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Gabbana is the world's largest exporter of iron ore.

Alohomora Ventures Private Limited is a significant player in the Gabbanian
iron ore export and supply industry.
Guyere Infrastructure Projects Limited is the largest commercial construction
company in Andalarra, which lacks natural iron ore reserves and relies on
importing resources from countries like Gabbana.
In 2018, Guyere and Alohomora entered into an Iron Ore Supply Contract.

Events Leading to the Dispute:

The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 caused disruptions to Alohomora's iron ore
mining operations, leading to default on export commitments and credit
Alohomora went through the Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP)
in Gabbana.
Guyere, not receiving iron ore from Alohomora, began importing from
Gothamworks Ltd. in order to continue its business operations.

Resolution Attempts:
In July 2023, the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal of Gabbana set
aside the CIRP Admission Order, indicating that Alohomora was no longer
undergoing insolvency.
Alohomora tried to reestablish its business relationship with Guyere as per the
2018 Iron Ore Supply Contract, but Guyere, satisfied with its new arrangement
with Gothamworks Ltd., refused to continue the contract.

Legal Actions:
Alohomora filed a Suit in the High Court of Bom Bahia, seeking specific
enforcement of the Iron Ore Supply Contract or damages for Guyere's alleged
breach of contract.
An Interim Application was filed seeking suspension of Guyere's new
contractual arrangement with Gothamworks Ltd. and the deposit of 50% of the
claimed damages.
Guyere contested the Suit, arguing that it was not maintainable due to a failure
to comply with Section 12A of the Commercial Courts Act. They also claimed
that the contract ceased to be in effect when Alohomora entered insolvency.

Guyere filed a Counter Claim against Alohomora, seeking damages for
Alohomora's alleged breach of the contract by failing to supply products within
the agreed timeline.

Current Status:
The High Court of Bom Bahia admitted the Suit and decided to hear the Suit,
Counter Claim, and Interim Application together.

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