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# Demo lfn file

Global Constants

"# TStd defines the temperature at which ""Standard Volume Units"" are defined in
the units used in the sheet (This defines the temperature units used in this

TStd 60 degF

# Tabs defines the value to add to the temperatures used in the sheet to get to
absolute temperature

Tabs 460 deg

"# PStd is the pressure of ""Standard"" volume units in the pressure units used
throughout this sheet (This defines the pressure units used in this sheet)"

PStd 0 psig

# Pabs is the value to add to the pressures used in this sheet to get to absolute

Pabs 14.7 psi

#These next two just put the EU=; section in the description of the tags. They are
not used for any calculations

PressEU psia

FlowEU lbmol/hr

Pressure Node Design Pressure scale factor EULo EUHi RhogH

S_P_500psigStm 514.7 0.1 0.1

S_PI21127 170 0.1 0.1

S_P_Reactor02104 35 0.1 0.1

S_GFN_Boundary1 90 0.1 0.1

S_PI21655 184.7 0.1 0.1

S_P_Air 14.71 0.1 0.1

S_P_Atm 14.7 0.1 0.1

P_Comp_Disch 55 0.001 0.1

S_P_R02101 50 0.001 0.1

S_P_NG 55 0.001 0.1

S_P_V02147 48 0.001 0.1

P_TC02103_Suc 45 0.001 0.1

P_TC02103_Disch 16.4 0.001 0.1

S_P_Steam 185 0.001 0.1

S_PR21703_FG 70 0.1 0.1

S_PI21574_FG 68 0.1 0.1

S_PI21524_FG 68 0.1 0.1

S_P_H02104 16 0.001 0.1

S_P_H02103 16 0.001 0.1

S_P_Air_Boiler 60 0.001 0.1

S_P_Distribution 15.7 0.001 0.1

S_P_Bypass 15.8 0.001 0.1

S_P_J02101 14.8 0.001 0.1

S_P_J02305 15.2 0.001 0.1

S_PR21557 25.7 0.01 0.1

S_PR21507 25.7 0.01 0.1

S_CombAir_H04 20 0.001 0.1

S_CombAir_H03 20 0.001 0.1

S_P_E02301 40 0.1 0.1

P_B02302_Disch 75 0.1 0.1

S_P_Mixture 35 0.1 0.1

S_P_Cond 50 0.1 0.1

S_P_V02301 14.9 0.001 0.1

S_P_H02104_Stm 560 0.1 0.1

S_P_H02103_Stm 560 0.1 0.1

S_P_SteamProd 520 0.001 0.1

S_P_SteamSupply 510 0.001 0.1

S_PI21651 490 0.005 0.1

S_P_StmB 365 0.1 0.1

S_P_Turbine 400 0.1 0.1

S_P_450psigStm 465 0.001 0.1

S_P_170psigStm 185 0.01 0.1

S_P_Plt 400 0.1 0.1

S_P_Plt8 435 0.1 0.1

S_P_Ref 50 0.1 0.1

S_P_Ref2 50 0.1 0.1

S_P_60psigStm 75 0.01 0.1

S_P_Plt2_Stm 50 0.1 0.1

S_P_V50 17 0.1 0.1


Flow Tag Valve Tag UpStream P DownStrm P DesignValvePos FlowThruVlv

RatedFlow RatedDP Pump Curve Conditions DecPlaces


Flow_PC21127_Steam S_PX21127 S_P_500psigStm S_PI21127 50 1510

Flow_FR21141 S_P_500psigStm S_P_Reactor02104 50 500

Flow_FI21142 S_FX21142 S_PI21127 S_P_Reactor02104 50 450

Flow_FI21143 S_FX21143 S_PI21127 S_P_Reactor02104 50 720

Flow_FI21144 S_FX21144 S_PI21127 S_P_Reactor02104 50 170

Flow_FI21145 S_FX21145 S_PI21127 S_P_Reactor02104 50 170


