Au Ip Me 403 Theory of Machines Jun 2020

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Total No. of Questions : 8] [1] [Total No. of Printed Pages : 4

Roll No ..................................
B.Tech., IV Semester
Examination, June 2020
Choice Based Grading System (CBGS)
Theory of Machines
Time : Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note: i) Attempt any five questions.
{H$Ýht nm±M àíZm| H$mo hb H$s{OE&
ii) All questions carry equal marks.
g^r àíZm| Ho$ g_mZ A§H$ h¢&
iii) Assume suitable data or dimensions, if necessary.
¶{X Amdí¶H$ hmo Vmo S>mQ>m Am¡a S>m¶‘|eZ ‘mZ b§o&
iv) Use graph paper is permitted.
J«m’$ nona H$m BñVo‘mb ‘mݶ h¡&
v) In case of any doubt or dispute the English version
question should be treated as final.
{H$gr ^r àH$ma Ho$ g§Xho AWdm {ddmX H$s pñW{V ‘| A§JO
o« r ^mfm
Ho$ àíZ H$mo A§{V‘ ‘mZm Om¶oJm&
1. a) What do you mean by degree of freedom of a mechanism?
How is it determined?
{H$gr V§Ì H$s ñdV§ÌVm H$r {S>J«r go AmnH$m ³¶m A{^àm¶ h¡& ¶h
H¡$go {ZYm©[aV {H$¶m OmVm h¢?
b) In a slider crank mechanism, the crank is 480 mm long
and rotates at 20 rad/s in the counter-clockwise direction.
The length of the connecting rod is 1.6 m. When the crank
turns 60° from the inner dead center; determine the
velocity of the slider, angular velocity of connecting rod
and velocity of a point P located at a distance 450 mm on
the connecting rod extended.


EH$ ñbmBS>a H«¢$H$ V§Ì ‘|, H«¢$H$ H$s b§~mB© {‘‘r h¡ 480, Omo 20
ao{S>¶Z à{V goH§$S> H$s J{V go K‹S>r Ho$ {dnarV {Xem ‘| Ky‘ ahm h¡,
Am¡a H$Zop³Q>¨J am°S> H$s b§~rB© 1.6 ‘rQ>a h¡& O~ H¢«$H$ 60° Am§V[aH$
‘¥V H|$Ð g| Ky‘ OmVm hmo V~, ñbmBS>a H$m doJ, H$Zop³Q>¨S> am°S> H$m
H$moUr¶ doJ Am¡a {~ÝXÿ ‘nr’ H$m doJ kmV H$s{O¶o, {~ÝXþ ‘nr’ H$Zop³Q>J¨
am°S> na 450 {‘‘r ~‹S>r hþB© Xÿar na pñWV h¡&
2. a) State and explain the D’Alembert’s principle.
S>r Aboå~oQ>© Ho$ {gÕm§V H$mo {b{IE Ed§ ì¶m»¶m H$s{O¶o&
b) A reciprocating engine mechanism has crank 10 cm and
connecting rod 30 cm with the center of gravity G, 10 cm
from crank pin. In the position of 120° from the inner
dead centre the crank has a velocity of 75 rad/s and an
angular acceleration of 1200 rad/s2. Determine the angular
velocity and angular acceleration of connecting rod.
EH$ à˶mJm‘r B§OZ V§Ì ‘| H¢$« H$ H$s b§~mB© 10 go‘r Am¡a H$Zop³Q>J§ am°S>
H$s b§~mB© 30 go‘r h¡& H$Zop³Q>J¨ am°S> H$m Jo{« dQ>r H|$Ð ‘Or’ H¢$« H$ {nZ go
10 go‘r H$s Xÿar na pñWV h¡& O~ H¡$§« H$, Am§V[aH$ ‘¥V H|$Ð go 120°
H$s pñW{V ‘§o hmoVm h¡, V~ BgH$m doJ 75 ao{S>¶Z à{V goH$§ S> Am¡a
H$moUr¶ ËdaU1200 ao{S>¶Z à{V goH$§ S>2 hmoVm h¡, Bg ñWVr ‘| H$Zop³Q>J¨
am°S> H$m H$moUr¶ doJ Am¡a H$moUr¶ ËdaU H$mo kmV H$a|&
3. a) Derive the expressions for the velocity and acceleration of
the follower when it moves with simple harmonic motion.
gab hm‘m}{ZH$ J{V na MbZo dmbo AZw¶m¶r Ho$ doJ Am¡a ËdaU Ho$
{bE gyÌm| H$mo {ZH$m{bE&
b) Define and explain the terms: cam profile, base circle,
prime circle, pitch circle, pressure angle, lift and period
of dwell.
H¡$‘ àmo’$mBb,~og gH©$b, àmB‘ gH©$b, {nM gH©$b, X~md H$moU,
{bâQ> Ad{Y Am¡a {Zdmg Ad{Y H$mo n[a^m{fV H$aVo hþE g‘PmBE§&
AU/IP/ME-403-CBGS Contd...


