Little Song of Pain

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Barista Babes
Trigger Warnings

The Barista
1. Songbird
2. Chicken Wings
3. Birds of a Feather
4. Thighs and Breasts
5. Bone In
6. Crispy
7. Raw
8. Dipping Sauce
9. Fly
10. Claws
11. Ashes
12. Deep Fried
13. Free As a Bird
14. One Month Later

A Note from the Barista

Clio’s Creatures

Thank you so much to Erica Cooke for being my amazing editor! You have been truly amazing and I
love you dearly! Thank you for your support on this monster filled adventure.
Follow @first_books_then_coffee on Instagram, she’s awesome!
Also, thank you Morris for always being my first reader, for reminding me that not all of my
characters need blue hair, and for listening to me talk about knotting and vore with a straight face.
Love you :P



“YOU LOOKED BETTER when you weren’t worried about humans,” Icarus snorted, leaning back in the
It was early in the morning, and the two of us were sitting at my favorite table next to the window.
Creature Cafe was bustling, but we weren’t to be bothered, and our words would not be heard.
Icarus raised a dark brow at me. He was in his full human form, one that was even better put
together than my own. He was dressed in a tailored steel-gray suit with a navy tie and a white
undershirt, his black hair short but styled. He had a watch on his wrist, one that told me more about
the money my friend made versus the actual time.
The contracts were on the table, the ones that we had made the vampire coven sign.
“I did you a favor,” Icarus said, leaning in closer.
I blinked.
How many times had I heard that? Creatures asking me for favors or calling on one from me as a
return for some strange thing I did for them long ago.
I narrowed my gaze on him. “You’re kidding me, right?”
He stared at me for a moment, and his lips pulled into a small smile. “It’s not for me. But yes, I
need your ability to matchmake. My brother, Dalus, he needs a mate. Do you know how our kind
“I do,” I said sourly. “I do, and I’m trying to imagine how I’m supposed to find an indestructible
fireproof human that can handle both of you.”
Icarus snorted and leaned back, crossing his arms. “Not indestructible. The mating bond will
make them fireproof and all of the lovely things Phoenix shifters are. And I said for him, not me.”
This time I crossed my arms, giving him the same salty look he was giving me. “Icarus, you know
I respect you, but I think it’s a terrible idea for me to give anyone a mate right now. Lucifer is going to
be back in less than a year now. The months are slipping past me like sand in an hourglass. I can’t
protect everyone, even with how powerful I am. And, I’m leaving later this week for a vacation.”
“I told you that you should have made him sign a contract,” Icarus sighed, ignoring everything but
the Lucifer part.
“As if Lucifer would have,” I muttered. “Not everyone is a lawyer. I remember the days when you
were just a boy.”
“Yes, and those days are long, long gone. Are you going to help me or not?”
“Of course,” I sighed. “But I need to hear from Dalus that this is what he wants.”
“It is,” Icarus growled. “I’m the one that doesn’t want this.”
“Sure,” I snorted, standing up. The chair screeched as I leaned down to gather the contracts. “I’ll
leave the two of you a voicemail. I will pair you with someone, but I will not be here to deal with the
damage. I need a break, Icarus. I have things I need to go do.”
“Like bang your waitress,” he teased, rising with me.
Heat spread through me, the kind of heat that made me want to rage.
Icarus snatched the papers from me with a hiss. “Fuck, don’t burn these. I’m just teasing you,
“Well, I’d advise you not to unless you want to end up like that vampire’s mate,” I snapped,
turning to walk through the cafe.
For a moment, I thought he’d follow me, but he knew better. I passed the bar, slipping past the all
too observant Quinn. She gave me a knowing look before continuing to make drinks, knowing better
than to say anything.
I really liked her with Luna and Al. She was a fresh reminder that monsters and humans could be
together happily, that the world wasn’t as dark as it used to be.
I slipped back into my cooler, the only place that could cool me down. I shut the door behind me,
just in time for it to immediately open back up.
Trixie slipped in and then stopped. “Oh, sorry. I have to grab milk,” she said quickly.
We stared at each other for a few moments, and I felt the first wave of unquenchable desire burn
through me.
Fuck. I could see the warm glimmer of her soul…
I wanted to devour it.
“Send Quinn instead. I don’t want to be around you,” I snapped.
I saw the flash of hurt, Trixie’s expression twisting. “Oh, okay,” she whispered.
I was gutted as she fled, slamming the cooler door shut.
I drew in a shaky breath, trying to steady myself.
This feeling wasn’t right, and I couldn’t put her in danger. She couldn’t be with me. I could never
be with her. A human had no place with the Grim Reaper.
The cooler door flew open, and I was met with a very angry Quinn.
“What the fuck did you just say to her?!” Quinn yelled.
“Get the milk,” I growled, “and then leave me alone.”
Quinn snatched the milk from the shelf, unscrewed the lid, and then splashed half of the gallon
onto me.
“Maybe that’ll help you cool down,” she yelled. “Don’t ever make her cry again, you stubborn
broody tattooed bean roasting moron!”
Milk now dripped down into my beard, and I wiped my face, trying to control my rage.
“Out,” I snarled. “Now.”
She flipped me off and then slammed the door shut, leaving me alone to brood in my cooler while
covered in milk.
“Fuck,” I sighed.
How could any monster come to me for a mate when I couldn’t even begin to handle my own?


I settled into my seat just as the man in the corner of Creature Cafe started to play his set. My friend
Ella wiggled her eyebrows at me as she took a seat, grinning like a fool.
“He’s pretty good,” she whispered.
“Shush,” I hissed, because her whisper was loud enough for everyone to hear.
The cafe hummed quietly as his music surrounded us, and I found myself turning to really watch.
I’d been invited here by the Barista for a date with a monster.
That sounded crazy, which was why my friend decided to play wingman. Ella was my best friend,
one that would commit murder for me and one that sure as hell wasn’t going to let me go on a hot
monster date alone.
I felt hot now, which was unusual given that it was still cold outside. We were halfway into
February and finally past National Remember You’re Single Day, so I could at least tell myself that
whatever date this was— it was not because of Valentine’s.
“I’m going to get us coffee and some muffins,” Ella said, winking at me.
I didn’t know if I should sigh or laugh at her as she jumped up and weaved through the tables for
the bar. The cafe was packed, the set up different so that everyone could watch him.
I twisted in my seat to stare, my pulse racing.
He wasn’t a man, I realized. Whatever he was, he was emanating heat from his little corner. He
held a cherry red acoustic guitar and wore a black button-down, black jeans, and leather boots with
white stitching. There was a chain around his neck with a small lock that glistened in the mood
lighting. His head was tilted down as he fingered the strings, plucking them with a skill that made me
wish I was the instrument.
He lifted his head, his eyes searching the crowd and landing on me. Fire filled me, and I gasped,
clenching my thighs together.
What the fuck was happening?
I immediately stood up, bumping the table. I could feel his eyes follow me as I moved across the
cafe, running straight to the back.
I went past the minotaur blowjob painting, giving it a second WTF glance, and then stopped
before running through the bathroom door— met with my new friend Quinn. We had met a few trips to
the coffee shop back, and I had slowly found myself being more and more drawn to her as a friend.
She was frowning, concerned.
“Are you okay, Melody?”
“I just feel weird,” I whispered, “I’m fine.”
She raised a brow, and the longer I stood there, the longer I found it hard to concentrate. The
super sexy fire-between-your-thighs bard had started to sing, and I could feel my fucking nipples
“Okay, well, your date is finishing up his set, and then he should be able to join you,” she said,
giving me a knowing smile. “I’m sure it’ll be great. The Barista knows what he’s doing. I’m happy
with my mates.”
I blinked, giving her a deer in the headlights look. “The…the singer is my date?”
Quinn blushed, giving me a nervous laugh. “Shit, I probably wasn’t supposed to tell you. Oh well,
the Barista is off for a week. Somewhere in the tropics, I think. But yeah, I think he is. Is that okay? I
can intercept if you want. Al can kick him to the curb.”
Was it okay that he was my date?
Yes. No. Maybe. Actually, yes.
My thoughts ran through my head, and I drew in a breath, “I really have to go pee. I’ll be back.”
“Oh, sorry, I’ll leave you to it,” she chuckled. She winked at me, heading back towards the cafe
“Fucking hell,” I muttered, going into the restroom. I locked the door behind me and went to the
sink, cursing.
I looked up at the mirror, studying myself. My hair was a mass of tight black curls, my skin dark
and smooth. I was wearing magenta lipstick that contrasted nicely with my blue sweater. I felt nice,
ready to go on a date.
But I also felt like ripping my clothes off for the monster meant to be my date.
His muffled singing floated through the small room, and I listened, closing my eyes. He had a
beautiful voice, and the song was lovely too. There was a longing there, one that was deep and
Monsters and humans. It was the strangest thing to most people, like my friend Ella who only
knew about creatures because of me. But to me, it was normal. My family are all humans but had
always been involved with creatures for as long as anyone could remember. There was a picture of
my great grandfather somewhere shaking hands with the Barista before he was called the Barista.
The song ended, and I knew that I needed to get out of the restroom before someone else knocked.
I drew in a breath, steadying myself.
This would be a good date. A great date. One I would never forget.
I opened the door and stepped out without looking, running straight into a chest.
Hands shot out, gripping my hips to steady me. That familiar heat came crashing back as I looked
up into the eyes of the songwriter.
“Are you okay?” he growled.
He didn’t let me go, even as I started to pull away. His hands tightened for a moment, and I
realized that his mouth was almost touching my forehead.
“Let me go,” I whispered throatily, trying to reign in the inferno that was happening below.
“Is that what you want?” he asked, his tone dipping very low and very deep.
I shivered. My body said no. My body said to cave to this creature, monster, man… whatever he
“I thought I’d be able to restrain myself,” he murmured. “But I can’t. You’re the one. You can feel
the heat, right?”
“Yes,” I breathed. Behind the word was a soft whimper.
He reached past me, opening the bathroom door back up. The two of us stumbled back inside. I
heard the lock on the door click.
He turned, reaching for me. I gasped as he grabbed my hands, pinning me to the wall.
“Oh,” I gasped, my heart going wild in my chest. “Fuck. I’ve never done this before.”
“Sex?” he asked, his dark brows shooting up.
“No,” I rasped. “No. Like bathroom things.”
“I see,” he chuckled. He leaned in, his breath tickling my ear. “Spread your legs, songbird,” he
Songbird. My chest and pussy damn near exploded at the same time.
“Yes, sir,” I gasped, but then his grip on my hands tightened.
“Fuck. Call me that again,” he commanded.
“Sir,” I said, that uncontrollable fire filling every part of me now. “Fuck, what kind of monster are
“A phoenix,” he snapped. “Woman, you’re going to be the death of me. This is insane,” he
I started to argue, but then our mouths were together, and his knee was between my legs, giving me
something to grind on. I sucked in a breath as he gripped my hair, a moan escaping.
Fuck, he was a really good kisser.
He groaned, drawing back. Even he was breathless.
We studied each other like aliens. I looked down from his beautiful face to his chest, where his
necklace gleamed in the darkness. It was a chain with a key.
My memory felt fuzzy for a moment. I thought the singer had been wearing a lock.
“Tell me your limits,” he whispered. “Please. Now.”
I opened my mouth to tell him, but then a very rapid knock sounded at the door.
“Melody??? Are you okay???”
I bit my lower lip, wishing that I could strangle her.
“Yeah! I— I-I’m fine!” I called, trying to ignore the stranger’s mouth at the base of my throat.
“Fuck, you taste like sin,” he whispered, his kisses turning me on to a point I didn’t know
“Let me in! I’m worried about you!”
He sighed, giving a dark little growl. “We’ll have to continue later,” he said, drawing back.
Before I could stop him, he opened up the door and stepped out of the bathroom— leaving me a
humiliated mess.
Ella immediately came inside, her mouth open. “What the fuck?”
“Just don’t ask,” I hissed.
“Aren’t you supposed to meet your date soon?”
I hadn’t told her it was the songwriter. I gave her a nod and left the restroom, slinking back to my
table. Ella had left my coffee there and went to a different table, chatting it up with a waitress with
short pink hair.
I could feel him watching again. I took my seat and then took a sip of coffee, sighing.
I had to get a grip on my nerves. I’d never felt like this, whatever this was. Maybe he was—
“Are you Melody?”
I almost choked on my coffee. Fuck, his voice was deep and sultry.
I looked up, my throat burning. I scowled. He had changed shirts somehow in the last three
minutes, but he was a creature, so I didn’t think twice. “Yes.”
“Dalus,” he said with a grin. “May I take this seat?”
I stared at him for one beat…two. Hadn’t we just made out in the bathroom?? In there, he had
been dark and commanding but out here he was… the exact opposite.
“Yes,” I squeaked.
Dalus took the chair opposite of me. He was even more stunning now that I could really look at
him, his skin the color of bronze and his eyes burning like embers.
“How’s your evening going?” he asked.
“Oh…Uh…Good,” I said, frowning for a moment. “You sounded really good up there. Your voice
is lovely.”
“Thanks,” he said with a grin. “I’m a Phoenix. Well, a Phoenix shifter. One that likes to sing and
play guitar. It makes me happy.”
He was a bit nervous, and that somehow relaxed me.
“That’s cool,” I said softly. “You do it really well. Is this what you do for a living? Do you play at
any other places?”
“No, I do a bunch of random stuff. And yes, I have a couple of different venues I go to. I actually
have another show Monday night, if you want to come,” he said, offering me a boyish smile.
“I’d love to,” I said, my heart fluttering. “Does that mean that you can catch on fire?” I teased,
relaxing. He was completely different, which still made me feel edgy, but…This was nice.
He grinned, and I felt the room light up around me. His warmth was so close, and something that
The brutal horniness that had overtaken me earlier had now melted into something much, much
“I can catch on fire,” he chuckled. “Amongst other things.” His eyes dropped down as he studied
me. “You’re stunning,” he said under his breath.
“Thank you, so are you,” I mumbled, holding onto my coffee mug for dear life.
“Would you be able to relax more if we went somewhere else?” he asked, cocking his head.
Somewhere else. Alone with him. With Dalus, the sexy fire bard.
“No pressure,” he chuckled. “If you’re worried about safety, then you should know I don’t plan on
doing anything to piss off the Barista.”
I pressed my lips together and then nodded, “Fair enough. What do you have in mind?”
“Some fried food and milkshakes,” he said. “After I perform for a few hours, I find myself
craving grease.”
I laughed, imagining him chowing down on a bucket of chicken wings.
But then I imagined him chowing down on me, and I felt like screaming. Fuck, I wanted him inside
of me, and I’d just met him.
His eyes darkened for a moment, his nostrils flaring. “Melody, I want you just as much as you
want me. I’ve been hiding a hard-on since you walked into the cafe. This makes me sound like a
creep, but please come with me.”
“Okay,” I breathed out, surprising both of us.
He waited for a moment and then nodded, standing up. “Let your friend know so she can stop
glaring. I’ll meet you outside. I drive a little corvette.”
He winked at me and then left the table.
I looked up at Ella, and she gave me a knowing look. She rolled her eyes and mouthed, Have fun.
That was the best part about being best friends, we were telepathic.
I grinned like an idiot and got up, heading towards the door. I pulled my phone out of my pocket as
I stepped out onto the sidewalk, sucking in a breath as the wind hit me.

