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a) **What is classification? Explain with diagram.


Classification is a process of categorizing items into predefined classes or

categories based on their features or attributes. Think of it as sorting objects into
different bins based on their characteristics. For example, you might classify
emails into "spam" or "not spam" based on their content.

Now, let's explain with a simple diagram:


Imagine you have a bunch of fruits like apples, oranges, and bananas. Each fruit
has characteristics like color, size, and taste. In classification, we use these
features to group fruits into different categories. So, apples might go into the
"red fruits" category, oranges into "orange fruits," and bananas into "yellow

b) **Explain Hierarchical clustering Algorithm with single Linkage


Hierarchical clustering is a method used to group similar items into clusters,

forming a hierarchy of clusters. Single linkage clustering, also known as nearest
neighbor clustering, is a type of hierarchical clustering where the distance
between two clusters is defined by the shortest distance between any two points
in the two clusters.

Here's how it works:

1. **Start with each data point as its own cluster.**

2. **Calculate the distance between each pair of clusters.** In single linkage
clustering, this distance is the shortest distance between any two points in the
two clusters.

3. **Merge the two clusters with the smallest distance.** This creates a new

4. **Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all data points belong to one big cluster.**

Here's an example:

Let's say we have points A, B, C, and D in a two-dimensional space. Initially,

each point is its own cluster. We calculate the distance between all pairs of
clusters (AB, AC, AD, BC, BD, CD) and merge the clusters with the smallest


For instance, if the distance between cluster A and cluster B is the shortest, we
merge them into one cluster. Then we repeat the process until all points belong
to one cluster.

So, in summary, hierarchical clustering with single linkage clustering groups

data points into clusters based on their nearest neighbors, creating a hierarchy of
Answer ranking in social networks refers to the process of determining the order
in which answers to questions or posts are displayed to users. Here's a
simplified explanation:

1. **Relevance:** The most important factor in answer ranking is relevance.

The system looks at how closely an answer matches the question or post.
Answers that directly address the question or provide valuable information are
ranked higher.

2. **Engagement:** Social networks often consider engagement metrics like

likes, shares, and comments. Answers that receive more interactions from users
are usually ranked higher because they indicate popularity or quality.

3. **Authoritativeness:** The credibility and expertise of the person providing

the answer can also influence ranking. Social networks may prioritize answers
from users who are considered authoritative or knowledgeable in a particular

4. **Recency:** Freshness matters. Newer answers are often given higher

priority, especially in fast-moving social networks where timely information is
valuable. However, this factor may vary depending on the type of content and
the platform's algorithm.

5. **Personalization:** Some social networks personalize answer rankings

based on the user's preferences, past interactions, and social connections.
Answers from friends or contacts might be given higher visibility, for example.

6. **Content Quality:** The quality of the answer itself, including its clarity,
completeness, and helpfulness, can influence ranking. Social networks may use
algorithms to assess content quality based on factors like grammar, formatting,
and length.
Overall, answer ranking in social networks aims to present users with the most
relevant, engaging, and trustworthy answers to their questions or posts,
enhancing the user experience and fostering meaningful interactions within the

**Keyword Search Over XML Data:**

In XML (Extensible Markup Language), data is organized in a hierarchical

structure using tags. Keyword search over XML data involves searching for
specific information within XML documents based on keywords or phrases,
rather than structured queries.

Here's how it typically works:

1. **Parsing XML Documents:** First, the XML documents need to be parsed

to extract the textual content. This involves reading the XML files and
identifying the text enclosed within various tags.

2. **Indexing:** Once the textual content is extracted, an indexing mechanism

is used to create an index of the words or phrases along with their corresponding
locations in the XML documents. This index allows for efficient searching
based on keywords.

3. **Query Processing:** When a user enters a keyword or phrase, the search

system looks up the index to find the relevant documents or sections within
documents containing those keywords. It may involve searching both element
names and text content.

4. **Ranking:** Results may be ranked based on relevance, which can be

determined by factors such as the frequency of occurrence of the keyword, its
proximity to other keywords, and other relevance metrics.
5. **Presentation:** Finally, the search results are presented to the user, often
with snippets of the XML documents containing the matched keywords, to
provide context.

