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1. When liquid is placed in an open vessel. It slowly escapes into

gaseous phase eventually leaving the vessel empty. This
phenomenon is known as vaporization or evaporation.

2. The molecules having sufficient kinetic energy can escape into

gaseous phase. If such molecules happen to come near the surface
in a sample of liquid all the molecules do not have same kinetic

3. There is a small fraction of molecules which have enough kinetic

energy to overcome the attractive forces and escapes into gaseous

4. Evaporation causes cooling. This is due to the reason that the

molecules which undergo evaporation have high kinetic energy
therefore the kinetic energy of the molecules which are left behind
is less.

5. Since the remaining molecules which are left have lower average
kinetic energy. Therefore temperature is kept constant the
remaining liquid will have same distribution of the molecular
kinetic energy and high molecular energy will kept one escaping
from liquid into gaseous phase of the liquid is taken in an open
vessel evaporation will continue until whole of the
liquid evaporates.
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What is evaporation?

Evaporation is the natural process where the molecules of a liquid

absorb the residual heat present in the liquid and escape in the form of
vapour. There is no need to provide external heat to continue this process.
It means that evaporation takes place at any temperature. It is a surface
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Factors affecting the rate of evaporation-

When a liquid particle gets in kinetic energy to break its liquid bonds and
skate as a gas then the process of evaporation takes place. As each
particle that evaporates takes away some energy from the rest of the pack
that leads to cooling the remaining liquid particles.

1. Firstly, a faster rate of evaporation is the result of higher

temperatures. Particles move fast at high temperatures so it
is more likely for them to have enough energy to break their
liquid bonds.

2. Secondly, the rate of evaporation increases with the

movement of air (breeze) over the liquid. A dense vapour
layer over the liquid is formed by the particles that
evaporate. To form the liquid Bond many of these 'escapees'
collide with the liquid.

3. The third factor is the dryness of the surrounding air that

increases the rate of evaporation. There are a lot of water
vapour particles in the surrounding area during a humid day.
Therefore the rate of evaporation increases with the
increasing dryness of the surrounding.
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 Temperature
1. The prime factor that determines the rate of evaporation from the
surface of a liquid is its temperature.
2. We all know that temperature determines the amount of heat
present in a liquid. The heat determines the kinetic energy of the
molecules of the liquid. This energy is used to get rid of the
intermolecular forces that bind the molecules together.
3. When temperature increases, the heat increases resulting in higher
kinetic energy of the molecules.
4. It means that the molecules from the surface will get more energy
to break the shackles of intermolecular forces and become vapour.
This is the most important among the factors affecting evaporation.

 Surface Area
1. If you concentrate on this factor, you can easily understand that the
bigger the surface area, the higher will be the rate of absorption.
2. When the surface molecules get more exposure, they will try to break the
intermolecular forces even more. Consider this simple example. A cloth
when folded takes more time to dry.
3. If the area of the cloth is spread on the wire, it will dry quicker than in
the previous case. This is also the same for evaporation on the liquid
4. When the area of the container is bigger, the rate of evaporation is also
higher. This is how the experts simply explain the factors
affecting evaporation.
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 Humidity
1. Humidity is the amount of water vapour contained in the surrounding
atmosphere. The amount of water vapour that air can hold depends on the
temperature of the surrounding area. It means that hot air has the
capability of carrying more water vapour than colder air.
2. Hence, the amount of moisture contained in air will determine how much
more water vapour it can take at that temperature. The higher the
humidity, the slower will be the rate of evaporation. If you consider a
summer day, you will find that wet clothes dry up faster.
3. On the other hand, clothes take more time to dry on a rainy day as the
humidity on that day is higher.

 Air pressure –

Air pressure also affects evaporation. If air pressure is high on the surface of a
body of water, then the water will not evaporate easily. The pressure pushing
down on the water makes it difficult for water to escape into the atmosphere as
vapor. Storms are often high-pressure systems that prevent evaporation.

 Intermolecular Forces

1. The molecules in solids are closely packed or tightly packed because of the
strong intermolecular force of attraction present between them.