Ella: Don’t do anything too dumb.

If you go home with him make sure he wears a condom
Who knows what kind of STDs he might have
He might give your coochie rabies
Then you’d be known as Coojo.
Sorry that was lame

I snorted and shot her back a thumbs up, ending the onslaught of messages, and then went around
the cafe to the small parking lot.
Dalus was standing next to his car with that sensuous smile. Seeing him stand so casually
reminded me that he was not all that he seemed.
He was a monster, a creature…
“Come on, Melody,” he said softly.
I wanted him to make me sing.
“Okay,” I huffed.
He opened the passenger door for me, and I slid onto the seat, thinking about all of my life choices
that had led to this.


I paused before I got into the car to text Icarus, fighting the urge to find him and punch him.
I could smell him all over her. Not only that, her scent had already been enough to make me want
to take her, but after he touched her— it had become kryptonite. I had ended my set early because
while some people got off in front of others, I preferred to have my fun behind closed doors. Which
meant the raging hard-on and urge to literally burst into flames would have to wait.
My shoulder itched, my fiery wings desperate to be free.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t drive in my true form.
Why Icarus was playing games was beyond me. I didn’t understand him or why he would ask for
me to have a mate when I had him.
But then again, her scent…

Icarus: Bring her to the house. I want to mate her. She’s the one, although I hate it.

I grit my teeth.

Me: She’s not yours.

Icarus: What’s yours is mine, brother.

I couldn’t just take her to the house like a god damn serial killer.
I took a breath, relaxed, and then slipped into the car.
Melody gave me a look, one that made my heartache.
She was…breathtaking. Stunning. Everything I could ever dream of and more. I wanted to write
her a song and then tie her up with my guitar strings. I wanted to sing to her while fucking her pretty
little mouth.
I mentally shook myself, trying to act normal.
“So milkshakes and chicken, hmm?” she asked, smiling. Her lips were a faded pink now, and I
wondered if the brightness had rubbed off on my twin.
“Uh, yeah,” I chuckled. “And then maybe a movie at my place. Only if you want to, though.”
“I’d like to,” she said simply. “You don’t have to pretend around me, Dalus. I’m a big girl. I’ve
known about creatures and monsters my whole life. I know about mating pulls and heats and all the
strange things that can happen when a human is with one. I know you’re trying to be a gentleman now,
but if I didn’t want to be here, then I wouldn’t be.”
I blinked, her honesty startling me.
“Fair enough,” I said slowly, looking at her. “Do you want me to be brutally honest then?”
“Please,” she said, twisting so that she could really really look at me.
“I didn’t go to the Barista to set this up. My twin brother did. I wasn’t the one that nearly fucked
you in the bathroom. That was also my twin brother. And while I’m pretty certain I’m going to be the
one to take you tonight, he’s the one that wants me to bring you to the house because he has decided
that you’re our mate. How does that sound, little songbird?”
Her mouth fell open, her breath catching.
I leaned in, fighting the temptation to kiss her. “His name is Icarus, and I’m certain that if I don’t
take you home now, he will tear the world apart. And being the good brother I am, I can’t let that
happen, can I?”
“Twin?” she whispered, still stunned.
“Yes. And also, because I’m the good brother, I’m going to give you a choice. Which you
wouldn’t get with him. Are you coming with me, or are you going?”
Now, I was annoyed. Not with her, of course.
With Icarus.
She was quiet for a moment, and then she snorted, letting out a loud laugh. “Oh fuck me. I guess
I’m going.”
I blinked, not expecting her to actually agree.
We stared at each other until finally, she leaned in— breaking the tension. Her mouth met mine
and fuck…
No wonder he’d nearly taken her.
A possessive growl left me, and I gripped her hair, tugging her closer as I took her mouth. She
groaned, and I found myself absorbing everything about her.
Her scent, her taste, her.
I drew back from her with a moan and started the car before I figured out how to fuck her in the
back seat.
“The two of you are trouble,” she whispered.
She didn’t even know.
Icarus was…Icarus was different, to say the least.
He was a lawyer, someone that was ruthless in court. He was usually involved with
creature/human cases, ones that ended badly. A long time ago, he had been someone who had done
much darker things but now…
Now he used the system to his advantage.
He was cunning, unapologetic, and knew what he wanted.
I, on the other hand, enjoyed everything about creating. Art, music, writing…I loved making things
with my own hands. I was smart in a different way, I always strived to do good, and I stayed out of
his way unless he wanted me there. I liked inventing things, creating whatever possible. Pushing the
limits of the imagination.
The two of us had inspired stories from humans, hadn’t we?
I peeled out of the parking lot, hitting the road towards the inner city. We had a condo on the south
side, one that was large enough for the two of us.
Of course, we’d need to look elsewhere because of Melody…
I pressed my lips together. I was already thinking of her as ours, and that wasn’t fair to her.
She didn’t know what she was getting into. She didn’t know the way Icarus and I were, although
the hard glint in her eyes told me that maybe I was underestimating her.
“Will you reach into my pocket and grab my phone? Text Icarus and tell him to order us food,” I
She immediately reached over, her hand sliding across my thigh. I tensed up, her touch making my
cock twitch.
She let out the softest noise, and her hand did not reach for my closest pocket, instead of running
across my cock to my other one.
“Oops,” she murmured.
I sucked in a breath, “You can ‘oops’ again.”
Her laugh was like chimes as she ran her fingers over my bulge, letting out a soft whistle.
“Don’t get used to this puny human form,” I muttered. “The moment we’re in the house, you’ll see
the real me.”
“This still feels pretty real,” she teased, giving my balls a squeeze.
I damn near took us off the road.
“Woman,” I hissed.
She giggled and then plucked my phone from my pocket. She opened it up and then made a noise.
I started to ask what but then realized my request of her had been stupid. She could read his texts
“Here, give me that—”
“Nope. Keep your eyes on the road, monster,” she said, leaning away.
“God damn it,” I muttered. “Melody—”
“Everything makes more sense now, at least,” she mumbled. “Don’t worry, I’m just going to tell
him to order food.”
That was a lie, and I knew it, but I had signed up for this fate.
“God damn it, “I muttered.
Not to mention that my cock was now even harder.
Fuck, maybe I liked the idea of her bossing Icarus around.
“Gotta get the fiery bard his chicken wings,” she mumbled.
“Did you just call me a bard?”
“Yes,” she said. “A fiery bard.”
I narrowed my eyes on the road, shaking my head.
It was only a 20 minute drive to our house, but it would be the longest 20 minutes of my entire
“I don’t know who you should worry about more,” I said, “Him or me.”
“Mmm, I think I can handle both of you just fine,” she said. “Just fine….”
Her voice trailing off, along with the consistent taps of her fingers, had me on edge.
God damn it. When I got home, I was going to kill Icarus.


My phone went off just as I shed my human form, and I sighed. I stood in the living room for a
moment, just allowing myself to be free. Completely free.
I had gone by the office despite it being the weekend to wrap up more of the contracts the Barista
and I had made with the vampire clan. Then, there was the problem with the pack of wolves that had
recently come into the territory.
They were already causing problems, and I had already had a couple of run-ins with them. They’d
already managed to piss off Al too, who I didn’t know well but still enough to know that they were
barking up the wrong tree. He was a good werewolf and didn’t show any of his kind mercy when they
acted as this pack was acting.
Vampires and werewolves, the classic trouble makers.
What didn’t help was that the more I dug into that particular group, the more it appeared they had
come courtesy of Lucifer.
I was glad the Barista had taken a vacation because the fight was coming. It wouldn’t be pretty.
In fact, I would be sending Dalus and our human away.
Our human.
I had touched her once, but she was already mine.
I drew in a breath, trying to control myself. The only thing that helped was my yoga breaths, and I
wished that I had time to do some before they arrived. The room was hot, the air shimmering around
We had built this place so that it wouldn’t crumble while we walked in our phoenix form. The
living room mirror showed my body, and I studied it, wondering how my human would react.
The moment they arrived, I had to have her.
I hadn’t planned on taking her from Dalus. In fact, my request of the Barista had been genuine. I’d
done him a favor. He’d done me one. One for Dalus.
But as I had told my twin, what was his was mine.
My wings stretched behind me, the feathers a deep crimson. I wasn’t on fire right now, but the
atmosphere was still heated.
We’d need to make the bond quickly to protect her.
Both Dalus and I had lived long enough to be able to control our monsters, but…
The moment I had seen her in the cafe, that control had nearly slipped.
The only reason it hadn’t was because of her friend.
He stared back at me, the monster inside of me— the monster in the mirror. I knew what he
wanted, and he wanted her. She was going to be ours. She belonged to me. She belonged to Dalus.
In this form, I looked like one of the mythical birds of history. I truly was a phoenix, one that had
claws that clicked on the floor as I walked. One that had wings that stretched behind me, able to take
me far up into the sky. My feathers were a dark red, but towards my chest, they turned into a tawny
With a sigh, I turned back into my half form. My body morphed, my wings turning into arms with
hands. I now had the body of a man, except I still had feathers in some places and my feet were still
claws. I was completely naked now, and my cock was exposed too— waiting to be touched, to be
I went to my phone and picked it up, reading the text messages from Dalus.
Dalus: Mate? Really? Is that what I’m walking into?
You know there’s something called consent.
Which we’ll talk about when I get there.
P.S. Dalus told me to tell you to order food.
I held my phone for a few moments, blinking.
What kind of…what kind of human was this woman?
I scowled, thinking of her soft curves, dark skin, and lovely hair.
I’d make her kneel in front of me for this. For thinking that she could tell me— a king of fire, a
muse of many tales, and prince amongst creatures— what to do.
I asked you what your limits were in the bathroom. I showed patience.
I won’t when you arrive. I will order food, but after you eat, I am taking you.
With consent, of course, but you will give it to me.

And then I’m going to hear what kind of song little Melody likes to sing.

With that message sent, I ordered some food. I then went to my bedroom and opened my closet,
revealing all of the toys I had there.
She thought she could command me.
I snorted, picking out two blindfolds, black rope, restraints, and a paddle. I took them all to my
bed and laid them out.
She could pick her punishment after I explained to her the rules.
She’d be begging me later on after I edged her until she sobbed.
My cock hardened, my shaft throbbing. It burned a dark red, at its core a bright orange. It was
about twelve inches, thick, and ready.
Would she really want us? Would she really want this?
I trusted the Barista to make the right match, but I was still doubtful.
At the cafe, I had nearly taken her in the bathroom. The only reason I had stopped was because of
her friend. I wanted her more than anyone before. There was a connection there, a pull. A wave that
was crashing down, forcing me to open myself to another bond.
Maybe we could convince her to stay with us for the weekend.
I closed my eyes, imagining what it would be like to take her. To see Dalus take her.
My cock throbbed harder, and I moaned, trying to force my thoughts back into a different
I wanted to save every last drop so I could cum all over her body and then make Dalus lick it up.
I heard the front door open, and I grit my teeth. I could hear the two of them talking as I grabbed a
pair of sweatpants and a black shirt.
“Icarus?” Dalus called.
“Give me like two minutes,” I growled, staring down at my hard-on.
It made the gray sweatpants look like a goddamned tent.
I heard a giggle and then cursed.
There was something about her laugh. It was like music.
Fuck it.
Fuck everything.
With a snarl, I tore off my shirt and sweatpants and then shifted. My wings sprouted behind me,
my body changing.
She could see me in my full glory.
Maybe I could scare her away, and then Dalus and I could put this mate bullshit behind us.
I left my bedroom, going down the hall to the living room. I stepped out just as Melody and Dalus
turned around.
Dalus was the one that reacted first. “GOD DAMN IT, Icarus!” He yelled, stepping in front of her.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
Melody side-stepped him, her dark eyes roaming over me with a curiosity that…
Made me even harder.
A low growl escaped me again, and I stepped closer, aware that the room was becoming hotter
and my patience was wearing thin.
She crossed her arms, raising her gaze to meet mine. “You have to work on your manners. You’re
like a god damned peacock in front of a potential mate. This is ridiculous,” she sighed, waving her
She then turned around and went to the couch, plopping down like she HAD NOT JUST SEEN
MY 12 INCH COCK, and my fully shifted form.
Dalus surprised me by stepping straight towards me, planting his hand on my chest, and shoving
me down the hall back to my bedroom. The door slammed behind us, and he let out a noise that I
hadn’t heard from him in…
“Did you just growl at me?” I hissed.
“Yes! Because what are you doing, Icarus? You’re acting ridiculous!” He was whisper yelling,
which was somehow worse than a fully escalated one.
I shifted back and then grabbed him by his shirt, slamming him against the wall. “Don’t you
fucking start something right now,” I snapped.
He shoved me back, his skin cracking to show thin veins of fire. “No! Stop acting like an idiot.
I’m so fucking mad at you right now. I don’t even want you here. You went to the Barista for me, set
up a date for me, and then you nearly took her!”
I was silent for a moment, mulling over his words. I knew I was being an asshole. I was logical
and self-aware.
But also…
I couldn’t help it.
I couldn’t stop myself at the cafe, and I couldn’t stop myself now.
“Dalus,” I sighed, relaxing.
I placed my hands on the wall to either side of him, boxing him in. Our faces were close, and I
breathed in his scent, pressing my lips to the crook of his neck.
He smelled like her, too, now.
“This is going to make me crazy,” I whispered.
“You? Me too,” he snapped. “But we can’t just…we can’t just act like heathens. We have to court
her. The right way. This isn’t a one-night stand. This is….this is our mate. And fuck, maybe she’ll
bring some god damned balance to the two of us.”
“Am I really that bad?” I muttered, kissing up his neck.
“You can be,” he sighed, his voice ending on a soft moan. “Fuck, please stop. We’ve just left her
in there.”
I pulled back with a chuckle, finally back to feeling centered. “We’re a mess, aren’t we?”
“Very much so,” he said, smiling. “She’s perfect, though. You should hear how she talks about
guitars. She’s a luthier’s apprentice, which is amazing. She’s going to take me to her shop next week.”
“Already setting dates?” I teased, opening the bedroom door.
Dalus snorted but followed. The two of us went back to the living room, and the scent of food
wafted through the house. Sounds were coming from the kitchen, and I followed them.
Melody looked up from the kitchen island, several bags spread out. “How much did you order??”
she asked, raising a brow. “This is enough for a football team.”
“We can eat a lot,” Dalus said, sliding past me.
“Melody,” I said, going to the opposite side of the island. “I apologize for being an ass. I hoped
you’d run screaming.”
She laughed, her head tipping back for a moment. I found myself smiling too, which felt strange.
“I was telling Dalus— I’ve been around monsters my whole life. One time, my Orc friend
destroyed his car because he got rejected by another Orc. It was the end of the world,” she giggled,
pulling food out for herself. Dalus stepped right up next to her, his easiness relaxing both Melody and
“An Orc, huh?” he teased.
“Yeah. Anyways…” she drifted off.
“Let’s eat,” I offered. “I’ll open up some wine.”


