AdvGrammar 31-54

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Self-Study Reading #4

Previously, we looked at various ways of joining sentences in terms of grammar. Now, however, we’re going to
look at joining sentences in terms of meaning. You must also be able to recognize when transitions do and do
not create logical connections between two sentences or, less frequently, between two parts of a sentence.
Usually, these questions contain four grammatically acceptable answers; the focus is on testing your ability to
identify the most logical option in context.
Transition questions are one of the most common question types, with each test containing 4-5 such
items—around 10% of the test. As a result, you should make sure that you are comfortable working with the
most commonly tested transitions. (A complete list is provided below.)
Architects don’t often become as famous as other types of artists, such as -#- _____ greater long-
term effects. Buildings shelter and protect us throughout our lives for home, work, and play. Even
if we’ve never stood in any of the buildings designed by master architects, we’ve probably been in
plenty of buildings that incorporate their influences.
A. painters. Consequently, architects’ work can have
B. painters. However, architects’ work can have
C. painters. In fact, architects’ work can have
D. painters. Similarly, architects’ work can have
The answers contain different types of transitions, indicating different types of relations between the sentences.
We must therefore begin by considering how the two statements relate to one another.
The first sentence states that architects don’t often become as famous as other types of artists. The
second sentence states that architects’ work can have greater long-term effects. Those are opposite ideas, so
a transition conveying a contrast is required.
Consequently is used to indicate a result, so (A) can be eliminated. In fact is used to emphasize a
preceding statement, so (C) can also be eliminated. Similarly is, by definition, used to connect two statements
that express similar ideas, so (D) does not fit either. However indicates a contrasting relationship, so (B) is
Notice that we were able to eliminate answers solely by using the purpose, or function, of each transition.
Because we knew beforehand what purpose the correct word had to have, we did not need to take the time to
plug each option back into the passage.

Types of Transitions
The chart below includes some common transitions. The transitions that appear most frequently as answer
choices are marked with an asterisk. You should also be aware that on recent exams, however and for
example/instance have often appeared as correct answers, whereas therefore, consequently, and likewise
have often appeared as incorrect answers. These are general patterns, however, so you must consider the
context of each particular question.
Continuers Contradictors: Reverse/Contrast Cause-and-Effect
Add Information Alternatively Accordingly*
And (Al)though As a result
Also But As
Furthermore Conversely As such
In addition* Despite Because
Moreover In spite of Consequently
Even so Since
Give Example Even though So
For example* However* Thereby
For instance* In any case Thus
Instead Therefore*
Define, Clarify Meanwhile To this end
Effectively Nevertheless*
Essentially Nonetheless
In other words Otherwise
That is Rather
Emphasize Regardless
In fact Still
Indeed Whereas
Compare Yet
Similarly Contrast
Sequence of Events Alternatively
In contrast

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Previously By contrast
Subsequently* On the contrary
Finally On the other hand

CONTINUERS indicate that two sentences are expressing similar ideas.

In addition
Dolphins are social animals. Furthermore, they are highly intelligent.
Dolphins are social animals. Moreover, they are highly intelligent.
In fact
Used to emphasize a preceding statement
Dolphins are highly intelligent. In fact, they are one of the smartest mammals.
Dolphins are highly intelligent. Indeed, they are one of the smartest mammals.
Erenna sirena, a relative of the jellyfish, is one of the rare marine organisms to emit red light.
Indeed, only a few other deep-sea creatures produce light that color.
Likewise – Similarly, In the same way
As mammals, dolphins are warm blooded. Likewise, they nourish their young with milk.
Subsequently – Afterward
In the 1980s, dolphin populations began to decline because too many animals were caught
in fishing nets. Subsequently, fishing companies began taking steps to reassure customers
that products were “dolphin safe”.
That is – In other words; provides a definition or explanation, and often follows a dash.
Dolphins are mammals – that is, they are warm blooded and nourish their young with milk.

CONTRADICTORS indicate that two sentences are expressing different ideas.

An increased reliance on computerized systems can leave individuals vulnerable to cyber attacks.
However, current defenses are stronger that many people realize.
Even so
Still Despite this, however
Dolphins are descended from land-dwelling animals. Nevertheless, they can only survive in
Dolphins are descended from land-dwelling animals. Even so, they can only survive in water.
Dolphins are descended from land-dwelling animals. Still, they can only survive in water.
Whereas - Although
A salmon is a type of fish, whereas a dolphin is a type of mammal.
Meanwhile – Literally, at the same time; often used as a synonym for however, to indicate a contrast.
Many people think of dolphins as fish. Meanwhile, they ignore scientific research, which
long ago established that dolphins are actually mammals.

CAUSE-AND-EFFECT words indicate that one action is the result of another.

The light from most quasars was emitted 15 billion years ago. Therefore, they are a unique clue to
how the universe looked when it was only a quarter of its present age
Therefore, as a result
Dolphins are social animals. Consequently, they live in pods of up to a dozen animals.
Dolphins are social animals. Accordingly, they live in pods of up to a dozen animals.
As such – As a + noun

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As such is one of the trickier transitions, and it’s best explained with an example.
Let’s start with this sentence:
Dolphins are social animals. As social animals, they live in pods of up to a dozen animals.
These sentences are fine grammatically, but the repetition of the phrase social animals in the second
sentence is awkward. To eliminate the repetition, we can replace the phrase as social animals with
as such.
Dolphins are social animals. As such, they live in pods of up to a dozen animals.

How to Work Through Transition Questions

IMPORTANT: As soon as you encounter a transition question, pick up your pencil and physically cross
out the transition in the original sentence. Do not just draw a line in your imagination. If you need to erase
the line later to look at the original version… well, that’s why you work in pencil.
The simple fact that a particular transition is already present in the passage means that you are likely
to be subconsciously biased toward it. If you think it sounds okay upon a first reading, you’re more likely to want
to stick with it—even if it doesn’t really make sense. Crossing out the transition allows you to focus on what each
sentence or part of a sentence is saying. If you ignore this step, sooner or later you are likely to get confused
and miss a question you could have gotten right.
Once you have crossed out the transition, reread both sentences or parts of the sentence. Then,
determine whether the parts before and after the transition express similar or different ideas. If they express
similar ideas, you can eliminate contradictors, e.g., but or however. If they express different ideas, you can
eliminate continues and cause-and-effect words, e.g., for example or therefore.
ALSO: If two or more answers contain grammatically identical synonyms, those answers can be
automatically eliminated because no question can have more than one right answer. So, for example, if
(A) is consequently and (C) is therefore, you can immediately eliminate both.
Conditions in the interior of Antarctica are inhospitable to many forms of life: sub-zero
temperatures, high winds, and extreme dryness make it impossible for most animals to survive. The
Antarctic Peninsula and the surrounding islands have milder temperatures and liquid water; -#-
_____ more species are able to thrive there.
A. however,
B. in contrast,
C. nevertheless,
D. accordingly,
In this case, the answer choices provide a useful shortcut. However, in contrast, and nevertheless are all
contradictors with more or less equivalent meanings. As a result, all of those answers can be eliminated right
away. (D) must be the correct answer by default. (If you think accordingly sounds a little awkward, by the way,
you’re right. That’s intentional here. Sometimes, the right answer won’t sound particularly good. Your job is to
ignore that and choose the meaning that fits best in context.)
Although CB will not usually be quite so generous, from time to time you may encounter questions that
can be answered this way. Particularly when the relationship between two statements is not entirely
straightforward, this approach can be very useful. For an excellent illustration of this principle, see Practice Test
6, Q#43 in the Official Guide. (B), (C), and (D) are all contradictors, leaving (A) as the only possibility.
In most cases, however, “playing synonyms” will only allow you to eliminate two options. The remaining
answers you will need to consider more closely.
Conditions in the interior of Antarctica are inhospitable to many forms of life: sub-zero
temperatures, high winds, and extreme dryness make it impossible for most animals to survive. The
Antarctic Peninsula and the surrounding islands have milder temperatures and liquid water; -#-
_____ more species are able to thrive there.
A. however,
B. for example,
C. nevertheless,
D. therefore,
In this version, we can still eliminate (A) and (C) right away because however and nevertheless are synonyms.
For example and therefore are different types of continuers, so we need to consider them in context.
The first thing we need to do is cross out the underlined transition so that we don’t get distracted by it:
The Antarctic Peninsula and the surrounding islands have milder temperatures and liquid
water; however, more species are able to thrive there.
Now, we need to consider what each half of the sentence is saying, looking at the paragraph for context:
1) Weather conditions on the Antarctic Peninsula are milder than those in the Atlantic interior.
2) More animal species are able to thrive on the Antarctic Peninsula.
Although for example might sound tempting, the second statement is not actually an example of the first. A far
more logical relationship is that the second statement is the result of the first. (D) is thus correct.
An exception to the “synonym” rule: make an extremely fine distinction between two similar transitions:

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Conditions in the interior of Antarctica are inhospitable to many forms of life: sub-zero
temperatures, high winds, and extreme dryness make it impossible for most animals to survive. -#-
_____ the Antarctic Peninsula and the surrounding islands have milder temperatures and liquid
A. Nevertheless,
B. However,
C. For example,
D. In other words,
Although however and nevertheless are usually interchangeable, in this case however is a slightly better fit.
Technically, nevertheless means “despite [the previous statement],” but the Atlantic Peninsula’s milder weather
does not really exist in spite of the harsher weather in the interior. It is simply a different location with a different
climate. (B) is thus correct.

Transitions in the Middle of a Sentence

In the examples we’ve looked at so far, transitions have appeared at the beginnings of sentences or clauses—
a construction that makes it pretty clear you need to back up and read the preceding information. In some cases,
however, the transition may appear between two commas in the middle of sentence.
Although questions containing this construction may appear to ask about only one sentence,
they are actually testing your ability to identify the relationship between two sentences: the sentence
that contains the underlined transition and the previous sentence.
Compare these two versions of the following sentence:
Version #1: Therefore, tropical marine mammals have very few fat reserves in their bodies.
Version #2: Tropical marine mammals, therefore, have very few fat reserves in their bodies.
The difference between these two sentences is purely stylistic—the sentences have the exact same meaning.
In both cases, the transition serves to connect the sentence to a previous statement.
Let’s look at how that works in context:
Healthy arctic marine mammals have a thick layer of fat beneath the skin. Tropical marine
mammals, -#- _____ have very few fat reserves in their bodies. As a result, many of them dwell
primarily in the warm waters that surround coral reefs.
A. therefore,
B. likewise,
C. however,
D. for example,
To see why the transition can’t connect the two halves of the sentence in which it appears, we can cross it out
and consider the information before and after it separately.
• Tropical marine mammals
• have very few fat reserves in their bodies
What should be immediately apparent is that there is no logical relationship between these two statements. They
simply make no sense when read separately.
The transition does, however, serve to clarify the relationship between this sentence and the previous
sentence. So now we’re going to back up and consider those two sentences, again crossing out the transition.
• Healthy arctic marine mammals have a thick layer of fat beneath the skin.
• Tropical marine mammals, therefore, have very few fat reserves in their bodies.
The two sentences express contrasting ideas: a thick layer of fat vs. very few fat reserves. A contradictor is thus
required. Therefore, likewise, and for example are all continuers, leaving (C), however, as the only option.
Occasionally, you may also be asked to work with a transition that is genuinely intended to connect two
parts of the same sentence. These transitions will follow only one comma.
For example, consider this version of the question:
Healthy arctic marine mammals have a thick layer of fat beneath the skin, -#- _____ tropical marine
mammals have very few fat reserves in their bodies. As a result, tropical marine mammals dwell
primarily in the warm waters that surround coral reefs.
A. so
B. for
C. whereas
D. and
This time, we do need to consider two halves of the sentence in which the transitions appears. As always, we
start by crossing out the transition.
• Healthy arctic marine mammals have a thick layer of fat beneath the skin
• Tropical marine mammals have very few fat reserves in their bodies.
Those are two contrasting ideas, so a contradictor is required, making (C) the only possible answer.

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Combining Sentences
Still other transition questions will give you two complete sentences and ask you to identify the best way to
combine them.
For example, the questions we’ve been looking at could also be asked this way:
Healthy arctic marine mammals have a thick layer of fat beneath the -#- skin. Tropical marine
mammals have very few fat reserves in their bodies. As a result, tropical marine mammals dwell
primarily in the warm waters that surround coral reefs.
What is the best way to join the sentences at the underlined portion?
A. skin, for tropical marine mammals
B. skin, and tropical marine mammals
C. skin, whereas tropical marine mammals
D. skin; moreover, tropical marine mammals
Again, the two sentences convey opposite ideas, so a contradictor is required.
In (A), for (synonym for because) indicates a cause-and-effect relationship, so the original version can
be eliminated. Both (B) and (D) contain continuers, so those answers can be crossed out as well.
(C) correctly uses the contradictor whereas to convey the contrasting relationship between the two parts
of the sentence.

No Transition or DELETE
It is also possible that no transition will be required. The presence of an answer choice without a transition, or
with a DELETE option, suggests that a transition may not be necessary. Such choices accompany transition
questions only rarely, but if you do encounter one, you should make sure to check it first.
Conditions in the interior of Antarctica are inhospitable to many forms of life. -#- _____ sub-zero
temperatures, high winds, and extreme dryness make it impossible for most animals to survive.
A. Therefore,
B. On the other hand,
C. Accordingly,
D. DELETE the underlined portion (beginning the sentence with a capital letter).
Because (D) contains no transition, it is especially important that we cross out therefore in the original version
and examine the two statements without any transition.
1) Conditions in the interior of Antarctica are inhospitable to many forms of life.
2) Subzero temperatures, high winds, and extreme dryness make survival impossible for most animals.
The two sentences discuss similar ideas, but the second sentence just expands on the first sentence. It is not
actually a result of the first sentence, so (A) and (C) can be eliminated. (B) can be crossed out as well because
on the other hand is a contradictor. The best option here is no transition at all, so the answer is in fact (D).
In some cases, this option might be presented very subtly:
Conditions in the interior of Antarctica are inhospitable to many forms of -#- _____ high winds,
and extreme dryness make it impossible for most animals to survive.
A. life, whereas sub-zero temperatures,
B. life; however, sub-zero temperatures,
C. life, so sub-zero temperatures,
D. life: sub-zero temperatures,
This might look like a question about punctuation, but don’t be fooled! All of the punctuation is acceptable, which
is generally the case for transition questions. Instead, focus on the relationships created by the different types
of transition.
Whereas and however are general synonyms, so (A) and (B) can be eliminated.
Although the two halves of the sentence express similar ideas, the second half is not actually a result of
the first. (C) can thus be eliminated as well.
By default, (D) must be the answer.
Another somewhat underhanded way in which “no transition” options can be tested involves double
transitions. As a rule, only one transition should be used to indicate the relationship between two clauses.
The inclusion of two transitions is both redundant and grammatically unacceptable. To correct this error, you
must eliminate one of the transitions.
✖ Although the tomato is actually a fruit, but many people believe that it is a vegetable.
➜ Although the tomato is actually a fruit, many people believe that it is a vegetable.
➜ The tomato is actually a fruit, but many people believe that it is a vegetable.
If two different types of transitions (e.g., a continuer and a contradictor) are used, you must not only eliminate
one of the transitions but also recognize which one creates a logical relationship between the parts of the
✖ Although the tomato is actually a fruit, and many people believe it is a vegetable.
✖ The tomato is actually a fruit, and many people believe that it is a vegetable.

