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Carolyn Marmolejo


Amolops mengyangensis is a mintage of toad frog in the mob Ranidae .It is known with
certainty only from its type locality , the eponymous Mengyang in Xishuangbanna Dai
Autonomous Prefecture , southern Yunnan state of Republic of China .However , if Amolops
daorum is its junior synonym , distribution of Amolops mengyangensis would be
considerably wider , including the locality of SA Pa in northern Annam near the Formosan
border , Hong Kong , and Houaphanh responsibility in eastern Laos , and presumably also
including the intervening orbit .== Taxonomy == Amolops mengyangensis was described in
1995 based on two male person and one female collected in 1957 from Yunnan .The
specimens had previously been reported as Amolops chunganensis , and this view was
maintained by some former generator .Rana daorum was described in 1995 based on
specimens from Northern Vietnam .In 2007 , Ohler concluded that Rana daorum is a Jr
synonym of Amolops mengyangensis , but this conclusion was challenged by Stuart , Biju ,
and others who considered it valid as Amolops daorum .As of late 2018 , the Amphibian
Species of the humans and AmphibiaWeb databases recognize both Amolops
mengyangensis and Amolops daorum as valid species .== verbal description == Males metre
39–40 millimetre ( 1.5–1.6 in ) in snout–vent distance , whereas female can reach 60 mm
( 2.4 in ) in snout–vent length .The snout is long and blunt .The tympanum is distinct and
prominent .The hind limbs are long .The digit and the toe confidential information bear
discs .The toes are partially webbed .Skin is tranquil .Preserved specimens are dorsally
grayish-blueish and ventrally Elwyn Brooks White .== habitat and conservation == Amolops
mengyangensis is listed as of `` least business '' in the IUCN Bolshevik List of Threatened
Species , but this assumes that Amolops daorum is part of this species and has a relatively
broad distribution .Circumscribed this way , Amolops mengyangensis lives in tropical forest
in and near flow at elevations of 680–1,900 m ( 2,230–6,230 ft ) above sea level .The type
serial publication of Amolops mengyangensis ( sensu stricto ) was collected from an acme of
680 measure .== References ==

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