**Keyword Search Over Relational Data:**

In relational databases, data is organized into tables with rows and columns.
Keyword search over relational data involves finding records or rows that
contain specific keywords or phrases within the text fields of the database.

Here's a simplified explanation of the process:

1. **Identifying Text Fields:** Determine which fields or columns in the

relational database contain textual data that needs to be searched. These could
include fields such as descriptions, comments, or other text-based attributes.

2. **Indexing:** Similar to XML, an indexing mechanism is used to create an

index of the textual content in these fields. This index allows for efficient
keyword-based searching.

3. **Query Processing:** When a user enters a keyword or phrase, the search

system looks up the index to find the relevant records or rows containing those
keywords. It may involve searching across multiple fields and tables if

4. **Ranking:** As with XML search, results may be ranked based on

relevance, considering factors such as the frequency of occurrence of the
keyword, its proximity to other keywords, and other relevance metrics.
5. **Presentation:** Finally, the search results are presented to the user,
typically as a list of records or rows from the database that match the search
In both cases, keyword search over XML and relational data involves parsing,
indexing, query processing, ranking, and presentation, but the underlying data
structures and query mechanisms differ based on the nature of the data.
Sure, let's break it down in easy terms:

a) **What is homophily?**

Homophily is a fancy word that describes how people tend to hang out or
connect with others who are similar to them. It's like how birds of a feather
flock together. People often form friendships or social connections with others
who share similar interests, backgrounds, beliefs, or characteristics. For
example, you might notice that your friends have similar hobbies, go to the
same school, or share the same cultural background as you. That's homophily at

b) **What is influence?**

Influence is about how one person's actions or opinions can affect the actions or
opinions of others. Think of it like a ripple effect. When someone shares an
idea, recommendation, or behavior, it can influence the people around them to
think, feel, or act in a similar way. For instance, if a popular celebrity starts
using a new product, their fans might also start using it because they're
influenced by the celebrity's endorsement.

c) **What is the difference between homophily and influence?**

Homophily and influence are related concepts, but they're not quite the same:
- **Homophily** is about similarity. It explains why people with similar traits
or interests tend to hang out together or form connections.
- **Influence**, on the other hand, is about the power of one person's actions or
opinions to affect others. It's about how people can be persuaded or inspired by
what they see or hear from others.
So, while homophily explains why people with similar traits tend to group
together, influence describes how one person's actions or opinions can spread
and affect others, regardless of whether they're similar or different. In simpler
terms, homophily is about birds of a feather flocking together, while influence is
about how one bird's chirp can make other birds start chirping too!
Sure, let's go through each term step by step:

a) **What is edge reversal test using an example?**

The edge reversal test is a way to understand the causal relationship between
two variables in a network. It involves changing the direction of edges
(connections) in the network and observing how it affects a certain outcome.

Imagine you have a social network where nodes represent people, and edges
represent friendships. Let's say you want to test whether having more friends
influences a person's happiness. You could conduct an edge reversal test by
reversing some of the friendship connections and observing if it changes the
level of happiness.

For example, let's say person A is friends with person B, and person B is friends
with person C. In the original network, the direction of the edges goes from A to
B and from B to C. In the edge reversal test, you might reverse the edge
between A and B so that it goes from B to A. Then, you observe if this change
affects the happiness levels of person A and person C. If it does, it suggests that
the direction of friendships influences happiness.

b) **What is a randomization test?**

A randomization test is a statistical method used to determine if there is a
significant difference between two groups or conditions. It involves randomly
shuffling the data between the groups and comparing the observed difference
with the differences obtained from many random shufflings.

For example, let's say you want to test if a new teaching method improves
students' test scores compared to the traditional method. You could conduct a
randomization test by randomly assigning students to either the new method
group or the traditional method group. Then, you compare the test scores
between the two groups. By repeating this process many times, you can see if
the observed difference in test scores is larger than what would be expected by

c) **What is a shuffle test?**

A shuffle test is similar to a randomization test but is specifically used in

network analysis. It involves randomly shuffling the connections or edges in a
network while keeping the nodes fixed, and then comparing certain network
properties between the original and shuffled networks.