What had started as a very awkward but heated first date had turned into a very relaxed, enjoyable
I was still reeling from everything that had happened, but the more I thought about it, the more I
realized I wanted this.
I had gone on this date wanting something more. That’s why when the Barista had reached out, I
had agreed. I knew what he was known for and that, more than likely, I’d find myself diving headfirst
into a relationship.
I didn’t think it would be with two monsters. I didn’t think it would be with twins.
Hell, from the side comments Icarus and Dalus had made— I didn’t think the Barista knew either.
Or maybe he did.
Regardless, by the time we’d finished eating and one bottle of wine— I wanted more.
I wanted them to devour me.
I wanted to explore all of my wild kinks that had lived on the sidelines for years. And I knew I’d
get to based on the darkening looks I was getting from the two of them.
Icarus was studying me now, his lips pressed together. In his human form, he had a sharp jawline
and looked like a polished lawyer.
I preferred the fiery monster I’d seen a glimpse of when I’d walked in.
Hell, I preferred the fire…
I swallowed hard. “Can I help you?”
“Yes,” he said, smirking. “What kind of things do you like? We both need to know. Limits,
expectations, kinks, desires.”
The three of us were sitting on the couch with me in the middle. Dalus’ hand had settled on my
thigh at some point, a constant reminder that I was sandwiched between two Phoenix men.
“We’ve been honest with you,” Dalus said, giving my thigh a gentle squeeze.
I took a sharp breath. Might as well go for it, right? I had the weekend off, didn’t technically have
to go to work on Monday…
I could be sore for a couple of days, right?
“I like fire,” I said., swallowing hard. “As in, it turns me on. As in, the Barista somehow knows
what the fuck he’s doing. I also like subbing. I like being bound, tied up, spanked, degraded. But, I
also like being praised. I like being praised for being degraded and vice versa. I like collars. Hard
limits are blood and cutting. I faint if I see it come out of someone,” I said, giving a very nervous
Dalus and Icarus had both stilled, and the only sound in the room was Dalus’ soft moan.
Icarus’ arm was stretched out behind me, and I felt his fingers curl into my hair, forcing me to look
up at him.
All of the tension from the bathroom at the cafe came roaring back, and I found myself parting my
“You really like fire?” he asked, his tone calm and collected despite his hardening cock.
My eyes started to fall to it, but he yanked my head back, making me look at him.
“Answer me,” he growled.
“Yes,” I gasped.
Dalus cursed beneath his breath next to me, and I wanted to look at him, but Icarus held me very,
very still. His burning eyes searched me, and I felt heat pool between my legs the longer we stared.
“Dalus,” he said hoarsely. “Prepare the room. I’ll bring her once she’s ready.”
Dalus gave my thigh one more squeeze and then was up, disappearing from the living room back
down the hall.
Icarus’ grip tightened. “Safeword?”
“Poof,” I whispered.
“Non-verbal cue?”
“I’ll tap my fingers three times in a row, like this,” I said, showing him what I meant.
He nodded and then leaned forward, his mouth meeting mine. A very brutal and unforgiving lust
scalded me, and I found myself climbing into his lap. His touch burned, his fingers sliding beneath my
“Off with it,” he commanded.
In one swift motion, I threw it to the floor. I threw my undershirt too and was about to undo my bra
when he grabbed my hands, pulling them to my lower back.
“Let me look at you,” he said, his voice husky. “You would have been worshipped long ago,” he
murmured, leaning back into the cushion. “And you’ll be worshipped now, although I’m sorry that it’s
by us demons.”
“Don’t be,” I rasped, grinding myself against his hard cock.
I wanted that thing buried inside of me while fire danced around us.
He held my hands, pulling until my chest was pushed out. My breasts were already threatening to
come out of this bra, but now they were only moments away.
“Rule number one,” he said slowly, his free hand tracing a line up my stomach to cup one of my
breasts. “If at any point you need to stop, you use your safe word, and things will end. As much as I
enjoy inflicting pain, I will not see you actually hurt. Do you consent?”
“Yes,” I whispered.
“Good. Rule number two,” he said, his hand roaming up my chest to my collarbone. His fingertips
traced the lines there, and then he wrapped his hand around my neck, giving me a gentle choke before
letting go.
His hand fit perfectly around my neck.
“Rule number two, you must listen to me at all times. For your safety and for ours. If I tell you to
stop, you stop. If I tell you to roll, you roll. Playing with fire is dangerous. Dalus and I are not only
monsters, we are one of the most dangerous kinds for humans. If we lose control, we could burn you.
With you not being bonded to us, you are not flame resistant. Do you consent?”
“Yes,” I gasped.
His hand drew back, and he snapped his fingers. A golden flame licked his fingertips, and I felt
my pussy throb.
This was my darkest kink, the thing I never shared with anyone, and yet…here was someone that
could bring that out of me.
I watched it flicker, enjoying the way it moved.
“Rule number three,” he said, holding the flame close to my skin. I could feel the warmth and
knowing that he could burn me if he wanted to… knowing that, and knowing that he wouldn’t was
enough to draw out a moan from me. I was so wet for him, and we hadn’t even done anything but kiss
yet. “Rule number three. You must accept both of us. Dalus is my twin brother. We were born in the
womb together and have lived together for over a thousand years. What is mine is his, and what is his
is mine.”
The flames disappeared, and he let go of my hands, allowing me to slump forward.
“I know this is against your ways. I know that it is forbidden. But you will see me fuck him the
same way I fuck you, and if you can’t handle that— then you should leave. I love him. I own him. And
as fucked up as you might think it is, I’m his too.”
I nodded, stunned. I could already feel my thoughts slipping into a darker space.
Fuck, I kind of wanted to be fucked by twins.
I kind of wanted to see them kiss.
“There’s a lot fucked up about me too, but does it matter? I want both of you,” I said. “We signed
up for this.”
He cocked his head, his lips twisting into a dark smile. “I guess we did, didn’t we? Stand up,
songbird,” he commanded.
I moved off of his lap and stood, waiting for his next instructions.
“Take off the rest of your clothing,” he said, relaxing back into the couch.
He looked like a king sitting there, one with the kind of power others feared.
I obeyed him, my heart pounding as I undid my pants and kicked off my shoes. I was free of
everything on my body within moments, showing him everything.
Both of my nipples had piercings, and they were perked up now. His gaze lingered there for a few
moments and then continued down.
“Turn around.”
I turned around and looked straight ahead, taking in the room. They didn’t have much furniture, but
everything was nice and sleek. In front of me, there was a marbled coffee table, the kind I feared
stubbing my toe on.
“Bend over.”
I raised both of my brows, sucking in a breath. I slowly bent over, using the tabletop to brace my
hands against.
“Good little songbird,” he purred. “You’re such a slut, aren’t you?”
I was already wet, but now I could feel the throb in my pussy again.
“Answer me,” he growled.
“Yes,” I said quickly. “Yes, I am.”
“You’re what?”
“A slut,” I gasped.
I felt heat, the threat of fire close. Right next to my clit. I looked between my legs, letting out a
Icarus’s fingers were on fire again, and this time soft crimson feathers sprouted down his muscled
arm. The flame flickered, the tip threatening to lick me.
“You want to be with monsters, songbird?”
“Yes.” It was barely a noise now. I was entranced, in shock, and turned on.
“Do you trust me?” he asked.
“Yes,” I answered.
He leaned back, pulled his hand away, and then stood up.
“Stay like this. Exactly like this. I want you to think about how you’re going to take both of our
cocks in your sweet body. I want you to imagine your ass being fucked, your mouth being fucked, your
pussy being fucked. I want you to think about every single dark thing I could do to you. And then when
I call, you come. Yes?”
“Good girl,” he praised, stepping around me.
I stayed in place and listened to him leave the room, going back down the hall.
I squeezed my eyes shut, my thighs trembling.
This was…this was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. I’d never be able to be with
someone else after these two.
I moaned, imagining Icarus’ brightly colored cock. Would Dalus’ be the same? Would his be
How the fuck was I supposed to take two foot-longs??
I was ready to try, regardless. I’d find a way.
I imagined what it would feel like for Dalus to fuck my throat while Icarus took my pussy,
pounding me in a rhythm…
What it would be like for them to hold flames to me…to tease me with their monstrous abilities.
I’d always wanted this. I’d always wanted to meet someone who could let me be… me.
Icarus and Dalus were the same.
They were different. What they did behind closed doors was forbidden.
But I couldn’t find the care I should have.
Instead, I just wanted to join them. I wanted to be tag-teamed by the Phoenix twins until I couldn’t
Hell, I wanted to die knowing I didn’t pass up mind-blowing, earth-shattering, nuclear level sex.
The whole mate thing? We could deal with that later.
Right now, I just wanted to hear my name be called.
“Songbird,” Icarus called.


I knelt beside the bed, waiting. Obediently. All of the frustration I’d felt with my brother had now
turned back into…
Want. Lust. Need.
Things I might be damned for but didn’t care.
I was naked, and my cock was hard, aching to be inside of our little songbird.
I would never let her go after this. She would always be with us, even if she tried to fly away.
The door creaked open, and she came in, her scent filling the room. I kept my eyes on the floor
despite wanting to look up, wanting to see her full glory.
“Lie down on the table, songbird.”
Beneath our mattress, there was a table with chains on the four corners. I’d prepped the room by
moving the mattress out of the way so she could lie there.
How many nights had he kept me there? Aching, desperate, on edge?
I shivered, my skin erupting in goosebumps. My shoulders ached, the beast within me growling to
break free.
I listened to her movements, hyperaware of her sliding to the center of the platform.
“Brother,” Icarus said, his tone deep and rich. “Bind her. You may tease her. Make sure she is wet
and ready. I want her to beg. You’ll be rewarded if you can make her cry.”
I raised my head and turned, looking at Melody.
Her dark eyes locked with mine, and I felt my heart ignite.
I rose to my feet and went to the other side of the platform, where all of the tools were spread out
on a black mat. I picked out four cuffs, ones that would be soft and comfortable but unyielding. I
didn’t want to see marks on her skin from them.
After choosing them, I stepped to the top of the table, staring down at her.
She was perfection. Her skin was dark and beautiful, her thighs already spread. Her clit was
ready to be touched, her nipples hard and sparkling with the metal of the piercings there.
I wanted to take them between my teeth and then suck them.
“Arms above your head,” I said, my voice a lot rougher than I had wanted.
I could feel Icarus watching us, ensuring everything was done right. He had explained the rules to
me, her limits, her safe word, and what we would do to her tonight.
Just for tonight.
He hadn’t mentioned what happened when we woke up in the morning.
“Hi,” she whispered, offering me a sultry smile.
I paused for a moment, enjoying the way my heart fluttered. “Hello, songbird,” I said. “Give me
your hand.”
She obeyed, offering it to me so that I could slide the cuff on. I tightened it, checked it, and then
placed her arm above her head. I attached the chain at the corner of the bed, reaching down to pull it
taut until her arm had no chance of escaping.
I did this for the other four corners and then stepped back to really get a good look at her.
“You’re perfect,” I whispered.
“Make her beg,” Icarus said, his words a sharp reminder that I had a task to complete.
I immediately went back to the tools and selected a vibrator, one that had a bulbous head that
would help ready her for our cocks.
I shivered again, anticipating how she would feel. How slick she would be, how hot.
I wanted her to be fully bonded so I could take her in my full form.
I went back to the table and climbed on top, hovering over her. She lifted her head, and I kissed
her, our tongues meeting. She tasted sweeter than heaven and darker than sin.
I reached down between her legs and ran my thumb just over her clit.
Her entire body reacted, and I broke the kiss, chuckling as she pulled against the restraints.
“Fuck,” she gasped. “Please, do it again.”
“No,” I chuckled, sitting back.
She gave me a pleading look. “Please.”
Icarus laughed, stepping up to the other side of the table. “Too soon,” he said, cocking his head as
he stared down at her. “That’s not real begging.”
I lifted the vibrator and hit the button, enjoying the way it came to life. It thrummed in my hand,
and I hovered it over her clit.
She gave me a daggered look, glaring.
I let it barely touch her, and a cry shot through the room, her body attempting to arch and failing
“How do you feel?” I asked, chuckling. I let the vibrator touch her stomach, and I trailed it up
between her breasts, touching her nipples with it.
My cock throbbed hard now, and I moaned, moving back down between her legs. I pressed my
lips to her skin, kissing her stomach and then the dark curls at the top of her pussy.
“Dalus,” she wheezed, pulling against her restraints.
“You look so good like this,” Icarus purred. “Trapped and helpless. With him teasing you. I bet
you’d like for him to lick you, wouldn’t you?”
“Yes,” she gasped, looking at me. “Yes, please. Please.”
“Your pleas are so cute,” Icarus hummed, and I watched my brother slide his hand down to his
cock, rubbing the shaft. “You can lick her, little brother.”
I looked up at her as I flicked my tongue out, the thrill of making her cry running through me. There
was the pride I felt, too, knowing that Icarus watched. That he was pleased with how I touched our
Our mate.
I shuddered and then moved down a bit further, pushing my tongue inside of her. The table rattled
as she pulled against her restraints, her moan urging me to continue.
Fuck, she tasted like heaven. I wanted to drench myself in her.
I tossed the vibrator to the side and dove in, burying my face into her pussy. I gripped her ass and
thighs, holding her as I fucked her with my mouth.
She let out another sharp cry, and I paused, knowing I had reached a spot that brought her immense
pleasure. I let my body partially shift, my tongue lengthening so I could reach even further.
This time, she did scream. I rubbed her clit with my thumb as I ate her out, drinking her in. I
would devour her if I could.
“Dalus!” she cried. “Fuck! Fuck, I’m going to cum!”
I immediately drew back, pulling my mouth away.
The yelp of surprise.
The rage.
My little human lifted her head, her dark eyes burning with disbelief.
“What the fuck?!” she gasped.
I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and then licked her essence off, never breaking eye
She let out a groan of frustration, her head falling back onto the table.
Icarus chuckled, walking around behind me. I tensed, unsure of what he would do.
“Keep going,” he urged. “I’m curious to see what you’ll do to her next.”
I nodded and then slid back off the table, painfully aware of my cock and his.
Fuck. I wanted him to fuck me while I fucked her. Would he allow that??
I had to make her cry.
My skin had sprouted golden feathers now along my forearms and chest, and thighs. My shoulders
burned, my wings threatening to burst free.
But not yet.
We couldn’t let her see all of us yet.
Even in his fully shifted form, Icarus had not shown her all of him. He’d kept the fire at bay.
Melody let out another groan, anticipating what I would do next. Icarus had given me an array of
toys to choose from, and I picked up the small black flogger with tassels at the end.
She was looking at me again, but the anger was gone— replaced by heady lust. It shined in her
dark eyes, an ache. A need.
“Pretty bird,” I whispered, leaning down to kiss her again. Her mouth was hot, her tongue meeting
mine. I let out a throaty groan, my cock pulsing.
In my half-shifted form, my tongue was longer than a human’s, and I didn’t stop myself from
pushing it down her throat. She made a choking noise but still took it as if it were a cock. A growl
erupted in my chest, and I found myself straddling her, rubbing my cock between her breasts as she
took the thrusts of my tongue.
I drew back, allowing her to catch her breath.
“Fuck,” she whispered hoarsely.
A tear slid down her cheek, and I smirked, looking back at Icarus.
He quirked a single dark brow. “I see. Good boy,” he praised, “Come here. Bring the flogger with
I grabbed it and crawled towards Icarus. He stood at the end of the table, his body half shifted. I
took a moment to take him in, to revel in the beauty of my brother.
His feathers had always been beautiful, his form perfection. How many pieces of art had I made
of him?
He reached out and gripped my jaw, forcing me to look up at him. His other hand took the flogger
from me.
“What do you want as your reward?” he asked, stroking my face with his thumb.
“I want to fuck her while you fuck me,” I whispered.
“I see,” he chuckled. “Soon. For now, fetch me the fuel and the Kevlar baton.” He raised his gaze,
looking at her past me. “I want to hear the little songbird sing.”


