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Meccanica (2022) 57:337–353 (0123456789().,-volV)
( 01234567

A modified first shear deformation theory for three-

dimensional thermal post-buckling analysis of FGM plates
A. Hajlaoui . F. Dammak

Received: 1 April 2021 / Accepted: 2 September 2021 / Published online: 15 September 2021
Ó Springer Nature B.V. 2021

Abstract In this paper, the three-dimensional post- 1 Introduction

buckling analysis of functionally graded materials
plate (FGM) with temperature independent (TID) and In various engineering fields, there is consistently a
dependent (TD) material properties under different basic requirement for new materials with improved
types of thermal loads is examined. The analysis is properties. Recently, research on Functionally graded
performed by a modified first-order enhanced solid- materials (FGM) have become a hot spot in the field.
shell element. The formulation is based on the first- Due to the continual variations of properties in one or
order shear deformation theory (FSDT) with a special more direction, the functionally graded materials can
representation of the transverse shear strains imposed get by in environments with high temperature gradi-
in the compatible strain part. To subdue locking ents, while keeping up structural integrity. Further-
problems, two methods are employed the assumed more, the FGM plates have been used as thermal
natural strain (ANS) method and the enhanced barrier for gas turbine rotating [1] or in thrust chamber
assumed strain (EAS) method with a minimal number of aerostructures [2]. Thus already, the study of the
of internal parameters. Numerical results of the thermal stability behavior of FGM plates has recently
present research are compared and validated with the focused substantial attention in the literature.
existing studies on the thermal post-buckling of FGM The analytical methods have been widely used to
plates. Numerical results are also provided to explore study the thermal stability behavior of FGM. Based on
the effects of power-law index and different geomet- the CLPT and using semi-analytical approach, Yang
rical parameters of the FGM plates subjected to and Shen [3] studied post-buckling response of FGM
different types of thermal loads. plates with or without resting on Pasternak-type elastic
foundation. Based on the FSDT and Galerkin method
Keywords Solid-shell element  Modified FSDT  for both temperature dependent (TD) and temperature
FGM pates  Thermal post-buckling  Temperature- independent (TID) material properties, Tung [4]
dependent studied geometrical nonlinear thermal post-buckling
behavior of FGM sandwich plates resting on elastic
foundation. Shen [5] studied thermal post-buckling
A. Hajlaoui (&)  F. Dammak response of functionally graded (FGM) plates with
Laboratory of Electromechanical Systems (LASEM), simply supported edges and subjected to be temper-
National Engineering School of Sfax, University of Sfax,
B.P. 1173-3038 Sfax, Tunisia
ature dependent field.

