order Pennatulacea: Anthoptilidae, Chunellidae, Echinoptilidae, Funiculinidae, Kophobelemnidae, Protoptilidae, Pseudumbellulidae, Renillidae, Scleroptilidae, Stachyptilidae, Umbellulidae, Veretillidae, Balticinidae, Pennatulidae, and Virgulariidae Soft Corals Al species from the following Families in the Order Alcyonacea: Acanthoaxiidae, Chelidonisididae, Parasphaerascleridae, Nephtheidae, Alcyoniidae, Clavulariidae, Xeniidae, Cornuiariidae, Subergorgitdae, Pleaxauridae, Ellisellidae, Melithaeidae, and Briareidae Stony Coral Al species of the Order Scleractinia Tube-dwelling Al species of the following Families of the Anemones Order Penicillaria: Pennatulidae, Anthoptilidae, Scleroptilidae, Halipteridae, ani Protoptilidae Tube-dwelling All species of the Order Spirularia ‘Anemones Zoanthids All species of the Order Zooantharia SCHEDULE-I (See sections 9, 11, 12, 38-1, 39, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 48A, 49, 50, 51, 54 and 57) No. PART A: MAMMALS: ‘Common Name Scientific Name sec 1] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINART 9 ANTELOPE 1 Nilgai Boselaphus tragocamelus BADGERS er aaa S 10. ML. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Burmese/Large toothed Ferret Badger Chinese/Small-toothed Ferret Badger BATS Durga Das's Leaf nosed Bat Indian Flying Fox Mitred Horseshoe Bat Peters’s Tubenosed Bat Rainforest Tube-nosed Bat Sombre Bat CETACEANS Cetacean species DEER Spotted Deer/Chital HARES Desert Hare Indian Hare Woolly Hare HEDGEHOGS Bare bellied Hedgehog Indian Hedgehog Melogale personata Melogale moschata Hipposideros durgadasi Pteropus giganteus Rhinolophus mitratus Harpiola grisea Murina pluvialis Eptesicus tatei All species of the Infraorder Cetacea other than those listed in Schedule I Axis axis Lepus tibetanus Lepus nigricollis Lepus oiostolus Paraechinus nudiventris Paraechinus micropus 40 ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY ert 17. Indian Long-eared Hedgehog Hemiechinus collaris OTHER RODENTS 18, Andaman Rat Rattus stoicus 19. Car Nicobar Rat Rattus palmarem 20. Cutch Rock Rat Cremnomys cutchicus 21. Royle’s Mountain Vole Alticola roylei 22, Sahyadris Forest Rat Rattus saiarae PIG B. Wild Pig Sus scrofa PRIMATES m4. Northern Plains Gray/Hanuman Langur — Semnopithecus entellus SHREWS 25, Andaman Spiny Shrew Crocidura hispida 26. Assam Mole Shrew Anourosorex assumensis 27 Indian Highland Shrew Suncus niger 28. Jenkin’s Shrew Crocidura jenkinsi 29. Madras Treeshrew Anathana eltioti 30. Narcondam Shrew Crocidura narcondamica 31. Nicobar Shrew Crocidura nicobarica SQUIRRELS 32 Jungle Palm Squirrel Funambulus trisiriaus 33. Orange-bellied Himalayan Squirrel Dremomys lokriah TREE MICE 34. Spiny Tree Mouse Platacanthomys Lasiurus PART B: BIRDS sec 1] ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARS 4 Sh No. NOQMWseNe 10. i 12. 13. 14. I. 16. 7. 18. 19. 21. 22. 23. 35s. 26. Common name ACCENTORS: Alpine Accentor Altai Accentor Black-throated Accentor Brown Accentor Maroon-backed Accentor Robin Accentor Rufous-breasted Accentor BARBETS Blue-eared Barbet Biue-throated Barbet Brown-headed Barbet Coppersmith Barbet Golden-throated Barbet Great Barbet Lineated Barbet Malabar Barbet White-cheeked Barbet BARN OWLS Eastem Grass Owl Oriental Bay Owl Sti Lanka Bay Ow! BEE-EATERS Blue-bearded Bee-eater Blue-checked Bec-cater Blue-tailed Bee-eater Blue-throated Bee-eater Chestnut-headed Bee-eater European Bee-eater Green Bee-cater Scientific name Prunella collaris Prunella himalayana Prunella atrogularis Prunella fulvescens Prunella