Valve Spring

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Design valve spring for automobile engine


Instructor: Dr.Iyad Assaf Mohammad Aryan 11926762

Maen Shalabi 11821206

Table Of Contents

Abstract .........................................................................................................................3
Introduction and Theory .............................................................................................3
Stresses in Helical Springs .....................................................................................3
The Curvature Effect ............................................................................................. 4
Compression Springs ............................................................................................. 4
Spring Materials .....................................................................................................5
Procedure ......................................................................................................................7
Results and Discussion .................................................................................................7
Sample of calculation .............................................................................................7
Conclusions ...................................................................................................................9

This project involves the design of a valve spring for an automobile engine, adhering
to specific technical requirements. The valve spring must support maximum and
minimum forces of 55 N and 45 N, respectively. The design constraints include an
outer diameter not exceeding 35 mm and an inner diameter greater than 20 mm. The
spring index is required to fall within the range of 8 to 12, and the number of coils
should be between 10 to 15 turns. These specifications aim to ensure optimal
performance and compatibility with engine components.

Introduction and Theory

A spring is defined as an elastic body, whose function is to distort when loaded and to
recover its original shape when the load is removed. In general, springs may be
classified as wire springs, flat springs, or special-shaped springs, and there are
variations within these divisions. Wire springs include helical springs of round or
square wire, made to resist and deflect under tensile, compressive, or torsional loads.
Flat springs include cantilever and elliptical types, wound motor- or clock-type power
springs, and flat spring washers, usually called Belleville springs.

Stresses in Helical Springs

Figure (1a) shows a round-wire helical compression spring loaded by the axial force
F. We designate D as the mean coil diameter and d as the wire diameter.

Figure (1a)
Axially loaded helical spring

At the wire section, there will be shear force F and torque T where � = � �
, so the shear act on the wire section

�� �
 ��� = +
� �

The Curvature Effect

The curvature of the wire increases the stress on the inside of the spring but decreases
it only slightly on the outside. This curvature stress is primarily important in fatigue
because the loads are lower and there is no opportunity for localized yielding. For
static loading, these stresses can normally be neglected because of strain-
strengthening with the first application of load.

4� + 2
�� = �� 1.1
4� + 3

These is called the Bergstrasser factor

Compression Springs

The four types of ends generally used for compression springs are illustrated in Fig.
(1). A spring with plain ends has a noninterrupted helicoid; the ends are the same as if
a long spring had been cut into sections. A spring with plain ends that are squared or
closed is obtained by deforming the ends to a zero-degree helix angle. Springs should
always be both squared and ground for important applications, because a better
transfer of the load is obtained.

Figure (2)
Types of ends for compression springs: (a) both ends plain;(b) both ends squared;
(c) both ends squared and ground;(d) both ends plain and ground.

Table (1) shows how the type of end used affects the number of coils and the spring

Table (1)

Formulas for the Dimensional Characteristics of Compression-Springs.

(Na = Number of Active Coils)

Spring Materials

Spring materials are manufactured using either hot- or cold-working processes,

depending on factors such as material size, spring index, and desired properties.
Designers have a wide range of materials to choose from, including plain carbon
steels, alloy steels, corrosion-resistant steels, and nonferrous materials such as
phosphor bronze, spring brass, beryllium copper, and various nickel alloys.

The tensile strength of these materials can vary significantly with wire size, making it
difficult to specify until the wire size is determined. Additionally, the choice of
material and its processing method also influence the tensile strength.

Table (2)

Mechanical Properties of Some Spring Wires

Table (3)

Maximum Allowable Torsional Stresses for Helical Compression Springs in Static



1. For the given application, the spring is designed to handle a maximum force of
55N and a minimum force of 45N. It has an outside diameter of 30 mm and an
inside diameter of 24 mm, the spring index, defined as the ratio of the mean coil
diameter to the wire diameter, is 10. Additionally, the spring comprises a total of
8 coils.

2. Determine wire diameter (d)

3. Select a suitable spring material and find out ultimate tensile strength (Sut) from
the data Calculate the permissible shear stress for the spring wire by following

relationship: ��� = ��� = (����� 10 − 6) × ���

4. Calculate the Bergstrasser factor by the following Eq 1.1

5. Determine mean coil diameter By the following relationship

6. Decide the style of ends for the spring

7. Determine the number of active coil the modulus of rigidity for

8. Determine the number of inactive coils and active coils

9. Determine the solid length of the spring

10. Determine the actual deflection

Results and Discussion

Sample of calculation

The material chosen for the spring is music wire, specifically ASTM A228.
E = 203.4Gpa G = 82.7Gpa
���� − ��� 30 − 24
�= = = 3��
2 2
��� = 0.148 = 1879.2���
��� = 0.45 × 1879.2 = 845.64���
��� 1879.2
�= = = 2.22
��� 845.64
� = ���� − � = 30 − 3 = 27��

� 27
= = 9
� 3
4×�+2 4×9+2
�� = = = 1.15
4×�+3 4×9+3

�4 × � 3× 10−3 4 × 82.7× 109

�= = = 5316.43�/�
8 × �3 × �� 8 × 27× 10−3 3 × 8
Δ� �� 55−45
�= �� = �� = = 1.88��
�� � 5316.43

the types of ends for springs: square and ground

���� 55
���� = = = 10.34��
� 5316.43
����� ����� �� = �� + 2 = 8 + 2 = 10
����� �����ℎ �� = � × �� = 3 × 10 = 30��
���� �����ℎ �� = ���� + �� = 10.34 + 30 = 40.34��
�� − 2� 40.34 − 2 × 3
����ℎ � = = = 4.3��
�� 8
�� 2(� − �)
�� <
 2� + �
�27 2(203.4 − 82.7)
40.34 <
0.5 2 × 82.7 + 203.4
40.34�� < 137.25�� No Buckling occur

Fig3: spring for automobile engine

The designed spring effectively meets the specified application requirements,
handling a maximum force of 55N and a minimum force of 45N. With an outside
diameter of 30 mm, an inside diameter of 24 mm, and a spring index of 10, the design
comprises 8 coils.

The wire diameter was calculated to align with the mechanical specifications. A
suitable material was selected, and its ultimate tensile strength (Sut) was determined.
The permissible shear stress was then calculated to ensure safe operation within
material limits.

The Bergstrasser factor was evaluated to account for stress concentration effects. The
mean coil diameter was established to optimize mechanical properties. The end style
of the spring was chosen to ensure functionality and reliability.The number of active
coils was determined, and the modulus of rigidity was considered for proper
deflection and load-bearing capacity. The number of inactive and active coils was
accurately defined to predict the spring's behavior under load. The solid length was
calculated to prevent exceeding material limits when fully compressed. Finally, the
actual deflection under specified loads was determined, confirming the spring's

Overall, the spring design process was meticulously executed, ensuring durability and
effectiveness for the intended application.

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