Fire was dangerous, but it was beautiful.
Capable of so much destruction, and yet it was the warmth of humanity when they first learned
how to walk. Able to turn the world to ash while bringing new eras of growth.
Fire was beautiful, but I had never admired it so much until now.
I watched the flames dance for a moment on her dark skin, licking the line of fuel before I put it
out. Her moans and screams filled the room, her scent becoming more and more intoxicating.
There was a wickedness to her that I hadn’t expected. How had fate brought us a mate that craved
the flames as much as we did? That desired the burn, wanted to feel the lick of threatening warmth.
I drew another line of fuel, this time from her chest down to her stomach. I made sure it was a thin
line, without too much.
I then used my fingers, offering my flame to her body. It took immediately, her gasp making my
cock harden.
A line of fire burned from her for just the moment, and then I put it out, right as I rubbed her clit
with my other hand.
She cried out, and I knew this time she was going to cum. Her body seized up as I dipped my
fingers inside of her, feeling her convulse. Her orgasm was a quick and mean one, the kind that took
care of the ache but only until I could give her more.
I lit the row of fuel one more time before making it go out, living through her pleasure.
It wouldn’t burn her like this. We were fleshing the fire, letting it dance on her for a moment
before dousing it. To her, it felt like a lick. A tickle of warmth, a temptation.
“Undo her bonds,” I said throatily, commanding my brother.
I would take her first. I moved on top of the table as Dalus undid her cuffs. Sweat glistened where
there wasn’t fuel, her muscles relaxing as she moved her arms and legs.
I knelt between her thighs and kissed my way up her chest, licking her. We had driven her to the
edge, and now??
Now, I needed to take.
To take her desires, her wants, her needs.
I needed to take her.
Her hands slid down, and she gripped my cock, whispering. “You’re so big. I’ve never seen
anything like it.”
I planted my hands to either side of her head, grunting with pleasure as she began to stroke me. I
grit my teeth, trying to hold on to every part of my control.
Her legs wrapped around my hips, our mouths meeting as we kissed. I arrested her hands, pinning
them above her head as I pressed the tip of my cock against her opening.
“Are you ready?” I growled, looking down between us.
“Please,” she begged.
I tried to be gentle as I began to slowly stretch her, listening for her whimpers and moans. I knew
it hurt. I knew I was too big. I watched my throbbing cock push into her, spreading her more than
she’d ever been.
But she took it like a good girl.
“You’re doing so good,” I huffed, “Look at how well you can take my monstrous cock, songbird.
You’re a good little slut. How do you feel?”
Her mouth parted on a moan. I was halfway inside of her, but I paused, wanting to hear her
“Tell me, little songbird,” I growled. “Describe to me how you feel.”
“It’s like my first time,” she gasped, writhing against me. “Fuck, you’re so big. I can feel how hot
you are. You’re pulsing inside of me, and it burns, but I want more. I can take all of you.”
“Can you?” I asked. “I don’t think it’s physically possible,” I murmured as I pushed more inside
of her.
“Try,” she panted.
I chuckled, admiration blooming in my chest.
She’d taken everything we’d done to her so well.
“Brother,” I said, glancing over my shoulder. “Come give her something for her mouth to help
distract her.”
Dalus was staring at us, his eyes dark with thoughts I wished I could see. He smiled, coming to
Melody let out a pained gasp, and I paused, looking down at her.
Fuck. She was so wet, and she gripped me like a vice. I drew back some, knowing that the other
three inches of my cock would have to wait until I took her ass.
Dalus joined the two of us, and she immediately reached for his cock. I made him straddle her
head, his balls immediately taken into her mouth.
His cock pulsed, another thick twelve inches. Instead of dark red and orange, his was golden with
veins of blue.
I wanted her to see him in his full form. Where my fire was red and orange, his was a beautiful
blue and gold. His flames were even more dangerous than mine, and it was good that he was much
more easygoing.
His head fell back, his body reacting as she sucked him, her tongue lavishing him.
I drew back and thrust forward, listening for her cry. She gasped and moaned, her pussy pulsing.
I began to move, careful at first but finally finding a rhythm that wouldn’t destroy her. I wanted to
see her come again, to feel her convulse around my cock.
I gripped Dalus’ neck while I thrust into her, squeezing until I was in control of his breaths. His
expression was dark as she continued to please him between moans. I eased up, allowing him to take
a breath before squeezing again.
I would make him cum on her and then lick it up after he cleaned up the cum I would leave inside
of her.
“Fuck,” he rasped as I let him go. His hips were moving now, and I knew he was close. He’d
been close for over an hour now, desperate.
“Tongue his ass,” I commanded her, my gentleness turning into a harder rhythm.
Her head moved, and Dalus fell forward, bracing himself. I watched the two of them, my entire
body responding to the sight of her driving him to the edge.
It was her that would make him cum, not me.
She was getting close too.
I let out a growl and gripped her thighs, fucking her with everything I could give without breaking
her. Her yelp echoed around me, but now…now I felt the haze.
I sucked in a breath, watching through blurry vision as my brother came. His cock shot cum across
her breasts and stomach, his body slumping to the side after he finished.
I felt my form fighting to shift, and I let out a frustrated noise. Melody reached up, her arms
wrapping around my neck. She held herself to me as my control slipped even more.
“I’m going to cum,” she cried, gripping me.
“Fuck,” I snarled. “Fuck. Let me mate you,” I gasped, feeling more and more of myself break.
“Please! Can I mate you?”
“Icarus, no!” Dalus yelled, reaching for me.
“Yes! Do it,” she cried, arching against me.
I didn’t wait. I didn’t give her another moment to think about it because if I did— I would hurt her.
The primal part of me snapped free, and I whispered the words, the soulbinding spell that I’d
never uttered to another aside from Dalus.
His hands reached me just as the spell took hold, but it was too late.
It couldn’t be undone.
The two of us came just as my world burst into darkness.

I could feel both of them near, even in the silence.

Feeling began to come back to me, and I felt my body pulling itself together, rising from the
I felt the tugs of panic, but they weren’t my own. They were Melody’s.
Guilt filled me as I mentally reached for her, knowing she was scared.
I had fucked up.
This hadn’t been the plan. Taking her and mating her hadn’t been the plan, not like this.
I’d wanted to truly tie her to us, but I had wanted to explain what that meant.
Now we were in the darkness together, and our bodies were remaking themselves.
It was rare for a Phoenix to mate with a human, but when they did— our powers became a shield
for them. She would follow our regeneration cycle now, and she’d be damn near indestructible.
I took her panic, trying to offer her ease.
But I wasn’t good at that. I needed Dalus, needing his…
I felt him, his warmth a safe harbor for our souls.
Air filled my lungs, a new breath.
And then light filled my eyes, my sight finally returning.
7 / RAW


Have you ever cum so hard you literally combusted?

The darkness first brought me panic. Absolute darkness. No light. No sound. No feeling.
Alive, but dead?
The monster had railed me to death, that’s what had happened.
But…no…that also felt wrong.
Panic began to creep back in, but then I felt comfort. A wave of it washed over me.
I wanted to scream, to cry, to figure out what the hell was happening. I’d always known monsters,
but this? This was different.
How was I going to explain this to my family?? Screw my family, what about Ella?
I could hear her now. First, she’d start about the no condom thing, and then she’d light into me
about getting carried away.
The warmth overcame me again, and this time I felt a prickle. It was sharp and painful like my
body had fallen asleep and was now waking back up.
My eyes slowly opened, and I gasped, raking air into my lungs. I couldn’t move yet, but I could
Dalus was hovering over me, his expression warped with concern.
“Hi,” he said softly. “I’m so sorry. We got carried away. This wasn’t what I planned, and I don’t
think he did either.”
“I didn’t,” I heard Icarus groan.
I should probably be mad, I realized. Icarus had just bound us together, and now…
My whole life had just turned to ash, replaced with a new one. One where I’d be with these
I could feel Dalus’ hands running over me now, his gentle touches. I then felt Icarus, not just his
hands but…
His mind?
It was a presence now, one that felt like a second skin.
“Fuck,” I sighed. “This got a little out of hand, and the only regret I can think of is explaining it to
my friend. But then again, she’ll be fine.”
“We’ll win her over,” Dalus said halfheartedly. “And you. We kind of did things backwards.”
I chuckled but finally was able to lift my head.
We were no longer on the sex table. The three of us were on a very large mattress, soft blankets
surrounding us. I realized that Dalus was lying next to me while Icarus…
Icarus was worried. I could feel his thoughts, him wondering if this was right. If he’d fucked up. If
I’d reject both of them.
I could see the lingering feelings of what we’d done earlier. Had he hurt me? Had he gone too
The drop was a real thing, and this was extreme.
Icarus moved behind me, able to lift his limbs now. I felt his worry press into me even as he
withdrew, his concerns both loud and unspoken.
“Let me get you water,” Icarus said quickly. “Water and food. For both of you.”
Before I could protest, he was out of the room.
I let out a sigh.
Dalus slipped down into the blankets next to me, pulling me close to him.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered.
“You really shouldn’t be,” I said, nuzzling him. “This wasn’t what I planned, but sometimes things
happen. It’ll be okay. I’m…I’m in shock. But I think I want this.”
“You should have had more choice.”
“I did,” I said, shifting against him. I found the strength to sit up, and I did so, looking down at
him. “He asked me. I know he was balls deep when he did, but I think he would have stopped himself
if I had said no. Are you jealous?”
My last question was left field, but I saw it hit.
Dalus drew back, his brows drawing together. “I just…”
“Dalus,” I said, cupping his face. “Dalus, I like you too. Just as much as I like him. And while
what we did was together, I think I know enough about relationships to know what I have with you
will be separate from what I have with him.”
He swallowed hard, his vulnerability softening me. “I’ve just met you, and all I want is to give
you the world,” he whispered. “But my world is his world. And it’s a bond that I want and have
always wanted, but now you have it, and I don’t know if you know—”
“I know what it means,” I said, cutting him off. “I know what bonds mean, Dalus. I told you, I’ve
known monsters my whole life.”
“It’s like getting married in Vegas,” he said.
I snorted and then shrugged. “Ironically, that’s how my parents met, and they’re pretty damn
It was true. The story was they’d been married by Elvis the priest too, with pictures as proof.
It was Dalus’ turn to snort, and he then reached for me, tugging me into his arms. He held me to
him, his heart pounding in his chest.
“Okay. I’m sorry. I realize you’re an adult. A very independent woman,” he chuckled. “I worry.”
“Worrying is fine, but doubting me is not,” I said, giving him a light pinch.
I felt him nod, his arms tightening around me.
“So how long does that…does that whole thing last? An hour?” I asked.
Dalus froze against me, letting out a strangled noise. “Uh…”
I scowled, immediately sitting back up.
How long had I been out?
“Dalus,” I growled just as the bedroom door opened.
Icarus strolled in, now wearing a black t-shirt and sweat pants. He held two glasses of water and
a tray of cheese and meats and crackers.
“It’s Sunday night,” Icarus said, giving me a wary look. He set the tray on the bed, offering us
each a cup of water.
“Oh god,” I sighed, still taking the cup.
Ella was probably having a heart attack.
Icarus plucked my phone from his pocket, handing it to me. “I figured you’d have some people to
I took it and then drained the cup of water, thirst hitting me. Dalus shook his head, handing his
back to Icarus.
“You need it more than me. You just regenerated,” he said. “I had plenty while I waited.”
I could see the guilt in Icarus’ eyes as he took it.
He had been so tough and commanding, but now…now, I could see him unraveling.
I slid out of bed, drawing both of their attentions. “I’m going to go pee, drink more water, text
some friends, and then we can all three snuggle, eat the cheese and crackers, and watch TV. Icarus,” I
said, stepping closer to him. He sat on the edge of the bed and tilted his head up to look at me.
I leaned in, kissing him. He moaned, and I felt his worry unfurl, his shoulders relaxing.
I drew back, looking deep into his eyes. “I’m annoyed, but I don’t regret anything. I’ll be back in a
few minutes.”
“Okay,” he said. “Would you like a bubble bath? We have Epsom salts too. I can light candles and
pour some wine.”
“Only if the bath is big enough for all of us,” I teased.
“It is,” Dalus chuckled.
“Then sure,” I laughed. “We can eat charcoochie in the bathtub.”
“What?” They both asked, puzzled.
“Nothing,” I giggled. “I’ll be back. Where’s the restroom?”
“Down the hall to the left,” Dalus chimed in.
I nodded and left them, finally taking a look at my phone.
24 missed calls.
85 text messages.
4 voicemails.
With a heavy sigh, I started with the voicemails. The first one was from my mom asking me how
everything was. It was a general check-in.
For a moment, I imagined what my answer was going to be. Hey mom, I know we talked like
three days ago, but I have two mates. They’re Phoenix shifters. And twins.
I shut myself in the bathroom, fighting off a groan.
The second was from Ella and was bubbly, although brutal. Hey bitch, it’s your beloved platonic
lesbian. While you’ve been getting dicked, I’ve been hanging with some monsters. I met some fun
people! Call me when you get home so I can make sure they didn’t kill you.
I scowled. Part of me worried about Ella and the monster world. She was smart, sassy, but
sometimes a little ignorant.
Her other two voicemails were similar, and the text messages were a mix of her, my mom, and my
boss. Eighty of the texts were from Ella, though.
I hit call, and she picked up almost immediately. “Where have you been?! I’ve been freaking out!”
“Ella,” I said, “I’m fine, I’m fine. More than fine,” I said quickly.
“I thought you were dead!” She yelled. “I was literally on my way to that cafe to grab the Barista
by his balls!”
I laughed, imagining how well that would go over with him. “Ella, I’m fine. Also, I’m pretty sure
the Barista is on vacation. I’m staying with the Phoenix twins this week. ”
Or forever.
Fuck, I had a lot to figure out now.
“TWINS?” she hissed. “Melody, are you insane?”
“No,” I groaned. “Maybe. Maybe a little, but I promise they’re both good.”
“Twins, Melody?”
“Yes,” I said, “Listen, I can’t explain it to you all the way because we’re still busy—”
“You’ve been with them for literally two days. I think they’ll survive without you for at least
fifteen minutes,” she said sourly. “I literally was about to start a war over you. The only reason I
didn’t call your mom was because I didn’t want the world to blow up.”
“Oh my god,” I moaned. I crossed my arms and leaned against the sink, taking note of how damn
nice this place was. “Okay, fair.”
“The dick can’t be that good.”
“It’s pretty good,” I admitted, biting my lower lip. “They’re like…monsters, you know.”
Ella giggled. “Still not interested. Give me some monster pussy, and then we’ll talk.”
“Oh my god,” I laughed again. “I can always ask for you, you know. The Barista knows what he’s
Ella paused for a moment. “Well… maybe. But not now. Are you going to work tomorrow?”
“I don’t know yet. I need to work on some things with these two. I’m kind of like… mated to them
now. Well, one of them.”
Ella made a choking noise. “Melody…”
“Don’t Melody me,” I said, “I’m a big girl.”
“I’m usually the one that dives in fast, not you.”
I grinned like an idiot and shrugged. “True, but also I really…Listen, the Barista knows what he’s
doing when he pairs up monsters and humans. He’s famous for it.”
“If you say so. You know he still hasn’t returned my voicemail at the cafe?”
“Oh my god,” I groaned. “Ella, everyone is going to be worried now.”
“Oh, I doubt it since he still hasn’t called back. But once he does when I’m 90, I’ll let you know.”
I snickered. “He’s on vacation, like I said. He can’t do anything right now anyway. But I’ll ask
Icarus to let him know I’m alive in case he gets the voicemail— I think it goes straight to his personal
phone. How about I call you in the morning?”
“Ugh,” Ella sighed. “Fine. You better call me and give me more details.”
“I will,” I promised.
“Alright. Have fun. Oh. Did they wear a condom — ”
“Bye, Ella!” I said loudly, hanging up quickly.
I released a long sigh.
A soft knock at the door had my head snapping up.
“Hey, little songbird, are you okay?”
My chest squeezed, a little flutter of warmth. He was so damn sweet.
“Sorry! I called Ella,” I called, opening up the door.
He stood in the doorway, shirtless and the sexiest piece of eye candy I’d ever seen. Who knew
fire bards could be so devilish?
He and Icarus were identical, but their personalities were so different that I knew I would never
mistake one for the other again.
He smirked. “Are you going to come take a bath?”
“Yes,” I huffed.
“I’ve got the water nice and hot.”
“Do you?” I asked, running my hand down his chest. He froze, his muscles tensing. “Why do you
stay in your human form?” I murmured.
He captured my hand and brought it to his lips. I opened my palm for the kiss.
“It’s hard to stop pretending that I’m not one,” he whispered. “And not very many humans have
ever wanted to see us, little songbird. We’re frightening.”
“I saw him,” I said softly. “When we came here. And I didn’t run.”
He studied me for a few moments. “This is true.”
“And I mated with him, a monster, knowing exactly how he looked when not human.”
“This is true,” he growled.
“And I plan on taking you as my mate too, knowing full well that you are a monster.”
His growl became even deeper. “Melody…”
I pulled my hand from him and slid it down to his pants, gripping his cock. He gripped the door
frame above us, thrusting into my hand.
“I thought you wanted a bath,” he said.
“I want you to collar me. Then I want you in the bath, bending me over the side, taking me while I
suck your brother.”
“Fuck. Well then,” he chuffed.
He snatched me, and in one swift motion, I was thrown over his shoulder caveman style. He
carried me down the hallway to another door that led to yet another bathroom.
I hadn’t explored their home yet, but this place was money.
“I’ve brought your mate,” Dalus announced happily. “And I’m going to claim her as mine.”