2. As the intermolecular force is greater in the case of solids, they have the least
intermolecular space present between them.

3. In the case of liquids, there is the less intermolecular force of attraction

present between them as compared to solids.
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4. Due to less intermolecular force of attraction present in liquids, they are able
to move freely as compared to solids.

5. Gas molecules are far apart from each other due less intermolecular force of
attraction and greater intermolecular space present between them.

6. As they are far apart from each other, they have a greater amount of freedom.

 Speed of wind-
If the day is airy, it will take less time for the clothes to dry. The reason is
very simple. The air carrying water vapour passes and dryer air comes in
to carry more. It means that a windy day will escalate the rate of
evaporation. If there is no wind, the rate will be lower.

 Flow rate of air –

This is in part related to the concentration points above. If fresh air is
moving over the substance all the time, then the concentration of the
substance in the air is less likely to go up with time, thus encouraging
faster evaporation. In addition, molecules in motion have more energy
than those at rest, and so the stronger the flow of air, the greater the
evaporating power of the air molecules.

 Concentration of the substance evaporating in the air-

If the air already has a high concentration of the substance evaporating,
then the given substance will evaporate more slowly.
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 Concentration of other substances in the air-

If the air is already saturated with other substances, it can have a lower
capacity forth substance evaporating.

 Nature of Liquids-
The magnitude of inter-molecular forces of attraction in liquid determines
the speed of evaporation. Weaker the inter-molecular forces of attraction
larger are the extent of evaporation.

Composition of Environment:
The rate of evaporation of liquids depends upon the flow of air currents
above the surface of the liquid. Air current flowing over the surface of the
liquid took away the molecules of the substance in vapour state thereby
preventing condensation.

 Density-
The higher the density, the slower a liquid evaporates.

 Pressure-
In an area of less pressure, evaporation happens faster because there is
less exertion on the surface keeping the molecules from launching
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Applications of evaporation

Evaporation is used for cooling when the evaporation of a liquid takes place in
an area that is cooler than the liquid. The energy from the liquid is used to
evaporate the liquid and this energy is removed from the surrounding area,
which then becomes cooler. This is the process that happens when you sweat
and the sweat evaporates from your skin. This is also the process that happens
when you use a refrigerator or air conditioner.

Evaporation is also used for humidification. Humidification is the process of

adding moisture to the air. This is done in order to increase the comfort level in
a space and to help prevent respiratory problems. Evaporation is the most
common way to add moisture to the air and it is often used in indoor spaces
such as homes, schools, and offices.

Evaporation is also used for dehumidification. Dehumidification is the process

of removing moisture from the air. This is done in order to decrease the
humidity level in a space and to prevent respiratory problems. Evaporation is
the most common way to remove moisture from the air and it is often used in
indoor spaces such as homes, schools, and offices.
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Aim: To compare the rate of evaporation of water, acetone and diethyl ether.


Materials required: China dish, Pipette, Beaker, Weighing balance Measuring

flask, Acetone, Distilled water, Diethyl ether, Watch

 Water
 Acetone
 Diethyl Ether
 3 petri dishes
 Weighing scale
 Stopwatch
 Measuring cylinder
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1. Take three china dishes.

2. Pipette out 10 ml of each sample.

3. Dish A-Acetone Dish B-Water Dish C-Diethyl ether

4. Record the weights before beginning the experiment.

5. Leave the three dishes undisturbed for ½ an hour and wait patiently.

6. Record the weights of the samples after the given time.

7. Compare the prior and present observations.

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Compounds Volume Volume after Time for

before evaporation evaporation
(mL) (mins)

A Water 10 9.7 25

B Acetone 10 0.78 25

C Diethyl Ether 10 0.92 25

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Inference and conclusion: - The rate of evaporation of the given three liquids is
in order: - Acetone>Diethyl Ether>Water.

Reason: - Water has extensive hydrogen bonding in between oxygen atom of

one molecule and hydrogen atom of another molecule. But this is absent in case

of acetone.
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