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Secondary school №8 named after M.V.


Open lesson

Form: 5th
Teacher: Zhyrgalbaeva B.A.
Date: 08.02.2021

Grade: 5th

Title: Teenagers in Kyrgyzstan

Visual aids: Posters, cards, textbook.


-students will be able to learn the following new words: parents, grandparents,
friends, television, music etc.

-students practice their four skills of learning: reading, listening, speaking, writing.

-they will be able to know the meaning of the word teenager

I. Motivation:

Teacher greets with students:

-Good afternoon children!

After this students work with puzzle. They should find the words that they learn

They must find the following words:

Germany, Russia, squirrel, mouse, car, country, phone and others.

II. Presentation:

Teacher presents new theme. First, she will ask some questions about the word
teenager. Then teacher explains new words of the theme with using pictures.
She hangs the picture with words on the blackboard without translation.

grandparents television

friends parents

homework a school uniform

music school

students write new words on their vocabulary with translation.

Teacher reads the words students will repeat after her.

III. Practice:

Students do exercise in oral form on the blackboard.

Match the words with pictures.

Friends – b

Grandparents – a

Homework – f

Music – c

Television – h

Parents – e

A school uniform – g

School – d

Then they do exercise 2 in written form.

Complete the sentence with the verbs watch, go, live, play and eat.

A) They____the guitar.
B) I____to school with my sister.
C) We___a big meal in the evening.
D) They___films on TV.
E) We____in a big city.
IV. Application

Teacher hangs the poster with words where missed some letters.

Teacher check how much information memorize the students.

F_rien_ Hom_w_rk

M_us_c P_rent_s

Gran_p_rents Te_ _vis_on

Sc_oo_l Schoo_ un_for_m

After application teacher evaluate the students.

She will put the marks by counting the evaluation cards.

Teacher gives them homework Ex:5 o.p. 45.

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