War For The Wasteland V1.0

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Welcome to your apocalypse!

It’s been almost 400 years since Earth

endured its first Nuclear War. Once looked
up to as the world’s leading country, with
its prosperous economy and vast globe-
spanning military might, America suffered
the brunt of the onslaught of nuclear
missile attacks, turning the empire into a
smoldering, unrecognizable wasteland of
its former glory.

In the wake of this Nuclear War and the

Nuclear Winter that followed, humanity
somehow found a way to survive through
these dark times. Everyday people, went
underground in caves and caverns to avoid
the radiation. They banded together,
forming small communities, sharing skills,
working toward goals of survival. Each of
these clusters of people, thought they were
the last survivors of human race, but they
were wrong.

In pre-war built underground Bunkers all

across the United States, hundreds of
thousands of military personnel, politicians,
scientists, mechanics, computer & robotics
experts, engineers, and the ultra-wealthy
and elite, rode out the War and Winter in
relative comfort and safety. During which
time they established the “New American
Allegiance”, a new world power who’s
mission it became to set about rebuilding
civilization, and specifically, America back
to its former glory, making it safe for all Once the radiation levels had subsided and
mankind, and ensuring no other world it was safe to do so, the New American
powers or other threats rose to challenge Allegiance, left their bunkers for the
them. surface. What they found, terrified them.
The landscape was almost unrecognizable.
And lastly, there were those who suffered Entire large cities, were wiped off the map.
the most, the surface dwellers, now called Some buildings from smaller cities still
Nuke Children. They were those who existed, but stood crumbling and
stayed above ground, whose bodies were abandoned, burnt out husks of their former
burned and ravaged by radiation and glory. Roads and Highways, damaged in
tortured by the freezing temperatures of the war, then left to the elements, were
Nuclear Winter. Over time, their bodies slowly being reclaimed by nature, making
were altered, down to the molecular level. travel slow and difficult. And worst of all,
Some disfigured and mutated into the land was overrun with mutant animals,
something unrecognizable as human. some of them giant, all hungry. These
While others developed Psyched or mutants, were often unidentifiable to any
Magical abilities. species that existed before the war.
The New American Allegiance, had not ►Modern History
rested on their laurels during their time
underground. The had made stunning Generations have passed since those early
achievements in science, robotics, and days following the Nuclear War and
weaponry. Creating environmentally Nuclear Winter. The geographical land
enclosed personal armors, large robotic that was once the United States of America
power armors, hover tanks, advanced is now referred to Newmerica, as is the
cybernetics, and more. While these former New American Allegiance, which
advancements had been great benefits for now calls its Citizens “Newmericans”.
them in the early years, they had failed to
merit any such advancements in farming, The Newmerican Army has been locked a
food production and distribution, city centuries long war with The Resistance, a
planning, world rebuilding, and diplomacy. rag-tag but dangerous group of rebels
Simply put, the military and its leadership made up of Nuke Children and revolutionist
hierarchy, excelled and took precedence, Meatbags.
while everything else took a backseat to
those in with rank and their greed their own Long gone are the days of the detainment
power. camps. Now Meatbags, huddle once again
in small outlaw-style human villages and
Before long, the everyday people that had encampments, often with unsavory
sought refuge in caves, resurfaced. mercenaries and roughnecks, acting in
Finding they were not alone, and fearing militias as the law, with wild west-style,
the appearance and abilities of some of the extreme authority and laws and
Nuke Children, they tried to join up with the punishments of their own making. In these
humans from the New American human encampments, it is not unheard
Allegiance. Initially suspecting these new finding a few Nuke Children, coming and
humans as being Nuke Children trying to going as feared, but somewhat accepted
infiltrate their strongholds, they were members of the community.
rounded up and forced into detainment
camps. Nicknamed “Meatbags” by their Those lucky few Meatbags that earned
captors, they were seen as inferior, and citizenship, and their decedents, have
would regularly go missing from these grown in number to make up 50% of the
camps, never to be seen again. total citizens of Newmerica. However, they
have now been bestowed the title of
To help keep the Meatbags in line, and to “Secondary Citizens” or “Seconds” for
counter multiple escape attempts and quail short. Those grandfathered in, are referred
uprisings, the New American Allegiance to as “True Citizens” and as such are
would control their prisoners with a granted access to higher paying jobs,
promise of a chance to earn Citizenship in privileges, and opportunities, restricted
the Allegiance. This promise guaranteed from Seconds. A Second can only be
that once Citizenship had been earned, the granted the title of True Citizen by marrying
new Citizen would gain all freedoms and a True Citizen and producing an offspring.
protection granted to every Citizen in the
Allegiance. The lucky few who did actually The Newmerican society and army is ruled
earn this prize, soon discovered that while by the iron fist of General Thomas S. Blitz.