For example, let's say you want to test if there is assortativity in a social
network, meaning if nodes tend to connect to similar nodes. You could conduct
a shuffle test by randomly rewiring the edges in the network while preserving
the degree distribution (number of connections per node). Then, you compare
the assortativity coefficient of the original network with the distribution of
assortativity coefficients obtained from many shufflings. If the original
network's assortativity coefficient is significantly different from the shuffled
networks, it suggests that there is assortativity in the network.

d) **What is assortativity?**
Assortativity is a measure of the tendency of nodes in a network to connect to
similar nodes. In simpler terms, it's about whether nodes with certain
characteristics tend to connect to other nodes with similar characteristics.

For example, in a social network, assortativity might measure whether people

with many friends tend to be friends with other people who also have many
friends. If there is positive assortativity, it means that high-degree nodes (nodes
with many connections) tend to connect to other high-degree nodes. If there is
negative assortativity, it means that high-degree nodes tend to connect to low-
degree nodes. Assortativity is useful for understanding the structure and
dynamics of networks, such as social networks, biological networks, and
information networks.
Evaluation in recommendation systems involves assessing how well a
recommendation system performs in suggesting items (such as movies,
products, articles, etc.) to users. It's like giving a grade to a recommendation
system to see if it's doing a good job or not.

Here's a breakdown:

1. **Accuracy:** This is about how often the recommendation system gets it

right. For example, if a user likes action movies and the system suggests an
action movie, that's accurate. If it suggests a romance movie instead, that's not
accurate. Accuracy can be measured using metrics like precision, recall, or
accuracy itself.

2. **Relevance:** Relevance is closely tied to accuracy but focuses more on

the usefulness of the recommendations to the user. Even if a recommendation is
technically accurate, it might not be relevant if the user doesn't find it interesting
or helpful. Relevance can be subjective and may require user feedback to
3. **Novelty:** Novelty is about suggesting items that users haven't seen or
considered before. A good recommendation system should introduce users to
new and interesting items, not just suggest things they're already familiar with.

4. **Diversity:** Diversity is about offering a variety of recommendations to

cater to different tastes and preferences. It ensures that users are exposed to a
range of options and not just a narrow selection.

5. **Serendipity:** Serendipity is similar to novelty but focuses more on

surprising and delightful recommendations that users wouldn't have thought of
themselves. It's about suggesting unexpected but enjoyable items.

6. **User Satisfaction:** Ultimately, the goal of a recommendation system is to

make users happy by providing valuable recommendations. User satisfaction
can be measured through surveys, ratings, or other feedback mechanisms.

Evaluation in recommendation systems often involves testing the system with

real users or using historical data to simulate user interactions. Different
evaluation methods and metrics may be used depending on the specific goals
and context of the recommendation system.

Sure, let's dive into it!

a) **What is individual behavior and collective behavior analysis using social


**Individual Behavior Analysis:**

Individual behavior analysis looks at how people act, react, and interact on
social media platforms as individuals. It's like zooming in on one person's
actions and understanding why they do what they do online.
Here's how it works:

1. **Understanding Actions:** Individual behavior analysis involves studying

what individuals do on social media. This includes what they post, share, like,
comment on, and who they interact with.

2. **Motivations and Preferences:** It's not just about what people do, but also
why they do it. Researchers try to understand the motivations behind individual
actions on social media. For example, why someone shares a particular post or
follows certain accounts.

3. **Psychological Factors:** Individual behavior analysis also considers

psychological factors that influence online behavior. This could include
personality traits, emotions, cognitive biases, and social influences.

4. **Impact on Individuals:** Studying individual behavior on social media can

help understand its impact on individuals' well-being, mental health,
relationships, and self-esteem. For example, excessive use of social media
might be linked to feelings of loneliness or anxiety in some individuals.

**Collective Behavior Analysis:**

Collective behavior analysis, on the other hand, looks at how groups of people
behave and interact on social media platforms. It's like zooming out and
observing patterns and trends among large groups of users.

