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IK501 Mid-semester Theory Examination


*This mid-sem exam is a closed notes and a closed book exam.

*You are not allowed to use a computer, or a mobile phone.
*This mid-sem is for a total of 20 marks where each question is worth 1 mark. *This
mid-term is based upon the Lectures, in-class discussion, and homework assignments.
*Only one answer is correct in each multiple-choice question.
*Please circle your answers clearly and in legible handwriting.
* No negative marking

1. Which are three 'Gunas ' of prakruti

a) 'Sat Chit Anand'
b) 'Bhuh Bhuvh Swah'
c) 'Satwa Raja Tama'
d) 'Dharana Dhyan Samadhi '

2. What is the definition of yoga according to patanjali

a) "Samatwam yoga ucchyate "
b) "Atha yoganushasanam"
c) "Yoga karmasu kaushalam"
d) None of the above

3) How many 'Chitta Bhumis' are described in Vyasa bhashya of yoga


a) 8
b) 3
c) 5
d) 9

4. These are the 'chitta vrittis'

a) kshipta mudha vikshipta ekagra niruddha
b) Pramana Viparyaya Vikalapa Nidra Smruti
c) pratyaksha Anumana Agama
d) Shama Dama Titiksha uparati

5. Two means for 'chitta vritti nirodhah' i.e., complete cessation of 'chitta vrittis’ according to
patanjali are
a) Abhyas (practice) & vairagya (disattachment)
b) prayer & service
c) meditation and silence
d) fasting and donating

6. Which are the four stages of 'asamprajnatah samadhi'?

a) prasupta, tanu vicchinna & udara'.
b) heya heyahetu hana & hanopaya'
c) vitarka, vichar, ananda & asmita, (anugata)
d) None of the above

7.Who is Ishwarah' according to patanjali yog darshan?

a) Purushvisheshah
b) Paramapurushah
c) Anirvachaniyah
d) All of the above

8. Which is the vachakaha (sound representing) of Ishwarah as described in patanjali yog

a) Bijamantra ieर ्‍हीं

b)'A'kar i.e.'अ' कार

c) Pranavah i.e.ॐ
d) Shunyam i.e., 'o'

9. These are some Antarayas i.e., obstacles in path of yoga

a) Yamaha Niyama Asana pranayam
b) shaucha Santosh tapah swadhyay
c)Vyadhi styan samshaya pramada
d)Janma aushadhi mantra samadhi

10. What is 'Kriya yoga' 'in Sadhana padah of patanjali yog

darshan? a) Satyam Shivam Sundaram
b) Tapah swadhyay Ishwarpranidhan
c) dharana dhyan samadhi
d) Karmayoga jnanayoga bhakti yoga

11. How many kleshas are described in Sadhana padah of patanjali yog

a) 4
b) 6
c) 8
d) 5

12. From which klesha other four kleshas are originated

a) Aviveka
b) Ajnan(अज्ञान)
c) Abhinivesh
d) Avidya

13.What is 'Heya' as described in sadhana Pada of patanjali yoga darshan

a) 'Dukkham anagatam'
b) Vivek Khyaterviplavah
c) Drushtdrushyayoh samyogah
d) Atyantik dukkha nivrutti

14. Which are the terms used for Satwa Raja Tama' in patanjali yoga
darshan? a) klesh karma vipak
b) prakash kriya sthiti
c) vishesh avishesh lingamatra
d) None of the above

15. How many yoga an'gas are described in patanjali yog

darshan? a) 10
b) 7
c) 8
d) 5

16. Which are 5 Yamas?

a) Yama niyama Asana pranayama pratyahara
b) Avidya asmita raga dwesh Abhinivesh
c) shaucha Santosh tapah swadhyay Ishwarpranidhan
d) Ahimsa satya asteya brahmacharya aparigraha

17. Which are five Niyamas?

a) Shaucha Santosh tapah swadhyay Ishwarpranidhan
b) Shama damah titiksha uparati shraddha
c) shraddha virya smruti samadhi prajna
d)None of the above

18. Patanjali's definition of Asana is.

a) Tada drashtuhswarupeawasthanam
b) Tatodeandwanbhighatah
c) Stirsukhamasanm
d) None of the above

19. What is the result of yogi's firm establishment in ahimsa

(nonviolence)? a) creatures in yogi's vicinity give up their enemity
b) Yogi becomes powerful
c) Yogi achieves success in his work
d) all of the above

20. How many types of pranayama are described in Sadhana pada of patanjali yog
darshan a) 3
b) 8
c) 10
d) 4

21. Which three angas of yoga are Antaranga yoga?

a) Yama niyama Asana
b) pranayam pratyahara dhyan
c) dharana dhyan samadhi
d) None of the above

22. What is Samyam according to the vibhutipada of patanjali yoga


a) controlling mind
b) dharana dhyan samadhi applied together at one object
c) controlling organ of action
d)controlling senses

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