immaculata Prunella rubeculoides Prunella strophiata Psilopogon duvaucelit Psilopogon asiaticus Psilopogon zeylanicus Psilopogon haemacephatus Psilopogon franklinii Psilopogon virens Psilopogon lineatus Psilopogon malabaricus Psilopogon viridis Tyto longimembris Phodilus badius Phodilus assimilis Nyctyornis athertoni Merops persicus Merops philippinus Merops viridis Merops leschenaulti Merops apiaster Merops orientalis BITTERNS, HERONS AND EGRETS ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY Par e- 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 35. 36. 37, 38. 39. 40. 41 42. 43 45. 47. 48. 49. 50. Si 52. 53, 54, 55, 57. Black Bittern Black-crowned Night Heron Cattle Egret Chinese Egret Chinese Pond Heron Goliath Heron Great Bittem Great Egret Grey Heron Indian Pond Heron Intermediate Egret ? Javan Pond Heron Little Bittem Little Egret Malayan Night Heron Pacific Reef Egret Purple Heron Striated Heron Wester Reef Egret Yellow Bittern NORTHERN STORM-PETRELS ‘Swinhoe's Storm-petrel BROADBILLS Long-tailed Broadbill Silver-breasted Broadbill BULBULS Andaman Bulbul Ashy Bulbul Black Bulbul Black-crested Bulbul Black-headed Bulbul Cachar Bulbul Crested Finchbill Flame-throated Bulbul Lxobrychus flavicollis Nycticorax nycticorax Bubulcus ibis Egretia eulophotes Ardeola bacchus Ardea goliath Botaurus stellaris Ardea alba Ardea cinerea Ardeola grayii Ardea intermedia Ardeola speciosa Leobrychus minutus Egretia garzetia Gorsachius melanolophus Egretia sacra Ardea purpurea Butorides striata Egretta gularis Lxobrychus sinensis Oceanodroma monorhis Psarisomus dathousiae Serilophus lunatus Brachypodius fuscoflavescens Hemixos flavala Hypsipetes leucocephalus Rubigula flaviventris Brachypodius melanocephalos Tole cacharensis Spizixos canifrons Rubigula gularis sec 1] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY 8 58. Flavescent Bulbul Pycnonotus flavescens 59. Grey-headed Bulbul Brachypodius priocephalus 60. Himalayan Bulbul Pycnonotus leucogenis 61. Mountain Bulbul Ixos meclellandii 62. Nicobar Bulbul Lxos nicobariensis 63. Red-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus cafer 64. Red-whiskered Bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus 65. Square-tailed Bulbul Hypsipetes gancesa 66. Striated Bulbul Alcurus striatus 67. White-browed Bulbul Pycnonotus luteolus 68. White-eared Bulbul Pycnonotus leucotis 69, White-throated Bulbul Alophoixus flaveolus 70. —Yellow-browed Bulbul Acritillas indica 71, Yellow-throated Bulbul Pycnonotus xantholaemus BUNTINGS 72. Black-faced Bunting Emberiza spodocephala 73. Black-headed Bunting Emberiza melanocephala 74. Chestnut Bunting Emberiza rutila 75. Chestnut-eared Bunting Emberiza fucata 76. Crested Bunting Emberiza lathami 77, Eurasian Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus 78. Godlewski’s Bunting Emberiza godlewskii 79. Grey-necked Bunting Emberiza buchanani 80. Little Bunting Emberiza pusilla 81. Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana 82. Pine Bunting Emberiza leucocephalos 83. Red-headed Bunting Emberiza bruniceps 84. Rock Bunting Emberiza cia 85. Rustic Bunting Emberiza rustica 86. Stiolated Bunting Emberiza striolata 87. Tristram's Bunting Emberiza tristrami 88. White-capped Bunting Emberiza siewarti 89. Yellow-browed Bunting Emberiza chrysophrys 99. Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella BUTTONQUAILS 91. Barred Buttonquail Turnix suscitator 92. Small Buttonquail Turnix sylvaticus 44 93. 95. or. 98. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 108. