1 Circle of Twelve 10.19.2022

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Transcription of “The Two Rooms”

Circle of Twelve Channel October 19,2022

Greetings Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

Once again we come to you in all love, appreciation, joy, for those who would listen to this, for those
who care enough perhaps about themselves, others around them, what’s happening on the planet. And
we often give the kinds of channels that perhaps are planetary channels, is what is going on in the world
and the cycles and all that, but today it’s personal. This is about you. This is about the society you live in,
about you. And I’m going to call this particular channel “The Two Rooms.”

I’m going to give three scenarios of two rooms. The scenario is a metaphor, always, and you will see that
quickly. And the two room scenario will be given three times, as I say. The first one will be what you’re
taught today about the two rooms. The next one is the discovery that many are making about the two
rooms. And the third scenario, the truth about the two rooms.

Let’s discuss what the rooms are. The metaphor goes like this: Room One is you, as you sit there, your
name goes here. And it’s your reality, how you feel, all of the senses that go into what is going on right
now. It’s an easy one.

Room Two actually could be next to you or it could be within you. Now, we put them side by side
because that’s the way you’re taught they are. The second room is your body. What is going on?

Now, the reason we separate them is this: Because you really don’t know what’s going on. You have that
which is a way to tell with the senses in Room One. How much does it hurt? What does it sound like?
What is going on? But Room Two kind of works by itself, if you’ve noticed. Your heart keeps on beating.
All of that which is your organs, they keep on doing whatever they do, whatever their specialist is, they
continue doing it.

So, here is what you are taught between Room One, you, and Room Two, your body. The teaching of
today is that this is a firm and complete disconnect. You don’t what’s going on, therefore you have those
who do. Now, this is not an indictment of those who do. The doctors that you have, very, very important
for you to have. Dear Ones, they are the ones who have studied that which is you internally, the Second
Room. They know so much about it.

But you’re taught in your culture that they’re the only ones who do, therefore they are the ones you go
to. And they will tell you what to do about your room. And this is where the prescriptions are assigned
and this is where the operations occur in order for you to correct those things which you feel are wrong
with your Second Room.

If you understand where I am going, these three scenarios I am going to give you, this is the first. This is
the way you are taught from birth. And there would be many of you perhaps listening right now who are
not aware of the Kryon channeling or even of what I talk about who would say, “Well, this is good
because we have the wonderful doctors and they can take care of Room Two.”
Now, if you’ve listened to this program long enough, you know the second scenario and here is how it
goes: Room One is still you. It’s all your senses. It’s how you feel. It’s you living there. It’s you sitting
there listening.

Room Two, your body, is now seen as something that you can greatly change and affect. There is so
much information that hides that now is being revealed about how your body has some kind of an
intelligence, a smart body, that not only can you tap into to find out how it is doing, but also it can give
you information about perhaps things that only would be discovered later when you have a disease.

In the first scenario, if you got a disease, you realize you didn’t know it. In the first scenario, you could
know that if you had a disease and it was racing through your body and that all the alarm bells were
going off and white blood corpuscles were racing to scenes and sirens were going off and you are going
to lunch. It’s only when something hurts that you go to the doctor.

Scenario two, your body starts to give you information because you now know how to measure it. You
also find out that things in your consciousness affect that which is your health. You find out that even
the inherited biology from those which your parents had before, perhaps even past lives, can affect that
which is number two, that Room Number Two. That’s where your body is. That’s amazing, amazing!

Now, you’re able to not only sense it, but have control. You might say in some ways you can diagnose
many things. Now, it doesn’t replace the doctor because when you’re in an auto accident, it doesn’t
help you to be in touch with your body. That’s when you need the doctor.

But up until then Dear Ones, you’re finding out that you can work with your own health. You can ask
your body to give you signs and signals of the kinds of foods you need in order for it to be at its
maximum based upon your inheritance. You’ll find out what subconscious programs that you might
have. And your body is there and it’s there as a thing to work with you. And finally you get the idea that
you’re not isolated. They’re not two rooms that stand apart. How could it get better than that?

Dear Ones, this is what all these programs are about that I asked my partner to put together and he has.
And how to take something that you didn’t even think was possible and suddenly it is. There’s reasons
for these things, so that more and more of you will realize it and there will be books written that are not
today about the reality of it. And someday this will be normal; that children will be taught that there is a
way to get in touch with Room Number Two and live longer. What could be better than that?

Let me give you scenario number three. You sit there Dear Ones as you always have. Box one is the
same, except that box one is now fully and completely aware that it can change box two, not simply
work with it for better health, but change it. Oh, there’s more. Changing it could mean that it can change
it so it will never ever be susceptible to the diseases it might have gotten in scenario two. The
awareness, the ability to change box two so that you might live twice as long; that your consciousness is
now fine-tuned to change the chemistry of box two so you wouldn’t even recognize it in scenario one or
two. Box two is now at the beck and call of box one, but there’s more.
You assigned something in scenario two called a smart body. It’s used for many things: kinesiology of
course, that is the muscle testing, many kinds of processes where you actually talk to the body and it
talks back. This is like having a telephone to box two, but scenario three, you find the door to box two
and you open it up and go inside. And that’s what I want to tell you that you don’t know yet.

In box two, there isn’t just a smart body, there isn’t just the intelligence that you would use to muscle
test. There is the biological you represented in your DNA that loves you. Box two has been begging for
you to open the door. Box two has had its arms outstretched saying, “When will you find me? I am part
of you. I have always been part of you.” Why do you separate the consciousness and your brain from
what you think are autonomous systems that work by themselves? Well, they only work by themselves
because they’re designed to, but if you had control, if you walked through the door, you can manipulate
them. You can tell them they’re beautiful. You can love them. And you’re going to last a whole lot longer
because when you open the door, love will pour into box two. I just gave you the future of humanity.
That’s coming.

Dear Ones, there is so much that you are going to learn beyond just the fact that you can affect your
own health by how you think. When you find out you can open a door and fall in love with yourself, that
your body will start changing and things will start repairing themselves simply because you opened the

What if I told you something absolutely outrageous? Ready? You’ll be able to grow back limbs someday.
You realize that other animals or amphibians or whatever, they can do it. What’s the difference do you
think? Biologically, what is it that keeps this from happening with a human being. Well, you’ll find out.
That’s scenario three.

This is all coming, but the basis of it is this: First, peace on Earth. Then you can fall in love with your own
body and open the door. I would not tell you these things unless they are in the field for the future,
unless I have seen them before in other places with other societies. This is and has always been your
legacy, where you will go with it and what will happen.

And doctors, instead of the doctors of the kind that you see today, there will still be doctors. And what
they are going to do is to carefully show you how to open the door and work with the chemistry that’s
always been yours to work with. Different kind of doctor, but you still need them. Blessed Dear Ones are
those physicians of the planet who care so much about the human being that eventually they’ll change
their training. They’ll change what they do and how they do it to better accomplish what they set out for
in their lives to help others.

I am Kryon in love with humanity. It’s coming. And so it is. ~ Kryon

The audio of this channel will be available at a later date when Lee posts it on his website.

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