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Hello everyone and welcome back to our channel.

Today we're diving into the fascinating realm of

artificial intelligence (AI) and explore the question that has intrigued tech enthusiasts and experts
alike: how to effectively train AI models step by step. Join us as we embark on a captivating journey
into the future of AI examining the possibilities advancements and potential impact that await us.

Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your skills this video will provide you with practical
tips to master the art of training AI models. So let's get started.

When most people think about artificial intelligence (AI) they think of two possible futures. A positive future
where self-driving cars help us navigate our roads and robot servants help us maintain our homes. Or a more
negative one where machines take away our jobs and employment.

Fortunately it looks like the negative future isn’t one that we have to worry about. AI systems won’t
replace humans in the workforce but rather they’ll exist alongside humans as invaluable sidekicks.
While self-driving cars are advancing towards commonality other grand AI aspirations await
realization. Integral to achieving these goals understands how to train AI models effectively.

Our Today’s Video Contents are:-

1. Machine Learning
2. Deep Learning
3. How to Train AI Models
4. Tips for Training AI Models
5. Conclusion

Before we jump into training AI models it's crucial to grasp the basics. This includes understanding
key concepts like machine learning deep learning and data preprocessing. Without a solid foundation
training AI models can be daunting. Make sure to spend ample time studying these fundamental

Artificial intelligence is the ability of a computer or computer-controlled

robot to perform tasks that are commonly associated with the intellectual processes

characteristic of humans such as the ability to reason.

one. Machine Learning

Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence that allows computers to automatically
learn improve and hone their skills based on what they are exposed to. Machine learning uses
algorithms that discover relationships between variables (i.e. the patterns) then learns from
those lessons as it gains more data—much like how children learn through experience.
As machine-learning algorithms use billions of data points which humans don’t need to
understand or interpret in detail they do well at finding patterns in datasets by using
techniques such as supervised or unsupervised classification.

Two. Deep Learning

Deep neural networks are a more specialized machine-learning technique that imitates the
human brain in processing data. The computers learn through positive and negative
reinforcement relying on continual processing and feedback.

Deep learning relies on its highly layered network of deep neural pathways. Each neuron on
the network consisting of a mathematical function that’s fed data to be transformed and
analyzed as an output creates complex patterns and associations.

Every time there is a cycle the computer learns how to weigh the importance of each link
between neurons. The computer gets better at predicting what will happen when there are
many variables and changes in conditions.

With recent increases in computer power neural networks have incorporated new learning
methods that increase the power of AI models as they are now capable of difficult pattern
recognition tasks.

Training AI is a highly complex and fascinating process. Within the field of AI research
continuous work is being taken to find the best strategies for improving model speed and

Three . How to train AI Models

The process of AI training is a three-step process. The first step training involves feeding data
into a computer algorithm to create predictions and evaluate their accuracy. The second step
validating evaluates how well the trained model performs on previously unseen data. Finally
testing is done to find out if the final model makes accurate predictions with new data that it
has never seen before.

In this video we are going to explore how to train an AI in more details and explain how they
interact with each other.

AI training data is the basis for building and improving AI models. Your algorithms need human
interaction if you want them to provide human-like results.

Generation of Training Data for AI

Collecting large amounts of high-quality AI training data that meets all the requirements for a
specific learning objective is often one of the most difficult tasks while working on a machine
learning project.

For each individual project clickworker can provide you with unique and newly created AI
datasets such as photos audio video recordings and text to help you develop your learning-
based algorithm.

Labeling & Validation of AI Training Datasets

In most cases well-prepared AI training data is only attainable through human annotation.
Labeled data often plays an essential role in the successful training of a learning-based
algorithm (AI). clickworker can assist you in preparing your AI training data with an international
crowd of over 6 million Clickworkers by tagging and/or annotating text as well as imagery based
on your needs.

In addition our crowd can ensure that your existing AI training data meets your specifications
and even evaluate the output of your algorithm using human logic.

Step One: Training

The first step in AI training is to feed data into a computer system. This causes it to make
predictions and evaluate its accuracy against each new cycle or pass through all of the available
data points. Through the use of machine learning (ML) techniques including deep learning the
algorithm can analyze the data and make better predictions.