338 Meccanica (2022) 57:337–353

Based on Galerkin method, Duc [6] studied the post-buckling behavior of FGM plates using solid-
post-buckling response of shear deformable FGM shell elements based on FSDT. But to use the first
plates resting on elastic foundations based on HSDT. order shear deformation theory (FSDT), shear correc-
Based on the concept of physical neutral surface and tion factor is required. To overcome this problem, a
HSDT, the post-buckling, nonlinear bending and special representation of the transverse shear strains is
vibration of FGM plates were studied [7, 8] using chosen in the present solid-shell element formulation
Ritz method. for predicting the post-buckling behavior of FGM
Numerical methods have been shown as accuracy shells, which reduces the computational cost. This
and efficiency computational tools for nonlinearly current approach ensures the correct transverse shear
problems over the past few decades. Using an strain energy unlike the approach proposed by Tanov
implemented finite element model associated with a and Tabiei [20] where even in the case of isotropic
FSDT, Na and Kim [9] analyzed the buckling and plates the transverse shear strain energy is different
post-buckling response of FGM plates. Based on from the exact solution. Considering that shear strain
FSDT and using eight-noded C0 shear flexible quadri- distribution through the FGM shell thickness is
lateral plate element, Prakash et al. [10] analyzed the parabolic and vanish on top and bottom faces of the
post-buckling response of FGM skew plates under shell, the proposed solid-shell element formulation has
different boundary conditions and Mori–Tanaka computational advantages, since it uses only 5 internal
scheme with temperature dependent material proper- parameters.
ties. Using FSDT model and Kriging meshless The lack of formulation using a full three-dimen-
method, Zhang et al. [11] thermal buckling of different sional finite element modeling allowing studies ther-
types of E-FGM plates. Using FSDT, Park and Kim mal post-buckling behavior of FGM structures
[12] developed nonlinear finite element equations for provided the motive for this article. Thermal post-
nonlinear analyses on post-buckling behavior of FGM buckling behavior of FGM shells is carried out using a
plates in thermal environments. This work was full three-dimensional finite element modeling. In this
extended to study the post-buckling behavior of study, the temperature-dependent material properties
FGM plates hygro-thermal environments [13]. Using were considered to perform a thermal post-buckling
a modified FSDT-based four nodes finite shell ele- analysis. The performance of the present formulation
ment, Trabelsi et al. [14–16] investigated a thermal based on FSDT of solid-shell element is demonstrated
buckling behavior of FGM plates and shells. Using through comparisons with existing studies on thermal
higher-order shear deformation theory, Neves et al. post-buckling of FGM plates.
[17] combined the Carrera’s Unified Formulation with The body of the paper is outlined as follows.
the radial basis function collocation technique for - Section 2 describes the material properties of FGM
free vibration analysis of functionally graded shells. shells used herein. Sections 3 and 4 describe the
Using an implemented finite element model associated fundamental and finite element formulations. Sec-
with a HOSDT, Moita et al. [18] analyzed the buckling tion 5 shows numerical results and discussions of the
behavior of FGM plates under mechanical and thermal finite element model. Section 6 concludes the paper
loads. Based on HSDT, Lal et al. [19] developed a with a few remarks.
nonlinear formulation for post-buckling analyses of
FGM plates with TID and TD material properties.
Over the past few decades, CPT, FSDT and HSDT 2 Modeling of FGM material properties
have been extensively used for post-buckling analyses
of FGM plates. The major challenge of these theories FGM shell structures are often made from the
is to enhance the cost-effectiveness in computation. It combination of the ceramic and metal. Material
is in this context that our current approach is being properties varied in the thickness direction according
developed. to volume fraction power law distribution such that top
Many researchers have investigated thermal post- layer is made up of ceramic provides high temperature
buckling behavior of FGM shells using diverse resistance due to its low thermal conductivity and
approaches and methods. However, to the best of our graded to ductile metal at the bottom surface. The
knowledge, up to now, there are no works on thermal volume fraction is expressed as:

Meccanica (2022) 57:337–353 339

1 z 2.3 Buckling of FGM shell under Non-uniform
Vc ð z Þ ¼ þ ; Vc þ Vm ðzÞ ¼ 1 ð1Þ temperature rise across the thickness
2 h
where z is the thickness coordinate measured normal The temperature field in the FGM shell follows the
the shell from the mid-surface ðh=2  z  h=2Þ, h is steady-state heat conduction equation and the bound-
the thickness of the structure and p ðp  0Þ is the power ary conditions are given by
law index. Also, we denote by V, the volume fraction 8  
of the components and the subscript m and c refer to <d dT
kðT; zÞ ¼0
metal and ceramic components, respectively. The dz dz ð5Þ
material properties of FGMs are introduced as T ðz ¼ h=2Þ ¼ Tm ; T ðz ¼ h=2Þ ¼ Tc

EðT; zÞ ¼ Ecm Vc ðzÞ þ Em ; Ecm ¼ Ec  Em ð2aÞ where kðT; zÞ is the thermal conductivity. The problem
Eq. (5) is nonlinear in the general case and can be
aðT; zÞ ¼ acm Vc ðzÞ þ am ; acm ¼ ac  am ð2bÞ solved by the finite element method coupled with the
Newton–Raphson iterative method. In the particular
K ðT; zÞ ¼ Kcm Vc ðzÞ þ Km ; Kcm ¼ Kc  Km ð2cÞ case where the thermal conductivity is independent of
the temperature, kðzÞ, the problem Eq. (5) has a closed
mðT; zÞ ¼ mcm Vc ðzÞ þ mm ; mcm ¼ mc  mm ð2dÞ form solution given by
where E is Young’s modulus of elasticity, a is the T ðzÞ ¼ Tm þ DT  gðzÞ ð6Þ
coefficient of thermal expansion, K is the thermal
conductivity and m is the Poisson’s ratio. where gðzÞ is the temperature distribution function
expressed as
2.1 Temperature-dependent properties R z dz
h=2 K ðzÞ
gðzÞ ¼ R h=2 ð7Þ
Due to the common use of FGMs in high-temperature h=2 K ðzÞ
environment, it is assumed that the properties of metal
and ceramic components are temperature dependent The integrals of this last equation can be calculated
and expressed as: using the Gauss integration method.
PðT Þ ¼ P0 P1 T 1 þ 1 þ P1 T þ P2 T 2 þ P3 T 3
ð3Þ 3 Kinematic of solid-shell element