Here's how it works:

1. **Emergent Patterns:** Collective behavior analysis identifies emergent

patterns that arise from the interactions of many individuals on social media.
This could include viral trends, hashtags, memes, or the spread of information.
2. **Network Dynamics:** Social media platforms are like interconnected
networks, and collective behavior analysis examines the dynamics of these
networks. This involves studying how information, ideas, and behaviors spread
through social connections.

3. **Social Influence:** Collective behavior analysis explores how individuals

influence each other within social media networks. This could include peer
pressure, conformity, herd behavior, or the influence of opinion leaders.

4. **Cultural and Societal Impact:** Studying collective behavior on social

media provides insights into broader cultural and societal trends. For example, it
can reveal shifts in public opinion, changes in social norms, or the emergence of
new cultural movements.

Overall, individual behavior analysis focuses on understanding the actions and

motivations of individuals on social media, while collective behavior analysis
examines the larger patterns and dynamics that emerge from the interactions of
many individuals within social media networks. Both perspectives are valuable
for understanding the complexities of human behavior in the digital age.

Sure, let's break down each topic:

a) **Classical Recommendation Algorithm:**

Classical recommendation algorithms are traditional methods used to suggest

items (such as movies, products, music, etc.) to users based on their preferences
and behavior. These algorithms rely on historical data about users' interactions
with items to make predictions about what they might like in the future. Here's
how they typically work:

1. **Collaborative Filtering:** This is a common technique where

recommendations are made based on the preferences of similar users. If two
users have liked similar items in the past, the algorithm might recommend items
that one user has liked but the other hasn't.

2. **Content-Based Filtering:** This approach recommends items similar to

those that a user has liked in the past. It looks at the attributes or features of
items (such as genre, category, keywords) and suggests items with similar

3. **Matrix Factorization:** This technique represents users and items as

vectors in a high-dimensional space and learns to predict users' preferences
based on the relationships between users and items.

4. **Hybrid Methods:** Many recommendation systems use a combination of

different algorithms to improve accuracy and coverage. For example, a system
might use collaborative filtering to recommend items to users with similar
preferences and content-based filtering to recommend items based on their

b) **Recommendation Using Social Context:**

Recommendation using social context leverages information about users' social

connections, interactions, and behavior on social media platforms to make
personalized recommendations. Here's how it works:

1. **Social Graph Analysis:** This involves analyzing the social graph, which
represents the relationships between users on a social media platform (such as
friends, followers, connections). Recommendations can be influenced by the
preferences and actions of a user's social connections.

2. **Social Influence:** Users' behavior and preferences can be influenced by

their social connections. Recommendation systems may take into account the
influence of friends or influencers when making recommendations. For
example, if a user's friend likes a particular product, the system might
recommend it to the user as well.

3. **Group Recommendations:** Instead of focusing solely on individual

preferences, recommendation systems can make recommendations based on
group dynamics and interactions within social circles. For example,
recommending activities or events that are popular among a user's friends.

4. **Temporal Dynamics:** Social context can also include temporal dynamics,

such as trending topics or events happening in real-time. Recommendation
systems may take into account recent social activities and events when making

c) **Behavior Analytics and Its Use in Social Media Analysis:**

Behavior analytics involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data about

users' behavior, interactions, and engagement with digital platforms, including
social media. Here's how it's used for analysis in social media:

1. **Understanding User Behavior:** Behavior analytics helps to understand

how users behave on social media platforms, including what they post, share,
like, comment on, and how they interact with others.

2. **Identifying Patterns and Trends:** By analyzing large volumes of social

media data, behavior analytics can identify patterns and trends in user behavior,
such as popular topics, emerging trends, or changes in sentiment over time.

3. **Personalization and Targeting:** Behavior analytics can inform

personalized recommendations and targeted advertising on social media
platforms by understanding users' preferences, interests, and behaviors.
4. **Sentiment Analysis:** Behavior analytics can be used to analyze the
sentiment of social media posts and comments, helping to understand how users
feel about specific topics, products, or brands.

5. **Detecting Anomalies and Risks:** Behavior analytics can help detect

anomalies or suspicious activities on social media platforms, such as fake
accounts, spam, or harmful content, helping to mitigate risks and protect users'
safety and privacy.

