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Grays Anatomy for Students 4th Edition

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Fourth Edition
Richard L. Drake, PhD, FAAA
Director of Anatomy
Professor of Surgery
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio

A. Wayne Vogl, PhD, FAAA

Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology
Department of Cellular and Physiological Sciences
Faculty of Medicine
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Adam W. M. Mitchell, MB BS, FRCS, FRCR

Consultant Radiologist
Director of Radiology
Fortius Clinic
London, United Kingdom

Illustrations by
Richard Tibbitts and Paul Richardson

Photographs by
Ansell Horn
IE ISBN: 978-0-323-61104-6

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The Body

What is anatomy?
Anatomy includes those structures that can be seen grossly are studied at the same time. For example, if the thorax
(without the aid of magnification) and microscopically is to be studied, all of its structures are examined.
(with the aid of magnification). Typically, when used by This includes the vasculature, the nerves, the bones,
itself, the term anatomy tends to mean gross or macroscopic the muscles, and all other structures and organs
anatomy—that is, the study of structures that can be seen located in the region of the body defined as the
without using a microscopic. Microscopic anatomy, also thorax. After studying this region, the other regions of
called histology, is the study of cells and tissues using a the body (i.e., the abdomen, pelvis, lower limb, upper
microscope. limb, back, head, and neck) are studied in a similar
Anatomy forms the basis for the practice of medicine. fashion.
Anatomy leads the physician toward an understanding of ■ In contrast, in a systemic approach, each system of
a patient’s disease, whether he or she is carrying out a the body is studied and followed throughout the entire
physical examination or using the most advanced imaging body. For example, a study of the cardiovascular system
techniques. Anatomy is also important for dentists, chiro- looks at the heart and all of the blood vessels in the body.
practors, physical therapists, and all others involved in any When this is completed, the nervous system (brain,
aspect of patient treatment that begins with an analysis of spinal cord, and all the nerves) might be examined in
clinical signs. The ability to interpret a clinical observation detail. This approach continues for the whole body until
correctly is therefore the endpoint of a sound anatomical every system, including the nervous, skeletal, muscular,
understanding. gastrointestinal, respiratory, lymphatic, and reproduc-
Observation and visualization are the primary tech- tive systems, has been studied.
niques a student should use to learn anatomy. Anatomy is
much more than just memorization of lists of names. Each of these approaches has benefits and deficiencies.
Although the language of anatomy is important, the The regional approach works very well if the anatomy
network of information needed to visualize the position of course involves cadaver dissection but falls short when
physical structures in a patient goes far beyond simple it comes to understanding the continuity of an entire
memorization. Knowing the names of the various branches system throughout the body. Similarly, the systemic
of the external carotid artery is not the same as being able approach fosters an understanding of an entire system
to visualize the course of the lingual artery from its origin throughout the body, but it is very difficult to coordinate
in the neck to its termination in the tongue. Similarly, this directly with a cadaver dissection or to acquire suffi-
understanding the organization of the soft palate, how it is cient detail.
related to the oral and nasal cavities, and how it moves
during swallowing is very different from being able to recite
the names of its individual muscles and nerves. An under- Important anatomical terms
standing of anatomy requires an understanding of the The anatomical position
context in which the terminology can be remembered. The anatomical position is the standard reference position
of the body used to describe the location of structures (Fig.
1.1). The body is in the anatomical position when standing
How can gross anatomy be studied? upright with feet together, hands by the side and face
The term anatomy is derived from the Greek word temnein, looking forward. The mouth is closed and the facial expres-
meaning “to cut.” Clearly, therefore, the study of anatomy sion is neutral. The rim of bone under the eyes is in the
is linked, at its root, to dissection, although dissection of same horizontal plane as the top of the opening to the
cadavers by students is now augmented, or even in some ear, and the eyes are open and focused on something in
cases replaced, by viewing prosected (previously dissected) the distance. The palms of the hands face forward with the
material and plastic models, or using computer teaching fingers straight and together and with the pad of the thumb
modules and other learning aids. turned 90° to the pads of the fingers. The toes point
Anatomy can be studied following either a regional or a forward.
systemic approach.
Anatomical planes
■ With a regional approach, each region of the body Three major groups of planes pass through the body in the
2 is studied separately and all aspects of that region anatomical position (Fig. 1.1).
What Is Anatomy • Important Anatomical Terms 1

Coronal plane
Inferior margin of orbit level with
top of external auditory meatus

Face looking forward

Sagittal plane

Anterior Posterior

Transverse, horizontal,
or axial plane
Hands by sides
palms forward


Feet together
toes forward


Fig. 1.1 The anatomical position, planes, and terms of location and orientation.

The Body

■ Coronal planes are oriented vertically and divide the ■ Proximal and distal are used with reference to being
body into anterior and posterior parts. closer to or farther from a structure’s origin, particu-
■ Sagittal planes also are oriented vertically but are at larly in the limbs. For example, the hand is distal to the
right angles to the coronal planes and divide the body elbow joint. The glenohumeral joint is proximal to
into right and left parts. The plane that passes through the elbow joint. These terms are also used to describe
the center of the body dividing it into equal right and the relative positions of branches along the course of
left halves is termed the median sagittal plane. linear structures, such as airways, vessels, and nerves.
■ Transverse, horizontal, or axial planes divide the For example, distal branches occur farther away toward
body into superior and inferior parts. the ends of the system, whereas proximal branches
occur closer to and toward the origin of the system.
Terms to describe location ■ Cranial (toward the head) and caudal (toward the tail)
Anterior (ventral) and posterior (dorsal), are sometimes used instead of superior and inferior,
medial and lateral, superior and inferior respectively.
Three major pairs of terms are used to describe the location ■ Rostral is used, particularly in the head, to describe the
of structures relative to the body as a whole or to other position of a structure with reference to the nose. For
structures (Fig. 1.1). example, the forebrain is rostral to the hindbrain.

■ Anterior (or ventral) and posterior (or dorsal) Superficial and deep
describe the position of structures relative to the “front” Two other terms used to describe the position of structures
and “back” of the body. For example, the nose is an in the body are superficial and deep. These terms are
anterior (ventral) structure, whereas the vertebral used to describe the relative positions of two structures
column is a posterior (dorsal) structure. Also, the nose with respect to the surface of the body. For example, the
is anterior to the ears and the vertebral column is pos- sternum is superficial to the heart, and the stomach is deep
terior to the sternum. to the abdominal wall.
■ Medial and lateral describe the position of structures Superficial and deep can also be used in a more absolute
relative to the median sagittal plane and the sides of fashion to define two major regions of the body. The super-
the body. For example, the thumb is lateral to the little ficial region of the body is external to the outer layer of
finger. The nose is in the median sagittal plane and deep fascia. Deep structures are enclosed by this layer.
is medial to the eyes, which are in turn medial to the Structures in the superficial region of the body include the
external ears. skin, superficial fascia, and mammary glands. Deep struc-
■ Superior and inferior describe structures in reference tures include most skeletal muscles and viscera. Superficial
to the vertical axis of the body. For example, the head is wounds are external to the outer layer of deep fascia,
superior to the shoulders and the knee joint is inferior whereas deep wounds penetrate through it.
to the hip joint.

Proximal and distal, cranial and caudal,

and rostral
Other terms used to describe positions include proximal
and distal, cranial and caudal, and rostral.

Imaging • Diagnostic Imaging Techniques 1

Diagnostic imaging techniques Tungsten filament Tungsten target

In 1895 Wilhelm Roentgen used the X-rays from a cathode Focusing cup Glass X-ray tube
ray tube to expose a photographic plate and produce the
first radiographic exposure of his wife’s hand. Over the past
35 years there has been a revolution in body imaging,
which has been paralleled by developments in computer

Plain radiography
X-rays are photons (a type of electromagnetic radiation)
and are generated from a complex X-ray tube, which is a
type of cathode ray tube (Fig. 1.2). The X-rays are then Cathode Anode
collimated (i.e., directed through lead-lined shutters to stop
them from fanning out) to the appropriate area of the body.
As the X-rays pass through the body they are attenuated
(reduced in energy) by the tissues. Those X-rays that pass Fig. 1.2 Cathode ray tube for the production of X-rays.
through the tissues interact with the photographic film.
In the body:

■ air attenuates X-rays a little;

■ fat attenuates X-rays more than air but less than
water; and
■ bone attenuates X-rays the most.

These differences in attenuation result in differences in

the level of exposure of the film. When the photographic
film is developed, bone appears white on the film because
this region of the film has been exposed to the least amount
of X-rays. Air appears dark on the film because these
regions were exposed to the greatest number of X-rays.
Modifications to this X-ray technique allow a continu-
ous stream of X-rays to be produced from the X-ray tube
and collected on an input screen to allow real-time visual-
ization of moving anatomical structures, barium studies,
Fig. 1.3 Fluoroscopy unit.
angiography, and fluoroscopy (Fig. 1.3).

The Body

injections, so the necessary precautions must be taken.

Contrast agents Intra-arterial and intravenous contrast agents not only
To demonstrate specific structures, such as bowel loops or help in visualizing the arteries and veins but because they
arteries, it may be necessary to fill these structures with a are excreted by the urinary system, can also be used to
substance that attenuates X-rays more than bowel loops or visualize the kidneys, ureter, and bladder in a process
arteries do normally. It is, however, extremely important known as intravenous urography.
that these substances are nontoxic. Barium sulfate, an
insoluble salt, is a nontoxic, relatively high-density agent Subtraction angiography
that is extremely useful in the examination of the gastro- During angiography it is often difficult to appreciate the
intestinal tract. When a barium sulfate suspension is contrast agent in the vessels through the overlying bony
ingested it attenuates X-rays and can therefore be used to structures. To circumvent this, the technique of subtrac-
demonstrate the bowel lumen (Fig. 1.4). It is common to tion angiography has been developed. Simply, one or
add air to the barium sulfate suspension, by either ingest- two images are obtained before the injection of contrast
ing “fizzy” granules or directly instilling air into the body media. These images are inverted (such that a negative is
cavity, as in a barium enema. This is known as a double- created from the positive image). After injection of the
contrast (air/barium) study. contrast media into the vessels, a further series of images
For some patients it is necessary to inject contrast agents are obtained, demonstrating the passage of the contrast
directly into arteries or veins. In this case, iodine-based through the arteries into the veins and around the circula-
molecules are suitable contrast agents. Iodine is chosen tion. By adding the “negative precontrast image” to the
because it has a relatively high atomic mass and so mark- positive postcontrast images, the bones and soft tissues
edly attenuates X-rays, but also, importantly, it is naturally are subtracted to produce a solitary image of contrast
excreted via the urinary system. Intra-arterial and intrave- only. Before the advent of digital imaging this was a
nous contrast agents are extremely safe and are well toler- challenge, but now the use of computers has made this
ated by most patients. Rarely, some patients have an technique relatively straightforward and instantaneous
anaphylactic reaction to intra-arterial or intravenous (Fig. 1.5).

Fig. 1.4 Barium sulfate follow-through. Fig. 1.5 Digital subtraction angiogram.
Imaging • Diagnostic Imaging Techniques 1
Ultrasound Doppler ultrasound
Ultrasonography of the body is widely used for all aspects Doppler ultrasound enables determination of flow, its
of medicine. direction, and its velocity within a vessel using simple
Ultrasound is a very high frequency sound wave ultrasound techniques. Sound waves bounce off moving
(not electromagnetic radiation) generated by piezoelectric structures and are returned. The degree of frequency shift
materials, such that a series of sound waves is produced. determines whether the object is moving away from or
Importantly, the piezoelectric material can also receive the toward the probe and the speed at which it is traveling.
sound waves that bounce back from the internal organs. Precise measurements of blood flow and blood velocity can
The sound waves are then interpreted by a powerful therefore be obtained, which in turn can indicate sites of
computer, and a real-time image is produced on the blockage in blood vessels.
display panel.
Developments in ultrasound technology, including the Computed tomography
size of the probes and the frequency range, mean that a Computed tomography (CT) was invented in the 1970s by
broad range of areas can now be scanned. Sir Godfrey Hounsfield, who was awarded the Nobel Prize
Traditionally ultrasound is used for assessing the in Medicine in 1979. Since this inspired invention there
abdomen (Fig. 1.6) and the fetus in pregnant women. have been many generations of CT scanners.
Ultrasound is also widely used to assess the eyes, neck, soft A CT scanner obtains a series of images of the body
tissues, and peripheral musculoskeletal system. Probes (slices) in the axial plane. The patient lies on a bed, an
have been placed on endoscopes, and endoluminal ultra- X-ray tube passes around the body (Fig. 1.7), and a series
sound of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum is now of images are obtained. A computer carries out a complex
routine. Endocavity ultrasound is carried out most com- mathematical transformation on the multitude of images
monly to assess the genital tract in women using a to produce the final image (Fig. 1.8).
transvaginal or transrectal route. In men, transrectal
ultrasound is the imaging method of choice to assess the Magnetic resonance imaging
prostate in those with suspected prostate hypertrophy or Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging was first described in
malignancy. 1946 and used to determine the structure of complex

Fig. 1.6 Ultrasound examination of the abdomen. Fig. 1.7 Computed tomography scanner.
The Body

molecules. The process of magnetic resonance imaging

(MRI) is dependent on the free protons in the hydrogen
nuclei in molecules of water (H2O). Because water is
present in almost all biological tissues, the hydrogen proton
is ideal. The protons within a patient’s hydrogen nuclei can
be regarded as small bar magnets, which are randomly
oriented in space. The patient is placed in a strong magnetic
field, which aligns the bar magnets. When a pulse of radio
waves is passed through the patient the magnets are
deflected, and as they return to their aligned position they
emit small radio pulses. The strength and frequency of the
emitted pulses and the time it takes for the protons to
return to their pre-excited state produce a signal. These
signals are analyzed by a powerful computer, and an image
is created (Fig. 1.9).
By altering the sequence of pulses to which the protons
are subjected, different properties of the protons can be Fig. 1.8 Computed tomography scan of the abdomen at vertebral
level L2.
assessed. These properties are referred to as the “weight-
ing” of the scan. By altering the pulse sequence and the
scanning parameters, T1-weighted images (Fig. 1.10A)
and T2-weighted images (Fig. 1.10B) can be obtained.
These two types of imaging sequences provide differences
in image contrast, which accentuate and optimize different
tissue characteristics.
From the clinical point of view:

■ Most T1-weighted images show dark fluid and bright

fat—for example, within the brain the cerebrospinal
fluid (CSF) is dark.
■ T2-weighted images demonstrate a bright signal from
fluid and an intermediate signal from fat—for example,
in the brain the CSF appears white.

MRI can also be used to assess flow within vessels and

to produce complex angiograms of the peripheral and
cerebral circulation.

Diffusion-weighted imaging
Fig. 1.9 A T2-weighted MR image in the sagittal plane of the
Diffusion-weighted imaging provides information on the pelvic viscera in a woman.
degree of Brownian motion of water molecules in various
tissues. There is relatively free diffusion in extracellular
spaces and more restricted diffusion in intracellular The important difference between gamma rays and
spaces. In tumors and infarcted tissue, there is an increase X-rays is that gamma rays are produced from within the
in intracellular fluid water molecules compared with nucleus of an atom when an unstable nucleus decays,
the extracellular fluid environment resulting in overall whereas X-rays are produced by bombarding an atom with
increased restricted diffusion, and therefore identification electrons.
of abnormal from normal tissue. For an area to be visualized, the patient must receive a
gamma ray emitter, which must have a number of proper-
ties to be useful, including:
Nuclear medicine imaging
Nuclear medicine involves imaging using gamma rays, ■ a reasonable half-life (e.g., 6 to 24 hours),
8 which are another type of electromagnetic radiation. ■ an easily measurable gamma ray, and
Imaging • Nuclear Medicine Imaging 1
■ energy deposition in as low a dose as possible in the
patient’s tissues.

The most commonly used radionuclide (radioisotope) is

technetium-99m. This may be injected as a technetium
salt or combined with other complex molecules. For
example, by combining technetium-99m with methylene
diphosphonate (MDP), a radiopharmaceutical is produced.
When injected into the body this radiopharmaceutical
specifically binds to bone, allowing assessment of the
skeleton. Similarly, combining technetium-99m with other
compounds permits assessment of other parts of the body,
for example the urinary tract and cerebral blood flow.
Depending on how the radiopharmaceutical is
absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted by the
body after injection, images are obtained using a gamma
camera (Fig. 1.11).

Positron emission tomography

Positron emission tomography (PET) is an imaging
modality for detecting positron-emitting radionuclides. A
A positron is an anti-electron, which is a positively charged
particle of antimatter. Positrons are emitted from the
decay of proton-rich radionuclides. Most of these radionu-
clides are made in a cyclotron and have extremely short
The most commonly used PET radionuclide is fluorode-
oxyglucose (FDG) labeled with fluorine-18 (a positron

Fig. 1.10 T1-weighted (A) and T2-weighted (B) MR images of the

brain in the coronal plane. Fig. 1.11 A gamma camera.