they were free to come and go, and did not General Blitz is hated by most, beloved by
have to remain in the camps, and even few, and rightfully feared by all. Born from
could earn a minimal wage for work they a long line of Military leaders in the New
did, they were never treated as equals with American Allegiance, he was bestowed
the Citizens of the Allegiance, that were power and did not ascend to it. Most
fathered in from the time in the post war consider him a mad man, and a tyrant.
bunkers, or their decedents. They are correct.
►Keep It Simple! Example: A Newmerican Guard catches
you attempting to break in to one of their
PLAY: Players describe what their military supply’s warehouses. He orders
characters do. The GM advises when their you to drop your weapon and surrender.
action is impossible, demands a cost or You choose to run, instead. Make a roll.
extra steps, or presents a risk. Players can You use your “Escape” skill, so instead of
revise plans before committing actions that the default d6, you roll d8.
have high risk. Player’s only need to roll to
avoid risk. Unfortunately, you roll a 2, Disaster! The
Guard’s aim was true. He shoots, hitting
GMs, always, explain the risks of action you directly in your back as you attempt to
upfront, especially if the player is risking flee. Luckily, you are wearing Body Armor.
death. Never surprise the player with a You use Defense to sacrifice your armor,
failed roll with the consequence of a dead to save you from injury or worse, but now
character. you have nothing left to protect you from
damage. Hopefully his next shot, won’t be
Complicated actions, may require, multiple on target!
risk rolls to determine the outcome. You
may say, I run up and punch the big bad in DEFENSE: Defense can save you from
the face, which the GM may meet with, sustaining injuries or death by sacrificing
Okay, but you have to get through his gear. Defensive items like Body Armor,
bodyguards, first! are no brainers, but any item can be
sacrificed, using Defense, to save your
Always talk through complicated situations, hide. Simply narrate how the item gets
and give the players chances to revise destroyed, saving you from injury, instead
their plans, especially when death is the turning the situation into a brief hindrance.
risk. Also, remember to keep it moving, Broken gear is useless until repaired.
keeping the action and pressure on, and
most of all, MAKE IT FUN! HARM: Characters can and will die.
Injuries take time and/or medical attention
ROLLING: Roll a skill die — d6 by default, to heal. When sustaining an injury, roll a
higher with a relevant skill, or d4 if d6, compare the result on the chart below:
hindered by injury, load or circumstances.
If helped by circumstances, roll an extra d6 1 Catastrophic Injury
choosing the higher number rolled; if Worst case scenario. Requires
helped by an ally, they roll their skill die, immediate medical attention to
also, and share the risk. Take the highest survive and prolonged recovery.
die. 2 Severe Injury
A major injury. May require
Roll Outcomes surgery and extended recovery.
1–2 Disaster. 3 Injured
Suffer the full risk. GM decides if You’re hurt but can keep going.
you succeed at all. If risking Need 2-3 day’s rest to heal.
death, you die on a roll of a 1. 4 Minor Injury
3–4 Setback. You’re hurt, but a meal and a
A lesser consequence or partial good night’s rest will get you back
success. If risking death, you’re to 100%
injured. 5 Knocked Down
5+ Success. Stand up, dust yourself off.
The higher the roll, the better. You’re good to go!
6 Hindered
No injury, just inconvenienced.
DYING: If attempting an action with the ►Player & GM Advice
chance of death, roll a d6, if you roll a 1,
your character died. If you roll anything PLAYER: Your character, once created,
else, roll of the Harm Table to see if you will have some cool and unique features,
sustain an injury. however, it is important to realize you’re
not bound by your character sheet. Simply
If killed, make a new character to introduce because you do not have a Pilot Hovercraft
ASAP. Favor inclusion over realism. skill, does not mean you can’t attempt to
pilot one. You would just roll an unskilled,
HEALTH: One key difference between d6, check. Never limit your imagination by
this and other RPGs is the omission of Hit the few features on your character sheet.
Points (HP), Life Points, Health, or other It’s a whole big crazy imaginary world.
methods of tracking damage. Here, one Feel free to go big. Play cinematic.
successful Success roll may kill an enemy
and 1 Disaster roll, when death is at risk, GM: Describe characters in terms of
may lead to character death. Weigh the behaviors, risks, and obstacles, not skill
risk. Make smart choices. Push your luck. dice. Lead the group in setting lines not to
It’s your choice! cross in play. Fast-forward, pause, or
rewind/redo for pacing and safety; invite
LOAD: Carry as much as makes sense, players to do likewise. Present dilemmas
but more than one bulky item may hinder you don’t know how to solve. Move
you at times. A hindered character, is spotlight to give all time to shine.
slowed in movement and must make all
unskilled attempts at d4, or one step lower Make rulings! Improvise rulings to cover
on the die chain, if skilled. gaps in rules; on a break, revise
unsatisfactory rulings as a group.
ADVANCEMENT: After a job, each Write those new rules down. Attempt to
character increases a skill stay consistent in your rulings. This game
(none⮕d8⮕d10⮕d12) and gains d6 is intended to grow with your group, over
credits (₡). Also, see character Archetype time, as you play it and run into new and
for additional advancements and new skill unique situations. If a rule isn’t working,
acquisitions. change it. That’s okay, too.