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. iL 112. 113. 114. 1s. 116. 47. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122, 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY. Yellow-legged Buttonquail Par Turnix tanki CANARY-FLYCATCHERS AND ALLIES: Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher Yellow-bellied Fantail Culicicapa ceylonensis Chelidorhynx hypoxanthus CETTIA WARBLERS AND ALLIES Aberrant Bush Warbler Ashy-throated Warbler Asian Stubtail ; Black-faced Warbler Booted Warbler Broad-billed Warbler Brooks's Leaf Warbler Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler Buff-barred Warbler Buff-throated Warbler Cetti's Warbler Chestnut-crowned Bush Warbler Chestnut-headed Tesia Chinese Leaf Warbler Common Chiffchaff Crested Tit Warbler Dusky Warbler Green Warbler Green-crowned Warbler Greenish Warbler Grey-bellied Tesia Grey-cheeked Warbler Grey-crowned Warbler Grey-sided Bush Warbler Hume's Bush Warbler Hume's Warbler Lanceolated Warbler Large-billed Leaf Warbler Lemon-nimped Warbler ‘Manchurian Bush Warbler Mountain Chiffchaff ‘Mountain Tailorbird Horornis flavolivaceus Phylloscopus maculipennis Urosphena squameiceps Abroscopus schisticeps Iduna caligata Tickellia hodgsoni Phylloscopus subviridis Horormis fortipes Phylloscopus pulcher Phylloscopus subaffinis Cettia cetti Cettia major Cettia castaneocoronata Phylloscopus yunnanensis Phylloscopus collybita Lepiopoecile elegans Phylloscopus fuscatus Phylloscopus nitidus Phylloscopus burkii Phylloscopus trochiloides Tesia cyaniventer Phylloscopus poliogenys Phylloscopus tephrocephalus Cettia brunnifrons Horornis brannescens Phylloscopus humet Locustella lanceolata Phylloscopus magnirostris Phylloscopus chloronotus Horornis canturians Phylloscopus sindianus Phyllergates cucullatus sec 1] ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIAEXTRAORDINARY 3 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134, 135, 136. 137, 138. 139. 140. 141 142. 143, 144, 145. 146. 147. 148. 149, 150. 151. 152. 153. 154, 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. Pale-footed Bush Warbler Pale-legged Leaf Warbler Plain Leaf Warbler Rufous-faced Warbler Rusty-rumped Warbler Sakhalin Leat Warbler Sichuan Leaf Warbler Slaty-bellied Tesia ‘Smoky Warbler Sulphur-bellied Warbler Sykes's Warbler Thick-billed Warbler Tickell's Leaf Warbler ‘Two-barred Warbler Whistler's Warbler White-browed Tit Warbler White-spectacled Warbler Willow Warbler Wood Warbler Yellow-bellied Warbler Yellow-browed Warbler Urosphena pallidipes Phylloscopus tenellipes Phylloscopus neglectus Abroscopus albogularis Helopsaltes certhiola Phylloscopus borealoides Phylloscopus forresti Tesia olivea Phylloscopus fuligiventer Phylloscopus griseolus Iduna rama Arundinax aedon Phylloscopus affinis Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus Phylloscopus whistleri Leptopoecile sophiae Phylloscopus intermedius Phylloscopus trochilus Phylloscopus sibilatrix Abroscopus superciliaris Phylloscopus inornatus CISTICOLAS, PRINIAS, AND ALLIES Ashy Prinia Black-throated Prinia Common Tailorbird Dark-necked Tailorbird Golden-headed Cisticola Graceful Prinia Grey-breasted Prinia Hill Prinia Jungle Prinia Plain Prinia Rufescent Prinia Striated Prinia Yellow-bellied Prinia Zitting Cisticola CORMORANTS Prinia socialis Prinia atrogularis Orthotomus sutorius Orthotomus atrogularis Cisticola exilis Prinia gracilis Prinia hodgsonii Prinia superciliaris Prinia sylvatica Prinia inornata Prinia rafescens Prinia crinigera Prinia flaviventris Cisticola juncidis 46 ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY (Pac 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. i71. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183, 184, 185. 186, 187. 188, 189. 190. 191. Great Cormorant Indian Cormorant Little Cormorant COURSERS AND PRATINCOLES Collared Pratincole Cream-coloured Courser Oriental Pratincole ‘Small Pratincole CRAB-PLOVER Crab-plover CROWS AND ALLIES Black-headed Jay Carrion Crow Collared Treepie Common Green Magpie Common Raven Eurasian Jackdaw Eurasian Jay Eurasian Magpie Grey Treepie Hooded Crow Large-billed Crow Large-spotted Nuteracker Pied Crow Red-billed Blue Magpie Red-billed Chough Rook Rufous Treepie Spotted Nutcracker White-bellied Treepie Yellow-billed Blue Magpie Yellow-billed Chough cUuCcKOOS Phalacrocorax carbo Phalacrocoras fuscicollis Microcarbo niger Glareola pratincola Cursorius cursor Glareola maldivarum Glareota tactea Dromas ardeola Garrulus lanceolatus Corvus corone Dendrocitta frontalis Cissa chinensis Corvus corax Corvus monedula Garrulus glandarius Pica pica Dendrocitta formosae Corvus cornix Corvus macrorhynchos Nucifraga multipunctata Corvus albus Urocissa erythroryncha Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax Corvus fragilegus Dendrociua vagabunda Nucifraga caryocatactes Dendrocitta leucogastra Urocissa flavirostris Pyrrhocorax graculus sec 1] ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIAEXTRAOTDINARY 47 192. 193, 194, 195. 196, 197. 198. 199, 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 207. 208. 210. 2u. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219, 220. Andaman Coucal Asian Emerald Cuckoo Asian Koel Banded Bay Cuckoo Blue-faced Malkoha Chestnut-winged Cuckoo ‘Common Cuckoo Common Hawk Cuckoo Fork-tailed Drongo Cuckoo Greater Coucal Green-billed Malkoha Grey-bellied Cuckoo Hodgson's Hawk Cuckoo Horsfield's Bronze Cuckoo Indian Cuckoo Large Hawk Cuckoo Lesser Coucal Lesser Cuckoo Oriental Cuckoo Pied Cuckoo Plaintive Cuckoo Sirkeer Malkoha Square-tailed Drongo Cuckoo Violet Cuckoo DARTERS Oriental Darter DIPPERS Brown Dipper White-throated Dipper DIVERS Black-throated Diver Red-throated Diver DRONGOS Centropus andamanensis Chrysococeyx maculatus Eudynamys scolopaceus Cacomantis sonneratii Phaenicophaeus viridirostris Clamator coromandus Cuculus canorus Hierococeyx varius Surniculus dicruroides Ceniropus sinensis Phaenicophaeus tristis Cacomantis passerinus Hierococeys nisicolor Chrysococeyx basalis Cuculus micropterus Hierococeyx sparverioides Ceniropus bengalensis Cuculus poliocephalus Cuculus opiatus Clamator jacobinus Cacomantis merulinus Taccocua leschenaultii Surniculus lugubris Chrysococeyx xanthorhynchus Anhinga melanogaster Cinclus pallasii Cinclus cinclus Gavia arctica Gavia stellata 48 ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY (Pac 221. 222. 223, 224, 225, 226. 227, 228. 229, 230, 231. 232. 233. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245. 246. 247, 248. 249, 250, 251. 252. 253. 254. 255, 256. 257. 258. ‘Andaman Drongo Ashy Drongo Black Drongo Bronzed Drongo Crow-billed Drongo Greater Racket-tailed Drongo Hair-crested Drongo Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo White-bellied Droago DUCKS, GEESE, AND SWANS Baikal Teal Bar-headed Goose Bean Goose Common Goldeneye ‘Common Merganser Common Shelduck ‘Common Teal Eastern Spot-billed Duck Eurasian Wigeon Faleated Duck Ferruginous Duck Gadwall Garganey Greater Scaup Greater White-froated Goose Greylag Goose Indian Spot-billed Duck Knob-billed Duck Lesser Whistling Duck Lesser