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Dear Scholarship Committee,

I am delighted to recommend Awais javed for the Transilvania Scholarship to pursue a

Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. As Dr sana saleem's teacher and
mentor, I have witnessed their remarkable growth and dedication to their studies and
extracurricular activities.

Awais javed excels academically, consistently delivering high-quality work and demonstrating
a deep understanding of electrical and computer engineering concepts. Their participation in
co-curricular activities, science fairs, hackathons, showcases their ability to think innovatively
and work effectively in teams.

Furthermore, Awais javed has made significant contributions to social causes, such as
community service, charity events. Their compassion, empathy, and commitment to using their
skills for the greater good are truly admirable.

I strongly endorse Awais javed for the Transilvania Scholarship. They possess the academic
talent, personal qualities, and social responsibility to excel in their studies and make a positive
impact in their community. Please feel free to contact me if you require any additional


Awais javed
Dr sana saleem

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