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➜ Although the tomato is actually a fruit, many people believe that it is vegetable.
While this rule is fairly straightforward, it can be somewhat trickier in practice. Sentences can be long, and you
can easily overlook information at the beginning of a sentence when the underlined information appears several
lines down.
Conditions in the interior of Antarctica are inhospitable to many forms of life: sub-zero
temperatures, high winds, and extreme dryness make it impossible for most animals to survive.
Because the Antarctic Peninsula and the surrounding islands have milder temperatures and liquid
-#- _____.
A. water, and more species are able to thrive there
B. water; likewise, more species are able to thrive there
C. water, yet more species are able to thrive there
D. water, more species are able to thrive there
If you focus on the underlined portion of the sentence and neglect to back all the way up to the very beginning,
you’re likely to overlook the fact that a transition (because) is already present, and that it is therefore unnecessary
to include another one.
Notice that it is not enough to look at just the previous line here. If you do not go one full line up, you will
not see the word because and will have no way of determining that the transition in the underlined portion is
grammatically unacceptable.
If you do back up all the way and notice the transition, however, then there is only one possible answer:
On the other hand, you should not automatically assume that a no transition/DELETE option is correct.
Conditions in the interior of Antarctica are inhospitable to many forms of life: sub-zero
temperatures, high winds, and extreme dryness make it impossible for most animals to survive. -#-
_____ and the surrounding islands have milder temperatures and liquid water, and more species are
able to thrive there.
A. Although the Antarctic Peninsula
B. Because the Antarctic Peninsula
C. While the Antarctic Peninsula
D. The Antarctic Peninsula
Although and while are synonyms, allowing for easy elimination of (A) and (C).
If you jump to pick (D), however, you’ll get into trouble. In reality, this option creates a comma splice (The
Antarctic Peninsula and the surrounding islands have milder temperatures and liquid water, more species can
thrive there). So in this case, the “no transition” option is not correct.
The two parts of the sentence do, however, convey a cause-and-effect relationship, corresponding to (B).

Revising Information
You could also be asked to revise part of a sentence so that it corresponds logically to a transition.
Conditions in the interior of Antarctica are inhospitable to many forms of life: sub-zero
temperatures, high winds, and extreme dryness make it impossible for most animals to survive. The
Antarctic Peninsula and the surrounding islands have milder temperatures and liquid water, but -#-
A. more species can thrive there
B. they were discovered in the 1840s
C. they lie close to the Antarctic continent
D. most of them are still covered in ice
The first part of the sentence talks about the milder climate of the Antarctic Peninsula, and the contradictor but
indicates that what follows must convey the opposite idea. (D) fulfills that requirement because of the phrase
still covered in ice. The other options do not create the correct contrast.

A Closer Look at Continuation, Contradictor, Cause-and-Effect (and Concession) Words

Continuation Words
Continuers are transitional words that add information, introduce examples, emphasize key points and elaborate
on preceding points. They are the most frequently tested type of transitional words, comprising just over half of
all transition questions. This should not come as a surprise because you are supposed to test your ability to
identify and provide different types of evidence. These words lead the reader to additional evidence.
1. For example and For instance indicate that a relevant example will follow. They lead the reader to specific
examples that support a previous point or claim. Note that For example and For instance are the most
frequently tested continuers.
2. In fact, Indeed, and In particular add emphasis to a previous statement. In fact and Indeed are the second
most frequently tested continuers.

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These continuous transitions don’t simply add a new relevant idea or example. Indeed, they emphasize the
preceding sentence.
in fact (n.) actually; in truth. This discourse marker adds more detailed information to what has just been said.
Sabrina was a good driver. In fact, she never got a ticket in her 20 years of driving.
Many grow crops in Russia. In fact, more than 60 percent of citizens prefer to spend their summer
caring for a garden instead of going on vacation.
Financial struggles create many hardships in life. In fact, money problems can be the source of
friction that sours a relationship.
indeed (adv.) as expected; as it happened; undeniably
Kayla seemed anxious. Indeed, she was shaking when I approached her.
The economy was nowhere near recession. Indeed, the stock prices were soaring.
Environmentally conscious legislation is becoming more ubiquitous. Indeed, laws similar to the
ones in California are pending in more than 28 states.
Over the last decade, the number of students applying to journalism school has fallen. Indeed, last
year witnessed one of the lowest number yet.
in particular (n.) in distinction
Instead of simply adding a parallel idea, in particular builds on and substantiates the previous statement.
A few facts in particular drove the legislature to tighten the regulations this quarter.
There is a definite shift toward global education. In particular, international exchange programs
soared in the last few years.
3. In addition, Moreover, Furthermore, Also, Besides, and What’s more signal that the next sentence will
add another example or point. It is important to note that Besides is often used as a wrong answer.
Use these transitions to add another example or point. You’ll see when a narrator is stating that something is
true and wants to include another idea that’s equally true. Sentences connected this way can be considered
parallel, and the transition words emphasize the “too-ness” of what comes next.
Unlike seasonal crops, Eucalyptus trees can be harvested year-round to supply a stable supply of
biomass. In addition, the tree’s extract has numerous health benefits due to its anti-inflammatory
Eating acidic food may precipitate acid reflux. Moreover, citrus and tomato may cause an allergic
A career in computer programming provides a wealth of career opportunities. Moreover; you’ll be
popular amongst your friends, if they need your help building a website.
Asteroids have long been mistakenly considered rocky, while comets were believed to be icy.
Furthermore, it was once believed that comets could have brought water to Earth.
Tip: The transition besides is usually a wrong answer.
4. Similarly, Likewise, and By the same token mean “in the same way.” They continue an argument by
making a comparison between two points.
These words create a continuous transition between sentences and ideas by adding a similar example or logic.
similarly (adv.) continuing the argument by making a comparison to something alike
Echoes are created when sound waves bounce off of cave walls and reflect back to your ears.
Similarly, light from supernovas reaches Earth by reflecting off of interstellar dust.
likewise (adv.) in addition, also, or equally
The book sold well at the stores. Likewise, it sold well online.
Buying stocks is a risky business that requires a lot of thought. Likewise, real estate investment
demands a thorough knowledge of the business.
Drilling for all has hurt the environment. Likewise, factory emissions are harming our ecosystems.
by the same token (idiom) in a similar fashion; for the same reason
It doesn’t look like the recession is going to loosen its grip any time soon. By the same token,
profit margins aren’t growing either.
There was little evidence to substantiate the allegations and, by the same token, there was little to
refute them.
5. Subsequently indicates that an action or event logically follows another action or event. You should be able
to substitute Next and Then to confirm that Subsequently is correct.
This is a true continuation. These transition words underscore that one thing or event came after another.
subsequently (adv.) at a later time
This discovery was subsequently used to inhibit the formation of these proteins.
Subsequently is frequently confused with consequently; however, the former is a continuous transition while the
latter denotes a cause-and-effect relationship. Subsequently can also be replaced with next or then.
Unlike finally, the transition subsequently is rarely used at the beginning of the sentence.
Frequent flossing can reduce plaque, subsequently reducing tartar.