Icarus lounged in the tub, watching the two of us with a twisted smile. Steam rose up from the water,
curling into the air.
While she’d been on the phone, he and I had talked more. Sometimes I forgot that between the two
of us, he was more level-headed when it came to tough conversations. Icarus was, at the end of the
day, my brother and mate— and we’d always grow stronger.
Now, we had Melody too.
Icarus’ smirk sent a shiver down my spine.
Melody was on her knees in front of me, her eyes dark with desire. I lifted the collar in my hands,
knowing it was one that I had worn before. It would be comfortable, unyielding, and would suffice
until I had one made for just her.
“Lift your chin, songbird,” I commanded.
My commands were never rough. They were never mean. When I was in control, it was with a
firm softness.
She would obey me, but I would make sure to bring her more pleasure than she dreamed
She lifted her chin, her dark hair falling back. For a moment, I felt my chest swell with pride. Her
submission to me was a gift, one that I would cherish.
I leaned down, brushing my mouth across hers. Her breath was my breath, her taste was my taste.
Soon her soul would be my soul. I ran my fingertips down her throat reverently, longing to fuck her
mouth so that I could see my bulge there.
I swept her hair back and slid the collar around her throat, my cock hardening as I buckled it. I
positioned it so that the metal loop would be in the front.
I then hooked my finger through it, giving it a soft tug. “How does it feel, songbird?”
“Good,” she rasped, her lips parting.
“Open up, songbird.”
She did, her lips parting even more.
I spat and watched gleefully as she swirled it around with her tongue and then swallowed.
“You’re such a good girl,” I praised, “Such a good little human. I didn’t think you’d be able to
take his bond, but you did.”
“I want yours too,” she whispered.
I liked the way she looked at me now. Just me. Just her future mate. She knelt before me, collared,
and with my spit dripping down her throat.
“For god's sake, Dalus,” Icarus whispered. “I’m going to cum from just watching her take you.”
I smiled, glancing up at him. Icarus was on edge now, his body stiff. I could see the tip of his
erection above the water, his eyes burning with desire.
“If I take your bond, are we going to go to that dark place again?”
I looked down at her, my heart melting. “We will, but Icarus and I will bring you back faster. You
won’t be gone for so long, my love. I promise.”
“Okay,” she said, nodding. “I trust you.”
“I trust you too,” I murmured. “Stand up, little songbird.”
I kept my finger looped in her collar as she stood. Icarus let out a hiss, and I heard the water
splash a little.
He was touching himself now, his head falling back as a wave of pleasure hit him.
I dragged her into another kiss, taking my time to explore her mouth. Our tongues danced as I
tasted her, sliding my hand down to the apex of her thighs. I cupped her pussy, enjoying the way she
I drew back and pulled her towards the tub, stepping into the water. The tub was huge. Large
enough to really fit five of us if we wanted, and it sank into the floor to make it easier to get in and out
of. Steam rose up, twirling around the two of us as I helped her in. Her eyes widened, another groan
escaping her.
“Fuck, this water feels good,” she rasped.
“Good,” I said.
I pulled her into my arms, into another kiss. Her arms wound around me as I rubbed my cock
against her, enjoying the heat of the water.
I growled as the first stab of possession filled me, the desire to mate her becoming almost the only
thought I had.
“Fuck,” I gasped. “Fuck. Are you certain you want this? I have to know, little songbird, before it’s
too late. This was supposed to just be a first date.”
I cupped her face, searching her eyes for the truth.
“Yes,” she said, nodding. “I do. I really do. I’ve always wanted to be with monsters, and I’ve
always wanted to have someone to call mine. I know this is right, even if it’s crazy. I’ve never felt
so…so whole.”
I knelt my forehead to hers, breathing in her scent. She shivered, her hands running over my chest.
“I want to see you shifted,” she murmured. “Take me in your true form.”
I blinked, swallowing hard.
“I’ll break you,” I said.
“You won’t,” she disagreed, pressing her body against mine. “I want to know. I saw Icarus. I want
to see you.”
“If it becomes too dangerous, I’ll stop you, brother,” Icarus said.
He stood up, coming up behind me. He was a little taller, and it became hard to think as he
pressed his cock against me.
“Take her in your monster form. She’s no longer just a mortal,” he whispered, nuzzling me.
She smiled, her dark eyes flashing with the embers of the magic Icarus had given her when they’d
“She’s our little songbird,” Icarus said darkly. “Make her sing.”
“Fuck,” I gasped, but I felt my will crumbling.
Icarus moved away, sinking back to the edge of the tub to watch. Melody stepped closer, running
her hands down my chest.
“You won’t burn,” I said, lifting one of her hands to my lips. “You won’t burn now. The fire will
just feel like warmth. Do you really trust me?”
“Yes,” she gasped.
I hummed and stepped back, giving in.
Letting myself break.
It started with a soft burning, a fire ignited in my chest. It grew all consuming within moments, and
my bones began to crunch, my skin sprouting black and blue feathers with threads of bright orange.
Wings burst from my shoulder blades, tearing into the air. I shuddered as I grew, my sight
changing. Everything changed into different shades, and the brightest thing in our bathroom was her.
I felt myself slipping even further, need scalding me. She gasped as my clawed hands shot out,
gripping her by her neck as my fire began to flare.
She let out a soft yelp, but she didn’t pull away. Her eyes widened with shock as blue flames ran
down my body, the water in the tub starting to evaporate. More steam surrounded us, and I felt
satisfaction grip me as she screamed.
My fire touched her, licked her. I growled and lifted her into the air, enjoying the way my claws
pressed into her flesh.
No blood.
I growled, struggling with the thirst to taste her life essence.
But there was another I could taste from her.
I lifted her out of the tub, placing her on the floor. I could smell her fear, her arousal, her delight at
finally feeling fire the way my mate and I felt.
My mate was suddenly out of the tub and behind her, lifting her so that her torso was in his lap. He
raised his golden eyes to me, cocking his head.
Taste her, brother.
My massive body shuddered again, and I splayed my claws across her stomach, a clicking sound
coming from my throat. She was so small compared to the size of just my hand.
She moaned, tipping her head back. Icarus met her open mouth with a kiss before gripping her
jaw, forcing her to look at me.
“Watch the monster make you cry, songbird,” he growled.
“Fuck,” she gasped, her body trembling as I parted her legs.
I leaned in, my tongue slipping out from between my jaws. Her arms went back, looping around
Icarus as I licked her, getting my first taste.
My senses exploded, and I felt my cock lengthen, becoming even larger than before. I extended my
feathered neck, parting her legs to drive my tongue inside of her.
She screamed, her voice echoing around us. Icarus held her in place as I went deeper, tasting her.
Consuming her. Her wetness coated my tongue, my icy blue fire dancing around the three of us.
I growled, wishing I could go even deeper. My tongue bumped into her cervix, and she cried out,
her walls squeezing me. I eased back, still thrusting in and out.
I would make her cum, and then I would mate her fully.
A deep growl rumbled through my chest, and I withdrew my tongue, watching her essence and my
saliva drip from her pussy.
“Turn,” I snarled, my voice that of a monster now.
Icarus turned her over, helping her stay steady on her hands and knees. I leaned over her body and
slid my tongue around her neck, above her collar. I listened to her choke, rubbing the tip of my cock
against her opening.
Icarus groaned, leaning back to watch the two of us. “Fuck. What a pretty sight. Two pretty birds,”
he hummed, cocking his head. “You look beautiful on fire, little songbird. How does it feel?”
I eased the pressure of my tongue around her neck, allowing her to speak.
“Good,” she cried. “All of this is too good. I’m so close to cumming.”
A clicking noise of approval sounded from my throat, and I pulled back, my tongue finding her
pussy again. Her back bowed, her thighs trembling.
“Oh god! His tongue! Shit— I’m—”
I felt the gush, her scent rushing my senses as she came. Her taste flooded my mouth, and I
growled, lapping up every drop.
Her arms started to cave, but Icarus kept her up. “No, no, he’s just getting started. You have to stay
strong, so you can take his cock, baby,” he said softly. “Look at me while he takes you.”
“Fuck,” she moaned.
I knew she had tears streaming down her pretty face.
I moved back over her, my form swamping hers. She was so tiny, her hips barely wider than my
I rubbed the tip of my cock against her, thinking.
Even with this thirst, this hunger, this need…
I didn’t want to hurt her.
“She’ll take it,” Icarus said, looking up at me. “She’s not breakable. She can take it, Dalus.”
Once I started, I wouldn’t be able to stop.
But I knew he would stop me if he needed to, even if it resulted in violence.
Knowing that, trusting him, I let out a low hiss.
My cock was dark blue with veins of gold, a throbbing thick 14 inches. I planted my hands on the
floor to either side of her and slowly began to press inside of her as gently as possible.
“Fuck,” she whispered. “Oh fuck. There’s no way.”
“My magic will help you take it,” Icarus said confidently. “I promise you.”
“Fuck. There’s not enough magic in the fucking world— FUCK!”
I jerked forward, impaling her with half of it. She cried out, her pussy gripping me like a vice.
She was hot, still embraced in my flames, and soon to be my seed.
I’d bathe her insides with it and then whisper the mating spell.
She groaned, her body shivering as I inched in further. I was patient, going until her body simply
couldn’t take anymore.
“Such a good girl,” Icarus rumbled, petting the top of her head. “Taking his monster cock. You’re
such a good little slut. I bet you’d like to take both of us, hmm?”
“Yes,” she gasped. “Fuck. Dalus, you feel so good.”
“We’ll save that for another time,” Icarus chuckled, still stroking her. He looked up at me, gazing
into the primal part of me.
A territorial growl erupted from me, and I pulled back, then pumped back into her. She cried out
as I began to fuck her, lowering my sharp beak-like jaws next to her face.
Her whole body moved with each thrust, her pussy already convulsing again.
“Mate,” I gasped, squeezing my eyes shut.
I fucked her even harder, giving in. Letting the thirst overtake me.
I could feel my body reacting, my seed swelling up the longer I took her. With a roar, I let go—
giving one last thrust and then cumming.
I gasped, groaning with her as I filled her. I felt some of it splash free, dripping down onto the
side of the tub.
With a soft breath, I spoke the incantation.
That was all it took for the two of us to tumble towards a new beginning.
9 / FLY