4. a) Explain the working of principle of a power screw and

derive an expression for mechanical advantage.
EH$ e{º$ n§oM Ho$ {gÕm§V H$s H$m¶©àUmbr H$s ì¶m»¶m H$a| Am¡a
¶m§{ÌH$ bm^ Ho$ {bE A{^ì¶{º$ àmá H$a|&
b) A belt runs over a pulley of 800 mm diameter at a speed of
180 rpm. The angle of lap is 165° and the maximum tension
in the belt is 2 kN. Determine the power transmitted if the
coefficient of friction between the belt and the pulley is 0.3.
EH$ ~oëQ> 180 Ama nr E‘ H$s J{V go 800 {‘‘r ì¶mg Ho$ MaIr
na MbVr h¡& JmoX H$m H$moU 165° h¡ Am¡a ~oëQ> ‘| A{YH$V‘ VZmd
2 kN h¡& ¶{X ~oëQ> Am¡a MaIr Ho$ ~rM Kf©U H$m JwUm§H$ 0.3 h¡,
Vmo g§Mm[aV e{º$ H$m {ZYm©aU H$a|&
5. a) State the law of gearing and derive an expression for
velocity of sliding in a gear drive.
{J¶[a¨J Ho$ {Z¶‘ H$mo ~VmE§ Am¡a {J¶a S´>mBd ‘| {’$gbZo Ho$ doJ Ho$
{bE EH$ A{^ì¶{º$ àmá H$a|&
b) In a reverted epicyclic gear train, the arm F carried two
compound wheels A – D and B – C. The wheel A meshes
with wheel B and the wheel D meshes with wheel C. The
number of teeth on wheel A, B and C are 80, 40 and 72
respectively. Find the speed and direction of wheel D when
wheel A is fixed and arm F, makes 200 rpm clockwise.
EH$ [adQ>}S> E{ngmBp³bH$ [J¶a Q>o´Z ‘| Am‘© ‘F’ na Xmo H§$nmC§S>
ìhrb A - DAm¡a B - C pñWV h¡& ìhrb A H$mo ìhrb B Ho$ gmW Am¡a
ìhrb D H$mo ìhrb C Ho$ gmW {‘bm¶m J¶m h¡& ìhrb A,BAm¡a C na
Xm§Vm| H$s g§»¶m H«$‘e: 80,40, Am¡a 72 h¡& O~ ìhrb A [ñWa hmo
Ed§ Am‘© ‘F’ 200 rpm H$s J{V go K‹S>r H$s {Xem ‘| Ky‘ ahm hmo V~
ìhrb A H$s J{V Am¡a {Xem kmV H$a|&
6. a) Define Grashof’s law. State how is it helpful in classifying
the four bar mechanism in to different types.
¡ m°’$ Ho$ {Z¶‘ H$mo n[a^m{fV H$a| Ed§ ñdÀN> ñHo$M Ho$ gmW g‘PmE§
{H$ ¶h Mma qbH$ V§Ì H$mo {d{^Þ àH$am| ‘| dJuH¥$V H$aZo ‘| H¡$go
ghm¶H$ h¢?


b) What do you mean by Inversion of a mechanism? Explain

with neat sketches all the inversions of single slider crank
EH$ V§Ì Ho$ ì¶wËH«$‘ go AmnH$m ³¶m ‘Vb~ h¡? EH$b ñbmBS>a H¡$§« H$
V§Ì Ho$ g^r ì¶wËH«$‘m| H$mo ZrQ> ñHo$M Ho$ gmW g‘PmBE&
7. a) What are the differences between a simple band brake
and a differential band brake, explain with sketches.
EH$ gmYmaU ~¢S> ~o«H$ Am¡a EH$ A§Va ~¢S> ~«oH$ Ho$ ~rM A§Va ³¶m h¢,
aoIm{MÌm| Ho$ gmW g‘PmE§&
b) Distinguish between longitudinal, transverse and torsional
free vibrations.
AZwXÜ¡ ¶©,AZwàñW Am¡a ‘amoS‹ > ‘w³V H§$nZ Ho$ ~rM ^oXm| H$mo g‘PmBE&
8. The following data relate to a cam profile in which the follower
moves with uniform acceleration and deceleration during
outstroke and return stroke.
Minimum radius of cam = 25 mm Roller diameter = 7.5 mm
Offset of the follower axis = 12 mm Stroke = 28mm
Angle of outstroke = 60° Angle of return stroke = 90°
Angle of dwell after outstroke = 45° Speed of cam = 200 rpm
Draw the profile of the cam and determine the maximum
velocity and the uniform acceleration of the follower during
the outstroke and the return stroke.
{ZåZ{b{IV S>Qo >m EH$ H¡$‘ àmo’$mBb go g§~{§ YV h¡, {Og‘| AZw¶m¶r AmCQ>
ñQ´>mHo $ Am¡a [aQ>Z© ñQ´>mHo $ Ho$ Xm¡amZ g‘mZ ËdaU Am¡a ‘§Xr Ho$ gmW MbVm h¡&
H¡$‘ H$m ݶyZV‘$ {ÌÁ¶m = 25 {‘‘r amoba H$m ì¶mg = 7.5{‘‘r
AZwJm‘r Aj H$s Am°’$goQ> Xÿar = 12 {‘‘r ñQ´>oH$ = 28 {‘‘r
AmCQ> ñQ´>moH$ H$m H$moU= 60° [aQ>Z© ñQ´>moH$ H$m H$moU = 90°
AmCQ> ñQ´>moH$ Ho$ ~mX {Zdmg H$m = 45° H¡$‘ H$s J{V = 200 RPM h¡&
H¡$‘ H$s àmo’$mBb ~ZmE§ Am¡a AmCQ>ñQ´>mHo $ Am¡a [aQ>Z© ñQ´>mHo $ Ho$ Xm¡amZ A{YH$V‘
doJ Am¡a AZw¶m¶r Ho$ g‘mZ ËdaU H$m {ZYm©aU H$a|&

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