Flow_OilFeed S_GFN_Boundary1 50 12242

Flow_PC21655_Steam S_PY21655 S_P_SteamProd S_PI21655 50 2464.98

Flow_FI21112 S_FX21112 S_PI21655 S_P_Reactor02104 50 1048.33

Flow_FI21128 S_FX21128 S_PI21655 S_P_Reactor02104 50 1416.65

Flow_FI21138 S_FX21138 S_PI21655 S_P_Reactor02104 50 500

Flow_FI21126 S_FX21126 S_PI21655 S_GFN_Boundary1 50 500

Flow_TotalFeed_RXTR S_GFN_Boundary1 S_P_Reactor02104 50 12242

Flow_Prd_RXTR S_P_Reactor02104 50 17178.98

Moles_Formed_RXTR S_P_Reactor02104 50 962


Flow_FR21053A_Air Comp_Speed S_P_Air P_Comp_Disch 50 21997

Flow_FR21056_Air S_TX21107 P_Comp_Disch S_P_Atm 50 4000

Flow_FR21053snort_Air FZ21053A_vlv P_Comp_Disch S_P_Atm 50

Flow_HX21065_Air HX21065_vlv P_Comp_Disch S_P_Atm 50 6000

Flow_Regen_Air P_Comp_Disch S_P_R02101 50 21997

Flow_FR21109_NG S_TX21101 S_P_NG S_P_R02101 50 0 400

Flow_V02147_Regen S_P_R02101 S_P_V02147 50 21997

Flow_FR21123_Stm S_TX21051 S_P_Steam S_P_V02147 50 391

Flow_PC21107_Regen S_PZR21107 S_P_V02147 P_TC02103_Disch 50 22388

Flow_PC21107_Bypass S_V02147Drain S_P_V02147 P_TC02103_Disch 50

Flow_PDC21108_Regen S_PZR21108 S_P_V02147 P_TC02103_Suc 50 22388

Flow_TC02103_Exp ExpTC02103_Speed P_TC02103_Suc P_TC02103_Disch 50 22388


Flow_H02104_In S_ZR21053B P_TC02103_Disch S_P_H02104 50 11194

Flow_H02103_In S_ZR21052 P_TC02103_Disch S_P_H02103 50 11194

Flow_PC21574_FuelGas S_PX21574 S_PR21703_FG S_PI21574_FG 50 300

Flow_PC21524_FuelGas S_PX21524 S_PR21703_FG S_PI21524_FG 50 242

Flow_FI21553_FuelGas S_FZR21553B S_PI21574_FG S_PR21557 50 300

Flow_FI21503_FuelGas S_FZR21503B S_PI21524_FG S_PR21507 50 242

Flow_H02104_FuelGas S_BurnerH04 S_PR21557 S_P_H02104 50 300

Flow_H02103_FuelGas S_BurnerH03 S_PR21507 S_P_H02103 50 242

Flow_FI21555B_Air S_FX21555 S_P_Air_Boiler S_CombAir_H04 50 10606

Flow_FI21505B_Air S_FX21505 S_P_Air_Boiler S_CombAir_H03 50 8620

Flow_H04Air S_H04Air S_CombAir_H04 S_P_H02104 50 4240

Flow_H03Air S_H03Air S_CombAir_H03 S_P_H02103 50 3450

Flow_H04_AirRegister S_H04_AirRegister S_CombAir_H04 S_P_H02104 50 6366

Flow_H03_AirRegister S_H03_AirRegister S_CombAir_H03 S_P_H02103 50 5170

Flow_FI21561_Stm S_FX21561 S_P_Steam S_P_H02104 50 12800
Flow_FI21511_Stm S_FX21511 S_P_Steam S_P_H02103 50 12800
Flow_H02104_Out S_XV21570 S_P_H02104 S_P_Distribution 50 22100
Flow_H02103_Out S_XV21520 S_P_H02103 S_P_Distribution 50 20056
Flow_H02104_Bypass S_XV21571 S_P_H02104 S_P_Bypass 50 20000
Flow_H02103_Bypass S_XV21521 S_P_H02103 S_P_Bypass 50 20000
Flow_FlueGas_Bypass S_XV21053 P_TC02103_Disch S_P_Bypass 50 25000
Flow_J02101_FlueGas S_ZR21051 S_P_Bypass S_P_J02101 50 40000