Overall, behavior analytics plays a crucial role in understanding user behavior,

trends, and sentiment on social media platforms, informing decision-making,
and improving user experiences.

User migration in social media refers to the phenomenon where individuals

switch from using one social media platform to another. This migration can
occur for various reasons and has implications for both the platforms involved
and the users themselves.

Here's a breakdown:

1. **Reasons for User Migration:**

- **New Features:** Users may migrate to a new platform that offers
innovative features or functionalities not available on their current platform.
- **Privacy Concerns:** Concerns about privacy and data security may
prompt users to switch to platforms with better privacy controls or policies.
- **User Experience:** Issues with the user interface, performance, or overall
user experience on a platform may drive users to seek alternatives.
- **Content Quality:** Users may migrate if they perceive a decline in the
quality of content, such as an increase in spam or irrelevant posts, on their
current platform.
- **Social Trends:** Changes in social trends or the popularity of certain
platforms may influence user migration. For example, the emergence of new
platforms catering to niche communities or interests.
- **Peer Influence:** Social influence from friends, family, or influencers
may encourage users to join a platform where their social connections are more

2. **Impact on Social Media Platforms:**

- **Competition:** User migration can intensify competition among social
media platforms vying for users' attention and engagement.
- **Innovation:** Competition from rival platforms may incentivize existing
platforms to innovate and improve their features, policies, and user experience
to retain users.
- **Market Share:** User migration can impact the market share and user
base of social media platforms, influencing their revenue, advertising
opportunities, and overall growth trajectory.
- **Adaptation:** Platforms may adapt their strategies, such as expanding
into new markets, acquiring rival platforms, or diversifying their services, to
respond to user migration trends.

3. **User Considerations in Migration:**

- **Data Portability:** Users may consider factors such as the ease of
transferring their data (e.g., posts, photos, contacts) from one platform to
another when deciding to migrate.
- **Network Effects:** The presence of friends, family, or communities on a
platform can influence users' decisions to migrate, as they may prioritize
platforms where their social connections are active.
- **Learning Curve:** Users may weigh the effort required to learn how to
use a new platform against the perceived benefits or advantages it offers
compared to their current platform.
- **Long-Term Viability:** Users may assess the long-term viability and
sustainability of a platform before committing to migrating, considering factors
such as its user base, revenue model, and industry reputation.

In summary, user migration in social media is a dynamic process shaped by a

variety of factors, including platform features, user preferences, market
competition, and social trends. Understanding the motivations and implications
of user migration is essential for both social media platforms and users seeking
to navigate the evolving landscape of digital social interactions.


**Major Components of Behavior Analysis Methodology:**

1. **Data Collection:** This involves gathering relevant data about individuals'

behavior. It could include information from various sources such as social
media platforms, web browsing history, surveys, interviews, or observational

2. **Data Processing and Cleaning:** Once the data is collected, it needs to be

processed and cleaned to remove errors, inconsistencies, or irrelevant
information. This step ensures that the data is ready for analysis.

3. **Descriptive Analysis:** Descriptive analysis involves summarizing and

describing the collected data using statistical measures and visualizations. This
helps to identify patterns, trends, and characteristics of the behavior being

4. **Exploratory Analysis:** Exploratory analysis goes deeper into the data to

explore relationships, correlations, and potential causal factors influencing
behavior. Techniques such as correlation analysis, regression analysis, or
clustering may be used in this step.

5. **Hypothesis Testing:** Hypothesis testing involves formulating hypotheses

about the relationships between variables and testing them using statistical
methods. This step helps to determine whether observed patterns or
relationships are statistically significant or if they could occur by chance.
6. **Predictive Modeling:** Predictive modeling uses the data to build models
that can predict future behavior or outcomes based on past behavior. Machine
learning algorithms, such as regression, classification, or time series forecasting,
are commonly used for predictive modeling.

7. **Evaluation and Validation:** The final step involves evaluating the

effectiveness and validity of the analysis. This may include assessing the
accuracy of predictive models, comparing different analytical approaches, or
validating findings against real-world outcomes.