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Lori graduated from college and subsequently moved to Springfield.
next (adv.) immediately after; on the soonest occasion after
A group of journalists attended a movie screening on Tuesday. Next, all newspapers were inundated
with the movie reviews and commentaries.
He heard an announcer say his name. Next, he was standing on the stage receiving an Emmy for
outstanding comedy series.
then (adv.) at that time; at the time in question
We lived in LA then.
When used as a transition, then means after that, next, or afterward.
She wrote one book and then the second one.
Additionally, then means also or in addition.
I’m paid generously to teach, and then there’s the advertiser money I make on my channel.
ultimately (adv.) finally, especially after a long and often complicated series of events
Neal’s campaign to raise awareness around voting rights was ultimately successful.
He tells her that he will be gone a long time, but ultimately they will reunite.
String theory is a broad theoretical framework that addresses many questions about nature’s most
fundamental constituents and forces. -1- _____, scientists are applying string theory to problems such
as early universe cosmology and black hole physics.
A. Alternatively
B. By contrast
C. However
D. For instance

Sociologists Robert and Helen Lynd opened an office in a small Midwestern town they referred to as
“Middletown” and spent the next 18 months gathering data. During this time, the Lynds participated
as fully as possible in all phases of community life. -2- _____, they examined documentary materials,
compiled statistical tables, conducted interviews, and administered questionnaires.
A. Conversely
B. In addition
C. However
D. Despite this

Suzanne Bell, a psychologist at DePaul University, has been attempting to determine how NASA can
create the most effective team for a long-term mission to Mars. One of her discoveries is that people
with more outgoing personalities may not be particularly well suited to such a mission. Spacecraft
simulations have revealed that extroverted team members are likely to be ostracized by other members
who are reserved. -3- _____, extroverts may have a hard time adjusting to environments where there’s
little opportunity for new activities or social interactions, the researcher said.
A. In other words
B. Therefore
C. Moreover
D. Hence

On December 1, 1955, a Montgomery bus driver ordered Rosa Parks to give up her seat to a white
passenger. Even though Parks knew that her actions would undoubtedly result in a fine and a night in
jail, she did not waver. In a calm and steady voice, she answered with just one word: “No!” -4- _____,
Parks’ courageous action inspired outraged African Americans led by her minister, Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr., to boycott the Montgomery buses.
A. Subsequently
B. Previously
C. Instead
D. However

Contradiction Words
Contradictors reverse a preceding idea. Contradictors are words that introduce an idea that is different from the
preceding one, i.e. a reversal, limitation, conflicting idea or alternative. They are the second most frequently
tested type of transitional word and comprise about one-third of all transition questions.
1. However and Although signal an exception to a point stated in a preceding sentence. Be alert for a contrast
between two thoughts.

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however (adv.) used to add a contradicting idea, similar to the conjunction but. It is by far one of the most
frequently used reversal words in the English language. It comprises about two-thirds of all the questions testing
reversal words.
I think the text is factually correct. However, I may have some style revisions.
There was little concrete data, however, about how the migration patterns had shifted.
although (conj.) in spite of the fact
Although it was cold outside, we decided to wear light dresses.
Although most of the performances are free, some venues may have a cover charge.
However is usually followed by a main clause or idea, while although functions as a modifier.
The business was lucrative; however, they were facing a major predicament with the licensing.
Although the business was lucrative, it faced a licensing predicament.
2. Instead, a commonly used word, means “in place of” or “a substitute for.” Although Instead is often used as
a wrong answer, it has on very rare occasions also been correct. Alternatively signals the presentation of
another option or different choice.
instead (adv.) in place of something. Instead is used to introduce something in substitute of something else.
Instead of judging others, we have to start looking at our own mistakes.
Wind-generated waves can vary from ripples to 30 meters high, but those aren’t the largest waves on
Earth. Instead, the internal waves that never see the ocean’s surface appear to be the largest.
alternatively (adv.) signals a presentation of a different choice
Perhaps you may be on an overly high dose of medication. Alternatively, your dose may not be high
The concierge will buy concert tickets for you. Alternatively, you can stand in line and get your
lastminute ticket yourself.
Scientists are unsure about the exact mechanism birds use to stay in the air; they might be predicting
the movement of air and aligning themselves with it. Alternatively, they could be navigating the air
until they find a strong air thrust.
3. Conversely, In contrast, and On the other hand introduce a statement or idea that reverses one that has
just been made or referred to. They signal that the author’s thoughts will move in a contrary/opposite direction.
conversely (adv.) in an opposite way
You say the bag is a fake. Conversely, the seller claims it’s real.
The value of the language increases depending on how many people can speak it. Conversely, the
value of a local dialect decreases as people abandon it.
in contrast (idiom) in a different way. In contrast introduces an opposite point or idea.
Much of Europe suffered a financial setback in 2005. In contrast, India remained largely unharmed
by the global economic downturn.
The company lost $3 million this quarter in contrast to a profit of $2.2 million earlier this year.
on the other hand (idiom) presents opposing factors
Social scientists say that married people live longer. On the other hand, marriage is one of the primary
factors that create stress.
I want to go to the party; on the other hand, I ought to be studying.
4. Despite means “in spite of.” E.g., we won the game Despite facing overwhelming odds.
despite (adv.) not affected by; in spite of
Despite three months of sluggish sales, the economy is headed in the right direction.
She persevered despite her learning disability.
5. Nonetheless, Nevertheless, and Notwithstanding are interchangeable synonyms meaning “despite this”
or “however.”
nonetheless (adv.) nevertheless
These issues are not serious. Nonetheless, we need to tackle them methodically to prevent any negative
nevertheless (adv.) in spite of; however
The growth rate has fallen 23 percent this year, so it’s clearly not without risk. Nevertheless,
researchers are getting valuable insights about bacteria development, which justifies the risk.
There is almost no chance that we will succeed in changing the world. Nevertheless, it is important
that we try our best.
An increasing number of students graduating from college opt to take a year off to travel.
Nevertheless, the overwhelming majority continue to seek employment or apply to grad school.
notwithstanding (adv.) nevertheless; nonetheless. Notwithstanding has a more formal connotation than
nevertheless and nonetheless.
Notwithstanding some major financial problems, the city government has had an effective year.
Notwithstanding the president’s commentary, this new regulation looks very convenient for China.
6. Meanwhile, Whereas, Rather, and Still

Module “Advanced Grammar & Style” by Daulet Serikbay Page 39

meanwhile (adv.) on the other hand. It is used to introduce a contradicting idea or theory that happened at the
same time.
Engineers say traditional solar panels can be time-consuming to build. Meanwhile, researchers have
been using a new type of glass to make flexible solar cells.
Hanging clothes outside to dry saves me money on electricity. Meanwhile, many New Yorkers prefer
to use the dryer to save time.
whereas (adv.) to introduce a comparison, usually to a contradicting idea
Some of the trials show positive correlation, whereas others do not.
She appeared very aloof initially, whereas she turned out to be very friendly and communicative.
rather (adv.) to introduce an idea that is different or opposite to the one stated previously
The resort was not expensive; rather, we found it quite affordable for the value it provided.
This wasn’t the result of an inborn mathematical talent. Rather, this was the product of tedious,
repeated practice.
still (adv.) to introduce something counter to what was stated. Still is often used with despite.
The weather was bad. Still, we had a lot of fun.
Despite the increasing use of digital transcription services, court reporters still appear to be important
in capturing the details of a hearing.
7. Yet and But serve as both coordinating conjunctions, connecting two independent clauses, and conjunctive
adverbs. Both words denote a specific reversal behavior.
yet (conj.) in spite of; nevertheless
The marketing campaign was deemed to be very successful, yet it is not yielding the projected sales.
Every week her voice gets better, yet she is not ready for the competition.
but (conj.) to introduce a statement that adds to a previous statement while contrasting with it in some way. But
is often used to connect two clauses with opposite meanings.
The dress is expensive but lacks elegance.
Her sister told her to stay quiet, but she continued singing.
She hasn’t narrowed down her choices yet, but she hopes to major in sports medicine.
He still has to prove he has the physical skills, but he clearly has the brains.
When we are not talking about using but as a transition, we use the adverb and preposition forms of but.
but (adv.) no more than; only
He is but a shadow of his strong father.
You have but two weeks to study for the GRE.
but (prep.) except; apart from
You have no choice but to leave.
I didn’t tell anyone but my wife.