Flow_H02104_Bypass2 S_H04Bypass S_P_Distribution S_P_J02101 50 22100

Flow_H02103_Bypass2 S_H03Bypass S_P_Distribution S_P_J02101 50 20056

Flow_J02305_FG S_P_Distribution S_P_J02305 50 42156


Flow_H02104_Vap S_P_H02104_Stm 50 12940

Flow_H02103_Vap S_P_H02103_Stm 50 13030

Flow_FI21558_Stm S_FX21558 S_P_H02104_Stm S_P_SteamProd 50 5270

Fow_FR21560_Stm S_PX21563 S_P_H02104_Stm S_P_SteamProd 50 7670

Flow_FI21508_Stm S_FX21508 S_P_H02103_Stm S_P_SteamProd 50 5270

Fow_FR21510_Stm S_PX21513 S_P_H02103_Stm S_P_SteamProd 50 7760

Flow_Turbine_Stm S_TurbStm S_P_SteamProd S_P_Turbine 50 3330

Flow_Stm_Supply S_P_SteamProd S_P_SteamSupply 50 20000

Flow_FR21204_E04Stm S_P_SteamSupply 50 14060

Flow_Stm_Dist S_P_SteamSupply S_PI21651 50 34180

Flow_PC21651_Stm S_PX21651 S_PI21651 S_P_450psigStm 50 27723

Flow_450psig_Stm_Plt S_P_450psigStm S_P_Plt 50 22223

Flow_AM8S5000_Stm S_PX19105 S_P_450psigStm S_P_Plt8 50 5500

Flow_Stm_To_Plt8 S_P_Plt8 S_P_StmB 50 5500

Flow_PC21653_Stm S_PX21653 S_PI21651 S_P_170psigStm 50 6457

Pump_P23A_stm SR21651_vlv S_PI21651 S_P_60psigStm 25 3100

Flow_FR21654_Stm S_P_170psigStm S_P_Ref 50 215

Flow_AM2S5001_Stm S_P_170psigStm S_P_Ref2 50 2167

Flow_FR21653_Stm S_PX21652 S_P_170psigStm S_P_60psigStm 50 4000

Flow_Plt2_Stm S_Steam60psig S_P_60psigStm S_P_Plt2_Stm 50 889.31

Flow_FR21058_Stm S_PX21069 S_P_60psigStm S_P_Atm 50 3110.69

Flow_FR21605_Stm S_PX21604 S_P_60psigStm S_P_V50 50 3110.69

Flow_V50_Cond S_P_V50 50 3110.69


Flow_E02301_Ammonia S_P_E02301 50 20.46

Flow_PC23023_Ammonia S_PX23023 S_P_E02301 S_P_Mixture 50 20.46

Flow_B02302A_Air BlowerB02302A_Speed S_P_Air P_B02302_Disch 50 73.5

Flow_B02302B_Air BlowerB02302B_Speed S_P_Air P_B02302_Disch 50
73.5 Blower_B02302B
Flow_FI23022_Air P_B02302_Disch S_P_Mixture 50 73.5

Flow_Scrubber_AirAmmonia S_P_Mixture S_P_J02305 50 93.96

Flow_FR23024_Stm S_TX23026 S_P_170psigStm S_P_Cond 50 46

Flow_FR23023_Stm S_TX23023 S_P_170psigStm S_P_Cond 50 29

Flow_V02301_FGMixt S_P_J02305 S_P_V02301 50 42249.96

Flow_FGMixt_Exit S_P_V02301 S_P_Atm 50 42249.96


Driver FullAddress Description Type Value DecPlaces Mode CycleTime

EULo EUHi RawLo RawHi IOChar Algorithm Params


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