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From – The Secretary of Labour

To – Jose Maria Sison, Chairman of the Communist party of the Philippines.
Via – The executive board.
Respected Sir,
The government of Philippines under Ferdinand Marcos is planning to take a
major step in order to counter or combat the threat imposed by your party. The
president of the Philippines is planning to declare martial law. This will not only
cause gruesome violations of human rights of workers but it will also severely
hinder your movement and ideals promoting inequality and injustice for
workers, labourers and peasants all across the Philippines hence the following
plan of action that is proposed in this document needs to be carried out.
The president of the Philippines has order for a specialised meeting of his
cabinet ministers on the 20th of September, 1972. While this meeting
commences there need to be stern protest that opposes martial law such that the
government effectively do not implement the same. This will instil a sense of
fear and hesitation into the mind of the President and the cabinet members auch
that they do not implement martial law.

In order for this movement to take place successfully there must be large
number of people behind it such that the police forces cannot intervene. In order
to achieve this, you must, about a week before the protests take place gather a
large number of people, both from your party and citizens of the Philippines to
take part in this protest. Furthermore, I will assemble labourers and peasants to
do the same. The Philippine Constitution, specifically in Article III, Section 4,
guarantees the right of the people to peacefully assemble and petition the
government for redress of grievances. This will allow for the protests to take
place ‘peacefully’.
Hence this will persuade the government under the president not to pass the
martial law considering the political unrest and potential toppling of the
government by means of a revolt by the lower/working class.
It is essential to assemble anti kleptocratic propaganda for the protests which
opposes the authoritarian rule of Ferdinand Marcos and his activities. This will
potentially prompt him to resign from his post and hence the threat of martial
law being imposed on the Philippines will be non-existent.
Examples of such propaganda are as follows-

Image showing how martial law will suppress basic human rights in the

An image showing the tyrannical rule of Ferdinand Marcos.

Furthermore, these protests must emphasize how re- elections are necessary and
that a dictator can no longer hold the important post of being a president.
For this protest to have a greater political impact the above states slogans and
others related to the same must be adopted.
If this propaganda is adopted then I am sure it will persuade an even greater
number of civilians especially students to join the same protest considering the
current student activist movements taking place in the Philippines.


On the 20th of September’1972 a cabinet meeting will take place under Marcos
himself from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. This is the time the protests need to be executed.
This protest should not be limited to a singular region/city/town. It must take
place all over Philippines to instil a strong message for the government to take
note of. Labourers and Peasants will also be instructed to take part in this
protest alongside your party in accordance with the department of labour and
employment. The locations where this protest will take place are depicted

Since these locations are the most densely populated, they will have the greatest
impact or influence on the government and its decisions regarding martial law.
At 1100 hours on the 20th of September all members of this protest will
assemble in discreet locations in the specified locations marked on the map
above. All labourers and peasants will also join you at these discreet locations
under the DOLE (department of labour and employment) especially those
workers who have been displaced from their workplace because of the rule of
Ferdinand Marcos.
At exactly 1230 hours on the specified date this protest will begin.
It will be in the form of a march through the streets of the densely populated
locations of Vietnam. This will draw more attention and ensure a greater
number of civilians join this march as it takes place. The Media will scramble to
cover a protest of this magnitude against the current rule of our president.
This march should ideally take place till 1530 hours as soon as the meeting is
dissolved. I will personally ensure that these protests are brought to light within
the cabinet and that every single citizen, regardless of profession requires basic
justice and human rights.
I am sure that a widespread protest of this magnitude will have great impact and
will be difficult to supress.
Sir, I hope that the plan of action stated in this document is crystal clear. This
will benefit us both as it gives the much-needed recognition to your party and
ensures that martial law isn’t passed whilst also safeguarding the rights of
workers and peasants and our fragile economy from collapsing before us.
Please provide a line of confirmation of whether you will follow through with
the same.
Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully,
The Secretary of Labour.

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