In this way we are teaching the software how to identify different features that may be present
within an image such as skin tone or hair color. Over time these initial guesses become
increasingly accurate until they reach a point where there isn’t much room for improvement

To get to this stage massive amounts of data are fed into the model. This data can be of many
different formats based on what is being analyzed. For example if the intention is to build an
algorithm that will be used for face recognition different faces are loaded into the model.

It’s important to understand how you intend to train AI model as depending on your choice the
data might need to be labeled so that the algorithm is better able to decide. There are two main
methods of AI training. A supervised learning algorithm requires labeled input and output data
while an unsupervised one doesn’t.

Supervised Learning

In supervised learning the algorithm .learns. from the training dataset by iterating through a
prediction of unknown variables. With supervised machine learning models human work is
needed to .train. the computer system by providing appropriate labels for input data. Looking
back at our previous example using a supervised learning model the faces being input would be
appropriately labeled and other items would also be input with the correct labels. This way a
reflection in a window wouldn’t be mistaken for a person. Another example of a supervised
learning model is a travel prediction based on a daily commute. By training the model to
understand the impact of weather and time of day it can make more accurate predictions
based on current conditions.

Unsupervised Learning

Unsupervised learning models work independently to find structures that might exist in
unlabeled data. This pattern recognition can be useful in finding correlations in data that
might not immediately be obvious helping identify outliers’ worth further investigation.
Unsupervised learning models are significantly faster to train but do still require human
intervention to validate the output variables.

The three types of Unsupervised Learning are Clustering Association Rule Mining and Outlier

The first is Clustering.Clustering helps to group unlabeled data together based on specific
criteria. The data in question could be grouped based on similarities or differences and specific
data points are bundled into groups. This type of unsupervised learning is useful for market

The second is Rule Mining. Rule Mining looks at the data slightly differently with an intent to
try and find relationships between data points. This type of unsupervised learning is useful for
analyzing the relationships between different groups of items and looking at which
combinations are more likely to occur together.

The first is Outlier Detection. Outlier Detection can be used to find data points that fall
outside certain bounds. This type of Unsupervised Learning is also helpful in finding anomalies
within data sets potentially leading to detecting unusual or fraudulent behavior.

A newer subset of unsupervised learning is known as reinforcement learning. Reinforcement

learning is a type of machine learning that uses rewards and punishments in an attempt to
maximize a reward metric. It’s most commonly used for games and self-driving cars.

Once the data has been loaded into the model the next stage of training can begin.

Step Two: Validation

The second step in AI Training is validation testing – which evaluates how models perform on
data that the model hasn’t seen before. A validation test is used to evaluate how well a trained
model performs on unseen data which can help determine if training needs to be continued or
modified in some way.
Reinforcement learning models are evaluated by trying to maximize their future reward metric
– so they continue until there’s no more potential for improvement. In contrast supervised
learning and unsupervised learning have finite endpoints where the dataset size dictates what
weights should be assigned and validated respectively.

A common strategy is known as .early stopping. whereby evaluating performance leads trainers
to realize that it’s unlikely any further changes will improve predictions meaningfully given
available resources (e.g. time). If this happens it’s often a good idea to stop training and explore
other options.

Step Three: Testing

Now it’s time to move on from simulation and into the real world. Give the AI a dataset that
doesn’t include tags or targets (those are what have helped it interpret data up to this point).
After training your AI on unstructured information it’s time to put it to the test.

The more accurate the decisions your artificial intelligence can make the better prepared you’ll
be when it goes live however you need to look deeper if you’re getting 100% accuracy also.

One of the classic challenges to train AI models is over fitting where your application performs
well on training data but not as well on new data. On the opposite side of the scale underfitting
means that you’ve got models that don’t do a good job at juggling both old and new data. If it
isn’t performing as predicted in some way or another by this stage head back to the training
process and repeat until satisfied with the accuracy.

Once you have a model that’s satisfied the training and validation process it can be tempting to
lean back and rest on your laurels. But the reality is models mimic their environment and
should ideally reflect this changing world. For testing to be successful certain criteria need to be
in place:

Data Quality

The data being used to train your algorithm must be accurate and relevant. If your data is
tagged (structured) the tags need to map back to an area of interest. For example if you’re
trying to train a customer service AI that can answer questions about your product line then it’s
important for these tags to include .Product A. or .Product B.. The greater the accuracy of the
data being input the faster the training and validation process will be.

