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1. Consider the following statements : 1. India Bangladesh Sunder bans Ecosystem forum was launched recently 2. The project was funded by Asian Development Bank and will be executed over five years. Which of the above statement is / are wrong ? (a) 1 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (b) 2 only which Country is building this Zangmu dam ? (a) Pakistan in Pok (b) Pakistan with the help of China assistance (c) Bangladesh on the Brahmaputra river (d) China on the Brahmaputra River. 7. Consider the following Statements : 1. The Economic and social survery of Asia and the Pacific 2010, an annual Publication of the United Nation Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific released stated that 62% of the words Population lived in this region. 2. The report finds that the regions developing economies Forecast to grow by 7% led by China 9.5% and India 8.3% . Which of the above statements is / are Correct ? (a) 1 only (c) Both 1 and 2 8. (b) (d) 2 only Neither 1 nor 2.

(d) Neither 1 nor 2.

2. Which of the statement is wrong ? (a) In Kyrgyzstan the U.S. military base is at manas which become one of the focal pointsfor transporting American troops and equipment to Afganistan. (b) In Kyrgyzstan, Russia also has amilitary base at kant. (c) Tulip Revolution of 2005 was related with the Kyrgyz political movement. (d) Dushanbe is the Capital of Kyrgyzstan, and its new President is Roza outnbayeva. 3. The 47 Countries attended the two meet fornuclear Security summit at Washington. The next meeting in 2012 will be held in (a) New Delhi (c) Tokyo 4. (b) Islamabad. (d) Seoul

Pakistan has objected over the Indias 330 MW Kishanganga hydroelectric project in kishanganga river, Kishanganga is a tributary of which river ? (a) Jhelum (c) Chenab (b) Indus (d) Non of the above

The Recent Conference on Disarmament and non Proliferation which held in (a) Tehran (c) Colombo (b) New Delhi (d) Dhaka

9. MONUC is recently in news. This is related with (a) This is a peace keeping force of United nation deployed in congo. (b) This is a peace keeping force of united Nation deployed in Democratic Republic of congo. (c) It is a rebal group of Congo which recently attacked the UN Peace keeping force that lead to the death of one Indian Solider. (d) None of the above. 10. Recently President Pratibha patel dedicated an IndianStyle temple in the town of Luoyang to the friendship between the people of India and the people of which country ? (a) Vietnam (c) Cambodia (b) China (d) Laos.

5. Consider the following statements : 1. Article VI of the NPT Calls for disarmament, but there is no time frames have been fixed within its framework to achieve this. India, Iran, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea are not the member of NPT. Which of the above statement is correct ? (a) 1 Only (c) Both 1 and 2 6. (b) 2 Only (d) Neither 1 nor 2


Recently India has raised its objection over the construction of the zangmu dam. In this Context



11. Math the following List I (Hydel Project) A. Uri- II (240 MW) B. Nimoo Bazgo (45 MW) C. Chutak (44MW) A (a) (b) (c) (d) 1. 2. 1 3 2 1 B 2 2 3 3 C 3 1 1 2 List II (River) 1. Jhelum 2. Suru 3. Indus.

Which of the above Statement is/ are correct ? (a) 1 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (b) 2 only (d) Non of the above.

16. India bid for a stake in the Sakhalin 3 oil and gas project.It is in which country ? (a) Russia (c) Iran (b) Ukraine (d) Venezula

17. Which of the following statement is wrong (a) In L Aquilla in 2009 the G-8 Countries agreed to implement a ban on the sale of enrichment and reprocessing (ENR) equipment and technology to countries like India. (b) Among Indias Nuclear partners, only Russia has given a commitment to provide India ENR equipment. (c) This ban is in Contrast to the 2008. 46member NSG relaxation for India. (d) Hungary, Currently Chair the Nuclear Supplying Group. 18. Recently an Indian has been nominated as the U.N. Speical Rapporteur our on the right to education he is : (a) Kishore Singh (b) Ramsharan Singh (c) Jaswant Singh (d) Alvir Singh 19. The recent G 8 Summit was held in which Country ? (a) Canada (c) New Zealand (b) USA (d) Australia

12. Consider the following statements : TAPI gas pipeline is assited by the Asian Development Bank. Turkmenistan is the only Central Asian Countries which is not part of the shanghai Cooperation organisation. Which of the above statement is Correct ? (a) 1 Only (b) 2 Only