The Body

emitter). Tissues that are actively metabolizing glucose radiograph; that is, with the patient’s back closest to the
take up this compound, and the resulting localized high X-ray tube.).
concentration of this molecule compared to background Occasionally, when patients are too unwell to stand
emission is detected as a “hot spot.” erect, films are obtained on the bed in an anteroposterior
PET has become an important imaging modality in the (AP) position. These films are less standardized than PA
detection of cancer and the assessment of its treatment films, and caution should always be taken when interpret-
and recurrence. ing AP radiographs.
The plain chest radiograph should always be
Single photon emission computed tomography checked for quality. Film markers should be placed on the
Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) appropriate side. (Occasionally patients have dextrocardia,
is an imaging modality for detecting gamma rays which may be misinterpreted if the film marker is placed
emitted from the decay of injected radionuclides such as inappropriately.) A good-quality chest radiograph will
technetium-99m, iodine-123, or iodine-131. The rays are demonstrate the lungs, cardiomediastinal contour, dia-
detected by a 360-degree rotating camera, which allows the phragm, ribs, and peripheral soft tissues.
construction of 3D images. SPECT can be used to diagnose
a wide range of disease conditions such as coronary artery Abdominal radiograph
disease and bone fractures. Plain abdominal radiographs are obtained in the AP
supine position. From time to time an erect plain abdominal
IMAGE INTERPRETATION radiograph is obtained when small bowel obstruction is
Imaging is necessary in most clinical specialties to diagnose
pathological changes to tissues. It is paramount to appreci- Gastrointestinal contrast examinations
ate what is normal and what is abnormal. An appreciation High-density contrast medium is ingested to opacify the
of how the image is obtained, what the normal variations esophagus, stomach, small bowel, and large bowel. As
are, and what technical considerations are necessary to described previously (p. 6), the bowel is insufflated with air
obtain a radiological diagnosis. Without understanding the (or carbon dioxide) to provide a double-contrast study. In
anatomy of the region imaged, it is impossible to comment many countries, endoscopy has superseded upper gastro-
on the abnormal. intestinal imaging, but the mainstay of imaging the large
bowel is the double-contrast barium enema. Typically the
Plain radiography patient needs to undergo bowel preparation, in which
Plain radiographs are undoubtedly the most common form powerful cathartics are used to empty the bowel. At the
of image obtained in a hospital or local practice. Before time of the examination a small tube is placed into the
interpretation, it is important to know about the imaging rectum and a barium suspension is run into the large
technique and the views obtained as standard. bowel. The patient undergoes a series of twists and turns
In most instances (apart from chest radiography) the so that the contrast passes through the entire large bowel.
X-ray tube is 1 m away from the X-ray film. The object in The contrast is emptied and air is passed through the same
question, for example a hand or a foot, is placed upon the tube to insufflate the large bowel. A thin layer of barium
film. When describing subject placement for radiography, coats the normal mucosa, allowing mucosal detail to be
the part closest to the X-ray tube is referred to first and that visualized (see Fig. 1.4).
closest to the film is referred to second. For example, when
positioning a patient for an anteroposterior (AP) radio- Urological contrast studies
graph, the more anterior part of the body is closest to the Intravenous urography is the standard investigation for
tube and the posterior part is closest to the film. assessing the urinary tract. Intravenous contrast medium
When X-rays are viewed on a viewing box, the right side is injected, and images are obtained as the medium is
of the patient is placed to the observer’s left; therefore, the excreted through the kidneys. A series of films are obtained
observer views the radiograph as though looking at a during this period from immediately after the injection up
patient in the anatomical position. to approximately 20 minutes later, when the bladder is full
of contrast medium.
Chest radiograph This series of radiographs demonstrates the kidneys,
The chest radiograph is one of the most commonly ureters, and bladder and enables assessment of the retro-
requested plain radiographs. An image is taken with the peritoneum and other structures that may press on the
10 patient erect and placed posteroanteriorly (PA chest urinary tract.
Imaging • Safety in Imaging 1
and a series of representative films are obtained for
Computed tomography clinical use.
Computed tomography is the preferred terminology rather
than computerized tomography, though both terms are SAFETY IN IMAGING
used interchangeably by physicians.
It is important for the student to understand the presen- Whenever a patient undergoes an X-ray or nuclear medi-
tation of images. Most images are acquired in the axial cine investigation, a dose of radiation is given (Table 1.1).
plane and viewed such that the observer looks from below As a general principle it is expected that the dose given is
and upward toward the head (from the foot of the bed). By as low as reasonably possible for a diagnostic image to be
implication: obtained. Numerous laws govern the amount of radiation
exposure that a patient can undergo for a variety of proce-
■ the right side of the patient is on the left side of the dures, and these are monitored to prevent any excess or
image, and additional dosage. Whenever a radiograph is booked, the
■ the uppermost border of the image is anterior. clinician ordering the procedure must appreciate its neces-
sity and understand the dose given to the patient to ensure
Many patients are given oral and intravenous contrast that the benefits significantly outweigh the risks.
media to differentiate bowel loops from other abdominal Imaging modalities such as ultrasound and MRI are
organs and to assess the vascularity of normal anatomical ideal because they do not impart significant risk to the
structures. When intravenous contrast is given, the earlier patient. Moreover, ultrasound imaging is the modality of
the images are obtained, the greater the likelihood of arte- choice for assessing the fetus.
rial enhancement. As the time is delayed between injection Any imaging device is expensive, and consequently
and image acquisition, a venous phase and an equilibrium the more complex the imaging technique (e.g., MRI) the
phase are also obtained. more expensive the investigation. Investigations must be
The great advantage of CT scanning is the ability to carried out judiciously, based on a sound clinical history
extend and compress the gray scale to visualize the bones, and examination, for which an understanding of anatomy
soft tissues, and visceral organs. Altering the window set- is vital.
tings and window centering provides the physician with
specific information about these structures.

Magnetic resonance imaging

There is no doubt that MRI has revolutionized the under-
standing and interpretation of the brain and its coverings.
Table 1.1 The approximate dosage of radiation exposure
Furthermore, it has significantly altered the practice of as an order of magnitude
musculoskeletal medicine and surgery. Images can be
Typical Equivalent duration
obtained in any plane and in most sequences. Typically the effective of background
images are viewed using the same principles as CT. Intrave- Examination dose (mSv) exposure
nous contrast agents are also used to further enhance tissue Chest radiograph 0.02 3 days
contrast. Typically, MRI contrast agents contain paramag- Abdomen 1.00 6 months
netic substances (e.g., gadolinium and manganese). Intravenous urography 2.50 14 months

Nuclear medicine imaging CT scan of head 2.30 1 year

CT scan of abdomen 10.00 4.5 years
Most nuclear medicine images are functional studies. and pelvis
Images are usually interpreted directly from a computer,

The Body

Body systems
The skeleton can be divided into two subgroups, the axial
skeleton and the appendicular skeleton. The axial skeleton
consists of the bones of the skull (cranium), vertebral
column, ribs, and sternum, whereas the appendicular
skeleton consists of the bones of the upper and lower limbs
(Fig. 1.12).
The skeletal system consists of cartilage and bone.

Cartilage is an avascular form of connective tissue consist-
ing of extracellular fibers embedded in a matrix that con-
tains cells localized in small cavities. The amount and kind
of extracellular fibers in the matrix varies depending on the
type of cartilage. In heavy weightbearing areas or areas
prone to pulling forces, the amount of collagen is greatly
increased and the cartilage is almost inextensible. In con-
trast, in areas where weightbearing demands and stress are
less, cartilage containing elastic fibers and fewer collagen
fibers is common. The functions of cartilage are to:

■ support soft tissues,

■ provide a smooth, gliding surface for bone articulations
at joints, and
■ enable the development and growth of long bones.

There are three types of cartilage:

■ hyaline—most common; matrix contains a moderate

amount of collagen fibers (e.g., articular surfaces of
■ elastic—matrix contains collagen fibers along with a
large number of elastic fibers (e.g., external ear);
Axial skeleton
■ fibrocartilage—matrix contains a limited number of
cells and ground substance amidst a substantial amount Appendicular
of collagen fibers (e.g., intervertebral discs).

Cartilage is nourished by diffusion and has no blood Fig. 1.12 The axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton.
vessels, lymphatics, or nerves.

Body Systems • Skeletal System 1
Bone is a calcified, living, connective tissue that forms the
majority of the skeleton. It consists of an intercellular
calcified matrix, which also contains collagen fibers, and
several types of cells within the matrix. Bones function as:

■ supportive structures for the body,

■ protectors of vital organs,
■ reservoirs of calcium and phosphorus,
■ levers on which muscles act to produce movement, and
■ containers for blood-producing cells.
Os trigonum
There are two types of bone, compact and spongy (tra-
becular or cancellous). Compact bone is dense bone that
forms the outer shell of all bones and surrounds spongy
bone. Spongy bone consists of spicules of bone enclosing
cavities containing blood-forming cells (marrow). Classifi-
cation of bones is by shape.

■ Long bones are tubular (e.g., humerus in upper limb;

femur in lower limb).
■ Short bones are cuboidal (e.g., bones of the wrist and
Sesamoid bones
■ Flat bones consist of two compact bone plates separated
by spongy bone (e.g., skull).
■ Irregular bones are bones with various shapes (e.g.,
bones of the face).
■ Sesamoid bones are round or oval bones that develop in

In the clinic
Accessory and sesamoid bones
These are extra bones that are not usually found as part of
the normal skeleton, but can exist as a normal variant in
many people. They are typically found in multiple
locations in the wrist and hands, ankles and feet (Fig. 1.13).
These should not be mistaken for fractures on imaging.
Sesamoid bones are embedded within tendons, the
largest of which is the patella. There are many other
sesamoids in the body particularly in tendons of the
hands and feet, and most frequently in flexor tendons of
the thumb and big toe.
Degenerative and inflammatory changes of, as well as Os naviculare
mechanical stresses on, the accessory bones and
sesamoids can cause pain, which can be treated with Fig. 1.13 Accessory and sesamoid bones. A. Radiograph of
physiotherapy and targeted steroid injections, but in some the ankle region showing an accessory bone (os trigonum).
severe cases it may be necessary to surgically remove the B. Radiograph of the feet showing numerous sesamoid bones
and an accessory bone (os naviculare).

The Body

Bones are vascular and are innervated. Generally, an vessels that supply the bone and the periosteum. Most of
adjacent artery gives off a nutrient artery, usually one per the nerves passing into the internal cavity with the nutrient
bone, that directly enters the internal cavity of the bone artery are vasomotor fibers that regulate blood flow. Bone
and supplies the marrow, spongy bone, and inner layers of itself has few sensory nerve fibers. On the other hand, the
compact bone. In addition, all bones are covered externally, periosteum is supplied with numerous sensory nerve fibers
except in the area of a joint where articular cartilage is and is very sensitive to any type of injury.
present, by a fibrous connective tissue membrane called the Developmentally, all bones come from mesenchyme by
periosteum, which has the unique capability of forming new either intramembranous ossification, in which mesenchy-
bone. This membrane receives blood vessels whose branches mal models of bones undergo ossification, or endochondral
supply the outer layers of compact bone. A bone stripped ossification, in which cartilaginous models of bones form
of its periosteum will not survive. Nerves accompany the from mesenchyme and undergo ossification.

In the clinic
Determination of skeletal age
Throughout life the bones develop in a predictable way to
form the skeletally mature adult at the end of puberty. In
western countries skeletal maturity tends to occur between
the ages of 20 and 25 years. However, this may well vary
according to geography and socioeconomic conditions.
Skeletal maturity will also be determined by genetic factors
and disease states.
Up until the age of skeletal maturity, bony growth and
development follows a typically predictable ordered state,
which can be measured through either ultrasound, plain
radiographs, or MRI scanning. Typically, the nondominant
(left) hand is radiographed, and the radiograph is compared A B
to a series of standard radiographs. From these images the
bone age can be determined (Fig. 1.14).
In certain disease states, such as malnutrition and
hypothyroidism, bony maturity may be slow. If the skeletal
bone age is significantly reduced from the patient’s true age,
treatment may be required.
In the healthy individual the bone age accurately
represents the true age of the patient. This is important in
determining the true age of the subject. This may also have
medicolegal importance. Carpal


Fig. 1.14 A developmental series of radiographs showing the

progressive ossification of carpal (wrist) bones from 3 (A) to 10
(D) years of age.

Body Systems • Skeletal System 1
In the clinic
Bone marrow transplants Red marrow in body
of lumbar vertebra
The bone marrow serves an important function. There are
two types of bone marrow, red marrow (otherwise known
as myeloid tissue) and yellow marrow. Red blood cells,
platelets, and most white blood cells arise from within the
red marrow. In the yellow marrow a few white cells are
made; however, this marrow is dominated by large fat
globules (producing its yellow appearance) (Fig. 1.15).
From birth most of the body’s marrow is red; however,
as the subject ages, more red marrow is converted into
yellow marrow within the medulla of the long and
flat bones.
Bone marrow contains two types of stem cells.
Hemopoietic stem cells give rise to the white blood cells,
red blood cells, and platelets. Mesenchymal stem cells
differentiate into structures that form bone, cartilage,
and muscle.
There are a number of diseases that may involve the
bone marrow, including infection and malignancy. In patients
who develop a bone marrow malignancy (e.g., leukemia) it
may be possible to harvest nonmalignant cells from the
patient’s bone marrow or cells from another person’s bone
marrow. The patient’s own marrow can be destroyed with Yellow marrow in femoral head
chemotherapy or radiation and the new cells infused. This
treatment is bone marrow transplantation. Fig. 1.15 T1-weighted image in the coronal plane,
demonstrating the relatively high signal intensity returned from
the femoral heads and proximal femoral necks, consistent with
yellow marrow. In this young patient, the vertebral bodies return
an intermediate darker signal that represents red marrow. There
is relatively little fat in these vertebrae; hence the lower signal

The Body

In the clinic
Bone fractures
Fractures occur in normal bone because of abnormal load or
stress, in which the bone gives way (Fig. 1.16A). Fractures
may also occur in bone that is of poor quality (osteoporosis);
in such cases a normal stress is placed upon a bone that is
not of sufficient quality to withstand this force and
subsequently fractures.
In children whose bones are still developing, fractures
may occur across the growth plate or across the shaft. These
shaft fractures typically involve partial cortical disruption,
similar to breaking a branch of a young tree; hence they are
termed “greenstick” fractures.
After a fracture has occurred, the natural response is to
heal the fracture. Between the fracture margins a blood clot
is formed into which new vessels grow. A jelly-like matrix is
formed, and further migration of collagen-producing cells
occurs. On this soft tissue framework, calcium
hydroxyapatite is produced by osteoblasts and forms
insoluble crystals, and then bone matrix is laid down. As
more bone is produced, a callus can be demonstrated
forming across the fracture site. B
Treatment of fractures requires a fracture line reduction. If
this cannot be maintained in a plaster of Paris cast, it may
Fig. 1.16 Radiograph, lateral view, showing fracture of the ulna
require internal or external fixation with screws and metal at the elbow joint (A) and repair of this fracture (B) using
rods (Fig. 1.16B). internal fixation with a plate and multiple screws.

In the clinic
Avascular necrosis Wasting of gluteal muscle
Avascular necrosis is cellular death of bone resulting from a
temporary or permanent loss of blood supply to that bone.
Avascular necrosis may occur in a variety of medical
conditions, some of which have an etiology that is less than
clear. A typical site for avascular necrosis is a fracture across
the femoral neck in an elderly patient. In these patients there
is loss of continuity of the cortical medullary blood flow with
loss of blood flow deep to the retinacular fibers. This
essentially renders the femoral head bloodless; it
subsequently undergoes necrosis and collapses (Fig. 1.17). In
these patients it is necessary to replace the femoral head
with a prosthesis.

Avascular necrosis Bladder Normal left hip

Fig. 1.17 Image of the hip joints demonstrating loss of height of

the right femoral head with juxta-articular bony sclerosis and
subchondral cyst formation secondary to avascular necrosis.
There is also significant wasting of the muscles supporting the
hip, which is secondary to disuse and pain.
Body Systems • Skeletal System 1
In the clinic
Epiphyseal fractures
As the skeleton develops, there are stages of intense
growth typically around the ages of 7 to 10 years and later
in puberty. These growth spurts are associated with
increased cellular activity around the growth plate
between the head and shaft of a bone. This increase in
activity renders the growth plates more vulnerable to
injuries, which may occur from dislocation across a Bone Articular cavity Bone
growth plate or fracture through a growth plate.
A Synovial joint
Occasionally an injury may result in growth plate
compression, destroying that region of the growth plate,
which may result in asymmetrical growth across that joint
region. All fractures across the growth plate must be
treated with care and expediency, requiring fracture

Bone Connective tissue Bone

B Solid joint

Joints Fig. 1.18 Joints. A. Synovial joint. B. Solid joint.

