lvl99 FAQ and Clarification 3.3

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Version 3.

3 (Yurina | Saine | Yatsuha)

General Changes

Original lvl99
Two separated piles: one discard pile with face-up and face-down
a) one played pile with face-up cards, cards mixed together
b) one discard pile with face-down discarded cards
➔Put them together after flipping the played pile ➔Separate cards by orientation, then
and reshuffle (needs space for one more pile) reshuffle (fiddly)
Action card Utility card
Throughout card Full Power card
Special cards Ultimate cards
Flinch Stun
Unguarded Concentration
No Reaction Inevitable
Unavoidable Inescapable
Overwhelm Overkill
Terminal Limited
Full Power Full Force
General Notes
Card Draw If you have to draw cards during your turn, but your deck is empty, you get
Aura or Life damage like in the Start Phase.
Damage 0 damage still counts as damage
Discarding effects Usually happen face-up (s. clarifications)
Distance You can move Sakura from both sides of the board. Basically it’s a scale.
Enchantments If you play a Enchantment, while there are no Sakura in Shadow and your Aura
is empty, the Initialize effect happens immediately, then the Disenchant
effect happens and you discard the card.
End Phase You may discard to a Hand size of 0, 1 or 2
Inevitable The mentioned cards can’t be played as a Reaction against this card.
Negate/Cancel Read closely, if just the damage of an Attack card is cancelled, i.e. all other
effects still apply, or if the whole Attack card is cancelled.
Reactions You can only play one Reaction card per Attack of your opponent. Reaction
cards can’t be reacted to.
Timing The active player chooses the order of simultaneously happening effects

Yurina (Yurina Box)

Brandish If you get to Resolve by your opponent’s Reaction,

you get the Bonus Damage.
Ukifune Serene If your Life goes from 4 to 3 or less, you can ready it.

Version 3.3 (Yurina | Saine | Yatsuha)

Himika (Yurina Box)

Inferno Counting for Inferno: Playing cards from Hand, activating Ultimates. Trap cards
played in the Start Phase, negated Attack cards, cards activating other cards
(e.g. Shinra’s Citation) count both used cards

Not counting for Inferno: Cards used for General Actions

Magnum Cannon If you’re on 1 Life and put your opponent’s Life to 0, you win
Smoke You can move Sakura into distance, but not from distance

Tokoyo (Yurina Box)

Break Point You can choose cards from your played or discard pile (face-up/face-down from
your discard)
Eternal Moon If you are stunned, when using this card, you get 2 Vigor and remain stunned.

Oboro (Yurina Box)

Clarification You can use Full Power cards in Main Phase, although you used a Trap card in
the Start Phase
Reshuffle damage The Life damage happens after you have used Trap cards
Rush of Blades If you did 0 Aura damage to your opponent in the Start Phase (e.g. with a
Trap), the Bonus still applies.
Ninpo-Walk that(Typo) | Wording: If you use this card as a Trap, you may use another Trap
card from your played pile (face-down discard).

Yukihi (Yurina Box)

Clarification If her cards are copied, the „umbrella status“ of Yukihi’s player is checked
End Phase You switch your „umbrella status“ before discarding down.
Wield You may reveal this card even in the End phase, when flipping the umbrella card.

Shinra (Yurina Box)

Infer the Totality Divine: Can be used on your own UItimates only
Exaggerate Fiendish: …discard 2 face-up from their hand
Prove the Cosmos Ongoing: When one of your other Enchantments is Disenchanted…

Saine (Saine Box)

Manifold Slash If you lose Idea by your opponent’s Reaction,

you can’t use the After effect.
Discern Can’t be played against an inevitable attack
Rhythmic Arc Reactions can be played against its attacks

Version 3.3 (Yurina | Saine | Yatsuha)

Hagane (Saine Box)

Momentum • The first condition is: You didn’t attack this turn
Attacks in every Phase (e.g. Traps in Start Phase) still do count
If your attack is negated, it still does count against Momentum
Attack cards that fail by being out of range don’t count for Momentum,
when this isn‘t caused by an opponent’s Reaction (e.g. Overawe)
• The second condition is: Distance is at least 2 higher than at the beginning
of the turn
- Distance at the start of the turn is checked, before something in your Start
Phase happens (e.g. before gaining Vigor, draining Enchantments, discar-
ding Thallyas artificial sakura)

• Momentum is checked at the beginning of playing a card

Big Sky Crash If the distance is changed by a Reaction, damage is recalculated
Golden Wind The discard happens face-up
Big M. Respect Dupligears count as different cards

Chikage (Saine Box)

Poisons Poison cards are in the Poison Pouch (no Bonus card Area)

Poison cards can’t be discarded.

a) Hand: They still do count for hand size limit at End Phase.
b) Deck: They are ignored by discard effects and the cards below it are tar-
geted instead. If you reshuffle, shuffle deck and poison cards separately;
then put the poison cards on top of the deck.