CURRENCY: Currency is tracked in The Power of Awesome: If a player is

credits (₡). Items of significant value, cost attempting something that technically
₡1 or more. Do not track micro should not be allowed but is supported by
transactions for items less than ₡1. If the the narrative, allow them to attempt it.
item costs less than the modern equivalent Put fun before rules, every time.
of $500, no credit is needed. The
character simply can make the purchase.
Also, do not track each individual bullet
and other small item usage. Instead, when
appropriate, have the player make a Luck
roll to check remaining availability.

LUCK: To help keep the pressure on, and

when supported by the narrative, have the
player’s make a Luck roll, to check for
signs of danger. Roll as needed for bad
luck (e.g., run out of ammo, or into guards)
— roll a die to check for (1– 2) trouble or
(3–4) signs of trouble to come.
►Choose or roll your character’s origin

1 Nuke Child
2-3 Meatbag
4-5 Second
6 True Citizen

NUKE CHILD: You’re a descendent of the

Surface Dwellers, whose bodies were
altered by excessive exposure to radiation.
You may be able to pass as human, but
inside, you are different.

Roll a d6 for Appearance:

1 Clearly not human (Explain).
2-4 Passable with some disguise.
5-6 Appears 100% human.

Invent 2 traits, like pink skin, wings, natural

camouflage, webbed-fingers, or six-limbs.

MEATBAG: You descend from the

everyday people who sought refuge in the
caves, so long ago. You’re now a
wastelander. It’s a hard life, but you get by.

Apply 3 skill increases (from no skill

⮕d8⮕d10⮕d12). You can take new skills
and/or increase skills you already have.

SECOND: Somewhere through your

Meatbag lineage, one of your ancestors
paid a high price to earn you Citizenship.
Yes, you are a Second Class Citizen in
Newmerica, but you are a Citizen.

Start with an additional ₡2, and an optional

Cybernetic Enhancement.

TRUE CITIZEN: You are the crème of the

crop, the top 10% of civilized society, the
elite. In areas controlled by the New
American Allegiance, you are granted
additional freedoms not available to
everyone. In the Wasteland, you’re
despised and resented. There, it’s best to
keep your citizen status to yourself.

Start with an additional 1d10 ₡, and 3

optional Cybernetic Enhancements.

Now pick 1 archetype based on your origin.

►Nuke Child archetypes MARTIAL ARTIST: Skilled in Hand-to-
Hand (d8), Melee Weapons (d8). Take
PSION: Roll on choose on Psychic Powers melee weapon of choice.
table for 2 new Skilled Powers at D8, or 1
new Skilled Power at d10. MERC: Skilled in Intimidation (d8) and
Cannot wear a Helmet. Suffers Hinder if either Hand-to-hand (d8) or Shooting (d8).
powers are used too frequently. Take a sword, firearm, or cyber-arm.
MUTANT: Roll on choose on Mutant Meatbag Archetype Advancement:
Abilities table for 2 new Skilled Abilities at Add or upgrade 3 skills. Take a new
D8, or 1 new Skilled Ability at d10. Does weapon or cybernetic.
not suffer Hinder if abilities are used too
frequently. ►Second & True Citizen archetypes