White-fronted Goose Long.tailed Duck Mallard Mandarin Duck Mute Swan Northern Pintail Northern Shoveler Red-breasted Goose Red-breasted Merganser Red-crested Pochard Dicrurus andamanensis Dicrurus leucophaeus Dicrurus macrocercus Dicrurus aeneus Dicrurus annectens Dicrurus paradiseus Dicrurus hottentottus Dicrurus remifer Dicrurus caerulescens Sibirionetta formosa Anser indicus Anser fabalis Bucephala clangula Mergus merganser Tadorna tadorna Anas crecca Anas zonorhyncha Mareca penelope Mareca falcata Aythya nyroca Mareca strepera Spatula querquedula Aythya marila Anser albifrons Anser anser Anas poecilorhyncha Sarkidiornis melanotos Dendrocygna javanica Anser erythropus Clangula hyemalis Anas platyrhynchos Aix galericulata Cygnus olor Anas acuta Spatula clypeata Branta ruficollis Mergus serrator Netta rufina sec 1] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY 49 259, Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea 260. Smew Mergellus albellus 261. Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula 262. Tundra Swan Cygnus columbianus 263. hooper Swan Cygnus cygnus ELACHURA 264. Spotted Elachura Elachura formosa FAIRY-BLUEBIRDS 265. Asian Fairy-bluebird Irena puella FALCONS 266. Collared Faleonet Microhierax caerulescens 267. Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus 268. Eurasian Hobby Falco subbuteo 269. Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni 270. Merlin Falco columbarius 271. Oriental Hobby Falco severus 272. Pied Falconet Microhicrax melanoleucos 273. - Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus FANTAILS 274. Spot-breasted Fantail Rhipidura albogularis 275. White-browed Fantail Rhipidura aureola 276. White-throated Fantail Rhipidura albicollis FINCHES 277. Black-and-yellow Grosbeak Mycerobas icterivides 278. Black-headed Greenfinch Chloris ambigua 279. Blanford's Rosefinch Agraphospiza rubescens 280. Blyth’s Rosefinch Carpodacus grandis 281. Brambling Fringilla montifringitia 282. Brandt's Mountain Finch Leucosticte brandti 283. Brown Bullfinch Pyrrhula nipalensis 284. Chinese White-browed Rosefinch Carpodacus dubius, 285. Collared Grosbeak Mycerobas affinis ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY Pat 286. Common Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs 287. Common Linnet Linaria cannabina 288. Common Rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus 289, Crimson-browed Finch Carpodacus subhimachalus 290. Crimson-winged Finch Rhodopechys sanguineus 291. Dark-breasted Rosefinch Procarduelis nipalensis 292. Dark-rumped Rovefinch Camodacus edwardsii 293. Desert Finch Rhodospiza obsoleta Eurasian Siskin Spinus spinus European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis Fice-fronted Serin Serinus pusillus Gold-naped Finch Pyrthoplectes epauletia Great Rosefinch Carpodacus rubicilla Grey-headed Bullfinch Pyrrhula erythaca Hawfinch Coccothraustes coccothraustes Himalayan Beautiful Rosefinch Carpodacus pulcherrimus Himalayan White-browed Rosefinch Carpodacus thura 308. 310. iL. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321, 322. 323. 