**Individual Online Behavior Categories:**

1. **Information Seeking Behavior:** This category includes activities where

individuals search for information or resources online. It could involve
browsing websites, using search engines, reading articles, or watching videos to
satisfy a specific information need.

2. **Social Interaction Behavior:** Social interaction behavior encompasses

activities related to socializing and connecting with others online. This could
include activities such as posting updates on social media, commenting on
others' posts, messaging, or participating in online communities and forums.

3. **Transactional Behavior:** Transactional behavior involves actions related

to conducting transactions or completing tasks online. This could include
activities such as shopping online, making purchases, banking, booking
services, or engaging in online transactions for various purposes.

These categories provide a framework for understanding the diverse range of

behaviors individuals engage in while using the internet and digital platforms.
Analyzing these behaviors can help businesses, researchers, and policymakers
better understand user preferences, needs, and motivations, leading to improved
services, products, and user experiences.
Sure, let's break down each topic in easy terms:

a) **Explaining Querying Human Language Data with TF-IDF when Mining

Web Pages:**

When we talk about querying human language data with TF-IDF while mining
web pages, it's like searching for specific information on the internet in a way
that understands human language. Here's a simple explanation:

1. **Crawling Web Pages:** Imagine sending out little robots to explore the
internet and bring back information. That's what crawling web pages means.
These robots, called web crawlers, visit different websites and collect data like
text, images, and links.

2. **Querying Human Language Data:** Now, let's say you want to search for
something on the internet, like "best pizza recipes." But instead of typing those
exact words, you use more natural language, like asking a question: "What are
some delicious pizza recipes?" Querying human language data means searching
for information using sentences or phrases that people use in everyday

3. **TF-IDF Mining:** TF-IDF stands for Term Frequency-Inverse Document

Frequency. It's a way to figure out how important a word is in a document
compared to its importance across all documents. When mining web pages, TF-
IDF helps us understand which words are most relevant to our search query. For
example, if we're looking for pizza recipes, TF-IDF might help us find pages
that talk a lot about ingredients like "cheese," "tomatoes," and "dough."

Sure! Let's break it down:

**Querying Human Language Data with TF-IDF Mining Web Pages: Parsing**

**1. Querying Human Language Data:**

- When we talk about querying human language data, we're referring to
searching for specific information within text data written in human language,
such as articles, web pages, or social media posts.
- Instead of using simple keyword searches, which may not capture the
nuances of human language, we can use more sophisticated techniques to
understand and process text data.

**2. TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency):**

- TF-IDF is a statistical measure used to evaluate the importance of a word in
a document relative to a collection of documents.
- TF (Term Frequency) measures how often a term appears in a document.
The more times a term appears, the higher its TF value.
- IDF (Inverse Document Frequency) measures how unique or rare a term is
across all documents in a collection. Rare terms have higher IDF values, while
common terms have lower IDF values.
- TF-IDF is calculated by multiplying the TF value of a term by its IDF value.

**3. Mining Web Pages:**

- Mining web pages involves extracting relevant information from web
documents, such as HTML pages or text content, to gather data for analysis.
- This process may include techniques like web crawling, which involves
automatically traversing the links on web pages to collect data from multiple

**4. Parsing:**
- Parsing refers to the process of analyzing the structure of text data to extract
meaningful information.
- In the context of web pages, parsing involves breaking down the HTML
code or text content into its constituent parts, such as paragraphs, headings, or
individual words.
- Once the text data is parsed, we can apply techniques like tokenization to
break it into individual words or tokens, which can then be analyzed further.

**Putting it Together:**
- When querying human language data with TF-IDF mining web pages,
parsing plays a crucial role in preprocessing the text data.
- We parse the web pages to extract the text content, then apply TF-IDF
analysis to evaluate the importance of words in the documents.
- This allows us to identify the most relevant terms or keywords within the
text data, which can then be used for querying or other analytical purposes.

