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Return on Equity (ROE)

Return on Equity (ROE) measures a company's profitability relative to its shareholders' equity. It sh
money shareholders have invested
The ROE fluctuates over the five-year period, indicating changes in the company's profitability rela
The highest ROE is observed in 2021, at approximately 13.1%.
The lowest ROE is observed in 2019, at approximately 10.3%.
The ROE in 2023 (12.3%) is higher than in 2020 (11.8%) and 2019 (10.3%), indicating improved pro
the Return on Equity (ROE) is crucial for assessing how effectively a company is using shareholders
can be influenced by various factors such as changes in net income, equity structure, debt levels, a
year 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Net Income 1,740 843 1,085 937 775
Sales/Revenue 17,659 13,256 11,403 9,485 10,134
Total Assets 23,188 19,207 14,178 12,686 11,493
Total Equity 14,171 11,255 8,257 7,931 7,552

Profit Margin = Net Income /

0.09853 0.06359 0.09515 0.09879 0.07648

Return on Equity (ROE) = Net

0.1228 0.0749 0.1314 0.1181 0.1026
Income / Total Equity

Return on Equity
0.1228 0.1181
0.1000 0.0749


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s shareholders' equity. It shows how much profit a company generates with the

company's profitability relative to its equity.

%), indicating improved profitability relative to equity compared to those years.

mpany is using shareholders' equity to generate profit. Fluctuations in this ratio
uity structure, debt levels, and overall financial performance.

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