The sites where two skeletal elements come together

are termed joints. The two general categories of joints ■ The synovial membrane attaches to the margins of the
(Fig. 1.18) are those in which: joint surfaces at the interface between the cartilage and
bone and encloses the articular cavity. The synovial
■ the skeletal elements are separated by a cavity (i.e.,
membrane is highly vascular and produces synovial
synovial joints), and
fluid, which percolates into the articular cavity and
■ there is no cavity and the components are held together
lubricates the articulating surfaces. Closed sacs of
by connective tissue (i.e., solid joints).
synovial membrane also occur outside joints, where
they form synovial bursae or tendon sheaths. Bursae
Blood vessels that cross over a joint and nerves that often intervene between structures, such as tendons
innervate muscles acting on a joint usually contribute and bone, tendons and joints, or skin and bone, and
articular branches to that joint. reduce the friction of one structure moving over the
other. Tendon sheaths surround tendons and also
Synovial joints
reduce friction.
Synovial joints are connections between skeletal compo- ■ The fibrous membrane is formed by dense connective
nents where the elements involved are separated by a tissue and surrounds and stabilizes the joint. Parts of
narrow articular cavity (Fig. 1.19). In addition to contain- the fibrous membrane may thicken to form ligaments,
ing an articular cavity, these joints have a number of which further stabilize the joint. Ligaments outside the
characteristic features. capsule usually provide additional reinforcement.
First, a layer of cartilage, usually hyaline cartilage,
covers the articulating surfaces of the skeletal elements. In
other words, bony surfaces do not normally contact one Another common but not universal feature of synovial
another directly. As a consequence, when these joints are joints is the presence of additional structures within the
viewed in normal radiographs, a wide gap seems to sepa- area enclosed by the capsule or synovial membrane, such
rate the adjacent bones because the cartilage that covers as articular discs (usually composed of fibrocartilage),
the articulating surfaces is more transparent to X-rays fat pads, and tendons. Articular discs absorb compres-
than bone. sion forces, adjust to changes in the contours of joint sur-
A second characteristic feature of synovial joints is the faces during movements, and increase the range of
presence of a joint capsule consisting of an inner syno- movements that can occur at joints. Fat pads usually occur
vial membrane and an outer fibrous membrane. between the synovial membrane and the capsule and move 17
The Body


Synovial Hyaline cartilage

membrane Fat pad
Articular cavity

Fibrous Articular
membrane disc


Articular cavity Bone

Skin Bursa membrane

Fig. 1.19 Synovial joints. A. Major features of a synovial joint. B. Accessory structures associated with synovial joints.

into and out of regions as joint contours change during bicondylar (two sets of contact points), condylar (ellip-
movement. Redundant regions of the synovial membrane soid), saddle, and ball and socket;
and fibrous membrane allow for large movements at joints. ■ based on movement, synovial joints are described as
uniaxial (movement in one plane), biaxial (movement
Descriptions of synovial joints based on shape in two planes), and multiaxial (movement in three
and movement planes).
Synovial joints are described based on shape and
movement: Hinge joints are uniaxial, whereas ball and socket joints
are multiaxial.
■ based on the shape of their articular surfaces, synovial
joints are described as plane (flat), hinge, pivot,

Body Systems • Skeletal System 1
adduction, circumduction, and rotation (e.g., hip
Specific types of synovial joints
(Fig. 1.20)
■ Plane joints—allow sliding or gliding movements when Solid joints
one bone moves across the surface of another (e.g., Solid joints are connections between skeletal elements
acromioclavicular joint) where the adjacent surfaces are linked together either
■ Hinge joints—allow movement around one axis that by fibrous connective tissue or by cartilage, usually fibro-
passes transversely through the joint; permit flexion and cartilage (Fig. 1.21). Movements at these joints are more
extension (e.g., elbow [humero-ulnar] joint) restricted than at synovial joints.
■ Pivot joints—allow movement around one axis that Fibrous joints include sutures, gomphoses, and
passes longitudinally along the shaft of the bone; permit syndesmoses.
rotation (e.g., atlanto-axial joint)
■ Bicondylar joints—allow movement mostly in one axis ■ Sutures occur only in the skull where adjacent bones
with limited rotation around a second axis; formed by are linked by a thin layer of connective tissue termed a
two convex condyles that articulate with concave or flat sutural ligament.
surfaces (e.g., knee joint) ■ Gomphoses occur only between the teeth and adjacent
■ Condylar (ellipsoid) joints—allow movement around bone. In these joints, short collagen tissue fibers in the
two axes that are at right angles to each other; permit periodontal ligament run between the root of the tooth
flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and circum- and the bony socket.
duction (limited) (e.g., wrist joint) ■ Syndesmoses are joints in which two adjacent bones
■ Saddle joints—allow movement around two axes that are linked by a ligament. Examples are the ligamentum
are at right angles to each other; the articular surfaces flavum, which connects adjacent vertebral laminae,
are saddle shaped; permit flexion, extension, abduction, and an interosseous membrane, which links, for
adduction, and circumduction (e.g., carpometacarpal example, the radius and ulna in the forearm.
joint of the thumb)
■ Ball and socket joints—allow movement around Cartilaginous joints include synchondroses and
multiple axes; permit flexion, extension, abduction, symphyses.

B Humerus

Ulna Radius
Synovial membrane

Wrist joint
Articular disc
A Synovial cavity C Ulna

Odontoid process
Cartilage of axis

Synovial membrane

Metacarpal I
Femur membrane


Fig. 1.20 Various types of synovial joints. A. Condylar (wrist). B. Gliding (radio-ulnar). C. Hinge (elbow). D. Ball and socket (hip). E. Saddle 19
(carpometacarpal of thumb). F. Pivot (atlanto-axial).
The Body


Fibrous Cartilaginous

Sutural ligament

Skull Synchondrosis


Cartilage of
growth plate

Tooth Long bone





Radius Ulna


Fig. 1.21 Solid joints.

■ Synchondroses occur where two ossification centers ■ Symphyses occur where two separate bones are inter-
in a developing bone remain separated by a layer of connected by cartilage. Most of these types of joints
cartilage, for example, the growth plate that occurs occur in the midline and include the pubic symphysis
between the head and shaft of developing long bones. between the two pelvic bones, and intervertebral discs
These joints allow bone growth and eventually become between adjacent vertebrae.
20 completely ossified.
Body Systems • Skeletal System 1
In the clinic
Degenerative joint disease In the United States, osteoarthritis accounts for up to
Degenerative joint disease is commonly known as one-quarter of primary health care visits and is regarded as a
osteoarthritis or osteoarthrosis. The disorder is related to significant problem.
aging but not caused by aging. Typically there are decreases The etiology of osteoarthritis is not clear; however,
in water and proteoglycan content within the cartilage. The osteoarthritis can occur secondary to other joint diseases,
cartilage becomes more fragile and more susceptible to such as rheumatoid arthritis and infection. Overuse of joints
mechanical disruption (Fig. 1.22). As the cartilage wears, the and abnormal strains, such as those experienced by people
underlying bone becomes fissured and also thickens. who play sports, often cause one to be more susceptible to
Synovial fluid may be forced into small cracks that appear in chronic joint osteoarthritis.
the bone’s surface, which produces large cysts. Furthermore, Various treatments are available, including weight
reactive juxta-articular bony nodules are formed reduction, proper exercise, anti-inflammatory drug treatment,
(osteophytes) (Fig. 1.23). As these processes occur, there is and joint replacement (Fig. 1.24).
slight deformation, which alters the biomechanical forces
through the joint. This in turn creates abnormal stresses,
which further disrupt the joint. Osteophytes

Cartilage loss Patella

Femoral condyles Cartilage loss Loss of joint space

Fig. 1.22 This operative photograph demonstrates the focal Fig. 1.23 This radiograph demonstrates the loss of joint space in
areas of cartilage loss in the patella and femoral condyles the medial compartment and presence of small spiky
throughout the knee joint. osteophytic regions at the medial lateral aspect of the joint.

The Body

In the clinic—cont’d
Arthroscopy is a technique of visualizing the inside of a joint
using a small telescope placed through a tiny incision in the
skin. Arthroscopy can be performed in most joints. However,
it is most commonly performed in the knee, shoulder, ankle,
and hip joints.
Arthroscopy allows the surgeon to view the inside of the
joint and its contents. Notably, in the knee, the menisci and
the ligaments are easily seen, and it is possible using
separate puncture sites and specific instruments to remove
the menisci and replace the cruciate ligaments. The
advantages of arthroscopy are that it is performed through
small incisions, it enables patients to quickly recover and
return to normal activity, and it only requires either a light
anesthetic or regional anesthesia during the procedure.

Fig. 1.24 After knee replacement. This radiograph shows the

position of the prosthesis.

In the clinic
Joint replacement
Joint replacement is undertaken for a variety of reasons.
These predominantly include degenerative joint disease and
joint destruction. Joints that have severely degenerated or
lack their normal function are painful. In some patients, the
pain may be so severe that it prevents them from leaving
the house and undertaking even the smallest of activities
without discomfort.
Large joints are commonly affected, including the hip,
knee, and shoulder. However, with ongoing developments
in joint replacement materials and surgical techniques, even
small joints of the fingers can be replaced.
Typically, both sides of the joint are replaced; in the hip
joint the acetabulum will be reamed, and a plastic or metal
cup will be introduced. The femoral component will be fitted
precisely to the femur and cemented in place (Fig. 1.25).
Most patients derive significant benefit from joint
replacement and continue to lead an active life afterward. In
a minority of patients who have been fitted with a metal
acetabular cup and metal femoral component, an aseptic
lymphocyte-dominated vasculitis-associated lesion (ALVAL)
may develop, possibly caused by a hypersensitivity response
to the release of metal ions in adjacent tissues. These Artificial femoral head Acetabulum
patients often have chronic pain and might need additional
surgery to replace these joint replacements with safer Fig. 1.25 This is a radiograph, anteroposterior view, of the
models. pelvis after a right total hip replacement. There are additional
significant degenerative changes in the left hip joint, which will
also need to be replaced.
Body Systems • Muscular System 1
SKIN AND FASCIAS In the clinic
Skin The importance of fascias
The skin is the largest organ of the body. It consists of the A fascia is a thin band of tissue that surrounds muscles,
epidermis and the dermis. The epidermis is the outer cel- bones, organs, nerves, and blood vessels and often
remains uninterrupted as a 3D structure between tissues. It
lular layer of stratified squamous epithelium, which is
provides important support for tissues and can provide a
avascular and varies in thickness. The dermis is a dense bed
boundary between structures.
of vascular connective tissue.
Clinically, fascias are extremely important because they
The skin functions as a mechanical and permeability often limit the spread of infection and malignant disease.
barrier, and as a sensory and thermoregulatory organ. It When infections or malignant diseases cross a fascial
also can initiate primary immune responses. plain, a primary surgical clearance may require a far more
extensive dissection to render the area free of tumor or
Fascia A typical example of the clinical importance of a fascial
Fascia is connective tissue containing varying amounts of layer would be of that covering the psoas muscle.
fat that separate, support, and interconnect organs and Infection within an intervertebral body secondary to
structures, enable movement of one structure relative to tuberculosis can pass laterally into the psoas muscle. Pus
fills the psoas muscle but is limited from further spread by
another, and allow the transit of vessels and nerves from
the psoas fascia, which surrounds the muscle and extends
one area to another. There are two general categories of
inferiorly into the groin pointing below the inguinal
fascia: superficial and deep.
■ Superficial (subcutaneous) fascia lies just deep to and is
attached to the dermis of the skin. It is made up of loose In the clinic
connective tissue usually containing a large amount of
fat. The thickness of the superficial fascia (subcutane- Placement of skin incisions and scarring
ous tissue) varies considerably, both from one area of Surgical skin incisions are ideally placed along or parallel
to Langer’s lines, which are lines of skin tension that
the body to another and from one individual to another.
correspond to the orientation of the dermal collagen
The superficial fascia allows movement of the skin over
fibers. They tend to run in the same direction as the
deeper areas of the body, acts as a conduit for vessels and underlying muscle fibers and incisions that are made
nerves coursing to and from the skin, and serves as an along these lines tend to heal better with less scarring. In
energy (fat) reservoir. contrast, incisions made perpendicular to Langer’s lines
■ Deep fascia usually consists of dense, organized connec- are more likely to heal with a prominent scar and in some
tive tissue. The outer layer of deep fascia is attached to severe cases can lead to raised, firm, hypertrophic, or
the deep surface of the superficial fascia and forms a keloid, scars.
thin fibrous covering over most of the deeper region of
the body. Inward extensions of this fascial layer form MUSCULAR SYSTEM
intermuscular septa that compartmentalize groups of
muscles with similar functions and innervations. Other The muscular system is generally regarded as consisting of
extensions surround individual muscles and groups of one type of muscle found in the body—skeletal muscle.
vessels and nerves, forming an investing fascia. Near However, there are two other types of muscle tissue found
some joints the deep fascia thickens, forming retinacula. in the body, smooth muscle and cardiac muscle, that are
These fascial retinacula hold tendons in place and important components of other systems. These three types
prevent them from bowing during movements at the of muscle can be characterized by whether they are con-
joints. Finally, there is a layer of deep fascia separating trolled voluntarily or involuntarily, whether they appear
the membrane lining the abdominal cavity (the parietal striated (striped) or smooth, and whether they are associ-
peritoneum) from the fascia covering the deep surface ated with the body wall (somatic) or with organs and blood
of the muscles of the abdominal wall (the transversalis vessels (visceral).
fascia). This layer is referred to as extraperitoneal
fascia. A similar layer of fascia in the thorax is termed ■ Skeletal muscle forms the majority of the muscle tissue
the endothoracic fascia. in the body. It consists of parallel bundles of long,

The Body

multinucleated fibers with transverse stripes, is capable

In the clinic
of powerful contractions, and is innervated by somatic
and branchial motor nerves. This muscle is used to Muscle paralysis
move bones and other structures, and provides support Muscle paralysis is the inability to move a specific muscle
and gives form to the body. Individual skeletal muscles or muscle group and may be associated with other
neurological abnormalities, including loss of sensation.
are often named on the basis of shape (e.g., rhomboid
Major causes include stroke, trauma, poliomyelitis, and
major muscle), attachments (e.g., sternohyoid muscle),
iatrogenic factors. Paralysis may be due to abnormalities
function (e.g., flexor pollicis longus muscle), position
in the brain, the spinal cord, and the nerves supplying the
(e.g., palmar interosseous muscle), or fiber orientation muscles.
(e.g., external oblique muscle). In the long term, muscle paralysis will produce
■ Cardiac muscle is striated muscle found only in the walls secondary muscle wasting and overall atrophy of the
of the heart (myocardium) and in some of the large region due to disuse.
vessels close to where they join the heart. It consists of
a branching network of individual cells linked electri-
cally and mechanically to work as a unit. Its contrac-
tions are less powerful than those of skeletal muscle and
it is resistant to fatigue. Cardiac muscle is innervated by In the clinic
visceral motor nerves.
■ Smooth muscle (absence of stripes) consists of elongated Muscle atrophy
or spindle-shaped fibers capable of slow and sustained Muscle atrophy is a wasting disorder of muscle. It can be
contractions. It is found in the walls of blood vessels produced by a variety of causes, which include nerve
damage to the muscle and disuse.
(tunica media), associated with hair follicles in the skin,
Muscle atrophy is an important problem in patients
located in the eyeball, and found in the walls of various
who have undergone long-term rest or disuse, requiring
structures associated with the gastrointestinal, respira- extensive rehabilitation and muscle building exercises to
tory, genitourinary, and urogenital systems. Smooth maintain normal activities of daily living.
muscle is innervated by visceral motor nerves.

In the clinic
Muscle injuries and strains identify which muscle groups are affected and the extent of
Muscle injuries and strains tend to occur in specific muscle the tear to facilitate treatment and obtain a prognosis, which
groups and usually are related to a sudden exertion and will determine the length of rehabilitation necessary to
muscle disruption. They typically occur in athletes. return to normal activity.
Muscle tears may involve a small interstitial injury up to a
complete muscle disruption (Fig. 1.26). It is important to

Fig. 1.26 Axial inversion recovery MR imaging

series, which suppresses fat and soft tissue and
leaves high signal intensity where fluid is seen.
A muscle tear in the right adductor longus with
edema in and around the muscle is shown. Torn right adductor longus Normal left adductor longus
Body Systems • Cardiovascular System 1
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Examples of large veins are the superior vena cava, the
inferior vena cava, and the portal vein.
The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, which ■ Small and medium veins contain small amounts of
pumps blood throughout the body, and the blood vessels, smooth muscle, and the thickest layer is the tunica
which are a closed network of tubes that transport the externa. Examples of small and medium veins are
blood. There are three types of blood vessels: superficial veins in the upper and lower limbs and
deeper veins of the leg and forearm.
■ arteries, which transport blood away from the heart; ■ Venules are the smallest veins and drain the
■ veins, which transport blood toward the heart; capillaries.
■ capillaries, which connect the arteries and veins, are the
smallest of the blood vessels and are where oxygen, Although veins are similar in general structure to arter-
nutrients, and wastes are exchanged within the tissues. ies, they have a number of distinguishing features.