It was Monday at the office, and unfortunately, I’d had to come in, leaving my new mate alone with
my brother. I still had to work and to get ready for Dalus’ concert tonight afterward.
He played at a couple different places every week, and the concert tonight would be a lot bigger.
At a club too.
Melody was excited about it. I liked that she enjoyed his music the way that I did. It was part of
his soul, his melodies and lyrics. I could listen to him forever and never grow tired.
Part of me wanted to watch him play guitar with Melody at his feet, sucking him…
I cleared my throat, trying to regain focus.
Their regeneration had happened quickly, and the evening had ended with the three of us in bed in
a massive cuddle pile. Freshly mated, a little confused about fate, but ultimately…
I’d never felt this type of happiness before.
It was new. Different. There was a lump in my throat now when I thought about the future. The
cold logic I’d always known had turned into a mushy emotional fuckfest, meaning that I wanted to tell
my client to get the fuck out of my office.
But I couldn’t do that.
Especially not to this one.
“It feels weird being on this side of the deal,” Al chuckled, leaning back in his chair. “Tell me you
have the papers for the vampires finished up.”
Al was a werewolf and one of the closest friends of the Barista. He was also the mate of the
human whose brother had become a vampire and fucked a lot of things up.
Which was why I was even here this morning.
“I finished them this morning,” I said, turning to look at him. I narrowed my gaze, fighting to keep
my composure.
He raised a red brow. “You seem to be settling well into mated life.”
I cocked my head, completely thrown off. Was it so obvious?
Al’s teeth glinted, his expression one of amusement. “It changes you, Icarus. Ask me how I know.”
“Indeed.” I grinned a little, relaxing. “We’ve fully mated. The three—” I cut myself off, my words
Fuck, I hadn’t meant to bring it up like that.
“When are you going to relax around me, Icarus? You surely don’t think I’m that ignorant, do you?
Or that quite frankly anyone is?”
I glared at him, walking back to my desk. I took a seat in my chair, crossing my arms. “I don’t
know what you mean. The three of us had a wonderful weekend.”
“I’m sure,” he said blandly. “If you give me the contracts, I can get back to my mates, and you can
get back to yours.”
“Well,” I sighed, drumming my fingers on the desk. “She should have a coffee date with her
friend. I think Dalus is going to buy a new house.”
“Surprising you let her out this soon,” he chuckled. “It’s been very hard not to be that way with
Quinn, although I think being with someone like Luna for so long has helped. Both of them would
make my life hell if I tried to control them outside of the bedroom. I like that the two of you aren’t
controlling in that way.”
I was. I was controlling in that way. The only reason she wasn’t leashed and under my desk
sucking my cock right now was that I had ‘real job’ things to do.
Also, Dalus wasn’t just out buying a house. He was out having a new collar made for our Melody.
One that she could always wear. One that would have two keys and locks, for him and for me. I
always kept my key to his around my neck, even if it went under my suit.
It was like a wedding ring.
I groaned inwardly. We’d done things backwards, but at least she seemed happy regardless.
“It’s challenging,” I muttered. “Have you heard from the Barista at all?”
Al shook his head. “Nope. We all blocked him for the week, aside from me. We’re trying to
actually give him a break from all the problems. You’d think that the vampires would stop being such
idiots. I’ve also kept all the updates about the werewolves from him for now as well.”
“I doubt they will stop being idiots. The wolves too. They’re angry now that we’ve forced them to
follow our rules,” I said.
“Rules exist for a reason. That pack has no business in this territory.”
“Lucifer had to have sent them,” I said, looking at Al. I was blunt and wouldn’t sugarcoat
“He’s still regenerating. Should still be, anyways.”
“Doesn’t stop his emissaries from spreading news like a wildfire. You think it’s going to get
easier? Next thing we know, we’ll be dealing with some of Dante’s backward ass cousins.”
Al barked out a laugh, not because it was funny necessarily but…how else were we supposed to
We’d asked the Barista for these fates and had damned him to his own.
I pulled open one of the drawers in my desk and drew out the files. “Let me go make copies, and
then I’ll also send you the digital file. Have Luna or Quinn help you. I know you hate computers.”
“I do,” Al chuckled. “Luna loves them.”
I fought back a smile. I now understood the warmth that other monsters had when speaking about
their mate. It felt different.
It felt different now that Melody was with us. Dalus and I had always been complicated, going
through ups and downs. Melody offered some balance that I didn’t realize we needed.
She completed us.
I wanted to know more about her. What type of food did she like? Did she always have a
fascination with fire?
I wanted to meet her family.
I pressed my lips together, trying to bring myself back. “Sorry,” I mumbled.
Al shrugged. “Don’t worry. We all get daydreamy after meeting our partners. I think you had stars
in your eyes for just a moment.”
I stood up, giving him a look. One that was a ‘we’ll drop this now’ look.
“I’ll be back.”
I left him sitting in one of my plush leather seats while I stepped out of my office. There was a
side room with a copier and printer, one that was used by all of the lawyers in my office. I owned the
firm, although I did under another name, and took only the best. A good portion of the time, they had
their own dark secrets too. In fact, there was only one pure human in the office, and that was our
receptionist— Ms. Dowry.
I pressed my lips together as I made a copy of the papers, thinking about Melody. At some point, I
wanted to bring her in. Just to have her around.
I swallowed hard, imagining taking her on my desk.
The thirst overwhelmed me for a moment, and I realized that I was close to melting the machine.
The moment it spit out the papers I needed, I gathered everything and went back to Al.
“Here,” I grunted, practically shoving them at him.
He took them into his clawed hands and then stood up, towering over me. “Thanks, Icarus. I
appreciate everything you’ve done to protect my mate. This whole situation has been hard on her, but
now we at least have things on paper. If you ever need anything, I’m just a call away. It’s easy to make
enemies in our world and harder to make friends, but just know that we’re one of the latter for you.”
I nodded, my chest warming a little. He was right. “Same goes, Al. I know I’m cold at best, but I
like knowing other good creatures. And I think that our mates might get along.”
“True,” Al chuckled. “I’m pretty certain Quinn has already told me about Melody a few times
now. Alright,” he grunted, heading towards the door, “I’ll see you next time, Icarus. Hopefully, around
a campfire instead of your desk.”
I watched Al leave and then went back to my chair, taking a seat.
There was no way in hell I would be able to focus on all of the things I needed to do. I looked up,
staring at the window. At the sky. My shoulders burned for a moment, the thirst to let my full form
break free overwhelming.
One day, creatures wouldn’t hurt humans so badly. One day, humans wouldn’t fear creatures so
And then I would be able to fly.
I let out a soft sigh and picked up my phone to check the time. I was halfway through my day, a
few hours from Dalus’ concert.
I would see them soon, I reminded myself. The hours would pass by quickly.

The hours did not pass by quickly. By the time I stepped foot into the club, I was raving to see my
mates. A hunger filled me, one that drove me straight towards backstage, where I knew Dalus was
I moved through the people, the music of another band playing loud but melodic.
My eyes lit up as I saw Melody making her way towards me. Her scent hit me, and my mouth
She was beautiful. A soft growl left me as she threw her arms around me, and I lifted her, holding
her to me.
“I missed you,” I said, setting her down.
Melody grinned, “I missed you too. Although, I was able to get a lot done today. And coffee with
Ella was nice.”
“Good, little songbird,” I said, slipping my hand into hers.
She had changed into a short glittery dress with a leather jacket, some fishnet stockings, and black
boots. I wanted to lick all the way from the tip of that boot up her thigh…
“Hey,” she breathed, her body leaning into me. “I can feel what you want,” she whispered,
swallowing hard.
“I know, mate,” I chuckled. “I want you to feel it. To know how much I’ve thirsted for you today.”
“Icarus,” she mumbled.
I didn’t care that others could see us. I didn’t care that we were in public, in a club. I pulled her
close to me and leaned in, pressing my lips against her throat.
“How do you feel about a backstage excursion?” I asked, sliding my hands down her hips.
She let out a soft whimper and nodded. “That sounds good.”
“Good. We have a present for you too,” I said, leading her.
Most backstage areas were shit, but this club had a small room. I knocked on the door of it,
It opened immediately, and we were both met with a very sexy Dalus. He wore a black dress shirt
that was unbuttoned, his lock necklace, black jeans, and boots, and he’d even lined his eyes with
“Holy shit,” Melody said. “You look like every girl’s rockstar fantasy.”
Dalus ran his fingers through his hair, letting out a nervous laugh. Without fail, he always became
nervous right before he went on stage.
Melody gave him a hug, and he tugged her close, breathing in her scent. “Hi, little songbird,” he
said softly.
“Are you nervous?” she asked, now sandwiched between us.
I pressed my body against hers, looking down at Dalus.
He gave her another soft, anxious laugh. “I get nervous before shows. Very nervous. I still have to
wait for another hour.”
Melody pressed her ass hard against me, rubbing against my cock. I let out a low growl, heat
filling me.
“Maybe we can distract you,” she said, still looking up at my brother like he was the greatest
thing in the world.
“I have some ideas,” I said, pushing both of them into the room.
I tugged the door shut behind me, locking the top lock.
The room was small and stained with smoke, carrying the scent of alcohol and cum, and god knew
what else.
“Play a song for us, Dalus,” I said. “I want to hear you play while she sucks your cock.”
Both of them let out little noises, and I grinned.
Today had been long, but the wait had been worth it. Now, I was with both of my mates and could
play wicked games with them.
10 / CLAWS


“..So love, where do I belong?

