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1.a.i) A single celled organism: Plasmodium (1)

ii) An autotrophic organism: Avocado tree (1)
b. Plasmodia cause Malaria, a disease of a human species (1)

2.a. A car keeps being a non-living thing because: (1 for each two)

 It can’t grow and develop

 It can’t reproduce and
 It is not sensitive
b. Viruses form a borderline btn living and non-living things because they
carry out life processes (growth, reproduction, excretion…) only inside
infected cells but out of cells, they can’t (they’re non-living) (1)

3.a. A cell is a functional and structural basic unit of life (1)

3𝑚𝑚× 1000
b. Estimated size of one onion cell= =6μm( micrometer) (1)

4. An example of: (1 for each)

a. Oviparous animal (egg laying animal): Frog, tilapia, chicken
b. Homeothermic animal (mammals & birds: cow, eagle, human being)
c. Animal with external fertilization (Amphibians & fish : frog, tilapia)
d. Animal with tracheal breathing: all insects: bee, fly)
e. Animal with pulmonary breathing: All terrestrial animals: cow, man)

5. a. A fish dies when it is removed from water because its breathing is done
through the gills (It has no lungs for ventilation) (1)
b. It is not advisable because they are responsible for obesity and cardio-
vascular diseases like atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis etc) (1)
c) They are given glucose instead of sucrose because digestion of glucose
(monosaccharide) is much easier and faster than that of sucrose
(disaccharide) (1)
d) Those birds jump/ hop because they have no movable joints in their
hind limbs. (1)
e) Nursery schools are supplied with milk because it is rich in proteins
which young children need for healthy growth and development. (1)

6.a. Mangifera indica (2)

b. With scientific names, it becomes easy for biologists to communicate
worldwide without any confusion about living things. (2)
c) i. A bee belongs to the: (3)

 KINGDOM: Animalia (animal)

 PHYLUM: Arthropoda (arthropod)
 CLASS: Insecta (insect)
ii) Bees play the role in pollination of flower bearing plants for sexual
reproduction (1)

7.a. External structure of the leaf: (2)

Lamina/ leaf blade Apex
Leaf vein Margin
Petiole/ leaf stalk
b. Adaptation of the leaf to photosynthesis: (2)

 It has a transparent upper epidermis for passage of light

 It is thin for easy diffusion of gases
 It has palisade, spongy and guard cells (photosynthetic cells)
 Its cells contain chloroplasts in which photosynthesis occurs.
 It contains vascular bundles (xylem & phloem) for transport
of mineral and organic sap
 It is wide to receive enough photons

8.i) The chocolate bar contained some starch and reducing sugars
(either glucose, fructose, galactose, maltose or lactose) (2)
ii) No, it is not. (1) It contains only carbohydrates (energy giving nutrients)
and no other food nutrients such as proteins. (2)

9.a. The process at A: Absorption/ osmosis (1)

B: Transpiration (1)
b. The tube c: xylem (1)
c. Root hairs are thin and fine to penetrate into the soil (1)
d) i. In order to reduce the rate of transpiration, xerophytes: (2)
 Possess few or no leaves at all
 ,, few stomata in leaves
 ,, long and extensive tap roots
 ,, spines/ thorns instead of leaves
 Shed their leaves in dry seasons
ii. A Potometer is an instrument for measuring the rate of
transpiration (2)

10.a. Starch would be absent in test tube C (1)

This is because in this test tube starch would be converted to
Maltose by salivary amylase (2)
b. Other test tubes still contained some starch because in them,
conditions for digestion of starch to maltose were not favourable:
 In A: The highest temperature of 50oC denatured amylase hence
no digestion of starch
 In B: The acidic medium also denatured amylase that normally
works best in PH≥7 (2)
11.a. Carbohydrates are grouped as: ( 6)

 Monosaccharides: are simple and sweet sugars

Eg: glucose, fructose, galactose
 Disaccharides: are made up of two monosaccharide
Eg: saccharose, maltose, lactose
 Polysaccharides: are polymers of monosaccharides
Eg: starch, glycogen, cellulose
b. Sucrose is a non-reducing sugar because it can’t reduce the blue
Cu(II) of CuSO4 into orange-red/ brick red Cu(I) of Cu2O (2)

12.a. The carrier proteins take substances from one side of cell
membrane and transport them across. (2)

b. (3)
Active transport Passive transport

It requires energy It requires no energy

It is against concentration It follows conc.gradient
It moves sbces from low to Sbces are moved from high
high concentration to low concentration
It consists of endocytosis and It consists ot osmosis and
exocytosis diffusion

C. The rate of active transport may be influenced by any factor

That affects energy production including: (3)

 Temperature
 Concentration of oxygen
 Concentration of glucose
 PH and enzyme inhibitors
d. Passive transport is applied in: (2)
 Absorption of water from soil by roots of plants
 Reabsorption of useful sbces along the nephrons in kidneys
 Movement of water btn adjacent cells
 Gaseous exchange in the leaf through stomata

13.a. Photosynthesis is a process by which green plants use light

energy to make organic sbces from mineral substances (2)
b. Factors that may decrease photosynthesis rate(PR) are: (3)
 Low temperature or higher temperature beyond optimum
 Low concentration of CO2 in air
 Bad chlorophyll quality (chlorophyll b)
 Decreased light intensity
 A Plant being old or having narrow leaves
 Low concentration of water in the soil
𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦
c. 6H2O(l)+ 6CO2(g) C6H12O6(s) + 6O2(g) (2)

d. If there were no photosynthesis, there would be: (3)

 Lack of food for all living things
 Lack of oxygen and respiration would not be possible
 Ozone would not be formed resulting to the increased cancers, eye
problems and death of planktons
 Sources of energy (petroleum & coal) would not be available
 Air would not be filtered leading to global warming, respiratory
problems, acid rain etc
Amount R. sugar product
14.a. 35
2 4 6 8 10
b. In acidic medium (PH≤4) amylase enzyme is denatured/ inactive
The activity of amylase increases with the increase of PH up to
7 where its activity is maximum. (3)
c. The most suitable PH=7
d. Factors that can denature an enzyme: (3)
High temperatures beyond optimum, change of optimum PH
and presence of non-competitive inhibitors
15.a. A
D (3)

b. A: secondary consumer D: Producer (4)
B: Primary consumer E: Secondary or tertiary cons.
c. The top carnivore: G (1)
d. A food chain: (1)

 D B A E
 D B E G
 D C E G
e. Energy pyramid: (1)
16.a. As plant cells, they have: (2)
A central vacuole
A lateral nucleus
A cellulosic cell wall
b. A B (1)

c. Animal cells burst because they have no cell wall to resist to the
high osmotic pressure as plant cells do. (2)
d. i. Steps are: (4)
 Collection of materials/ requirements
 Setting procedure / method to use
 Making observation and
 Concluding/ explaining the results of observation
ii. Osmosis is a net mvt of water from hypotonic sln to the
hypertonic sln through a semi-permeable membrane. (2)
iii. After one hour :
The level of sucrose sln in the capillary tube decreased
and that of sucrose sln in the beaker raised/ increased. (1)
iv. As 20% sucrose of the beaker was hypertonic to the 5% sln
of dialysis (hypotonic), the hypertonic sln attracted the
hypotonic sln of dialysis by osmosis resulting into the
raising of sln of beaker and decrease of that of dialysis (3)


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