The walls of the blood vessels of the cardiovascular ■ The walls of veins, specifically the tunica media, are
system usually consist of three layers or tunics: thin.
■ The luminal diameters of veins are large.
■ tunica externa (adventitia)—the outer connective tissue ■ There often are multiple veins (venae comitantes) closely
layer, associated with arteries in peripheral regions.
■ tunica media—the middle smooth muscle layer (may ■ Valves often are present in veins, particularly in periph-
also contain varying amounts of elastic fibers in medium eral vessels inferior to the level of the heart. These are
and large arteries), and usually paired cusps that facilitate blood flow toward
■ tunica intima—the inner endothelial lining of the blood the heart.
More specific information about the cardiovascular
Arteries are usually further subdivided into three system and how it relates to the circulation of blood
classes, according to the variable amounts of smooth throughout the body will be discussed, where appropriate,
muscle and elastic fibers contributing to the thickness of in each of the succeeding chapters of the text.
the tunica media, the overall size of the vessel, and its

■ Large elastic arteries contain substantial amounts of

elastic fibers in the tunica media, allowing expansion
and recoil during the normal cardiac cycle. This helps
In the clinic
maintain a constant flow of blood during diastole.
Examples of large elastic arteries are the aorta, the Atherosclerosis
brachiocephalic trunk, the left common carotid artery, Atherosclerosis is a disease that affects arteries. There is a
the left subclavian artery, and the pulmonary trunk. chronic inflammatory reaction in the walls of the arteries,
with deposition of cholesterol and fatty proteins. This may
■ Medium muscular arteries are composed of a tunica
in turn lead to secondary calcification, with reduction in
media that contains mostly smooth muscle fibers. This
the diameter of the vessels impeding distal flow. The
characteristic allows these vessels to regulate their
plaque itself may be a site for attraction of platelets that
diameter and control the flow of blood to different parts may “fall off” (embolize) distally. Plaque fissuring may
of the body. Examples of medium muscular arteries are occur, which allows fresh clots to form and occlude the
most of the named arteries, including the femoral, axil- vessel.
lary, and radial arteries. The importance of atherosclerosis and its effects
■ Small arteries and arterioles control the filling of the depend upon which vessel is affected. If atherosclerosis
capillaries and directly contribute to the arterial pres- occurs in the carotid artery, small emboli may form and
sure in the vascular system. produce a stroke. In the heart, plaque fissuring may
produce an acute vessel thrombosis, producing a
myocardial infarction (heart attack). In the legs, chronic
Veins also are subdivided into three classes.
narrowing of vessels may limit the ability of the patient to
walk and ultimately cause distal ischemia and gangrene of
■ Large veins contain some smooth muscle in the tunica the toes.
media, but the thickest layer is the tunica externa. 25
The Body

In the clinic
Varicose veins Varicose veins
Varicose veins are tortuous dilated veins that typically occur
in the legs, although they may occur in the superficial veins
of the arm and in other organs.
In normal individuals the movement of adjacent leg
muscles pumps the blood in the veins to the heart. Blood is
also pumped from the superficial veins through the investing
layer of fascia of the leg into the deep veins. Valves in these
perforating veins may become damaged, allowing blood to
pass in the opposite direction. This increased volume and
pressure produces dilatation and tortuosity of the superficial
veins (Fig. 1.27). Apart from the unsightliness of larger veins,
the skin may become pigmented and atrophic with a poor
response to tissue trauma. In some patients even small
trauma may produce skin ulceration, which requires
elevation of the limb and application of pressure bandages
to heal.
Treatment of varicose veins depends on their location,
size, and severity. Typically the superficial varicose veins can
be excised and stripped, allowing blood only to drain into
the deep system.

Fig. 1.27 Photograph demonstrating varicose veins.

In the clinic
Anastomoses and collateral circulation considerable problem in patients who have undergone portal
All organs require a blood supply from the arteries and vein thrombosis or occlusion, where venous drainage from
drainage by veins. Within most organs there are multiple the gut bypasses the liver through collateral veins to return
ways of perfusing the tissue such that if the main vessel to the systemic circulation.
feeding the organ or vein draining the organ is blocked, a Normal vascular anastomoses associated with an organ
series of smaller vessels (collateral vessels) continue to are important. Some organs, such as the duodenum, have a
supply and drain the organ. dual blood supply arising from the branches of the celiac
In certain circumstances, organs have more than one trunk and also from the branches of the superior mesenteric
vessel perfusing them, such as the hand, which is supplied artery. Should either of these vessels be damaged, blood
by the radial and ulnar arteries. Loss of either the radial or supply will be maintained to the organ. The brain has
the ulnar artery may not produce any symptoms of reduced multiple vessels supplying it, dominated by the carotid
perfusion to the hand. arteries and the vertebral arteries. Vessels within the brain
There are circumstances in which loss of a vein produces are end arteries and have a poor collateral circulation; hence
significant venous collateralization. Some of these venous any occlusion will produce long-term cerebral damage.
collaterals become susceptible to bleeding. This is a

Body Systems • Lymphatic System 1
LYMPHATIC SYSTEM interstitial fluid, the chylomicrons drain into lymphatic
capillaries (known as lacteals in the small intestine) and
Lymphatic vessels are ultimately delivered to the venous system in the neck.
Lymphatic vessels form an extensive and complex inter- The lymphatic system is therefore also a major route of
connected network of channels, which begin as “porous” transport for fat absorbed by the gut.
blind-ended lymphatic capillaries in tissues of the body The fluid in most lymphatic vessels is clear and colorless
and converge to form a number of larger vessels, which and is known as lymph. That carried by lymphatic vessels
ultimately connect with large veins in the root of the neck. from the small intestine is opaque and milky because of the
Lymphatic vessels mainly collect fluid lost from vascular presence of chylomicrons and is termed chyle.
capillary beds during nutrient exchange processes and There are lymphatic vessels in most areas of the body,
deliver it back to the venous side of the vascular system including those associated with the central nervous system
(Fig. 1.28). Also included in this interstitial fluid that drains (Louveau A et al., Nature 2015; 523:337-41; Aspelund A
into the lymphatic capillaries are pathogens, cells of the et al., J Exp Med 2015; 212:991-9). Exceptions include
lymphocytic system, cell products (such as hormones), and bone marrow and avascular tissues such as epithelia and
cell debris. cartilage.
In the small intestine, certain fats absorbed and pro- The movement of lymph through the lymphatic vessels
cessed by the intestinal epithelium are packaged into is generated mainly by the indirect action of adjacent
protein-coated lipid droplets (chylomicrons), which are structures, particularly by contraction of skeletal muscles
released from the epithelial cells and enter the interstitial and pulses in arteries. Unidirectional flow is maintained by
compartment. Together with other components of the the presence of valves in the vessels.

Lymphoid tissue
(containing lymphocytes Blood vessels
and macrophages)



Capillary bed

Lymph node

Interstitial fluid
Cell products
and debris

Cells Pathogens
Lymph vessel
carrying lymph

Lymphatic capillaries

Fig. 1.28 Lymphatic vessels mainly collect fluid lost from vascular capillary beds during nutrient exchange processes and deliver it back to the
venous side of the vascular system.
The Body

Lymph nodes Cervical nodes Pericranial ring

(base of head)
Lymph nodes are small (0.1–2.5 cm long) encapsulated (along course
of internal
structures that interrupt the course of lymphatic vessels jugular vein)
and contain elements of the body’s defense system, such Tracheal nodes
Axillary nodes
as clusters of lymphocytes and macrophages. They act as (in axilla) (nodes related to
elaborate filters that trap and phagocytose particulate trachea and bronchi)
matter in the lymph that percolates through them. In addi- Deep nodes
tion, they detect and defend against foreign antigens that (related to aorta
and celiac trunk Inguinal nodes
are also carried in the lymph (Fig. 1.28). and superior and (along course of
Because lymph nodes are efficient filters and flow inferior mesenteric inguinal ligament)
through them is slow, cells that metastasize from arteries)
(migrate away from) primary tumors and enter lymphatic
vessels often lodge and grow as secondary tumors in
lymph nodes. Lymph nodes that drain regions that are
Femoral nodes
infected or contain other forms of disease can enlarge (along femoral vein)
or undergo certain physical changes, such as becoming
“hard” or “tender.” These changes can be used by clini- Fig. 1.29 Regions associated with clusters or a particular
cians to detect pathologic changes or to track spread of abundance of lymph nodes.
A number of regions in the body are associated with
clusters or a particular abundance of lymph nodes (Fig.
1.29). Not surprisingly, nodes in many of these regions
drain the body’s surface, the digestive system, or the respi-
ratory system. All three of these areas are high-risk sites
for the entry of foreign pathogens.
Lymph nodes are abundant and accessible to palpation
in the axilla, the groin and femoral region, and the neck. Right jugular trunk Left jugular trunk
Deep sites that are not palpable include those associated Right subclavian Left subclavian
with the trachea and bronchi in the thorax, and with the trunk trunk
aorta and its branches in the abdomen. Right Left broncho-
broncho- mediastinal trunk
Lymphatic trunks and ducts trunk

All lymphatic vessels coalesce to form larger trunks Thoracic duct

or ducts, which drain into the venous system at sites in

the neck where the internal jugular veins join the
subclavian veins to form the brachiocephalic veins
(Fig. 1.30):

■ Lymph from the right side of the head and neck, the
right upper limb, and the right side of the thorax is
carried by lymphatic vessels that connect with veins on
the right side of the neck.
■ Lymph from all other regions of the body is carried by
lymphatic vessels that drain into veins on the left side of
the neck.

Specific information about the organization of the

lymphatic system in each region of the body is discussed in Fig. 1.30 Major lymphatic vessels that drain into large veins in
the neck.
the appropriate chapter.
Body Systems • Nervous System 1
In the clinic
Lymph nodes Similarly, in patients with malignancy the lymphatics may
Lymph nodes are efficient filters and have an internal drain metastasizing cells to the lymph nodes. These can
honeycomb of reticular connective tissue filled with become enlarged and inflamed and will need to be removed
lymphocytes. These lymphocytes act on bacteria, viruses, if clinically symptomatic.
and other bodily cells to destroy them. Lymph nodes tend to Lymph nodes may become diffusely enlarged in certain
drain specific areas, and if infection occurs within a drainage systemic illnesses (e.g., viral infection), or local groups may
area, the lymph node will become active. The rapid cell become enlarged with primary lymph node malignancies,
turnover and production of local inflammatory mediators such as lymphoma (Fig. 1.31).
may cause the node to enlarge and become tender.

Left carotid artery Anterior mediastinal mass

Thyroid gland Left jugular vein Superior vena cava (lymphoma)

Lymph nodes

Ascending aorta Thoracic aorta

Fig. 1.31 A. This computed tomogram with contrast, in the axial plane, demonstrates the normal common carotid arteries and internal
jugular veins with numerous other nonenhancing nodules that represent lymph nodes in a patient with lymphoma. B. This computed
tomogram with contrast, in the axial plane, demonstrates a large anterior soft tissue mediastinal mass that represents a lymphoma.

NERVOUS SYSTEM system develop from neural crest cells and as outgrowths
of the CNS. The PNS consists of the spinal and cranial
The nervous system can be separated into parts based on nerves, visceral nerves and plexuses, and the enteric
structure and on function: system. The detailed anatomy of a typical spinal nerve is
described in Chapter 2, as is the way spinal nerves are
■ structurally, it can be divided into the central nervous numbered. Cranial nerves are described in Chapter 8.
system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) The details of nerve plexuses are described in chapters
(Fig. 1.32); dealing with the specific regions in which the plexuses are
■ functionally, it can be divided into somatic and visceral located.

The CNS is composed of the brain and spinal cord, both Central nervous system
of which develop from the neural tube in the embryo. Brain
The PNS is composed of all nervous structures outside The parts of the brain are the cerebral hemispheres, the
the CNS that connect the CNS to the body. Elements of this cerebellum, and the brainstem. The cerebral hemispheres
The Body

Peripheral nervous Central nervous Spinal cord

system (PNS) system (CNS)
The spinal cord is the part of the CNS in the superior two
thirds of the vertebral canal. It is roughly cylindrical in
shape, and is circular to oval in cross section with a central
nerve canal. A further discussion of the spinal cord can be found
in Chapter 2.

The meninges (Fig. 1.33) are three connective tissue cover-
Spinal ings that surround, protect, and suspend the brain and
Spinal cord spinal cord within the cranial cavity and vertebral canal,

■ The dura mater is the thickest and most external of the

■ The arachnoid mater is against the internal surface of
the dura mater.
■ The pia mater is adherent to the brain and spinal cord.

Between the arachnoid and pia mater is the subarach-

noid space, which contains CSF.
A further discussion of the cranial meninges can
be found in Chapter 8 and of the spinal meninges in
Chapter 2.

Functional subdivisions of the CNS

Functionally, the nervous system can be divided into
somatic and visceral parts.

Subdural space
(potential space)
Extradural space
Diploic vein (potential space)

Fig. 1.32 CNS and PNS. External table

Skull Diploe
Internal table
Cranial Endosteal layer
mater Meningeal layer

consist of an outer portion, or the gray matter, contain- Subarachnoid space

ing cell bodies; an inner portion, or the white matter, Arachnoid mater
made up of axons forming tracts or pathways; and the Pia mater
Cerebral artery
ventricles, which are spaces filled with CSF.
The cerebellum has two lateral lobes and a midline Cerebral cortex
portion. The components of the brainstem are classi-
cally defined as the diencephalon, midbrain, pons, and
medulla. However, in common usage today, the term
“brainstem” usually refers to the midbrain, pons, and
A further discussion of the brain can be found in
Fig. 1.33 Arrangement of meninges in the cranial cavity.
30 Chapter 8.
Body Systems • Nervous System 1
■ The somatic part (soma, from the Greek for “body”) Somatic nerves arise segmentally along the developing
innervates structures (skin and most skeletal muscle) CNS in association with somites, which are themselves
derived from somites in the embryo, and is mainly arranged segmentally along each side of the neural tube
involved with receiving and responding to information (Fig. 1.34). Part of each somite (the dermatomyotome)
from the external environment. gives rise to skeletal muscle and the dermis of the skin. As
■ The visceral part (viscera, from the Greek for “guts”) cells of the dermatomyotome differentiate, they migrate
innervates organ systems in the body and other visceral into posterior (dorsal) and anterior (ventral) areas of the
elements, such as smooth muscle and glands, in periph- developing body:
eral regions of the body. It is concerned mainly with
detecting and responding to information from the ■ Cells that migrate anteriorly give rise to muscles of the
internal environment. limbs and trunk (hypaxial muscles) and to the associ-
ated dermis.
Somatic part of the nervous system ■ Cells that migrate posteriorly give rise to the intrinsic
The somatic part of the nervous system consists of: muscles of the back (epaxial muscles) and the associ-
ated dermis.
■ nerves that carry conscious sensations from peripheral
regions back to the CNS, and Developing nerve cells within anterior regions of the
■ nerves that innervate voluntary muscles. neural tube extend processes peripherally into posterior

Neural crest
Epaxial muscles and dermis


Neural tube



Hypaxial muscles and dermis

Body cavity
(coelom) Lateral plate mesoderm

Intermediate mesoderm


Fig. 1.34 Differentiation of somites in a “tubular” embryo.

The Body

and anterior regions of the differentiating dermatomyo- Generally, all sensory information passes into the poste-
tome of each somite. rior aspect of the spinal cord, and all motor fibers leave
Simultaneously, derivatives of neural crest cells (cells anteriorly.
derived from neural folds during formation of the neural Somatic sensory neurons carry information from the
tube) differentiate into neurons on each side of the neural periphery into the CNS and are also called somatic
tube and extend processes both medially and laterally sensory afferents or general somatic afferents
(Fig. 1.35): (GSAs). The modalities carried by these nerves include
temperature, pain, touch, and proprioception. Propriocep-
■ Medial processes pass into the posterior aspect of the tion is the sense of determining the position and movement
neural tube. of the musculoskeletal system detected by special receptors
■ Lateral processes pass into the differentiating regions of in muscles and tendons.
the adjacent dermatomyotome. Somatic motor fibers carry information away from the
CNS to skeletal muscles and are also called somatic motor
Neurons that develop from cells within the spinal cord efferents or general somatic efferents (GSEs). Like
are motor neurons and those that develop from neural somatic sensory fibers that come from the periphery, somatic
crest cells are sensory neurons. motor fibers can be very long. They extend from cell bodies
Somatic sensory and somatic motor fibers that are in the spinal cord to the muscle cells they innervate.
organized segmentally along the neural tube become parts
of all spinal nerves and some cranial nerves. Dermatomes
The clusters of sensory nerve cell bodies derived from Because cells from a specific somite develop into the dermis
neural crest cells and located outside the CNS form sensory of the skin in a precise location, somatic sensory fibers
ganglia. originally associated with that somite enter the posterior

Somatic sensory neuron Epaxial (back) muscles

developing from neural crest cells

Somatic motor neuron

cell body in anterior region
of neural tube
Axon of motor neuron
projects to muscle developing
from dermatomyotome Hypaxial muscles

Fig. 1.35 Somatic sensory and motor neurons. Blue lines indicate motor nerves and red lines indicate sensory nerves.
Body Systems • Nervous System 1
region of the spinal cord at a specific level and become
part of one specific spinal nerve (Fig. 1.36). Each spinal Myotomes
nerve therefore carries somatic sensory information from Somatic motor nerves that were originally associated with
a specific area of skin on the surface of the body. A der- a specific somite emerge from the anterior region of the
matome is that area of skin supplied by a single spinal spinal cord and, together with sensory nerves from the
cord level, or on one side, by a single spinal nerve. same level, become part of one spinal nerve. Therefore
There is overlap in the distribution of dermatomes, but each spinal nerve carries somatic motor fibers to muscles
usually a specific region within each dermatome can be that originally developed from the related somite. A
identified as an area supplied by a single spinal cord level. myotome is that portion of a skeletal muscle innervated
Testing touch in these autonomous zones in a conscious by a single spinal cord level or, on one side, by a single
patient can be used to localize lesions to a specific spinal spinal nerve.
nerve or to a specific level in the spinal cord.