In summary, parsing is an essential step in the process of querying human

language data with TF-IDF mining web pages, as it helps us extract and analyze
the text content from web documents to identify important keywords or terms
for further analysis.

b) **Explaining TF-IDF in Detail:**

TF-IDF is a technique used in text mining and information retrieval to

determine the importance of a word in a document relative to a collection of
documents. Let's break it down:

1. **Term Frequency (TF):** This measures how often a term (word) appears
in a document. The more times a term appears in a document, the higher its term

2. **Inverse Document Frequency (IDF):** This measures how unique or rare a

term is across all documents in a collection. Rare terms that appear in only a
few documents have a higher IDF value, while common terms that appear in
many documents have a lower IDF value.

3. **TF-IDF Score:** The TF-IDF score for a term in a document is calculated

by multiplying its term frequency (TF) by its inverse document frequency
(IDF). This score helps determine the importance of a term in a specific
document relative to its importance across all documents.

4. **Example:** Let's say we have a document about pizza recipes. The term
"cheese" appears 10 times in the document, and "pizza" appears 50 times.
However, "cheese" is a common ingredient in many recipes, so its IDF value
might be low. On the other hand, "pizza" is less common in other types of
documents, so its IDF value might be higher. Therefore, even though "pizza"
appears more frequently in the document, its TF-IDF score might be lower than
that of "cheese."

c) **Explaining Mining Google+ API:**

Mining Google+ API means extracting information from Google's social media
platform, Google+, using its application programming interface (API). Here's
how it works:

1. **Accessing Data:** The Google+ API allows developers to access various

types of data from the platform, such as user profiles, posts, comments, and
social connections.

2. **Data Retrieval:** Using the API, developers can retrieve specific data by
making requests to Google's servers. For example, they can request information
about a user's profile or retrieve posts from a particular user or community.

3. **Data Analysis:** Once the data is retrieved, developers can analyze it to

extract insights, identify trends, or perform other types of analysis. This could
involve techniques like sentiment analysis, network analysis, or content

4. **Applications:** Mining Google+ API data can be used for various

purposes, such as building applications, conducting research, or gaining insights
into user behavior and preferences on the platform.

Overall, mining Google+ API involves accessing and analyzing data from
Google's social media platform using its API to extract valuable information and

d) **Explaining Quality of Analysis for Processing Human Language Data:**

When we talk about the quality of analysis for processing human language data,
we're evaluating how well a system understands and interprets language. Here
are some aspects of quality analysis:

1. **Accuracy:** This refers to how correctly the system interprets language.

For example, if you ask a chatbot a question, accuracy means getting the correct

2. **Relevance:** Relevance is about whether the system's responses are

appropriate and helpful. For instance, if you ask about pizza recipes, a relevant
response would be information about making pizza, not about something
completely unrelated.

3. **Completeness:** Completeness means providing thorough and

comprehensive responses. It's about giving all the necessary information
without leaving out important details.
4. **Timeliness:** Timeliness is about responding promptly. A system that
processes language data efficiently should provide timely responses without
unnecessary delays.

5. **User Satisfaction:** Ultimately, the quality of analysis should lead to user

satisfaction. Users should feel satisfied with the system's responses, finding
them accurate, relevant, complete, and timely.

By evaluating these aspects, we can assess the overall quality of analysis for
processing human language data and improve systems to better meet users'
needs and expectations.


a) **What is Entity-Centric Analysis:**

Entity-centric analysis focuses on understanding and analyzing information

based on specific entities, such as people, places, organizations, or things. It's
like looking at the "who," "what," and "where" of data instead of just the words

Here's how it works:

1. **Identifying Entities:** The first step is to identify the entities mentioned in

a piece of text. These could be names of people, locations, companies, products,
or any other noun or proper noun.

2. **Extracting Information:** Once the entities are identified, the analysis

involves extracting information related to those entities from the text. This
could include attributes, relationships, events, sentiments, or any other relevant
3. **Connecting Entities:** Entity-centric analysis often involves connecting
related entities to uncover patterns, relationships, or networks. For example,
linking a person to their place of work, their colleagues, or their interests.

4. **Understanding Context:** Context is crucial in entity-centric analysis. It's

not just about identifying entities but also understanding their context within the
text and how they relate to each other.

In simpler terms, entity-centric analysis is like looking at a story through the

lens of the characters, places, and things involved, rather than just the words on
the page.

b) **How to Discover Semantics by Decoding Syntax:**

Discovering semantics by decoding syntax is about understanding the meaning

behind words and sentences by analyzing their structure and arrangement. It's
like figuring out what someone is saying by looking at how they say it.