MYSTIC: Roll on choose on Mystic CAPTAIN Skilled in Leadership (d8),

Abilities table new Skilled Abilities at D8, or Intimidation (d8) Weapons (d8),
1 new Skilled Ability at d10. Suffers Hinder Communications (d8), and Explosives (d8).
if abilities are used too frequently. Take Guard Armor, Laser Pistol, Plasma
Rifle, 8 Grenades, and has access to
Nuke Child Archetype Advancement: Hoverbikes, and Power Armors.
Roll on Psychic Powers/ Mutant Abilities/
Magic Abilities table for 2 new Powers/ CYBORG: Usually as the result of a
Abilities. catastrophic accident, you have been
transformed into Fully Converted Cyborg.
►Meatbag archetypes Only your human brain remains. Your
body is a war ready, endoskeleton. Skilled
ADRENALIZER: Skilled in Agility (d10), in Weapons (d8). Take d8 cybernetic
Superhuman speed granted by the drug X- implants, and a Plasma Rifle.
speed, highly addictive. 1 dose lasts 1-hour
real world time, or 8 hours in game time, DOCTOR: Skilled in Medicine (d10),
(whichever comes first). Cost: 4 doses for Science (d8). Take a medkit, surgical
₡1. Roll 3d6 each time you take a dose, if supplies, lab coat, scrubs, an d6₡.
you roll totals 3, you die!
HOVERTANK PILOT: Skilled in Piloting
ASSASSIN: Skilled in Climbing (d8), Tank (d8), Weapons (d8), Communications
Stealth (d8), Weapons (d8). Take climbing (d8), and Explosives (d8). Take 1 Tank,
gear and night vision goggles. Laser Pistol, & Fatigues.

CYBER-JUNKIE: Take 2+1d4 Cybernetic NEWMERICAN GUARD: Skilled in

enhancements. Weapons (d8), Communications (d8), and
Explosives (d8). Take Guard Armor, Laser
CYBERSURGEON: Skilled in Medicine Pistol, Plasma Rifle, 8 Grenades, and has
(d8), Electronics (d8). Take a medkit and access to Hoverbikes.
cyber-surgery tools (bulky).
HACKER: Skilled in Hacking (d8), Piloting Power Armor (d8), Weapons (d8),
Electronics (d8). Take repair tools and a Communications (d8), and Explosives (d8).
custom computer (bulky). Choose 1 PA, Laser Pistol, & Fatigues.

JACK: Select 4 skills at (d8). Take thieves’ Second & True Citizen Archetype
tools, Pistol, 4 grenades, and an ion knife. Advancement: Add or upgrade 3 skills.
Add an additional d6₡.
►Choose or invent skills ► Roll d20 for Psychic Powers

Skills are meant to be broad categories 1 Alter Reality Minor change, temporary
and not singular attributes. The list below 2 Astral Armor Provides 1 hit of protection
is incomplete. Feel free to pick from these 3 Bio-Healing Heal 2x as fast, stop bleed
suggestions or create your own. 4 Cloud Minds Temp. Confuses an enemy
5 Collaborate Temp. link 2 minds together
Athletics, Agility, Archery, Climbing, 6 Electrokinesis Control Electricity
Communications, Connections, 7 Element Manipulation Alter Elements
Construction, Cybernetics, Deception, 8 Invisibility Others believe you’re Invis…
Disguise, Electronics, Engines, 9 Mind Divine Calm others
Engineering, Escape, Explosives, Hacking, 10 Mind Probe Find a specific thought
Hand-to-hand, Intimidation, Impersonation, 11 Mind Shield Shield mind from others
Jury Rig, Labor, Leadership, Melee 12 Psych Spear Attack a mind at range
Weapons, Navigation, Persuasion, Piloting, 13 Pyrokinesis Control Fire
Piloting Power Armor, Piloting Hovertank, 14 Rise Above Levitate, Float
Psychology, Robotics, Running, Shooting, 15 See Beyond Astral Mind Traveling
Sleight of Hand, Sewing, Stealth, 16 Shift Emotions Make mad, sad, happy
Swimming, Tracking, Weapons 17 Sword of Prasinos Psy. energy sword
18 Telekinesis Move object with mind
A Note on Skills: Overlapping skills do not 19 Telepathy Communicate via mind
stack. If you have the skill Weapons and 20 Whispers make others hear whispers
the skill Shooting, you do not get any
additional bonus, or move up the dice
chain. Simply, pick the highest Skill Die, ► Roll d20 for Mystic Abilities
roll, and move on.
1 Adhesion Create unbreakable bond
GMs, if a player says they a skill to cover a 2 Control Elements Elements/ weather
particular situation, they should be allowed 3 Detect/ Dispel Magic Item, others, self
to roll that Skill Die, unless, there is other 4 Fear Up to 5 targets at once
mitigating circumstances. Don’t argue, 5 Fireball Cone shaped wall of flame
practical uses of a Science skill in the real 6 Flaming Sword Magic weapon
world. This isn’t that kind of game. 7 Flying Self, up to 1 minute
8 Heal Others, stop bleeding
9 Illusion Create believable illusions
10 Invisibility Self, or See Inv. objects
11 Lava River 10’ wide, 20’ long
12 Levitate Self or other, 1 min duration
13 Lightning Bolt Called down lightning
14 Mystic Armor Magic protection, Self
15 Mystic Blast Crackling energy attack
16 Sleep 1 person, 1 min duration, touch
17 Talk w/ Animals Speak & understand
18 Talk w/ Dead Speak & understand
19 Teleportation Self, line of sight
20 Wish Simple, self/ other, no death/ love
► Roll d20 for Mutant Abilities ► Invent, pick, or roll for details