324, 325, Mongolian Finch Orange Bullfinch Pale Rockfinch Pale Rosefinch Pink-browed Rosefinch Pink-rumped Rosefinch Plain Mountain Finch Red Crossbill Red-fronted Rosefinch Red-headed Bulfinch Scarlet Finch Sillem’s Rosefinch Spectacled Finch Spot-winged Grosbeak Spot-winged Rosefinch Streaked Rosefinch Three-banded Rosefinch ‘Tibetan Siskin ‘Trumpeter Finch Twite Vinaceous Rosefinch White-winged Grosbeak Yellow-breasted Greenfinch Bucanetes mongolicus Pyrrhula aurantiaca Carpospiza brachydactyla Carpodacus stolicckae Carpodacus rodochroa Carpodacus waltoni Leucosticte nemoricola Loxia curvirosira Carpodacus puniceus Pyrrhula erythrocephala Carpodacus sipahi Carpodacus sillemi Callacanthis burtoni Mycerobas melanozanthos Carpodacus rodopeplus Carpodacus rubicilloides Carpodacus trifasciatus Spinus thibetanus Bucanetes githagineus Linaria flavirostris Carpodacus vinaceus Mycerobas camipes Chloris spinoides ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIAEXTRAORDINARY 326, 327. 328. 329, 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337, 338. 339, 341, 342, 343. 344. 345. 346. 347, 348, 349, 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356, 357, 358. FLAMINGOS Greater Flamingo Lesser Flamingo FLOWERPECKERS Andaman Flowerpecker Fire-breasted Flowerpecker Nilgiri Flowerpecker Pale-billed Flowerpecker Plain Flowerpeckgr Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker Thick-billed Flowerpecker Yellow-bellied Flowerpecker Yellow-vented Flowerpecker Phoenicopterus roseus Phoeniconaias minor Dicaeum virescens Dicaeum ignipectus Dicaeum concolor Dicaeum erythrorkynchos Dicaeum minullum Dicaeum cruentatum Dicaeum agile Dicaeum melanozanthum Dicaeum chrysorrteum FLYCATCHERS, CHATS AND ALLIES Andaman Shama Asian Brown Flycatcher Black Redstart Black-and-orange Flycatcher Black-backed Forktail Blue Rock Thrush Blue Whistling Thrush Blue-and-white Flycatcher Blue-capped Redstart Blue-capped Rock Thrush Blue-fronted Redstart Blue-fronted Robin Bluethroat Blue-throated Flycatcher Brown Rock Chat Brown-breasted Flycatcher Chestnut-bellied Rock Thrush Common Redstart Dark-sided Flycatcher Daurian Redstart Desert Wheatear Eversmann’s Redstart Copsychus albiventris Muscicapa dawurica Phoenicurus ochruros Ficedula nigrorufa Enicurus immaculatus Monticola solitarius Myophonus caeruleus Cyanoptila cyanometana Phoenicurus coeruleocephala Monticola cinclorkyncha Phoenicurus frontalis Cinetidium frontate Luscinia svecica Cyornis rubeculoides Ocnanthe fusca Muscicapa muctui Monticola rufiventris Phoenicurus phoenicurus Muscicapa sibirica Phoenicurus auroreus Ocnanthe deserti Phoenicurus erythronotus ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY 359, 360. 361 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369, 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 316. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394, 395. 396. 397. 398. 399, Ferruginous Flycatcher Finsch's Wheatear Firethroat Golden Bush Robin Gould's Shortwing Grey Bushchat Hill Blue Flycatcher Himalayan Bush Robin Himalayan Rubythroat Himalayan Shortwing Hodgson's Redstart Hume's Wheatear Indian Blue Robin Indian Robin Isabelline Wheatear Jerdon's Bushchat Large Niltava Lesser Shortwing Little Forktail Little Pied Flycatcher Malabar Whistling Thrush Mugimaki Flycatcher Nicobar Jungle Flycatcher Nilgiri Flycatcher Northern Wheatear Oriental Magpie Robin Pale Blue Flycatcher Pale-chinned Flycatcher Pied Bushchat Pied Wheatear Plumbeous Water Redstart Pygmy Blue Flycatcher Red-breasted Flycatcher Red-flanked Bush Robin Red-tailed Wheztear Rufous-bellied Niltava Rufous-breasted Bush Robin Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin Rusty-bellied Shortwing Muscicapa ferruginea Ocnanthe finschii Calliope pectardens Tarsiger chrysaeus Heteroxenicus stellatus Saxicola ferreus Cyornis banyumas Tarsiger rufilaus Calliope pectoralis Brachypteryx cruralis Phoenicurus hodgsoni Oenanthe albonigra Lanvivora brunnea Copsychus fulicatus Oenanthe isabellina