At the time of the Trojan War, sometime around the 12th century B.C.E., aristocratic women led
lives of relative independence. -5- _____, centuries later women in Greek cities lived under severe
A. For example
B. In fact
C. However
D. Moreover

Hokusai moved away from the tradition of making images of affluent courtesans and actors who
were the customary subject of ukiyo-e prints. -6- _____, his work focused on the daily life of
everyday Japanese people from all walks of life.
A. Similarly
B. Instead
C. For example
D. Without doubt

The 1950s offered two contrasting lifestyles. Prizing conformity and material comfort, many
Americans chose to live in the nation’s new suburbs. -7- _____, a small but influential group of
Beats rejected the “square” suburban lifestyle and chose to live spontaneous lives in urban enclaves
such as Greenwich Village in New York City.
A. Alternatively
B. Also
C. For instance
D. Consequently

Module “Advanced Grammar & Style” by Daulet Serikbay Page 40

Born in the late 18th century in Oklahoma, or what was then the Cherokee Nation, Sequoyah
displayed a knack for figuring out things on his own. For instance, to increase the efficiency of
dairy production on the land his family owned, he constructed a dairy house and devised a system
of milk troughs. Such ingenuity also served Sequoyah well in his later vocation as a silversmith, in
which he created such interesting designs that his handiwork became highly sought after.
What Sequoyah is remembered for today, -8- _____, had a far greater impact on the Cherokee
Nation: he was the first to develop a functional alphabet for a Native American language. As a
silversmith, Sequoyah came in contact with many white settlers and noticed the writing on their
pieces of paper he described as “talking leaves.”
A. therefore
B. however
C. in fact
D. subsequently

Cause-and-Effect Words
Cause-and-effect words signal a causal relationship between two thoughts. They are the least frequently tested
type of transition, comprising about one-eighth of all transition questions.
1. Consequently, Hence, To these ends, Thus, Therefore and Thereby signal a logical cause-and-effect
relationship between 2 thoughts. You should be able to substitute the phrase As a result to confirm that any
of these words is correct. Note: Consequently and Therefore are the 2 most frequently tested cause-and-
effect words.
consequently (adv.) as a result
Sales professionals get paid a commission and can create their own income based on their effort.
Consequently, they earn, on average, more than workers with a set wage or salary.
Nitrogen is one of the most abundant nutrients in the atmosphere. Consequently, controlling and
regulating nitrogen oxides in nature is fairly difficult.
It is becoming evident that a philosophy degree provides access to a broad range of careers.
Consequently, colleges have seen a dramatic increase in the last 10 years in students choosing to
major in philosophy.
hence (adv.) as a consequence; for this reason
Public transportation doesn’t really exist in that city; hence a bicycle is one of the only real options
Light-sensitive cells cannot grow where a bundle of nerves connects our eyes to our brain. Hence,
we do not sense the light that hits this bundle, and a blind spot is a result.
to these ends for that reason
Kyle wants to become a stand-up comic. To these ends, he is writing jokes every single day.
The class wanted to throw a party. To these ends, they rented a boat for the night.
thus (adv.) as a result of; because of something just mentioned
He is the eldest son and thus gets to inherit the throne.
We own the building. Thus, we are free to remodel and renovate however we want.
therefore (adv.) introduces the logical result of something just stated
We haven’t arrived at a consensus yet; therefore, we shall stay here another hour in hopes of
coming to an agreement.
There is still much to discuss. We shall, therefore, stay here for the next hour and talk.
thereby (adv.) as a result of
The machine uses AI to carry out identification. Thereby, you must stand still for a few seconds to
get identified.
Frequent cardio exercise helps support heart health, thereby reducing the threat of heart attack.
2. Accordingly, As a result, and As such
accordingly (adv.) indicates that the following thought or action is logically appropriate to a given
Many students sent Benjamin their English literature papers for final review before submission.
Accordingly, Benjamin was very busy correcting errors at the end of the school year.
I decided to start a new life on Monday. Accordingly, I wrote down a set of resolutions with the
intention to keep them.
as a result (idiom) indicates a result of a previous statement
David twisted his arm and, as a result, won’t be taking part in the basketball tournament.
The new tax code allowed corporations to get new deductions. As a result, many have piled up
record amounts of cash.

Module “Advanced Grammar & Style” by Daulet Serikbay Page 41

as such (adv.) as that; therefore; thus
She is a style icon; as such, she will be a role model for years to come.
A pool of developers collectively owns half of the company. As such, they receive half of the
company’s revenue to split between them.
3. Conjunctions So, Since, So that, and Because
so (conj.) showing the result of something
She didn’t feel well, so she went to the doctor.
He wanted to become wealthy, so he worked hard.
since (conj.) because; as
We thought that, since we were in the area, we’d stop by and see them.
Since she didn’t want to be recognized, she affected a British accent.
so that (conj.) show the result or purpose of something
They planned out the research so that they wouldn’t make mistakes.
because (conj.) demonstrate the reason for something
The company can afford to splurge because it has become increasingly prosperous.
I had to decide quickly because there was a caravan of coffee lovers behind me.

Steve Jobs was an aggressive and demanding chief executive who was known for his exacting
standards and painstaking attention to detail. -9- _____, Jobs had little tolerance for mediocre
employees or inferior products.
A. Previously
B. Despite this
C. However
D. Consequently

The Tiger of Ch’in unified China in 221 B.C. and took the title Ch’in Shih Huang-ti or First
Emperor. The ruthless First Emperor feared for just one thing—death. He regularly left his palaces
to search for the means to immortality. -10- _____, he consulted sorcerers, made sacrifices to
numerous deities, and drank what he hoped were life-preserving elixirs.
A. Regardless
B. Nevertheless
C. Accordingly
D. Similarly

Concession Words
Final, less popular, category of transition words: That said, Even so, Granted, Admittedly
I can’t stand rock music. That said, I do like to dance to Elvis sometimes.

- There are usually 2 of transition questions per W&L passage. This means a total of 8 per 44 questions.
- Some of the hardest questions on W&L are transition words.
- These can also be time-consuming.
- Not every transition is difficult.
- Major categories of transition words: Continuation, Contradiction, and Cause-and-Effect
- Steps at solving:
1. Ignore the underlined transition word
2. Identify which one of the six categories the question falls into
3. Watch out for answer choices that fall into the same category; these can always be eliminated
4. Use a simple word from each bucket and plug it in to see if the passage makes sense (“however” or
“although” are good candidates)

Module “Advanced Grammar & Style” by Daulet Serikbay Page 42

Quiz #5: Mixed Transition Words
From the three options, circle the one that correctly indicates the logical relationship between each set of
statements. Then, choose the transition that best connects the statements. Remember that the placement of
the transition that best connects the statements. Remember that the placement of the transition does not affect
the relationship between the statements.
In the past, coffees were blended to suit a homogenous popular taste, -1- _________ many
different coffee flavors are now being produced.
Step 1: Continue Contrast Cause-and Effect
Step 2:
A. for
B. but
C. and
D. so