(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2. 13. Which of the given statement is wrong (a) Under the 1960 Indus water treaty, Pakistan has exclusive right over three of the common rivers Indus, Jhelum and Chenab. (b) While India has exclusive right over sutlej, Ravi and Beas. (c) World Bank has the role of Neutral arbitrator, Under the Indus water treaty, in the disputes between the two countries. (d) Recently Pakistan withdraw its objection to the construction of Indias Kishanganga Project. 14. Recently with which European Country India Sign Social Security Pact ? (a) Poland (c) Germany (b) U.K. (d) Czech Republic

20. Which countries Parliament is Known as thestate Great hural ? (a) Tajakistan (c) Kyrezstan (b) Mangolia (d) Serbia

21. The International Commission on Nuclear Non Proliferation and Disarmament Panel Concerned at Exemption for India by NSG for Indias Nuclear Programmes. This Panel was set by the Governments of : (a) Norway and finland (b) Pakistan and China (c) Australia (d) Australia and Japan 22. Consider the following Statements : 1. Britain is to review $250 million annual development assistance to India. Because India is spending millions on its nuclear programme.

15. Consider the following statements : 1. 2. Flight 182(Air India) Nicknamed Emperor Kanishka was blown up by Sikh terrorist On June 23, 1985, Recently John Major Commission of enquiry said that the Canadian Government was responsible for failing to act upon Credible information indicating that the attack was imminent.



Questions 28. Which of the statement is wrong ? (a) India has built Zaranj Delaram road in Afganistan. (b) India has proposed to expanding the capacity of the chabar port in Iran.That India is using for transit of goods to Afganistan. (c) India has recently gave $ I billion credit facility to Bangladesh (d) The amount will be released through state Bank of India. 29. Which of the statement is correct ? 1. India and Switzerland signed a protocol to the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement that would enable the government get information about some of the wealth illegally stashed away in Swiss banks. This agreement is in accordance with the organisation for Economic Cooperation and development (OECD). Standards. (a) 1 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (b) 2 only (d) Neither 1 nor 2

2. India is the Single Largest recipient of British overseas aid. Which of the above statement is / are wrong ? (a) 1 only (b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Non of the above 23. State Bank of India and the state General Reserve Fund of which country has signed an agreement to set up a joint investment fund with an initial Corpus of $ 100 million for picking up equity in Indian projects. (a) UAE (c) Oman (b) Singapore (d) U.K.

24. India has recently Purchased 57 Hawk Advanced Jet Trainer aircraft to the Indian Air Force and the navy from which Country ? (a) Russia (c) USA (b) England (d) France


25. Which country is now chairing the Association of southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN). That country has Invited India to the ASEAN + 8 Defence ministers meeting. The 10 Member ASEAN will be Joined by Australia, China. India, Japan New Zealand, Russia, South Korea, and the U.S.A. (a) Vietnam (c) Myanmar (b) Thailand (d) Indonesia

30. Consider the following statements 1. The Archaeological Survey of India is providing assistance in the restoration of the 6th Century temple Complex of vat phou in the Province of Champassak (Cambodia)

26. Consider the following Statements : 1. Pursuant to Article 6 (iii) of the bilateral 123 Agreement on Civil nuclear Cooperation, India and U.S.A. Signed the accord for reprocessing spend nuclear fuels

2. This pre- Ankorian Site, established by the Khmer rulers, was designated a UNESCO world Heritage site in 2001. Which of the above Statement is wrong ? (a) 1 only (b) 2 only

2. Indias target was to increase the installed Capacity more than Seven fold to 35,000 MWe by the year 2022 and to 60, 000 MWe by 2032. Which of the above Statement is Correct. (a) 1 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (b) 2 only (d) Neither I nor 2.

(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 Nor 2. 31. Recently India has Prouided $ 15 million credit to which country for the completion of the stung Tassol water Development Project. (a) Laos (c) Cambodia (b) Vietnam (d) Myanmar.

27. In an effort to end the stalemete in Nepal over the election of a new Prime minister, India has Sended? (a) Shiv Sankar Menon (b) Shyam Saran (c) K. Radha Vinod (d) K.K. Menon.

32. Which of the statement is wrong ? (a) Recently India and Japan have their first armyto army talks. (b) Japan becomes the ninth country with which Indian Army has bilateral dialogue the other countries are Australia, Bangladesh, France, Israel, Malaysia, Singapore, US, and U.K.