What should I do?
I’ve never been one to stay for long
But then I met you, then I felt yo—”
Dalus’ words were momentarily a gasp. He fought so hard to go back to the lyrics, his brows
drawing together.
He plucked the strings of his guitar as I slid my lips over the head of his cock. He was fighting to
keep singing, trying desperately not to moan.
I was trying desperately to make him.
I needed to have him fill me again. I could feel the magic thrumming in my veins, their heat a
potion in my blood.
I’d always been addicted to fire, and now I was mated to two monsters who could make me burn
hotter than hell.
Some dreams do come true.
Icarus knelt behind me, his fingers lifting the hem of my dress up. I fought myself, focusing on
making Dalus cum as he ripped a hole in my fishnets.
“I’m going to make you scream,” he breathed.
I was about to protest when I realized he was lying on his back on the floor, his head now
between my knees. His tongue pressed against my underwear, right against my clit.
“Mmm,” he groaned, “she wore lace for us, Dalus.”
Dalus’ words melted into a croon, and I looked up at him, holding his gaze.
I was throbbing now, desire chokeslamming my pussy.
There was a fight within me between the girl who wanted to melt beneath the two of them and the
girl who wanted to ride Icarus’ face like he was a fucking stallion.
I closed my eyes for a moment, a huff leaving me as the lace was torn and Icarus’ hot tongue
buried into me.
“Oh, fuck,” I gasped.
Dalus’ song had a hold on my heart, Icarus’ mouth had a hold on my lady bits.
They were entirely too dangerous.
Dalus finally broke, setting aside his cherry red acoustic guitar. He shifted forward, gripping my
throat and kissing me hungrily.
Icarus began to thrust his tongue in and out of me, his thumb rubbing my clit in circles.
Dalus drew back, still holding my neck. “Does my brother feel good?”
“Yes,” I gasped.
“Are you going to watch me while I’m on stage?”
“Yes,” I said, my eyes widening.
“Only me,” he said, his thumb slipping between my lips. “If I sing just to you tonight, maybe I
won’t feel so nervous.”
My heart melted right as a stab of pleasure burned through me. My head fell back, and I groaned,
moving my hips over Icarus’ mouth. His tongue was a long and hot spear, bringing me closer and
closer to the edge.
“Oh fuck,” I gasped.
Icarus suddenly lifted me off his face, moving me to the couch. My chest heaved with breaths as I
settled into the cushion, feeling the heat from both of them.
Icarus licked his lips, and then I watched him grab Dalus by his hair, tipping his head back to kiss
Watching them was enough to make me slide my fingers down to my clit. I was wet and aching to
be filled, and watching their interaction was only making the need worse.
Icarus broke their kiss and looked at me, smiling. “Once we get home tonight, we have a present
for you, songbird.”
“Is the present making me cum right now?”
Both of them chuckled, and Dalus slid towards me.
RIP to my fishnets and underwear. He gripped the fabric and tore further, giving him more access
to me. He pressed his face between my legs, nibbling my clit.
“Oh FUCK,” I gasped.
“You’re such a little slut,” Icarus said, slowly unbuttoning his pants.
He moved right up next to me, bringing out his beautiful cock.
“This is the only time you’ll ever get us in a more human form,” he said, gripping my hair. “Suck
my cock, little songbird, before I shift and fuck you here and now.”
“So what if you did?” I gasped, bucking my hips against Dalus’ face.
“We have a show to watch,” Icarus scolded lightly, pressing the head of his cock against my lips.
“And there are too many humans here. What would they do if they walked into a little human being
fucked by a massive monster?”
I kind of liked the idea of being walked in on. Of the whole world seeing that I belonged to them.
“Open your mouth and look up at me.”
I obeyed, parting my lips for him.
Fuck, he was hot. He had that dark, lusty look, concentrated on me like I was the center of his
universe. He gripped my jaw and spit, never breaking eye contact. I gasped as I began to get hotter,
Dalus rubbing my clit as his tongue fucked me.
“Fuck,” I moaned. “Fuck, I’m so close to cumming.”
“If you can make me cum, then I’ll fuck you fully shifted when we get home tonight. Or maybe
Dalus and I can fuck you at the same time.”
Challenge accepted. I let out a breath, taking him into my mouth just as my first orgasm of the night
hit. He shoved his cock further, and I choked around him as I came, groaning against him.
“Fuck,” Icarus gasped. “I like hearing you scream from pleasure a little too much, songbird.”
“She tastes like heaven,” Dalus groaned.
I moaned, squeezing my eyes shut as I began to bob my head back and forth. My muscles relaxed
as a wave of euphoria hit me.
Icarus grunted again, his head tipping back. His cock, even in his more human form, still had the
wild colors it did when he was shifted. I gripped the base, moving my hand as he thrust in and out of
my mouth.
“Fuck, you look so pretty sucking him,” Dalus said. “Does he taste good, little songbird?”
All I could do was nod as tears began to stream down my cheeks.
Icarus growled, his control slowly slipping.
Fuck, I was determined to make him cum. I needed to have him with me again.
I had been wrecked several times this weekend, but I was still hungry for more.
“I need to fuck her now, Icarus,” Dalus growled. “Please? Before I go on.”
Icarus moaned, “Fuck her then, brother.”
I heard Dalus unbutton his pants and gasped as Icarus pulled out of my mouth, taking a step back
from me. His cock was so incredibly hard, his eyes wild.
“Head over the edge of the couch, little songbird. I’m going to fuck your throat while he fucks
your pussy. I’m not cumming yet, your torture is too sweet.”
His self control made me admire him and hate him.
I gasped as Dalus positioned the two of us, hiking my dress up further as my head fell back over
the arm of the couch. Icarus pressed the head of his cock against my lips again, and I opened.
This angle was completely different, allowing him to go as deep as possible. He was warming me
up now, giving slow thrusts while he slid his hand over my throat.
“I can’t wait to see the shape of my cock here and listen to you choke,” he murmured, his
fingertips light.
Dalus moaned as the head of his cock pushed into me, spreading me wide. The moment I gasped
was the moment Icarus shoved forward, impaling my throat.
I immediately choked, stuck between pleasure and pain. Neither one of them let up, Dalus
slamming into me with a groan.
“Fuck, she’s so wet,” he said, pulling back out before thrusting in again.
Fuck. I wanted them to use me like this, to fuck me so hard I would see stars. I wanted to walk out
of this room knowing that I had just been taken, and then I wanted to listen to my mate sing on a stage
for a crowd of people.
I fought with myself as they began a rhythm, Icarus matching Dalus for every movement.
“Remember your signals,” Icarus grunted, his grip tightening around my throat. “Shift some,
Dalus. I want to see the bulge of your cock inside of her.”
He began to shift, his cock growing larger and larger until I let out a choked sob. It was torture.
Pure torture. And yet I was already back on the edge, so close to cumming.
“Fuck, I can see the shape of our cocks as they go inside her,” Dalus moaned.
“She’s such a beautiful little slut,” Icarus crooned, “One that we’re going to fill with our cum over
and over again.”
“Fuck, I’m about to.”
The two of them moved in tandem, fucking me hard. My muscles stiffened, a muffled cry leaving
me as another orgasm came— followed by the hot gush of Icarus’ cum down my throat and Dalus’
inside of me.
I could feel both of them, their releases giving me a whole new wave of pleasure.
Icarus slowly pulled out, immediately cradling my head. “You’re so good,” he whispered, giving
me a gentle kiss on the forehead.
My head was still pounding, my blood rushing. I drew in a breath just as Dalus lifted me, holding
me in his lap. I melted against him, thoroughly satisfied.
Icarus chuckled, “I should go get us water and perhaps a beer, too.”
“That would be good,” I said. “Otherwise, I’m going to walk out looking…thirsty.”
Icarus snorted as he adjusted his pants, getting everything back into place. He smirked, “I’ll be
back. And then it’ll be time for Dalus to woo all of us.”
“True,” Dalus moaned, his body immediately stiffening.
He was so nervous about going on stage, which was incredibly endearing.
“I’ll be back,” Icarus said, winking at both of us.
“He’s such a caretaker,” I whispered as he left the room.
“He is,” Dalus agreed. “Sometimes too much. And then he forgets to care for himself.”
I nodded, wishing that he had stayed to cuddle for a few moments. “Later, we should attack him
with cuddles.”
Dalus laughed, holding me tighter. “Yes. Although later, I think he and I have plans for you.”
“For my gift?” I teased.
“Mhmm,” he agreed, burying his face against my neck for a moment. “Tonight, the taste of you will
be on my tongue as I sing.”
The thought was really fucking hot.
“Are we going to go to your work tomorrow?” he asked.
Work. The idea didn’t sound fun at all, but I knew that he wanted to see what I did.
I was about to answer him when a blood-curdling scream echoed through the walls. The two of us
froze, but then Dalus slid me off his lap and went to the door with a growl.
Another scream, and then another.
And then a growl and the sound of a gun going off.
Fear curled through me, my stomach dropping.
“Hide,” he said.
“Dalus,” I whispered.
“Hide. Now,” he growled, looking back at me.
“Don’t leave me here,” I whispered, sliding off the couch to the floor.
His back turned to me, his muscles tensing. I heard more screams, more growls, and then I heard
the sound of footsteps.
He gave one look over his shoulder, one that had me scrambling into the darkest corner of the
room I could find.
I was scared. Scared that Icarus was hurt, scared that other people in the club had been harmed.
Scared about whatever beast was heading towards the door.
A massive figure slammed into it just as Dalus slammed back, making sure to keep it closed. He
let out a ferocious growl and was met with one from the other side.
“His mates are in here!” A muffled voice called.
The room was already starting to heat up, the air shimmering around Dalus. I squeezed my eyes
shut, trying to fight the panic that was creeping up on me.
The monster on the other side slammed into the door again, met with Dalus’ equal amount of
“We’re going to kill them,” another voice snarled. “We’ll use them first, though.”
The panic started to close in, and just as I felt the spiral begin, I felt both Dalus’ and Icarus’
presence. Their comfort.
I won’t let them hurt you, Dalus’ voice floated through my head, reminding me.
“Just chop down the door!!”
Remember the fire won’t hurt you, Dalus said softly.
I fought a squeal as he tore himself back from the door. Three massive monsters tumbled in, ones
that were werewolves, but…
Demented. Wrong. There was something even scarier about them, something evil.
Dalus burst into flames, his wings bursting from his back. I clamped my hands over my ears as
they slammed into him— howling in pain even as they fought.
Then, the real screaming started. I curled up further, unable to breathe as everything around me
was now on fire and melting.
I was in an inferno, everything melting or dying but me.
Arms lifted me, and I heard the building groan around us, the sound of wood snapping and walls
It wasn’t until I felt cool air brush against my skin that I opened my eyes, looking up at Dalus.
He cradled me to his body, but I still looked past him. Everything was burning around us, and then
it hit me.
Icarus was nowhere in sight.
11 / ASHES


Before the other monsters could close in on us, I let my wings out again and lifted Melody into the
sky. I didn’t care if the humans saw us and doubted they would notice now that a building was burning
and people were hurt.
I hurt with them. I could feel their agony.
My flames hadn’t been the ones to kill them. It had been the werewolf pack that had attacked.
Icarus was also missing.
I couldn’t let anything distract me. I held Melody tight to me, flying far up into the night sky
towards our home and far away from the destruction.
The wind would have chilled Melody, but my warmth was enough to protect her.
How else would I protect her?
The monsters that had attacked the club would have devoured her. She was protected by our
mating bond now, but she could still be hurt.
The idea made my fire burn hotter.
I finally saw the only place I could think of going. The moment we slipped through the ward, I felt
a prick of pain but then was immediately met with warmth. Trees stretched below us and then around
us as I dove towards the ground.
I landed in Al’s front yard, falling to my knees.
Melody let out a choked sob, her arms winding tighter around me. I heard the front door of the
house slam open and then a yell, followed by a shadow.
“Dalus,” Al said gruffly. “Fuck, what happened? We’re starting to get calls about the club—”
“We were attacked,” I said, looking up at him.
Melody was still glued to me, which I preferred. Her holding me was the only thing keeping me
together right now.
Al’s mates came out, bringing a couple of blankets. It was then that I realized all of our clothing
had burned off.
I didn’t even care.
Icarus had been taken. I knew it in my soul now, in my bones.
Otherwise, we would have felt him.
“They took him,” Melody whispered.
Al’s blue-haired mate, Quinn, wrapped the blankets around Melody, making a soft noise.
“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. Everything sounds like a nightmare,” she whispered.
Luna, Al’s other mate, crossed her arms— a little more hardened to bad things, just as Al and I
Quinn and Melody were so new to the world.
“Can she take you inside?” I asked Melody softly. “So we can make a plan? You can get some
clothing and some water. Some food would be good.”
“He’s gone,” she whispered. “I can’t feel him. I’m scared.”
“I am too,” I whispered back, feeling my chest clench. “But he’s still alive, or else we would
know. We will find him, little songbird. We will get him back. For now, go with Quinn.”
I looked up at her, and she nodded, giving Melody a soft rub. “Melody, I have some clothes you
can wear. And maybe we should text Ella, she’s already called everyone south of town.”
Melody reluctantly let go, pausing to give me a look that felt like a stab through the heart. She
cupped my face. “I love you. Thank you for protecting me.”
I let out a soft breath and nodded, fighting back tears.
I had never felt fear like that before. And while I was thankful that Melody was okay, I felt like a
failure because Icarus had been taken.
Taken from me. Taken from her.
“We’ll get him back,” Al said, looking at Luna.
Quinn coerced Melody from my arms, leading her back to the house. I stayed kneeling for a few
moments, pulling the blanket tighter around me. My claws gripped the fabric, my feathers jutting down
my arms. Without my fire, my feathers were an array of dark blue.
I was still partially shifted, and there was no way I would take my human form again tonight.
I waited until Melody was out of earshot and looked up at Al and Luna. “He told me that we had
enemies, but I didn’t think they would be like this. I want them dead. I want to kill them. And I want
someone to call the fucking Barista back from his vacation.”
Al was about to answer when the ground itself rumbled, the earth splitting a few feet away. The
three of us stayed put as the wind howled, and the bastard came into being— emerging from a black
“I was on my way back,” the Barista snarled. “You want to know why? Because I just felt at least
a hundred people DIE!”
His voice thundered around us, a chill working its way down my spine.
“WHY ARE THERE PEOPLE DEAD??” the Barista asked, marching towards us.
Al let out a soft growl. “One step closer, and I’m going to knock your reaper ass out.”
The Barista stopped midstep, his eyes ablaze. This wasn’t the calm, calculated creature I had
always known.
“Who was going to tell me that Lucifer sent his hounds?” he asked, looking directly at Al.
“Icarus and I were handling it,” Al answered, glaring.
My eyes narrowed now, a flash of anger heating me. “You knew that they were Lucifer’s??”
“One, we didn’t know for sure. And two, don’t be mad at me. You needed your time off,” Al said,
shaking his head.
“I needed to keep people safe!” he yelled back.
Luna held up a finger, pointing it at him. “You needed a fucking break. You’re telling me you
would have been able to stop this?”
“I could have,” he said. “I could have stopped innocent humans from dying. Monsters from
perishing. I could have stopped Icarus from being captured. I could have kept Melody from—”
“From what?” Luna snapped. “Her mates? Can you stop letting him win for one god damned
The Barista glared at the three of us, and then finally, his gaze fell on me. “Get up. And either fully
shift or find some fucking clothes. We’re going to get Icarus back. I’m going to rip the tails off the
fuckers that ruined my vacation and hang them with it.”
Without missing a beat, I shifted fully. My entire body changed into that of a winged beast. My
claws dug into the earth, my wings spreading fully.
“Only Dalus and I will go,” the Barista said.
Al started to argue but was promptly cut off.
“There are only three of us resistant to fire, and one of them is captured. Dalus and I will go,” the
Barista growled. “I’m not going to see either of you hurt.”
“Tell her I’ll be back soon,” I rasped, my voice echoing.
The Barista stepped forward, his hand settling on my side. “We’re traveling my way. We have no
time to waste. I apologize in advance.”
Before I could say anything more, the entire world turned pitch black, and I was dragged into a
tunnel of screaming darkness.

When we came out on the other side, I felt like I was going to throw up. The Barista stood next to me,
the air already shimmering with heat around both of us.
“The fucking vampires,” he growled.
Anger began to pulse through me as I raised my head. I could smell Icarus, and I could smell the
monsters that had taken him.
“What you see here, you may not speak about,” the Barista said, giving me a hard look.
I nodded, focusing back on the warehouse. The moon was red in the sky, I realized, drenching
everything in crimson light. “I can feel myself slipping,” I said darkly.
And I could.
“Try not to lose yourself too much. But I, too, am done with them. They murdered humans tonight,
and our entire society will pay for it. Let’s go get Icarus,” the Barista growled.
It was then that I saw his scythe. I felt fear burn through me, and I took a step back. He burned
beneath the blood moon, and I could already feel the atmosphere shift.
I knew he was powerful. I didn’t realize he was as strong as a fucking god.
Figures began to flood out of the front door to the warehouse, werewolves and vampires alike.
It was two against at least twenty, and I didn’t feel a lick of fear. Not for me, not for the Barista.
Blue fire began to leak from me, lapping at the asphalt.
I didn’t want to remember this. I didn’t want to remember the destruction I was about to cause.
I let my own rage overtake me, succumbing to its brutal grip.


