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; SNAPSHOTS __ 1 THE PORTRAIT OF A LADY Noisy dies (Khushwant Singh) Ewes — would spend her time reading religious books in the temple while the author studied alphabet © Author's memories of grandparents and said his morning prayer - both walked back home feeding the dogs with Grandmother = old, short, fat and slightly bent .» cnvpnd tele sheep. : <= walked with one hand on her waist’) a «Fang of friendship. Hs — always appeared in white dress», the author and his grandmothér mbved to the = remaineli busy in telling the beads of |... city olive with his parents her rosary and inaudible prayers sone!" the author and the grandmother shared the : = a picture of serenity like a winter landscape same room — difficult to believe for the author that she was the author began to attend an English school ‘once young = their friendship faded - the grandmother could Grandfather not help him in his studies. The laws of science and other things baffled her, sad that he was not given religion-based education the grandmother withdrew herself into her seclusion — his portrait above the mantelpiece = looked hundred years old, with white flowing beard, big turban and loose, fiting clothes - © Life in the village = did not like the author being given musical — Author's parents left him with the grandmother lessons. To her, music was meant for harlots when they moved to city — both became close and beggars. friends. Snapping of friendship (2 Daily routine — the author given a separate room when he — grandmother would wake up the author in the joined University momning, gethim ready forschool, singmorning —___the grandmother accepted her seclusion ~ prayers in the-hope that he would hear and busied herself with her prayers, spinning the remember the prayer wheel and feeding a lot of sparrows every = would give him breakfast of stale chapattis with afternoon ; butter and sugar = the author went abroad- the grandmother saw — would accompany him to the school attached him off at the railway station to the temple where the priest taught the children. results showed that nothing had gone seriously @ scanned with OKEN Scanner © The last days = the author returned after five years — surprised to find the grandmother receiving him-no change in her appearance ext day the grandmother tired herself by ~ forthe Frist ime she skipped her poyer o Staging elt songs—amd_beaking ole diate Tayog BS Seog hd BEng ST dium Gy Whe = taken ill-fever-announced her end seemed near-stopped talking-died in her inaudible prayer with rosary in her hand = her friends, sparrows arrived, sat silently around her dead body ie Jd no attention to crumbs of bread offered pe ontrors votes, - Few when. the dead. bo was carted, cuwery for Fanas a i @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Tut rediscovered after 3300 years 5th January, 2005 — Tut's mummy taken out of the cemetery for a CT scan - ominous atmosphere with dark, cloudy sky = tourists continue vis tomb, some of them reflecting over the curse Visiting those who disturb Tut's external sleep © Discovery of Tut's mummy — Howard Carter, a British archaeologist, discovered Tut's tomb in 1922 = Tut's tomb still contained jewellery, gold artefacts, wine, clothings, board games, etc. a shroud covered with garlands of spring season, indicative of the burial in the month of March or April — Carter found the mummified body cemented to the bottom of the gold coffin = Carter found the mummified body cemented to the bottom of the gold coffin — Carter had to chisel beneath the mummy to separate it from its gold base, separating the head of the mummy and every joint, leaving it in a very bad condition — justified his action, saying that if he had not cut the mummy free, thieves would have removed the golden adornments Archaeology, now and then - in the past, a scientific study of human antiquities — now, an investigative and scientific study of human antiquities — now focuses on mysteries of life and death instead of on treaures = Uses modem tools and medical technology as part of its investigations—Tut's body x-rayed in 1968 by an anatomy professor, revelation : Tut's breast bone and front ribs were missing, CT scan in 2005. Tut's underground © Unanswered questions — How did Tut die ? — What was his age when he died ? Q_ Tut's lineage and reign — Tut's grandfather Amenhotep Ill ruled for 18 years = his son Amenhotep IV brought drastic changes during his reign stopped the worship of ‘Amun’, a major god. — appointed sun’ as the reigning deity, and started the worship of ‘Aten’, the sun disk — when the young Tut ascended the throne, he changed his name from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun reverted to the worship of the old god ‘Amun! {© Egyptian mummy project - an inventory in 2003 was begun—600 mummies were recorded scanning the mummies with a portable CT machine — Tut's mummy the first to:be scanned on 5th January 2005—ahead in death as in life — results showed that nothing had gone seriously wrong* — Tutrests in peace in his tomb now @ scanned with OKEN Scanner eet a SNAPSHOTS i LeU ID Poverty-stricken Garoghlanian family = very poor family, like most families ofits tribe ~ belonged to a tribe famous for rust and honesty = for them family name very important — could never beg or steal ~ pride-before honesty ‘Two boys of the family ~ Aram the narrator : nine years old, very fond of horses = Mourad : Aram’s cousin, thirteen years old, somewhat crazy, adventurous, very confident, ready to take risks and even break rules if they did not cause any harm, affectionate towards Aram, had a way with animals, birds, farmers, etc. Stealing of a horse by Mourad — stole the horse for pleasure ride — no intention of selling it = viewed it as no theft—wanted to give it back to the owner — invited Aram fora ride — Aram tried, the horse went out of control and he fell down = Mourad hid the horse in a vineyard — had been using the horse for sometime Uncle Khosrove = a