(c) India has recently decided to Supend defence exchanges with china following Chinese refusal to allow Lt. Gen. S. Jaswal to Join military delegation for a high level visit. (d) India has a largest fleet of Mikoyan helicopters, Which India buy from France. 33. The recent Eighth Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) Summit was held in : (a) Brussels (c) Amsterdam (b) Paris (d) Berlin

39. Which of the following statements is incorrect ? (a) Recently America has decided to Support Indias membership in the NSG, the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) the Australian Group and the wassenaar Arrangement . (b) The current membership rules of the NSG, though not formally stated, require adherence to the nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty or a regional Nuclear weapons free zone (Which in turn requires NPT Membership). And the same treaty requirement applies in the case of the MTCR and the wassenaar arrangement. A Cartel of 40 states which governs the Export of Conventional weapons and dual use goods and technologies. (c) The MTCR deals the export of missiles with a range less than 300km. (d) Australian groups regulator the export of materials that could be used for manufacturing chemical and biological weapons. 40. Consider the following statements : 1. Recently India has been elected to the 16 member Advisory committee on Administrative and budgetary Question (ACABQ) that Control the purse strings of the U.N. India has got highest number of vote in this election: Which of the above statement is / are Correct ? (a) 1 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (b) 2 only (d) Neither 1 nor 2

34. Consider the following statements: 1. The rational behind the setting up Asia Europe Meeting is to balance the relationship between the three engines of growth. The US and Europe have strong transatlantic links while the U.S. talks to Asia through Asia Pacific Economic Community. This was the missing link. The biennial Summit got off the ground in 1996 with Just the 10 nation ASEAN and the E.U. now on the Asian Side, it consists of the ASEAN Countries, the Republic of korea, China, Japan, India, Pakistan and Mongolia. Which of the following Statement is / are correct ? (a) 1 Only (c) Both 1 and 2 (b) 2 Only (d) Non of the above



35. The recent International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) Conference was held in : (a) Nepal (c) China (b) India (d) Bhutan

41. India and US Signed a memorandum of understanding on establishing and Operationalising a global diseases Detection Centre in ? (a) Washington (c) Bangalore (b) (d) New Delhi New york.

36. The recent Asean Defence ministers meeting Plus (ADMM +) was held in ? (a) Singapore (c) Jakarta (b) Hanoi (d) Seoul

42. Which of the statement is in Correct ? (a) India, U.S. sign MoU for global diseases detection. The agreement will Facilitate the development of human resources, both in epidemiology and research,enable Sharing of best practices for detection of and responses to emerging in infection. (b) The MoU. Would be implemented through the national centre for disease control (NCDC) US and the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) India. (c) There are Currently Six regional Centers across the world these are Guatemala, Kazakhstan, China, Thailand, Egypt and Kenya. India will host the Seventh.

37. India has recently signed a new social security agreement with which Asian Country? (a) South Korea (c) Vietnam (b) Japan (d) Singapore

38. Indra is a joint military exercise between : (a) India and France (b) India and China (c) India and USA (d) India and Russia


Questions (a) France (c) U.K. (b) (d) Australia USA.

(d) The Global Diseases Detection Centre will be establish in New Delhi. 43. Which of the following statement is incorrect ? (a) India has been elected to the board of a n e w U . N . agency to promote equality for Women. (b) UN women is the amalgamation of Differen united nations bodies focused on women. (c) It was created in 2010 to look exclusively atgender equality and empowerment of women. (d) It has 45 member executive board that theU.S.A. and Britain. in cludes

47. The Golan Heights, which remains occupied by Israel since 1967, is originally a part of which Country ? (a) Syria (c) Egypt (b) Lebenon (d) Palestine

48. Recently India has agreed to establish Border Haats with which one of its neighbour ? (a) Bangladesh (b) Nepal (c) Bhatan (d) Pakistan 49. BASIC is a group of large developing nations, it includes these following states (a) Brazil, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, India and Chin (b) Brazil, Australia, South Africa, India and China. (c) Brazil, south Africa, India and China (d) Non of the above 50. A T V host quits amid uproar over remark against Sheila Dikshist he belongs to (a) Australia (b) New Zealand (c) China (d) USA

44. Recently Jairas Ramesh Remark about Criminal gas Suzzlers This comment is towards ? (a) Germany (c) Pakistan (b) France (d) U.S.

45. The 10th Russia India- China (RIC) triangle meeting was held in ? (a) Sochi (Russia) (b) Wuhan (China) (c) Bangalore (India) (d) New Delhi (India) 46. The Nehru- Fulbright Educational Exchange Programme is between India and

1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (a) 49. (a) 10. (b) 11. (d) 12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (d) 15. (c) 16. (a) 17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (a) 20. (b) 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. (d) (d) (c) (b) (a) (c) (b) (d) (c) (b) 31. (c) 32. (d) 33. (a) 34. (c) 35. (a) 36. (b) 37. (a) 38. (d) 39. (c) 40. (c) 41. (b) 42. (b) 43. (d) 44. (a) 45 (b) 46. (d) 47. (a) 48. (a) 49. (c) 50. (b)







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