In the above equation, P is a characteristic of the In this section an 8-noded solid-shell concept featured
material such as E, a and K. P0 , P1 , P1 , P2 and P3 are a duo of nodes at the top and bottom surfaces of the
the temperature dependent coefficients. element is described that circumvents the well-known
problems with the rotational degrees of freedom for
2.2 Buckling of FGM shell under uniform degenerated shell elements (Fig. 1). In the solid-shell
temperature rise through the thickness concept the parameter n and g are the in-plane
coordinates of the considered shell and f is the
Under uniform temperature rise through the thickness, coordinate in the thickness direction, see Fig. 1.
the critical buckling temperature of shell is given by: In this process, two types of configurations need to
DTcr ¼ Tf  Ti ð4Þ be introduced with respect to the material configura-
tion (C), as illustrated in Fig. 2. The reference
where Ti is the initial temperature. Tf denotes the final (corresponding to t = 0) and current configurations
temperature in which the structure is buckled. are denoted C0 and Ct, respectively. Thus, the position
vectors of a given material point in configurations C0
and Ct are identified as X and x, respectively are
expressed by

340 Meccanica (2022) 57:337–353

The metric coefficients of the reference ðGij Þ and

current ðgij Þ configuration are defined as follows
Gij ¼ Gi  G j ; gij ¼ gi  g j ; i; j ¼ 1; 2; 3 ð11Þ

where Gi and gi denote the contravariant base vectors.

Therefore, the Green–Lagrange strain tensor is com-
puted by the formula:
E ¼ Eij Gi G j ; Eij ¼ gij  Gij ; i; j ¼ 1; 2; 3
Fig. 1 Geometry of solid-shell elements

X ¼ N Xn ; x ¼ N xn ð8Þ 4 Variational formulation and linearization

where xn , Xn are nodal coordinates and N is the tri-
linear shape function matrix. The displacement field, In this section, we propose a modified first order
with the corresponding variation and increment, is enhanced solid-shell element formulation with an
interpolated in a same manner as follows imposed parabolic shear strain distribution through
the shell thickness in the compatible strain part. This
u ¼ N Un ; du ¼ N dUn ; Du ¼ N DUn ð9Þ formulation is based on the three-field Hu-Washizu
variational principle and the idea of partition of strain
where Un ¼ ½u1 ; v1 ; w1 ; :::u8 ; v8 ; w8 T is the vector of
fields proposed by [23].
nodal displacements at the element level.
The covariant base vectors are obtained from the
4.1 Variational basis
position vectors (X and x) by their partial derivatives
with respect to the convective coordinates
 1 2 3 The variational basis of the finite element method
n ; n ; n ¼ ðn; g; fÞ in reference and current con-
started by the well-known three-field variational
figuration respectively, are expressed by functional. This variational contains the displacement
dX dx field u, enhanced assumed strain E~ and assumed stress
Gi ¼ i ; gi ¼ ; i ¼ 1; 2; 3 ð10Þ
dn dni ~
fields S. The quantity of total strain E is split into a
compatible part Ec and an enhanced part E. ~ FV and FS

Fig. 2 Curvilinear coordinates and convected base vectors of the reference configuration and the current configuration

Meccanica (2022) 57:337–353 341

are body and surface loads, respectively. w is the strain On the scope of these two methods (ANS and EAS),
energy function. our previous studies [33–35] have proved that they can
Z also be combined to obtain efficient and accurate
~ S~ ¼
P u; E; w E þE ~  S~ : E
~ dV elements. Using the same formulation, Fig. 3 summa-
Z Z rizes the implementation of these two concepts in
 FV :udV  FS :udA ¼ 0 enhanced and compatible strains parts. The ANS
V oVf method in this formulation is used in compatible part
ð13Þ c
for the thickness strain component (E33 ) and for the
c c
transverse shear strains (E13 and E23 ). In Fig. 4, the
The weak form, deduced from the three-field Hu-
transverse shear strain (A, B, C, D) and thickness strain
Washizu variational principle and orthogonality con-
R (A1, A2, A3, A4) interpolation points with given
ditions ( V S~ : EdV)
~ in order to reduce the number of
coordinates are defined. In the present formulation
independent variables in the original functional to just and based on the empirical approach of our previous
two u; E ~ , see [24], is the written as
works, the choice of the matrix Mngf in enhancing
  strain part will be considered with 5 parameters [35].
W u; E ~ ¼ dP
¼ ~
S : dE þ dE dV  FV :dudV 4.3 Parabolic transverse shear strain

