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With a solid understanding of all the above we can now start formulating entries. This part
will likely be the most testing heavy part for you as there are a few options when it comes to
them, and you need to decide what works best for you.

In general, there are 3 ways to approach it:

1: ‘Risk Entry’, this is setting a limit on the POI and letting it play out. This is best when you
have a strong narrative and only one available area for the trade to play out before it
becomes invalid. So, I personally tend to use these at extremes and cover the relevant high
or low. In general, they will have a lower win rate, and lower RR, because the POI will likely
be large compared to using some form of confirmation. The upside to them is they are set
and forget, so you set your limit and unless you are presented with other information you
let it play out, and at maximum you should only incur 1 loss should the trade go against you,
as you should have covered the relevant area that the trade idea would become invalid

Chart example:

2: ‘Aggressive confirmation’, this would be using a CHoCH for entry at the POI. We would
use this when the POI is large and we want to decrease our stop size, or if we potentially
have some reservations about the POI. This is still ‘riskier’ then using a breach, because we
could still be trading against the 1m. but if we have a lot of factors stacked in our favour this
is a good option. We would use this in the understanding that the 1m CHoCH is the 15s
breach and would mean we have the 15s in our favour when taking the trade. There are two
options with stop placement on this entry, you can either cover the main high, or you can
cover the high of the CHoCH. Covering the main high will increase the win rate, with the
disadvantage of reducing the RR. Covering the CHoCH high would potentially decrease the
win rate but up the RR.

3: ‘Confirmation’, this would be a breach away from your POI, these are best used when we
are very unsure of the POI, or CT. in this case we are waiting for price to turn in our favour
fully before taking the trade. This is the safest way to take a trade as we have everything
aligned in our direction. As with anything there are pros and cons. The pros of this being
that the win rate will be high, and the stops relatively small, the cons being that price may
not come back to our entry. When using this we will generally refine the stop to the smallest
we can logically and cover a relevant high. The breach used can be internal or external.

There are confluences we like to see around our entries, although not always necessary,
they can be very useful when trading into high value areas. If, for example, we are coming in
to HTF POI we know that price can tend to leave explosively and not come back after the
MTF turns, this tends to happen during the start of impulsive HTF phases (pro trend


LTF entry POV:

This is a very powerful confluence as it gives us a logical next target of price. If the above FC
cant be mitigated then we understand that it should get taken and at least get us risk off
before price comes back. As stated above it also allows us to get in to the trade when
coming in to high value areas, as another entry may not present

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