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VIBES OF COSMOS Pua) .ast 07 2. MOON- MAP OF THE EARTH TRANSITION EM) he) a amen ee 4. MOON ROTATION Caer We ns ua srea is 7. ROTATION WAY Ee ey Wier a) re oR gar Cay 41. COMPASS MOON 20. AXES OF PHASES CHARTOGRAFY 22, PHENOMENON MOON 24, PHENOMENON SUN CR aun sUb: oy ees Tal 29, (oxen ig K a MAP FOR KIDS. c JURYA MAP WITH URBANO” 42, ATLANTIS MAP WITH ANCIENT G 44, CLOSEST LOCATIONS TO HI | 48. OCEANOGRAFIA 49. CRATERS, BUN ra oe 52. GREAT DEPTHS NAMES 53. OCEAN CURRENTS 54. OCEANOGRAFIC MAP 58. BERMUDAS TRIANGLE 60. STARS AND CONSTELLATIONS 61. GREAT DEPTHS REFLECTION 62. TOTAL SKY STARS 64. CONSTELLATION CIRCLE ON MOON 65. CONSTELLATION CIRCLE ON EARTH 67. CORRESPONDING CONSTELLATIONS WITH GREAT DEPTHS 68. CONSTELLATIONS MAP 69. POLAR LIGHTS 70. BLACK SUN MOTION taba) (=a ee Nail) 73. COSMIC ENERGY ae) tea eae aE 76. CONICAL REFRACTIONS: Ee Rasy No) Pret Daeg 77. AXES OF PHASES REVIEW, EME Ueno) \e nics Es BT eat sss) 82. ASTRONOMICAL CLOCK 89. LEVER WATER EXAMPLES 1ST BOOK REVIEW eu geet cil Cine ea ys constellatio - a 7 Mise ovises isis Se Coe kee om eeu uei eure ule ese RU Boe ue eee Ur ica RU RE CUE RO TE ieee eos ees RS Tar EU elt Le) ia OMe ie We live in a bigger world with hidden continents. Some of them have a good climate for living and some others do not. en eae erin ete Rk ue eur Det Ee CoR Rus ure ans FULL MOON FULL MOON MIRRORED IMAGE THE MAP OF THE EARTH COLORS OF THE SKY ON THE MOON Pa heey CE Eat ced eons Dc Pe eek ee Tee eee Rae es tect so they are represented transparently. SCOR Cea eet) Cera ‘THE MOON TAKES ON THE COLOR OF THE SKY BEHIND IT. ( YC oLe Us Celn| CO ee ee Cee eR CEU) ieee ets MOON AT 01:30 MOON AT 04:00 ry eM ue N=) MOON AT 01:30 MOON AT 04:00 eee ane ee ccd J CCU AUR U ECU RUT ROTATION WAY Oe eC Cecaeee iek iene ten cy) BUC aU Roe LRU as ‘ i M ~~ It’s rotation motion around its center happens on constant axes, that we call, Dye oe ene ieee eeu cue Pea Rae Rr eI Ue DR ae CN ee aS moving, from rising till falling in the beginning and in the end of our visible horizon on the sky. ri FACE AND PHASES Ce Ue ROG Rus eg Coats CeCe eee ne Pee Ue mes ea eee ed that there is our known world. As it is getting bigger and when it is half, we see the De eng Ue Re CEU RRR r ) ) ) As itis > can see Selo Seach Sere Cruces but our known world on the Pp) Pena ; —— AXES OF PHASES As the moon follows its path, it is rotating around its center clockwards keeping it's dayly phase. ee ee ee oe ee ce et eu DO eC ee aU ee ee ee Peet Sat Rin ehucracie ct Cn ay Ce DOU eee ene one ene Cee ee Ree i Le cha BU eee CORR RUE Oe coe ot ee! oBoee----___§ | ~~HeeBece fi ‘eoeun oe)! AT ETT Mes ait r ¢ s Z aS ios For Northern Observer: Ua RELIG) lee ue ene) Uae Retry to west, when the angle is (+) / ene eae Les Benue ese iets ‘ CACC R ey CCC OR ARUR URC TA CR ten mes ake the moon like a compass, in every phase of it, knowing in what direction we look Pe ee eats poe With this example we can understand how the moon works Oren SS aecnge ot ees By Ee PSS ue eee Ce ned oe nee RCM ee RR eMC ie i" ROE ON eu een icy be is half moon as it is getting bigger. (1st quarter). Also we are farther North than the moon's Pec eRuE Ree Ta) Ree CeCe tg Pea Ses y a... eerie) Shs oan eins Ean nureer tataciet One Sa aery nay My Pee eee eat Bore Bly) Presicre De A ee yy or eee eee ee We are inside the moons path, VCORE oh Aes pte .) PO Ee ee Ae eer eet eee ee et rear erent) pe] DATE 18/6 Ba ek Te to ee ees eee aa as ee eee eee aa DATE : 19/6 TIME : 01:30 MOONSET Dn cue} nee seers EXAMPLE A Sis a) Finding the Vertical