 FS :dudA To overcome the problem of the distribution of the

¼0 transverse shear strains across the FGM shell thick-
ness, a parabolic shear strain distribution is imposed
ð14Þ on the compatible strain part in this formulation. To
where dEc and dE~ are the variation of the compatible ensure quadratic distribution of the shear strains in the
part and enhanced part of the strain field, respectively. proposed formulation, the shear function f ðzÞ is
Then the second Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensor S is chosen and inserted. In this manner, the need for the
expressed as shear correction factor is eliminated and the transverse
shear strains vanishes on top and bottom faces of the
S ¼ CðE  aðT; zÞDT 1Þ; 1 shells. Two polynomial functions can be used as shear
¼ ½ 1 1 1 0 0 0 T ð15Þ function f ðzÞ, Table 1.
The first shear function f ðzÞ ¼ 1  4z2 h2 is
where C is the 6  6 three-dimensional elastic mod-
ulus, aðT; zÞ is the thermal expansion coefficient and the one given in [36] and [37] using HSDT or in [20]
DT is the temperature change. using a modified FSDT. The second one
f ðzÞ ¼ 5=4 1  4z h2 is given in [38] and [39]
4.2 Strain field using HSDT. This last function is the one used in the
previous [40–42] and present modified FSDT, Table 1.
The fundamental problems of three-dimensional stan- Then the transverse shear strains become
dard hexahedral elements is their inability behave " #
toward locking phenomena (transverse shear, mem- 2E13 ð 1  g ÞE þ ð1 þ g ÞE
¼ 5=4 1  4z h2 13
brane, thickness, volumetric and curvature). For that, 2E23 ð1  nÞE13 þ ð1 þ nÞE13
many techniques have been proposed in order to
alleviate the locking effects. Among these techniques,
we distinguish the assumed natural strain (ANS) The virtual and incremental compatible Green–
method and the enhanced assumed strain (EAS) Lagrange strain tensor are then given by
method used by many specialists [25–32] among dEc ¼ B dUn ; DEc ¼ B DUn ð17Þ
Relative to a node I, ðI ¼ 1; . . .8Þ, the B matrix as
follows: where T is the transformation matrix that the

342 Meccanica (2022) 57:337–353

Fig. 3 Compatible and enhanced strains parts

Table 1 The shear functions

Theories Theory Shear function

[36, 37] HSDT f ðzÞ ¼ 1  4zh2


[20] FSDT
[38, 39] HSDT f ðzÞ ¼ 54 1  4zh2

[40–42] Present FSDT

stresses and strains on the material axis can be

Fig. 4 Transverse shear strain and thickness strain interpola- transformed to those of the structural axis, written as
tion points

2 3
gT1 NI;1
6 gT2 NI;2 7
6 4 
6 P   T 7
6 4 1 þ nL n
1 þ gL g gL3 NLI;3 7
6 7
BI ¼ TT 6
7 ð18Þ
6 h g2 NI;1 þ g1 NI;2 i 7
65 2 7
6 =8 1  4z h2 ð1  gÞ gB3 NBI;1 þ gB1 NBI;3 þ ð1 þ gÞ gD
D 7
3 N I;1 þ g 1 NI;3
4 h i5
5= 1  4z 2 ð1  nÞ gA NA þ gA NA þ ð1 þ nÞ gC NC þ gC NC
8 h 3 I;2 2 I;3 3 I;2 2 I;3

Meccanica (2022) 57:337–353 343

2 3
ðt11 Þ2 ðt21 Þ2 ðt31 Þ2 2t11 t21 2t11 t31 2t21 t31
6 ðt12 Þ2 ðt22 Þ2 ðt32 Þ2 2t12 t22 2t12 t32 2t22 t32 7
6 7
6 ðt13 Þ2 ðt23 Þ2 ðt33 Þ2 2t13 t23 2t13 t33 2t23 t33 7
6 t11 t12
7 ð19Þ
6 t21 t22 t31 t32 t11 t22 þ t12 t21 t11 t32 þ t12 t31 t21 t32 þ t22 t31 7
4t t t21 t23 t31 t33 t11 t23 þ t13 t21 t11 t33 þ t13 t31 t21 t33 þ t23 t31 5
11 13
t12 t13 t22 t23 t32 t33 t12 t23 þ t13 t22 t12 t33 þ t13 t32 t22 t33 þ t23 t32