C6 segment of spinal cord

Spinal ganglion





Autonomous region
(where overlap of
dermatomes is
least likely)
of C6 dermatome
(pad of thumb)

Skin on the lateral side of the forearm and on the

thumb is innervated by C6 spinal level (spinal nerve).
The dermis of the skin in this region develops from the somite
initially associated with the C6 level of the developing spinal cord

Fig. 1.36 Dermatomes.

The Body

Myotomes are generally more difficult to test than der- ■ Muscles in the hand are innervated mainly by spinal
matomes because each skeletal muscle in the body often nerves from spinal cord levels C8 and T1.
develops from more than one somite and is therefore
innervated by nerves derived from more than one spinal Visceral part of the nervous system
cord level (Fig. 1.37). The visceral part of the nervous system, as in the somatic
Testing movements at successive joints can help in local- part, consists of motor and sensory components:
izing lesions to specific nerves or to a specific spinal cord
level. For example: ■ Sensory nerves monitor changes in the viscera.
■ Motor nerves mainly innervate smooth muscle, cardiac
■ Muscles that move the shoulder joint are innervated muscle, and glands.
mainly by spinal nerves from spinal cord levels C5
and C6. The visceral motor component is commonly referred to
■ Muscles that move the elbow are innervated mainly by as the autonomic division of the PNS and is subdivided
spinal nerves from spinal cord levels C6 and C7. into sympathetic and parasympathetic parts.

C6 segment of spinal cord

C5 segment of spinal cord



Muscles that abduct the arm are innervated by C5 and C6

spinal levels (spinal nerves) and develop from somites
initially associated with C5 and C6 regions of developing
spinal cord

Fig. 1.37 Myotomes.

Body Systems • Nervous System 1
In the clinic
Dermatomes and myotomes region of skeletal muscle innervated by a single spinal nerve
A knowledge of dermatomes and myotomes is absolutely or spinal cord level. Most individual muscles of the body are
fundamental to carrying out a neurological examination. A innervated by more than one spinal cord level, so the
typical dermatome map is shown in Fig. 1.38. evaluation of myotomes is usually accomplished by testing
Clinically, a dermatome is that area of skin supplied by a movements of joints or muscle groups.
single spinal nerve or spinal cord level. A myotome is that

Cranial nerve [V]
(Trigeminal nerve) [V2]

[V3] C3
C4 T3
C5 T2 T4
C5 T5
T3 T6
T2 T4 T2 T8
T5 T10
T6 T11
T7 T12
T1 L2
T1 T9
C6 L4
T11 L5
T12 S3

C6 L1
C7 S4
C7 C8 C8






S1 S1


Fig. 1.38 Dermatomes. A. Anterior view. B. Posterior view.

The Body

Like the somatic part of the nervous system, the visceral processes, containing general visceral efferent fibers
part is segmentally arranged and develops in a parallel (GVEs), synapse with other cells, usually other visceral
fashion (Fig. 1.39). motor neurons, that develop outside the CNS from neural
Visceral sensory neurons that arise from neural crest crest cells that migrate away from their original positions
cells send processes medially into the adjacent neural tube close to the developing neural tube.
and laterally into regions associated with the developing The visceral motor neurons located in the spinal cord are
body. These sensory neurons and their processes, referred referred to as preganglionic motor neurons and their axons
to as general visceral afferent fibers (GVAs), are associ- are called preganglionic fibers; the visceral motor neurons
ated primarily with chemoreception, mechanoreception, located outside the CNS are referred to as postganglionic motor
and stretch reception. neurons and their axons are called postganglionic fibers.
Visceral motor neurons that arise from cells in lateral The cell bodies of the visceral motor neurons outside the
regions of the neural tube send processes out of the ante- CNS often associate with each other in a discrete mass
rior aspect of the tube. Unlike in the somatic part, these called a ganglion.

Part of neural crest developing

Visceral motor ganglion into spinal ganglia

Visceral sensory neuron develops

from neural crest and becomes
part of spinal ganglion

Visceral motor
neuron in lateral
region of CNS
(spinal cord)

Body cavity

Motor nerve ending

associated with
blood vessels,
sweat glands,
arrector pili muscles
at periphery

Sensory nerve ending

Motor nerve ending associated with viscera

Postganglionic motor neuron is outside CNS. Developing gastrointestinal tract

An aggregation of postganglionic neuronal cell
bodies forms a peripheral visceral motor ganglion.

Fig. 1.39 Development of the visceral part of the nervous system.

Body Systems • Nervous System 1
Visceral sensory and motor fibers enter and leave the ■ The sympathetic system innervates structures in
CNS with their somatic equivalents (Fig. 1.40). Visceral peripheral regions of the body and viscera.
sensory fibers enter the spinal cord together with somatic ■ The parasympathetic system is more restricted to inner-
sensory fibers through posterior roots of spinal nerves. vation of the viscera only.
Preganglionic fibers of visceral motor neurons exit the
spinal cord in the anterior roots of spinal nerves, along Terminology
with fibers from somatic motor neurons. Spinal sympathetic and spinal parasympathetic neurons
Postganglionic fibers traveling to visceral elements in share certain developmental and phenotypic features
the periphery are found in the posterior and anterior rami that are different from those of cranial parasympathetic
(branches) of spinal nerves. neurons. Based on this, some researchers have suggested
Visceral motor and sensory fibers that travel to and from reclassifying all spinal visceral motor neurons as sympa-
viscera form named visceral branches that are separate thetic (Espinosa-Medina I et al. Science 2016;354:893-
from the somatic branches. These nerves generally form 897). Others are against reclassification, arguing that the
plexuses from which arise branches to the viscera. results only indicate that the neurons are spinal in origin
Visceral motor and sensory fibers do not enter and leave
the CNS at all levels (Fig. 1.41):

■ In the cranial region, visceral components are associ-

ated with four of the twelve cranial nerves (CN III, VII,
IX, and X).
■ In the spinal cord, visceral components are associated
mainly with spinal cord levels T1 to L2 and S2 to S4. Brainstem
cranial nerves
Visceral motor components associated with spinal levels
T1 to L2 are termed sympathetic. Those visceral motor
components in cranial and sacral regions, on either side of
the sympathetic region, are termed parasympathetic:

Posterior root Spinal

Somatic sensory and (sensory) ganglion
visceral sensory fibers


T1 to L2
spinal segments

Somatic motor and

visceral motor fibers
Anterior root (motor) ramus S2 to S4
spinal segments

Fig. 1.41 Parts of the CNS associated with visceral motor

Fig. 1.40 Basic anatomy of a thoracic spinal nerve. components.
The Body

(Neuhuber W et al. Anat Rec 2017;300:1369-1370). In Sympathetic system

addition, sacral nerves do not enter the sympathetic trunk, The sympathetic part of the autonomic division of the PNS
nor do they have postganglionic fibers that travel to the leaves thoracolumbar regions of the spinal cord with
periphery on spinal nerves, as do T1-L2 visceral motor the somatic components of spinal nerves T1 to L2 (Fig.
fibers. We have chosen to retain the classification of S2,3,4 1.42). On each side, a paravertebral sympathetic trunk
visceral motor neurons as parasympathetic. “Parasympa- extends from the base of the skull to the inferior end of the
thetic” simply means on either side of the “sympathetic,” vertebral column where the two trunks converge anteriorly
which correctly describes their anatomy. to the coccyx at the ganglion impar. Each trunk is attached

Peripheral Organs

Sympathetic nerves follow

somatic nerves to periphery
(glands, smooth muscle)

Esophageal plexus

Prevertebral plexus

Abdominal viscera

Ganglion impar Pelvic viscera

Fig. 1.42 Sympathetic part of the autonomic division of the PNS.
Body Systems • Nervous System 1
to the anterior rami of spinal nerves and becomes the route ramus communicans may take the following four pathways
by which sympathetics are distributed to the periphery and to target tissues:
all viscera.
Visceral motor preganglionic fibers leave the T1 to L2 1. Peripheral sympathetic innervation at the level
part of the spinal cord in anterior roots. The fibers then of origin of the preganglionic fiber
enter the spinal nerves, pass through the anterior rami and Preganglionic sympathetic fibers may synapse with post-
into the sympathetic trunks. One trunk is located on each ganglionic motor neurons in ganglia associated with the
side of the vertebral column (paravertebral) and positioned sympathetic trunk, after which postganglionic fibers enter
anterior to the anterior rami. Along the trunk is a series of the same anterior ramus and are distributed with periph-
segmentally arranged ganglia formed from collections of eral branches of the posterior and anterior rami of that
postganglionic neuronal cell bodies where the pregangli- spinal nerve (Fig. 1.43). The fibers innervate structures at
onic neurons synapse with postganglionic neurons. Ante- the periphery of the body in regions supplied by the spinal
rior rami of T1 to L2 are connected to the sympathetic nerve. The gray ramus communicans connects the
trunk or to a ganglion by a white ramus communicans, sympathetic trunk or a ganglion to the anterior ramus and
which carries preganglionic sympathetic fibers and appears contains the postganglionic sympathetic fibers. It appears
white because the fibers it contains are myelinated. gray because postganglionic fibers are nonmyelinated. The
Preganglionic sympathetic fibers that enter a paraverte- gray ramus communicans is positioned medial to the white
bral ganglion or the sympathetic trunk through a white ramus communicans.

T10 spinal nerve


T10 spinal segment

Gray ramus communicans

White ramus communicans

Peripheral distribution of sympathetics ramus
carried peripherally by terminal cutaneous
branches of spinal nerve T1 to L2

Motor nerve to sweat glands,

smooth muscle of blood
vessels, and arrector pili
muscles in the part of T10
dermatome supplied by the
anterior ramus

Fig. 1.43 Course of sympathetic fibers that travel to the periphery in the same spinal nerves in which they travel out of the spinal cord.
The Body

(C1) C2 to C8
Posterior root

Anterior root

Gray ramus communicans

Peripheral distribution of
ascending sympathetics T1 to L2

Gray ramus communicans

L3 to Co

White ramus communicans

Peripheral distribution of
descending sympathetics

Gray ramus communicans

Sympathetic paravertebral trunks

Fig. 1.44 Course of sympathetic nerves that travel to the periphery in spinal nerves that are not the ones through which they left the spinal

division of the PNS, which ultimately emerge from only a

2. Peripheral sympathetic innervation above or small region of the spinal cord (T1 to L2), to be distributed
below the level of origin of the preganglionic fiber to peripheral regions innervated by all spinal nerves.
Preganglionic sympathetic fibers may ascend or descend to White rami communicantes only occur in association
other vertebral levels where they synapse in ganglia associ- with spinal nerves T1 to L2, whereas gray rami communi-
ated with spinal nerves that may or may not have visceral cantes are associated with all spinal nerves.
motor input directly from the spinal cord (i.e., those nerves Fibers from spinal cord levels T1 to T5 pass predomi-
other than T1 to L2) (Fig. 1.44). nantly superiorly, whereas fibers from T5 to L2 pass inferi-
The postganglionic fibers leave the distant ganglia via orly. All sympathetics passing into the head have
gray rami communicantes and are distributed along the preganglionic fibers that emerge from spinal cord level
posterior and anterior rami of the spinal nerves. T1 and ascend in the sympathetic trunks to the highest
The ascending and descending fibers, together with all ganglion in the neck (the superior cervical ganglion),
the ganglia, form the paravertebral sympathetic trunk, where they synapse. Postganglionic fibers then travel along
which extends the entire length of the vertebral column. blood vessels to target tissues in the head, including blood
The formation of this trunk, on each side, enables visceral vessels, sweat glands, small smooth muscles associated
40 motor fibers of the sympathetic part of the autonomic with the upper eyelids, and the dilator of the pupil.
Body Systems • Nervous System 1
combine with those from other levels to form named vis-
3. Sympathetic innervation of thoracic ceral nerves, such as cardiac nerves. Often, these nerves
and cervical viscera join branches from the parasympathetic system to form
Preganglionic sympathetic fibers may synapse with post- plexuses on or near the surface of the target organ, for
ganglionic motor neurons in ganglia and then leave the example, the cardiac and pulmonary plexuses. Branches
ganglia medially to innervate thoracic or cervical viscera of the plexus innervate the organ. Spinal cord levels T1
(Fig. 1.45). They may ascend in the trunk before synaps- to T5 mainly innervate cranial, cervical, and thoracic
ing, and after synapsing the postganglionic fibers may viscera.


Sympathetic cardiac nerves Sympathetic trunk

Gray ramus

T1 to T4

White ramus

Cardiac plexus
Sympathetic cardiac nerves

Fig. 1.45 Course of sympathetic nerves traveling to the heart.

The Body

lumbar, and sacral), which pass into the abdomen and

4. Sympathetic innervation of the abdomen and pelvic pelvic regions (Fig. 1.46). The preganglionic fibers in these
regions and the adrenals nerves are derived from spinal cord levels T5 to L2.
Preganglionic sympathetic fibers may pass through the The splanchnic nerves generally connect with sympa-
sympathetic trunk and paravertebral ganglia without thetic ganglia around the roots of major arteries that
synapsing and, together with similar fibers from other branch from the abdominal aorta. These ganglia are part
levels, form splanchnic nerves (greater, lesser, least, of a large prevertebral plexus that also has input from the

Greater splanchnic nerves T5 to T9

Lesser splanchnic nerves

T9 to T10
(T10 to T11)