Researches are unable to drill into the Earth’s core; -2- ___________ its chemical composition
remains a mystery.
Step 1: Continue Contrast Cause-and Effect
Step 2:
A. indeed,
B. consequently,
C. in contrast,
D. for example,

The Taj Mahal is regarded as one of the eight wonders of the world. -3- _________ some people
believe that its architectural beauty has never been surpassed.
Step 1: Continue Contrast Cause-and Effect
Step 2:
A. On the other hand,
B. For example,
C. Indeed,
D. However,

Music serves no obvious purpose. It has, -4- _________ played a role in every known civilization
on earth.
Step 1: Continue Contrast Cause-and Effect
Step 2:
A. however,
B. therefore,
C. in fact,
D. moreover,

Modern technology offers remarkable opportunities for self-expression and communication. -5-
_________ it offers many possibilities for distraction.
Step 1: Continue Contrast Cause-and Effect
Step 2:
A. Accordingly,
B. To these ends,
C. For instance,
D. Alternatively,

In order to save an endangered species, preservationists must study it in detail. -6- _________
scientific information about some endangered animals is scarce.
Step 1: Continue Contrast Cause-and Effect
Step 2:

Module “Advanced Grammar & Style” by Daulet Serikbay Page 43

A. However,
B. Therefore,
C. In fact,
D. Likewise,

Pyramids are most commonly associated with ancient Egypt. -7- _________ many people are
surprised to learn that the Nubians, who lived in modern-day Sudan, constructed a far greater
number of pyramids than the Egyptians did.
Step 1: Continue Contrast Cause-and Effect
Step 2:
A. Consequently,
B. Indeed,
C. In any case,
D. For example,

More chemistry keeps insects from ravaging crops, removes stains, and saves lives. -8- _________
constant exposure to chemicals is taking a toll on many people’s health.
Step 1: Continue Contrast Cause-and Effect
Step 2:
A. Moreover,
B. Subsequently,
C. Similarly,
D. However,

In the Middle Ages, fairs often attracted large crowds and led to rioting. -9- _________ authorities
were reluctant to grant permission for fairs to be held.
Step 1: Continue Contrast Cause-and Effect
Step 2:
A. Essentially,
B. Nevertheless,
C. Therefore,
D. Meanwhile,

Skilled managers are in high demand. -10- _________ management professionals with the right
experience and credentials are currently some of the most sought-after professionals in the world.
Step 1: Continue Contrast Cause-and Effect
Step 2:
A. Nevertheless,
B. Indeed,
C. Besides,
D. However,

On the screen, three people walk in a garden. The image is black-and-white, and the figures move
in a jerky way. After a few seconds, they disappear. Filmed in 1888, Roundhay Garden Scene seems
primitive in comparison to the slick, sophisticated Hollywood films of today. -11- it is the oldest
surviving film in existence.
A. Therefore,
B. However,
C. In fact,
D. Accordingly,

In 1959, Project Mercury became the first human spaceflight program led by NASA. The project
was aimed at putting an American into orbit before the Soviet Union could accomplish that goal.
The program allowed seven astronauts to travel into space; -12- _____ it was shut down only four
years after it began.

Module “Advanced Grammar & Style” by Daulet Serikbay Page 44

A. for instance,
B. besides,
C. likewise,
D. however,

Chimpanzees and bonobo monkeys resemble each other physically, but their social behaviors differ
greatly. Chimpanzees have an omnivorous diet, a troop hunting culture, and complex social
relationships. Bonobo monkeys, -13- _____ eat mostly fruit, rarely hunt, and do not have a strict
social hierarchy.
A. in contrast,
B. therefore,
C. moreover,
D. consequently,

A gamelan is a traditional musical ensemble from Indonesia, usually from the islands of Java and
Bali. Gamelans typically feature a variety of instruments, including xylophones, gongs, and
bamboo flutes. Some ensembles also include vocalists. -14- _____ is an integral part of Indonesian
A. Thus, gamelan music
B. Nonetheless, gamelan music
C. For example, gamelan music
D. Gamelan music

Many people fear or dislike spiders, but these creatures are mostly beneficial because they prey on
insects and other pests. The spiders commonly seen out in the open during the day are usually
harmless and rarely bite people. Poisonous species, -15- _____ spend most of their time in
woodpiles, corners, or boxes, and rarely come into contact with humans.
A. for instance,
B. however,
C. by the same token,
D. in effect,

-16- _____ fingerprint scanners have been a staple of spy movies for decades, but until recently,
they were rarely found in the real world. Over the last few years, -17- _____ scanners have become
common in many different locations, including police stations, high-security buildings, and even
computer keyboards. The price of a scanner has also decreased significantly. -18- _____ it is now
possible to purchase a USB fingerprint scanner for under $100.
A. Although computerized
B. Whereas computerized
C. Because computerized
D. Computerized
A. therefore,
B. in other words,
C. however,
D. for example,
A. Besides,
B. Next,
C. Indeed,
D. Likewise,

Executive editors play one of the most important roles at newspapers and magazines: they oversee
assistant editors and generally have the final say about which stories are published. -19- _____ if a

Module “Advanced Grammar & Style” by Daulet Serikbay Page 45

writer covering local news proposes a piece about the candidates in a city election, the executive
editor decides whether to approve the article and determines what angle the writer should take.
Executive editors also plan budgets and negotiate contracts with freelance writers, sometimes called
“stringers.” Although many executive editors work for newspaper publishers, some -20- _____
A. Meanwhile,
B. For instance,
C. Similarly,
D. Instead,
A. are employed by television stations or advertising firms.
B. work extremely long hours.
C. find their jobs challenging.
D. collaborate with their colleagues.

Straw has been used as a building material for centuries. Contrary to popular belief, it is not easily
destroyed. -21- _____ it can be quite hardy. In the nineteenth century, settlers in the Nebraska Sand
Hills used straw to build houses when wood and clay were scarce; some of the structures are still
standing today. Builders are hoping that such longevity is attributable to the straw, but new homes
that use this material do have some updates. -22- _____ these contemporary structures include straw
that is pressed into panels and framed with timber for reinforcement. The panels are then covered
in brick so that no straw remains exposed to the elements.
A. In fact,
B. Therefore,
C. For example,
D. Subsequently,
A. However,
B. Meanwhile,
C. For example,
D. Moreover,

The Silk Road acquired its name from the lucrative trade in Chinese silk carried out along
its 4,000 miles, beginning during the Han dynasty (206 BCE–220 AD). The Chinese took great
interest in the safety of their goods. -23- _____ the extended the Great Wall of China to ensure the
protection of their trade routes.
Trade on the Silk Road was a significant factor in the development of China, India, and
Europe, opening long-distance political and economic interactions. -24- _____ was certainly the
major trade item from China, numerous other types of goods, including textiles, cloth, and pottery,
also traveled along the Silk Road.
A. Accordingly,
B. Nevertheless,
C. In other words,
D. Likewise,
A. Because silk
B. Although silk
C. Despite silk
D. Silk

By turning the camera on herself, Cindy Sherman established her reputation as one of the most
respected photographers of the late twentieth century. The majority of her photographs are pictures
of herself; -25- _____ these photographs are most definitely not self-portraits. Rather, Sherman

Module “Advanced Grammar & Style” by Daulet Serikbay Page 46

uses herself as a vehicle for commentary on a variety of issues of the modern world: the role of the
woman, the role of the artist, and many more. It is through these ambiguous and eclectic
photographs that Sherman has developed a distinct signature style. -26- _____ she has raised
important and challenging questions about the role of women in society and the nature of artistic
A. as such,
B. in addition,
C. in effect,
D. however,
A. In addition,
B. Therefore,
C. However,
D. Consequently,