Saxicola jerdoni Niliava grandis Brachypteryx leucophris Enicurus scouleri Ficedula westermanni Myophonus horsfieldii Ficedula mugimaki Cyornis nicobaricus Eumyias albicaudatus Oenanthe oenanthe Copsychus saularis Cyoris unicolor Cyornis poliogenys Saxicola caprata Oenanthe pleschanka Phoenicurus fuliginosus Ficedula hodgsoni Ficedula parva Tarsiger cyanurus Oenanthe chrysopygia Niliava sundara Tarsiger hyperythrus Ficedula strophiata Monticola saxatilis Cercotrichas galactotes Brachypieryx hyperythra ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIAEXTRAORDINARY 33 410. 4ll. 412. 413. 414 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424, 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434, Rusty-tailed Flycatcher Sapphire Flycatcher Siberian Blue Robin. Siberian Rubythroat Siberian Stonechat Slaty-backed Flycatcher Slaty-backed Forktail Slaty-blue Flycatcher Small Niltava Snowy-browed Flycatcher Spotted Flycatcher Spotted Forktail? Stoliczka's Bushchat Taiga Flycatcher Tickell's Blue Flycatcher Ultramarine Flycatcher Variable Wheatear Verditer Flycatcher Vivid Niltava White-bellied Blue Flycatcher White-bellied Redstart White-browed Bush Robin White-capped Redstart White-crowned Forktail White-gorgeted Flycatcher White-rumped Shama White-tailed Blue Flycatcher White-tailed Robin White-tailed Stonechat White-throated Redstart White-winged Redstart Yellow-rumped Flycatcher Zappey's Flycatcher FRIGATEBIRDS Great Frigatebird Lesser Frigatebird GANNETS AND BOOBIES Ficedula ruficauda Ficedula sapphira Larvivora cyane Calliope calliope Saxicola maurus Ficedula erithacus Enicurus schistaceus Ficedula tricolor Niliava macgrigoriae Ficedula hyperythra Muscicapa striata Enicurus maculatus Saxicola macrorhynchus Ficedula albicilla Cyornis tickelliae Ficedula superciliaris Oenanthe picata Eumyias thalassinus Niltava vivida Cyoris pallidipes Luscinia phaenicuroides Tarsiger indicus Phoenicurus leucocephalus Enicuras leschenaulti Anthipes monileger Copsychus malabaricus Cyornis concretus Myiomela leucura Saxicola leucurus Phoenicurus schisticeps Phoenicurus erythrogastras Ficedula zanthopygia Cyanoptila cumatilis Fregata minor Fregata ariel ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 441. 442. 443, 444, 445. 446. 441. 448. 449. 450, 451. 452. 453. 454, 455, 456. 457. 458. 459, 461. 462. 463. 464, 465. 466. Brown Booby Masked Booby Red-footed Booby GOLDCRESTS Golderest GREBES Black-necked Grebe Great Crested Gyebe: Homed Grebe Little Grebe Red-necked Grebe GULLS AND TERNS Arctic Tern Black Noddy Black Tern Black-headed Gull Black-legged Kittiwake Black-naped Tern Bridled Ten Brown Noddy Brown-headed Gull Caspian Gull Caspian Tern Common Term Franklin's Gull Greater Crested Tern Lesser Black-backed Gull Lesser Crested Tem Lesser Noddy Litde Gull Little Tern Mew Gull Mongolian Gull Pallas’s Gull Roseate Tern Sula leucogaster Sula dactylaira Sula sula Regulus regulus Podiceps nigricollis Podiceps cristatus Podiceps auritus Tachybaptus ruficoliis Podiceps grisegena Sterna paradisaea Anous minutus Chlidonias niger Chroicocephalus ridibundus Rissa tridactyla Sterna sumairana Onychoprion anaethetus Anous stolidus Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus Larus cachinnans Hydroprogne caspia Sterna hirundo Leucophaeus pipixcan Thalasseus bergii Larus fuuscus Thalasseus bengalensis Anous tenuirostris Hydrocoloeus minutus Sternula albifrons Larus canus Larus smithsonianus mongolicus Ichthyaeius ichthyaetus Sterna dougallii

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