The terms tij of the transformation matrix are given


Table 2 Summary of some notation used

L, H and K: The element stiffness matrices L¼ ~ T C B dV, H ¼ M
M ~TC M ~ dV,K ¼ KD þ KG
KD : the material tangent operator KD ¼ V B C B dV
KG : the geometric stiffness matrix dUTn KG DUTn ¼ V ST  DdEc dV
f int , f ext and h: The external and internal force vectors f int ¼ V BT S dV, h ¼ V M ~ T S dV,f ext ¼ NT FV dV þ T
V oVf N FS dA

W þ DW:ðDUn ; DaÞ
tij ¼ Gi Tj ; i; j ¼ 1; 2; 3 ð20Þ " # 
where (T1 , T2 , T3 ) is the local Cartesian system. ¼ ½ dUn da 
L H Da ð21Þ
" #!
4.4 Linearization int ext
f f
þ ¼0
The iterative Newton–Raphson method is employed
here to solve the reduced nonlinear Eq. (14) as Table 2 summarizes some of the notation that we
follows: have employed.
Here, the geometric stiffness matrix KG is relative
to the couple of nodes (I, J):
KG ¼ diag½ GIJ GIJ GIJ dV ð22Þ

344 Meccanica (2022) 57:337–353

2 3
NI;1 NJ;1
6 7
6 NI;2 NJ;2 7
6 7
6 4 
P   7
6 L L 7
4 1 þ nL n 1 þ gL g NI;3 NJ;3
6 7
T T 6 L¼1 7
GIJ ¼ S T 6 7 ð23Þ
6 NI;1 NJ;2 þ NI;2 NJ;1 7
6 h i 7
6 5 2 7
6 =8  5z 2h2 ð1  gÞ NBI;1 NBJ;3 þ NBI;3 NBJ;1 þ ð1 þ gÞ ND ND þ ND ND 7
6 I;1 J;3 I;3 J;1 7
4  h i 5
5=  5z2 2 ð1  nÞ NA NA þ NA NA þ ð1 þ nÞ NC NC þ NC NC
8 2h I;2 J;3 I;3 J;2 I;2 J;3 I;3 J;2

5.1 Thermal post-buckling of FGM rectangular

Afterward, by using the static condensation proce-
dure, the strain parameters Da are removed from
Eq. (21). The material and geometrical parts of the
For the clamped FGM rectangular plate with temper-
element tangent operator are assumed as
  ature-independent material properties, the material
KT ¼ KD  LT H1 L þ KG ð24Þ properties of Nickel (Ni) and Alumina (Al3O3), as
given in Table 3, are used in the numerical compu-
and the residual vector
tations [9, 16]. The geometric properties of the
R ¼ LT H1 hþf ext  f int ð25Þ rectangular plate are as follows: length a, width
b and thickness h. To illustrate the accuracy and the
The critical buckling temperature is obtained by effectiveness of the present solid-shell element to
solving the following eigenvalue problem: predict the thermal post-buckling behavior of FGM
  rectangular plate, two cases are presented. The first
KD  LT H1 L /¼kKG / ð26Þ
case, the uniform temperature rise test has been
where / and k are the generalized global displacement conducted and the results are presented in Fig. 6.
eigenvector and the eigenvalue, respectively. For post- The uniform temperature rise has been through the
buckling analysis, an iterative incremental Newton– thickness direction and the results of different power
Raphson method is used to obtain the response. The law index p as observed from Fig. 6 are done using
flow chart of the solution process of the random post- 32 9 32x1 mesh size.
buckling problem is shown in Fig. 5. Figure 6 examines the comparison of non-dimen-
sional deflection (w/h) results using present outlined
approach of clamped square FGM plate (a/h = 100, a/
5 Numerical results and discussion b = 1) with those available in Ref. [9, 16]. Clearly, it is
seen that the present model results based on full three-
In this section, numerical simulations are provided to dimensional formulation are in good agreement with
illustrate the efficiency of the proposed modified first the available numerical results using four-node finite
order enhanced solid-shell element for studying the shell element [16] and 18-node solid element [9].
thermal post-buckling of FGM plates. Due to the The second case, to validate the results of the
difficulty in imposing boundary conditions at the mid- present model based on full three-dimensional formu-
surface with only one hexahedral element in thickness lation, comparisons with some published results with
direction, the numerical results of thermal post- linear temperature distribution are made. Figure 7
buckling of functionally graded plates are only treated examines the comparison of non-dimensional deflec-
with clamped conditions. tion (w/h) results using present outlined approach of
clamped square Ni/Al3O3 FGM plate (a/h = 100, a/

