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Application Form for BS Synopsis

University of Sargodha.
Department (Faculty) Psychology
Scholar`s Name Fatima Awan
Father`s Name Azhar Saeed Awan
Program BS
Scholar`s ID BPYF19E014
Supervisor`s Name Ms. Anam Yousaf
Title of the Research Outcomes of Religious Emphasis in Adults

Report Period October 2021 - June 2022.

Introduction: Religious emphasis is described as the extent to which one’s parent emphasize the family religion as one was
growing up (Altemeyer, 1988). Religious commitment has been defined as the degree to which person adheres to his or her
religious values, beliefs, and practices, and uses them in daily living (Worthington et al., 2003). Religious orientation involves
presumptions about the existence and nature of God or gods, religious prescriptions about morality and communal and personal
spirituality. Such presumptions involve the study of psychology, ethics, sociology and anthropology (Allport & Ross, 1967).
Afterlife belief refers to people’s beliefs in a life after death, and it is also called literal immortality. Religion and religious
concepts determine the belief afterlife (Chaplin, 2000).
Aims & objectives: To develop an understanding of the relationship between these variables. To examine the predictive role of
religious emphasis on religious commitment, religious orientation and afterlife belief among adults. To check the influence of
demographic variables on focal construct of the study.
Plan of work: For this purpose, a cross-sectional research survey design will be used. The data will be collected from (N = 300)
adults using purposive sampling technique. All the scales in proposed research study will be self-report measures in Urdu
language including Religious Emphasis Scale (Altemeyer, 1988); Religious Commitment Inventory-10 (Worthington et al,
2003); Religious Orientation Scale (Khan et al., 2016) and Afterlife Belief Scale for Muslims (Ghayas & Batool, 2016) for
measuring religious emphasis, religious commitment, religious orientation and afterlife belief respectively.

Religious Commitment

Religious Emphasis
Religious Orientation

Afterlife Belief
Conceptual Framework
Facilities (available and required): The requirements are the availability of psychological measurement tools and psychological
Worthington, E., Wade, N., Hight, T., Ripley, J., McCullough, M., Berry, J., et al. (2003). The Religious Commitment Inventory-
10: Development, refinement, and validation of a brief scale for research and counselling. Journal of Counseling
Psychology, 50(1), 84–96.
Chaplin, S. (2000). The psychology of time and death. Ashland, OH: Sonnet.
Allport, G. W., & Ross, J. M. (1967). Personal religious orientation and prejudice. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
5, 432-443.
Altemeyer, B. (l 988). Enemies of freedom: Un-derstanding right-wing authoritarianism. San Fran- cisco: Jossey-Bass.

(Signature of the candidate).
Supervisor`s certificate: The synopsis for the BS (Hons.) research work is strongly recommended.
Date: ---------------------- ----------------------------
(Signature of the supervisor).
Chairperson`s comments: The case has been discussed in the meeting of the Board of Studies on ------------------- and
recommended for approval of the title ad name of supervisor.
Date: ----------------------- ------------------------------
(Signature of Chairperson)
Date: ----------------------- -------------------------------
(Signature of Dean of Faculty).

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