Horobi Poison stays with your opponent and doesn’t go back into your Poi-
son Pouch

If you don’t play Chikage yourself, you can’t use Poison cards by copy effects
(e.g. Shinra)
Decapitation Discard happens face-up
Chikage’s Dark Path When the Ongoing effect is triggered (even by reshuffling), the Disenchant
effect doesn’t happen

Magnum Cannon‘s effect doesn’t count as damage

Ongoing Ultimate Disenchantments don’t count as Used

Version 3.3 (Yurina | Saine | Yatsuha)

Kururu (Saine Box)

Gear The effect is activated, when the matching card(sub)type-symbols are shown
Frame *in your played pile (face-up discard)
*your active Enhancements
*your used Ultimates

Cards can’t use their own cardtype-symbol for their Gear Frames

Cards can be played, although their Gear Frame effects aren’t active.

Gear Frame effects are mandatory

Kururu~n Effect 3: Your foe must discard 1 card face-up from their hand
Moduwu Typo: +you || If you use one card to activate another card (e.g. Shinra’s Citation),
you gain two free Basic Actions
Reflector You can play Reactions against Attacks, that were negated by Reflector
Big Golem Golem’s reshuffle effect happens before discarding down to hand size
Industria Industria really does sound overwhelming, but basically it allows you to seal one card
from your hand or your played pile (face-up discard) under it. For the whole fight In-
dustria will copy the sealed card as Dupligears, as long as Industria is Used (=face-up).
You don’t gain much by copying your sealed away card the first time, but you can
create up to three copies in one match.
Dupligear Normal card with the name Dupligear, while copying a card sealed under Industria it
gains the copied card’s type/subtype/text/range/damage/charge/goddess etc.

Thallya (Saine Box)

Artificial Sakura Artificial Sakura can’t be moved from Distance by Basic Actions
Burn Cards with Burn can’t be played, if you can’t Burn an Artificial Sakura

You must process Burn, even if your card is negated

Perform cavalry Perform cavalry is mandatory and only uses un-burned Artificial Sakura
Clarification Artificial sakura in distance are burned, before any other regular Start Phase
effects happen (=before gaining Vigor)
Julia’s Black Box It can be copied by Kururu’s Apparatus and will become Used, but Kururus player
won’t get a TransForm card

TransForms are in the Bonus Area, when not in use

Raira (Saine Box)

Voltage The effect is much easier than it sounds: Basically you can raise your green (wind)
or yellow (lightning) Gauge every time you play a face-up card, that isn’t already
turned sideways and belongs to another goddess than Raira. The sideways turn-
ing is just a reminder, which cards are already grounded, and the bullet points on

Version 3.3 (Yurina | Saine | Yatsuha)

Raira‘s character card just describe the time frames to ground the card, if you
nearly forgot to use them or wanted to hide from your opponent, which Gauge
you are going for…
Cycle of Rebirth You may use neither effect or both (not only one)

Utsuro (Yatsuha Box)

Ashes The state of Ashes can be changed during an attack (e.g. by Reactions) and
so damage and possibilities to react can change
Conclusion Its effect triggers after resolving After Attack effects

If the card Conclusion is triggered against Kumasuke, the basic damage and
one additional Attack are triggered, before the Main Phase ends.
Black Wave The discard effect is mandatory (Poison cards can be discarded) and will
even trigger on 0 Aura damage
Shadow Wings If used at Distance 9 the Distance becomes 11
Cremation Mantra If multiple Enchantments disenchant, the Sakura get moved to Shadow si-
multaneously (→harder to bypass Cr. Mantra‘s Disenchant)
Erosion Effect happens at the beginning of the Start Phase (before gaining Vigor)

Korunu (Yatsuha Box)

Freeze If your opponent copies a card with Freeze they may use the frozen tokens or

Full Aura means filled by Frozen and normal Sakura

Revolution Blade If Tobi-Kage is used against this, Rev. Blade is triggered twice: after the card
used by Tobi-Kage and then after Tobi-Kage
Upastum If your foe’s Aura becomes full by this card’s freeze effect, it doesn’t ready itself
Poru-char-to Disenchant: You have to pay its Flare cost to play it again

