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Capital Intensity

The capital intensity ratio is crucial for assessing a company's capital allocation and efficiency i
Fluctuations in this ratio can be influenced by various factors such as changes in asset composi
changes in sales volume.
The capital intensity ratio fluctuates over the five-year period, indicating changes in the level o
In 2019, the ratio is the lowest at approximately 1.134, suggesting that the company required
sales revenue.
In 2022, the ratio peaks at approximately 1.449, indicating a higher level of investment in asse
However, in 2021, the ratio decreases to approximately 1.243, indicating a lower level of capit
year 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Sales/Revenue 17,659 13,256 11,403 9,485 10,134

Total Assets 23,188 19,207 14,178 12,686 11,493

total Asset Turnover = Sales /

0.76156 0.69017 0.80427 0.74767 0.88175
Total Assets
Capital Intensity=Total
1.3131 1.4489 1.2434 1.3375 1.1341

Capital Intensity
1.4489 1.3375
1.5000 1.3131 1.2434 1.1341


2023 2022 2021 2020 2019

l allocation and efficiency in utilizing assets to generate sales revenue.

s changes in asset composition, investment decisions, business strategies, or

ating changes in the level of investment in assets relative to sales.

hat the company required less capital investment to generate each unit of

level of investment in assets relative to sales compared to other years.

ating a lower level of capital investment relative to sales compared to 2022.

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