Meccanica (2022) 57:337–353 345

formulation demonstrates a good aptitude to predict

the post-buckling behavior of clamped FGM plates
under linear temperature distribution.
Figure 8 depict the non-dimensional deflections of
clamped FGM square plate under linear temperature
distribution for different power law index p. It is
observed that the non-dimensional deflections are
decreased as the power law indices are increased. The
lesser the power law index, the greater the degree of
deflection observed because a little power law index
causes less stiffness. As the power law index p is
increased, then the clamped FGM square plate
includes more ceramic portion than metal.
Figure 9 shows the effect of different values of the
aspect ratios a/b (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5) on the post-buckling
behavior of Ni/Al3O3 plates subjected to a uniform
and linear temperature distribution. It is found that, the
aspect ratio (a/b) was not a significant determinant of
the thermal post-buckling behavior for clamped FGM
plate. In the case of uniform temperature distribution,
the deflections are crossed for all aspect ratio, while
the deflections are crossed only for a/b [ 1 for linear
temperature case. The overlap of post-buckling curves
may be due to the multiple wrinkles observed for FGM
plates with the aspect ratio a/b [ 1 (Fig. 10).

5.2 Thermal post-buckling of annular FGM plate

The clamped annular FGM plate under uniform and

nonlinear temperature rise is considered for illustrat-
ing accuracy of prediction of thermal post-buckling by
the present modified first-order enhanced solid-shell
element. The analysis was conducted using Aluminum
(Al) (metal) and Alumina (Al2O3) (ceramic). This
FGM is a mixture of metal at the bottom surface and
ceramic at the top. The material properties of
Fig.5 Flowchart for Thermal Post-Buckling Analysis of FGM Aluminum (Al) and Alumina (Al2O3) are given in
Table 4. The geometric properties of the annular plate
with both inner and outer edges clamped are as follows
b = 1) under linear temperature distribution with those
(Fig. 11): inner radii Ri, outer radii Re and thickness h.
available in Ref. [9, 16]. Clearly, it is seen that the
present model based on full three-dimensional

Table 3 Material Material Properties

properties of Nickel (Ni)
and Alumina (Al2O3) E (GPa) m Density (kg/m3) Conductivity (W/mK) Thermal expansion (/°C)

Ni 199.5 0.3 8900 90.7 13.3 9 10–6

Al2O3 393 0.25 3970 30.1 6.6 9 10–6

346 Meccanica (2022) 57:337–353

Fig. 6 Non-dimensional 4
deflection versus the Metal_Trabelsi et al (2018)
3.5 Metal_Na et al (2006)
temperature rise of a p=1_Present
clamped FGM square plate 3 p=1_Trabelsi et al (2018)
p=1_Na et al (2006)
under uniform temperature ceramic_Present
distribution (a/h = 100, a/ 2.5 Ceramic_Trabelsi et al (2018)
Ceramic_Na et al (2006)
b = 1)



0 50 100 150 200 250
Temperature (K)

Fig. 7 Non-dimensional 3
deflection versus the
Metal_Trabelsi et al (2018)
temperature rise of a 2.5
Metal_Na et al (2006)
clamped FGM square plate
under linear temperature 2 Ceramic_Trabelsi et al (2018)
distribution (a/h = 100, a/ Ceramic_Na et al (2006)
b = 1)


0 50 100 150 200 250
Temperature (K)

Fig. 8 Non-dimensional 3
deflections of the FGM plate Metal
at different power law index 2.5
(a/h = 100, a/b = 1)
2 ceramic



0 50 100 150 200 250
Temperature (K)

As part of the validation of the modified first-order compared in Fig. 12 with the exact solution obtained
enhanced solid-shell element, the curves of critical by Kiani and Eslami [43]. In this test, the shell
buckling temperature DTcr (K) as functions of power geometric parameters are taken as h/Re = 0.02, Ri/
law index p for a clamped annular FGM plate under Re = 0.3. As seen, there is an excellent agreement
uniform and nonlinear temperature rise are plotted and between our results and those obtained by [43].