specimen of the crazy streak in the family = heavily built, big mustache, black hair, uproarious, impatient = the usual refrain : “It is no harm, pay no attention to it” THE SUMMER OF THE BEAUTIFUL WHITE HORSE (William Saroyan) © John Byro ‘An Assyrian farmer, the owner of the stolen horse could speak Armenian came to Khosrove to tell about his life without the horse Khostove snubbed him for his worries and anxieties about the horse © Aram's meeting with Mourad ‘Aram saw Mourad tending to the broken wing ofa bird told Mourad about John Byro's visit wanted to keep the horse until he learnt to ride Mourad said the horse must go to the owner, otherwise it would be stealing riding lesson continued for sometime 2 Encounter with John Byro Both the boys came across John Byro one day John Byro studied the horse, inspected its teeth felt it was his own horse knew the honesty of the boys’ family concluded the horse must be the twin of his stolen horse left, somewhat puzzled @ Horse returned EVERGREEN Mourad took the horse to Byro's barn tied the horse secretly and came back John Byro found the horse, felt overjoyed came to share the good news with the Garoghlanian family found the horse stronger and better than before 1) (Literature) Texttiooks) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner DEY Q- Fether to Sort is about the age-gap. In which home i the age-gap not an itant? Write a paragraph about it, focusing on the value of reconciliation. (6 marks each) VALUE POINTS. nome in which parents aro + ready to make adjustments * not Foi, ready to learn new things fom ther chidren ‘© bomen which children + respect the feelings of their parents ‘© are always ready to explain ‘ make adjustments possible Additional Long questions Q.1. Silence between the father and the son is very painful. In most cases both want to resume the dialogue but neither of them knows how to break the silence. How can the silence be broken ? Who should | break the ice? Q.2. Have you ever been angry with your father ? / Share the experience with your friends. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner © The main characters ‘Mrs Annie Pearson (the mother), George Pearson (Annie’s husband), Doris (their daughter), Cyril (their son), and Mrs Fitzgerald (their neighbour) (2 Mrs Pearson's meeting with Mrs Fitzgerald — Mrs Pearson, in her forties, worried-looking woman, a docile housewi ~ Mrs Fitzgerald, an older, heavier and stronger ‘person, comes to see Mrs Pearson — Mrs Pearson discloses her maltreatment and exploitation at home = does all the work, yet is ignored by her husband, children — Mrs Fitzgerald asks her to be bold, in control of the situation Mrs Pearson expresses her inability (2 Exchange of personalities — Mrs Fitzgerald suggests exchanging personalities possible because she knows some magic —_ as Mrs Pearson, Mrs Fitzgerald would set her family right — Mrs Pearson reluctantly agrees Personalities exchanged - now Mrs Pearson has Mrs Fitzgerald's personaility, she is bold, aggressive and confident. 400 ‘MOTHER'S DAY (JB. Priestley) Mrs Fitzgerald with Mrs Pearson's personality goes out {2 Doris reprimanded Doris enters hurriedly gets startled to find her mother smoking asks for tea Mrs Pearson asks her to make it for herself refuses to iron her yellow silk Doris gets angry Mrs Pearson makes fun of her lover, Charlie Spence, for having ‘buck teeth’ and for being half-witted Doris in tears @Q Cyril snubbed Va Cyril enters and demands tea without looking at the mother angry and surprised when the mother says there is no tea finds that the mother has not done the mending work Mrs Pearson says she does not like mending, she would do nothing which she does not like announces that she would do no extra work, would do only eight hours of work for five days in a week has a mind to go on a holiday snubs Doris again Cyril and Doris conclude that the sudden change in the mother is due to some sudden shock Mrs Pearson continues to smoke and drink, plays cards NU) EC! @ scanned with OKEN Scanner nm 2) The narrator's visit to 46 Marconi Street — The narrator comes to see Mrs Dorling at 46 Marconi Street — Mrs Dorling pretends not to recognise the narrator — the narrator recognises her mother’s green cardigan worn by Mrs Dorling = Mrs Dorling expresses surprise at the narrator's survival ~ refuses to talk to the narrator ~ fears that the girl has come to ask for her ‘mother's belongings — the narrator goes back, disappointed (2 Thoughts of old times The narrator thinks of her mother who had given her Mrs Dorling's address suggested to the narrator's mother to keep her valuable things in her safe custody as she might have to leave due to war ~ took away to her home silver crokery, antique plates, vases and many other valuables Purpose of the narrator's visit - the narrator's purpose is : to see her mother’s belongings - earlier, she had no interest THE ADDRESS (Marga Minco) — after the War, she decides to visit Mrs Dorling of old days — wants to revive her mem« ~ intends to see and touch her mother's belongings The narrator's second visit — the narrator comes back to Mrs Dorling’s house again — in Mrs Dorling’s absence, she is ushered in by Mrs Dorling’s fifteen years old daughter — the narrator feels upset on seeing her mother's things in use, arranged in a very disorderly manner {1 Mother's belongings = gteen knitted cardigan faded with over-use — the candle-holder not used, as it was not easy to handle = woollen table-cloth had a usual burn mark — Mrs Dorling’s daughter offers the narrator tea — uses the white teapot, spoons forks, knives—all belonging to the narrator's mother The narrator's going back = the narrator feels oppressed = feels the objects of her past have lost their value, being in strange surroundings = realises that she cannot use these things in her small rented room — resolves to forget the address for ever — leaves the house @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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