1 Adhesion Stick/ climb surfaces NICKNAME/ CALL SIGN

2 Armor Skin Skin turns metal at will
3 Chameleon Skin changes to match … 1 Ace 6 Ice 11 Lucky 16 Red
4 Danger Sense Sense danger coming 2 Bloat 7 Jaws 12 Minx 17 Six
5 Elasticity Stretch your body 3 Cap 8 Jinx 13 Pear 18 Skillz
6 E.M.P. Short electronics by touch 4 Fro 9 Killer 14 Prof. 19 Smiley
7 Energy Absorb Absorb minor energy 5 Huggy 10 Klutz 15 Pun 20 Tank
8 Energy Blast Pick cold, fire, force, etc
9 Forcefield Create shield, block damage DEMEANOR
10 Giant Growth Grow large and strong
11 Healing Touch Heal minor damage 1 Anxious 11 Dull
12 Invisibility Turn invisible 2 Appraising 12 Earnest
13 Leap Ability to make incredible leaps 3 Blunt 13 Formal
14 Mind Control/Block Control others, 4 Brooding 14 Gentle
15 Negate Negate mystic/ psychic powers 5 Calming 15 Innocent
16 Power Drain Touch, power/ memories 6 Casual 16 Knowing
17 Pyrotechnics Create/ control fire 7 Cold 17 Prickly
18 Regeneration Accelerate healing 8 Curious 18 Reckless
19 Shrink Grow small or tiny 9 Dramatic 19 Terse
20 Super Speed Move extremely fast 10 Dry 20 Weary

► Optional Mutant Appearance
1 Disheveled 11 Short Hair
1 Angel Wings 2 Well Kept 12 Friendly
2 Black Eyes 3 Groomed 13 Unfriendly
3 Bleeding Eyes 4 Thin 14 Intimidating
4 Blistering Skin 5 Muscular 15 Tattooed
5 Cyclopean Eye 6 Tan 16 Pitiful
6 Devil Horns 7 Curvy 17 Husky
7 Elbow Spikes 8 Pale 18 Bright Eyes
8 Extra Arms 9 Fit 19 Freckled
9 Fanged Teeth 10 Long Hair 20 Painted Nails
10 Frog Tongue
11 Giant Size 10’ ITEM/ TRINKET
12 Gils
13 Long Knife-Like Nails 1 Book 11 Necklace
14 Retractable Claws 2 Button 12 Pen
15 Rock Skin 3 Coin 13 Picture
16 Skin Color Change 4 Dice 14 Playing Card
17 Snake Tongue 5 Heirloom 15 Rabbit foot
18 Super Hairy 6 Knife 16 Ring
19 Tail 7 Letter 17 Spinner
20 Webbed Appendages 8 Lighter 18 Stuffed Animal
9 Map 19 Toy
10 Medallion 20 Watch
►Take a two-way radio and ₡2 ► Weapons & Tools

Most items and upgrades cost ₡1 each, Blaster Pistol, Bow & Arrows, Bolt Thrower,
unless otherwise noted. Ignore microcredit Bolt Cutters, Flamethrower (bulky), Gas
transactions like a knife or a meal. Mask, Grenades (4, any of fragmentation,
flashbang, smoke, EMP), Grenade
► Cybernetic Enhancements Launcher, Jetpack, Kitanna, Laser Pistol,
Laser Rifle, Laser Sabre, Med Scanner,
ARMOR PLATING: Break for up 1 defense Med Kit, Mini Drone, Pistol, Repair Tools,
Rifle (Bulky), Shotgun (Bulky), Stun Baton,
BIONIC LUNG: toxin filter, endurance Survival Pack (Climbing Gear, Flare Gun,
booster, hold breathe up to 5 minutes Tent; Bulky), Thieves Tools, Tranq Gun,
Vibrating Knife
CYBER-EAR: Upgrade with echolocation,
noise filter, pin drop hearing, vocal stress ► Body Armors
detector, noise limiter, long-range listener
CYBER-EYE: Upgrade with infrared, break up to 2×
telescopic, x-ray, targeting system
CYBER-FINGER: Upgrade with finger break up to 3×, environmental, mag boots.
USB drive, small laser, flashlight
CYBER-GILLS: Breathe Underwater bulky, break up to 3×, environmental,