Meccanica (2022) 57:337–353 347

(a) 4 (b) 3
a/b=1 a/b=1
a/b=1.5 a/b=1.5
3 a/b=2 a/b=2

a/b=2.5 2 a/b=2.5

2 1.5



0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250
Temperature (K) Temperature (K)

Fig. 9 Effect of aspect ratios (a/b) on the post-buckling of FGM plates (a/h = 100, p = 1): a under uniform temperature distribution;
b linear temperature distribution

Fig. 10 Effects of the aspect ratios a/b on postbuckling thermal deflected shape of FG plates (a/h = 100, p = 1). Left: uniform
temperature; Right: linear temperature

Figure 13 illustrates the thermal buckling mode shape power law index significantly affects the thermal
of the clamped annular FGM plate (h/Re = 0.02, Ri/ buckling modes.
Re = 0.3) under different types of thermal loads and In the case of nonlinear temperature rise, the
for various power law index (p). It becomes immedi- distribution across the thickness of the dimensionless
ately visible that the thermally loading type and the thermal transverse shear stress s23 ¼

348 Meccanica (2022) 57:337–353

Table 4 Material Material Properties

properties of aluminum (Al)
and Alumina (Al2O3) E (GPa) m Conductivity (W/mK) Thermal expansion (/K)

Al 70 0.3 204 23 9 10–6

Al2O3 380 0.3 10.4 7.4 9 10–6

Fig. 11 Geometry of a functionally graded annular plate

Fig. 12 Critical buckling 600

temperature DTcr (K) versus Nonlinear_Present
the power-law index p of
annular FGM plate under the 500 Nonlinear_Kiani and Eslami (2013)
uniform and nonlinear Uniform_Present
temperature gradients (h/
400 Uniform_Kiani and Eslami (2013)
Re = 0.02, Ri/ Re = 0.3)
ΔTcr (K)




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

1000  s23 h=Re DTcr ð0; Ri ; zÞ for various values of results because it provides a parabolic distribution,
power law index (p), is illustrated in Fig. 14. Results symmetric for isotropic material (p = 0) and antisym-
are compared with those obtained by a FSDT solid- metric when the material becomes an FGM (p = 1, 5,
shell element [35]. The proposed modified first-order 20), along the thickness. Compared with other first-
enhanced solid-shell element yielded more accurate order solid-shell element, the present formulation can

Meccanica (2022) 57:337–353 349

Fig. 13 Thermal buckling shape of annular FGM plate (h/Re = 0.02, Ri/ Re = 0.3). Left: uniform temperature rise; Right: nonlinear
temperature rise

Fig. 14 Dimensionless
thermal transverse shear
stress for the clamped
annular FGM plate under
nonlinear temperature rise

be used to predict the stress distributions accurately temperature rise, respectively. In these figures, the
and efficiently, particularly transverse shear stresses. power law index ranges from 0 to 20 and w/h denotes
Figures 15 (a) and (b) show the results of the post- the dimensionless deflection. The dimensionless
buckling analysis of clamped annular FGM plate (h/ deflection increases slowly when the temperature
Re = 0.02, Ri/Re = 0.3) under uniform and nonlinear DTcr (K) is below the critical buckling temperature

350 Meccanica (2022) 57:337–353

(a) 500 (b) 1200


400 1000

ΔTcr (K)

ΔTcr (K)
250 600
p=0 p=0
p=1 p=1
p=5 p=5
100 p=10 p=10
50 p=20 p=20

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
w/h w/h

Fig. 15 Thermal post-buckling paths for clamped annular FG (Al/Al2O3) plate under: a uniform temperature rise; b nonlinear
temperature distribution

(a) 3 (b) 3
p=1 p=1
2.5 2.5
p=5 p=5
p=10 p=10
2 p=20 2 p=20

1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5

0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1
y/Re y/Re

Fig. 16 Post-buckling configurations of the clamped annular FG (Al/Al2O3) plate under: a uniform temperature rise; b nonlinear
temperature distribution

(a) 600 (b) 1200

500 1000

400 800
ΔTcr (K)

300 600

200 400
TID_p=0 TD_p=0 TID_p=0 TD_p=0
TID_p=0.5 TD_p=0.5 TID_p=0.5 TD_p=0.5
100 200
TID_p=1.0 TD_p=1.0 TID_p=1.0 TD_p=1.0
TID_p=5.0 TD_p=5.0 TID_p=5.0 TD_p=5.0
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
w/h w/h

