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longevity hedging de-risking

Summary administer than a buy-in, while buyouts

• Longevity swaps work as part of a wider package of hedging measures. don’t require the collateral arrangements
• Bulk annuities will continue to outpace longevity hedging as a de-risking solution. needed with a swap. The complexities
• North American pension schemes could pose a threat to reinsurance capacity. are manageable, as are the costs, but they
must be considered.”
This means schemes with a shrinking

The lifespan of deficit that have hedged their inflation

and interest rate risk via liability-driven
investment (LDI), and have moved out

longevity swaps
of risk assets, longevity hedging probably
is not the best way to go. Trustees in that
fortunate position are better off moving
to buy-in or buyout.
Gill Wadsworth explores trends within the longevity As noted, SHEPS converted from
longevity-only hedging to buy-in as its
hedging market, currently in the shadows of record buyout funding position improved, while Aviva
and buy-in transactions completed a £1.7 billion buy-in following

its earlier longevity swap.
ongevity swaps; the unloved place that merely deals with an ageing Of course, not all pension schemes
relation in the de-risking world. membership, seems inefficient. fit this mould, with plenty still being
While buyout and buy-in risk Aviva’s investment strategist in the desperately underfunded. In those
transfer deals enjoy record- global investment solutions team, Niren situations, investment strategies likely
breaking transactions almost every year, Patel, says: “While there is a lot of interest remain weighted towards growth assets
longevity swaps, when carried out in in longevity swaps, the work, complexity with little in the way of available cash to
isolation, trail behind. and cost involved means relatively few pay for bulk annuities.
Mercer’s 2019 Pension Risk Transfer schemes take this route. Buy-ins and Since the longevity hedge requires no
Market survey shows that – with the buyouts manage other risks as well as lump sum up front, it makes it a more
exception of 2014 when BT and Aviva longevity yet involve equivalent amounts accessible risk transfer option for the
completed £16 billion and £5 billion of work.” cash-strapped scheme.
respectively in longevity risk transfer Aon head of settlement risk, Martin
deals, and 2011 when three multi-billion A complex solution Bird, says: “The swap might be attractive
pound deals completed in the last two A longevity swap is, in theory, if you haven’t got sufficient low-risk assets
months of the year – schemes have straightforward. An insurer – or more and instead have a growth bias in the
consistently chosen buyouts and buy-ins likely a US-based reinsurer – with huge portfolio to address the deficit.”
over managing just their life expectancy amounts of morality risk on its balance At the other end of the spectrum,
risk [see chart]. sheet via life and other insurance healthy schemes may find it is more cost-
This year there was even a rare deal, contracts – needs something to manage effective to implement longevity swaps
which saw the £750 million Scottish its capital requirements. UK pension as part of a wider package of hedging
Hydro-Electric Power Scheme (SHEPS) longevity risk acts as a neat, if imperfect, measures, rather than fork out for bulk
convert from longevity swaps to a buy-in, hedge. Reinsurers are keen to do business annuities.
with industry commentators predicting in the UK since there is an abundance Independent trustee firm PTL’s
such conversions will become more of longevity risk dragging down UK managing director, Richard Butcher, says:
common place. pension scheme funding levels, which “A longevity swap costs less than a buyout
So, what is wrong with longevity means happy hedging partnerships are so it can be a more efficient way to cover
swaps that they feature so infrequently as easily formed. off that risk. If a well-run and well-
a de-risking option alone? The answer is However, what is easy in theory is funded scheme has a strong covenant it
in the name; they protect against one risk both complex and expensive to do in may be less cost effective to go to buyout
and one risk only: longevity. For trustees practice. than to pin down longevity alongside
grappling with all manner of threats to Hymans Robertson consulting other measures such as LDI and cashflow
their scheme funding, going through the actuary, Iain Pierce, says: “[Longevity driven investment (CDI).”
rigmarole of putting a swap contract in swaps] are normally more complex to Longevity swaps – as evidenced