to the horizon DOR CR un eo ole Ue Dune Scena Og Oe een el ie ecun ry MRL ea Cie Cree coe gyros 4) Finding the direction that we look at PRR LS RU Ck le coe \ — = ooee It omen © Pee oe CR ena eC Cue E Ly PE aCe a Rn Cr Re ep nee Ls Ocean and axis X passes from Magnetic North and from the total center, Dene ond MIRRORED MOON IMAGE 20 ‘SEPERATING TO 4 ZONES A, B, C, D: PHENOMENON MOON f ee er peu) Hier nearer at eee ne eee Coca er CG eee ue ee ued arn) and hits the inner side of our toroidal field. BCC eee ure ae that separates it to (+) and (-), creating the Sun and the Moon Pe me et et ee ed Pee ern vrs BUC Re ee Ce ie oe RR eG a eee eT eo al Be cu eC ER UCR CULE acc RU RUC oe a eee Ce ee eet te ee eee cn re ee Ru ia een ee ee ee em ee Rees light - electromagnetic field and due to this light, there are shadows. tees BU et Cen Cee tars Rc uaa) around it, that makes all the inert gases below in the ionosphere, BRR ee ee a cA hae 4 THE ALTITUDE OF THE SUN Par ete Bie a ay Weel sel tee Uae NLP Men ele). ure ed) 3c], 4-18] [0.0 ).\ 9) aU Ke Ceased reese seh ae tell) (ea ).V 0) SCE Peele) ao).\g a UP a @ = 23, 26 vecrees 6=90- @ = 66,74 pecrEEs THE SPOT OF THE SUN As we can observe there is a spot on BUC aeRO R UCL tei asec ero the center of the Sun: 06:10 a:=29 Degrees 18:10 CEM Re -lelg-t-1) In 12 Hours sun spot is rotating around the center of the Sun: Pree eR rer es oR a ee This rotation is the same rotation with moon’s around it's center, passing above us. See eee eR ceases ites eta) i eS ath HLYON BES cee a area tae aT Bae vo betas ie ea WITH URBANO MONTE MAP CREATURES 40 ATLANTIS LOCATIONS WITH ANCIENT GREEK NAMES 42 SONOYD 40 VAS a HLYON “ asvouvsdovas | 3 a NV490 JILNVILV CLOSEST DISTANCES TO Atlantis is West from West Africa in South Atlantic Ocean, southern Cen er es er er uence toy Poe cea Inte VERDE - AMAZONIA rrr TANCE : 700 Km / WES Se a rer : Southwest Africa is the closest Pret acu h ere ir Ore aru asin 5 Cres DISTANCE : WEST - SOUTH pememe V1 1:17- Weg 14 PMO UD: L e a ae Pea Meter ic Ocean. BCS Cou eT] tee Sach Tao ae Lr. O CRATERS SRE iets eR lar me Ce EL) erie oes CEE CUCU UE ee a ee Rr NCU Su ec Ue CeCe aU Bee kD Cc @ LAND (HARD GROUND ) @ LAND (SOFT GROUND ) Se ea Ce aie a 49 - el - om Ca a, a C [epee Cnet ECE CU ee rau) DS a eter ees a ots) 51 cel Ne) a a Pea vi Cn er Reaual roy EEP 1 Pane cr Pc Creed ean Pa Ce Pes Rota) a N vend ad Cia eyes mown pSrwnctg Fo pele Rte Sead LD Or pony od Paes erm a canon ee ad MTs A) = Fi 5 A mE Ag 4 a ‘i 2 ars _ Ss g f a : Ee; 5 a oe Pet as Foon cts cay beet} ary ce DEEP oa ey ua pay 7) cag OCEANS MAPING @ LAND LAND OR VERY SHALLOW WATER: _ SHALLOW WATER _ MEDIOUM WATER DEPTH _ DEEP WATER _ FULL DEPTHS CANYONS OR HOLES __ MEGA DEPTHS AND GREAT HOLES a ene t= Tl aad 5 iicero) Ey Talon t a TS © NORTH Eras ci ra aro Cy TER ’ ai PAWN a ae P fey \ATN8y. Ls ve Ler N BERMUDAS eee I PACIFIC . : Cs oo ca os COLOMBIA i=} 7o¥4) AND CONSTELLATIONS « Onthe moon we cz Cea Marek ce aul BCC eR Ces Gener emt ae he actherial field above. aa Great depths and energy spots are reflected on the aetherial field above. BRE Re ree ee ue et nara This reflection is not focused so we can see only one part of the whole sky - earth. cae CONSTELLATION SIGNS CONSTELLATION CIRCLE Snr ‘Stars ery v0 Rois amie no Coa Ear) ee Pn Clay rane un eh : San Ton ree ae Every reflection is a star, being a part of a Pees scum ee re ear ek coun eee eI es Tee aa eS aC ut Rac i Pl depths and energy spots... > Bei Cas ecco oo ati SUE a CONSTELLATION CIRCLE ON MOON “— The real constellation circle does not havé ie ea TORU CRUL elt 7 Cg co Cee