Fig. 17 Thermal post-buckling paths for clamped annular FG plate: a uniform temperature rise; b nonlinear temperature distribution

Meccanica (2022) 57:337–353 351

Table 5 Material property of the FGM constituents (SUS304 and Si3N4) [44]
Material Properties TD properties
P0 P-1 P1 P2 P3

Stainless steel (SUS304) Em 201.04e?9 0 3.079e-4 - 6.534e-7 0

mm 0.28 0 0 0 0
am 12.330e-6 0 8.086e-4 0 0
km 15.379 0 - 1.264e-3 2.092e-6 - 7.223e-10
Silicon nitride (Si3N4) Ec 348.43e?9 0 - 3.070e-4 2.160e-7 - 8.946e-11
mc 0.28 0 0 0 0
ac 5.8723e-6 0 9.095e-4 0 0
kc 13.723 0 - 1.032e-3 5.466e-7 - 7.876e-11

(see Fig. 12) and increases very fast after the emer- buckling temperatures, which is more palpable and
gence of the buckling phenomenon. The larger the noticeable at higher temperatures. Moreover, it is
power law index, the greater the degree of deflection observed that the non-dimensional deflections are
observed because a larger power law index causes less decreased as the power law index are decreased. The
stiffness. lesser the power law index, the lesser the degree of
The post-buckling configurations according to the deflection observed because a little power law index
different power law index for clamped annular FGM causes great stiffness. As the power law index p is
plate (h/Re = 0.02, Ri/ Re = 0.3) under uniform and increased, then the annular FGM (SUS304 and Si3N4)
nonlinear temperature rise are shown in Figs. 16 plate includes more metal portion than ceramic.
(a) and (b), respectively. It can be seen that, for these
two types of thermal loading, ceramic annular (p = 0)
have the lowest deflections and so the stiffest flexural 6 Conclusion
behavior in post-buckling region. The dimensionless
deflection (w/h) maximum peak is located close to the This paper presents three-dimensional thermal post-
median radius (y/Re = 0.65) for homogeneous annular buckling analysis of FGM plates by a modified first-
(p = 0), or trends to move slightly toward the outer order enhanced solid-shell element. The material
radius, and will possess an asymmetrical profile for all properties of plate and stiffeners are assumed to be
values of power law index (p). temperature-independent (TID) or temperature-de-
Figure 17 shows the influence of temperature pendent (TD) and graded in the thickness direction
dependency of material properties on the thermal according to a power-law distribution. The proposed
post-buckling behavior of clamped SUS304/Si3N4 model constitutes an amelioration in the FSDT via the
annular plate (h/Re = 0.02, Ri/ Re = 0.3) for various introduction of a simple transverse shear function
power law index (p) subjected to a uniform temper- imposed in the compatible strain part. Based on this
ature rise and nonlinear temperature distribution. shear function, the transverse shear strains filling the
Typical values for the Young’s modulus, the Poisson’s parabolic shear strain distribution condition through
ratio and the thermal expansion coefficient of these the thickness of FGM shell. In fact, this technique does
Stainless steel and Silicon nitride are listed in Table 5 not require the use of shear correction factors.
(from Shen [44]). The results are reported for both Numerical examples are performed on FGM plates
temperature-independent and temperature-dependent (rectangular and annular) under different types of
material properties (Figs. 17 (a) and (b)). All the thermal loads to verify the accuracy of the present
results obtained indicate that taking into account the method. Finally, the influence of several geometrical
temperature dependence of the material in the solution and material properties on the thermal post-buckling
process leads to a significant reduction in the critical behaviors of FGM plates were investigated.

352 Meccanica (2022) 57:337–353

Acknowledgements This work is carried out thanks to the 12. Park JS, Kim JH (2006) Thermal postbuckling and vibration
support and funding allocated to the Laboratory of analyses of functionally graded plates. J Sound Vib
Electromechanical Systems (LASEM/LR99ES36) by the 289:77–93.
Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. 13. Lee C-Y, Kim J-H (2013) Hygrothermal postbuckling
behavior of functionally graded plates. Compos Struct
Declarations 95:278–282.
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no 14. Trabelsi S, Zghal S, Dammak F (2020) Thermo-elastic
conflict of interest. buckling and post-buckling analysis of functionally graded
thin plate and shell structures. J Braz Soc Mech Sci Eng
15. Trabelsi S, Frikha A, Zghal S, Dammak F (2019) A modi-
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