CYBER-LIMB: Upgrade with fast, strong, RIOT ARMOR: vest, shield, and open-
compartments, tool or weapon implant, faced helmet, break once for defense

CRANIAL JACK: Upgrade with sensory ► Power Armors

data backup, skill increase, hyper digital
download via cable NAA “GRASSHOPPER”: ₡6, bulky, break
up to 3×, Jetpack, 7’, No Weapon
injury treatment, stop external bleeding, NAA “STRIKER”: ₡9, bulky, break up to
accelerated healing 4×, Damage x2, 12’, ion canon, missiles.

VOCAL MODULATOR: Mimic others, NAA “DEATH DEALER”: ₡13, bulky,

volume amplifier, throw voice break up to 5×, Damage x2, 9’, Particle
► Advanced Cybernetics for Cyborgs.
These upgrades cost ₡3 each.



JET PACK: Limited Flight, 20 mph, 300’

RAILGUN: Damage (x2), Ammo Drums

SPIDER LEGS: 6 legs, 30 mph


► Hovertanks & Hovercycles 1 Adolf Hitler cloned by the NAA to lead
2 Aliens have overtaken Mexico
NAA “MAULER” HOVERTANK: ₡13, 3 Brandt Library, Resistance secret base
bulky, break up to 6×, Proton Canons 4 CA Coast, Sunken Island has resurfaced
Damage x2, up to 3 crew, 1000lbs carrying 5 Canadian zombie-apoc. is heading south
compacity. 6 Contact has been made with Hawaii
7 Cuba is full of monsters, swimming to FL
NAA “BLITZ” HOVERTANK: ₡15, bulky, 8 General Blitz health is declining
break up to 5×, Proton Canons Damage 9 Large concentration camp in WA
x3, up to 5 crew, 1400lbs carrying 10 Mass invasion of Wasteland by NAA
compacity. 11 Meat served by NAA is from humans
12 NAA mass production Punisher robots
JP INDUSTRIES “PUDDLE JUMER” 13 NAA Military Coup to overthrow Blitz
HOVERCYCLE: ₡4, break once for 14 New Vegas, Resistance crushed
defense, 300 lbs., 60 MPH, 15 Portal to another dimension found in KY
300-mile range before cooldown, 16 Resistance is building a secret weapon
No weapon 17 Russia to use new Nuclear Arsenal
18 Satan summoned by Mystics
JP INDUSTRIES “CROTCH ROCKET” 19 Wastelanders plot to destroy The State
HOVERCYCLE: ₡5, 20 Wastelanders, Resistance joins forces
break once for defense, 225 lbs.,
90 MPH, 200-mile range
before cooldown, No weapon
► Factions & Places to visit 15 SHAIN SYNDICATE, Chicago, IL,
Developers of leading-edge technology in
1 THE WHARF, BLACK MARKET neural implants. Recruiting volunteers!
SF, CA, You never know what will wash 16 HOLMES’ HELLIONS Roaming the
ashore. BM goods of all kinds available. Wasteland, these outlaws on hovercycles
2 HELL WORLD Orlando, FL. and supped up muscle cars do what they
Multiple former Theme Parks overran by want, when they want.
Gangs. Think Thunderdome w/ coasters. 17 OCTOBER’S RUST, Dalton, GA, a
3 PUN’S ANARKY TOUR. Traveling. This massive Victorian-style Mansion and
Wild West-style horror show highlights Estate, rumored to be haunted. It’s been
sexuality & calamity. Creepy Clown under construction for nearly a century.
Burlesque, mutant wrestling, & more. 18 THE STATE WV, impregnable HQ for
4 POPE LICK J’town, KY – dilapidated the NAA, literally encompasses the entire
train trestle, infested with radioactive former state of West Virginia. Now walled-
rednecks, and cryptid monsters. off, covered by a dome, this enormous
5 JP INDUSTRIES Lake Geneva, WI fortress is off limits to all, except the
Makers of Hovercrafts and body armor. highest-ranking NAA military leaders, and
6 HOLLYWIERD CA, HQ of the Nuke the ultra-elite, high society of the NAA.
Children Resistance. NAA not welcome. 19 BIG EASY, LA, an unfunny pun, due to
7 BLOOD CANYON AZ, formerly Grand its relatively close location for the former
Canyon, now infested with vampires. city of New Orleans, Big Easy, is the
8 BRANDT LIBRARY OF LITERACY maximum-security prison for the NAA.
Traverse City, MI, Massive library focusing 20 MERTZ ZOOOPOLIS, Seattle, WA,
on the rescuing and collection of books. Some call it a zoo, some call it a sanctuary,
9 NEW COMMONWEALTH OF THE others call it a sick and perverse prison.
PEOPLE OF TEXAS TX, Texas has Here, a “Park Ranger” named Mertz,
detached itself from Newmerica and showcases her “Collection” of exotically
chosen to stay neutral in the War for the mutated animals & people.
Wasteland. It is a fiercely defended
territory and entry comes at a cost …
10 HANGAR 18, & AREA 51 Some say
these former U.S. Military sites once
contained aliens; others say they still do.
decimated during the war, and even now
radiation levels on the surface are not safe.
But there is still much to see and do in the
subways, sewers, and underground
labyrinth of the former Big Apple.
12 MILE-HIGH Denver, CO, A self-
described messiah named Acree Unk,
started a cult called “Agile’s Angels” and
now controls Denver. Promising peace &
prosperity to all, he welcomes all comers,
few leave.
13 NEW VEGAS, NV, The western-most
outpost for the NAA. Recruits sent here
seldom return. It’s an unending warzone,
and a true city of sin.
14 AINS TRAINS, Running from Virginia-
California, AT is always looking for mercs
to protect their cargo from marauders.
► Experimental Armor Retrieval