Least splanchnic nerves

Lumbar splanchnic nerves

L1 to L2

White ramus
Prevertebral plexus
and ganglia Gray ramus
Aorta communicans

sympathetic trunk
pelvic viscera

Sacral splanchnic nerves

Fig. 1.46 Course of sympathetic nerves traveling to abdominal and pelvic viscera.
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onmiddellijk door en om Adams ongehoorzaamheid tot zondaars
stelt, het feit zelf staat vast, op grond van Schrift en ervaring. Maar
toch kan er daarom wel iets gezegd worden, om deze handelwijze
Gods indien niet te verklaren, dan toch van den schijn der willekeur
te ontdoen. In de eerste plaats immers, is de menschheid geen
aggregaat van individuen, maar eene organische eenheid, één
geslacht, ééne familie. De engelen staan allen onafhankelijk naast
elkander; zij werden allen tegelijk geschapen en kwamen niet de een
uit den ander voort; onder hen zou een oordeel Gods, als in Adam
uitgesproken werd over alle menschen, niet mogelijk zijn geweest;
ieder stond en viel voor zichzelf. Maar zoo is het onder de menschen
niet. God heeft hen allen uit éénen bloede geschapen, Hd. 17:26; zij
zijn geen hoop zielen op een stuk grond, maar allen elkander in den
bloede verwant, door allerlei banden aan elkander verbonden, en
daarom in alles elkander bepalende en door elkander bepaald. En
bepaaldelijk neemt de eerste mensch eene geheel eenige en
onvergelijkelijke plaats in. Gelijk rami in radice, massa in primitiis,
membra in capite, zoo waren alle menschen in Adams lendenen
begrepen en zijn zij allen voortgekomen uit zijne heup. Hij was geen
privaat persoon, geen los individu naast anderen, maar hij was radix,
stirps, principium seminale totius generis humani, ons aller caput
naturale; in zekeren zin kan gezegd, dat nos omnes ille unus homo
fuimus, dat wat hij deed door ons allen gedaan werd in hem; zijne
wilskeuze en wilsdaad was die van al zijne nakomelingen.
Ongetwijfeld is deze physische eenheid van de gansche menschheid
in Adam voor de verklaring der erfzonde reeds van groote
beteekenis; zij is er de noodwendige onderstelling, het
praerequisitum van; indien Christus voor ons de zonde zou kunnen
dragen en zijne gerechtigheid ons deelachtig maken, moest hij
allereerst onze menschelijke natuur aannemen. Maar toch is het
realisme zonder meer tot verklaring van de erfzonde
ongenoegzaam. Immers, in zekeren zin kan wel gezegd worden, dat
alle menschen in Adam begrepen waren, maar dan ook alleen in
zekeren bepaalden zin; het is repraesentative maar niet physice
waar. In het genadeverbond spreekt dan ook niemand zoo. Wij
kunnen en mogen wel zeggen, dat God de gerechtigheid van
Christus ons zoo toeeigent, als hadden wij al de gehoorzaamheid
volbracht, die Christus voor ons volbracht heeft, Heid. Cat. vr. 60,
maar daarom zijn wij persoonlijk en physice het nog niet, die aan
Gods gerechtigheid hebben voldaan; Christus voldeed voor ons en
in onze plaats. En zoo is het ook met Adam; virtualiter, potentialiter,
seminaliter mogen wij in hem begrepen zijn geweest, doch
personaliter en actualiter heeft hij het proefgebod overtreden en niet
wij. Indien het realisme dit onderscheid niet zou willen erkennen, en
ten uiterste toe consequent zou willen zijn, dan zou het èn bij Adam
èn bij Christus alle toerekening overbodig maken; in beide gevallen
was het dan ieder mensch zelf, die persoonlijk met de daad
gezondigd en door zijn lijden en sterven voldaan had. Voorts indien
Adams overtreding in dezen realistischen zin de onze is geweest,
dan staat de mensch ook schuldig aan alle andere zonden van
Adam, aan alle zonden van Eva, ja aan al de zonden van zijne
voorgeslachten, waaruit hij geboren werd, want hij was in dezen
begrepen evengoed als in Adam, toen hij het proefgebod overtrad;
het is dan ook niet in te zien, hoe Christus, die physice, d. i. zooveel
het vleesch aangaat, uit de vaderen en uit Adam en Eva is, dan van
de erfzonde vrij kon zijn; de physische eenheid brengt toch op dit
standpunt de moreele noodzakelijk mede. Verder komt het realisme
bij het genadeverbond in niet geringe verlegenheid; want indien er
geen foedus operum is, dan ook geen foedus gratiae; het een staat
en valt met het andere. Indien nu de gerechtigheid van Christus niet
in den weg des verbonds verworven en toegepast wordt, maar op
realistische wijze, dan bestaat deze bij Christus daarin, dat Hij onze
natuur aannam, en in dat geval is de voldoening en de zaligheid het
deel van alle menschen, want Christus nam hun aller natuur aan; of
ze bestaat daarin, dat ieder deze physische, realistische eenheid
met Christus eerst verkrijgt door de wedergeboorte of het geloof, en
dan is niet in te zien, hoe Christus van te voren kon voldoen, voor
hen met wie Hij eerst één wordt door het geloof, dan loopen
wedergeboorte en geloof gevaar, haar ethisch karakter te verliezen,
wordt het zwaartepunt uit den Christus in den Christen verlegd, en
komen de weldaden des verbonds eerst tot stand na en door het
geloof. Eindelijk, het realisme verdedigt wel een uitnemend belang,
n.l. de eenheid van het menschelijk geslacht, maar het verliest
daarbij een ander belang uit het oog, dat van niet minder gewicht is,
n.l. de zelfstandigheid der persoonlijkheid. Een mensch is lid van het
geheel, zeer zeker, maar hij bekleedt in dat geheel toch ook eene
eigene plaats; hij is meer dan een golf in den oceaan, meer dan een
voorbijgaande verschijningsvorm der algemeene menschelijke
natuur. Vroeger, deel II 551v., is daarom reeds opgemerkt, dat de
relatiën, waarin de menschen tot elkander staan, onderscheiden zijn
van die, welke onder de engelen en onder de dieren worden
gevonden; want aan beide verwant, is hij toch ook van beide
verschillend; hij is een schepsel met een eigen aard. En daarom is
physische eenheid bij hem niet voldoende; er komt nog eene
andere, eene ethische, foederale bij. Cf. tegen Shedd, die een sterk
voorstander van het realisme is, Dogm. Theol. II p. 6 etc., ook Arch.
Alex. Hodge, The atonement, Philad. Presb. Board of Publication z.j.
p. 99 etc.
Zoodra men in de christelijke kerk over het verband van Adams
en onze zonde ernstig begon na te denken, had men aan de
physische eenheid niet genoeg. Shedd beweert wel, dat Augustinus,
de scholastici, de oudste Geref. theologen allen realist waren, t. a. p.
II 37. Maar dit is onjuist; de leer van het verbond was niet uitgewerkt,
maar de gedachte komt al bij de kerkvaders en de Middeleeuwsche
theologen voor, cf. deel II 549, boven bl. 124 en voorts Schwane, D.
G. III 393 f. IV 166 f. Kleutgen, Theol. der Vorzeit II 711. Oswald,
Relig. Urgesch. d. Menschheit 165. 167. Scheeben, Dogm. I 500.
Pesch, Prael. III 136 enz. Reeds het eene feit, dat zij bijna allen het
creatianisme huldigden, spreekt genoeg, want een creatianist kan
geen realist zijn. Het foederalisme sluit daarom de waarheid niet uit,
die in het realisme verborgen ligt; integendeel het aanvaardt die ten
volle; het gaat ervan uit maar het blijft er niet bij staan; het erkent
eene unitas naturae, cui unitas foederalis est innixa. In de
menschheid treffen wij allerlei vormen van gemeenschap aan, die
volstrekt niet alleen en zelfs niet hoofdzakelijk op physische
afstamming, maar op eene andere, hoogere, zedelijke eenheid
berusten. Er zijn „zedelijke lichamen”, gezin, familie, maatschappij,
volk, staat, kerk, en vereenigingen en genootschappen van allerlei
aard en voor allerlei doel, die een eigen leven leiden, aan bijzondere
wetten onderworpen zijn, in het bijzonder ook aan de wet, welke
Paulus formuleert, als hij zegt: και εἰτε πασχει ἑν μελος, συμπασχει
παντα τα μελη, εἰτε δοξαζεται μελος, συγχαιρει παντα τα μελη, I Cor.
12:26. Al de leden van zulk een lichaam kunnen voor elkander ten
zegen zijn of ten vloek, en dat te meer, naarmate zij zelve
uitnemender zijn en eene gewichtiger plaats in het organisme
bekleeden. Een vader, moeder, voogd, verzorger, onderwijzer,
leeraar, patroon, gids, vorst, koning enz. hebben den grootsten
invloed op degenen, over wie zij gesteld zijn. Hun leven en handelen
beslist over het lot hunner onderhoorigen, heft hen op en brengt hen
tot eere of stort hen neer en sleept hen mede ten verderve. Het
gezin van een dronkaard wordt verwoest en met schande beladen
om de zonde van den vader. De familie van een misdadiger wordt in
wijden kring en gedurende langen tijd met dezen gerekend en
veroordeeld. Eene gemeente kwijnt onder de trouweloosheid van
haar leeraar. Een volk gaat te gronde om de dwaasheid van zijn
vorst. Quidquid delirant reges, plectuntur Achivi. Er is tusschen de
menschen eene solidariteit in het goede en in het kwade; eene
gemeenschap aan zegeningen en aan oordeelen. Wij staan op de
schouders der voorgeslachten en erven hetgeen zij aan stoffelijk en
geestelijk kapitaal hebben saamgegaard; wij gaan tot hunnen arbeid
in, rusten op hunne lauweren, genieten van hetgeen zij menigmaal
door strijd en lijden hebben verkregen. Dat alles ontvangen wij
onverdiend, zonder erom gevraagd te hebben, het ligt alles bij onze
geboorte gereed, het wordt ons geschonken uit genade. Niemand,
die daartegen bezwaar heeft en tegen deze wet in verzet komt. Maar
als diezelfde wet nu ook in het kwade gaat heerschen en ons
deelgenooten maakt aan de zonde en het lijden van anderen, dan
komt het gemoed in opstand en wordt de wet van onrecht
aangeklaagd. De zoon, die de erfenis van zijn vader aanvaardt,
weigert de schuld van zijn vader te betalen. Zoo klaagden de
Israelieten ook in de dagen van Ezechiel. Er gold in het O. T. eene
wet der solidariteit, Gen. 9:25, Ex. 20:5, Num. 14:33, 16:32, Jos.
7:24, 25, 1 Sam. 15:2, 3, 2 Sam. 12:10, 21:1v., 1 Kon. 21:21, 23,
Jes. 6:5, Jer. 32:18, Klaagl. 3:40v., 5:7 Ezr. 9:6, Mt. 23:35, 27:25.
Maar als Israel in zijne vermeende gerechtigheid daarover klaagt,
laat de Heere door den profeet verkondigen, niet wat Hij
rechtvaardig kan doen, maar wat Hij zal doen, als Israel zich bekeert
en den weg der vaderen niet bewandelt. Er is eene solidariteit van
zonde en lijden, maar God laat het toe en schenkt de kracht
menigmaal, om die zedelijke gemeenschap te breken en zelf de
aanvang te worden van een geslacht, dat wandelt in de vreeze des
Heeren en zijne gunst geniet. Maar daardoor wordt de solidariteit
zelve zoo weinig opgeheven, dat zij er veeleer door bevestigd wordt.
Christus heeft nog op andere en betere wijze de waarheid der
solidariteit van het menschelijk geslacht bewezen dan Adam. Indien
deze solidariteit ook verbroken kon worden, zou niet alleen alle
mede-lijden, maar ook alle liefde, vriendschap, voorbede enz.
ophouden te bestaan; de menschheid viel in levenlooze atomen
uiteen; er ware geen mysterie, geen mystiek, geen menschelijk
leven meer. Toch is het waar, wat Shedd beweert, Dogm. Theol. II
187, dat deze solidariteit des lijdens nog niet de toerekening van
Adams zonde aan al zijne nakomelingen verklaart; om de zonde van
een ander te lijden is niet hetzelfde als om de zonde van een ander
gestraft en dus ook zelf als dader van die zonde beschouwd te
worden; er is lijden zonder persoonlijke overtreding, Luk. 13:1-5,
Joh. 9:3. Maar deze solidariteit, die wij dagelijks zien, slaat ons toch
het argument uit de hand, om God van onrecht aan te klagen, als Hij
in Adams straf de gansche menschheid deelen doet. Zoo handelt Hij
toch ieder oogenblik, beide in zegeningen en in gerichten. Indien
zulk eene handelwijze met zijne gerechtigheid bestaanbaar is, dan is
dit en moet dit ook het geval zijn bij Adams overtreding. Maar daar
komt nog bij, dat er eene bijzondere reden is, waarom de
bovengenoemde wet der solidariteit in het geval van Adam niet
geheel en al opgaat noch ook zelfs op kan gaan. De wet der
solidariteit verklaart het werk- en het genadeverbond niet, maar is er
op gebouwd en wijst er henen terug. Zij heerscht altijd binnen
engere kringen dan door de menschheid zelve gevormd wordt. Hoe
groot de zegen of vloek van ouders en voogden, van wijsgeeren en
kunstenaars, van godsdienststichters en hervormers, van vorsten en
veroveraars enz. ook moge geweest zijn; er waren toch altijd
„omstandigheden” van plaats, tijd, land, volk, taal enz., die er perk en
paal aan stelden; de kring, waarin hun invloed heerschte, was altijd
door andere en grootere omsloten. Slechts twee menschen zijn er
geweest, wier leven en werken zich uitgestrekt heeft tot de grenzen
der menschheid zelve, wier invloed en heerschappij doorwerkt tot
aan de einden der aarde en tot in eeuwigheid toe. Het zijn Adam en
Christus; de eerste bracht de zonde en den dood, de tweede de
gerechtigheid en het leven in de wereld. Uit deze gansch
exceptioneele plaats, door Adam en Christus ingenomen, volgt, dat
zij alleen met elkander te vergelijken zijn, en dat alle andere
verhoudingen, aan kringen binnen de menschheid ontleend, wel tot
opheldering kunnen dienen en van groote waarde zijn, maar toch
slechts analogie bieden en geen identiteit. Dat wil zeggen, dat Adam
en Christus beiden onder eene gansch bijzondere ordinantie Gods
zijn gesteld, juist met het oog op de bijzondere plaats, die zij in de
menschheid innemen. Als een vader zijn gezin, een vorst zijn volk,
een wijsgeer zijne leerlingen, een patroon zijne arbeiders met zich in
de ellende stort, dan kunnen wij achter hunne personen teruggaan
en in de solidariteit, die binnen de menschheid en hare verschillende
kringen heerscht, tot op zekere hoogte eene verklaring en
bevrediging vinden. Maar alzoo kunnen wij bij Adam en Christus niet
doen. Zij hebben de menschheid niet achter maar vóór zich; zij
komen er niet uit voort maar brengen haar tot stand; zij worden niet
door haar gedragen maar dragen haar zelven; zij zijn geen product
maar, ieder op zijne wijze, aanvang en wortel der menschheid, caput
totius generis humani; zij worden niet door de wet der solidariteit
verklaard maar verklaren deze alleen door zichzelven; zij
onderstellen niet, zij constitueeren het organisme der menschheid.
Indien de menschheid werkelijk beide in physischen en in ethischen
zin eene eenheid zou blijven, gelijk ze bestemd was te zijn; indien er
dus werkelijk in die menschheid niet alleen gemeenschap des
bloeds, gelijk bij de dieren, maar op dien grondslag ook
gemeenschap van alle stoffelijke, zedelijke, geestelijke goederen
zou bestaan; dan was dat niet anders tot stand te brengen en in
stand te houden, dan door in éénen allen te oordeelen. Zooals het
met hen ging, zou het gaan met heel het menschelijk geslacht.
Indien Adam viel, viel de menschheid; indien Christus staande bleef,
werd in hem de menschheid opgericht. Werk- en genadeverbond zijn
de vormen, waardoor het organisme der menschheid ook in
religieusen en ethischen zin gehandhaafd wordt. Omdat het Gode
niet om enkele individuen maar om de menschheid te doen is als zijn
beeld en gelijkenis, daarom moest zij vallen in éénen en ook in
éénen worden opgericht. Zoo is de ordinantie, zoo het oordeel Gods.
Hij verklaart in éénen allen schuldig en daarom wordt de
menschheid onrein en stervende uit Adam geboren; Hij verklaart in
éénen allen rechtvaardig, en daarom wordt diezelfde menschheid uit
Christus herboren en ten eeuwigen leven geheiligd. God heeft hen
allen onder de gehoorzaamheid besloten opdat Hij hun allen zoude
barmhartig zijn. Turretinus, Theol. El. IX 9. A. A. Hodge, The
atonement p. 78-121. Ch. Hodge, Syst. Theol. II 192. Princeton
Theol. Essays 1846 p. 128-194. Kleutgen, Theol. der Vorzeit II 704 f.
Thomasius, Christi Person u. Werk I3 211. E. Bersier, La solidarité.
Paris 1870. Vercueil, Etude sur la solidarité dans le Christianisme
d’après St. Paul, Montauban 1894.