I couldn’t drown.
I couldn’t breathe.
I couldn’t reach my fire.
I was alone in the cold, and for the first time in hundreds of years, I felt fear.
They had planned this, and that infuriated me. But for once, my fury couldn’t turn into fire. Instead,
it was forced inward.
I forced my eyes open again, watching the figures of the monsters outside of the tank they had me
I had underestimated their willingness to die. They had chosen to sacrifice many of their pack in
order to subdue me, and the only reason they had been able to was that they had surprised me.
I’d let my guard down. I’d been so focused on Melody and Dalus that I hadn’t paid attention to my
Were they okay? I didn’t know. I knew they were alive. I knew whatever they had dunked me in
inside this container was able to keep me from bursting into flames.
I watched intently as two of the werewolves interacted. They were a bit blurry through the liquid
surrounding me, but I could still make out their movements and hear the tone of their voices.
They were angry. They were scared, even.
They had to have known the Barista was gone.
If he heard about this…
I fought the urge to smirk.
This was hell, but I at least knew there were monsters far greater than the ones that had taken me.
If I could break out of this container, I would end all of them.
One of the beasts turned to look at me. Anger stabbed through me as he smirked, his sharp canines
glinting. I couldn’t make out what type of building we were in, but it felt like it was underground.
I needed to get the fuck out of here before they actually tried to kill me.
I tried to move, but my body refused to respond, bound tight and floating in whatever this goop
I wished they were telepathic so I could tell them about the horrible death that was waiting for
Just as I was about to try and move again, the lights outside the tank flickered and then went out—
bathing me in absolute darkness.
I hadn’t felt him moments ago, but now I did.
His pain, worry, guilt, and absolute rage.
He was entirely more dangerous than I was. He had never had a temper, thank the gods, but if he
lost it….
If he was actually pushed to that breaking point…
I squinted in the darkness, waiting. Mentally reaching out towards him.
I found you, his voice whispered, warmth flooding me.
The tank I was in vibrated, and I didn’t flinch as the room burst into flames. The walls rumbled as
not only my mate but also the Barista stepped into view.
Fire spread around them. Dalus let out a terrifying screech, his monstrous form tearing into one of
the creatures just as it began to turn to ash and melt. Blood spewed, hitting the floor before boiling
The Barista smashed his fist into the tank, and the glass burst, everything flooding out.
I hit the floor, dragging in breaths.
I still couldn’t feel my fire.
Fear filled me again, but I didn’t have time to think about it.
Dalus was about to lose his mind.
The Barista quickly cut the ropes around my ankles and hands.
“We have to calm him,” I gasped, looking up at the Barista. “He can’t rage like this.”
The Barista nodded, both of us looking as Dalus tore into more creatures. His sharp beak pulled
out their intestines the same way a hawk did as it devoured its prey.
I’d heard enough screaming tonight.
“Dalus,” I croaked.
The Barista helped me to my feet, letting out a soft breath. “You’re very injured.”
“I can’t feel my body,” I whispered, “But I don’t care. Dalus!”
His monstrous form flinched, his head swiveling to look at me.
This room burned. Bodies burned, the bodies of creatures that had hurt me. Of creatures that had
killed innocent humans tonight.
“Dalus, come here,” I growled, putting more bite into my words. I was barely standing at this
point, the slick of the liquid making me feel cold even in the heat. “Now.”
He blinked at me, his eyes bright with anger. His fire began to turn blue, his dark feathers glinting
like black oil in sunlight. Blood coated his beak, dripping down his long neck.
“I’m okay,” I said, “And if you don’t come here, I’m going to punish you.”
That didn’t work.
The Barista shook his head as Dalus moved up a staircase, heading towards god knew what.
“Fuck! Dalus!” I bellowed.
“If I may offer some advice, dom to dom,” the Barista said, keeping me from falling to the ground.
“I don’t think punishing him is going to do much. He needs your love and approval right now.”
“Fuck,” I sighed. “Fuck. We have to go after him.”
The Barista nodded and damn near carried me through the carnage, helping me up the staircase.
We were back in the vampire warehouse, I realized.
“Fuck,” I whispered.
“They worked together,” the Barista said slowly. “But I think…I think they won’t mess with us
They wouldn’t mess with us again because they were dead.
“I’m going to hear about this,” the Barista sighed.
“Dalus!” I yelled again.
He was about to rip into another body.
“Dalus, please,” I said, trying to step away from the Barista.
My knees immediately buckled, and I hit the ground with a groan. Everything was starting to hurt
I needed him, I realized. I needed Melody too.
“Dalus, please,” I whispered, focusing on him. “I need you. I need you to help me. I love you, and
I’m thankful you are okay. Our enemies are dead, little brother. Please, come here.”
Dalus let out a growl but then turned to look at me again. Finally, I felt something break.
He left the carcass, coming straight towards me. He started to shift until he fell to his knees in
front of me, his wings wrapping around both of us as he hugged me.
I let out a sigh of relief, fighting back the tears. The pain was getting worse and worse, but I didn’t
Dalus whispered ‘I love you’ in the old language, the first one we had known, pressing his face
into the crook of my neck.
“We need to get both of you out of here,” the Barista said. “I’m going to make some calls. This
will be a hard clean up.”
I didn’t want to look around again. I’d seen plenty of death in my life, but this…This was
“Dalus, Icarus is very injured and needs to regenerate. You and Melody will need to help him. I
would stay away from your house for now. You can go to my cabin for privacy, it’s not far from Al
and Luna, and it’s heavily protected. I’ll take care of things here.”
I lifted my head, looking up at him. “I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I knew…I knew they were getting
angrier. I just didn’t realize it would go this far.”
The Barista wasn’t looking at us now, instead looking around the charred wareroom. “I should
have been here. I shouldn’t have taken time off. He used it to his advantage. He’s not even fully back
yet, and somehow he still managed to ruin lives.”
“Was your vacation nice, at least?” I asked dryly.
“Not at all. I hate the sand and didn’t realize until I tried to walk on the beach.”
I snorted. “That’s unfortunate.”
“Indeed. Both of you should go. Dalus can fly you back.”
Dalus took in a shuddering breath and sat back on his heels, studying me. “Fuck. What did they do
to you?”
“I don’t know,” I said, pressing my lips together. “But I’m really starting to feel the pain now.”
Even as I said that my vision started to dot, and their voices started to fade. I felt Dalus lift me,
his murmurs of comfort the only string holding me together.
I’ll get us home. She’s waiting for us.


It was 3am, but I knew the moment they were close.

I jumped up from the couch, leaving Quinn’s side to barrel out the front door just as Dalus landed
in the front yard with Icarus.
A strangled yelp left me, and I ran straight to them, throwing my arms around Icarus.
He slumped forward, letting out a soft breath.
“Oh god,” I gasped. “Dalus, what’s—”
“We’re going to the Barista’s cabin,” Dalus said quickly. “He has to heal, and the only thing that
can help him is us. We need to get this oily stuff off him too.”
Icarus began to slump more, and I was caught between feeling thrilled that he was in my arms and
scared to death about how hurt he was.
His body was covered in bruises and even burn marks, blood seeping out of different wounds. He
looked like he’d been beaten over and over. Then there was the liquid that coated him. It smelled
“Before you go to the cabin, let us help you,” Al said quickly. “We have a massive shower that
would be good to get whatever that is off him. I think it’s suffocating his fire.”
“Please,” I whispered, looking up at the friendly werewolf.
Al nodded and helped Dalus lift Icarus, carrying him into the house.
Tears were streaming down my cheeks now. He was here, and he was okay.
There wasn’t a gaping hole in my chest now.
I followed them inside. Luna and Quinn both gave me gentle smiles.
“I’ll make you a to-go bag thing,” Quinn said. “One that has food and stuff. I don’t know if the
Barista eats anything.”
I nodded and then followed Al and Dalus to the back of the house. There was a bathroom to the
side that they squeezed into.
Icarus’ moan physically hurt me. I fought back hot tears again and slipped into the bathroom,
helping to get Icarus into the shower as best as I could. His head fell back as Dalus cranked the water
on, turning it to as hot as possible.
Al kept him standing as Dalus, and I did everything we could to get the liquid off him. I fell into
autopilot, telling myself he was okay. Phoenixes could heal. He was alive. We were all alive.
Icarus let out a hiss, his eyes fluttering. “Fuck. What the fuck is that shit?”
I watched as it ran black down the drain, fighting more tears.
“I don’t know,” Dalus whispered.
He was hurting, too, just not physically.
“I think all of it’s off,” Al said. “We can grab a couple towels. The Barista’s cabin is a few miles
west of here, off the main road and in the forest. I’m going to go help him with everything, and I
believe we’re calling in some extra help. I’m glad the three of you are alive.”
“Me too,” I whispered.
We wrapped Icarus in a couple of fluffy towels despite his now grumblings.
“Grab what you need and let’s go,” Dalus said to me softly. “I want us to be at home, but it’s not
safe yet.”
I nodded and grabbed everything I could, thanking Quinn and Luna.
I wanted to see them again, but it would have to wait. I had let Ella know I was okay too, and I
wanted to see her— but she would also have to wait.
Everyone would have to wait.
I followed Dalus out and was happy to see that Icarus could at least kind of walk now.
The three of us would go to the cabin and heal from what had turned into a nightmare of a night.

By the time we made it to the cabin, the three of us were exhausted and quiet. Most of our words were
ones of comfort, and I found myself craving to be cuddled with them.
Dalus and I worked together to make the spare bedroom comfortable. The three of us crawled in
together, coercing Icarus into the middle.
He immediately fell asleep, his breaths becoming soft.
I stared into the darkness, finally letting my adrenaline go. I felt Dalus’ hand find the top of my
head, and he started to stroke me, humming softly.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered.
“You did nothing you should be sorry for,” Dalus responded. “We couldn’t have stopped this,
little songbird. I’m just sorry that you had to see so much destruction.”
“Are you okay?” I asked. I knew the answer was no, but I wanted him to tell me. To trust me
enough to share what he felt.
“I did evil things tonight,” he whispered.
I heard the break in his voice, and I reached over Icarus, sliding my hand into his.
“I love you,” I whispered. “Evil things or not. Tonight was a nightmare, but we will heal from it.”
“They would have hurt us,” he said.
I knew who he meant. The creatures at the club.
“I know.”
“They hurt him. Whatever that was that they put him in, it subdued him. It’s a frightening thing.
They could have killed him if they had been smarter. Also, the Barista…”
“He saved us,” I whispered.
“He did. He always does. But this mess…a lot of this stems from his history with Lucifer. And we
got caught up in it because he helped us.”
“That’s not his fault,” I said. “I knew there was a risk because he talked to me before setting up
the date. You forget that my family goes back with him.”
“I didn’t know there was this much of a risk.”
“Do you regret it then?” I asked.
Dalus immediately sat up, his eyes flashing in the darkness. “Of course, I don’t, Mel.” He let out a
sharp breath and squeezed my hand. “I…I’ve been with Icarus. For centuries. Since we were born.
He and I have had our battles, but we love each other. And then you were brought to us, and I’ve seen
a side of him I’ve never seen before. I’ve seen a side of me I didn’t know existed. You’re a gift. I
love you. I love you so much that it makes my chest hurt. And tonight, I could have lost all of that….”
He let out another strangled growl. “I…I don’t want you to think for one moment that I regret any
of this because I don’t. I just worry that I’m not worthy of you or even him. And I won’t forget the
atrocities I committed and saw tonight for a long time.”
I sat up in the bed and slowly crawled over Icarus as carefully as possible, sliding into Dalus’
lap. “I’m sorry for what you faced tonight. You brought him back to us, even though it was a
“He did.”
Dalus and I both startled a little, looking down at him.
Icarus let out a groan. “Fuck, I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. But at least I can speak now.”
Dalus and I both grinned like fools.
“It’s like 4am now, and we should sleep, but I can’t,” I said. “I just… Can’t stop thinking.”
Icarus let out a little breath, curling into Dalus and me. “Understandable, little songbird. I think all
three of us will have things to work through from tonight. I’m sorry to both of you for putting you in
danger. I didn’t know how far those bastards would go.”
“I don’t think any of us did,” Dalus whispered.
“We’re safe, though,” Icarus said. “And all of us are okay. Together and okay.”
Dalus and I both nodded.
“Dalus, your rage consumed you, but then you were able to come back from it. I love you, and I’m
thankful that you saved me. I wouldn’t be here without you.”
Tears filled my eyes again because I felt both Icarus’ words and how that was what Dalus needed
right now.
“Come snuggle between us, songbird,” Icarus murmured, reaching for me.
I let the two of them pull me between their bodies, snuggling into them.
“I love you,” Icarus murmured, his voice becoming sleepy. “Both of you.”
Heat flooded my chest, the first flutter of happiness warming me.
“I love you too,” I whispered, closing my eyes.
Dalus agreed, kissing the top of my head.
Everything had changed in a matter of just a few days. Even with what had happened tonight, I
was thankful to have both of them in my life.
Despite the little song of pain the night had sung, the melody had ended up being sweet.


I shivered with anticipation as Icarus slowly handed me my present, offering me a smirk.

I took the box, knowing exactly what it was.
“Open it,” Dalus murmured, pressing his hard cock against my ass.
It had been a month since all hell had broken loose. The three of us had been drawn into a lot of
drama. Icarus mainly, while Dalus and I did our best to support him.
We had all done a lot of healing and a lot of growing.
I had even introduced the two of them to my parents. And while it had taken a lot of calming them
down, at the end of the day, they had accepted both Icarus and Dalus into the family. My mother had
almost had a heart attack when learning that I was at the club the night of the fire, but once she found
out Dalus had saved me— he and Icarus were golden in her eyes.
My dad still wasn’t the biggest fan, but he was coming to terms with everything.
Ella had stayed with us for a few days here and there, helping me slowly move things into the
house. She had also kept me somewhat sane, listening to me whenever I needed to talk about that
It hadn’t taken long for her to outwardly volunteer herself as tribute for the Barista to pair with
another monster. While I had initially doubted he would, he now seemed to be filled with a different
type of fire about things.
A vengeance. A need to do what he loved and do it well as a big fuck you to his ex.
We were all nervous about what was to come, but it didn’t matter. We would fight if we needed
“Open it, little songbird,” Icarus said, stroking my face with the back of his finger.
I let out a soft moan as I slowly opened the box. Tears sprang to my eyes.
It was a handmade collar, soft buttery leather with two rings and two silver locks. It was discreet
enough to wear during the day, and the meaning of it held a lot of weight and respect to me.
There were two keys inside the box, all laid out on black velvet. The box itself was beautiful.
“Don’t cry, little songbird,” Icarus crooned. A tear slid down my cheek, and he caught it, swiping
it away. “May I take it out of the box?”
“Yes,” I whispered.
Dalus rubbed me gently, although his cock was still very, very hard against me. I smirked, pushing
back against him enough to let him know that I was very aware of him.
He let out a dark groan. “Fuck. You’ll really wear our collar?”
“Will you wear the key?” I asked, turning to look at him.
“Yes,” he said without missing a beat. “Always. I’ll always wear it, little songbird.”
“It’ll never leave us,” Icarus said, gently taking the collar from the box.
“Then yes,” I said, my voice choking.
Dalus swept my hair up as Icarus latched the collar around my neck. It fit perfectly, snug but not
too much.
I pulled the key necklaces from the box, and the two of them moved in front of me. Icarus bent
forward, allowing me to clasp his around his neck. I paused, giving him a kiss.
He smiled, obviously prideful.
Dalus was next. He leaned forward, closing his eyes and breathing in my scent as I put the key
around his neck. I cupped his face, kissing him too.
I then threw my arms around both of them, letting out a squeal of happiness.
Icarus looked down at the two of us, cupping both of our faces. “I think it’s time we have some
fun, mates. Each of you go pick out a toy you want to use on the other, and then bring them back to
I smirked. “I think I like this game.”
“I think I do, too,” Dalus chuckled.
With that, the two of us ran to the bedroom, and I chose the naughtiest thing I could find from the
closet of goods— ready to find out just what these two had in store for me.




Hello Creatures

My name is Clio Evans and I am so excited to introduce myself to you! I’m a lover of all things that go bump in the night, fancy peens
, coffee , and chocolate
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