74 December 2019

de-risking longevity hedging

this year by the £7 billion deal between – known as fully intermediated – means reinsurance model between 2009 and
the HSBC pension scheme and The that if the reinsurer goes bust the insurer 2019 and all have been in the past two
Prudential Insurance Company of is on the hook, but it also means higher years, each for a deal worth more than
America (PICA) – can also prove a fees for the scheme. £1.5 billion.
sensible option for the largest pension To bypass the cost, pension schemes A halfway house between fully and
schemes. can set up an insurer of their own to self-intermediated is the pass-through.
Patel says: “If you are a really big act as the intermediary. The problem is This sees the insurer retain its place as
scheme then maybe the longevity swap setting up this vehicle in the UK means middleman, but it does not take on the
is an easier route because trying to do a holding huge amounts of capital on risk of a reinsurer default; this cost is
buy-in or buyout at a huge size can be the books to meet the EU Solvency II borne by the scheme.
harder.” Directive rules.
Bird says: “Pension schemes setting A North American threat
Going offshore up insurance companies [in the UK] is Irrespective of the kind of model trustees
The HSBC deal was interesting for more not something we see because the huge favour, the capital constraints of insurers
reasons than just the size of the deal, capital requirements under EU laws and reinsurers is always relevant. Clearly
which was the second biggest in UK undermine the whole value of doing [the the attractive pricing points for buy-
history. It also used a captive insurance swap] in the first place. Instead they set in and buyouts in the past two years
structure. up captive structures which are offshore demonstrates a deluge of insurers – with
Under the guidance of consultant special purpose vehicles in capital light willing reinsures right behind them –
Towers Willis Watson and lawyers regimes that are there purely to work keen to offer de-risking solutions to the
Sackers, the scheme set up an HSBC- with the reinsurance.” nation’s DB plans.
owned captive insurer in Bermuda and However, taking this route presents Yet an interest in risk transfer from
onwards reinsurance to PICA. These its own challenges. schemes in North America could
structures – known as self-intermediated “[Captive insurers] are a complicated challenge the UK’s position as the
– are a means of reducing costs for the model to set up and not without risk recipient of affordable swap deals.
scheme by effectively cutting out the from introducing overseas legal and Pierce says: “Most reinsurers are
middleman. regulatory risks. There is definitely a cost/ based in the States and would rather
Since a quirk of law prevents schemes benefit analysis to be done,” Bird says. write US business if they could, but
doing business directly with reinsurers, To illustrate the complexities the demand isn’t there now. A material
they are obliged to have an insurance involved, there have been just five increase in US demand could have an
company act as go-between. This model recorded instances of a captive impact on the UK market.”
However, Bird argues that it is the
and Longevity
and Longevity
Market Volumes
Market 2005-
Volumes Nov Nov
2005- 2019)
2019) Canadian pension universe that poses a
real capacity threat.
“Looking at capacity, never mind the
US, Canada is a market where they do
have cost of living adjustment [inflation
increases] and their pensions look a lot
like the UK. That market is huge and is
moving towards de-risking,” Bird says.
Longevity hedging is a useful part of
the de-risking toolkit. It is crucial to buy-
ins and sits neatly alongside LDI and CDI
investment strategies. However, when
used in isolation, it will likely trundle
along in the shadow of its more popular
buyout and buy-in counterparts as a
long-term solution to the UK’s pension
risk problem.
Source: Written by Gill Wadsworth, a freelance
Source: 2019
* Note: figures reflect deals announced so far this year (to end Nov 2019) but do not include details of transactions not yet disclosed journalist
insurers (except where advised by Mercer); hence the total bulk annuity volume to date will be higher than illustrated.

* Note:
* Note: 20192019 figures
figures reflect
reflect dealsdeals announced
announced so farsothis
far year (to end
this year (to Nov 2019)
end Nov but do
2019) butnot
do include
not include
details of transactions
of transactions notdisclosed
not yet yet disclosed by insurers
by insurers (except where
(except advised
where by Mercer);
advised hence
by Mercer); the total
hence the total
bulk bulk annuity
annuity volume
volume to date
to date willhigher
will be be higher
illustrated. December 2019 75

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