The American Museum of Natural History in New York City boasts one of the greatest collections
of dinosaur fossils in the world. -27- _____ the collection includes a fearsome Tyrannosaurus Rex
with 6-inch-long teeth and a 4-foot-long jaw.
A. Conversely,
B. Despite this
C. Therefore
D. For instance

Stockbrokers who produce high returns for their clients attribute their success to dispositional
factors, such as exhaustive research and disciplined investing. -28- _____, stockbrokers who
produce low returns for their clients blame situational factors, such as unpredictable actions by
foreign governments and surprise decisions by the Federal Reserve Board.
A. Nevertheless
B. In addition
C. Conversely
D. Ironically

Scientists have long known that genes control physical characteristics such as hair color and height.
-29- _____, recent research on identical twins provides evidence supporting the opposing view that
nurture—our sociological history—also plays an integral role in our development.
A. Thus
B. Indeed
C. Similarly
D. However

One of the most significant social changes of the Renaissance involved merchants’ social status. In
the past, many merchants had inherited their rank, but beginning in the fifteenth century, success
in business began to depend on an entrepreneur’s own wits. -30- _____, merchants took increasing
pride in their work, believing that their achievements resulted from individual merit.
A. Consequently
B. Nevertheless
C. Previously
D. However

Elon Musk is visionary inventor and entrepreneur who is determined to create world-changing
technologies. In 2008, -31- _____, his company Tesla motors unveiled the world’s first viable long-
distance electric car, a vehicle that has the potential to end the automotive industry’s harmful
dependence on fossil fuels.
A. nevertheless
B. for example
C. similarly
D. however

Module “Advanced Grammar & Style” by Daulet Serikbay Page 47

A typical business day in a large Japanese corporation usually includes a number of lengthy
meetings. Individual participants do not claim credit for specific ideas or programs; -32- _____,
they strive for group consensus. Once a decision is reached, it becomes the group’s opinion.
A. finally
B. for instance
C. besides
D. instead

Speed reading programs focus on modifying readers’ behavior in several ways. Remarkably, all of
these ways were described in an-obscure 1958 book, Reading Skills, by Evelyn Wood and Marjorie
Barrows. Ironically, Wood and Barrows did not emphasize speed; -33- _____, the term “speed
reading” never even appears in their book. Despite this, their methods became the foundation for
what is now known as speed reading.
A. on the other hand
B. however
C. subsequently
D. in fact

Experts have suggested that quantum computers could break the toughest mainstream encryption
strategies in use today. Increased processing speed will eventually allow them to crack codes that
today are too difficult to unravel. Current commercial interest in quantum computing is, -34- _____,
primarily focused on the simpler task of helping analysts identify security incidents and determine
which ones represent a true threat.
A. then
B. for instance
C. however
D. similarly

One of President John F. Kennedy’s goals was to encourage national fitness. Shortly before taking
office, Kennedy published an article in Sports Illustrated warning about the negative effects of a
sedentary lifestyle. Two years later, he discovered an executive order from Theodore Roosevelt
challenging U.S. Marine officers to finish a 50-mile march in less than twenty hours. -35- _____,
Kennedy passed the document on to his own Marine Commandant, suggesting that modern troops
should duplicate this feat. Within a short time, the “Kennedy March” became a national challenge
for Marines and the public at large.
A. Subsequently
B. Nevertheless
C. However
D. In particular

Over the past several decades, it has become increasingly apparent that the burning of coal and
other fossil fuels is shifting precipitation patterns, strengthening hurricanes, and melting polar ice
caps. -36- _____, toxic metals and other hazardous pollutants from coal-burning electric power
plants are posing a greater and greater risk to the environment and to human health.
A. However
B. Moreover
C. Conversely
D. At any rate

Distance running can cause micro-tears in muscle fibers, which trigger an inflammatory response.
But help could be on the way from an unlikely source—tart cherry juice. Recent research has shown
that the drink has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Unfortunately, the studies are not
conclusive. -37- _____, it is not clear why drinking cherry juice reduced pain but did not
significantly affect range of motion.
A. Regardless
B. In particular
C. Nevertheless
D. Even so

Module “Advanced Grammar & Style” by Daulet Serikbay Page 48

Career experts predict that America’s healthcare sector will rapidly expand during the coming
decade. There will, -38- _____, be a strong demand for registered nurses to assess the needs of and
provide care for our aging populations.
A. nevertheless
B. however
C. despite this
D. consequently
During the Middle Ages, architects sought to accomplish a seemingly impossible task: increase the
height of churches while simultaneously allowing more height to enter their interior spaces. One
possibility was to build thicker walls. -39- _____, some architects believed they could use flying
buttresses to support tall but thin walls that would provide increased space for stained-glass
A. Alternatively
B. Consequently
C. Hence
D. Finally
Street Corner Society has a remarkable dramatic quality; no other work of sociology contains so
much skillful characterization and emotion. William F. Whyte did not pretend to study the
established institutions of a city he called “Cornerville.” -40- _____, he scarcely mentioned the
family, the church, the schools, and the legitimate sector of the local economy. His exclusive topic
of inquiry was the voluntary associations of a street corner gang called the Nortons.
A. Nonetheless
B. In other words
C. Indeed
D. Likewise
Katsushika Hokusai’s The Great Wave has become one of the most famous works of art in the
world—and debatably the most iconic work of Japanese art. Initially, thousands of copies of this
print were quickly produced and sold cheaply. -41- _____, it was created at a time when Japanese
trade was heavily restricted, Hokusai’s print displays the influence of Dutch art.
A. As an additional benefit
B. Because
C. Although
D. Besides
On June 30, 1908, an unidentified object exploded near the Tunguska River in remote Siberia,
destroying eighty million trees. Locals reported seeing something blue streak across the sky. -42-
_____, they heard a tremendous crash and felt the earth tremble. Scientists speculate that a 220-
million-pound asteroid had entered the atmosphere above Siberia. But why did it explode in the
air? And why haven’t researchers or the public found any pieces?
A. Subsequently
B. Likewise
C. In sharp contrast
D. Yet
Around the middle of the nineteenth century, new printing technology and political conditions
paved the way for the affordable daily newspaper, the world’s first mass medium. This new form
of publication spread quickly throughout Europe. In 1850, one in nine Germans read a paper. Forty
years later, -43- _____, the number was one in two. The newspaper market soon became highly
fragmented and diverse, not unlike today’s infinite playground of cable channels and Internet
A. therefore
B. in fact
C. furthermore
D. however

Module “Advanced Grammar & Style” by Daulet Serikbay Page 49

The invention of photography irrevocably changed art. Soon after the first photographic portraits
appeared, critics and artists began to predict that portrait painting would eventually become
obsolete. -44- _____, within three generations after the invention of photography, artists abandoned
realistic images for abstract works.
A. Despite this
B. In fact
C. Nevertheless
D. Thus

Unleashing new kinds of artificial intelligence (AI) in mountains of patient data will change the
medical world in fundamental ways. -45- _____, AI will speed up diagnoses and get patients on
the path to recovery much sooner. It also promises to dramatically change the job description for
doctors who identify as information specialists—those whose primary tasks involve deciphering
diagnoses from images.
A. Therefore
B. As a result
C. However
D. DELETE the underlined portion

Now that scientists have sequenced the genome of the Coffea arabica coffee plant—the species
that makes up the vast majority of global production— genes have become the future of coffee. In
the coming years, breeders will use the information to develop plant varieties that improve on
existing ones. Some of these plants might, -46- _____, have new flavors; others could have better
resistance to cold and disease.
A. however
B. as a rule
C. for instance
D. nevertheless

The penalty for failure will be high. But, -47- _____, the rewards for success will be great.
A. by the same token
B. similarly
C. however
D. therefore