7. Gevolg van het peccatum originans is het peccatum

originatum. Omdat allen in Adam als zondaren gerekend worden,
worden zij ook allen uit hem in zondigen toestand geboren. De
erfsmet is eene straf voor de erfschuld. Onder dit gezichtspunt is de
erfzonde het eerst beschouwd door Augustinus, wat een krachtig
protest uitlokte van de zijde der Pelagianen, cf. August., c. Jul. V 3,
evenals later van de Remonstanten, Apol. Conf. VII 4. Maar de
Schrift spreekt menigmaal in dien geest en ziet in volgende zonden
eene straf voor de vorige, 2 Sam. 12:11, 12, 1 Kon. 11:11-31, 22:30,
Jes. 6:9, 10, 7:17, 10:5-7, 14:3, Jer 50:6-8, Rom. 1:24-28, 2 Thess.
2:11, 12 enz. Ook de zonden staan onder Gods bestuur; de wetten
en ordinantiën, die voor het leven der zonde gelden, zijn door God
vastgesteld en worden door hem gehandhaafd. En onder die wetten
is ook deze: Das eben ist der Fluch der bösen That, dass sie
fortwährend Böses muss gebähren. De zonde heeft die natuur, dat
zij den zondaar hoe langer hoe meer verdwaast en verhardt, steeds
vaster in haar strikken verwart en steeds sneller langs een hellend
vlak in den afgrond vallen doet. Het is waar, dat zonde op zichzelve
beschouwd nooit straf der zonde kan zijn, want beide verschillen
wezenlijk en staan tegenover elkaar; zonde komt op uit den wil en
straf ondergaat iemand tegen zijn wil; zonde is overtreding, straf is
handhaving der wet; straf heeft God tot auteur maar zonde niet.
Maar toch mag volgende zonde eene straf der vorige heeten, wijl zij
den zondaar nog verder van God verwijdert, ellendiger maakt en aan
allerlei begeerlijkheid en hartstocht, angst en wroeging overgeeft,
Lombardus, Sent. II dist. 36. Thomas, S. Theol. I 2 qu. 87 art. 2, qu.
75 art. 4. qu. 84 art. 1-4. Gerhard, Loc. VI c. 10 n. 140. Turretinus,
Theol. El. IX 15. Spanheim, Op. III 1268-1270. Moor III 332-335.
Schleiermacher, Chr. Gl. § 71, 2. Müller, Sünde II 589 f. Frank, Chr.
Wahrh. I 489. Christ, Die sittl. Weltordnung S. 59. Naar deze wet is
bij Adam en al zijne nakomelingen op de zondige daad een zondige
toestand gevolgd. De Pelagianen stellen het zoo voor, dat eene of
andere wilsdaad hoegenaamd geen gevolgen nalaat; de wil, die het
eene oogenblik het kwade deed, kan terstond daarop, indien het
hem lust, weer het goede doen; de wil heeft en krijgt bij hen nooit
eene zekere natuur, een bepaald karakter, hij is en blijft neutraal,
indifferent, zonder innerlijke neiging, altijd tusschen tegengestelde
dingen in geplaatst en met onberekenbare willekeur nu eens naar
den eenen, dan naar den anderen kant zich richtende. Maar zulk
eene voorstelling vindt weerspraak van alle zijden. Er had bij Adam
en Eva, toen zij Gods gebod overtraden, eene groote zedelijke
verandering plaats; schaamte en vreeze voor God maakte zich van
hen meester; de rust, de vrede, de onschuld was weg, zij
verbergden zich voor God in het geboomte des hofs; zij wierpen de
schuld op elkaar; Kain maakte zich schuldig aan broedermoord; en
straks zag de Heere, dat de boosheid des menschen menigvuldig
was op de aarde, dat al het gedichtsel der gedachten zijns harten
boos was van der jeugd aan. Bij Adams overtreding neemt eene
ontzettende degeneratie van het menschelijk geslacht haar aanvang.
Wij staan hier voor eene schrikkelijke werkelijkheid, waarvan de
verklaring ons ontgaat. Hoe is het mogelijk, dat ééne enkele zondige
daad zulke ontzettende gevolgen had en een radikalen omkeer
bracht in heel de menschelijke natuur? In het algemeen kan
opgemerkt, dat de verhouding tusschen eene daad en hare
gevolgen ons telkens in het leven zeer onevenredig voorkomt. Eén
uur van onbedachtzaamheid kan maken dat men jaren schreit. Eéne
kleine vergissing, een enkele misstap geeft aan het leven van vele
menschen eene geheel andere richting; kleine onbeteekenende
voorvallen werken tot in geslachten door; van een zoogenaamd
toeval hangt menigmaal ons geluk of ongeluk af. De ééne
overtreding van Adam bracht een algeheele verandering in de
overleggingen, gezindheden en neigingen zijner natuur. Immers, de
ervaring leert, dat alwat een mensch doet, in meerder of minder
mate op hemzelf terugwerkt en een spoor in zijn karakter achterlaat.
In den grond der zaak is niets onverschillig en niets gaat spoorloos
aan ons voorbij. Elke wilsdaad, opkomende uit voorafgaande
neigingen en begeerten, werkt op deze terug en versterkt ze. Iedere
zonde kan op die wijze tot eene hebbelijkheid, eene neiging, een
hartstocht worden, die over den mensch heerscht als een tiran. Een
mensch is zoo veranderlijk, zoo vormen plooibaar; hij schikt zich
naar alle gelegenheden, hij past zich aan bij elk milieu, hij went aan
alles en gaat overal naar staan. Wie de zonde doet, wordt terstond
een dienstknecht der zonde. Eene misdaad, een leugen, een
diefstal, een moord is nooit voorbij met het oogenblik, waarin zij
gepleegd worden. De ongehoorzaamheid van Adam heeft heel zijne
natuur veranderd. Bovendien, zijne overtreding had niet alleen eene
uit- maar ook eene inwendige zijde. Het is niet zoo, dat de zondige
daad van Adam, bestaande in het eten der verboden vrucht,
eensklaps geschiedde zonder eenige voorbereiding en eerst daarna
allerlei zedelijke veranderingen in zijne natuur ten gevolge had. Op
die wijze staan bij Adam schuld en smet niet tot elkaar in verband.
De daad van het eten was zelve reeds openbaring van eene geheele
zedelijke verandering, die er in het binnenste had plaats gehad.
Strikt genomen was zij niet de eerste zonde maar de eerste
voldragen zonde in den zin van Jak. 1:15. Aan de zondige daad
gingen zondige overleggingen des verstands (twijfel, ongeloof) en
zondige neigingen des harten (begeerlijkheid, hoogmoed) vooraf,
welke haar aanleiding hadden in de verzoeking der slang en
gekweekt werden door den wil van den mensch. Zoowel vóór als
onder en na het eten van den verboden boom werd ’s menschen
verhouding tot God en zijne wet veranderd. Hij werd, niet eerst het
eene en daarna het andere, maar tegelijkertijd en in verband met
elkaar beide schuldig en onrein voor het aangezicht van zijn Maker.
Schuld en smet zijn beide gelijktijdige gevolgen der ééne en zelfde
zonde, twee zijden van dezelfde zaak. Eindelijk, de verandering, die
bij Adam intrad, bestond niet daarin, dat er eenig zondig beginsel in
hem ingeplant of eenig bestanddeel van zijn wezen, van zijn ziel of
lichaam, van zijne vermogens of krachten hem ontnomen werd.
Maar zij bestond hierin, dat de mensch door zijn twijfel en ongeloof,
door zijn hoogmoed en begeerlijkheid en eindelijk door de zondige
daad zelve steeds meer van God en van zijne wet zich losmaakte,
zich buiten zijne gunst en gemeenschap stelde en al zijne gaven en
krachten juist tegen God en zijn gebod gebruiken ging. En dan als dit
geschiedt, als de mensch buiten Gods gemeenschap en buiten
Gods wet zich stelt, dan treedt de zondige toestand vanzelf in,
zooals de duisternis intreedt wanneer het licht verdwijnt. Fieri nequit
quin maxime sese amet creatura, quam non absorpserit amor Dei
(Melanchton). De mensch, zich onttrekkende aan de gemeenschap
Gods, in welke hij geschapen werd, is niet anders denkbaar dan als
een zondaar, schuldig en verdorven voor zijn aangezicht.
Diezelfde religieuse en ethische verandering, welke bij Adam
plaatsgreep onder en bij zijn val, is ook het deel van al zijne
nakomelingen. Dezen worden allen in dienzelfden zedelijken
toestand geboren als waarin Adam viel door zijne overtreding. Dit feit
is haast voor geen ontkenning vatbaar. De Schrift leert het niet
alleen maar ervaring en geschiedenis bewijzen het dag aan dag.
Indien iets zeker is, dan is het wel dit, dat menschen niet als
rechtvaardigen en heiligen maar als zondaren ontvangen en
geboren worden. Dat wijst erop, dat zij ééne schuld met Adam
gemeen hebben, want schuld en smet gaan in de zonde altijd
samen. Gelijk het bij Adam niet alzoo is toegegaan, dat hij eerst de
zondige daad bedreef, daardoor schuld op zich laadde en ten
gevolge daarvan nu ook zedelijk onrein en verdorven werd, zoo
komen ook zijne nakomelingen niet als het ware met eene dubbele
schuld ter wereld, eerst met die van Adams overtreding en daarna
nog met die van hunne zedelijke verdorvenheid. Want deze zedelijke
verdorvenheid is niet een later bijkomend, uitwendig toevoegsel en
niet een toevallig gevolg van de eerste overtreding, maar in deze
een wezenlijk element en daarvan niet te scheiden. Gelijk Adam
door zijne overtreding tegelijkertijd en in dezelfde mate zich schuldig
maakte en onrein werd, zoo zijn ook bij zijne nakomelingen het
schuldig staan in hem en het onrein uit hem geboren worden twee
zijden van dezelfde zaak, Edwards, Works II 482. Shedd, Dogm.
Theol. II 170. Onjuist is het, daaruit met Edwards af te leiden, dat de
smet aan de schuld voorafgaat. Er is hier geen vóór en geen na. De
onreinheid, waarin alle menschen geboren worden is de keerzijde
van de schuld dier overtreding, die door Adam als caput foederale
begaan werd. Schuld, smet, dood staan bij Adams nakomelingen in
dezelfde verhouding als bij hemzelven en zijn zoo, in dat onderling
verband, tot allen doorgegaan.

8. De weg, waarin dit peccatum originatum het deel aller

menschen wordt, is niet die van imitatie maar van generatie. Er gaat
een κριμα, een oordeel Gods aan vooraf, en krachtens dat oordeel
worden alle menschen schuldig, onrein en stervende uit Adam
geboren. Zij worden dit alles niet eerst op lateren leeftijd door hunne
dadelijke zonden, maar zijn het van hunne ontvangenis en geboorte
af aan. De dood is ten bewijze, want deze heerscht niet alleen over
de volwassenen maar veel sterker nog over de kinderkens, zelfs de
ongeborene; en die dood is naar de Schrift geen natuurproces maar
eene bezoldiging der zonde. Nu heeft deze leer der erfzonde,
hoezeer zij vroeger als onredelijk veroordeeld werd, in den laatsten
tijd weer genade gevonden in de oogen der dusgenaamde
wetenschap. Zij bleek toch zoo dwaas en ongerijmd niet, als
vroegere tolken der wetenschap haar hadden tentoongesteld.
Wetenschappelijk is nu vlak het tegendeel van wat in vroeger eeuw
daarvoor gold. De leer van de aangeboren goedheid van den
mensch en van de maatschappij als oorzaak van alle kwaad heeft
afgedaan; men leert thans juist het omgekeerde: de mensch,
afkomstig van een dier, blijft in zijn hart een dier; in ieder mensch
schuilt la bête humaine, vitium hominis natura pecoris; en de
„heilige” maatschappij en de „Goddelijke” staat zijn het, die hem
gelukkig in band houden en dwingen tot deugd; alle ondeugd is
aangeboren, alle deugd is verworven, cf. b.v. Brunetière, La moralité
de la doctrine évolutive, Paris 1896. Het zijn niet de nieuw ontdekte
feiten, die deze verandering in de beschouwing hebben
aangebracht. Want dat elke soort haars gelijken voortbrengt, dat
kinderen naar hun ouders aarden, dat niet alleen lichamelijke maar
ook allerlei geestelijke eigenschappen overerven, dat is geen
ontdekking der 19e eeuw maar was, blijkens de leer van het
traducianisme, ook vroeger wel bekend. En dat toch ook weer niet
alle eigenschappen overerven, dat elk individu toch nog iets anders
en iets meer is dan de optelsom of het product van zijne ouders, ook
dat was blijkens de leer van het creatianisme aan vroegere
geslachten niet onbekend. Wel is zeer zeker de kennis der feiten
uitgebreid en vermeerderd, maar dit was lang niet van dien aard, dat
het alleen eene gansche beschouwing radikaal veranderen kon.
Deze verandering is voornamelijk daaraan toe te schrijven, dat men
zoo ongeveer dezelfde feiten bezag uit een ander gezichtspunt en
met een ander oog, n.l. uit het standpunt van het monisme en met
het oog van een dogmaticus der evolutie. In strijd met allen
nuchteren wetenschappelijken zin, heeft men op enkele feiten eene
reeks van diep ingrijpende conclusies gebouwd en deze op allerlei
manier in populaire geschriften aan den man gebracht: de mensch—
dat was duidelijk gebleken—was hoegenaamd geen zelfstandig
wezen, maar niets dan een product van bestaande factoren, een
speelbal der omstandigheden; van vrijheid bij hem te spreken, is
dwaasheid, hij is een willoos instrument van het noodlot;
misdadigers zijn een eigen type, die reeds als zoodanig geboren
worden en onverbeterlijk en ontoerekenbaar zijn; elk mensch moet
met noodwendigheid wezen wat hij is. Een leger van deels
talentvolle schrijvers, zooals Zola, Ibsen, Nietzsche enz. hebben
deze beschouwing in roman en drama geschilderd voor de verhitte
verbeelding. En wie nu in dat koor niet meezingt en aan de
wetenschappelijkheid dezer beschouwing twijfelt, wordt in den ban
gedaan. En toch komt voor den nuchteren beschouwer alwat de
wetenschap op dit terrein aan het licht heeft gebracht op dit weinige
neer: 1o Er is niet alleen herediteit maar ook variatie, niet alleen
eenheid maar ook verandering, niet alleen herinnering maar ook
verbeelding. Vele eigenschappen gaan over van ouders op kinderen,
alle soorten brengen immers huns gelijken voort; maar toch gaan
niet alle eigenschappen over, want elk individu is iets nieuws; geen
enkel kind lijkt precies op zijne ouders. Hiermede is niets nieuws
gezegd en slechts eene oude bekende, door niemand ooit
geloochende waarheid herhaald. 2o. Deze beide feiten worden zeer
gaarne met den naam van wetten bestempeld; maar hoe die wetten
heerschen, is nog zoo goed als ten eenenmale onbekend. Herediteit
en variatie staan voortdurend met elkaar in verband, zij werken
saam en kruisen elkaar, en vandaar dat de verklaring der feiten zoo
moeilijk is. En deze moeilijkheid wordt nog daardoor verhoogd, dat
de overerving bij alle hoogere wezens plaatsgrijpt door de
vermenging van twee individuen (amphimixis, gelijk Weismann ze
noemde). 3o. Dit blijkt, zoodra men eenigszins nader specialiseert.
Dat soorteigenschappen overerven, d. w. z., dat ouders kinderen van
dezelfde soort voortbrengen, staat vast maar brengt niet veel verder.
Dat ras- en varieteitseigenschappen constant worden overgeplant, is
aan rechtmatigen twijfel onderhevig; door selectie kan het ras, bv.
van dieren of planten, wel worden verbeterd; maar deze verbetering
is beperkt en tijdelijk; na vier of vijf generaties is de hoogte der
verbetering bereikt; zoodra men met de selectie ophoudt, keeren de
nakomelingen tot het oude type terug; de eigenschappen worden
niet in de natuur van de schepselen opgenomen, zij houden de
neiging, om in den oorspronkelijken vorm terug te slaan. Dat
eindelijk individueele, verworvene eigenschappen van ouders op
kinderen overgaan, is wel door Darwin e. a. beweerd, maar wordt
door A. Weismann, hoogleeraar te Freiburg, zoo sterk mogelijk
bestreden, en zijne theorie vindt tegenwoordig hoe langer hoe meer
instemming. 4o. De poging, om de verschijnselen, die zich hier
voordoen, onder eenige wetten saam te voegen, is niet alleen niet
gelukt maar is voorshands zeer voorbarig te achten. De
verschijnselen zijn veel te talrijk en te gecompliceerd, evenals b.v.
die van het weder, om ons reeds nu van vaste wetten te kunnen
doen spreken. De wet van het atavisme maakt dan ook al den indruk
van slechts uitgevonden te zijn, om aan de vele gevallen, waarin de
gunstige eigenschappen niet overerven en dus de „wet” der
herediteit niet doorgaat, een schijn van regelmatigheid te geven.
Nicht begriffene Thatsachen scheinen schliesslich bekannt, sobald
man sie mit einem bekannten Worte bezeichnet, Dr. Kohlbrugge, Der
Atavismus, Utrecht 1897, S. 3, die het atavisme dan ook evenals
Emery voor eene sage houdt. De hypothese van Lombroso over den
misdadigerstype behoort thans reeds weer tot het verleden. En de
statistiek, al moge zij ook eene zekere regelmatigheid in geboorten,
huwelijken, misdaden enz., aanwijzen, is daarmede toch nog
geenszins gerechtigd tot de conclusie, dat elk mensch tot zijne
daden gedwongen wordt, evenmin als het feit, dat de ouderdom
eener bevolking in doorsnede dertig jaren bedraagt, ieder
dertigjarige tot sterven dwingt, Wundt, Grundzüge der physiol.
Psych. II2 397. A. v. Oettingen, Die Moralstatistik3 1882 S. 24 f.
Eindelijk 5o. de verschillende theorieën ter verklaring van herediteit
en variatie zijn alle tot op den huidigen dag onvoldoende gebleken.
Reeds het groote aantal, dat er opgesteld is, bewijst, dat geen van
alle bevredigt. Alle natuurphilosofen en biologen hebben er hunne
krachten aan beproefd, zonder dit geheim des levens ontsluierd te
hebben. De hoogleeraar aan de Sorbonne, Yves Delage, heeft in zijn
geleerd werk: La structure du protoplasma et les théories sur
l’hérédité et les grands problèmes de la biologie générale, Paris
Reinwald et Cie 1895 alle theorieën breedvoerig besproken en komt
dan tot de slotsom: après avoir étudié et discuté les nombreuses
théories émises pour résoudre les problèmes de l’hérédité et de
l’évolution, nous sommes obligés de reconnaître, qu’aucune ne
présente une solution acceptable. Toutes pèchent en quelques
points, non pas accessoires mais fondamentaux, et la plupart sont,
en outre, appuyées sur des hypothéses gratuites et tout à fait
improbables, p. 743. Zelf waagt hij dan ook niet eene théorie
complète aan den lezer aan te bieden; nos connaissances sont loin
d’être assez avancées pour que cela soit possible, p. 747; cf. ook
nog Hugo de Vries, Eenheid in veranderlijkheid, Album der Natuur
1898 bl. 65-80. Ribot, L’hérédité psychol.5 Paris Alcan 1894. van
Bemmelen, De erfelijkheid van verworven eigenschappen, 1890. R.
Schäfer, Die Vererbung, Berlin, Reuther u. Reichard 1897. Dr.
Jonker, Erfel. en Toerekenb. in Theol. Stud. v. Dr. Daubanton 1894
bl. 291-322 enz. Met dit alles ontkennen wij echter de feiten der
erfelijkheid niet noch ook haar uitgebreide heerschappij. De
christelijke theologie heeft er niet het minste belang bij, om aan deze
ook maar eenigszins te kort te doen; integendeel erkent zij ten volle
en eerbiedigt de wetten, die op dit gebied door God zijn vastgesteld;
hoe meer in de erfelijkheid vaste wetten worden opgespoord, des te
grooter wordt de heerlijkheid van Hem, die de Schepper aller
ordinantiën en geen God van verwarring maar van orde is. Ook is
het volkomen waar, dat wij bijna nooit met juistheid de grenzen
kunnen aanwijzen, die de persoonlijke schuld scheiden van de
gemeenschappelijke schuld. Wat Schleiermacher zegt van de
erfzonde, is heel iets anders dan wat Schrift en kerk aangaande haar
uitspreken, maar op zichzelf is het van de zonde in het algemeen
toch volkomen waar, dat zij eene Gesammtthat und Gesammtschuld
des menschlichen Geschlechtes is, d. i.: de zondige toestand en de
zondige daden van ieder mensch zijn eenerzijds veroorzaakt door
die van het voorgeslacht en anderzijds ook weer oorzaak van de
zondige toestanden en daden der nakomelingen; de zonde is in
Jedem das Werk Aller und in Allen das Werk eines Jeden, Chr. Gl. §
71, 1. 2. Maar hoe waar dit alles ook zij, zoolang de biologie naast
de herediteit ook de variatie erkennen moet, ontbreekt alle recht, om
den mensch zijne zelfstandigheid en vrijheid te ontnemen en hem
voor te stellen als een willoos instrument van booze machten. Zulk
eene voorstelling berust niet op gezonde wetenschap maar is eene
vrucht van kranke verbeelding en richt door het dooden van alle
wilskracht in den mensch onberekenbare verwoestingen aan. En
voorts, al mag de steun, door de wetenschap van den dag aan de
kerkelijke leer der erfzonde geboden, tot op zekere hoogte dankbaar
erkend, zij zelve wordt er niet sterker door evenmin als zij er zwakker
door wordt, als het diezelfde wetenschap misschien morgen weer
behagen mocht om ze als dwaas en onzinnig ten toon te stellen. De
erfzonde is nog iets anders dan wat heden ten dage onder herediteit
wordt verstaan. Immers is zij geen soorteigenschap, die tot het
wezen des menschen behoort, want zij is door overtreding van Gods
gebod in de menschelijke natuur ingekomen en kan er door
wedergeboorte en heiligmaking weder uit weggenomen worden; en
zij is ter andere zijde ook geen individueele verworvene eigenschap,
want zij is allen menschen zonder uitzondering eigen en zij is zoo
inhaerent aan de menschelijke natuur, dat wedergeborenen zelfs
nog kinderen voortbrengen, die van nature kinderen des toorns zijn;
justus non generat unde ipse regeneratus sed unde generatus est
(Augustinus). De erfzonde neemt daarom eene bijzondere plaats in;
de tegenwoordige leer der herediteit moge haar van hare schijnbare
ongerijmdheid hebben ontdaan, verklaren doet zij haar niet. Oudtijds
werd dit door het traducianisme of het creatianisme beproefd. Maar
welk standpunt men bij den oorsprong der zielen ook inneme, de
voortplanting der erfzonde blijft altijd even moeielijk. De erfzonde is
toch geen substantie, die zetelt in het lichaam en door generatie kan
worden overgeplant; zij is eene zedelijke qualiteit van den mensch,
die de gemeenschap met God mist, welke hij naar zijne
oorspronkelijke natuur bezitten moest en bezeten heeft. Adams
verdorvenheid trad vanzelf in en op hetzelfde oogenblik, toen hij in
twijfel en ongeloof, in hoogmoed en begeerlijkheid van God zich
losscheurde. En op dezelfde wijze treedt de zedelijke verdorvenheid
in bij zijne nakomelingen van het eerste oogenblik van hun bestaan
af. Zooals God aan Adam om zijne overtreding zijne gemeenschap
onttrok, zoo doet Hij dit ook aan al zijne kinderen. En evenmin als
Hij, Adam na zijne overtreding toch nog onderhoudende, door het
onttrekken zijner gemeenschap de positieve oorzaak van zijne
verdorvenheid werd, evenmin is Hij dit bij zijne nakomelingen, hetzij
men den oorsprong der zielen traducianistisch of creatianistisch
denke. Ieder mensch wordt krachtens de physische en ethische
relatie, waarin hij tot Adam staat, onder schuld en in smet geboren.
Est ergo quisque sui individui peccati originalis et proximum
principium et subjectum et auctor, Voetius, Disp. I 1104, cf. Martyr, L.
C. p. 70. Polanus, Synt. VI c. 3. Zanchius, Op. IV 50. Voetius, Disp. I
1078 sq. Turretinus, Theol. El. IX 12. Moor III 289. M. Vitringa II 358.
Edwards, Works II 478.

