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Transcription of Kryon Channel The New Year 2023 Week 1

Healing Wednesday January 4, 2023

Greetings Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

This is or would seem to be the first channeling of the year 2023. It is actually not, for there has been a
channeling and it has happened before on a program which some of you know about called The Double-
Digit. It is there where I revealed the name or energy of the year. I’m going to do that for you yet again. I
do that because there are so many who see this is the demarcation point of something new. Well, it is
the New Year. Would you be shocked if I told you that Spirit does not have a calendar? That we do not
then mark years like you do or we come out with revelations at a certain time, as you desire them.

One of the things that you saw just recently is how we have labeled the energy of last year and the year
before. We called it the years of revelation and it didn’t change at a New Year. In fact, it stayed, again,
because times and energies don’t necessarily mix. The clock does not necessarily then go as you would
expect it to go along with the energies that you would expect to have. Indeed, they don’t. And yet I will
honor you with a change of energy, a new word to look at.

These four channelings for this month will all be about the New Year. Honoring you for the various
attributes of what you expect, for the planet, for the world, humanity, yourself perhaps, what it means,
because these are significant changes going on.

Let’s first talk about last year. Those who do numerology know that it is a complex science. Numerology
identifies often the energies of numbers. And in certain systems, those energies will then tell you what it
is that is happening around those energies. And that is why when you look at the year’s numbers, the
2022 and 2023, you would say, “Well, what do they mean?” Sometimes they don’t mean what the
numerology says they should. And that’s because of the numbers within and what they may mean. Now
don’t get confused or complex. Just remember that numerology in itself is a study of science.

2022 would appear to have been a very good year. And the reason is because when you add those
numbers up, you get a 6. In Tibetan numerology, a 6 is divinity, harmony, love, beauty and what you got
was a war. So you might say, “What was wrong with that numerology?” And I will tell you, now we have
some of the complications of the numerology to look at.

In the year 2022, what should have yelled at you, if you were one to study numerology, is the 22
because right in the middle of the year and the number sequence there was a master number. And
when you have that, you must look at the meaning of the master number first and not the total of the
numbers together. All this to say that what was really the meaning numerologically of last year was the

22 is a master number that has always been the one that puzzles people because it speaks of cosmic law
and duality. And both of those don’t sound very enjoyable and they’re not. When you see a master 22,
it’s going to be about learning, about change, about things happening, which force other things to go
certain ways. It’s about struggle.
Cosmic law truly is more than just that which is karmic or that which, as a battle between the things that
are featured in duality. It has results, always. That’s why it’s a master number. It’s a master number
even of completion, although that is also complex to talk about.

Last year you got to see something spectacular in duality. Those who really believed that they could take
something of 40 to 50 years ago and put it right back on you and you’d buy it and they felt that so
completely because that’s the way they grew up and it always worked before. And that is the way that
things happened in their lives in the golden era of what they wanted and what they were about. And
you got war. Was it a shock to you? To so many it was. And you got to see the reaction to it.

These years that have passed, these last two, perhaps even these last three have all been about
revelation. They reveal that which has been in the dark. They reveal agendas you never thought you’d
see on the planet. The revelation could be ugly. It was. It still is.

But now you go into something – don’t misunderstand this – you go into a word I’m going to give you
called recovery. You recover from something perhaps that has been injurious. Or you might have had a
laughing fit in a theater and you recover from that and you catch your breath. But recovery means a
return to something that you create. You recover to a normal that you create. Now, perhaps it’s a new
normal. Recovery does not mean you return to an old way. It means you come out of something and you
settle into a new way. This is the energy that starts now.

Now, I might tell you that this energy is going to continue and next year as I sit here, I may tell you the
same word, you are still in recovery. But that is what the planet is looking at as a whole. Now you will
say, “Well, wait a minute, Kryon. There is nothing to recover from. If you talk to those in the war, they’re
still at war. How can they possibly recover?” This is the year that starts the energy of recovery for things
that are going to happen that you have not seen yet. That ought to give you hope, for resolution, for
solution, for things that seemed unsolvable. Perhaps a complete turnaround is going to occur that you
didn’t expect that creates resolution and that you recover from these things.

Think of this entire Earth taking a deep breath and saying, “We’re glad we’re over that.” And when you
want to define what that means, the word that, it’s not the war. That is an old energy of thousands of
years, of fighting, of killing each other, of low consciousness, of not knowing the kinds of things that are
now knowable, of not seeing a light at the end of a tunnel which now is there to see. Being a recovery is
something that is planetary, not all at once, not for everyone, but cumulatively will be. Did you get that?

There’s hope. And I wouldn’t give you this unless there was. For those who want to add up the bad
things that are happening to you, to the planet, I tell you this: You get what you expect. Why not add up
the good things or why not expect those things which some feel are in the works that are going to
happen? And expect that which is recovery and solutions and answers that are on their way. It begins
now. There is hope for this planet. You are in the right place at the right time.

That is the best New Year’s energy I have given you now for three years. Maybe you have come from the
worst of it. Maybe there are a few things left, but Dear Ones, light is coming. And the revelations of all of
the ugly things and the darkness on this planet are starting to diminish because you’re starting to see
the darkest of the dark. Now it’s time to do something with it.

I am Kryon in love with humanity, for all you’re going through, for all that is there, for all that will be
there, in love. And so it is. ~ Kryon

(The audio of this channel will be posted at at a later date.)

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