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Bài luận Advantages- Disadvantages

PRACTICE: In some countries young people are encouraged to work or

travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university
studies.  gap year

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decided
to do this.

250 words

Introduction: 2 câu
1/ General statement: paraphrase the topic
It is thought by some people that ....
2/ Thesis statement: give general answer to the question in the topic
This trend would create certain benefits but there will also be some
Paragraph 1: 5 sentences
● Topic sentence 1: On the one hand, it is clear that .... would bring about
several advantages.
● Adv 1: One evident strength is that it would..... In other words,...

● Adv 2: Another reason is that it would help.....

● Adv 3: Last but not least,.....

Paragraph 2: 5 sentences
● Topic sentence 2: On the other hand, there are some obvious
disadvantages that would arise.
● Dis adv 1: First,....... It means that ......

● Dis adv 2: Second,..... In particular, ......

● Dis adv 3: Finally,....... For example,...

Conclusion: 2 câu
1/ Paraphrase thesis statement : summarise lại ý chính
2/ Mở rộng

PRACTICE: In some countries young people are to work or travel for a year
between finishing high school and starting university studies.  gap year

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decided
to do this.

- Gain more experience (working - may forget what you’ve learnt
experience)/ job opportunities - may lag behind your friends
- Earn some money - waste you time (if not planned well)
- Improve their skills (communication - costly (travelling…)
skills + other life skills)
- Have a break from hard-working days:
hobbies + travelling

It is thought by some people that youngsters should take a gap year

to look for a job or travel before go to university. This trend would
create certain benefits but there will also be some drawbacks.

On the one hand, it is clear that taking a year off would bring about
several advantages. One evident strength is that it would help
teenagers to gain more working experience. In other words, in this
gap year, student can look for a job related to the major they will
choose when they go to college and try it to improve their skill, their
knowlegde about that field and also life skills. For example, if they
intend to choose English language major, they can try tutoring
student or writing collaborator. Another reason is that it would help
young adults to have a break from hard-working days. They can relax
after a long time of studying by travel or do what they want to do but
they cannot do it during their school time.
On the other hand, there are some obvious disadvantages that
would arise. Firstly, they may lag behind your friends. It means that
you can be left behind when your friends and colleages have moved
on to university or have finished their first semester. Secondly, they
may waste their time. For instance, if they are not a good planner,
they will not know what to do with their time and before they realize
that, it will be gone.
In conclusion, taking a year off has both side: advantages and
disadvantages for youngth. Moreover, to avoid wasting time, you
should start planning and saving money as soon as you decide to
take a gap year.

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