9. De erfzonde is eene eigenschap der menschelijke natuur en

daarom eigen aan alle schepselen, die deze natuur deelachtig zijn.
In Adamo persona corrumpit naturam, in aliis hominibus natura
corrumpit personam, Thomas, S. Theol. III qu. 8 art. 5 qu. 69 art. 3.
De pelagiaansche bewering, dat er menschen zijn of althans kunnen
zijn zonder eenige zonde, wordt door de Schrift, door de ervaring,
door de getuigenissen aller godsdiensten en volken weersproken.
Op den regel, dat ieder mensch een zondaar is, is maar ééne
uitzondering, n.l. Christus, maar Hij was dan ook de eeniggeboren
Zoon van God, de tweede Adam, hoofd van een ander en beter
verbond, en op bijzondere wijze ontvangen van den H. Geest. De
Roomschen maken echter ook nog eene uitzondering voor Maria, de
moeder van Jezus. De drie privileges, in de Roomsche theologie
allengs aan Maria toegekend, n.l. de vrijheid van de erfzonde
(immaculata conceptio), de vrijheid van alle dadelijke zonde
(perfectio justitiae) en de vrijheid van den dood (assumptio in
coelum) zijn eenvoudig gevolgtrekkingen uit den hoogen rang van
middelares, waartoe zij op grond van haar virginitas en deipartus
door de kerk verheven is. Ten aanzien van de onbevlekte
ontvangenis stelde Pius IX in de bul Ineffabilis vast, beatissimam
virginem Mariam in primo instanti conceptionis suae fuisse singulari
omnipotentis Dei gratia et privilegio, intuitu meritorum Christi Jesu
Salvatoris humani generis, ab omni originalis culpae labe
praeservatam immunem. Er ligt hier niet in opgesloten, dat Maria
niet onder Adam begrepen en in hem gevallen zou zijn, want Maria
werd alleen vrij van de erfzonde bewaard door eene bijzondere
genade Gods en met het oog op Christus’ verdiensten. Maar er
wordt ook niet in uitgesproken, dat Maria eerst in zonden ontvangen
en daarna terstond geheiligd werd, want er wordt uitdrukkelijk
verklaard, dat zij in het allereerste moment van haar ontvangenis vrij
van erfzonde is bewaard. Voor dit dogma is echter in de Schrift niet
de zwakste grond aanwezig. Thomas zeide ronduit, quod de
sanctificatione B. Mariae, quod scilicet fuerit sanctificata in utero,
nihil in Scriptura canonica traditur, S. Theol. III qu. 27 art. 1. De
Roomsche theologen zijn hiermede dan ook in niet geringe
verlegenheid, zoeken allerlei redenen, om deze „verborgenheid van
Maria” in de Schrift te verklaren, en dwingen de vreemdste teksten
tot een schijn van bewijs. Zoo beroepen zij zich op Gen. 3:15, Ps.
45:11v., Hoogl. 1:8-16, 2:2, 3:6, 4:1v., 6:9, Wijsh. 1:4, Luk. 1:28, 41,
48, Op. 12 en op typen als de ark van Noach, de duif met den
olijftak, den brandenden doornbosch enz.; maar al deze aanhalingen
en redeneeringen dienen slechts om hun armoede aan argumenten
te bedekken en hebben geen weerlegging van noode, cf. b.v.
Spencer Northcote, Maria in den Evang. Mainz 1889. Schaefer, Die
Gottesmutter in der h. Schrift, Münster 1867. Scheeben, Dogm. III
455-472. Veeleer leert de Schrift beslist, dat alle menschen, behalve
Christus alleen, zondaren zijn; voor Maria wordt nooit eene
uitzondering gemaakt; al staan er geen bepaalde zondige woorden
of daden van haar opgeteekend, ook niet in Mk. 3:21, Joh. 2:3, toch
verheugt zij zich in God haren Zaligmaker, Luk. 1:47, wordt wel om
haar moederschap van Christus maar nooit om haar zondeloosheid
zalig gesproken, Luk. 1:28, 48, wordt ook in dit moederschap op
zichzelf achtergesteld bij wie Jezus’ moeder en broeders en zusters
zijn in geestelijken zin, Mt. 12:46v., Mk. 3:31v., Luk. 8:21, en volhardt
met de apostelen in bidden en smeeken, Hd. 1:14. Ook de
kerkvaders leeren noch de onbevlekte ontvangenis noch ook de
zondeloosheid van Maria; Irenaeus, adv. haer. III 16, 7, Tertullianus,
de carne Chr. 7, Origenes, hom. in Luc. 17 enz. spreken bij haar van
dadelijke overtredingen; en zelfs Roomsche godgeleerden kunnen
dit niet loochenen. Dr. von Lehner, Die Marienverehrung der ersten
Jahrh. Stuttgart 1881 S. 151 zegt, dat dit de toenmaals heerschende
beschouwing was; Schwane, D. G. I2 382 erkent, dat de traditie uit
dien tijd evenmin stringente bewijzen levert als de H. Schrift; en
Scheeben, Dogm. III 474, 476 stemt toe, dat de persoon van Maria
in de eerste vier eeuwen op den achtergrond treedt en in relatieve
Dunkelheit verkeert. Hoogstens werd alleen propter honorem Domini
geloofd, dat Maria door bijzondere genade vrij van dadelijke zonden
was gebleven, Augustinus, de nat. et gr. 36. Damasc., de fide
orthod. IV 14. Zelfs toen sedert de vijfde eeuw de vereering van
Maria hoe langer hoe meer toenam en later nog het feest van hare
ontvangenis opkwam, leerden de voornaamste theologen—gelijk
Canus, Loci VII c. 1, Scheeben, Dogm. III 541 f. e. a. ook erkennen
—wel eene sanctificatio B. Virginis post animationem et
contractionem peccati in anima maar bestreden eene praeservatio,
die apriori Maria van alle erfzonde vrijhield, Anselmus, Cur Deus
homo II 16. Lombardus, Thomas, Bonaventura op Sent. III dist. 3.
Thomas, S. Theol. I 2 qu. 81 art. 3. III qu. 27 art. 1. 2. Comp. Theol.
c. 224 enz. Maar Duns Scotus bracht hierin wijziging; hij betoogde
dat, al was Maria ook in Adam begrepen, God haar toch wel in het
allereerste oogenblik van hare ontvangenis de gratia schenken kon,
die van alle zonde haar vrijhield. En wijl dit Gode, Christus en Maria
waardiger en met het gezag der Schrift en der kerk niet in strijd was,
achtte hij het probabile, quod excellentius est attribuere Mariae,
Sent. III dist. 3 qu. 1. En daarmede is ook de grond aangegeven,
waarop bij Rome dit dogma rust. Het heeft geen steun in de Schrift
noch in de traditie der oude kerk, maar het is, evenals de hemelvaart
van Maria, eenvoudig eene gevolgtrekking uit het middelaarschap,
dat haar allengs toegekend werd. Het is niet passend, niet
conveniens, dat Maria in zonde ontvangen is, zonde gedaan heeft
en gestorven is. Zij moet zondeloos zijn, en daarom is zij het, al
wordt het door Schrift noch traditie geleerd. Cf. Preuss, Die röm.
Lehre v. d. unbefleckten Empfängniss 1865. Benrath, Zur Gesch. der
Marienverehrung, Stud. u. Krit. 1886. Art. Maria in Herzog2. Bolland,
Rome en de geschiedenis, Leiden 1897 bl. 1-53.

10. Even uitgebreid als de erfzonde is in de menschheid, is zij het

ook in den enkelen mensch. Zij heerscht over den ganschen
mensch, over verstand en wil, hart en geweten, ziel en lichaam, over
alle vermogens en krachten. Zijn hart is boos van der jeugd aan en
bron van allerlei zonden, Gen. 6:5, 8:21, Ps. 51:7, Jer. 17:9, Ezech.
36:26, Mk. 7:21; hij kan zichzelf niet vernieuwen, Jer. 13:23, Ezech.
16:6, de dingen Gods niet verstaan, 1 Cor. 2:14, aan de wet Gods
zich niet onderwerpen, Joh. 8:34, 36, Rom. 6:17, 20, 8:7, is dood
door de zonden en misdaden, Ef. 2:1. Wedergeboorte is daarom
noodig tot ingang in het koninkrijk Gods, Joh. 3:3; heel de zaligheid
is objectief en subjectief een werk van Gods genade, Joh. 6:44,
15:5, 1 Cor. 4:7, 15:10, Phil. 2:13 enz. Op deze stellige uitspraken
der H. Schrift werd door Augustinus en zijne volgelingen en later
door de Hervormers de leer van de onbekwaamheid des menschen
ten goede gebouwd. Wijl in Adam de gansche menschelijke natuur is
bedorven, kan er uit haar niets waarlijk goeds meer voortkomen,
evenmin als een kwade boom goede vruchten voortbrengen kan.
Veeleer verkeert de mensch thans onder de dura necessitas non
posse non peccandi, zijne deugden zijn vitia potius quam virtutes, hij
is van nature geneigd tot alle kwaad, geneigd zelfs om God en zijnen
naaste te haten. Deze rede is ongetwijfeld hard, en het is geen
wonder, dat zij ten allen tijde besliste tegenspraak heeft ontmoet. De
Heidenen kenden dit diepe bederf der zonde niet; hoezeer zij ook
menigmaal hare algemeene verbreiding uitspraken, zij bleven toch
gelooven aan de natuurlijke goedheid van den mensch en aan de
mogelijkheid der deugd, Sunt ingeniis nostris semina innata virtutum,
quae si adolescere liceret ipsa nos ad beatam vitam natura
perduceret, Cic. Qu. Tusc. II 1. Erras, si existimas, nobiscum nasci
vitia, supervenerunt, ingesta sunt, Seneca, Ep. 96. In het
pelagianisme werd deze paganistische leer vernieuwd, het
loochende de erfzonde geheel en al. Door hare mechanische
opvatting van het beeld Gods kwam de Roomsche kerk tot de leer,
dat de homo naturalis na verlies van het donum superadditum nog
waarlijk goede werken kan doen, wel niet in bovennatuurlijken maar
toch in natuurlijken zin, Trid. VI can. 5. 7. Socinianen,
Remonstranten, Wederdoopers, Kwakers, Rationalisten, enz. vielen
tot dit Roomsche standpunt terug. Coornhert ergerde zich aan de 5e
en 8e vraag van den Heid. Catechismus. Rousseau predikte de
natuurlijke goedheid van den mensch. En Allard Pierson getuigde
van zichzelven, dat hij volstrekt niet geneigd was tot alle kwaad maar
wel tot veel goeds, Gids Nov. 1895 bl. 259. Aan den natuurlijken
afkeer, die onwillekeurig in het hart opkomt tegen de leer van de
algeheele zedelijke verdorvenheid des menschen, paart zich bij hare
bestrijders ongetwijfeld ook veel misverstand. Indien toch deze leer
duidelijk in het licht gesteld wordt, wordt zij door aller ervaring dag
aan dag bevestigd en door de getuigenissen van hare tegenstanders
zelven gerechtvaardigd. 1o. De leer van Schrift en kerk is toch niet,
dat ieder mensch in alle mogelijke dadelijke zonden leeft en actu
schuldig staat aan de overtreding van alle geboden. Zij spreekt
alleen van de diepste neiging, de innerlijkste gezindheid, de
grondrichting der menschelijke natuur en belijdt, dat deze niet naar
God toe-, maar van Hem afgekeerd is. Indien de mensch eene
organische eenheid is, dan zal toch een van beide het geval moeten
wezen. Velen maken er zich van af door te zeggen, dat de mensch
van nature geen van beide of beide tegelijk is, Hegel, Werke XII 209
f., maar dit verraadt gebrek aan nadenken, is in strijd met de natuur
van het goede en werd daarom ook door Kant zeer ernstig
bestreden, Religion, ed. Rosenkranz 23-26. Wie ééne zonde doet,
staat in beginsel schuldig aan de overtreding aller geboden, en wie
ééne deugd in waarheid bezit, heeft ze in beginsel alle. De mensch
is in den wortel van zijn wezen of goed of kwaad—een derde is er
niet. 2o. De zonde is echter geen substantie, zij woont wel in en aan
en bij den mensch, maar zij is niet en kan niet zijn het wezen van
den mensch. De mensch is ook na den val mensch gebleven, hij
heeft eene rede, geweten en wil behouden, kan daardoor zijne
lagere zinnelijke driften en neigingen beheerschen en zich alzoo
dwingen tot deugd, Augustinus, die de deugden der Heidenen
splendida vitia noemde, heeft dit toch volmondig erkend; vele hunner
daden zijn niet alleen geen berisping maar veeleer onzen lof en onze
navolging waard, cf. Wiggers, Aug. u. Pelag. I 119-123. De

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