Yatsuha (Yatsuha Box)

Reflection Reflection can be a value between 0 and 3. You get 1 point of Reflection
per individual game area (i.e. Life/Aura/Flare), that matches the value of
the same area on your opponent’s game board (e.g. as both players start
at Life 10, Aura 3 and Flare 0, Yatsuha starts at Reflection 3).
Mirror Demon The After effect applies after you damaged your opponent, so you may win
with this card even being on 1 life yourself
Illusion Walk Distances can range from -1 to 11, but Distance can never hold more than
10 Sakura
Gift of Flowers This card’s Reflection value is calculated, when you play it (=Using cards
from your Aura as charge won’t change the Reflection value)
Two-Leaf Mirror DW Goddess specific traits and triggers are not copied
Four-Leaf Mirror NR If a Limited enchantment is “stolen“, the phase also ends

Version 3.3 (Yurina | Saine | Yatsuha)

Eight-Leaf Mirror AW Your card means a card, which you own (also works on Poison cards played
against you and your TransForm cards)

Hatsumi (Yatsuha Box)

Navigation • Headwind
- Your opponent did attack you on his last turn
- You negated your opponent’s attack on his last turn
• Tailwind
- First turn
- Your opponent didn’t attack you last turn
- Your opponent’s attack failed by being out of Range
• On your opponent‘s turn there is always a Tailwind, if your opponent
didn’t attack on your turn
Water Current Full Force: When Distance is at max. capacity, no more damage is done
Compass Example: Your Attack with Range 2-3 becomes a Range 2-3, 5 and your op-
ponent’s Range 4-7 becomes a Range 4, 6-7
Isana Sea „Then ready this card“ only happens on Headwind
Kalahari Lighthouse Effects and Conditions that do count for negated cards
• Inferno, Momentum, Burn, Voltage

Effects and Conditions that don‘t count or activate for negated cards
• Limited, Full Power, Full Force
• Enchantment: No Initialize, Disenchant or Ongoing effects
• Effects after a card is played (e.g. Moduwu) don’t activate
Miobiki Route Headwind: The discard happens face-up

Traits triggered every time Miobiki Route is used: Inferno, Voltage

Mizuki (Yatsuha Box)

Conscription Conscripted cards

- are not in your hand→can’t be targeted by discard effects
- stay face-down
- don’t gain Voltage
Unwavering The effect is lost, if Distance is changed anytime during the turn
Kodama Read the Kodama cards just as „non-Mizuki/other goddess“
Soldier Cards Soldier are not classified as Normal Cards
Spearman: Attacks don’t come from Mizuki (= Source is not specified)
Shield Bearer: Can be played against Inevitable [Normal]
Battleground „this turn“ means „each turn“
Damage-Bonus stays, when Distance is changed by a Reaction
Triple Turret Can’t be played, if you already attacked (e.g. in Start Phase)
War God The card is linked to Spiritual Gate Tatenashi
It loses the Bonus Damage, when Distance is changed by a Reaction
It can gain Voltage
Mizuki’s War Cry This card doesn’t work with Full Force effects.
Cards, which have lost their subtypes, don’t trigger Big Golem
Version 3.3 (Yurina | Saine | Yatsuha)

Honoka (Yatsuha Box)

Bloom The effect is optional

Reaction cards with Bloom can be played on your turn for the swap effect

Can’t be activated by using Citation on the opponent’s Honoka to let the

own Honoka use a Bloom effect

Dupligears can’t use the Bloom effect

Blooming Ultimates count for Drain Devil’s effect

Blossom Flurry Your opponent can choose options, which move no Sakura, because the
targeted zone is full (or empty)
A Bloom The Recover Basic Action in the top line can’t move Sakura onto this card
in each of the Hands

The Recover Action at the end of your Turn is mandatory and – if possible
– you have to choose an origin (Aura/Shadows), which moves Sakura

A new Act begins Areas are: Life (2*), Aura (2*), Flare (*2); Distance, Shadow; Deck (2*), Dis-
card pile (2*), Played Pile (2*), Hand (2*); Enchantments (2*), Ultimates
(2*); Outside of game
Unite beneath Discarded Enchantments can’t be chosen
this Banner If the chosen Enchantment is discarded (e.g. by a Reaction) damage is ap-
plied as usual
The Seasons turn Can’t discard Poison cards
Can’t use Recover, if transformed to YAKSHA
Conscription doesn’t activate this card
I walk on the Sky Path If there are Frozen Sakura in your Aura, the Sakura stay on this card

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