JP Industries is looking to expand its

current selection of Hovertanks &
Hovercycles, to include Power Armors.
The first of these new Power Armors are
codenamed “Gladiator”.

For the Gladiator Power Armor, JP

Industries have created several
revolutionary advancements in technology
making their Gladiator armor lighter and
more agile than any of the Power Armors
manufactured and in use by the NAA.

When the news of these advancements

reached the NAA, they sent a small but
formidable group lead by Captain M.
Griffin, aka Punisher, to acquire the armor
and bring it to The State for examination
and reverse-engineering.

Piloting a Grasshopper armor, Captain

Griffin, is accompanied by a squad of 4 Full
NAA Cyborgs. They were successfully
able to recover the Gladiator from JP
Industries and are now making the long,
slow journey back from Lake Geneva to
The State.

JP Industries wants this armor back, no

matter the cost. They have approached
your crew and can provide you the route
Griffin and squad are most-likely to take to
The State.

Now it’s up to you. The job is going to be

tough, with a high chance of failure, but the
reward, if successful, will be great. The
only question is: Are you brave enough, or
stupid enough, to attempt this?
►Roll d6 to find a job. Spend ₡1 re-roll.

1–2 Nothing. Didn’t find a job.

3–4 Found a job, but something seems off.
5–6 Choose between 2 jobs.

► Random Wasteland Contacts ►Job Details

1 Artemis, quirky tech dealer 1 Act as security for Wasteland Encamp.

2 Aurora, wealthy collector of unique items 2 Assist the Resistance in a secret Op.
3 Blackout, evidence removal specialist 3 Break someone out of prison NAA
4 Bleach, wry Wastelander assassin 4 Break up a drug cartel
5 Bron, dour Hacker w/ Cyber-Arm 5 Commit act of terrorism against NAA
6 Bullet, no-nonsense Jack gun runner 6 Eliminate threat for NAA, discreet
7 Coma, cocky Merc w/ fast cyber-legs 7 Highjack Ains Trains shipment
8 Fisher, eager street kid looking for crew 8 Kidnap High Society True Citizen
9 Gringo, people-loving drug dealer 9 Kill a particularly cruel NAA Captain
10 Hugo, extremely cautious fence 10 Prevent an execution, complications
11 Kaiser, grimy loan shark in a silver suit 11 Prevent NAA/Resistance Skirmish
12 Osiris, tough, street-level vigilante 12 Provide Protection for a wagon train
13 Powder Blue, private dancer, fair rates 13 Recover stolen technology, JP Ind.
14 Reacher, sharp Merc squad leader 14 Rescue a kidnapped child
15 Rhino, bighearted mutant wrestler 15 Retrieve a pre-war relic for collector
16 Sam, plucky journalist, likely get killed 16 Secure fake Citizenship Doc for MB
17 Shifter, hard-working chop-shop owner 17 Steal an experimental weapon
18 Walter, businesslike information man 18 Stop enslavement of Nuke Children
19 Whistler, smiling Power Armor Pilot 19 Transport prisoners to new location
20 X Adrenalizer junkie, w/ attitude 20 Vandalize NAA Gen. Blitz Monument