Here's how it works:

1. **Syntax:** Syntax refers to the structure and rules governing how words are
organized to form meaningful sentences. Analyzing syntax involves looking at
things like word order, sentence structure, and grammatical rules.

2. **Semantics:** Semantics, on the other hand, is about the meaning of words

and sentences. It's about understanding the underlying concepts, ideas, or
intentions conveyed by language.

3. **Decoding Syntax:** By analyzing the syntax of a sentence, we can break it

down into its basic components and understand how they are arranged. This
helps us identify the relationships between words and their roles in the sentence.
4. **Discovering Semantics:** Once we understand the syntax, we can infer the
semantics by interpreting the meaning of the words and their relationships
within the sentence. This involves considering factors like context,
connotations, and common usage.

5. **Example:** For example, consider the sentence "The cat chased the
mouse." By analyzing the syntax, we can identify the subject ("cat"), the verb
("chased"), and the object ("mouse"). From there, we can infer the semantics:
the cat is performing the action of chasing the mouse.

6) Google Knowledge Graph

7) NLP
8) Syntax tree
9) Top down approach – lexer does backward parsing from start point

In summary, discovering semantics by decoding syntax is about understanding

the meaning behind words and sentences by analyzing their structure,
arrangement, and relationships within the context of language.
Certainly, let's make it easy to understand:

a) **Explaining Single Linkage, Complete Linkage, and Average Linkage:**

1. **Single Linkage:** Imagine you have a bunch of points (like dots on a

graph), and you want to group them into clusters. Single linkage looks at the
distance between the closest points from different clusters and uses that as a
measure of how similar the clusters are. It's like saying two groups of friends
are similar if their closest members are close to each other.
2. **Complete Linkage:** Now, instead of looking at the closest points,
complete linkage looks at the farthest points between clusters. It's like saying
two groups of friends are similar if their most distant members are still pretty
close to each other.

3. **Average Linkage:** Average linkage takes a different approach. Instead of

just looking at the closest or farthest points, it calculates the average distance
between all pairs of points in different clusters. It's like saying two groups of
friends are similar if, on average, the distance between any two members from
different groups is relatively small.

b) **Difference between Clustering and Classification:**

- **Clustering:** Clustering is like organizing your stuff into groups based on

their similarities. For example, you might put all your toys together, all your
books together, and all your clothes together. In data terms, clustering groups
similar data points together without knowing in advance what those groups
might be.

- **Classification:** Classification, on the other hand, is like labeling your

stuff. You already know the categories (labels) you want to use, and you're
assigning each item to a specific category based on predefined criteria. For
example, you might label some toys as "cars," some books as "fiction," and
some clothes as "shirts." In data terms, classification assigns predefined labels
to data points based on their characteristics.

c) **What are Node Neighborhood-Based Methods:**

Node neighborhood-based methods are ways of analyzing networks (like social

networks) by looking at the connections between nodes (like people). Here's a
simple explanation:
- Imagine you're trying to understand a group of friends and how they're
connected. Node neighborhood-based methods focus on looking at the friends
of each person (their "neighborhood") to understand their relationships,
influence, and interactions.
- These methods might involve analyzing things like who's friends with whom,
who talks to whom the most, or who's connected to important people in the
- By studying these connections and relationships, you can learn a lot about how
the group operates, who the key players are, and how information or influence
flows through the network.

d) **Recommendation Using Social Context:**

- Recommendation using social context is all about using information from

social networks (like Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to make personalized
- Instead of just looking at what you've liked or bought in the past, these
systems also consider what your friends have liked or bought.
- For example, if your friend likes a certain movie, the system might
recommend it to you because it knows you have similar tastes.
- By leveraging social connections and interactions, these recommendation
systems can provide more relevant and personalized recommendations tailored
to your interests and preferences.
In a web parsing a web parser or crawlers finds URL of website from its
hyperlink and copies it on browser and rrepeats this. Web parsing in analyzing
useful data on website.
Scrspping is collecting data from website

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