eee Rue no a Rec “i CC CRU ae ed Rua ea CT ae ae Ps of the constellation circle. RS CONSTELLATION CIRCLE ON EARTH MAGN EmGitaogrH So, a ‘9, eT aa Br cide 66 Tha yf i SB Ey rg , : CONSTELLATIONS MAP : a, ‘ een cia é eg, ae we - par aN ‘, ; ey aa "| Below the surface of the earth there is the Black Sun that is responsible for the een Lita Polar lights are from the Black Sun below and come from a big hole that there is on the Magnetic North in Hyperborea, CC] See cir) Coe Reersouny Rai OC EC BE) Cc a en Recta e ie a) RE ee Re RR a) The center of the earth is not the center of the Pa ae eu RCC Cur Coe urd fotos TTog Late REFRACTION DO ee Un au Se or eon Ue uc ae Sec une etae ee eR RUE eee UCR That's why there is a relation between the constellation difference between the RO enCh Guin itech Se urun Cie eee nen UEC eats Great SUC e inure con M UCR mcr the second. In this way we have the new moon. Cee I ares Cee ee CSE Ree cer oy Bec en eee eee nak me Pees PRC Smee eC eeu! conical refraction from the sun's one, so only in this case we have the full moon. Ee eee Le star see he eee eet ean eee UC Re ee ere Re UCU ee a Balele in CASE B HALF MOON CASE A FULL MOON iN i a Oe eee ‘When the angle of incidence of the black sun below is big, the sun and moon are very close. Ree eee ETT ne Ue RU Tse eG Cue lu yo ie e oaUaa a ts g: Angle of Incidence ree ame ee ee ee Re ee ae PI retereesn pee tteesi teeta a ea eee cena Dee eee Ueda nd eeu naka ek murda vertical to the horizon, (B). Le ye = 2 Pea rem Teron ELUM HALF MOON When the angle of incidence is the smallest, we have the full moon. Nae ee ee eee ure icate te kaos Finally when the angle of incidence is getting bigger, we have the Third quarter and in this eee eee ee eae er een me Re es phases is vertical to the horizon, when we are northern the moon's path or the left if we are Eel oi Re id dll to the center of the earth THE AXES OF PHASES REVIEW PHENOMENON DAYLIGHT ecu Meas een et ie eu eae icy Ree eee eta eee ee ie Ree Pree aeRO me et ces STU ie en eee es ie) Teas al nee ae Oe Rn en i ere eae et ieee Rete CO enor Ret es uta ee Pear Ret ea au anus in around the topical sun, to react by being ionized, giving fluorescence. That is exactly the daylight. Happens in the ionosphere and is called plasma light. Teme sic as Culh teeta et SN aac Ra Ee ceca s econ ee See ERE eC ALL ao Vee ie Se eae eee Rue eee tt Ramo Chee oe tea en een Wiens emis. US escort en enna seul Tem mere Pea ey etait) ea ee EARTH'S NO ICE ZONE DIAMETER : 30000 - 35000 Km ‘SUN’S ALTITUDE : 5500 - 6000 Km tere rN tee ie eu SS ae ele SDN ee Gu) 7d BOE urs ad -The date and the time -The moon's phase SOS OE ue tL! STU Eau BSE RUC gy -Aurora - blue hour - edje of daylight duratidgi! TROPIC OF CANCER EQUATOR TROPIC OF CAPRICORN ee ed Peer rea roe itor Preity eee Soret) Pers een to crt) Cao lett metas CAN een Beene ene Seiad see = Gries Reels) ene RC ra ae 89 POSTE easy 5a) PHONO EIGHT: om TARGES HEIGHT 2000 77 POV as sll ee she uu) PRC ECA UIE) as CTR i) SAMOTHRAKI FROM STAYROS CHALKIDIKIS LEVEL WATER Peas) Cun DSN ele PHOTO HEIGHT : 40 m Brel am Lea) HIDDEN TARGET HEIGHT : 2470 m 92 BEST Weel =i) TW We) meter Co ch AC MOON IS A FOCUSED PLASMA fel led ERG) 5 Bi Je Xe eB Le) el RUE Role PNG cil on erie aac RUE: Ne)=]8 = (eS ae UE eese uc) alas oe te Tae Re aie) : x MOON'S PHASES HAPPENS BECAUSE OF THE LIMIT (SUN) ~ OF THE COSMIC ENERGY INNER REFRACTION TO (+) AND (- ), RENN Saal cL kena REFRACTION (+) Ee Be Seay an Perec e TOROIDAL Gaunt rere THE OTHER, THAT rat iia eda FREQUENCIES VIBES OF COSMOS

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