It currently isn’t possible to automatically create annotations for first-class data that don’t
require manual labor. However by providing large volumes of data which has been cleaned and
tagged to a pool of experts in various fields on crowd sourcing platforms the time for your
project could be lower without sacrificing quality.

Hardware and Software

Deep learning is an intensive process for the computer and it has a lot in common with human
learning. This process requires vast amounts of computing power such as high-performance
Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) combined with clusters or cloud computing for large training
data sets.

Setting up systems involving multiple GPUs or in a cluster can help accelerate the Deep
Learning process.

A decision related to AI infrastructure might involve considerations such as data storage

compute resources or time. Building and maintaining custom in-house computing
infrastructure rather than renting web server space from a vendor is a more demanding
endeavor. It’s also rewarding on several levels including flexibility. When starting with AI a cloud
provider may be the best option because they make it easier to get started while still providing
the benefits needed.

In addition to hardware considerations the question of software algorithms and partners needs
to also be considered. Practical machine learning relies on supervised learning algorithms
which are typically linear regression algorithms for regression problems and support vector
machines for classification.

However if you don’t have data on the desired outcome then you’ll want to use unlabeled
learning. A popular example is a k-means algorithm for clustering which trains with a simple
heuristic and an estimation of what clusters should be.


Another consideration when to train AI models is who is going to train the algorithm? There’s a
lack of AI developers in the world and the few who aren’t employed are receiving substantial
salaries. Prestigious tech companies are actively recruiting from top universities around the
world to poach their graduates in order to meet this demand. Developers need to have an
affinity for C++ programming STL physics or life sciences. Consequently schools that specialize
in STEM fields have started recruiting students earlier and earlier to get them prepared to work
in the field of AI and data sciences.

Four. Tips to train AI Models

Training an AI system is a nuanced process requiring both technological and conceptual
expertise. While the previous chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the AI training
process there are several strategies and best practices that can optimize this endeavor. Here
are seven tips to consider when embarking on this journey:

Diversify Your Data Set

For a robust AI model it’s crucial to ensure your training data is diverse and inclusive. This
diversity not only helps in avoiding biases but also ensures that the AI system is effective across
varied real-world scenarios. For instance if you’re creating a visual recognition system it should
be exposed to images from multiple sources backgrounds lighting conditions and demographic

Regularly Update the Training Data

The world is dynamic and so is its data. To maintain the efficacy and relevance of your model
it’s essential to frequently update your training data. This step becomes even more crucial for
models dealing with sectors like finance or health where change is constant and rapid.

Implement Data Augmentation

Using data augmentation can be a game-changer. It involves creatively modifying existing data
to produce new training examples. Techniques might range from simple rotations of images to
altering their brightness or cropping. Not only does this method amplify your training data but
it also plays a pivotal role in preventing model overfitting.

Prioritize Hyperparameter Tuning

Hyperparameters govern the overarching characteristics of the training process. Regular

attention to tuning these variables such as adjusting the learning rate or batch size can
significantly enhance model accuracy and training speed. Leveraging systematic techniques like
grid search or random search can greatly assist in identifying the optimal hyperparameter

Incorporate Transfer Learning

Transfer learning offers a shortcut to success. It leverages pre-trained models for new yet
related tasks. Instead of embarking on training a model entirely from the ground up you can
utilize models already trained for similar tasks and fine-tune them to your specific
requirements. This approach often reduces training time while delivering high-quality

Stay Updated with AI Research

The AI domain is in a state of constant flux. To maintain a competitive edge it’s invaluable to
stay abreast of the latest research methodologies and algorithms in the field. This can be
achieved by routinely attending industry conferences engaging with AI-centric webinars and
diving into recent academic and industry publications.

Five. Conclusion
True AI is still far in the future and while researchers continue to make advances worrying
about the robot apocalypse isn’t a necessary fear. Rather AI will continue to become more and
more useful as companies and individuals continue to find new use cases and applications.

As AI training tools hardware and practices continue to evolve it’s likely that we’ll see the
artificial intelligence revolution continue to evolve as well.

And there you have it— a comprehensive guide on how to train AI models step by step effectively.
Remember mastering AI training requires patience dedication and continuous learning.

Don't miss out on this eye-opening exploration of AI's potential power in the contemporarily world.
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Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.

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