The banks advise against sending cash. -48- _____, sending money orders may be a problem.
A. Therefore
B. Nevertheless
C. Likewise
D. By the same token

Although the study clearly shows the company’s shipping process creates environmental hazards,
some experts suggest that this impact is largely understated. -49- _____, the report didn’t account
for the oil used by the company’s suppliers.
A. Indeed
B. Also
C. Moreover
D. Similarly

In a great market, the consumer will pull the product out of the seller’s hands. -50- _____, in a bad
market, nobody will buy the product, even though it might be the best of its kind.
A. Conversely
B. Furthermore
C. Additionally
D. Besides

It’s unclear how we are supposed to think of the North Pole other than something inconceivably far
that must -51- _____ be pursued.
A. despite

Module “Advanced Grammar & Style” by Daulet Serikbay Page 50

B. conversely
C. nevertheless
D. on the other hand

Most scientists believe that the universe is continually expanding. -52- _____, some believe that it
might actually be shrinking.
A. Although
B. However
C. Likewise
D. Despite

To increase the abundance of natural light in the office, some buildings may install wider windows.
-53- _____, businesses can remove shades from existing windows to capture more sunlight during
the day.
A. Despite
B. Alternatively
C. Similarly
D. In fact

Creating novelty ice-cream flavors was not a priority for the research group. -54- _____, the team
was anticipating a more consequential outcome of the study.
A. Instead
B. Similarly
C. Likewise
D. Conversely

People are not spending money on jewelry and expensive cars like they used to. -55- _____, they
have adopted the new modest mode of spending.
A. Rather
B. Still
C. Whereas
D. Meanwhile

Washing dishes is usually boring, and parents have to cajole their kids into doing it. -56- _____
parents can make the chore fun by framing it as a competition.
A. But
B. Yet
C. Conversely
D. Nonetheless

He’s a provocateur and, -57- _____, his approach is likely to inspire lively debate.
A. as such
B. likewise
C. accordingly
D. moreover

After his breakup, Jack wanted to start a new relationship. -58- _____, he downloaded a few dating
A. Accordingly
B. Still
C. Whereas
D. As such

An expansive offshore oil reserve remains untouched and jobs are waiting to be created. -59- _____,
the young population of this energy-starved state is moving away and its future continues to look
A. However
B. Although
C. Consequently

Module “Advanced Grammar & Style” by Daulet Serikbay Page 51

D. Nonetheless

Heterosis can double the yield of grains like corn or rye. -60- _____, a corncob from a hybrid plant
is usually much larger than that of a homozygous plant.
A. Subsequently
B. Also
C. Conversely
D. Hence

Marriage is encouraged and -61- _____ incentivized through lower rates of taxation.
A. accordingly
B. thereby
C. furthermore
D. similarly

She’s visiting her parents this weekend and -62- _____ is not available to attend the party.
A. therefore
B. furthermore
C. subsequently
D. for instance

He has said he doesn’t attend the annual address -63- _____ it has become partisan.
A. because
B. thus
C. thereby
D. yet

Consumer spending is critical, -64- _____ it powers about 70 percent of the economy.
A. therefore
B. accordingly
C. alternately
D. since

For the past couple of months, Ralph has been trying to change his diet into a healthier one. -65-
_____ he uses honey instead of sugar, eats fruit for dessert instead of cake, and drinks water instead
of soda or juice.
A. Regardless,
B. However,
C. Furthermore,
D. For example

In the wild, dogs need to have the intelligence and patience to work together as a pack to hunt down
prey. My dog, -66- _____, would definitely struggle to survive as the only things he seems to be
good at are sleeping and eating.
A. moreover
B. however
C. furthermore
D. after all

She sang the piece’s first thirty measures, evoking feelings of tranquility, for the end of the year
concert. -67- _____, to ensure that the high notes were on pitch, she pre-recorded the hard measures
in a studio and played the recordings while mouthing the words during the actual concert.
A. Moreover
B. However
C. Also
D. Although

Module “Advanced Grammar & Style” by Daulet Serikbay Page 52

It wasn’t until she was formally diagnosed as allergic to peanuts and not almonds that Molly
understood where her seemingly random rashes were coming from. -68- _____, Molly had believed
it was safe for her to eat peanut butter but not almond butter.
A. For instance
B. Up until then
C. In addition
D. Therefore

A successful elementary school teacher must be able to not only explain concepts in a simple
manner but also to be able to deal with tantrums. -69- _____, anyone who wants to become one
must be a patient person.
A. Likewise
B. Although
C. Consequently
D. However

Among the ways to change up the way a sandwich tastes is a switch in sandwich meat. -70- _____,
one can swap out one’s regular bread choice with another to experience different flavors without
compromising the sandwiches core components.
A. Thus
B. Nevertheless
C. Alternatively
D. Finally

Though turkey bacon is leaner than pork bacon, it also has less protein. -71- _____, because it is
more expensive, some people say that turkey bacon is not any better than pork bacon.
A. Also
B. Thus
C. Therefore
D. For instance

Typically, wolf pups begin to venture out of the den in late spring. -72- _____, the pack that
scientists were following in Yellowstone National park had a group of pups that didn’t leave the
safety of home until early June, the latest date on record.
A. For example
B. However,
C. In addition,
D. Likewise

Generally stereotyped as a major that isn’t useful career-wise, mathematics is actually a very
practical field that teaches student how to problem solve. -73- _____, the mathematics major
prepares students in hard fields such as topology and number theory, and trains their brains for
detailed analysis.
A. In broad terms
B. For instance
C. Alternatively
D. Still

Many marine mammals live in below freezing temperature of the ocean water and, -74- _____,
have evolved to have a thick layer fat to keep warm.
A. alternatively
B. likewise
C. as a result
D. effectively

Conditions in Death Valley are too harsh for many forms of life to -75- _____ lack of water and
vegetation, and dryness make it so only small mammals and insects can thrive.
A. survive, whereas the extreme temperatures,
B. survive; however, the extreme temperatures,

Module “Advanced Grammar & Style” by Daulet Serikbay Page 53

C. survive, so the extreme temperatures,
D. survive: the extreme temperatures,

Because Joe’s hearing aid is an insert for his ear and not an implant inside the cochlea, Joe can
choose to remove the hearing at any time he pleases. -76- _____, Joe has the ability to have
complete silence whenever he needs to concentrate.
A. Despite this
B. In other words
C. Particularly
D. Therefore

-77- However/ Although I speak English well, my native language is actually Russian. I speak
English well; -78- however/ although, my native language is Russian. I’ll happily drink sparkling
water, -79- however/ although I prefer still. -80- However/ Although I prefer still water, I’ll happily
drink sparkling.

Read the sentences below and create two similar but original sentences that can be connected with any of the
continuous transitions: in addition, also, moreover, furthermore, besides
The survey concluded that just 15 percent of colleges in the US require students to take one
philosophy course. -81- Moreover, the survey indicated that nearly 250 philosophy departments
had been shut down that year.

Read the sentences below and create two similar but original sentences that can be connected with any of the
continuous transitions: subsequently, next, then, ultimately, finally
-82- The project aimed to cure cattle experimentally infected with lice. Then, they tested different
treatments until they found one that worked universally. Finally, they distributed the cure among
farmers around the country.

Identify the type of transition as either continuers, reversers/ contradictors/ contrasters, or as cause-and-effect:
Also →
Instead →
Rather →
However →
As a result →
In fact →
Indeed →
Nevertheless →
Therefore →
Likewise →
Accordingly →
For →
But →
And →
Still →

Module “Advanced Grammar & Style” by Daulet Serikbay Page 54

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