► Job Location ►Twist or Problem

1 Arizona, Wasteland, Desert, Vamps 1 Area under heavy NAA Patrols

2 Big Easy, NAA Prison, LA 2 Cap. by NAA, think you’re Resistance
3 Chicago, City Ruins, NAA Terr., Gangs 3 Cap. by Resistance, think you’re NAA
4 Columbus, OH, NAA City, Gen. Scott 4 Child hostages now need rescue
5 Dallas, TX, Hard Access, Death Pen. 5 Client has no money to pay
6 Encampment, Tiny community, hiding 6 Cyborg bodyguards
7 Florida Swamp, Mutant Gators, Drugs 7 Dangerously high levels of radiation
8 Hell World, Gangs, Crime, Rollercoaster 8 2x more enemy force than expected
9 Louisville, KY, NAA City, Some Peace 9 EMP bomb detonated, kills electronics
10 Mile-High, Denver, Cult, Nirvana 10 Holmes’ Hellions intercept party
11 Military Installation, Secure, Guarded 11 Mutant Bull Stampede
12 New Vegas, Hell, War, No Law 12 NAA Power Armor Patrol Arrives
13 Point Pleasant, Moth Mutant, Cult 13 Pun’s Anarky Tour is in town
14 Pope Lick, KY, Tech. NAA, Cryptids 14 Requires use of experimental drugs
15 Rural, In the woods, hard to reach 15 Rival Merc group, same target
16 Sewers, Filthy, Mutant Infestation, More 16 Some innocents may die for actions
17 Tennessee, NAA, Secret, Experimental 17 Target is a powerful Mystic
18 The Outpost, Free City in NM, WSTLD 18 Target is aware of your intentions
19 Underground, Mammoth Cave system 19 Target is not there when you arrive
20 Undisclosed, Job sight unknown 20 You’ve been set up!
This section is for NAA Enlistee missions Written By Eric Bloat
only, and not for mixed groups of Art by Phil Stone
characters. Use the Job Location table Published by Bloat Games
from the Jobs section for added details.
24XX rules are CC BY Jason Tocci

►Assignment Details A HUGE debt of gratitude

for the inspiration,
1 Ambush Resistance Squad license, and SRD,
2 Assassinate NAA Politician to Jason Tocci.
3 Break up black market ring
4 Capture high-ranking Resistance leader Check out his amazing game:
5 Collect regional tax from Citizens 2400 LO-FI SCI-FI RPG
6 Confiscate weapons from Wastelanders
7 Eliminate Resistance Threat War For The Wasteland
8 Execute order 66 Minimalist Tabletop Sci-Fi RPG
9 Frontal assault on Shain Syndicate Text ©2022 Bloat Games
10 Infiltrate TX Territory, small squad Art ©2022 Bloat Games
11 Negotiate a treaty with Wasteland town
12 New Vegas battle backup Available at
13 Protect Politician, bodyguard detail bloatgames.com
14 Quail Prison riot at Big Easy
15 Recapture stolen NAA weapons
16 Recon into southern Canada
17 Resistance recon mission, CA
18 Suppress northern MI resistance
19 Takeover Wasteland town
20 Transport new technology to State

►Difficulty or Threat

1 Ambushed by another NAA group

2 Area flooded due to heavy rains
3 Assailed by Adrenalizer Merc group
4 Attacked by Mutant Elephants
5 Bridge destroyed, 2-day detour
6 Captured by Texas Rangers
7 Captured by the Resistance
8 City under attack, must defend
9 Discover a pre-war cache
10 EMP detonated, fries all tech
11 Encounter high level Psion
12 Everyone in town is dead
13 Left to die in New Vegas
14 Must beat Resistance to target
15 Ordered to enslave children
16 Ordered to use experimental tech
17 Rogue Power Armors encountered
18 Scuffle with Holmes’ Hellions
19 Set up by angry commander
20 Under assault by rebel Wastelanders

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