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20th May 2024

Bronte Friends are pleased to announce we will be running a Father's Day

Secret Room in School on Tuesday, 11th June 2024.

The children will be able to choose a secret gift for their Dad, Grandpa, Uncle,
or someone special to them.

The cost is £5 per secret gift. Cash or cheque (please make cheques payable to
Bronte Friends). Please return the slip on the bottom of this letter to the
School Office in a sealed envelope, with your payment by Friday 24th May.

Sorry but we will be unable to take any more orders after

Friday 24th May.
Bronte Friends

I would like my child to visit the secret room to choose a secret gift.

I would like to purchase ______ secret gift/gifts

Child’s name: __________________________ Class: ________

Total Amount Enclosed: ______________ cash/cheque

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